Running head: FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT First Impressions: Meeting Someone New Amanda Schroeder Kent State University Advanced Interpersonal First Impressions: Meeting Someone New 1 FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT 2 Impression management is prevalent in every day life and has been studied by various communication scholars. First impressions are important to our everyday interactions because of the lasting impact that they have on everyone we meet. Across various contexts, such as in social settings, in roommate situations, in classroom settings, and even while watching movies, first impressions are constantly being formed. Some claims have been formed about impressions: first impressions are lasting impressions and can help predict outcomes of relationships, proper introduction styles and nonverbal cues are key in forming good first impressions, and first impressions have a shaping influence across many different contexts. The study of first impressions can greatly help individuals to alter their own behaviors and allow them to make their best possible impression. Since impressions are lasting, it is important that individuals make positive impressions in all situations. CLAIM: First impressions are lasting impressions and can help predict outcomes of relationships. Over time, opinions of a person can change as the relationship between the two people move further. However, it has been found that once an impression has been made it is not easily forgotten (Horan & Houser 2012). Before meeting someone, we organize them into a certain mental category based on previous assumptions about that person. If those assumptions are proven to be true, or other assumptions are formed during the first encounter, the first impression (positive or negative) will be always be associated with that person. This claim is supported by the Predicted Outcome Value Theory. Predicted Outcome Value Theory is a theory that supports the fact that initial impressions can be predictive of relational outcomes and lasting impressions (Marek, Knapp, & Wanzer 2004) and (Horan & Houser 2012). Running head: FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT 3 A study was conducted about the unconscious responses from conversational participants and observers (Monahan & Zuckerman 1999). Through this study the researchers learned that nonconscious negative interactions lead to negative impressions, and nonconscious positive interactions lead to positive impressions (Monahan & Zuckerman 1999). This study supported previous findings from the Predicted Outcome Value theory. And confirms the fact that first impressions are lasting. Marek, Knapp and Wanzer (2004) used Predicted Outcome Value theory to study introductions and lasting impressions as well. This study applies the Predicted Outcome Value theory to first impressions of roommates. They explain (as previous articles have) that first impressions are lasting, and that initial interactions, whether positive or negative help determine the likelihood of living with that roommate again in the future (Marek, Knapp, & Wanzer, 2004). Positive first interactions generally lead to positive lasting relationships, and negative interactions lead to less positive relationships and relationships with shorter duration. CLAIM: Proper introduction styles and nonverbal cues are key in forming good first impressions. If someone is introduced in a proper way (using mediators) and gives a positive vibe to those around them, the interaction will result in a positive lasting impression (Pillet-Shore 2011). Contrastingly, if mediators in introduction situations do not follow social norms, and give off a negative vibe, people meeting will more likely get a negative impression of them from the first initial interaction. Nonverbal cues by both the mediator and the two people being introduced to one another impact the initial impression. It is said that people believe what is done (nonverbal behaviors), over what is said when forming first impressions (Hiemstra 1999). The importance of FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT nonverbal cues such as hand shakes and eye contact impact the lasting impression which is 4 formed in such initial interactions. Another study analyzed the impact on the naturally occurring introductions, social norms for introductions, and the desire for reduction of uncertainty through interaction (Pillet-Shore 2011). The findings show that the way someone is introduced, wether it be by the help of a mediator (mutual friend), or through the direct assertion of the unknown parties, impacts the first impression of that person (Pillet-Shore 2011). The use of a mediator prevents awkward encounters and follows most closely with social norms, making it more acceptable. The findings of this article conclude that the way an introduction is built impacts the interaction between two new acquaintances. It is important to know how to introduce individuals when they are meeting for the first time, in order to form the best impression possible. Hiemstra’s (1999) research, done in a business setting, indicated that being knowledgeable of ones own nonverbal communication can be very useful in tailoring ones own first impressions and can also help one draw conclusions about others. Other research also supports the fact that nonverbal cues, such as ones eye contact and handshake, are even more important than the verbal communication in first interactions. Hiemstra (1999) also found that when verbal and nonverbal communications contradict, people tend to believe the nonverbal. Being knowledgeable about the different nonverbal cues and being a good encoder and decoder can help ones own impression management and will help in forming positive impressions in all settings. CLAIM: First impressions have a shaping influence in many different contexts. Running head: FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT 5 On the first day of class, during the first teacher student encounter, if a positive vibe was given to students, it would lead to a more positive first impression, and a more positive attitude throughout the duration class (Hayward 2003). Horan and Hauser (2012) confirmed this finding about the impact of students by their first impression of their teachers as well. They found that initial impressions on the first day of class were directly correlated to the lasting impressions that students had on the teacher and the class in general. They found that if on the first day of class, if students felt that the teacher would have reciprocal and responsive communication, with little negativity, students would value exchanges for the remainder of the semester, leading to a positive overall experience (Horan & Hauser 2012). This study used the Predicted Outcome Value theory to compare student’s initial impressions of their teachers to their lasting impression of their teacher in a longitudinal study. Predicted Outcome Value supports that by arguing that, during initial interactions, people form judgments that are lasting and predictive for future relationship development (Horan and Hauser 2012). Another study analyzed the impact of impressions formed of movie characters. The study revealed that the first impression of movie characters can distort the intended experience the viewer will have with the movie, possibly giving a viewer a negative unintended view on the movie as a whole (Sanders 2010). For example from the study, many would immediately characterize Superman as a hero, because of the characteristics he displays. However, others may see his tactics of hiding his identity as deceitful and, based on the impression, would dislike his character and have a possibly negative view of the movie as a whole (Sanders 2010). This study supports the fact that first impressions are influential and lasting, because of the fact that impression of the movie characters can change the person’s overall impression of the movie. Another technology related study looks at impression formation in computer mediated FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT communication. Physical and nonphysical social cues are provided and directly impact how 6 others are perceived, including positivity of impressions (Tanis & Postmes 2003). In today’s world CMC is impossible to ignore. The study shows that providing social cues in CMC interactions impacts perceptions of others in a similar way that it would in face to face interactions (Tanis & Postumes2003). As discussed earlier Marek, Knapp and Wanzer (2004) studied introductions and lasting impressions in roommates. They also used Predicted Outcome Value theory to explain that first impressions are lasting. The fact that a roommate is someone that you will most likely have to live with for an extended period of time make the impression formations even more crucial. The first impression (as mentioned earlier), is lasting and can be a determinant in the predicted longevity of the relationship and the likelihood that the roommates will live together again in the future. In another study, the Language Expectancy Theory is used to analyze the impressions supervisors have of new employees in business settings (Foste and Botero 2012). Their perceived communication competence, formed after their initial interaction, in areas such as their ability to produce content and deliver content to someone superior to them in the workplace, will predict their reputation and their impression of perceived work competence. (Foste & Botero 2012). Along with the research from Hiemstra’s study (1999), business impressions have proven to be very important. Practical Implications The importance of good impression formation could be put into practice and could be taught to people to help them better understand how to manage their impressions across contexts. Running head: FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT 7 Schools could implement nonverbal communication tutorials or workshops with specialization in impression management starting around middle school age. They could do separate workshops for important cues applying to the various contexts. Starting in middle school and going through high school, teachers could implement impression management education by adding nonverbal skills in the curriculum. This would be helpful to better prepare young adults for the real world and have them ready to form good and lasting impressions not only is future social interactions, but also in future employment situations. In conclusion, the analysis of these studies and the inquiry about the proposed research questions helps us to better understand impressions and the lasting impact they leave upon those we meet. Throughout the previous studies in contexts including the classroom, roommate situations, movies, at the work place and in social settings the emerging themes about impressions remained; that they are important and lasting. Studies found the importance of first impressions styles and introductions can impact the quality and duration of the relationship. The fact that impressions have such an influence across many contexts shows the prevalence that it has to daily life. Previous research has concluded that first impressions are lasting impressions and can help predict outcomes of relationships. Also, proper introduction styles and nonverbal cues are key in forming good first impressions and first impressions have a shaping influence on the way we are perceived by others, effecting our social lives, our careers and our everyday interactions. FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT 8 References Bos, M. W., & Dijksterhuis, A. (2011). Unconscious thought works bottom-up and conscious thought works top-down when forming an impression. Social Cognition, 29(6), 727737. doi:10.1521/soco.2011.29.6.727 Foste, E. A., & Botero, I. C. (2012). Personal reputation: Effects of upward communication on impressions about new employees. Management Communication Quarterly, 26(1), 4873. doi:10.1177/0893318911411039 Running head: FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT 9 Hayward, P. A. (2003). Effectively approaching the first day of class. Communication Teacher, 17(3), 3-16. Hiemstra, K. M. (1999). Shake my hand: making the right first impression in business with nonverbal communications. Business Communication Quarterly, 62(4), 71-74. Horan, S. M., & Houser, M. L. (2012). Understanding the communicative implications of initial impressions: a longitudinal test of predicted outcome value theory. Communication Education, 61(3), 234-252. doi:10.1080/03634523.2012.671950 Marek, C. I., Knapp, J. L., & Wanzer, M. (2004). An exploratory investigation of the relationship between roommates' first impressions and subsequent communication patterns. Communication Research Reports, 21(2), 210-220. Miller, J. K., Westerman, D. L., & Lloyd, M. E. (2004). Are first impressions lasting impressions? 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