First United Church of Oak Park 22 June 2014 An open community united in love and justice. 848 Lake Street – Oak Park, Illinois 60301 708.386.5215 Preparing for Worship “Em pathy is really the opposite of spiritual m eanness. It's the capacity to und erstand that every w ar is both w on and lost. And that som eone else's pain is as m eaningful as your ow n .” -- Barbara Kingsolver *Please stand if you are able—Speak in unison at the bold face areas. Please silence cell p hones. GATHERING MUSIC “A ria” from In M ystery and W onder INTRO IT M ouvement de M enuet Dan Locklair Ravel Elizabeth Perkins, Piano O UR LIFE TO GETHER Please sign and pass the red pad in your pew. Leah Fow ler Gathering as God’s People *CALL t o W O RSHIP The sun shines m ore brightly. Its w arm th stays w ith us for so m any m ore hours. So w e shake free of our routines. We w and er about the w ild erness: H oping God w ill open our eyes Praying God w ill m ake us w orthy Wanting to grow w ith God . Let us grow together in the w ild w ays of our God. *HYMN Shall W e Gather at the River 2 Robert H u nter Bry H AN SON PLACE source: CALL t o CO NFESSION Tom m y O’Shea Our scripture today tells an old story that still finds incarnations today. It is the story of brokenness that we feel because of racism, sexism, classism. It is the brokenness we feel within our families, our friendships, our work and even our relationship with God. Let us confess before God and one another, seeking the redemption in Christ who can make all things new. 3 PRAYER of CO NFESSIO N Abraham was very distressed because his son was cut out, because Sarah could no longer tolerate Hagar. So Sarah threw Hagar out into the wilderness. And this is distressing. We are distressed whenever relationships are broken. Still, we confess to God that there are family and friends we have cast out. Knowing this, you are invited to offer your silent confession to God by taking one of the small strips of cloth, writing the name of someone you have left behind in the wilderness and clipping it to the clotheslines on the side aisles during the Passing of the Peace. You are invited to offer your silent confession to God by taking one of the small strips of cloth, writing the name of someone you have left behind in the wilderness and clip it to the clothesline during the Passing of the Peace. ASSURANCE of PARDO N Even in our isolation, God appears to us in surprising ways: a rush of water in the wilderness, a new covenant, a new hope. God appears to us in the person of Jesus, knowing the challenges, disappointment and tremendous power of human love and relationships. Where we have fallen short, Jesus has granted us forgiveness, grace and a clean start. In Christ, we are called to love ourselves. We are called to love one another. We are called to love God. May we do it better next time. *PASSING t he PEACE The peace of the risen Christ be w ith you. And also w ith you. Please share the peace of Christ with those around you. Listening for God’s Word to Us TIME for SHARING SO NG of ILLUMINATIO N Marylen Marty-Gentile M ungu ni mwema 4 Congolese, arr. John Bell A READING from t he Hebrew Bible HYMN 472 Genesis 21:8-21 (OT, p. 17) Elizabeth Perkins Precious, Take M y Hand PRECIOUS LORD (black hym nal) SERMO N “What We Found in the Wild erness” Jake Levin, Daniel Wheelock Responding to God’s Word THE CONGREGATION WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Rob Leveridge and Britt Cox PRESENTATION AND QUESTIONS NEW MEMBER COVENANT We welcome you into this community and promise to journey together with you in faith. We offer ourselves as sisters and brothers in Christ, committing ourselves to care for one another. We offer ourselves as partners in ministry and mission, working to further God's work everywhere. We offer ourselves as companions, joining each other as the Body of Christ, growing together in Christian faith and practice. By God's grace we share this covenant in the name of Jesus Christ who calls us to gather in God's name. WORDS OF WELCOME AND PRAYER OF BLESSING PRAYER O F DEDICATIO N Diane Fascione Offerings are a sacred act of worship. W e invite you to use the green giving cards in the pew rack to celebrate what you’ve already given or to make an additional donation. Today’s Fourth Sunday Offering benefits the Economic Sustainability A ction Team making micro-loans to enable individuals to become self-sufficient and empower themselves. Today’s non-pledge income will benefit this cause. O FFERTO RY Follow the Drinking Gourd arr. Jay Althou se Lau rand Royal, soloist Please place pink prayer cards in the offering plates. *DO XO LO GY Praise God from w hom all blessings flow ; Praise Christ all people here below ; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, w hom w e adore. Amen. TALLIS’ CAN ON PRAYERS of t he PEO PLE and THE LO RD’S PRAYER Britt Cox Our Father w ho art in heaven, hallow ed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy w ill be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as w e forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the pow er and the glory, forever, Amen. 5 Going Forth in D edication and Service *HYMN 471 W hat a Covenant LEANIN G (black hym nal) *CHARGE and BENEDICTIO N *BENEDICTIO N RESPO NSE SENDING MUSIC A men, A men African-Am erican Sp iritu al Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit Robin Dind a N EXT SUN D AY, June 29, 2014 - 10 am Worship We say goodbye to Pastor Rob Leveridge and his Family Prayer and Anointing in the Chapel after Worship The Deacons will be available in the Chapel directly after the service TODAY AT FIRST UNITED Today’s sanctuary flowers are in loving memory of Millie Haisman from Bob and Janet Haisman. UPCOMING EVENTS Celebrate Rob Leveridge & his Family! Send Off Celebration - June 29, 11 a.m., Kenilworth Lawn Let’s celebrate Rob’s ministry and say a fond farewell--of course with food, music and fellowship. (In case of rain, Centennial Hall) Nursery School Retirement Celebration June 29, 2:30-4:30 p.m. - Lounge With a combined 52 years of teaching in the Nursery School, Mary Jo Pikul and Judy Steed are retiring! Former and current students and parents are encouraged to stop by to share thanks and well wishes. 2nd Grade Church School leading the Congregation in the 23rd Psalm view the 60 second video at ministries/ children 6 OUR VISION 2020 Moving from words to witness in our relationship with God Moving from individualism to intimate fellowship in our relationship with other members of the church community Moving from charity to changing structures in our relationship with the world WELCOME We’re glad you joined us for worship. Here are a few ways to learn about First United: Sign the friendship pad when it’s passed. Include your email to receive our weekly e-news and devotional! Speak with any greeter or minister after Worship or join us for coffee hour. Visit us at to learn more about our ministries. Contact Rob Leveridge at or 708.386.5215. Ask for dates of upcoming Newcomer’s Gatherings. A greeter or pastor would like to offer you (no strings attached) a copy of the book Take This Bread, a story of someone who came to Christian faith as she engaged in service with poor and vulnerable members of her community. ABOUT US - We are a union church of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the United Church of Christ. We seek to be an inclusive expression of Christ’s body celebrating our diversity while finding our unity in Christ. We are a More Light/ Open and Affirming congregation, committed to full inclusion of GLBTQ people in membership & ministry. ABOUT WORSHIP - WORSHIP is our time to praise and grow closer to God. Worship each week includes song, prayer, learning, silence and giving. If you have any questions about what we do, please ask a minister or a member. WORSHIP with CHILDREN - We welcome all children to participate fully in worship. Ageappropriate worship activities and books are available as you enter the sanctuary. We offer safe, quality child care and quiet play for children five and under in our nursery (just off the lounge). Accompanied by a parent, these children may leave after Time for Sharing. RESTROOMS - During worship, please use restrooms on the lower level of the Narthex (the area just inside the Lake Street doors). Accessible restrooms are located off the church lounge. COFFEE HOUR - We serve coffee and tea in the lounge before and after worship each week. We invite everyone to mingle and meet someone new. GIVING - Offering envelopes are available in the pew racks. You can give onetime or recurring gifts online at giving. WWW.FIRSTUNITEDOAKPARK.COM for more info 7 WEEKLY CALENDAR Complete list of events and details anytime at SUN JUN 22 8:30 AM Newcomers Gathering 10:00 AM Worship 2:00 PM Sacred Spaces House of Worship Walk 3:00 PM PFLAG TUE JUN 24 7:00 PM Technology Committee 7:15 PM Personnel Committee 7:30 PM Faith in Place Informational Mtg. CONTACT INFO THU JUN 26 7:00 PM Shawl Ministry FRI JUN 27 7:00 PM Peace Vigil SUN JUN 29 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Rob Leveridge Send off Celebration Church (Summer) Office Hours, Mon-Fri 9-4, 708.386.5215 Pastoral and Music Staff Staff profiles at Kent Organ, Interim Lead Pastor (ext. 22) Marylen Marty-Gentile, Associate Pastor (ext. 27) Leah Fowler, Associate Pastor (ext. 26) Rob Leveridge, Associate Pastor (ext. 25) Britt Cox, Pastoral Associate William Chin, Director of Music (ext. 39) Michael Surratt, Organist Office and Administrative Staff Adam Wilson, Office Manager (ext. 23) Amanda Swanson, Office Assistant Terry McIntyre, Interim Operations Manager (ext. 40) Julie O’Shea, Financial Manager (ext. 29) Resident Mission Partners First United Church Nursery School Prevail (formerly Walk-In Ministry) OPRF Food Pantry The Kid’s Kloset 708.848.4910, 708.386.1946, 708.386.1324, 708.613.0573, 8