The Roaring Twen-es was aptly named due to the booming of the decade. The American economy grew, cultural shi<s led to new a=tudes, and new threats emerged due to the consequences of legisla-on and reform enacted Unit 5: Transi,on to Modern America November 10-­‐November 24 STAAR TEKS Eligible for EOC Exam Unit 5 Assignment: Transition to Modern America Unit 5 is a Self-­‐Paced Assignment: Complete all parts as listed (6) History. The student understands significant events, social issues, and individuals of the 1920s. The student is expected to (A) analyze causes and effects of events and social issues such as immigra-on, Social Darwinism, eugenics, race rela-ons, na-vism, the Red Scare, Prohibi-on, and the changing role of women; and Readiness Standard (B) analyze the impact of significant individuals such as Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan, Henry Ford, Glenn Cur-ss, Marcus Garvey, and Charles A. Lindbergh. Suppor,ng Standard (16) Economics. The student understands significant economic developments between World War I and World War II. The student is expected to (A) analyze causes of economic growth and prosperity in the 1920s, including Warren Harding’s Return to Normalcy, reduced taxes, and increased produc-on efficiencies; Suppor,ng Standard (25) Culture. The student understands the rela-onship between the arts and the -mes during which they were created. The student is expected to (A) describe how the characteris-cs and issues in U.S. history have been reflected in various genres of art, music, film, and literature; Suppor,ng Standard (B) describe both the posi-ve and nega-ve impacts of significant examples of cultural movements in art, music, and literature such as the Harlem Renaissance on American society; Readiness Standard Direc-ons: You are to work at your own pace and complete the required components below. When each and every required component is finished you may request the Unit Exam. The Unit Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, November 24; however you may take it prior to that date if you feel comfortable and confident in your prepara-on. Rewards will be offered for early test taking. Earliest possible is Nov. 19. Part I: You may choose “A” or “B” listed below. (1 FormaBve Grade) A: Outline Chapter 8 (subsec-on handout located on website) B: Do the Vocabulary defini-ons, people, and 10 ?’s on website Part II: Choose 2 from the listed acBviBes below. (2 FormaBve Grades) q Write a poem that depicts the 1920’s era (NO Haikus!) q Do a character review of a historical person from the 20’s. One page q Find a poli-cal cartoon from the 1920’s that illustrates the tone and mood of the 1920’s and review what the cartoonist is anemp-ng to say in poli-cal cartoon analysis sheet q Create a chart of events of the 1920’s and divide into 3 parts (Good, Bad, Ugly). List all events, people, laws; etc. from the 1920’s based on which category they would apply to. Part III: Review and Exam. (1 SummaBve Grade When all is finished, turn in together in one package in order. When turned in you will receive your Exam Study Guide and test when you choose to test. U n i t O u t l i n e Date Nov. 10: Nov. 11: Nov. 12: Nov. 13: Nov. 16: Nov. 17: Nov. 18: Nov. 19: Nov. 20: Nov. 23: Nov. 24: Daily Prac,ce Intro to the Twen-es NO SCHOOL/VETERANS DAY Poli-cs of the 20’s Harding and Coolidge as President TEK # Required Reading All Listed In Brief 6A, 16A 16A 260-­‐264 260-­‐264 Individual Research Day The Boom of the 20’s New Values and Clashes The Culture of the 20’s Black America during the 1920’s 16A 6A, 6B 25A, 25B 25B 265-­‐269 270-­‐274 275-­‐278 279-­‐283 Research Day/Exam Review Day Unit 5 Exam/Assignment Due All All KR Berg 2015-­‐2016