ENERGY At FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL, sustainability is a fundamental business practice that is an integral part of our organization. By instituting sustainable practices we are able to strengthen our most valuable resources: our environment, our employees and the communities in which we operate. We believe that by making sensible decisions now, we will be able to achieve long-term success for all our employees, customers and stakeholders. • We’re committed to preserving our environmental resources by creating and maintaining an efficient fleet of vehicles, conserving energy in our offices and other buildings, and educating our employees on sustainable practices in the workplace. • We strive to support our employees by giving them the tools they need to develop professionally, and then rewarding them appropriately when they succeed. By committing to our employees, our most important asset, we are working to ensure long-term sustainability. • We recognize the strength we gain from the support of the communities in which we operate, and we strive to contribute to their growth and development through local charitable efforts and by encouraging our employees to give of their time and resources. FedEx Freight 1.866.393.4585 FedEx National LTL 1.800.274.9099 Sustaining Growth MK592/708-ALL FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL The Environment “Employing technologies that reduce energy use and enhance efficiencies at our facilities underscores the value FedEx assigns to doing what’s right for the environment now and for the energy security of our company and our country.” Douglas G. Duncan President and CEO FedEx Freight Our People Our Communities “People and service are the bedrock of our culture.” “For over 10 years FedEx has been a bold and visionary corporate leader that has tirelessly supported the American Red Cross both here at home and around the globe.” Fred Smith Chairman, President and CEO FedEx Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Chairman American Red Cross As a leader in the LTL (less-than-truckload) industry, we know how important it is to minimize our impact on the environment. That’s why we FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL believe that valuing the input and efforts of all employees is crucial to the development of sustainable At FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL, we are committed to building strong relationships with the communities in which we live and work. have initiated a number of conservation measures to reduce the amount of energy we use on a daily basis. We have also teamed up with other business practices. By attracting and training talented people now, we can harness the ingenuity of our employees and create long-term, With contributions of time and financial resources, our employees and our company provide assistance to a diverse group of organizations. By leading organizations to develop green technologies that will help to ensure that our trucks and offices operate as efficiently as possible. sustainable growth in the future. We have created a number of programs to ensure that every employee has opportunities for personal and investing in our communities, we are helping to promote strong local areas that will continue to support the future growth of our organization. • Solar-powered Service Centers ­– Teaming up with BP, FedEx Freight installed solar-electric systems in two of our service centers in California. Combined, these systems are expected to reduce annual CO2 emissions by 610 metric tons, or the equivalent of over 69,000 professional development and to recognize the individual contributions of dedicated employees. • People First – Formally introduced in 2003, the People First Philosophy builds on values that have been a long-standing part of the FedEx • Trees for Troops – In conjunction with the Christmas SPIRIT Foundation, FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL donate transportation and Freight culture. People First seeks to provide employees with an engaging work environment while encouraging an understanding of the logistics services to help deliver Christmas trees to activated service members and their families. In past years, over 20,000 trees were duty they have to our customers. The program aims to promote 100 percent responsibility and accountability, clear communication, clear delivered to troops on 35 military bases. gallons of gasoline.* • Fuel Economy Improvements – FedEx Freight has also teamed up with the EPA SmartWay Transportation Initiative to seek fuel economy improvements and greenhouse gas emission reductions through the testing and deployment of fleet technologies. These include aerodynamic improvements, wide-base tires, automated manual transmissions and numerous other technologies. expectations, and competency through education. • • Energy Efficient Lighting – FedEx Freight has worked in conjunction with the EnergyStar “Change a Light” program to install energy fluorescent bulbs. • Energy Watch – FedEx Freight developed an internal employee education program, Energy Watch, to increase awareness about • environmental concerns in the workplace. Energy Watch has helped employees learn about recycling efforts and energy consumption reduction strategies that have helped to reduce costs and eliminate unnecessary waste in our facilities. • *Data derived from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. Diversity Councils – FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL are committed to providing diversity education and communication to at the University of Arkansas. This program allows talented students from the U.S. and other countries the chance to demonstrate their better serve employees, customers and suppliers. We maintain Diversity Councils across the country, charged with increasing diversity skills and knowledge, as well as participate in networking opportunities with industry leaders. awareness. The councils initiate projects and activities within their geographic areas to support the overall mission of diversity at FedEx efficient lighting in our administrative offices and service centers across the country, including innovative LED lighting systems and compact • International Logistics Case Competition – FedEx Freight sponsors an annual logistics competition for graduate students, hosted • Charitable Support – Through the FedEx Special Delivery program, FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL provide delivery services for Freight and FedEx National LTL. worthwhile causes and in response to disaster situations. In addition to the contribution of financial resources, our employees donate National Truck Driving Championships – Drivers from FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL have played a pivotal role in meeting the thousands of hours of their own time each year working for local and national charities including: “Chairman’s Challenge,” a call to represent FedEx in the annual American Trucking Associations’ National Truck Driving Championships (NTDC). • United Way • American Cancer Society • American Heart Association Participating in the NTDC is an opportunity for our drivers to demonstrate their skills and professionalism while promoting the importance of • American Red Cross • Children’s Miracle Network • Parkinson’s Foundation safe driving. Since 2003, FedEx Freight drivers have earned 22 national titles, including two National Grand Champion designations. • Toys for Tots • Habitat for Humanity • American Diabetes Association Recognition and Awards Programs – FedEx Freight and FedEx National LTL offer a number of awards to employees who show • Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure • March of Dimes exceptional dedication to helping us achieve our mission and goals. Awards are given for a variety of accomplishments, including the • Special Olympics • National Multiple Sclerosis Society Humanitarian award, the Extra Mile Award and the Purple Promise customer service award.