DANCE REQUESTS FOR 2015 PRESIDENTS' WEEKEND WORKSHOP (PPW) I assembled these videos so people could brush up on dances they already know or pick out ones they want to learn for the workshop. But I hope it will also be useful for people to practice dances at home that are being taught in your group at other times. So you might announce to your group that the compilation exists. Special thanks to Aelita J Pinter for a few extra videos and various corrections and information. John Ward Friday Night Requests Above the Rainbow, Different dances are done to this. None on Youtube matches ours, but here's the music in case your memory needs jogging--or jigging: Adama Veshamayim Individual Israeli dance. Here's another video, multiple dancers. Alunelul ca la Cirna Romanian line, moderately difficult. Alexandru David teaching. Arnautsko Horo moderately easy, slow Macedonian line, choreographed by Yves Moreau. Baztan Danza fairly easy Basque individual dance with turns, taught at the 2009 PPW by Roo Lester. Briul Pe Opt fast, energetic Romanian line, a Mihai David dance. Ca La Mahala Romanian line, taught by Mihai at 2014 PPW. Poor dancers on only online video. The line gets joined after awhile by some that know it, but they are partially obscured until the second half of the tape. Cetvorno Horo – Shopso Bulgarian line dance, somewhat difficult, five parts. Cervorno Horo – Ripna Maca Bulgarian line. Here's another. I don't believe it's really a kind of Cetvorno and can't find any evidence for that on You Tube. ? There's also a Serbian dance by that name, but this is the one I know. Chilili (partner) Bolivian-Peruvian dance in facing lines. Cimpoi Romanian line ; A Mihai dance. Here it is with a line: Ciorba de Curcan Romanian line, taught by Sonia Dion & Cristian Florescu. Dado la Dado easy Romanian line dance Daichovo Horo Bulgarian dance with calls and response; we have done it a little; remembering the responses and which calls go with which footwork is the tricky part; on the video it's hard to hear the calls. Here's Bulgarians doing it: But perhaps the version requested was the one taught by Jim Gold without calls for the 2004 PPW (no You Tube video). (is it?) De a Lungul (Romanian slow couple dance; blurry monochrome video, but not hard to see the movements; rather complex. Below is a video link of Romanian dancers, a bit less precise in following the music because they are deaf. They follow the dance with Invertita: Dobrudjanska Reka Bulgarian women's line dance; Taught by Yuliyan Yordanov at 2013 PPW; medium difficult. According to Dick Oakes, Yves Moreau found that a Dobrudžan men’s complimented this women’s dance performed on stage in Bulgaria, and Andy Pollock has done it at PPW Dospatsko Horo (Bulgarian, one of ours; moderately easy.) (Another video of it, better lighting, but it starts in the middle of the dance, and a hand-held camera) Doublebska Polka (mixer) This video is how we do it (not often), except that extra women can get in to get a partner when the women start circling. Women can also slow down and speed up according to what partner they want next. If you don't get a partner, look for extra partners in the center. Drjanovska Racenica 1. Bulgarian; I'm not sure what this is; here's the only You Tube one by that name. Drjanovska Racenica 2. (Bulgarian; Yves Moreau dance; Linda and I lead it) (another video of it) Drmes Iz Zdencine Croatian circle dance, a little bit hard; can (should!) get fast. Erev Ba Israeli circle. The tempo of the tape is faster than we do it. Floricica Olteneasca Floricica Olteneasca difficult, physical line Romanian dance; (a Mihai dance, led by him); More videos of it below: Gavotte D’Honneur, Breton dance. The dance we do is a line dance, but all of those on You Tube are couple dances with different music. Here's one: Gorarche Albanian; three parts, a Steve Kotansky dance; here are instructions: http://ww Hambo Swedish couple dance; men and women's steps are out of phase with each other, which makes it especially tricky to learn. Another video: Hora Anton Pann Romanian line dance; fairly slow. And another video: Hora lui Chisar Romanian line dance. Hora Mamtera Two videos, one a line dance, the other individual dancers, followed by Haroah Haktana, which in this video it closely resembles: Hora Spoitorilor Romanian line dance, (Mihai's) choreographed for two lines here and slightly different in steps and styling than the Gainesville group does it, but in the ballpark. Horehronsky Csardas Hungarian line; fairly easy to follow, but faster at the end. Another video: Indiski Kocek Macedonian gypsy line; It's a Kotansky dance, but I'm not sure how close this version, with somewhat different music, is to his, which I haven't done. My guess is that it's close enough that you could follow him if you learned this one. Easy steps, but practice the hips. It helps to double click to enlarge because the black outfits make it hard to see the small movements. Iste Hendek Easy Turkish line dance. Joc Batrinesc din Niculitel (Romanian line dance, moderately easy, fairly slow. Another video of it; slight differences in steps and one repeats the first part, the other doesn't: Jovano Jovanke Macedonian line dance. For part 2, watch the woman in the purple skirt and white blouse. She does the leg cross as I learned it. We do it, but not often. I know a version with separate lines of men and women and slower, more soulful music. Kali Tihi (Greek; Lee Otterholt teaches the dance; Basic step done at 0:40--follow the woman with the blue shirt). The following video shows clips of people doing the dance [off and on after 0:31]) Kapura, Slovalkian, individual, no You Tube video; taught by Jim Gold at 2004 PPW. Karamfil Bulgarian line; easy. Katerino Mome (Ventzis Arap), easy Bulgarian line dance. Kyustendilska Rucenitsa all videos by that name are of a somewhat different dance than I learned. Bulgarian line, moderately difficult and fast (depending on the music). The following link is the closest to what we do: the first half of the repeated dance steps is very close, but the second is very different. Korobushka Russian, lively; couples in a circle; remember to change partner. Kreuz Koenig German 2-couple set dance; hard to pick up without a group that knows what it's doing. This version has all of the details the way I know it. Krivata Bulgarian line dance. Kruchmarsko Bulgarian line dance; not too hard. Le Laride; open circle dance from Brittany; simple dance, easy to follow. Malhao (partner) Portuguese dance, taught by Andrea Taylor-Blenis, who taught it to us, PPW 2012. Mavromata, easy Greek open circle dance taught by Lee Otterholt. no video on You Tube, instructions on p. 93 of this syllabus: Menim Balam, "My Baby" Azerbaijani women’s dance, line or circle; a lullaby. No video. Here are directions: Misirlou, easy Greek dance. Surprising that there are so few videos of it, maybe because it's so well known, but none do the variations we do. Myatalo Lenche, I don't know if this is the right dance, and the camerawork is terrible for seeing the footwork, although toward the end you get to see some feet; it's a Bulgarian lively line dance. Olahos Hungarian individual dance ; energetic. Ooska Gookas; Armenian line, fairly slow and easy. Opinca Romania line dance we do regularly--the one with the "mamaliga" call; fairly slow but complex. Orijent Serbian line led by a 95-year old lady in video. Paharelul; Romanian, no video. Rhythm is a little tricky, but not difficult. Some leaps. A Mihai David dance . Instructions: Paraliakos easy Greek; Lee Otterholt on video Populli Jon, Albanian, I think. no dance on You Tube; here's music by that name, and pictures: Poslushaitte Patrioti, Macedonian line, no dance on You Tube; taught by Jim Gold at 2005 PPW; here's the music: Postie’s Jig (with broom) set dance; Scottish, I think. Without broom still tricky to learn from video: Preskacanka, Bulgarian, no dance video; here's music video: Radomirsko Horo no video of dancers, only the music; taught by Jim Gold at 2004 PPW; most experienced dancers should be able to follow. Ravno Oro Greek line (the dancers here are Serbian and do the second half differently). Taught by Yuliyan Yordanov at 2012 camp; medium difficult. Rusi Kosi Bulgarian line. The Dunav dancers often have slight variations from the way dances were taught to us, and I don't know this one, but it should be in the ballpark. Rustemul (Romanian line, one of Mihai's; one of ours, lively and somewhat difficult) (another video of it) Sandansko Horo Bulgarian line; this is the style and music I know. Here's one with a somewhat different feel: Sborinka (Bulgarian line; medium easy) Serbes Donka, Bulgarian; no dance video; I'm pretty sure this is the right music: Sheyavo Israeli couple; here's a teaching video:; and one for good luck: Shrewsbury Lasses (set) English country dance that you could actually learn from this video! Here's a group doing it: Siriul Buzau Romanian line dance; easy to follow, slow, good video. Siriysko Horo Taught by Yuliyan Yordanov at 2013 PPW; botches the tricky part. Sitna Zborenka Bulgarian line moderately easy. This video has the best styling on part 4. Here's another: Stara Djurdjevka; easy Serbian line dance taught at the 2013 PPW. Different music; same dance (stara=old). Svatba Lee Otterholt teaches; Bulgarian line; fairly easy, good video. For review: fig. 1 at 2:29: (4 times); fig.2: 3:23; fig. 3: 5:36; 4th fig. 7:10; step for zurna interlude at 8:42. Here's a Norwegian folk dance club doing the dance: Syrtos easy Greek dance; not a good video, but y'all know this one anyway. Leader can do fancy stuff. Te Aven Baxtale Romanian gypsy; the third step is a bit tricky; three of them and then 2 steps back. Taught by Sonia Dion and Christian Florescu at 2008 PPW. Here's another video, more cluttered, but less blurry. another video of it: Three's a Crowd (set) no video; here are directions: Tino Mori easy Macedonian line or circle. Trei Pazeste Romanian line, somewhat difficult because it's quick; I lead it for us. I removed the video I had in first place because it had only two of the Tcherkasia-like steps; the third was replaced by two more steps in the travel], which is confusing. This one also differs from the way I learned it ; an apart- and-together is done in place of the Tcherkasia-like in front-and-behind step I learned, but at least there are three of them. Triti Puti Bulgarian line. Tziur Chassidi; Israeli circle dance; easy. Ya Abud Israeli dance choreographed from Jordanian Arab music. Because it's quick and there are five or six different steps, people can stumble a bit, but it's not too hard. Yar Ko Parag Armenian circle ; Lee Otterholt leading. Yolanda mambo line taught by Sandy Starkman at 2002 PPW Zwiefacher, Schneider =6 Bavarian dance. Zwiefacher (2 dance steps mixed together) is the type of dance; Schneider is the specific dance. This video gives the sequence of steps, P being a single step, W being a 3-step waltz combination and the number meaning the times repeated. However, dance sequence should read (PPW PPWW)2 (PPWP PPWW)2--or, as written under the dancers, which I find much harder to follow-- (2PW 2P2W)x2 (2PWP 2P2W)x2--that is, in the second part, instead of 4 PPWW's, PPWP should alternate with PPWW. Notice that the opening page spells the dance Zweifacher; that's the standard German, but the Bavarian spelling is written below and pronounced Tsvee-fah-kher. Zensko Camce Macedonian woman's line This is a 3dance performance; Zensko Camce follows Dajcovo Horo This is a more drawn out version, gradually speeding up over nearly six minutes. Steve Kotansky has taught this dance. Saturday Night Requests Agadelcha, , created in 1979 as Yemenite man prayer dance: Aj Lipo Ti Je Taught by Zeljko Jergan at 2010 PPW. From Baranja, Hungary, across the river from Baraja Croatia; easy, slow; led from behind. An Dro Retourné easy French line or circle, taught by France Moreau at 1999 PPW. Arnold's Circle change partner circle dance; a little complex, but with some effort you should be able to sort it out. Batraneasca de la Arbore, Romanian line, no video, taught by Yves Moreau at 2009 PPW. Beleilot Hakayits Israeli, medium difficult--and not so easy to learn from the video. Berovka Macedonian, medium difficult. Another video: Bourree d’Oulches French two couple dance, not difficult. Briul de la Fagaras, no video, no instructions. Romanian individual dance, learned from Mihai. Strenuous. This is the music: Bucimis Bulgarian line with a tricky reel-stamp 5th step. Cano; no video, Turkish woman's dance; line or circle taught by Ercüment Kiliç at 2013 camp; easy; directions: Cekurjankino Horo Bulgarian line; fairly difficult. Chef advanced, with leg slaps and stamps, Romanian-Gypsy? A Japanese solo!: ; it's possible to learn with some effort--certainly worthy of an attempt! Cinino Kolo, no video or information. I'm guessing that this should be Cicino Kolo, Serbian line, taught by Bata Marcetic at 2013 PPW: (the video has a few differences in the steps, but similar). ?? o an at Albanian line; slow enough to follow. Dana (Romanian, taught by Sonia Dion and Christian Florescu at 2008 PPW dance camp ; no hands, moderate difficulty) David Melech Israel Israeli line, slow, easy to follow, good video. Davorike Dajke ; Serbian; taught by Sandy Starkman at 2002 PPW dance camp; poor video, but easy and slow enough to follow. Debka Ramot Israeli circle, lively. a video with a group: Dedo Mili Dedo dance Macedonian line, medium difficulty; reasonably easy to follow in the video Delcevsko Horo, Macedonian line, I think I know this one from way back, but no video or information. ? Drmes iz Marijanaca: Croatian circle dance; no video; a Zeljko Jergan dance with a steady, lively, rhythm, but there's no further information on the web. Enino Horo easy Bulgarian line. Esmer (Turkish line, easy; no Youtube video; taught by Ercüment Kiliç at 2013 PPW dance camp) Gergebunarsko Horo no information Gocino Kolo (, this may be the music or not, but American folk dancers do a more complex dance (which I don't know): Godecki Cacak Bulgarian line; a few minor differences in video. Gori More easy line Serbian line. Harmonica Israeli circle ; we do a back-handed slap not seen here; easy dance, video less than good. Hasapiko (Greek line, moderately easy; leader calls changes. None of videos matches the way we do it, but we could use some of the variations.) Heilsberger Dreieck German set dance; no video; the link is to the directions. Not too difficult for a set dance, but not easy to learn from written directions--which is all we used to have when I started dancing--no videos Hey Vala, Armenian dance, no further information. Hora Nuntasilor Romanian; Fairly quick, not too hard; easy to see what's done in video. Hora Veche Romanian; slow enough to folow. Isu Bjala Nedo Lee Otterholt leading, nice, easy dance, double click to enlarge video Jiana lui Ana, Romanian circle, easy to follow. Jove Male Mome Bulgarian line, fairly quick, a bit tricky. Karabag; Turkish, taught by Ercüment Kiliç at 2013 camp; slow and fast parts. Kochari, Armenian line; here's a video, I don't think it's the one I have done, which I can't remember without hearing the music, and I can't find any I recognize or any directions. ? Koljovo Horo Bulgarian, fairly easy) Kujawiak Niebeski Polish woman's dance. you can see the feet better in this one Kúne Bulgarian circle, taught by Iliana Bozhanova La Charita (mixer) Mexican change-couple dance; easy. Sto Mi E Milo fairly slow, easy Bulgarian led by Jim Gold. Levi Jackson Rag five-couple set dance, fun if you can manage it. The video explains and demonstrates it very well. Made in Romania Romanian; individual dancers; blurry and foreground figures cut off, but better than this one where the dancers are harder to keep track of:; relatively easy. Mairi's Wedding Scottish set dance: very complex. Melnik: easy Bulgarian line. The name of the dance is the smallest town in Bulgaria; there is no video of, or directions to, the dance on line. The music in this link is very similar to the pace and mood and resembles the melody of the dance, so you can at least get an idea of what the dance is like: in a minor key, sad in feeling, and moderately slow. That's the town of Melnik in the video: Michael's Czardas; Hungarian couple dance. No video, but here's a video of a czardas; the couples begin about 3:58. Michael's steps are related, but different. Moj Dragane Croatian line dance; slow and easy; dancers appear late in video; taught at 2002 PPW dance camp by Sandy Starkman Moja Diridika This is the version I know, A nice simple Croatian circle dance. At 4:26 the man explains the drmes step--correctly. But when they dance it, they only do one bounce. For a dance with many drmeses, look at this: Check the drmes from 1:33 until the end: Murescanca, lively Romanian line; a Mihai dance on his first Gypsy Camp record; no video Here are directions (only two parts): Nabrale Je lively, easy Croatian circle dance. Ne Felj Lanyum Hungarian line; Steve Kotansky teaching; slow, easy; good video Oj Dimitro Le Bulgarian line led by Lee Otterholt (there's a video of the dance led by Yves Moreau too, but it must have been shot with a cell phone--held vertically!) Pajdusko Macedonian or Bulgarian line. Done at parties and weddings by just about everyone. We actually do a somewhat different dance that I can't find a video of, and that may be the one requested. ?? Pandalas Bulgarian dance; no video by that name, but Folk Dance Notes says it's the same as Kucata, for which there is a video: ?? Pinosavska easy-to-follow Serbian line dance. Polonez Royale (no online video that matches our choreography; taught by Richard Schmidt at 2006 camp and on that camp video; partner dance; a national dance of Poland; the following video isn't the choreography we do, but observe the style, with the foot extended before coming down on the accented first beat of each measure. Here is the chorography of Richard Schmidt, who taught us at PPW dance camp 2006: ; fairly complicated) Preumblata de femei nice Romanian dance; taught by Theodor (and Lia) Vasilescu at 2002 PPW; slow, picks up pace a bit towards the end but never fast, not hard. Roata din Bihor; no video; Romanian; one of Mihai's, but I don't remember which it is. Here's the music, but not Mihai's recording. Roata femeilor Maramures, Romanian dance, no further information, no video, but here's one of Maramures dances Rustemul de la Intoarsa; one of Mihai's Romanian line dances. About the speed of Rustimul; it has skips and reels in it and swinging arms. Energetic and somewhat difficult. Rustemul de la Patulele: no video, Romanian; music has a quick, skipping quality, but I don't know the dance. Sabrali sa se Sabrali Bulgarian line or circle video of just the music; not hard to follow, slow. I believe it was taught by Yves Moreau at the 1999 PPW, which I missed. ?? Sadi Moma Bulgarian line, fairly easy; one of Yves Moreau's dances from long ago i.e., the 20th Century). Sardana (Angelina) easy Catalan circle; feet sometimes visible in video. Schuhplattler Ländler (partner) an advanced dance not suitable for doing if you don't know it and hard to learn from the video. Shir Ahava Lerodus, taught: Israeli, moderately difficult. It's one that has been done regularly at the annual folk dance workshop. Many turns. Two more videos: Sirba Pe Loc one of Mihai's Romanian line dances; quick and energetic. Soroc Romanian line; one of Mihai's; not hard. Staro Bansko Horo an Yves Moreau dance, a Bulgarian slow line--in the dark! There is a fast dance by the same name, but I think the slow one is the one requested Here's the other one: Stella di Maggio Italian Swiss line (or couple) dance; taught by Yves Moreau at 2009 PPW dance camp; one of ours, easy. Syrtos Kitrinou Greek, slow line, easy to follow. another video: Takanata Bulgarian line, taught by Yves Moreau at 2009 PPW; moderately tricky Tropanka Bulgarian line, There are several videos of Tropanka, but the dances vary. I don't think any of them are quite the same as the one Yves Moreau taught. This one is a lousy video: The music and steps seem the most familiar here the most likely here, but the video is even worse. This one is a better video, but the music sounds wrong. ? Tsamikos 16 ct Greek, fairly slow; a little tricky. Turkish Ramo Ramo Taught by Yuliyan Yordanov at 2013 PPW dance camp; individual dancers in lines. Video has different, slower music and one guy improvises a bit. Easy, except the turns make it hard to follow.. Twelfth Street Rag (American couple dance .Wild video, but hopefully you can recognize it if you have done it before. Tzadik Katamar Israeli circle, easy. U Sest This is what I know as U Sest #3, not U Sest #7, which Jim Gold taught at 2005 PPW, with the "oop-sah's," for which there's no video. Orlando has #3 as U Sest with no number, so I guess that's the right video. ? Watch the lead dancer in the line at the far left, who does some of the variations. The line in front of her just does the same step. Valija Hajde Merre Furken Albanian line, taught at 2014PPW by Steve Kotansky; slow but hard to follow.; requires balance. Valle Pogonishte Albanian line; Yves Moreau taught it at the 2009 PPW; fairly slow. Vidinsko Horo, Bulgarian line, fairly quick, lots of stamps, moderate difficulty. Here's Romanian performers doing it: Vlashko (Difficult, Bulgarian line; I think Yves Moreau taught it at the 1999 PPW, but I missed that one: slow and quick parts .) ? Vlashi Tanc, no information other than it's a dance of the Vlach ethnic group. Vossarull Norwegian couple dance; not hard if you can make a turn with your partner in two steps. Another video: Vulpiuta Romanian line or circle dance, quick, energetic, moderately hard. Here's another with a group : Ya Da Kalinushku Lomala Russian circle, fairly slow, not hard. Zazpi Jautziak cool video for learning! Basque individual dance. Taught by Roo Lester at 2009 PPW. This is basically the dance, but the footwork is a bit different: the feet don't cross; the travel is forward instead of sideways in the video. It's the dance that symbolizes the Basque nation with one jump; the three French provinces (3 jumps); four Spanish provinces (4 jumps), the seven provinces (7 jumps) and the whole nation (1). Here's another, but don't watch the girl in the light blue blouse and neither video shows the jump sequence above, which our music will use. Zillertaler Ländler: Austrian couple dance. If the man knows the dance, his partner may be able to follow if she's a fairly good dancer. But the man has to know what he's doing. This is the version that's closest to the way I learned it. The second video is slower, so it's easy to follow--except when they cross hands, which is done sometime after he steps through the joined arms with the kneeling woman, I think at 1:12. c But the man puts his hands behind his head in one of the turns, which is awkward, and he omits the second, larger windows before the final waltz. Sunday Night Requests Abdala Bulgarian line, lively; fairly difficult. An Yves Moreau dance. Ada's Kujawiak (Polish couple dance. We have a few styling differences from this performance, but the video is the easiest one to see; not too difficult to follow; fairly slow). Adjon az Isten Hungarian line dance; slow, very easy. I think Linda may lead this sometimes. Agir Halay Turkish line; can't guarantee this is the dance; I'm guessing it's Margaret's request, but Orlando has a dance of this name, with music at this link: (but not this recording) Aino Kchume, Assyrian couple dance. The video is close to the dance as I know it, except that we do three variations and not the one turning the woman. 7D646FD83584D96E7DC37D646FD83584D96E7 Ajde Jano Serbian line; slow, easy. this is the closest video to the way we do it. Ajsino Oro Albanian, medium easy; video easy to follow. Ali Pasha Turkish Line dance; taught by Bora Özkök, 1973. Some dancers mess up in video; follow the tall woman in sandals and, when she disappears, the tall man in black pants; easy dance. Alunelul Romanian circle or line; easy. Avre Tu Israeli circle; here's instructions: medium speed and difficulty. Balta, fast, difficult Romanian dance, no video. Here are directions: Bavno Oro Macedonian; mostly moderately easy, but the last part is fast. Belasicko Oro Macedonian; four parts, but moderately easy to follow. Bicak Bulgarian, quite tricky to learn from video (also from directions), but worth learning. Directions: (note: it's very helpful to keep the tune and rhythm in your head while following the directions). Bufcansko easy Macedonian line dance. John Papas demonstrates and cautions us not to do it the way we usually do. Cacak iz Padez Serbian line; fuzzy video; dance is very similar to Brogovsko Oro, quick and energetic; medium easy. Cetvorka; The silent video, contributed by Steve Turner, is of Atanas Kolorovski doing the dance 40 years ago. Macedonian folk dance, advanced; hard to follow if you don't know it. Cha Cha España Latin-style dance, choreographed by Ira Weisburd (USA) & Motti Kotzer (Israel).; moderately easy except that the turns make it hard to follow. If you don't know it, stay in the middle of the pack so there is always someone in front of you to follow. Ciuleandra (Romanian circle; A Mihai David dance. One of ours. Progressively faster, fairly easy.) Corrido (Eso si, cómo no) Mexican couple, medium difficulty. Daronee Yerkev Armenian dance; no dance video; here's the music: Delilo (a popout may block the scroll bar, but you can get around it). Wow! instructions and four videos of dancers at this link (scroll down). Turkish dance taught to us by Bora Özkök long ago. Our style is more like the second version. D’Hammerschmiedgselln German two-couple dance; first link has very clear instructions. moderately easy. Here's two sets, a little quicker than our music--but where they turn their own partner at the end we learned it to make a large circle of all the smaller ones and repeat the first turning step: Djanguritsa Bulgarian line; did Yves teach it? I cannot find any of the dance we do. This is the one that all the videos show: Donke Lesnoto Jim Gold teaching on video; slow Macedonian; easy video to follow Dror Yikra Israeli individual dance, moderately difficult. Here's another: Eshebo rather difficult Israeli line dance; another video: Giusevska Ruchenitsa rather hard Bulgarina line, varied footwork, quick. Goralski Polish line, taught by Richard Schmidt at 2006 PPW Guzelleme Turkish line; one of Bora Özkök 's dances; no video or music, but easy to follow. Here are directions: . Hole in the Wall English country set dance; not too difficult, especially if you do many set dances, but the video is a little confusing because of all the sets. Hora de la Tulnici Romanian line dance, no video or music; Taught by Theodor (and Lia) Vasilescu; first part hands up, walking speed; second part hands swing back and forth, steps a bit tricky. Hora Fetelor Slow Romanian; A Mihai David dance. Should be a line, not a circle; fairly easy. Hora Nuntasilor Romanian; Fairly quick, fairly easy; easy to see steps in video (but watch those who seem to know it). Ini Vitui simple line dance, Aroman/Romanian. Jiana de la Tilisca Romanian line, moderately easy, moderate speed. Joc de Leagane Romanian cradle dance; slow; easy to follow on video; often done at PPW. Kalesh Kate Bulgarian line, medium hard. Karagouna Greek line, slow, easy, with a quick Syrtos interspersed. Koljovo Horo Bulgarian line, fairly easy Krici Krici Ticek Croatian circle dance--can get very fast [it should to be fun. If you don't want to go fast, find a group that will go slower]. Kyustendilska Rucenitsa All videos by that name are of a somewhat different dance than I learned. Bulgarian line, moderately difficult and fast (depending on the music). The following link is the closest to what we do: the first half of the repeated dance steps is very close, but the second is very different. La Bastringue French Canadian couple mixer; Moderately easy. Ma Navu easy, slow Israeli line. Maple Leaf Rag American couple dance; moderately difficult; video has directions called as they dance. Another video, underlit: Moj Maro easy , slow Albanian line; taught by Lee Otterholt at 2003 PPW. Mori Shej Humngarian Roma (Tsigani, Gypsy). The first (dark) video has a fancier step than the following one. Is there a preference ?? Na Dvi Strane Kolo Croatian line or circle; this only does one of the steps we do and only in one direction--and it's different music. Moderately easy. Taught by Želj o Jergan at 1998 PPW. FORMATION: HANDS: Closed circle, alternating M and W, facing ctr. Hands joined in V-position Women only: R arm bent and across body at waist, L arm resting on neighbors R arm. STEPS: FIG I A) Side-close: Meas 1-4 2 side-close steps sdwd L /& 1 sdwd R /& 1 sdwd L 5-8 Repeat with opp ftwk moving sdwd R 9-12 Repeat meas. 1 - 4 B) Drmeš Same ftwk as side-close steps EXCEPT each step is a “drmeš“ Meas 1: Moving sdwd R - step R to R with knees bent slightly (down) (ct 1); close L beside R and bounce 2 times on both ft (up-up) (cts 2, &) most of wt on L (ct &). (S, Q, Q) When moving sdwd L use opp ftwk FIG II Meas 1 2 3 Step on L and step on R behind L Step L, R, L in place (Q, Q, S) Hop on L, at the same time touch R heel to R (Q); step R in place (Q); step L next to R (S) 4 Step R, L, R in place (Q, Q, S) STYLE: The drmeš (shaking dance) is done flat-footed with small steps and movements. All ftwk is rather stiff legged and flatfooted. Ne Felj Lanyum Hungarian line; Steve Kotansky teaching on video; slow, easy; good video. Oj devojce A Lee Otterholt dance, taught at 2003 PPW; slow, requires a little balance in second part. Opa Cupa There is a Serbian gypsy dance choreographed by Steve Kotansky; four parts, but easy to follow-except that the music and directions specify five (5) lifts when dancers go to the center, which dancers in most Florida groups don't do (except Gainesville). That's just not right! Taught by Jim Gold at 2005 PPW; But it seems de rigeur on this occasion to do Lee Otterholt's, taught at the 2003 PPW (or both). Nothing (dance, music, instructions are available online for this version. Find someone who has the directions or video from the PPW and practice it. C'mon guys! Pasarelska Bulgarian line, medium easy and medium pace, but then speeds up a bit; short video. an even shorter, blurry--just the last 31 seconds: Picking up Sticks sets of three partners, medium speed and complexity; good video. Video from a different angle in costume: Pravo I believe there are different Pravos, all of which go in and out, or forward then a backward step over and over. This is one I am familiar with; the leader can change the step when he or she wants--or not. Jack, is this request Gary's (of which there is no video)? Pre Pichior Serbian, taught at 2003 PPW by Miroslav Marcetic . Somewhat hard; energetic. Prekid Kolo Serbian line dance; quick; not too hard. Another: Romanian Medley (best version ) line, slow , medium then faster, but easy steps; also Reshil Cico da se Zheni; no video, here's the music; all I know is that it's Macedonian. Zagarisios;; fairly easy, slow Greek line dance; leader calls changes. Another; minor variations with ours, but if you can follow these you're okay: Sapari Israeli line dance; Jim Gold teaches in this video. moderately hard because of keeping track of multiple steps. Here's a video of someone trying to keep up with the leader and some other dancers trying to figure it out in the background. Just watch the leader: ) Savila Se Bela Losa Serbian line; very easy Sedi Donka Bulgarian line, our music is faster than this, making it harder; this video does variations that we don't do--but could. (I learned it at the 1973 PPW (female teacher, not Judith or Gretel)?? So does this one: Sev Acherov Aghcheek Armenian line; fairly easy; double click to enlarge video. Here's another video with slower music and slightly different styling: which one?? Sfarlis Greek line dance; fairly easy. Here is another video of it: Taught by Dennis Boxell at 2000 PPW. Shopska Ruchenitsa no video online; taught by Yuliyan Yordanov at 2012 PPW; Bulgarian line, lively, but not too fast or hard; on step 8 you can vary the step. Sirba Din Cimpoi Romanian line dance, one of Mihai's; not too hard, but quick and a little physical. Staro Pomasko slow fairly easy Bulgarian line, Yves Moreau leads. you may recognize some of the Dunav dancers with him. The dances look almost totally black dancing against the light in the beginning, but you can make out the steps and eventually see them as they swing around. Tesbih no information; could it be Turkish? Tokyo Polka Japanese singer; Richard Powers= American choreographer, I think. Individual dancers, medium fast. L touch&back lrl diag. to the left; rt touch&back rlr diag. to the right; L fwd r bk, full turn ccw=(lrl, rlr, l backwd., r fwd.) / l cross & r back, lrl, rt fwd & l back rlr "charge"=(lrl, rlr fwd), turn back cw= (l, r, l, r 45o). Another video: Trgnala Rumjana A candidate for the easiest dance of all. It used to be our final dance of the evening, lights out, except for a candle in the center of a circle of dancers. Trip to Bavaria strange name for a Scottish set dance. According to Aelita Pinter, it was supposedly choreographed by a Scottish dance group on a train station platform in Bavaria. Looks complicated. Don't do it unless you have had some experience with this kind of dance, preferably this one. The following video might be easier to follow (fewer people), but the lighting is bad: Triplets Quadrille: taught at PPW dance camp by Ned and Marian Gault; no Youtube video, music, or instructions available online; American set dance, four couples. I recall this as a complex dance you don't want to try unless you know it--but fun if you do it right. Not to be confused with the Triplets Galop Quadrille. Troaca, fairly difficult, strenuous, fast Romanian dance; Lee Otterholt taught it to this group, but not in the video. He's the dancer in the wine-colored shirt. Tsamikos Epirou, Greek line dance; I don't know if this is the requested one, but I suspect it will be a slow dance in which the leader can show off. Two Cousins, English country dance; partners in a circle; change partner dance; slow not hard to learn, but maybe hard to follow if you don't learn it before you try to dance it. Looks as it was taught by George Fogg at the 2003 PPW, except I don't recall the backing up step. I thought we turned individually there. ?? Waltzing Matilda, fairly easy Australian circle of couples (mixer); various videos of singers, but none of waltzers! Yalel Ha'wa; ; Israeli line; medium difficulty; Jack Seltzer introduced it to the Gainesville group; the first variation is nearly the same: the camel step; the other two are totally different: part two is steps in a counterclockwise diamond shape as 1:9 of this dance: followed rlr to rt., lrl to lft, two bounces on both feet; part three is two turns, followed by the diamond steps and double bounce without the rlr, lrl. ?? Better check that Jack Yar ko Parag Armenian, Lee Otterholt leads in video, slow line, 3 figs.