ANNUAL REPORT September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT Dear Supporters, Over the past year I’ve been reminded time and again why I joined the board of Veterans Legal Services. As an Iraq war veteran, I know firsthand the lasting impact of military service. Many of you have heard me speak openly about my experiences and the impact of post-traumatic stress. Yet, knowing what I know now, if I could go back in time, I would still join the Marine Corps again in a second. The good outweighed the bad, even on the worst days. I came home from Iraq to supportive family and friends, but many veterans are not so lucky. Whether it is a traumatic brain injury, physical disabilities, a dramatic change in income, post-traumatic stress, or just difficulty transitioning to civilian life, every day veterans deal with the lasting physical, mental, and economic consequences of service. Unfortunately, these lasting consequences can often lead to legal problems, which, if they are not addressed, are a major cause of veteran homelessness. That is why I serve as President of Veterans Legal Services (VLS). VLS’s mission is to advocate for veterans who cannot advocate for themselves. I’m excited to share this report with you about the progress VLS has made in the last year. The organization is developing new community and law firm partnerships and making a real difference in the lives of more veterans in need. Many of you already know VLS was selected as a 2014 Social Innovator by Root Cause. As a Social Innovator, VLS has the continuing opportunity to work with Root Cause’s team of seasoned professionals to plan for how we will meet the needs of veterans in the years to come. This is especially important because veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are becoming homeless faster than any prior generation of veterans. In fact, the number of these veterans who are homeless or at-risk has more than tripled in the last five years. Legal assistance is one of their top unmet needs. Veterans Legal Services knows these veterans will need our help, but our current capacity is limited and for every veteran we serve, there is another who we have to turn away. We have a plan for serving 200 more of these veterans and adding more community partner sites in the next two years, but we cannot do it alone. We need you to continue to invest in VLS so that in the future no veteran remains homeless because of a lack of legal help. Together, we can make that happen. Semper Fi, Tim McLaughlin ABOUT VETERANS LEGAL SERVICES Our Mission: To promote self-sufficiency, stability, and financial security of homeless and low-income veterans through free and accessible legal services. Through restricted funding, we also provide legal services to homeless and at risk individuals in Cambridge. FROM OUR CO-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Dear Friends, What an exciting year it has been for Veterans Legal Services! We have been honored to have the support of so many friends, both new and old, who have made it possible for us to help hundreds of veterans in need and enhance VLS’s sustainability. You may have volunteered, attended our annual gala, supported us through a grant, made a financial contribution, or introduced us to someone who could help further our mission. Without you, we would not have the continued privilege of helping veterans in need transition to a place of stability. This pas year’s progress includes being selected as one of Root Cause's 2014 Social Innovators and working with their consultants to increase capacity and accelerate VLS’s social impact. VLS also continued working with 2013-2014 Access to Justice Fellow Rosemary Allen to build VLS’s volunteer attorney program, developing new partnerships with many area law firms to expand services. VLS also secured 2014-2015 Access to Justice Fellow Jordan Krasnow, who has recruited outstanding new board and committee members to help VLS fulfill its mission. VLS is thrilled to have been awarded a Skadden Arps Fellow, Jessica Youngberg. Jessica is a former VLS law student intern and one of only twenty-eight recent law graduates nationwide to receive a 2015 Skadden Fellowship! Jessica comes from a military family and is a former VLS volunteer. We are excited to welcome her back to VLS full time for the next two years courtesy of Skadden Arps. Congratulations Jessica! As we reflect on the last year, we are continually thankful for your generosity which has allowed us to enhance capacity, keeping an open door for veterans in need. With your help, we are taking on tough cases for veterans who have been sent home from the military without the benefits and services they have earned or who are struggling with the lasting impact of their service. Now, more than ever, your support is critical to meeting this need. The number of homeless and at-risk veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan continues to grow. With your help, VLS can continue to meet the needs of veterans of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Sincerely, Anna S. Richardson Sarah Roxburgh Lucyniak PROGRAMS & SERVICES Every year VLS helps hundreds of Greater Boston’s homeless and low-income veterans, individuals, and families resolve legal issues that pose barriers to their transition from poverty or homelessness to stability and self-sufficiency. VLS clients are low income, and most are living in shelters when they receive VLS services. VETERANS LEGAL CLINICS VLS’s veterans legal clinics began 24 years ago when a group of law students observed that the residents of the New England Center for Homeless Veterans were not being served by other legal services programs. Today, drawing on the organization’s years of experience, VLS is still the only legal services organization in Greater Boston whose mission is to serve veterans in need. We believe that no man or woman who has served our country should be homeless or at risk of homelessness because of a lack of legal representation. Each year, through its on-site legal clinics, VLS staff and volunteers assist hundreds of veterans with resolving legal issues that pose barriers to self-sufficiency and the transition from homelessness. VLS staff, with the help of law student advocates, provides on-site services to veterans at the New England Center for Homeless Veterans, the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home, Massachusetts Veterans Stand Down, and Yellow Ribbon and veterans expo events for deploying and returning National Guard Members. VLS volunteer law student advocates assist VLS attorneys by interviewing clients, performing legal research, screening clients for financial and geographic eligibility, and assisting in VLS’s office. Each semester over 30 law students devote a minimum of five hours per week assisting VLS in serving its clients. VLS volunteer law students and attorneys often have a unique interest in serving veterans because of their own, or a family member’s military service. Many of VLS’s law student advocates go on to join its panel of pro bono attorneys once they graduate from law school. VLS volunteer attorneys provide legal advice and representation in collaboration with the staff, together with other supportive services providers such as the Department of Veterans Services Statewide Advocacy for Veterans Empowerment (S.A.V.E.) outreach team. At Massachusetts Veterans Stand Down, VLS staff and volunteer attorneys provided nearly 100 homeless and atrisk veterans with legal information, advice, and referrals in a single weekend. Another key part of VLS’s work is educating others on how to meet the unique legal needs of veterans and their families. VLS staff provide mentorship to volunteer attorneys and law students, and provide information and feedback to community members on the legal needs of Greater Boston’s homeless and at-risk veterans. Attorney Anna Richardson continues to be actively involved as Co-Chair of the Boston Bar Association’s Committee on Legal Services for Military Personnel, Veterans, and their Families. Attorney Richardson has also served as faculty on continuing legal education courses, bar association trainings, and other trainings to educate attorneys regarding the unique legal issues faced by veterans. COMMUNITY LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT Community Legal Assistance Services Project (“CLASP”) is devoted to serving the homeless and removing legal barriers to stable housing. Funded by a generous grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development through the City of Cambridge, our attorneys and volunteer law student advocates provide on-site legal services to homeless individuals at the Cambridge Multi-Service Center. We collaborate with Eliot Community Human Services, and Heading Home to identify individuals in need of legal services. Staff and volunteer law student advocates partner with shelter and service center staff to provide comprehensive services and improve case outcomes. SUPPORT FOR TENANTS AT RISK The Support for Tenants At Risk (“STAR”) pilot program began in July 2013 in collaboration with the Cambridge Multi-Service Center, Cambridge and Somerville Legal Services, Eliot Community Human Services, and HomeStart. Through STAR, these community partners identify tenants facing eviction whose tenancies may be preserved through legal and other assistance. Attorneys represent these clients in the Cambridge District Court, while securing financial and supportive services to allow these individuals and families to remain in their homes. “When I joined the Navy sixty-three years ago, I never thought that dedicated young people like you would have such an effect on my life. Thank you again.” - Ted, Korean War Veteran CASES Melissa* is just one example of the veterans VLS was able to serve with your help. Melissa joined the Army when she turned 18 and served on active duty from 2000 to 2008, deploying to serve in combat operations. In Iraq. When Melissa came to VLS a few years later, she was a single parent, working, going to school part-time, and living in a shelter because she was unable to make ends meet for herself and her five-year-old son. Melissa was initially referred to the Department of Revenue for assistance with obtaining child support from the child’s father, but they were unable to assist her because the child’s father was also in the military. Even though Army regulations require all servicemembers to support their children, he did not fulfill this obligation. A staff member at the Department of Veterans Affairs then referred her to VLS. With the help of VLS, Melissa was able to locate her child’s father and immediately secure financial support with assistance from the Army. VLS also assisted Melissa in obtaining a court order for support and health insurance for her son. Today, they have moved out of the shelter and have an apartment to call home. Other Case Highlights: o Overturned a Probate & Family Court judgment that violated the veteran’s constitutional rights by prohibiting him from participating in activities at his temple and with Jewish War Veterans of America. Represented the veteran before the Supreme Judicial Court, securing a key ruling on the issue of subject matter jurisdiction in interstate child support cases, an issue impacting many VLS clients. o Collaborated with Collora, LLP on a case in the Federal District Court for judicial review of a severely disabled veteran’s military discharge status. The matter is currently remanded to the Army Board of Correction of Military Records for further consideration. o Secured Chapter 115 benefits for two veterans which prevented them from losing their housing. o Obtained child support for an Army veteran whose former spouse was not fulfilling his financial obligation. o Prevented eviction of a disabled veteran, whose landlord sought to evict him because it wanted to raise the rent $100 monthly and the veteran’s supportive housing program voucher rules would not permit him to pay the increase. Matt* is another example of who the organization has helped with your support. When we met him through the walk-in clinic he was living in a garden shed with nowhere else to turn. During the incredibly cold winter, he had only a small propane heater to keep warm. Matt had become disabled and owed back child support. His child support order had been established when he was working a steady job and he needed a complex Qualified Domestic Relations Order to divide his pension and fulfill his obligation. He was so desperate he was sending his SNAP/Food Stamps to the mother of his child to help her put food on the table. After working with VLS, he was able to divide the pension, began receiving Social Security benefits, and successfully modified his child support to work towards paying off the arrears. He has applied for public housing and is eligible to receive a voucher so he will not have to spend another winter out in the cold. *Client names have been changed to protect confidentiality. INCOME & EXPENDITURES The critical work of Veterans Legal Services would not be possible without the generous support in the form of grants from the Boston Bar Foundation, the Bushrod Campbell and Adah Hall Charity Fund, the Cambridge Community Foundation, Eastern Bank, Highland Street Foundation (via Root Cause) the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Massachusetts Bar Foundation, Prosakuer, Root Cause Social Innovation Forum, and all of our private and corporate sponsors. We are also incredibly grateful to all who give online, at fundraising events, or with the gift of their time and professional services to help sustain the organization. With your help, we look forward to continuing to change lives in 2014-2015. By utilizing the services of nearly one hundred volunteer law students and attorneys each year, VLS is able to serve hundreds of clients at a very low cost per case. The end result is more value per dollar for each of our funders, public and private, together with rewarding pro bono opportunities for those wishing to give back to the community. 2013 - 2014 Income Fundraising Events & Donations - $71,467 Dept. of Housing & Urban Development $53,141 Private Philanthropy - $40,000 Dept. of Housing & Community Development $11,917 Root Cause Social Innovation Forum - $10,000 Boston Bar Foundation - $7,500 Other - $9,680 Cambridge Community Foundation - $4,500 Massachusetts Bar Foundation - $28,000 Proskauer - $2,500 Bushrod Campbell & Adah Hall Charity Fund $2,000 2013 - 2014 Expenses Attorneys & Staff - $181,046 Employee Benefits - $17,980 Insurance - $9,626 Parking & Travel - $5,013 Professional Fees & Accountant - $5,214 Postage, Printing & Copying - $4,327 Supplies - $2,007 Equipment & Storage - $2,257 Telephone, fax, website & IT - $1,860 Other - $3,923 Licensing, Dues, & Subscriptions - $955 Staff & Volunteer Training - $659 Client Fees - $116 GRANTORS & MAJOR DONORS The Dept. of Housing & Community Development The Bushrod Campbell & Adah F. Hall Charity Fund The Department of Housing & Urban Development SUSTAINING DONORS Rosemary & Dick Allen Clayton Jones & Anne Dodson James W. Down Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys Mark D. McGowan Tim McLaughlin, Esq. Prof. E. Donald Elliott & Dr. Gail Charnley Elliott Matt & Stephanie Mulligan Sacajawea Charitable Foundation Theodore Grannatt, Esq. Scott Harshbarger, Esq. Andrew & Mary von Kuhn James P. Whitters, III, Esq. FRIENDS Amanda Amendola Armed Forces Retirees Association of California William Barabino Katherine O. Beattie Margot Botsford Jesse Bousquet Gail Branchini Michael Brooks, Jr. Brown Rudnick Andrea Campbell James Campbell T.L. Carabillo Michael & Cameron Casey Ed Colbert, III Matt Cole Chris Connors Tim Cremeans Richard Curtin William Davis Julia Dunne Elizabeth Ehrlich Robert Farrell Matthew & Maria Feher Wallace Fischer Samuel Frank Tony Fuller Adam Glickman Darlene Gray Mike Hackett Michael Harney Robert Harper-Mangels Nick Henry David & Constance Hetzel Chester & Stephanie Hooper Alyssa Horton Fred Kemper Ellen Kief Philip Klibansky Alice Laffey Amber Lane Dan LaPenta Doug & Cindy Lareau Samuel Lee Leerink Family Foundation Sharon Lewis Daniel Losk David MacDonald Deborah Maniace-Ireland MassChallenge James Mathiesen Andrew McCawley Joe & Lorna McCoy John McCoy Kathleen McGonagle Connor McLaughlin Keith McLaughlin Philip McLaughlin McLaughlin Law Office Brian McLaughlin, Jr. Brian McLaughlin, Sr. FRIENDS Brian Melanson Kelsey Montgomery Susan Moore Lynne Mulkerrin Coleman Nee Nigro Family Foundation Christopher Nyberg Katherine O’Beattie A. Pierre & Jane Olney Clare Pastore Jonathan D. Paul William & Patricia Peterson John Pollock Robert Popeo, Jr. Padmaja Raman Thomas Redekopp Jack Regan Nancy Richter Allan Ryan Eric Sample Caleb Schillinger Ivy Schram Debra Schwartz Erica Schwarz David Shapira Daniel Shea Robert K. Sheridan & Jean O’Hara Sheridan Charitable Trust Robert O. & Catherine Sheridan Wendy Silverman Rita Simpson Sean Small John & Lisa Sterrett Jeffrey Strom Sugarman & Sugarman J. Colin Sullivan Jane Collins Sullivan John J. Sullivan The Sym Family Jennifer Tabak Jane Tewksbury Elnaz Teymouri Mary Shannon Thomas Sharon Toffler Warren Tolman Trip Advisor Stan Troisi Haig der Manuelian Ttee Jennie Van Cleef Jennel Vendola Kurt Ward Travis Weiner Julie White James P. Whitters, III Christine Wichers Michelle Wolf Michelle Wong Brandon & Jessica Youngberg Hans & Ann Ziegler STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Sarah Roxburgh Lucyniak, Esq. Co-Executive Director Anna S. Richardson, Esq. Co-Executive Director Eve Elliott, Esq. Staff Attorney Rosemary Allen, Esq. 2013 – 2014 Access to Justice Fellow Volunteer Attorney Coordinator Jordan Krasnow, Esq. 2014-2015 Access to Justice Fellow Sean Small Northeastern Law School Co-op “It was a absolute pleasure working with you. My time at VLS was truly the most formative of my legal training to date. On behalf of all veterans thank you for what you do.” - Sean, VLS Volunteer & USMC OIF Veteran VOLUNTEERS PRO BONO ATTORNEYS Beth Ahern, Esq. Dick Allen, Esq. Steven Ayr, Esq. Tom Beauvais, Esq. Jesse Bousquet, Esq. Tim Braughler, Esq. Ann Brennan, Esq. Cameron Casey, Esq. Christie Charles, Esq. Gene Charny, Esq. Jennifer Ewing, Esq. Jennifer Fahey, Esq. Michael Fay, Esq. Megan Froemming, Esq. Larisa Freyman, Esq. Tony Fuller, Esq. Jim Gallagher, Esq. Isaac Garcia-Dale, Esq. Lynn Girton, Esq. Lane Goldberg, Esq. Patrick Halasz, Esq. Jon Hayden, Esq. Lisa Hewitt, Esq. Michael Homer, Esq. Susan Howards, Esq. Michelle Kalas, Esq. Michelle Keith, Esq. Fred Kemper, Esq. Ellen Kief, Esq. Anna Klimas, Esq. Dan LaPenta, Esq. Don Lassman, Esq. Bill Lovett, Esq. Gregory Lucyniak, Esq. Philip Madell, Esq. Louis Manzo, Esq. Brian McLaughlin, Jr., Esq. Kelsey Montgomery, Esq. Jon O’Connor, Esq. William Palin, Esq. David Phalen, Esq. Diane Pires, Esq. Jamieson Porter, Esq. Clarence Richardson, Jr., Esq. Ethan Ritterhaus, Esq. Ivy Schram, Esq. Daniel Shea, Esq. Chuck Sheehan, Esq. David Soutter, Esq. Chuck Sheehan, Esq. Eve Slattery, Esq. Heidi Struse, Esq. Glen Tagliamonte, Esq. Sharon Toffler, Esq. Michelle Wolf, Esq. VOLUNTEERS & LAW STUDENT ADVOCATES Sara Afshar Fred Arens Melissa Baldwin Chris Barnett Rajat Bhardwaj Anne Marie Martin Amanda Casselman Ellen McClintock Christine Donovan David Owens Elizabeth Parisi Matt Douglass Jessica Drew Cristine Poole Denis Egorov Maria Ramrath Edward Eiffler Anthony Rizzo Anthony Francomacaro Amy Robinson Greg Galizio Sean Small Kyle Garry Caitlin Tompkins Brett Higgins Special thanks to our 2014 Summer Interns! Samantha Lyons BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tim McLaughlin, Esq., President Jennifer Glanville Holland & Knight The Boston Beer Company U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Matthew Hurley, Esq. Mintz Levin Ted Grannatt, Esq., Secretary McCarter & English, LLP U.S. Navy Veteran Robert Sheridan, Esq. Mintz Levin Clayton Jones, Treasurer ClearTrail Capital U.S. Army Veteran Jonathan Sym Evermedia Biometrics Corporation U.S. Navy Reserve Aaron Bates AllianceBernstein David Bizar, Esq. Seyfarth Shaw, LLP U.S. Army Veteran Kristen Kuliga, Esq. K Sports & Entertainment, LLC CAPT Mary Jo Majors South Cove Community Health Center Nurse Corps, U.S. Navy Reserve (RET.) Brian McLaughlin, Jr., Esq. Law Offices of Brian McLaughlin COMMITTEE MEMBERS Rosemary Allen, Esq. Mintz Levin (Retired) Event Committee Member Dominic Amenta DPA Communications Event Committee Member Abby Porosky AMM Team Event Committee Member James P. Whitters, III, Esq. The Alkalol Corporation Fundraising Committee Member Wendy Silverman, Esq. President 2008-2011 State Street Bank & Trust Co. Veterans Legal Services 885 Centre Street Newton, MA 02459 Special thanks to our print sponsor: 376 Arsenal Street • Watertown, MA 02472 • (617) 924-4091