In This Issue - Bensenville Community Public Library

May/june 2014
Park District Summer Camps Begin June 4
Reserve by 6 p.m. Friday, May 16, 2014 and save $10 on each (10 day) session
reserved for Adventure, Sports & Teen Camps.
The Bensenville Park District Day
Camp Program offers a noncompetitive
atmosphere where youngsters can
socially interact and participate in a
variety of activities.
Kids ages 6 to 10 will enjoy either
Adventure Camp or Sports Camp and
children ages 11 to 15 will like the
variety of activities offered at Teen
. Food and drink specials
. New menu
. Craft beers
Parents now have the ability to pick
and choose your days each time you
register at the Thursday deadline.
There is also the opportunity to secure
before and after camp extended care
services for your child(ren).
Ask about our pre-camp days, June 4
through June 6 and make sure to mark
your calendars for Camp Open House
on Saturday, May 31 at 1 p.m.!
. New bar area seating
. Multiple HDTV screens
. Patio dining
Visit for the new menu and hours of operation.
Our Band Series is back by popular demand! Local bands will perform on 37’s
patio. Dancing will be encouraged! Food and beverage will be available for
purchase but entrance to the event is free of charge. In case of rain the event
will be moved to the banquet room.
The statements and opinions expressed in this newsletter do not reflect the views, opinions,
thoughts or beliefs of each member organization. The member organizations are not responsible
for opinions or statements made individually or by other organizations. To submit information for
this newsletter, contact Deadline for June/July is June 9.
Spring Concerts
Enjoy the talents of Bensenville
students at the annual spring
concerts held in May.
Fenton High School hosts
the spring choral concert at 7
p.m. May 5
Fenton High School band
concert at 7 p.m May 7
District 2 Band Festival, 6:30
p.m. May 6 at Blakchawk
Middle School
Garden Club Spring
Luncheon & Sale
The Garden Club of Bensenville
will hold its annual Spring
Luncheon at at 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, May 8 at Monty’s.
The guest speaker will be Nancy
Carroll, presenting the program
“Summer Fun - Secrets from the
Garden.” For ticket information
contact Val Karg 630-766-7233.
The Garden Club’s Annual Plant
Sale is from 9 a.m. to noon
on Saturday, May 17 at the
Bensenville Library. Homemade
baked goods will also be available
for sale.
Carnival is back!
Summer Celebration Carnival will
be held at Town Center May 1517. See page 8 for details.
In This Issue
Music in the 2
Summer packed with 4
Fenton’s 6
Tioga Open 8
Mother’s Day 10
Carrier Route Presort
Postal Customer
Bensenville, IL 60106
210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 60106
Bensenville School District 2
Presort Standard
US Postage
Permit No. 122
Bensenville, IL
Music in the Park & Farmer’s Market
Everyone’s favorite free, family summer concert series, Music in the Park,
begins June 11 and has something to offer for all musical tastes.
Village of Bensenville
Favorite Bensenville restaurants will sell dinner and dessert items, so families
can have ‘dinner in the park’ prior to the concert. Early in the evening, there will
be free carriage rides and an artist drawing caricatures for kids of all ages. Each
concert night will also include a Classic Car Night. There is always a 50/50
split the pot raffle that benefits our local food pantry and service organizations.
New this year is Bensenville’s first Farmer’s Market.The Farmer’s Market
will be located in Downtown Bensenville on Railroad Avenue between Center
Street and York Road on Wednesdays from 3 until 8 pm. You’ll be able to
browse fresh produce and specialty foods during the day and then enjoy our
popular concert series in the evening.
12 S. Center Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
Frank Soto
L i f e l o n g
L e a r n i n g
C o m m u n i t y
Morris Bartlett
Susan Janowiak
Robert Jarecki
Martin O’Connell
JoEllen Ridder
Henry Wesseler
Village Clerk
Ilsa Rivera Trujillo
Village Manager
Michael Cassady
Tall Grass Reminder
Spring has finally arrived, which
means the grass and weeds will be
growing rapidly once again. Village
Ordinances require vegetation to
be maintained at a level under 8” in
height. In an effort to help Village Staff
in the supervision of all properties
within the Village, please contact us at
630.350.3413 to report any properties
that may be vacant or falling behind
in their maintenance responsibilities.
Staff can be dispatched to provide a
friendly reminder to properties of their
maintenance responsibilities. Thank
you for your assistance in helping to
keep Bensenville a beautiful place to
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Spring Brush Pick up
The Independence Day Parade
will step off at 10 a.m. Friday,
July 4 from Downtown Bensenville. The parade, featuring some
of the best bands, floats, and entertainment from around the region, will end at Redmond Park
where Libertyfest will be held.
Unbundled brush and branches will be collected from single-family residences
five times this year by Village Staff. For collection, brush must be placed at the
curb for collection no later than 6 a.m. on Monday of the scheduled removaldate in neat, manageable piles. Place the cut ends of brush and branches facing
the street. Individual branches must not exceed six inches in diameter or ten
feet in length. Please do not bundle brush and branches. Root balls cannot be
collected. To discard of root balls, place small ones inside of your trash container and larger ones next to your container. You may place brush on the parkway for collection beginning the Friday before the scheduled collection week.
Please note that each street will receive a single collection during a scheduled
week and that placing brush or branches out after the deadline can result in a citation and no service. The current brush collection program has been increased
in 2014 to five pickups: Late Spring Collection begins May 27, 2014
There will be live entertainment,
food and drink throughout the
festival followed by a mega-fireworks display at 9:30 p.m. A parade route map and activities will
be posted on the Village website,
Community Yard
Sale June 12-15
Please contact the Public Works Department at (630) 350-3435 with questions.
Vehicle Sticker Reminder-Last Day June 30
Residents are encouraged to
clean up and cash in by holding
yard sales the weekend of June
12-15! The more yard sales held,
the more buyers will come to our
community. Complete a Yard
Sale application and obtain a free
yard sale permit from Village
Hall at 12 South Center Street or
online at
Call 630-594-1010.
All vehicles registered or housed in the Village of Bensenville must purchase
and display a vehicle sticker. Vehicle Stickers must be purchased by June 30.
New residents and new vehicle purchases do not need to pay a penalty as long
as the sticker is purchased within 30 days of move-in date, or the date the new
vehicle was purchased. Vehicle sticker applications and instructions are available online at Vehicle stickers can be purchased at Village Hall. For more information call 630-766-8200.
Fee Schedule through June 30 (After June 30 late fees apply)
Passenger Car & RV................................................................................. $30
Senior Citizen (limit 2 stickers, 65 years and older)...................................$1
Senior Citizen
Monthly Lunches
Motorcycles............................................................................................... $20
Active Deployed Servicemen/Women and Disabled Veterans
(Max. 2 per household) ..............................................................................$5
Bensenville residents ages 55 and
over are invited to lunch the first
Tuesday of every month at Monty’s Banquet Hall.The cost is $4
for a great meal, raffle prizes,and
bingo.Doors open at 10 a.m. and
lunch begins at 11 a.m. Call (630)
Disabled Individuals on the Dept. of Aging “Circuit Breaker Program”
(Max. 2 per household) ..............................................................................$5
Truck B.....................................................................................................$49
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LibertyFest & 4th
of July Parade
From April through November Allied Waste will remove individual branches
that are less than three feet in length and one inch in diameter on regular trash
collection day in biodegradable paper bags or garbage cans with two “Yard
Waste Only” labels attached. Allied Waste collects these branches with other
residential yard waste. Bundled brush and branches will not be collected.
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Upcoming Programs
Bensenville Reads - Meet the Author: Friday, May 9 @ 7 p.m.
The Bensenville Library and the Bensenville Arts Council are proud to
announce the 9th annual Bensenville Reads program! This year we will
be reading Dollface by Renée Rosen. A limited number of free copies are
available at the library. The Bensenville Reads celebration will take place on
Friday, May 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the library. Join us as we welcome Renée
Rosen for a discussion, book signing, and reception.
Rich Lindberg & White Sox Baseball: Tuesday, May 13 @ 7 p.m.
Join the library as we welcome White Sox historian Rich Lindberg for an
evening of everything White Sox. He is the author of five books on White Sox
history, including his most recent 600-page tome Total White Sox.
200 S. Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
Mon-Thurs................... 9am-9pm
Friday........................... 9am-5pm
Saturday....................... 9am-5pm
Sunday......................... 1pm-5pm
A History of H.H. Holmes: Tuesday, May 20 @ 7 p.m.
Join us in welcoming John Borowski as he discusses the history of H.H.
Holmes, “America’s First Serial Killer.” John is an award winning independent
filmmaker whose works have garnered international acclaim. You may also
remember when John worked here in Bensenville at the cable department!
L e a r n i n g
Board of Trustees
Norbert Banaszynski, President
Susan Z. Diamond, Vice President
Susan Earley, Treasurer
Nancy Rizzo, Secretary
Kim Glomp
Elaine Reiland
Mandi Zalewski
L i f e l o n g
C o m m u n i t y
Bensenville Community
Public Library
Jill Rodriguez, Library Director
Thursdays in the Garden
Our popular Thursdays in the Garden series is back! All programs begin at 7
p.m. and will be held in the library’s Garden of Knowledge. We’ll move inside
if there is bad weather! No registration required to attend.
Healthy Dining in the Garden - June 12
Books in the Garden - June 19
Teen Craft Night in the Garden - June 26
(more dates in July)
Used Book Sale
Computer Classes
This summer we are offering a variety
of computer classes to improve your
technological skills! Space is limited
in these classes - a reservation and a
refundable $5 deposit is required to
attend. You must register in person at
the Adult Services Desk.
Saturday, May 17
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Hardbound books $1
Paperbacks 40 cents each or 3/$1
VIP Sale:
Friday, May 16
Classes include: Intro to Computing,
Intro to WordPress, Microsoft
Publisher, LinkedIn, Facebook,
Intro, Intermediate, and Advanced
Photoshop, Microsoft Word, as well
as Tech Drop-In
6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
$5 donation and you must have your
Bensenville Library card!
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Teen Job Fair
Saturday, May 10
from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Teens (16-19) are invited to come
and speak with local businesses about
summer job opportunites!
Teens are encouraged to dress in
business casual attire. If you have a
resume, bring a copy or two! Need
help setting up or putting a resume
together? Email localjobs@benlib.
org or speak with Parish Turner to set
up an appointment!
Second Sundays at Korthauer Log House
Paws to Read: Summer Reading Program
Based on the Book
Readers of all ages are invited to join the library’s summer reading program,
Paws to Read! This year we are doing something a bit different. Instead of
traditional reading logs, participants will receive reading BINGO cards. For
kids, each BINGO earns the reader a prize as well as chances in the grand prize
drawing. The requirement for adults participating is that all of the BINGO
spaces must be filled, or “blackout.” Once you complete all of the spaces on
the BINGO card, adults will receive ONE entry in the grand prize drawing for
Join the Bensenville Library the
third Thursday of every month at
7 p.m. at the Bensenville Theatre.
Admission to the show is free!
May 15 - Stand by Me
June 19 - Cider House Rules
Registration for the summer reading program begins June 1 and runs through
June 30. The last day to turn in your summer reading BINGO card is July 31.
LEGO Block Party
Friday, June 20 @ 6 p.m.
Stay tuned for more information about our Kick-Off Event on June 1!
June 10 to July 31
Calling all parents! Help your kids
say no to the summer slide. Kids ages
5 to 8 are invited to join us every
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
morning at 10:30 a.m. for activites
that will help them strengthen their
writing, math, and creative skills. No
registration required!
Tuesdays: writing
Wednesdays: math
Thursdays: art
Children five and under are invited
to visit our Early Learning Center
weekday afternoons for a new
program, ARTsy Smartsy Kids. Each
day will feature a different type of
project. Participants are encouraged
to wear clothing they won’t mind
getting messy.
Park Play
Do you love LEGOs? Are you a
master builder? Join us at this LEGO
after hours event! We will feature a
showing of LEGO Star Wars: The
Yoda Chronicles, followed by a
special building challenge. Space is
limited, and registration is required
to attend. Priority will be given to
Bensenville Library cardholders.
Tuesdays at 1 p.m.
June 10 - July 29
Join us every Tuesday at 1 p.m.
for an hour of LEGO building fun.
Compete in our weekly building
challenge or use our assortment of
bricks and elements for your own
free build! This is a drop-in program
and registration is not required.
Twenty builders will be accepted!
June 6 to August 1: Children between the ages of 2 and 5 are invited to join
us on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. at Sunset Park for Park Play, the library’s outdoor
playgroup. Socialize with other parents and caregivers while your child enjoys
sunshine, fresh, air, as well as active, manipulative, and sensory play. Note:
Park Play will relocate to the library’s meeting room in inclement weather.
B e n s e n v i l l e
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May 6 - Frozen
June 3 - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
July 13: 2 - 4 p.m. Butter churning | August 10: 2- 4 p.m. Weaving
Weekdays from 3 - 5 p.m.
June 2 to August 1
Join the Bensenville Library the first
Tuesday of every month at 7p.m.
at the Bensenville Theatre for a
showing of our favorite family films.
Admission to the show is free!
June 8: 2 - 4 p.m. Jam and jelly making
Library Learners
Family Movie Night
Beginning in June the Korthauer Log House will be open the second Sunday of
every month with programs and themes focused on lifestyles of families living
in the Bensenville area in the 1840s/1850s. Stop by the unique log house at 900
West Wood Street, learn some history, and enjoy activities organized by library
staff and volunteers.
ARTsy Smartsy Kids
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L e a r n i n g
L i f e l o n g
Each year, Fenton administrators and faculty select senior students who represent
Fenton’s Finest. This honor is based on dependability, service, scholarship,
leadership and citizenship. The following students were named Fenton’s Finest
for the 2013-2014 school year:
1000 W. Green Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
L e a r n i n g
C o m m u n i t y
Board of Education
Mary Rivera, President
David Vogel, Vice President
Laura Wassinger, Secretary
Dorothy Lange
Thomas Lawler
Susan Ralph
David Sbertoli
Dr. Kathie Pierce, Superintendent
Mr. Todd Leden, Principal
Ms. Jane Lawnicki,
Director of Business Operations
Calendar Reminders
Thursday, May 1
Cheyenne Hull
Paige Ramirez
Demetra Arianas
Samuel Huntowski
Norman Reyes
Martyna Brzys
Zachary Jakalski
Daniel Ritchason
Lucas Buchacz
Sara Kochanski
Nathan Rivera
Grace Burris
Kayla Kottra
Roger Roque
Zuzanna Ciezkowska
Grzegorz Krzywicki
Rahi Shah
Dana Coons
Kayla Lampert
Rohan Shivde
Kyle Demauro
Kevin Lelito
Cristian Silva
Victoria Depa
Jakub Lewandowski
Mark Sullivan
Phillip Espinoza
Brandon Martin
Natalia Szafraniec
Rodrigo Estrada
Pamela Martinez
Niko Urriola
Daniel Franchi
Selena Mendoza
Alec Wasowicz
Vildana Golubovic
Jonathan Mercado
Amy Wasowicz
Allison Grant
Kandy Mora
Alissa Whyte
Rocco Guarino
Victoria Parenti
Daniel Wiggin
Valentina Guarino
Vairagi Patel
Maciej Zielinski
Angelica Halatek
Taylor Patton
Journeyman Trades Fair at FHS
Monday, May 5
Spring Choral Concert 7 p.m.
Wednesday, May 7
Spring Band Concert 7 p.m.
Sunday, May 18
Commencement (Ticket Required)
May 27 - 29
Final Exams
L i f e l o n g
Julissa Aquino
28th Annual Fenton Art Festival
Summer School
Session 1
June 9 - 26
The District 100 Board of Education
will hold regular business meetings
on May 19 and June 23 at 7 p.m. in
the board room at Fenton Community
High School. Parents and community
members are invited to attend.
B e n s e n v i l l e
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Class of 2014 Fenton’s Finest
Fenton Community High
School District 100
In April, Fenton students
had an opportunity to attend
a Journeyman Trades Fair
sponsored by the Construction
Industry Service Corporation
(CISCO) and Education to
from a variety of union
trade occupations including
decorators and painters
presented in a trade show
format in the Fenton Field
House. Tom Villanova, president of the Building and Construction Trades
Council and Dan Allen, executive director for CISCO were impressed by the
Fenton students. The fair will be expanded in the future to include more career
options for students to explore.
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The Fenton Academic Team finished
its best season to date after winning
the Metro Suburban Conference
Championship for the third straight
year and winning the IHSA Regional
Championship for the first time in
Fenton school history. The team,
which is ranked among the top
quizbowl teams in the nation,
competes in Scholastic Bowl and
quizbowl events that can be compared
to a team version of the popular game
show, Jeopardy! Events pair high
school teams against each other to answer questions about literature, math, science, history, art, music, sports, and a
variety of other subjects. The team is led by senior Greg Krzywicki, who was voted a Scholastic Bowl All-State player
for the second year after setting a new school record answering more than 2,300 questions in his four years on the
team. The team is under the direction of Mike Laudermith, Jon Aguilar and Anthony Daccardo.
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L e a r n i n g
Academic Team Celebrates Most Successful Season
L i f e l o n g
As an added treat, students enrolled in Angela Nelson’s Mini Restaurant course (pictured above) prepared an elaborate
dessert buffet. As a thank you, the group from Groenhorst Maartensdijk, a school district in the Netherlands, gave each
student a mini backpack.
Based on the recommendation of the Illinois Postive Behavoir Interventions and Supports (PBIS) network, 26 educators
from the Netherlands selected Fenton High School as a school to visit to learn more about PBIS best practices.The
Fenton PBIS program, Be REAL, has shown to be successful with a decrease in office referrals, tardies to class and
adding to an overall positive atmosphere at Fenton. FHS dean, Eric Koranda and school psychologist, Lisa Raufeisen
took the group through the five year history of Be REAL, answered questions and took the group on a school tour.
The group was not only impressed by the Be REAL program, they also commented on how many students were still
actively engaged in learning after school through athletics and activities.
C o m m u n i t y
International Educators Visit to See Be REAL Initiative in Action
C o m m u n i t y
L e a r n i n g
May 15-18
Bensenville Town Square
210 S. Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
L i f e l o n g
r Celebratio
Bensenville Elementary
School District 2
12 S. Center Street
Board of Education
Games! Rides! Food! Fun for all ages!
Patty Reyes, President
Kathie Bossier, Vice Pres.
Jorge Sanchez, Treasurer
Cindee Hazen, Secretary
Bob Laudadio
Donna Prunotto
Nancy Quinn
4-10 p.m. Thursday May 15; 4-11 p.m. Friday, May 16
noon-11 p.m. Saturday, May 17; noon-10 p.m. Sunday, May 18
Unlimited Ride Special-$20: 5-10 p.m. Thursday or
noon to 4 p.m. Saturday
Mega Pass = Unlimited Rides, All 4 days! --$45 pre-sale or $50 during the
event. Contact: District 2 office, 210 S. Church Road, by May 12 for presale
Dr. James Stelter,
Dr. Kay Dugan
Asst. Supt. for Learning
Paul Novack
Chief Financial Officer
Directory of Schools
Blackhawk Middle School
Perry Finch Co-Principal
Sarah Humboldt, Co-Principal
Tarah Fowler, Asst. Principal
W. A. Johnson School
Missy Baglarz, Co-Principal
Jason Smith, Co-Principal
Blackhawk Bands Receive Top Rating
Congratulations to the 6th and 7th/8th Grade Bands at Blackhawk Middle
School, for earning the highest rating at the Illinois Grade School Music
Association District Festival March 22 at Clarendon Hills Middle School.
Both bands earned a Division 1 rating, the highest of three ratings for their
performance, which was judged by music educators. Mr. George Andrikokus
directs the 6th grade band and Mr. Bill Winters directs the 7th/8th grade band.
Tioga School
Nicole Robinson, Co-Principal
David Rojas, Co-Principal
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Legacy Bricks
on Sale for $25
Tioga School Open House
& Surplus Sale
1-4 p.m. Sunday, May 4
Have your name or personalized
inscription be part of the legacy
plaza installed in front of either
Tioga or Johnson School.
Proceeds will be used for a legacy
project that will commemorate
the history and embrace the
future of Tioga School and W.A.
Johnson School.
History of Tioga School began in 1931*
Tioga School opened in 1931 with just six classrooms, the rest of the building
was an unfinished shell. Two classrooms on the second floor were finished
in 1935 to meet needs of total enrollment of 545 students between Tioga and
Green Street School, which was built in 1917. As school enrollment grew, the
rest of the building was finished.
Download an order form at
District 100 was organized in 1925 with the new high school. Fenton High
School broke ground in 1954. Upon its completion, a special election was held
to sell the old high school building to District 2. It became Blackhawk Junior
High School. In the fall of 1965, the junior high moved to the current building
on Church Road and the York Road building became Chippewa School.
Chippewa School closed in 2012 when the first phase of the Tioga School was
completed. It was demolished in fall, 2012.
Important Dates
No School-Teacher Institute Friday, May 2
Board of Education - 7 p.m. May 7
& 12, June 4 & 18
New era begins supporting 21st Century Learning
The public is invited on May 4 from 1 to 4 p.m to take a walk through the
historic halls of Tioga School, reconnect with old friends and snap photos and
share stories before the school is torn down. Surplus items will also be for sale
in the gym.
8th grade Promotion Ceremony 7 p.m. June 2 at Fenton High School
Last Day of School - June 3
The new Tioga School joins with the new W.A. Johnson School to realize
a district goal set over ten years ago to support student achievement in
collaborative, 21st Century facilities.
First Day of School in 2014-15 Aug. 15
*compiled from the 1976 bi-centennial publication, “Bensenville” by Martha
Kirker Jones
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District 2 was organized in 1885. A new Bensenville Community High School
opened in 1926 in what later became Blackhawk Junior High and finally
Chippewa School on York Road.
L i f e l o n g
L e a r n i n g
In 1945, voters approved a tax levy to expand Tioga and Green Street Schools
and build a seven-room school in the Mohawk subdivision. W.A. Johnson
School was built in 1958.
C o m m u n i t y
Now through May 4 purchase a
legacy brick for half price -- just
White Pines
White Pines
Golf Club & Banquets
Golf Club & Banquets
500 W. Jefferson, Bensenville
630-766-0304 x2 |
500 W. Jefferson St.
Open May 24 - August 19
Don’t miss our Summer Kick-Off
Celebration 5 - 10 p.m. on June 6.
Enjoy free admission to the Water
Park, music, games, entertainment
and Movies in the Park. Make sure to
purchase your Water Park pass, sign
up for swim lessons, and reserve your
Water Park party today.
Youth Golf at White Pines
Introduce your child to the fundamentals of golf.
Registration begins May 1, register at the White
Pines Pro Shop, forms may be downloaded at
John Wassinger, President
Tom Earley, Vice President
Jim Geils, Treasurer
Ken Anderson, Commissioner
Dawn Hach, Commissioner
Junior Boys & Girls Camp, ages 7-16
Monday - Thursday, June 23-26
Tee Time For Tots, ages 4-6
Thursdays, June 26-July 31
Rick Robbins
Youth Boys & Girls League, ages 7-16
Tuesdays, July 1-29
Enjoy these free events! Fischer Farm is located at 16W680 Old Grand Avenue.
L i f e l o n g
L e a r n i n g
C o m m u n i t y
Saturday, June 28 | 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Varble Park, behind Deer Grove Leisure Center
Bring your 2 and 4 legged family members to a
tail wagging fun day for all. Featuring:
. 1 mile walk/parade
. fashion show
. talent show
. obstacle course area
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Giants in the Park | 1-2:30 p.m. May 10
Learn the stories of the people that these statues depict as well as the sculptors
who executed these works from the author Krista August.
Grand Army of the Republic | 1-2:30 p.m. May 31
A presentation on the Grand Army of the Republic and its impact on post-Civil
War America.
Civil War Reenactment | 10 a.m.-4 p.m. June 21 & 10 a.m.-3 p.m. June 22
Walk into the early 1860s and see firsthand what the life of a soldier was like.
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FHS Commencement Noon
Advanced Photoshop, 2pm
Tech Drop-In, 3:30-5pm
Summer Celebration Carnival noon-10pm Town Center
Mother’s Day Brunch,
9:30am-2:30pm White Pines
Microsoft Publisher, 2pm
Tech Drop-In, 3:30-5pm
Memorial Day - Village,
schools and library closed
FHS Board of Ed. 7pm
Library Board Mtg., 7:30pm
CDC Mtg 6:30pm VH
BBAA Board Meeting 7pm
DGLC– see www.bbaasports.
Red Hat Ladies Mtg, 6:15pm
FHS Spring Choral Concert
Lit Chicks, 7pm BCPL
Tioga School Community
Open House & Surplus Sale,
Microsoft Word, 2pm BCPL
FHS Final Exams
Hard-Boiled, 7pm BCPL
Village Comm Mtgs 6pm VH
Village Bd of Trustees Mtg
6:30pm VH
H.H. Holmes w/ John
Borowski, 7pm BCPL
Quilters, 7pm BCPL
Village Comm Mtgs 6pm VH
Rich Lindberg/White Sox,
7pm BCPL
Village Comm Mtgs 6pm VH
Village Bd of Trustees Mtg
6:30 pmVH
Senior Citizen Luncheon
11am Monty’s
BSD2 District Band Festival,
6:30pm BMS
Family Movie, 7pm BV
Quilters, 7pm BCPL
FHS Final Exams
Book Brunch, 10am BCP
Play to Learn, 10:30am BCPL
Play to Learn, 10:30am BCPL
Intro to Computing, 6:30pm
BSD2 Board of Ed 7pm LLC
Play to Learn, 10:30am BCPL
BPD Board Meeting, 6pm
Tech Drop-In, 5-7pm BCPL
Intro to Photoshop, 7pm BCPL
Play to Learn, 10:30am BCPL
BSD2 COW , 6:30pm LLC
Intro to Computing, 6:30pm
FHS Spring Band Concert 7pm
May 2014
FHS Final Exams
Tech Drop-In, 5-7pm BCPL
Facebook, 7pm BCPL
Intro to Computing, 6:30pm
Based on the Book, 7pm BV
Tech Drop-In, 5-7pm BCPL
Interm. Photoshop, 7pm BCPL
FHS Senior Awards Night
Summer Celebration Carnival
5-10pm Town Center
Garden Club Annual Luncheon
11:30 am, Monty’s
Intro to Computing, 6:30pm
BCPL Crafts/Pinterest, 7pm
Adult Book Disc., 7pm BCPL
FHS National Honor Society
Ceremony 7:30pm
Tech Drop-In, 5-7pm BCPL
Intro to WordPress, 7pm BCPL
WAJohnson Open House, 6pm
FHS Art Show 7:30pm
VIP Book Sale, 6-7:30pm
Summer Celebration Carnival
5-11pm Town Center
BV Reads Celebration, 7pm
BSD2 No School - Teacher
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Grand Army of the Republic,
1-2:30pm Fischer Farm
Season Opening, 11am-8pm
Water Park
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Garden Club Plant Sale 9amnoon BCPL
Book Sale, 9am-3pm BCPL
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Summer Celebration Carnival
noon-11pm Town Center
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Teen Job Fair, 11am-2pm
Giants in the Park, 1-2:30pm
Fischer Farm
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Civil War Reenactment, 10am3pm Fischer Farm
Advanced Photoshop, 2pm
Tech Drop-In, 3:30-5pm BCPL
Microsoft Word, 2pm BCPL
Tech Drop-In, 3:30-5pm BCPL
FHS Summer Session ends
Jr. Golf Camp Begins,
8-9:30am White Pines
Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL
Growing Readers, 10:30am
Tech Drop-In, 5-7pm BCPL
Intro to WordPress, 7pm BCPL
Library Learners - For Kids ages 5 to 8 years old every
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10:30 a.m. from June
10 to July 31 for activities that will help them strengthen their
writing, math, and creative skills.
Park Play, 10:30am Sunset
Park Play, 10:30am Sunset
LEGO Block Party, 6pm BCPL
Park Play, 10:30am Sunset Pk
Community online calendar
Rotary Club meets the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m at
Two Chefs
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Dog Daze, 10am-1pm Varble
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Civil War Reenactment, 10am4pm Fischer Farm
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Community Shred Event,
12:30-2pm DGLC
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Sat Builders, 2pm BCPL
Creative Creatures, 9am-5pm
Kiwanis Club meets at 6:30 p.m. every Monday at Mama Maria’s.
Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL
Grwing Rders, 10:30am BCPL
Tee Time for Tot Begins, 9:3010am White Pines
Intro to Comp, 6:30pm BCPL
Teen Craft Night in the Garden,
7pm BCPL
Play to Learn, 10:30am BCPL
Farmer’s Market 3-8pm
Mentor Band @ Music in the
Park, 6:30pm
Intro to Computing, 6:30pm
Grwing Rders, 10:30am BCPL
Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL
Bks in the Garden, 7pm BCPL
Based on Book, 7pm BV Thre
Inter. Photoshop, 7pm BCPL
Tech Drop-In, 5-7pm BCPL
Grwing Rders, 10:30am BCPL
Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL
Intro to Comp, 6:30pm BCPL
Healthy Dining, 7pm BCPL
Crafts/Pinterest, 7pm BCPL
Play to Learn, 10:30am BCPL
Farmer’s Market 3-8pm
BPD Board Meeting, 5:30pm
Tech Drop-In, 5-7pm BCPL
Intro to Photoshop, 7pm
BSD2 Board of Ed 7pm LLC
Play to Learn, 10:30am BCPL
Farmer’s Market 3-8pm
Intro to Computing, 6:30pm
Summer Kick-Off Celebration,
5-10pm Water Park
Movies in the Park, Dusk10pm Water Park
Park Play, 10:30am Sunset
Park District Free Fitness Week, Deer Grove Leisure Center
Play to Learn, 10:30am BCPL
BPD Board Meeting, 5:30pm
Tech Drop-In, 5-7pm BCPL
Facebook, 7pm BCPL
BSD2 Board of Ed 6:30pm
ARTsy Smartsy Kids - weekdays 3-5 p.m at the libary. New
projects every day
Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL
LEGO Club, 1pm BCPL
Hard-Boiled, 7pm BCPL
Village Comm Mtgs 6pm VH
Village Bd of Trustees Mtg
6:30pm VH
Library Board, 7:30pm BCPL
CDC Mtg 6:30PM VH
Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL
LEGO Club, 1pm BCPL
Quilters, 7pm BCPL
Village Comm Mtgs 6pm VH
Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL
LEGO Club, 1pm BCPL
Village Comm Mtgs 6pm VH
Village Bd of Trustees Mtg
6:30pm VH
Summer Camps & Swim Lessons Begin, Various Water Park
BSD2 & FHS Summer Session
BBAA Board Meeting 7pm
DGLC– see www.bbaasports.
BSD2 Last Day of School
Tales for Tots 10:30am BCPL
Senior Citizen Luncheon 11am
Family Movie, 7pm BV Theatre
Quilters, 7pm BCPL
Red Hat Ladies Mtg, 6:15pm
LinkedIn, 7pm BCPL
BMS 8th Grade Promotion,
7pm FHS
CDC Mtg 6:30pm VH
Free Fitness Week, DGLC
2-4pm Korthauer Log House
Microsoft Word, 2pm BCPL
Tech Drop-In, 3:30-5pm BCPL
Summer Reading Kick-Off,
June 2014