May 17,2013 Volume 1, Issue 1 deforestation Stop the world from cutting trees !Deforestation is killing everybody. Deforestation issue: Damages of deforestation. 1 How deforestation kills humans and animals. 2 How deforestation effects the environment. 3 Deforestation is very bad for us and the environment. The rainforest once covered 30% of the worlds land mass. Rainforest provides us with oxygen ,and medicines to treat all kinds of disease. Deforestation is when you cut down trees. Deforestation is clearing earth's forest on a massive scale. Because of deforestation 1215 million acres of forest is lost each year. Did you know that 50,000 % of plants and animal species become extinct every year Special points of interest: due to deforestation? Seventy percent of the world’s plants and animals live in the forest and are losing their habitats. Loss of habitat leads up to special extinction. In the 2010 soccer world cup in Africa, they had to cut down trees to build some of the soccer stadium. Deforestation is a permanent destruction of forest in order to make land available for other uses. An estimate of 18 million acres of forest of forestroughly the size of Panama are lost each year according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture organization is known as the FAO. They cut down a acre of rainforest every second. Causes of Deforestation. By cutting down the rainforest our amount of oxygen is decreasing. Some causes of deforestation is overpopulation in Africa. They are so populated that they have to cut down trees to build houses. Other cause of deforestation is they cut down trees to make cattle 50,000 species of plants and animals die due to deforestation every year. ranches, mining industries ,oil and gas extracting, and also agriculture; CASH CROPS. Also, since they don't make much money they cut down trees and sell them to logging industries. Page 2 deforestation Volume 1, Issue 1 How Deforestation Kills Humans. Deforestation kills humans by not getting the resources , like medicines to cure diseases like flu ,inflammation, and cancer. Deforestation limits the supply of oxygen. All of that just because we cut down trees. Also cutting down trees causes a lot of pollution . Pollution gets Please to stop deforestation donate money to save all the animal endanger of extinction. in the humans body an makes it hard to breath and could cause lung cancer. Also it could cause a lot of disease's that can not be probably cured. How deforestation kill a certain kind of animals. Orangutans are an example of species that are threatened by deforestation . Deforestation kills these orangutans because it destroys their habitats ,and they have nowhere to live,like in the picture provided on the side. The poor orangutan doesn't have any where else to live because they destroyed its home. Another species that is becoming extinct is the elephant. The elephant is becoming extinct is because they are dying of starvation? How deforestation effects the environment Deforestation effects the environment because it destroys the land that the farmers use right after they cut down the trees. That land that they use only works for about 2 years and then it stars turning into desert. Which that means that deforestation leads up to desertification. That's why in the Sahel in Africa it is the part that is suffering the most from deforestation and deser- tification. That's why in the forest the people have to cut down the trees because the people don't have money to make there farmland that why it keeps on happing and happing . First the people there farmland turns into sand so they cut down some trees they establish there. The next two years the land is sand it just keeps on happening .they keep on cutting the land and that’s how it effects the environment. Bibliography “Agriculture & Environment : Deforestation.” News and Features. 22 April 2013. . “Canadian Forest Service.” National Resource Canada. 15 January 2013. “Deforestation”. Discovery News. 29 April, 2013. tags/deforestation “Deforestation”: Facts, Causes and Effects.” Causes of Deforestation.24 March, 2013. “Deforestation”. WWF Global. 24 April, 2013. “Deforestation”. Greenpeace International. 15 December, 2004. “Deforestation”. Wwf.Panda. 30 April, 2013. about_forest/deforestation “Deforestation”. Global Deforestation.29 April, 2013. change2/current/lectures/deforest/ deforest.html “Deforestation.” Wiki answer.28-April -2013. /q what_is_Deforestation#page 1 “Deforestation”. Angle Fire. 29 April 2013 . deforestation/ “Deforestation”. Kids. Mongabay. 2005-2008 . lesson_plans/lisa_algee/deforestation “Facts & FAQ”. Tmalliance. 28 April 2013. /index. php? id =426 “Modern-day plague. Deforestation.24- Apirl-2013. www.Environment.national “Tropical Deforestation”. Earth Observatory.29 April 2013. , “by: Daniel Velazquez, Jose Jimenez, and Alex Williams