BioI. Jb. Dodonoea. 42. 1974. 1/7-120. A NOTE ON THE LIFE-SPAN OF r-STRATEGISTS by Carlo HElP ABsTRACT. - The idea is presented that the short life-span of r-strategists may in some cases be an adaptation to avoid predation. Evidence supporting this hypothesis is presented by examination of the predation of the polyp Protohydra leuckarti on harpacticoid copepods. INTRODUCTION The idea of two different kinds of selection probably originates with DaBZHANSKY (1950) who argued that selection in the tropics should work in a different way than in temperate regions. McARTHURand WILSON(1967) laid the foundations of a more rigorous treatment of the problem and termed these two kinds of selection r- and K-selection, thereby defining two kinds of population genetics, one where fitness is defined by the malthusian parameter r and one where it is defined by the logistic parameter K. During recent years an ever increasing amount of theoretical research has confirmed the central role of the concepts of r- and K-selection in population biology (see GILL, 1974, for a lucid review). PIANKA(1970) gives an account of some of the correlates of r- and Kselection and states that r-strp.tegists should have a shorter life-span than K-strategists. GADGlLand SoLBRIG(1972) on the other hand see no obvious reason why r-strategists should have this shorter life-span, though they emphasize the positive correlation which exists between life-span and the age of sexual maturity, and r-selection obviously favours early sexual maturity. THE LIFE-SPAN OF R-STRATEGlSTS This paper presents the idea that the shorter life-span of r-strategists could in some cases be an adaptation to the lower ability of r-strategists to 117 avoid predation. Indeed, r-strategists devote a greater part of their resources into reproduction than K-strategists (GADGlLand BoSSERT,1970; GADGlL and SoLBRIG, 1972); the consequence is the absence in r-strategists of more or less elaborate mechanisms to avoid predation. In this situation, the probability of an individual prey organism of being captured by a predator may be considered as being dependent mostly on the chance of meeting the predator, which in turn depends on predator density and the life-span of the prey organism; the longer it lives, the greater its chances of meeting the predator. A long-living animal with late sexual maturity is obviously in a disadvantageous position if the fact of living longer does not involve the development of escape mechanisms, which would mean devoting a greater part of resources into non-reproductive activities, hence a more K-strategy. The hypothesis that a shorter life-span is an adaptation to predation could be tested by looking at what happens if predator densities become so high that the chance of an individual prey organism to meet the predator becomes large, i.e. involves a times shorter than its life-span. As no adaptations to avoid the predator physically exist, mortality in the prey population should be very large. THE PREDATION OF PROTOHYDRA ON COPEPODS We examined the following situation: in the meiobenthos of a brackish water pond in northern Belgium (see HElP, 1972 for description of the habitat and methods) the dominating group after the nematodes are harpacticoid copepods, probably typical r-strategists with a short generation time (11-12 days in optimum conditions), a high reproductive potential (observed r-values in the field between 0.04 and 0.06 per day (HElP, 1972» and a short life-span (I -2 months). The habitat, being a shallow brackish water, can be regarded as a harsh environment, so populations may be essentially physically controlled and r-strategists should be favoured in these conditions. The most important predator of the meiobenthos is the polyp Protohydra leuckarti, which captures the copepods by releasing the nematocysts upon contact (Muus, 1966); there is no active mechanism to avoid the contact, though once captured the prey will make frantic movements to escape, sometimes succesfully in the case of adults. The probability of a copepod to meet Protohydra can be very roughly calculated as follows: if we assume that the copepod makes a horizontal displacement of 5 cm per hour, the surface covered by the organism during a 12 hour active period is 0.1 mm (breadth) x 60 cm (displacement) = 0.6 cm2. If we assume this figure to be the density of the polyp (about 17000 per or), the copepod has a great chance of meeting a polyp during one day. 118 These predator densities are frequently encountered in summer, maximum density being somewhat near 40000 per m2 (Muus, 1967; HElP, 1971). Here we can assume that on the average each copepod meets one polyp during a day. Numb.. 0' COp'pOds IIOC,,! ,-" 50 /'1 , / '\\. , /,'" 'I I \~\ I " '\.1 ,\ 250 "' .o" . "'" ,;' \ '. \~ " , 1972 \ \, \ '.'" \ ' 0 .-"d ' I9 70 1971 1969 Tim. FIG. I. - Total number of copepodsper 10 cm' in the course of the spring bloom during four consecutiveyears. Time intervalis fourteendays. Only in 1972 did the decline not coincidewith high densities of Protohydraleuckarti. As can be expected we observed a catastrophic decline in the population density of the copepods once the polyp attained a high density (fig. I). Moreover, the decline was largest when the numbers before it where largest too. The reasons for this enormous mortality may be found in two characteristics of r-strategists, in the first place their inability to propagate in crowded conditions, in the second place their inability to withstand predation; as there is no avoidance mechanism, the bigger the animal, the greater its chances of being captured. The biggest animals in the population are egg-carrying females, the most important members of the population with regard to reproduction; on the other hand, tJ'toseare the most likely to escape due to their greater strength, but this can result in leaving the egg sac with the predator (Muus, 1966), thereby making the escaping individual useless for the population for some time. As the polyp eats more naupliar and copepodite stages than adults. 119 this will result in a population with an older age-distribution, and, given the short life-span of the adults, a marked decline of population density will reinforce the effect after some time. A further confirmation of the hypothesis can be obtained with the data of 1972 (fig. 1). That year the polyp did not attain high densities, maximum density during the spring bloom of the copepods was only 3500 per or, well below the assumed criticalleveI. In 1972 we did not observe a steep decline in population density of the copepods. When predator densities are beneath a certain critical level, the whole life cycle of most of the individual prey organisms can take place without meeting the predator. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I acknowledge a grant as aspirant of the Belgian National Foundation for Scientific Research (N.F.W.O.). LITERATURE CITED DoBZHANSKY,T. (J 950). Evolution in the tropics. Amer. Sci. 38: 209-221. GADGlL,M. and W. H. BOSSERT(J 970). Life historical consequences of natural selection. Amer. Natur., 104: 1-24. GADGIL, M. and O. T. SoLBIRG (J 972). The concept of r- an K-selection: evidence from wild flowers and some theoretical considerations. Amer. Natur., 106: 14-31. GILL, D. E. (J 974). Intrinsic rate of increase, saturation density and competitive ability. 11.The evolution of competitive ability. Amer. Natur., 108: 103-116. HElP, C. (J 97 I). The succession of benthic micrometazoans in a brackish water habitat. Bioi. Jrb. Dodonaea, 39: 191-196. HElP, C. (1972). The reproductive potential of copepods in brackish water. Marine Biology, 12: 219-221. McARTHUR,R. H. and E. O. WILSON(J 967). The Theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N. J. 203 pp. Muus, B. J. (J967). The fauna of Danish estuaries and lagoons. Meddr. Dann. Fisk og Havunders., N.S. 5: 1-316. Muus, K. (1966). Notes on the biology of Protohydra leuckarti Greeff (Hydroidea, Protohydridae). Ophelia, 3: 141-150. Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Laboratorium voor Morfologie en Systematiek der Dieren. (Dir. Prof. Dr. L. De Coninck en Prof. Dr. A. Coomans) K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent (Belgium). 120