This is the review for the US History midterm. You will need to fill in

US History-Compton
Midterm Review
This is the review for the US History midterm. You will need to fill in the blanks.
___________ was a land bridge that linked North American to Asia
Tenochitlan was the ancient _______________ city
The French were famous for their fishing and fur trading in North America
Europeans arriving in the New World cause many Native American to die from
5. The winter of _______________ was known as the starving time in the first lasting
European settlement in the New World.
6. __________________ means the playful one, and she later married John __________.
7. _____________ Power in New England was used for grain and lumber mills.
8. The __________________________ was the worst part of triangular trade for the enslaved
that were brought to the New World
9. The _______________________ saw the powers of the British monarchy decline and power
shifted to the British Parliament.
The __________ Amendment forbids the quartering of troops in private homes.
To avoid ______________ many colonists began to smuggle materials and goods.
___________________ Women in the colonies were responsible for running the
households, caring for the children and would work in the fields with their
husbands. (I’m glad I didn’t live in those times…this is a lot to take care of!)
The writings of ______________________ were an inspiration to ____________________,
the writer of the Declaration of Independence.
The _______________________ Confederacy consisted of six Native American
tribes.....Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida and Tuscarora.
Paul Revere created an engraving of the ____________ ___________________ was an
example of propaganda to help with anti-British feelings among the colonists.
Ethan ___________, _____________ ________________ Boys and Fort ______________….
That’s all I have to say about this one!
The Battle of ___________ _________ made the British realize that the Americans
were a force to be reckoned with, they might look like a bunch of misfit farmers, but
they have spirit and can put up a fight!
Nathan _______________ spied on the British for the Patriots and was caught and
Colonists that stuck with the British were known as ___________________.
After the Revolutionary War, General _______________ ___________________ decided
to retire to his homestead of _____________ ______________ to be with his wife Martha.
In the early part of the Revolutionary War, the troops were __________________
men because as their service time ended, they did not re-enlist.
US History-Compton
Midterm Review
During the winter encampment at ______________ ________________, 1777-1778,
_____________ _____ ____________ trained the Continental Army to be a well trained
military force.
Many _________________ were established in the harbors along the Atlantic Coast
to prevent supplies reaching the British.
George Washington was chosen to be the president of the ___________________
Convention because of his leadership expertise, his people skills and his ability to
After the Treaty of Paris (1783), _______________ finally acknowledged and
recognized the United States as an independent nation.
___________ And ___________________ were established to keep all three branches on
a level playing field, no one branch would have too much power. Each branch can
check the others (like a hockey player checking an opponent into the boards)!
The President is limited to ______ terms in office. This was an unwritten rule
broken established when George Washington decided not to run for a third term,
and remained true until the third and fourth election victories of Franklin D.
Roosevelt in 1940 and 1944. The 25th Amendment passed in 1951 made law
presidents could only be elected into office twice, unwritten rule now written!
The Revolutionary War put the new country into debt. Under the Articles of
Confederation, ________ did not have to power to tax, so the nation’s finances were a
growing concern under the A of C and ultimately was one of its greatest weaknesses.
____________ Plan wanted more votes for more population, ______ _____________
wanted one vote for each state in the Legislative Branch….COMPROMISE…. two
houses, one is a set number, the other is based on population, it turned out to be a
______________ __________________________
All people have the right to _________; _______________ and _______________ were the
words of John Locke, great _______________ philosopher.
House of Representatives members per state are based on ________________,
more people=more votes. California has the most with 53 members, and small
population states (such as Alaska, North Dakota, and Montana) each have one
member (the minimum is one).
____________________ is the process a person born in a foreign country can
become a US citizen, but can never be president of the US. Those born in the United
States are considered natural born citizens and can possibly become president of
the US.
The Federalists and John Adams supported the ___________ and ______________
Acts that Congress passed.
US History-Compton
Midterm Review
The Federal court system was established with the ________________ ________ of
In his farewell address, George Washington warned of the growth of
____________ ____________ …..Imagine if GW was alive now to see the behavior between
the Democrats and the Republicans!
John Adams believed in a strong federal government and was backed by the
________________ Party.
Napoleon sold Thomas Jefferson the Louisiana Territory for $_____ million in
__________. It more than ____________ the size of the United States and led the way for
___________ and ___________ to explore the region looking for a ________________
________________ to the Pacific.
After the Electoral College voted in early December there was no candidate
that had the majority of votes in the election of 1800. The _________________________
allows for the ___________ of ____________________________ to decide should no majority be
reached in the Electoral College vote. The H of R chose Thomas Jefferson.
In their search for the Northwest Passage, Lewis and Clark departed from
_____. ____________, _________________ and returned ______ months later with journals full of
what they encountered and a new friend in _______________.
After watching Fort _______________ be attacked overnight, ___________ ____________
___________ wrote what would become “_________ ________-_____________ ______________” as
daylight appeared and Fort McHenry still stood and fought back.
During the War of 1812, _________ _____________, wife of James Madison, is
believed to have grabbed a portrait of George Washington from the ____________
_____________ as she was fleeing the building after the British set it on fire.
The ____________________ _____________________ was brought on by new machines
and technology that made once difficult jobs much easier and began to also make
them safer.
_______ ______________ developed interchangeable parts when he was hired by the
US government to build 10,000 muskets in two years. He created parts that were
identical and could be easily put together even by an unskilled workers.
The _____________ __________ (short for engine) was invented in 1793 by Eli
Whitney. This machine easily picked the seeds from picked cotton and sped up
cotton production in the south.
The development of the _____________ _______________ in the north allowed such
cities as Buffalo, Cincinnati and Cleveland to develop into large manufacturing
US History-Compton
Midterm Review
The formation of the Second Bank of the United States allowed American
businesses to __________.
The _________________ ________________ helped to preserve balance between the
North and South in the Senate by allowing __________ statehood as a Free State, and
_________________ as a slave state. This Senate would have 12 Free states and 12 slave
states to keep the power balanced. Good thinking Henry Clay.
December 2, 1823 President Monroe states the following: North and South
America “are hence forced not to be considered as subjects for future colonization
by any European powers” and that the US would stay out of European affairs. This
statement would become known as the ______________ ______________________.
President Andrew Jackson fired many of the federal employees, replacing
them with his political supporters. This became known as the ______________
John C. ___________________ believed that individual states had the right to nullify
federal laws.
The Native American tribe, ___________________ (Go Florida State!), resisted being
moved from their native land of _____________. They fought a series of between 1835
and 1842 broke out and many Seminole and US military soldiers were killed. By
1858, the few remaining Seminole in Florida had escaped to the Everglades were
their descendents still live today.
President __________ passed the ____________ _______________ Act that forced many
Native American tribes to move west and settle in Indian Territory which would
later become part of the US and be called ___________________ (Where the wind comes
sweeping down the plain).
Together the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw and the Choctaw peoples
were known and the “________ _______________ __________”. They were nicknamed this
because many of the tribes adopted the American way of farming and created
similar communities.
In 1832, Daniel ___________________ and Henry _______________ (the same guy that
created the Missouri Compromise) tried to use the issue of the Bank of the United
States to defeat President Andrew Jackson from winning a second term in office.
Their grand plan didn’t work, and Andrew Jackson was elected into office for a
second term.
US History-Compton
Midterm Review
_______________ ________________ ________________ was the presidential choice for the
Whig party in 1836. Harrison was a well known war hero of the War of 1812
because he defeated Tecumseh’s followers at the Battle of Tippecanoe. His running
mate was ________ __________. Harrison was only president for 32 days before he died
of pneumonia. John Tyler became the president and was the first Vice President to
assume to role of president because the president had died.
Nicholas Biddle was from a wealthy family. He was the _______________ of the
Second Bank of America and was disliked by Andrew Jackson.
____________, __________________, ____________ ____________ and the ___________ ________ all
had claims in the Oregon Territory. Before it finally became a US territory Great
Britain was the last of the other nations to control the land.
There were many mountain passes through the Rocky Mountains to reach
Oregon. The pass that was used most often was known as the ________________
After the Battle of San Jacinto, _____________ ________________ was captured along
with 700 of his men. On May 14, 1836 Santa Anna signed a treaty that honored the
independent Republic of Texas.
The fight at the ___________ was lost by the Texans. The Alamo was attacked for
13 days which allowed the Texans on the outside to rally together and gather
supplies. “________________ the ___________” became a rallying cry for future Texan
victories and is still a part of the history in the state of Texas.
Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, Stephen Austin and William Travis were all early
settlers of Texas; __________ ____________ was the first of these men. Guess that’s why
the capital of Texas is named Austin!
As part of the Treaty of ___________________ ________________, Mexico received half s
much money and the United States had offered before the war began.
Many explorers headed west in search of a better life. Many followed the path
that William ______________ laid out in Mexico because the route was __________ and had
places to stop for _______________.
General Stephen Kearney captured __________ _____ in 1847. This was part of a
larger plan set out by President James K. Polk to defeat Mexico.
65. The discovery of _______ in California in early 1849 had many effects on their economy. This
discovery happened on the homestead of John ____________ the previous year by James
__________________. California was admitted into the US in _________ because of the gold rush. 100 year
after the rush towards gold, the NFL as we know and love it today had a team named in honor of
this event; no matter a home or away game the _____ ______________ _____________-____________ honor this
event by wearing gold colored pants.
US History-Compton
Midterm Review