FOR STAFF ONLY STEP 3. REVIEW (Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile) UR Number: Surname: Given name: Date of birth: (Please fill in if no label available) PURPOSE OF STEP To monitor and review client progress. INTRODUCTION FOR CLIENT “Now I’m going to ask you some questions to review where you are at/how you’ve been. You may remember that we talked about similar issues during assessment, and this will provide information about how you’ve progressed” WHO CAN ADMINISTER THIS COMPONENT? This is a clinician administered module that can be administered at a minimum of four weeks after assessment. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Record all information as instructed in the form. 2. You may like to use a simple calendar as a prompt to help the client think about the past four weeks. 3. Once the form is completed, compare results with information gathered during assessment (remembering that the Australian Treatment Outcome Profile questions were embedded in Step1: Initial screen and Step2: Comprehensive assessment). 4. Provide the client with feedback on their progress. TREATMENT STAGE: Start of service episode Progress review Discharge Post Discharge SECTION 1: SUBSTANCE USE Record number of days used in each of the past four weeks Ave qty per day a Alcohol b Cannabis c Amphetamine type substances (eg. ice, MDMA etc) d Benzodiazepines Units Week 4 (most recent) 0–7 Week 3 0–7 Week 2 0–7 Week 1 0–7 TOTAL 0–28 Std drinks (prescribed & illicit) e Heroin f Other opioids (not prescribed methadone/buprenorphine) g Cocaine h Other substance i Other substance j Daily tobacco use? Yes No Record number of days client injected drugs in the past four weeks (if no, enter zero and go to section 2) Week 4 (most recent) 0–7 k Injected l Inject with equipment used by someone else? Week 3 0–7 Week 2 0–7 Week 1 0–7 Yes TOTAL 0–28 No FOR STAFF ONLY Clinician name: Position: Signature: Date: 1 FOR STAFF ONLY UR Number: Surname: Given name: Date of birth: (Please fill in if no label available) SECTION 2: HEALTH AND WELLBEING Record days worked and at college, school or vocational training for the past four weeks Week 4 0–7 a Days paid work (incl. all paid work; not voluntary work) b Days at school, tertiary education, vocational training Week 3 0–7 Week 2 0–7 Week 1 0–7 TOTAL 0–28 Record the following items for the past four weeks c Have you been homeless? Yes No d Have you been at risk of eviction? Yes No e Have you, at any time in the past four weeks, been a primary caregiver for or living with any child/children? (i) under 5 yo? Yes No (ii) 5–15 yo? Yes No Yes No f Have you been arrested? g Have you been violent (incl. domestic violence) towards someone? Yes No h Has anyone been violent (incl. domestic violence) towards you? Yes No i Client’s rating of psychological health status (anxiety, depression and problem emotions and feelings) 012345678910 POOR GOOD j Client’s rating of physical health status (extent of physical symptoms and bothered by illness) 012345678910 POOR GOOD k Client’s rating of overall quality of life (e.g. able to enjoy life, gets on well with family and partner, satisfied with living conditions) 012345678910 POOR GOOD FOR STAFF ONLY Clinician name: Position: Signature: Date: 2