Presentation hand out - Association of American Colleges

Session: “We interrupt your regularly scheduled appointment: How Academic Affairs
Administration becomes a moving target when forced to deal with change, disruption, and
Presented by:
Jeffrey R. Breese, Ph.D., Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Rockhurst University
Michael A. Clump, Ph.D., Associate Dean, School of Graduate and Professional Studies,
Rockhurst University
Joseph Incandela, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Faculty, Saint Mary’s College
American Council on Education. 2009. “The CAO Census: A National Profile of Chief
Academic Officers.”
William Bridges. 1980. Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes. Addison-Wesley.
Jeffrey L. Buller. 2011. Academic Leadership Day by Day. Jossey-Bass.
Jeffrey L. Buller. 2007. The Essential Academic Dean. Jossey-Bass.
Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh. 1988. Becoming an Ex: The Process of Role Exit. University of
Chicago Press.
Sam Deep and Lyle Sussman. 1995. Smart Moves for People in Charge: 130 Checklists to help
you become a better leader. Perseus Books.
Ronald J. Henry. (ed.) 2006. Transitions Between Faculty and Administrative Careers. From
the series: New Directions for Higher Education. Number 134. Jossey-Bass. (Particularly
relevant in this collection: “The Rise and Fall of Administrative Careers” by William Plater.)
Samuel M. Hines, Jr. (ed). 2007. The Resource Handbook for Academic Deans. 2nd ed (3rd
addition is forthcoming). American Conference of Academic Deans. (Particularly relevant in
this handbook: “Helping Your Successor” by George Allan.)
Spencer Johnson. 1998. Who Moved My Cheese? Putnam.
Larry Nielsen 2013. Provost: Experiences, Reflections, and Advice From a Former 'Number
Two' on Campus. Stylus.
Nancy Schlossberg, Elinor B. Waters and Jane Goodman. 1995. Counseling Adults in
Transition: Linking Theory to Practice. Springer Publishing.
Charles E. Watson. 1999. What Smart People Do When Dumb Things Happen at Work: Tips
for Solving Real-World Work Problems. Barnes & Noble.
Relevant Posts from the Chronicle of Higher Education website:
Gwendolyn Evans Jensen & Lorna Duphiney Edmundson, "The Ten Commandments of
Presidential Transition" (
Becky Supiano, "Navigating a Presidential Transition"
Allison Vaillanacourt, "This is Not what I Expected" (
Gene C. Fant, "Lost in Transition," (
David Evans, "Administrative Transitions," (
Blog Posting of interest:
Alternate Careers Part II: Academic Administration
Website of interest:
American Council of Education, On Change III--Taking Charge of Change: A Primer for
Colleges and Universities, 1999
(available: This discusses how
the culture of higher education can affect, both positively and negatively, the possibilities and
processes of institutional change.