Linda Zastenchik | Director of Wholesale Accounts

Setting up a Retail Store Account
Dear Store Owner,
Thank you for your interest in Topricin products. You will find that Topricin products are very
popular, and will provide a viable profit center in your store.
To Set up Your Account we will need the Following:
1. A copy of your license or tax ID number.
2. A six piece minimum order.
3. Payment on your first order. After Credit Application is approved, Net 30-day terms available.
4. You will receive a 15% off Welcome discount on your opening order.
5. Topical BioMedics has a MAP policy in place. If you are posting Topricin online, you
must adhere to our MAP agreement. Please sign our Map Agreement and the below and
return this agreement before you place your first order.
*****Please have an authorized person sign below that you agree with the above MAP policy.
Signature X___________________________________________
Store Name --------------------------------------------------------------------After your first order is placed, your store will be listed on our website store
locator, directing customers in your area to visit your store to purchase Topricin.
If you have any further questions, you may direct them to me at 845-871-4900 ext. 1127.
Blog | YouTube
January 1, 2015
MAP Policy Online/Internet Retailers
Re: MAP Pricing Policy for All Topricin® (Topical BioMedics Inc.) products sold by All Internet
The words Topical BioMedics Inc. and Topricin will be one and the same for the purposes of this
Dear Internet/Online Reseller:
We truly appreciate and value your business to date and are happy to engage honest Internet
Retailers who properly represent Topricin products online. As you may already be aware, as of
January 2012 we have implemented a formal MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) pricing policy for
all Topricin® products.
Sales of Topricin products have grown dramatically as consumers learn of the wide range of
benefits of our products. Together, by encouraging further customer service, we can continue to
rapidly grow the market, be a value to the public and increase sales and distribution volumes, for
us both.
To sell Topricin products online All Internet Resellers must agree to honor our Topricin MAP
pricing policy, as explained below.
We will require you to confirm your agreement to this policy by having an authorized person from
your company sign below. The legal basis for this policy is consistent with recent U.S. Supreme
Court decisions that encouraged this pro-competitive pricing policy that helps build markets for
innovative products like Topricin. Of course, we are happy to answer any of your questions.
To be an Authorized Online Reseller you agree to the following MAP pricing policy:
The use of the words Topricin® and or Topical BioMedics Inc., or any intentional use of
other misspellings in any website ,URL email, mail, fax or any communication or posting as if to
express or imply you are the authorized company or owners of its products, marks, or copyrights
is strictly prohibited and can lead to permanent suspension of selling any Topricin product, and
other legal action.
The MAP pricing only applies to sales to consumers within the United States and its
territories. International sales of Topricin products by Internet Retailers or Sub Distributors are
expressly forbidden.
The MAP Policy shall apply to all Internet Retailers who must be approved and authorized
by Topical BioMedics, Inc. to sell any Topricin products on the Internet. The MAP pricing for all
Topical BioMedics, Inc. Products ("Minimum Advertised Price") shall apply to all Internet
Retailers. MAP pricing may be adjusted by Topical BioMedics, Inc. from time to time, at its sole
The MAP Policy applies to all advertisements of Topricin products over the Internet or
similar electronic media including but not limited to websites, social media sites, email
newsletters, and email solicitations. No such advertisement will represent or imply that any
Topical BioMedics . 6565 Springbrook Ave PMB #207 Rhinebeck, N.Y. 12572
Tel: 845-871-4900 . Fax: 845-876-0818 . .
Specializing in Research and Development of Topical BioMedicines
Product may be sold by an Internet Retailer on the Internet for less than the full Minimum
Advertised Prices, which shall be no less than 25% off of MSRP. Examples: Topricin 4 oz. jar
MSRP $24.95, MAP not less than $18.71 and/or Topricin 2 oz. tube MSRP $16.95, MAP not less
than $12.71. This will apply to all existing Topricin products and sizes and/or any and all new
Topricin products.
"Bundling" or including a free or discounted product (whether made by Topical BioMedics,
Inc. or another manufacturer) with a Topical BioMedics, Inc. product would violate this MAP Policy
and is not permitted.
If pricing is displayed, any strike-through or other alteration of the Minimum Advertised
Price is prohibited.
Internet Retailers are not permitted to utilize our company logo or product images or
product name without proper pre-authorization from Topical BioMedics, Inc.
The MAP Policy does not establish maximum advertised prices. All Internet Retailers may
offer Topricin products at any price in excess of the Minimum Advertised Price.
The MAP Policy does not in any way limit the ability of any Internet Retailer to sell to their
customers after the fact in the order taking process. However, advertising that "they have the
lowest prices" or, they "will meet or beat any competitor's price," that consumers should "call for a
price" or phrases of similar import is strictly prohibited. The price advertised or listed for any
Topricin Product shall not be less than the Minimum Advertised Price.
All Internet Retailers will provide reasonable customer service, and establish and adhere
to stated return policies.
Please advise if you have any questions about the Topical BioMedics Inc., Topricin MAP pricing
policy. Thank you for all your support as we look forward to doing increased business together as
we build the market for Topricin® and our family of products.
Please have an authorized person sign below your agreement to honor our Topricin® MAP Pricing
Policy. Please complete the form and Fax or mail to the address below. Thank you.
Lou Paradise,
President and CEO Topical BioMedics
6565 Springbrook Ave PMB#207
Rhinebeck, N.Y. 12572
Fax: 845-876-0818
I accept the terms of the Topical BioMedics Inc., Topricin® products MAP Pricing Policy:
Date: _________
Company Name: _____________________________________________
Company Address: ______________________________________________________________
Name of Authorized Person: ________________________________ Title: __________________
Signature: __________________________________________________
Website urls: ___________________________________________________________________
Do you sell on Amazon? Yes or No - Amazon Store Name________________________________
2|P a g e New Customer Credit Application
Topical BioMedics, Inc.
Business Name
6565 Spring Brook Ave PMB#207
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Phone: 800-959-1007
Zip/Postal Code:
Fax: 845-876-0818
SS or Tax ID #:
Business Phone:
Cell Phone:
Supplier References
Business Name (1):
Business Information
Type of Business (store/practitioner,etc)
Business Type:
Zip/Postal Code:
How long in Business:
Business Phone:
Estimated Credit Needed:
Purchasing Contact:
Credit Limit:
Additional Info:
Purchasing Phone #:
Accounts Payable Contact:
Accounts Payable Phone #:
Bank Information
Bank Name:
Business Name (2):
Zip/Postal Code:
Business Phone:
Credit Limit:
Bank Address:
Bank City, State, Zip:
Additional Info:
Bank Contact:
Bank Phone #:
Terms of Sale: First order prepaid by check or credit card.
Customer returns and damage claims satisfied by product replacement only.
I hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of the entity listed above. I certify the information presented on
this form, is true and complete, and presented to Topical BioMedics, Inc. in order to establish open account (2% 10, Net 30) terms.
In consideration of and in order to induce Topical BioMedics, Inc. to establish open account terms based on the foregoing
application, the undersigned promised to pay for all purchases in accordance with Topical BioMedics, Inc. terms of sale.
Authorized Signature ________________________________________ Date ___________________________
Printed Name ______________________________________________ Title ____________________________