The Question of Slavery Popular sovereignty The people would decide on the issues of slavery— slavery —vote Self Self--determination Compromise between anti or pro slavery Flaw Flaw— —could allow the spread of slavery Election of 1848 Whigs-nominate Zachary Taylor (slave Whigsowner but silent on the issue of slavery Democrats Democrats--nominate General Lewis Cass (father of “popular sovereignty) Free Free--Soilers Soilers--against spread of slavery slavery--for free land Free Free--Soilers pull votes from Democrats Democrats-Taylor wins Presidency California Gold feverfever-Sutters Mill Mill--1848 California makes a constitution excluding slavery--. slavery Then apply of Congress to be admitted as a state Southern politicians feel trickedtricked-will lead to 15 slave states and 16 free states Gold panning Issues dividing America Admit California? Disputed land in Texas Runaway slaves Land gained from Mexico (Calif., Utah terr., N. Mex. Terr.) should it be free or slave Disputed land in Texas Disputed land in Texas Federal Govt. wants to take western Texas and give it to New Mexico Texas threatens violence Harriet Tubman 19 trips into the south to rescue more than 300 slaves About 1000 slaves escaped per year out of 4 million slaves Underground railroad Compromise of 1850 Compromise—Calif. Compromise— Calif. free and Terr. Will have Popular Sovereignty Fugitive Slave law— law—runaway slaves caught must be returned Disputed Texas territory goes to New MexicoMexicoTexas gets $10 million No slave trade (but slavery OK) in D.C. FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW -no jury trial, Slaves can not testify imprisonment for northerners Federal commissioner gets $5 if slave freed-- $10 if slave returned freed angers moderates MANIFEST DESTINY Compromise of 1850 a victory for the North— North —why MANIFEST DESTINY The South can not spread plantation system northnorth-why? Can’t spread west very easilyeasily-Why? South looks to Baja California and Nicaragua (William Walker) South looks to Cuba (buy Cuba for $120 million) Attempts fail MANIFEST DESTINY Treaty with Columbia allows building transcontinental RR through what is now Panama (1855) China opened for trade in 1844 Thousands of missionaries follow Japan had been closed for two centuries 1854 1854--treaty opens door slightly Manifest Destiny. Gadsden purchasepurchase-1855 Purpose to build a southern route for the RR RR--why? Not completed until 1882 Northerners want northern route for RR Review-- Missouri compromise Review compromise-1820 Kansas--Nebraska Act Kansas To have RR, have to organize territories Stephen DouglasDouglas-maybe motivated by $$ Kansas--Nebraska Act Kansas Spilt Nebraska territoryterritory-northern part is Nebraska, southern part is Kansas Popular SovereigntySovereignty Neb. Terr. Terr.-assumed free Kan. Terr.Terr.-assumed slave Problem Problem-- Missouri Compromise Missouri Compromise is repealed Kan Kan--Neb Act Passes Violence in Kansas New England Emigrant Aid Company sent anti--slavery (free soilers) settlers to Kansas. anti ProPro-slavery settlers move to KS. –”vote early and often” 2 governmentsgovernments-one pro, one anti anti--slavery ProPro-slavery shoot up and burn Lawrence Civil war in KS off and on from 1856 to the start of the Civil War AN 1856 CARTOON DEPICTS A GIANT FREE SOILER BEING HELD DOWN BY JAMES BUCHANAN AND LEWIS CASS STANDING ON THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM MARKED "KANSAS", "CUBA" AND "CENTRAL AMERICA". FRANKLIN PIERCE ALSO HOLDS DOWN THE GIANT'S BEARD AS STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS SHOVES A SLAVE DOWN HIS THROAT.