Employee of the Month Nomination Form suBMf rrED ro ER pc DEC 2 I' -7 /t4 HUMANRESOURCES ELTcTBLE FoR coNsrDERAnoN 7 Page2 2013 FRoM 4 /t4 :.xau MANATEE COUNTY GOVERNMENT 'IEMPLOYEE OF TIIE MONTH'' NOMINATION FORM DATE: Septemb€r 13, 2013 (PLEASE PRINl') NAME: Ava Ehde M# 003333 DEPARTMENT: Neishborhood Services JOB TITLE: Librarv Services Manas€r D!V!S!.)N. Lrh.-* DATE OF HIRE: I t/t q/nt NOMINATED-BY: Jane BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE JOB DUTIES OF THE NOMINEE: As Library Services Manager, Ava's duties include managing six libraries and staff, developing the budget and implementing the long range plan. She works with the Library Board, staff and community to plan for the future of the Library system. 2. DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS AND JOB COMMITMENT/PERFORMANCE THAT MAKES THIS NOMINEE EXCEL ABOVE AND BEYOND OTHER COUNTY EMPLOYEES. Ava has vision, passion and commitment to making sure that the Manatee County Public Library System provides the citizens of Manatee County with innovative programs and services. Words that best describe Ava's character are engage, advocate and innovate. As library services manager, she has increased the presence of the library tenfold not only within the county but throughout the state. Under her leadership three county satellite libraries were established which increased library visibility to other county employees. Other innovative projects include Fine Forgiveness Week and Tech internships. State recognition includes the Betty Davis Miller Youth Servic* Award and the Library lnnovation Award. See the attached list for the many other accomplishments under her leadership. Ava has great passion for all things library! Among the library staff, she is known for her thoughtfulness and quick compliments for jobs well done. She encourages the staff to grow and develop professionally utilizing both staff life experiences and talents. 3. SUBSTANTIATE WHY THOSE CHARACTEzuSTICS JUSTIFY THIS EMPLOYEE TO BE RECOGNIZED AS A MANATEE COUNTY 'EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH". (BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE.) Despite reduced budgets, under Ava's leadership, the library is now providing increased community services and programs. She has been able to achieve this by encouraging the staff to grow and develop professionally utilizing their individual, unique skills and talents. Ava has Employee of the Month Nomination Form Page 3 also formed padnerships with area agencies, sister government divisions and businesses. Through her contacts with local colleges, she has implemented internships to expand our services. Her passion and love for libraries combined with her strong belief in teamwork has boosted staff morale. 4. HOW DOES THIS EMPLOYEE BEST EXEMPLIFY THE COIJNTY'S MISSION STATEMENT: Ava Ehde exemplifies Manatee County's Mission Statement because her vision for library services extends well beyond the library's physical walls and into the heart of the community. She has improved the quality of life for many in our community through innovative library and or,r""a MISSION STATEMENT TO SERVE WITH EXCELLENCE BY USING RESOURCES RESPONSIBLY TO PRESERVE AND ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF LIFE INMANATEECOUNTY 5. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: NO'f E: ADDITIoNAI, DOCUMUN'f ATION AND/OR COMMENDATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED AND MAY l]Ii ATTACHED (UP TO IO PACES), Please see the attached documentation (pages 1 -10) for further commendations in support of Ava Ehde being selected as employee of the month. YEE'S SUPERVISOR l2la1l/ (]^t',"r' 'iii"H[!"t#i f' Ii" lm n s7 a4, 4, 1 l-' ;rtt t' 7 n7 b r & ei d' uv'*o a- .457rc'ra( m aaarzr.-a,, Reviewed bv Human Resources: *DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR . NOTE:X Please notify Tamie Langman, Human Resources Department of any change in status regarding the nominated employee. PLEASE SUBNTIT YOUR NOMINATION TO THE: HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT . ATTN: TANIIE I,ANGMAN. ERC COORDINATOR PERS-FORM 125 - 04t23n0 f. MANATEE COUNTY PUBLIC TIBRARY SYSTEM INNOVATIONS Pre-K readiness. Outreach to Head Starts (6,U5 children have benefited). Lap-sit program for infants to enhance early literacy and language development (218 infants). Mother Goose on the Loose for toddlers, a program which employs activities to foster speech development and motor coordination (207 toddlers). Early literacy. The non-profit Southeastern Guide Dogs brings their therapy dogs to our libraries for grades 1-3 to read to them, which helps children gain confidence in reading aloud in a non-challenging environment (93 children participated). We also provide a program for parents/caregivers to interact with their children. Early literacy tools are available for use in an unstructured environment (463 children). Mana-Tweens Club. Programs specially designed for ages 8-12, including a book club and culture club. The books and programs are funded by our library support groups, and librarians travel to each location to present a multicultural program. The creation of a "tween team" allows for system-wide collaboration of colleagues and a reproducible format that is time-saving and effective. 501 youth participated in 2012. The Language House. Manatee County Neighborhood Services, in partnership with Project Light (a nonprofit literacy center), provide instructors - including retired teachers, judges, county employees, and other individuals who volunteer - to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) to our large Hispanic population. The program offers basic English through to more advanced levels of learning. Classes are limited to 10 students and divided into 12-week sessions, held in five county labraries, the Parrish YMCA, and Project Light. In 2012 there were 1319 student hours, 1978 instructor hours and 190 classes offered. Geek the library, For the past year and a half, we have participated in this public awareness marketing campaign, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation/OClC: a toolkit with customizable art and promotional materials. We have formed marketing partnerships with the South Florida Museum, Realize Bradenton, and the Bradenton Marauders baseball team. Outreach at high schools, middle schools, job fairs, county government events, and festivals continue as well as custom poster distribution and "Geek Fridays", when staff wear Geek T-shirt. All staff members wear buttons declaring what they geek. Our GTL webpage includes a video of local teens talking about what they geek, we've been featured in local newspapers, and OCLC published a case study of our library's successful campaign. With funds from our library support groups, we have run ads at local movie theaters and by this summer plan to have our courier and story vans wrapped with our poster "celebrities" Snooty the Manatee (who geeks lettuce) and Marty the Marauder (who geeks baseball). Fine Forgiveness Week. In May of 20L2, patrons were able to donate items to clear their library card records of fines. We collected 7 tons ol food, personal toiletries, and laundry soap which were delivered to local domestic violence, homeless and pet shelters; over 900 patron cards cleared; and 521,416 waived. One of our librarians published an article on the program in the Fall2012 issue of the Florido Librories Journol. We succeeded in reaffirming a customer-friendly relationship between staff and patrons, renewing trust among government and citizens for the use of a public facility, and regaining library materials. Long Range Planning. We work on the Long Range Plan each year and survey our public at our locations and outreach events, as well as online, in English and Spanish. The survey asks 19 questions, covering all areas of what our patrons may want and need. We organize focus groups, and then have a town hall meeting to share this information with the public, staff, and the press. This past year, we collected 1,785 surveys. We analyze the data to see what our public wants and how we can improve our services. Tech internships. From October to December 2012, our first computer instruction intern, from ITT Technical Institute, taught 16 classes with a total of 101 attendees, including Introduction to Computers, The Internet, and Email and Social Networking, largely to seniors with few computer skills. For our locations without a separate computer lab, we use laptops (paid for with grant funds from The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation) in meeting rooms. He also helped countless patrons during drop-in hours at Central Library. Our second intern from ITT-Tech will teach the same round of basic computer classes. Another intern graduate student is working with cataloglng, acquisitions and interlibrary loans. Job Resources. Twice a month, the Central Library hosts an open house with local agencies which provide job search assistance and training, and library staff who share our resources. We have partnered with the following agencies: Suncoast Workforce, Women's Resource Center of Manatee, Connect Your Community, Goodwill Industrieslob Connection, CareerEdge, the Literacy Council of Manatee County "Career Pathways", Experience Works, Vocational Rehabilitation, University of Florida's Florida Master Money Mentors, Boley Centers, and the Bill Galvano One Stop Center. 295 individuals have utilized this program. eReaders. We have diligently trained staff in using eReaders and downloading eBooks and audiobooks. The enormous popularity of eBooks from the library necessitates that our staff become confident users of this technology. We purchased sets of eReaders for each location, using grant funds from The Knight Foundation. With our staff now more capable, we have begun to offer classes to the public and county staff. Health. We have partnered with numerous organizations to provide free screenings and informational programs in our libraries: regular vision and hearing screenings with Eye Associates; stroke prevention by the Stroke Association of Florida; a nurse practitioner presents on health issues such as Diabetes and mental health; and Medicare benefits programs by SHINE of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. Mana-Con Comics Convention for Teens. In Oct 2012, the Central Library hosted our 3'd Annual ManaCon, supported by our Friends'group and donations from local businesses and national publishers. Simultaneously, the children's department hosted its ln Star Wars Reads Day, sponsored by Lucasfilm. We offered prizes, gaming, art workshops, a Cosplay contest, a Comic Strip contest (kids were given a 4-cell blank strip and asked to show what the library means to them), and a student art show. Mana-Con is a community event celebrating art, culture and comics, bringing together our partners The Comic Shack (the only comic shop in town), Southeast VPA Academy, the Kimono Club, Realize Bradenton, Manatee Schoolfor the Arts, The Manatee Players, and many artists. Our 2Ot2 event drew over 900 attendees. Poetry and Art Slam. On November LO,2O!2, we participated in Realize Bradenton's annual festival dedicated to the arts, called Artslam. 200 artists and performers participated and estimated attendance was over 10,000. The library system collaborated with artist Stan Secrest of buildadrum.com to create an 8-foot tall book sculpture that festival-goers could write poetry on. We also facilitated a teen poetry slam at the event, preceded by three preliminary teen poetry slams at our libraries. The book sculpture is now travelin8 to our library locations to continue being written on, as an active art installation. County satellite libraries. ln 2011, we opened a small non-staffed satellite library in the county administration building, which we call the Nook Library, to increase our visibility to county employees. lt features PCs, books for research, books for pleasure reading, user guides, a website on the employee intranet, and even a teddy bear for when employees just need a hug. Due to the popularity of the first Nook, we have opened a second at Utilities Dept., and a third at Parks & Recreation's GT Bray Park. Motto and Logo Contest. The goal of this contest, in addition to obtaining a new logo for the library system, was to engage our public in being creative. The new logo and motto ("Sunshine for the Mind") will be on official documents, monthly programming calendarl library cards, signs within the library, etc. Winners received Kindle Fires and were presented Certificates of Excellence at an awards ceremony in July. Essay Contest. In fallof 2012, patrons submitted 80 essays on "How Manatee County Libraries Have Saved Me Money'. The essays support research indicating that libraries are a good return on investment. We heard from home-schooling parents, job seekers, retirees, college students, hobbyists, researchers, Wi-Fi users, and those looking for entertainment on a budget. The winning essays were read during the award ceremonv on November 19, 2012. A County Commissioner was in attendance and asked for a binder containing the winning essays to be shared with each of our commissioners and other county leadership. Media Partnerships. We've run a weekly column called Speaking Volumes in the Brodenton Herald for the past 20 years, in which we highlight library materials and programs. We also partner with the following publications: Pepper Tree Literory Magazine, North River News, Manatee E -Zine (online magazine for county empfoyees), and Spanish language Como en Fomilia, 7 Dios, and la Guio. Manatee Educational Television (METV) filmed and aired our 2012 Town Hall Meeting, book talks, an in-depth interview with library services manager Ava Ehde highlighting the library's attributes, segments on our Mana-Con Comics Convention and the essav contest, and a new author chat series with Ava called Inside the Cover. Ava Ehde's strength as library manager can be summed up by the word engagement: engagement with both the community and the staff. She has developed projects that solicit the participation of the staff at every level, along with the diversity of all factions of the community. The community was solicited to participate in marketing efforts via contests to create a lo8o and a motto for the Library System. These competitions resulted in a winning patron-designed logo that represents the library's commitment to technology and literacy and a new motto "sunshine for your mind." Both now appear on our brochures, signage and even the staff's polo shirts. This was followed up by a successful essay contest in which patrons described how our library saved them money. The heartfelt, often poignant winning essays were reproduced in binders and distributed to our County Commissioners. Additionally, the library offered a comic strip contest for teens, plus video book review and photography competitions. TheLibraryis now also displaying on any empty wall local art work created by community art leagues and area artists. The Library has also engaged the business community through a series of partnerships: a weekly column in the Bradenton Herald newspaper, participation in Realize Bradenton's annual Art Slam by submitting an 8-foot high book sculpture on which teens could create poetry graffiti, a host of local partners participating in our annual ManaCon comic convention, a'food for fines' drive that netted over seven tons of sundries for the local One Stop Resource Center for the homeless, HOPE Family Services, and the No-Kill Animal Shelter, job searching and resume monthly workshops with the assistance of Suncoast Workforce, CareerEdge, and Goodwill Industries, computer classes in English and Spanish with Project Light, and further Hispanic programming supported by the Latin Chamber of Commerce' Staff members are engaged by urging all employees to bring forth their hidden talents, hobbies, and past experiences for the good ofthe Library. Everyone participates on at least one committee' These working committees plan contests, organize the internship program, identify and apply for grants, pfan the "Geek the Librod' marketing campaign, coordinate our security efforts, recommend technology innovations, reward in-house bright ideas, and create tutorials for the website among other tasks. Staff members are encouraged to participate in local and statewide leadership programs and also work with other Manatee County Government Departments on common projects. Ava went out of her way to find a sponsor to support last year's staff development day at which the morning was devoted to team building exercises (Ropes Course). An afternoon visioning session included everyone in the creation of the annual plan of service and a discussion of the librarv's mission statement. Our mission statement is now posted prominently throughout all facilities and is referred to frequently. Ava is so motivated to make this a better system, constantly coming up with envelope-pushing ideas. She definitely deserves to be recognized. (r r.,, !ae' q4L Avo Ehde hos such o possion for oll things librory. Her enthusiosm ond love for reoding, leorning, ond communicotion is contogious. She works tirelessly - offen on her own fime ond using her own resources - lo generote inierest ond bring informoiion oboul the librory system lo ihe citizens of Monotee Counly. In 2012, ihe librory system, under Avo's luteloge, inilioled or wos o poriiciponf in f he following: pre-K Reodiness - Progroms include Ouireoch to Heodslori (6,115 children benefilted), Lop+it progroms for infonls (218 infonts), Moiher Goose on lhe Loose for toddlers, octivities to foster speech developmeni ond motor coordinolion (2O7 loddlers). Eorly Literocy - Children in grodes l-3 reod to Guide Dogs to help children goin confidence in reoding oloud in o non-chqllenging environmenl {93 children poriicipoted), eorly literocy lools * * * ore ovoiloble for use in unsiruclured environment {463 children}. Mono-Tweens Club - 501 youth oges 8-12 porlicipoied in book clubs & culture clubs The Longuoge House - Providing volunteer inslruclors 1o leoch English os o Second Longuoge Geek the Librory - A public oworeness morketing compoign funded by Bill & Melisso Gotes Foundofion Fine Forgiveness Week - Poirons ollowed lo donoie ilems to cleor their librory cord records of fines. Collecied Z tons of food, personol toiletdes, loundry soop which were delivered lo locol domestic violence, homeless, ond pel shelters. Long-Ronge Plonning - Collecled 1,786 surveys were collecied ond the doto onolyzed to see whoi our public wonls ond how we con improve our services. Tech Inlernships - Firsl computer intern loughi 1 6 closses wilh o lolol of l0l oiiendees. He olso helped counlless potrons during drop-in hours ot lhe Centrol Librory. A second inlern works with cotologing, ocquisitions ond interlibtory loons. Job Resources - Twice o monlh, Centrol Librory hosts on open house wilh locol ogencies which provide job seorch ossistonce ond lroining. Porlnered wiih mony communily ogencies eReoders - Using gronl funds from the Knight Foundolion. severol eReoders were oble io be purchosed ond sloff hos been lroined to help potrons wilh their eReoders; olso offering closses to public ond county sloff . Heollh - Porlnered with numerous orgonizoiions to provide free screenings ond informotionol progroms in the librories thot include stroke prevention, diobeies informotion, menlol heolth, eye core, ond Medicore. Mono-Con Comics Conveniion for Teens - Mono-Con is o community evenl celebroting ort, cullure ond comics. Over 900 oltendees enioyed this 3d Annuol comics convenlion sponsored by Friends of the Librory ond mony of our porf ners. Poetry ond Art Slom - The librory colloboroled with orlist Sfon Secresf lo creole on 8-foo1 toll book sculpture thoi Reolize Brodenton feslivolgoers could write poetry on. We olso focititoied o teen poetry slom ol the evenl, preceded three preliminory teen poeiry sloms ot our librories. County Sotelliie Librories - Two more 'Nooks' hove been opened following fhe one in lhe County Administrotion Building: one oi Ulilities Deporfmenl ol 56rh Street ond one ol Porks & Rec's G.T. Brav Pork. Molto ond Logo Contest - A new logo wos odopted for the librory system 'Sunshine for Your Mind.' Winners received Kindle Fires. Monofee counly Librories Hove soved Me Money.' Eighly essoys were received from home-schooling porents, job seekers, relirees, college studenls, hobbyists, reseorchers, Wi-Fi users, ond those looking for enferloinment on o budget' Medio Porfnerships - Conlinue lo run o weekly column colled Speoking Volurnes in the Erodenfon Herold, porlner wiih mony publicotions, filmed ond oired 2012 Town Holl Meeting, book tolks, in-deplh interview wilh Avo highlighting the librory's oltribufes, segmenls on our Mono-Con Comics Convenlion ond ihe essoy contest, ond o new outhor chot series with Avo colled /nside the Cover. Essoy Conlest - The topic wos 'How Avo's desire lo import love of reoding ond leorning 10 oll potrons lhe oldest. The lisl obove illustroies thot. is opporenl: from the youngest to Lost, but noi leosi, Avo ollows her stoff to grow ond develop professionolly. She is open to heoring new ond innovotive ideos for lhe librory syslem ond is quick wilh o compliment for o job well done, She is truly o honds-on supervisor ond personolly knows every s'loff member in the librory syslem. Avo colls eoch ond every one of us on our birfhdoy fo wish us o hoppy doy. Sometimes she bokes cokes or goodies to cheer us. She brings flowers 1o sioff members 'jusl becouse.' lf o stoff member hos o fomily emergency or issue, Avo olwoys encouroges us to loke core of ourselves ond our fomily. The countless ihoughtful things thol she does for her sioff (mony of which I om sure thol I don't even know obout), contribuies fo the creotion of o cohesive, coring, ond hord working ieom. Avo is exlremely deserving of ihis honor becouse she exemplifies the Counly's Mission Stolement: 'To serve with excellence by using resources responsibly lo preseve & enhonce lhe quolity of life in Monotee Counly.' Avo hos one speed, which is 'High', ond one direction, which is'Forword.' She Monolee Countv. Diono Wilkerson Centrol Librory is such on ossei fo As I always say: good leaders make good employees. Ava Ehde is an example of what a good leader can do to motivate the employees. Since she became the Library Manager many positive changes have o@urred . Under Ava's leadership the Manatee County Public Library won two important awards : The Library Innovation Award and the Betty Davis Miller Youth Services award. Ava motivates the stiaff ro continue professional development . One of her good ideas has been to create committees for different projects. She encourages team work. She listens to the staffs ideas to improve services. I highly recommend Ava as employee of the month. Yqshira Castio, Librarian III Neighborhood Services Department ll Manatee County Public Library System Palmetto Library ll 923 6th Sheet West ll Palmetro,FL34221 ph: 941-721-2247 x6341 ll fax: 941-721-2248 yoshira. castro@mymanatee.org www,m),manatee. ore/library Ava organized the fine amnesty program exchanging fines for food for the needy. Fine Forgiveness week was a resounding success. gi3 patron records were cleared and we collected 331 formerly "lost" books, which are now on the shelves and available for the nen !:91. Ln return for having their fees waived the community donated 196 crates (average weight 35 lbs.) of personal toiletries, laundry soap, food for pets ind people, towels, toys, ba6y clotnes, etc'.. A total of 1857 items weqcollected for HOPE family servicbs (domesiic;ioienc6 shelter), 1 760 items for one stop, and 255 items for Animal servic'es. These ltems varied from toothbrush to 50 lb bags of dog food. fr) \7 hez Tam anaha, Librarian III Neighborhood Services Department ll Manatee County public Library System Island Library ll 5701 Marina Drive ll Holmes B each,FL 34217 ph: 941 -778-1721 x6373 ll fax: 941 -729-7 184 inez.tarnanaha@mymanatee. org www.mymanatee. ore/library Here's my comment: Under Ava's leadership over the past two plus years, our library system has grown tremendously in terms of value to the community, schools, and to our county government. As a result of her encouragement for staff to be creative and forward-thinking, our dept alone- a staff of six- has seen an increase in outreach and programming of over 31% since 201 1. Oqr achievements are due in no small part to her ability to engage, advocate, and innovate. (3 )erict" Dow , Librarian lll, Adult Seruices Superuisor Neighborhood Services Department ll Manatee County Public Library System Central Library ll 1301 Barcanota Boulevard West ll Bradenton, Florida 34205 ph: 941-748-5555 x6311 llfax 941-749-7155 ericka.dow@mymanatee.org www. mymanatee.org/librarv _ Re: Employee of month nomination i..i Giles to: Kevin Beach Zenobia 09/1712013 11:46 AM Hl Kevin, Ava has proven to be a very dynamic and extremely active Director. She has embraced the concept of growth and change and ensures thatthe Library system is growing and keeping up with all the changes that are taking place in technology. Under her leadership we have seen immense groMh and we have won many awards. There is now a feeling of engagement by all members of the staff astheynowfeel a part of the decision making process. With the launch of the many commiftees that have been established everyone is encouraged to participate. There is a new feeling of growth and dynamism in the library system, everyone is encouraged to move forward and attend workshops and seminars and improve themselves. Zenobia Giles, Librarian II Neighborhood Services Department ll Manatee County Public Library System South Manatee Library 16081 26th Street West lBradenton, FL 34207 ph: 941-727 -6081 x6363 ll fax: 941-'/ 5l-7098 zenobia. giles@mymanatee.org Kevin Beach From: To: Cc; Date: Subject: I am finalizing the nomination of Ava for EOM. ... 091171201310:38:55 AM Kevin Beach/MCG Brenda Cathy Laird/MCG@MCG, Zenobia Giles/MCG@MCG Chris Linda Sell/NICG@N4CG 09/1712013 10:38 AM Employee of month nomination I am finalizing the nomination of Ava for EOM. Could each of you please send me an e-mail acknowledging Ava's qualities and qualifications for the award? I need a few more support letters. Thanks, Kevin. Kevin Beach. Operations Supervisor Neighborhood Services Department ] Manatee County Public Library System Central Library ll 1301 Barcanota Boulevard West ll Bradenton, Florida 34205 ph: 94 l -748-555 5 x6325 ll fax: 94 | -7 42-5893 kevin. beach@mymanatee.org www.mvmanatee.org/library r: r: m&$, :;:::rr::: '$, Re: Employee of month nomination Brenda Booth to: Kevin Beach ..J 09/1712013 10:49 AM Ava is a very busy library manager who always stays on top of things. However, she makes time to listen to staff questions, concerns and problems which she takes very seriously. She is kind and caring. She brings so much energy to her job and that is refreshing and inspiring. She challenges the staff to leave their comfort zone which brings to life talents thal might not have been used. She is full of new ideas and has improved the library system in very many ways since she took charge. Morale has improved greatly under her direction. Kevin, if you need me lo lengthen this jusl let me know. Brenda Booth, Librarian III Neighborhood Services Department ll Manatee County Public Library System Rocky Bluff Library ll 6750 US Highway 301 North ll Ellenton, FL 34222 pb: 941 -721 -67 95 x6379 ll fax: 941 -723-4825 brenda.booth@mymanatee.org Kevin Beach From: To: Cc: Date: Subject: I am finalizing the nomination of Ava for EOM. ... 091'17 12013.l Kevin Beach/MCG BrendaBooth/N4CG@MCG,CathyLaird/MCG@MCG,Zenobiaciles/MCG@MCG Chris OHara/MCG@MCG, Linda Se||/MCG@MCG 09/1712013 10:38 AM Employee of month nomination lam finalizing the nomination of Ava for EOM. Could each of you please send me an e-mail acknowledging Ava's qualities and qualifications for the award? Ineed a few more support letters. Thanks, Kevin. Kevin Beach. Operations Supervisor Neighborhood Services Department ll Manatee County Public Library System Central Library ll 1301 Barcanota Boulevard West ll Bradenton, Florida 34205 ph: 941-748-5555 x6325 ll fax: 941-7 42-5893 kevin.beach@mymanatee.org 0:38:55 AM Ava Ehde should be Employee of the Month! Jyna Scheelen to: Kevin Beach 09/1712013 10:49 AM Hl, Kevin. I agree wholeheartedly that Ava Ehde should be Employee of the Month. Since l've arrived at the Manatee County Library there isn't a day that goes by that I am not in awe of the tireless work Ava does for this library system. She consistently goes above and beyond the "call of duty" to advocate for the branches, building a network of supporters and new advocates, and causing good-will for the libraries and Neighborhood Services in the community. Even though Ava is always extremely busy on behalf of the library system, she makes time to address her staffs issues and concerns and never neglects to praise and encourage those who work for her. She is ever chipper and energized, and these characteristics set the tone for the rest of the staff. Although the above would be more than enough to recommend her, there's more. Ava is a visionary, and am continually amazed at her foresight and her enthusiasm for the great strides in service to the community that she is committed to making and that she aptly conveys to the staff. I consider myself lucky and privileged to have such a Director. Thank you, Jyna Jyna Scheeren, Librarian lll, Program Coordinator Neighborhood Services Department ll Manatee County Public Library System Central Library 11 1301 Barcarrota Boulevard West llBradenton, Florida 34205 Dh: 941-748-5555 x6308 jyna.scheeren@mymanatee.org www. mymanatee.org/library I