The sad, the angry, and the asymmetrical brain: Dichotic Listening

Brain and Cognition 76 (2011) 294–299
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The sad, the angry, and the asymmetrical brain: Dichotic Listening studies
of negative affect and depression
Marien Gadea a,⇑, Raul Espert a, Alicia Salvador a, Luis Martí-Bonmatí b
Departamento de Psicobiología, Facultat de Psicologia, València, Spain
Servicio de Radiología, Hospital Quirón, València, Spain
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Available online 8 April 2011
Negative affect
Dichotic listening
Asymmetrical brain activity
a b s t r a c t
Dichotic Listening (DL) is a valuable tool to study emotional brain lateralization. Regarding the perception
of sadness and anger through affective prosody, the main finding has been a left ear advantage (LEA) for
the sad but contradictory data for the anger prosody. Regarding an induced mood in the laboratory, its
consequences upon DL were a diminished right ear advantage (REA) for the induction of sadness and
an increased REA for the induction of anger. The global results fit with the approach-withdrawal motivational model of emotional processing, pointing to sadness as a right hemisphere emotion but anger processed bilaterally or even in the left hemisphere, depending on the subject’s preferred mode of
expression. On the other hand, the study of DL in clinically depressed patients found an abnormally larger
REA in verbal DL tasks which was predictive of therapeutic pharmacological response. However, the
mobilization of the available left hemisphere resources in these responders (reflected in a higher REA)
would indicate a remission of the episode but would not assure the absence of new relapses.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction: models of emotional processing
The modern conceptualizations of the neurocircuitry of emotion
put emphasis in subcortical areas, the so called limbic system, with
prevalence for the amygdala and hippocampus, and also part of the
basal ganglia (ventral striatum and pallidum), medial thalamus,
the hypothalamus, and some parts of the brainstem as well (e.g.
periaqueductal gray). The emotional network also includes as a
central key some cortical areas (e.g. prefrontal cortex, parietal cortex) linked to emotional processing, with the connection of both
the subcortical and cortical systems being object of an actual and
extensive research (Price & Drevets, 2010). Moreover, it has been
proposed the existence of a set of neural mechanisms triggered
specifically by unpleasant or negative stimuli, when dangerous,
harmful or repugnant (Carretié, Albert, López-Martín, & Tapia,
2009) whose main feature is to be capable of coping danger events
with urgent utility at the cost of some precision. Indeed, a set of
neural circuits responding to positive events has been described
(Burgdorf & Panksepp, 2006). On the other hand and for practical
purposes, the researcher should note the difference between the
perception of an emotion and its expression or communication. A
third category would be the real phenomenological experience of
an emotion (described by the subject usually as a ‘‘feeling’’).
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Departamento de Psicobiología, Facultat de
Psicologia (Universitat de València), Avda. Blasco Ibañez 21, 46010 València, Spain.
Fax: +34 96 3864668.
E-mail address: (M. Gadea).
0278-2626/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Moreover, the emotional experience has three main channels to
do an effective expression: facial affect, affective prosody, and
emotional lexicon, as well as three components or dimensions: valence (ranging from positive or pleasant to negative or unpleasant),
arousal (ranging from calming to arousing), and motor activation
(ranging from to approach and to avoid, or neither) (Borod, 1992;
Heilman, 1997). It is also important to consider the difference between emotional states, being restricted to the present moment;
and emotional traits, more stable along lifespan.
Many studies on hemispheric asymmetries have focused on
emotional processing, explaining the results of their experiments
by means of a different type or process between the right and left
cortex. In general, the link between emotion processing and the
right hemisphere is an old issue (Mills, 1912) but the consensus today is that the right hemisphere’s preferred participation is conditioned by the emotional dimensions noted above (valence, arousal,
etc.). So, taking into account the sometimes conflicting findings,
several models of brain lateralization for emotional processing
have been proposed to date. First, the commented right hemisphere hypothesis: a classical view founded in the earlier observations of the presence of a unilateral right-sided lesion often
associated with inappropriately indifference or even manic reactions (Gainotti, 1969), which posits a right hemisphere specialization for the perception, expression, and experience of emotion,
regardless of valence (Borod, Bloom, Brickman, Nakhutina, &
Curko, 2002; Tucker, 1981). Accumulative data from subsequent
brain damage studies found hemispheric differences as a function
M. Gadea et al. / Brain and Cognition 76 (2011) 294–299
of positive versus negative emotions (e.g. Adolphs, Damasio, Tranel, & Damasio, 1996) and led to the second model, the valence
hypothesis, which postulates that the left frontal brain region is involved in the experience and expression of positive emotions and
the right frontal brain region is that in the negative ones (Jansary,
Tranel, & Adolphs, 2000; Silberman & Weingartner, 1986), with the
note of some authors who added that the perceptual processing of
both positive and negative affects would be still solely a right cerebral function (Ley & Bryden, 1982). The valence hypothesis has
been subsumed by another: a motivational directional proposal
known as the approach-withdrawal model, which posits emotions
associated with approach and withdrawal behaviors are processed
within the left- and right-anterior brain regions, respectively
(Davidson, 1992; Harmon-Jones & Allen, 1998; Maxwell & Davidson, 2007). The overlap between the two last models is extensive,
due to most negative emotions (e.g. fear, disgust) eliciting withdrawal behavior and most positive behaviors (e.g. happiness,
amusement) eliciting approach behavior. Conversely, the study of
frontal asymmetries associated with feelings of anger – a negative
emotion that elicits approach behavior – has provided a great
amount of data supporting the approach-withdrawal model, in
correlating anger with left frontal activation (Carver & Harmon
Jones, 2009; Harmon-Jones, 2003), suggesting that the approachwithdrawal model is not only a theoretical construct but also a better fit for the experience of emotion. Additionally, some of the contradictory findings may be explained under the framework of
another proposal: the behavioral inhibition versus behavioral activation systems (BIS/BAS) model (Gray, 1990), because for this
model the behavioral activation (BAS) would be the emotion itself
but also the active control of that emotion (e.g. repression of anger), whereas the behavioral inhibition (BIS) would represent passive avoidance or emotional extinction (Hewig, Hagemann, Seifert,
Naumann, & Bartussek, 2004). Finally, Demaree, Everhart, Youngstrom, and Harrison (2005) suggested a model that includes an
emotional dimension called ‘‘dominance’’ that refers basically to
feelings of control (dominance) versus being controlled (submission) by circumstances, and would be also attributable to patterns
of left and right frontal activity asymmetry, respectively.
Dichotic Listening (DL), as one of the most reliable non-invasive
experimental procedures to investigate hemispheric asymmetries
behaviorally (Voyer, 1998), has been also applied to the study of
emotional processing. In the next sections this review will focus
in three main areas of research where DL has been used as a valuable tool to study the lateralization of emotions: first, the perception of negative emotions in language by means of affective
prosody; second, the experience in the laboratory of an induced
negative affect and its consequences upon dichotic listening
scores; and three, dichotic listening performance in clinically depressed patients, as a form to investigate the extreme, pathologic,
form of negative affect.
2. Dichotic listening and the perception of negative affect by
The word ‘‘prosody’’ refers to the rhythm, stress, and intonation
of speech, which reflects language features that may not be encoded by grammar or simple vocabulary. In general, linguistic
prosody gives information about whether the utterance is a statement, a question, or a command, while emotional prosody represents the patterns of pitch, loudness, and length that signal and
communicate the emotional state and intentions of the speaker.
According to the dynamic dual pathway model of auditory language comprehension, syntactic and semantic information is primary processed in a left hemisphere temporal-frontal pathway
whereas sentence level prosody is processed in a right hemisphere
temporal-frontal pathway (Friederici & Alter, 2004), with the interplay for the coordination and integration of local syntactic and prosodic features during auditory speech comprehension via the
posterior part of the corpus callosum (Sammler, Kotz, Eckstein,
Ott, & Friederici, 2010). Studies of brain damage and neuroimage
indicate a primary role for the right hemisphere in the comprehension of emotional prosody (Borod, Zgaljardic, Tabert, & Koff, 2001),
although this lateralization should be viewed as a relative rather
than an absolute dominance given some data showing bilateral
processing (Kotz et al., 2003). Pell (2006) suggested that emotional
prosody is usually examined in the context of words, and interpreting prosody in a semantic context would require some left hemisphere involvement, thereby leading to findings of bilateral
processing. Additionally, it has been stressed the importance of
methodological factors in the outcome of lateralization of emotional prosody specially for the neuroimage research (Kotz, Meyer,
& Paulmann, 2006).
In the Dichotic Listening method, subjects are presented with
two different sounds, one to each ear simultaneously, and asked
to identify what they heard. The brain is provided in a moment
with more information than it is capable of conscious analysis so
the results are believed to reflect the basic and preferred mode of
processing of each hemisphere. When verbal material is applied
a right ear advantage (REA) usually appears, which indicates, due
to the preponderance of the contralateral auditive pathways under
dichotic stimulation, the superiority of the left hemisphere for linguistic processing (Bryden, 1988; Hugdahl, 2000; Kimura, 1967).
Regarding emotional prosody and dichotic listening, early reports
presented emotionally intoned sentences (manipulating basic
emotions to form a happy, sad, or angry voice tone) paired with
monotone sentences, and found a left ear advantage (LEA) for the
emotional intonation and a simultaneous REA for the verbal
content of the sentences (Ley & Bryden, 1982; Shipley-Brown,
Dingwall, Berlin, Yeni-Komshian, & Gordon-Salant, 1988). The
LEA for emotional prosody was also found simultaneously with
the REA for neutral words, for instance the word ‘‘tower’’ spoken
in a happy tone of voice (Bryden & MacRae, 1989; Bulman-Fleming
& Bryden, 1994) regardless of response procedure (crossing out
face drawings versus circling the correspondent word; Voyer,
Bowes, & Soraggi, 2009), and with a relatively high level of test–
retest reliability for the laterality effect (Voyer & Rodgers, 2002).
The LEA was also demonstrated for phrases of nonsense words spoken in happy, sad, angry or fearful prosody (McNeely & Netley,
1998) and even for emotional prosody joined to nonsense syllables
e.g. ba, pa, thus without verbal content paired (Erhan, Borod, Tenke, & Bruder, 1998). This LEA points to right hemisphere processing
of emotional prosody, however, in keeping with Pell’s (2006)
hypothesized left hemisphere involvement, the magnitude of the
LEA for emotions was generally smaller than the REA for words.
The earlier studies did not observe differences between emotions,
so it was postulated a right hemisphere involvement in emotional
prosody regardless of valence (Ley & Bryden, 1982). In a step forwarded study Grimshaw, Kwasny, Covell, and Johnson (2003) presented dichotically two words spoken in either a neutral or a sad
prosody, asking only about the target word while ignoring the
emotion, to find a robust REA for the neutral condition but a diminished REA for the sad prosody condition; apparently, the presence
of the sad emotional prosody activated the right hemisphere sufficiently to facilitate right linguistic processing of the verbal content
of the words, thus diminishing the REA. In a subsequent work
(Grimshaw, Seguin, & Godfrey, 2009) the experiment was extended
to happy and angry prosody, to find only a significant REA than did
not interact with prosody. The authors suggested the results fitted
better with the motivational approach-withdrawal model of emotional lateralization, with sadness associated to the right hemisphere and happiness and anger to the left one, although an
M. Gadea et al. / Brain and Cognition 76 (2011) 294–299
alternative explanation in terms of acoustic properties of the stimuli used was also offered. The angry prosody has been extensively
studied by Aue, Cuny, Sander, and Grandjean (2010) varying both
the focus of attention to it and the laterality (ear) of presentation,
and measuring its effects on peripheral nervous system. They observed a pattern of responses related to angry prosody being capable of attracting attention but also capable of provoking
physiological changes without voluntary attention, and not supportive of the idea of a general right hemisphere advantage for
the processing of this type of prosody. In a different line of experiments, Grimshaw (1998), Techentin and Voyer (2007), and
Techentin, Voyer, and Klein (2009) presented words in a congruent
or incongruent emotional tone (e.g. the word ‘‘sad’’ spoken in a
happy tone of voice) with the aim of studying the cognitive
processes involved in the integration of conflicting semantic and
emotional prosodic information. Results showed a stronger LEA
for the detection of target emotional tones when the word and
the emotional tone were incongruent than when they were congruent, suggesting that, rather than simply facilitating the processing of the word, an incongruent emotional tone can enhance the
quality of the emotional information beyond the word or statement alone. An interesting example of how to study conflicting
semantic versus prosodic information was the work of Voyer,
Bowes, and Techentin (2008), where the subjects where asked to
localize sincere or sarcastic statements presented dichotically. In
keeping with the definition of sarcasm as an insult or negative remark via an indirect statement that is pronounced in a particular
prosody, the authors hypothesized, and confirmed, a LEA for the
detection of sarcastic phrases and a REA for the sincere ones.
3. Bad feelings in the lab: negative affect and its outcome upon
dichotic listening
In contrast with the experiments commented above, centered
on the perception of emotions, other research has devoted to the
emotional experience, and developed methods to induce an emotion in the laboratory to explore the normal human feelings in real
time. Indeed, a relatively small amount of experiments focused on
hemispheric emotional asymmetries and applied these mood
induction procedures, some of them in combination with DL. The
range of laboratory methods for inducing temporary mood states
is quite broad although they can be subsumed in few categories:
to ask for autobiographical recall of emotional memories, to arrange the subjects for listening to music pieces or seeing film clips
selected to elicit target moods, or to reading aloud some self referent statements progressing from relative neutral to a target mood,
technique known as the Velten Mood Induction Procedure (Velten,
1968) (for a comprehensive review of mood induction procedures
see Gilet, 2008). Since the pioneer study of Schachter and Singer
(1962) – where a combination of an adrenaline injection and two
conditions of tasks designed to amuse or to annoy the subjects
served the authors to argue for the labeling of arousal according
to the available cognitions – and from time to time, some doubts
have arisen about the effectiveness and validity of these methods,
mainly around the question whether a sufficient intensity of mood
is produced, the duration of the mood, or the question of demand
effects, most likely to occur with self-statement techniques when
subjects are explicitly instructed to try to enter a specific mood
state. However, in general it seems that the various procedures
are capable to elicit true changes of moods in up to 50–75% of
the subjects (Jallais & Gilet, 2010), with an individual variability
depending on factors like experience with recent negative events
or basal symptoms of anxiety prior to the mood induction task
(Scherrer and Dobson (2009)). The commented procedures are a
little bit different from tasks designed to elicit a stress response,
like cognitive, physical, or social stressors. Anyway, one must note
that a laboratory stressor, for instance physical pain or a public
exposure, is suppose to be accompanied by a sensation of discomfort or even a negative affect, apart from the higher arousal that it
is designed to elicit (Kiecolt-Glaser, McGuire, Robles, & Glaser,
In this mood induction experiments a dual task paradigm can
be applied, where the subject performs a verbal DL test as the primary task, known to be preferentially processed by the left hemisphere, before and after any mood induction secondary task. The
logic points to whether the inducted emotional experience changes
the balance between the two hemispheres we could see a correlated consequence in the performance of the primary DL task. In
this line, Asbjornsen, Hugdahl, and Bryden (1992) manipulated
the subjects’ level of arousal under high (shock) versus low (noise)
punishment as aversive stimuli in 36 females. They found that the
baseline REA lost its significance under the acute stress of electric
shock threat for DL errors. The elimination of REA was caused by
both an increase in correct LE reports and a drop in correct RE reports, and was explained by arguing a right hemisphere dominance
for aversive emotional processing in DL. In another study al’Absi,
Hugdahl and Lovallo (2002) applied a mental arithmetic and public
speaking stressor to 40 right handed male, and divided the sample
between low and high cortisol responders to the stressor, measuring their performance in a DL test after the stressor. Cortisol is a
hormone associated to negative affect and depression (Hellhammer, Wüst, & Kudielka, 2009) and so the high responders reported
a significant greater negative mood in the Profile of Mood States
(POMS) scores after the stressor. When analyzing the DL scores
for the free test condition (DL without explicit attentional instructions), the authors found a non-significant higher mean for left ear
items in the high cortisol group after the stressor, suggesting again
a link between negative affect, as measured by the POMS, and right
hemisphere arousal. In a study conducted in our laboratory (Gadea,
Gómez, González-Bono, Espert, & Salvador, 2005), we applied the
Velten Mood Induction Procedure to generate neutral or negative
affect, measured subjectively throughout the PANAS scales, in 44
healthy subjects (half men). Salivary cortisol and a Consonant–Vowel (CV) DL test were taken also pre and post mood induction. For
the inducted negative affect condition, the PANAS scores confirmed
greater self-reported depressed mood and the activation of the
adrenal axis was observed by means of a significant increase in cortisol levels. Finally, the inducted depressed mood produced on DL a
significant increase in left ear items and a significant decrease in
right ear items, interpreted in line with the hypothesis of right
hemisphere dominance for the processing of negative or depressed
affect, with a higher right hemisphere arousal from baseline to sadness and an attentional bias toward the left ear. Note that the commented studies manipulated emotions like fear, threat, anxiety,
depression, fatigue, or sadness. On the other hand, some other
researchers manipulated anger and/or hostility, to observe its consequences on DL, with controversial results. In the study of Demaree and Harrison (1997) fifty subjects were divided into high or
low-hostility using a standardized measure of hostility and were
submitted to a physical stressor (cold-presser paradigm). Their
hypothesis was that high-hostility subjects will show an increased
left ear advantage in the subsequent DL test post stressor than lowhostility subjects, indicating heightened right cerebral arousal. A
closer examination of the results for the free DL test condition
showed an unexpected higher REA for the whole group after the
stressor (which could indicate higher arousal for the left hemisphere), but then a significant interaction with the level of hostility
showed in fact a diminished REA, due to higher left ear items, for
the group of high-hostility subjects. Thus, this study linked trait
hostility to higher right hemisphere arousal under a stress and
painful situation. The study of Shenal and Harrison (2003)
M. Gadea et al. / Brain and Cognition 76 (2011) 294–299
replicated the latter results in a sample of thirty right-handed male
divided into high and low-hostility subjects, with an emotional linguistic cognitive stressor (affective auditory verbal learning test,
AAVLT). However, in a more recently study, Mitchell and Harrison
(2010) found a reduction in lateralization of emotion perception
and activation of the left hemisphere in response to the cold-presser pain in high hostile men. It must be noted that, although these
experiments took into account the high and low hostility of the
participants, they did not use a real method for inducing anger in
the laboratory, but a stressor. The work of Engebretson, Sirota, Niaura, Edwards, and Brown (1999) facilitated the experimental study
of anger with the development of an anger induction (AI) task similar in format to the Velten Mood Induction Procedure for depression, which involves the reading, recalling and evoking a series of
descriptors of anger experience. In our laboratory we recently
accomplished an experiment applying this AI method to induce
an emotional state of anger in 30 right-handed men (Herrero, Gadea, Rodríguez-Alarcón, Espert, & Salvador, 2010). In a pre and
post-anger induction design, the PANAS scales and the anger-hostility subscale of the POMS were used to assess self-reported mood,
as well as heart rate and systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood
pressure were measured to assess cardiovascular reactivity to anger, and salivary levels of testosterone (T) and cortisol (c) to assess
endocrine changes. Self-reported mood assessment showed that
participants felt subjectively angry and, congruent with the
hypothesis tested, a significant increase in T levels and a decrease
in C levels were seen, as well as the expected pattern of cardiovascular reactivity: increases in HR and DBP (Sinha, Lovallo, & Parsons,
1992). All these measures were confident to indicate an emotional
experience of anger in the subjects. The consequence of the anger
mood on the DL test with respect to a baseline was an enhanced
REA after anger due exclusively to an increase in right ear items,
which suggested greater left asymmetrical brain activity. It is noteworthy to comment that from other sources of research (mainly
EEG and neuroimage) there has been some support for a preferential relative left anterior cortical activation associated with anger in
line with the predictions made by the motivational approach-withdrawal model, although there appears to be at least marginal support for the suggestion that resting right hemisphere asymmetry
may be associated with trait anger (for a revision see Cox & Harrison, 2008). Waldstein et al. (2000), after showing anger induction
associated with bilateral frontal EEG activation, suggested that anger can produce either approach or withdrawal behavior and that
production may be related to an individual’s preferred mode of anger expression. In any case the scarcity of studies limits conclusions but encourages carrying on with new experiments.
4. When negative affects reach the limit of illness: dichotic
listening and depression
The relationship between lateralization and negative affect
experience in healthy subjects raises the question about what this
could imply for the issue of affective illness. A recent revision (Hescht, 2010) states, based in a broad number of EEG recording, neuroimaging, neurochemical, and even neuroendocrine data, that
clinical depression is associated with an inter-hemispheric imbalance: a physiologically hyperactive right-hemisphere together
with a relative hypoactive left-hemisphere, remaining elusive the
underlying mechanisms responsible for that imbalance. As a part
of this field, there has been a growing interest in a putative perceptual asymmetry dysfunction as measured with DL in depressed patients. In a large series of experiments, Bruder and coworkers have
found that melancholic depressed patients, especially if they were
women and had no comorbid anxiety, exhibited an abnormally larger REA in verbal DL tasks which was predictive of therapeutic
response to the SSRI fluoxetine compared to both the scores of
non-responder patients (whose REA diminished) and normal controls (Bruder, Schneier, Stewart, McGrath, & Quitkin, 2004a; Bruder, Wexler, Stewart, Price, & Quitkin, 1999; Bruder et al., 1996,
2001). There was no change in perceptual asymmetries following
pharmacologic treatment, which suggests that these laterality differences between fluoxetine responders and nonresponders represent stable, state-independent characteristics (Bruder, 2003).
Interestingly, this large REA was also exhibited by those patients
who responded subsequently to bupropion therapy (Bruder, Stewart, Schaller, & McGrath, 2007), suggesting that their left hemisphere advantage for dichotic words was not enough to respond
to fluoxetine, but was enough to respond to bupropion. Since fluoxetine covers mainly serotonine and bupropion covers mainly
dopamine, one possible explanation for these findings is that neurotransmitter systems affected by each antidepressant may be
asymmetrically disturbed in treatment responsive or nonresponsive subtypes of depression. Moreover, an enhanced REA for dichotic consonant vowels has been showed also among imipramine
responders compared with nonresponders, placebo responders
and controls (Stewart, Quitkin, McGrath, & Bruder, 1999). Other
authors have reported additional data such as the enhanced REA
was associated with higher basal cortisol levels in depressed outpatients (Otto, Fava, Rosenbaum, & Murphy, 1991) or that the increased REA was also found in depressed adolescents (Pine et al.,
2000). Otherwise, it is important to note that there are studies that
have not found such differences in depressed patients (Moscovitch,
Strauss, & Olds, 1981; Wale & Carr, 1990) even when testing comparable samples (Hugdahl et al., 2003). On the other hand, there is
evidence that more anxious syndromes may be associated with the
opposite pattern of advantage, since patients with an early-onset
atypical depression (Stewart, Bruder, McGrath, & Quitkin, 2003)
or suffering from social phobia with or without a comorbid depressive disorder (Bruder, Stewart, McGrath, Deliyannides, & Quitkin,
2004b) have shown a diminished REA in verbal DL tests, thus
resembling more to non-responders depressed patients. The observation of a larger REA related to responsiveness to antidepressants
is valuable as a clinical marker for identifying the patients who will
most benefit from pharmacologic treatment but regarding its
explanation in terms of brain function it seems to be in conflict
(apparently) with physiological data. Rotenberg (2008) has proposed a model to integrate the findings in which the right frontal
lobe region is physiologically hyperactivated in depression along
with being functionally hypoactive and insufficient. Some patients
would display a compensatory overactivation of the left hemisphere functions that corresponds with a positive response to antidepressant treatment (reflected in larger REA). At the same time,
non-responders would display an inappropriate attempt to compensate the right hemisphere deficiency by increasing (more) the
right hemisphere irrelevant overactivation (reflected in diminished
REA). As a psychological level, and according to Rotenberg (2004,
2008), the left hemisphere activation would be responsible for
the goal-oriented behavior that includes search activity as a state
opposite to depression (that would represent a state of renunciation of search), accounting for a remission of the depressive relapse, but representing a palliative solution because the core
reason for depression would be the inability of the right hemisphere to correspond to the demands of the polydimensional context. This proposal is interesting and resembles to other more
cognitive explanations of depression that point to the elaboration
of negative schemas (by the right hemisphere) along with the decreased (left hemisphere) ability to monitor the feelings they generate, with the remission achieved by normalization of monitoring
processes despite remaining the negative schemas (Sheppard &
Teasdale, 2004). Thus, the atypical pattern of lateralization seen
in non-responders more likely reflects stable trait differences in
M. Gadea et al. / Brain and Cognition 76 (2011) 294–299
the sense of their biological vulnerability to depression due to
abnormalities of the right hemisphere. In the case of responders
the mobilization of the available left hemisphere resources would
indicate a remission of the episode but would not assure the absence of new relapses. Anyway, some questions stay unsolved such
as why the spectrum of anxiety disorders including social phobia is
associated with decreased REA, or why some depressed patients
can manage with left hemisphere resources and others do not.
An additional problem is that the majority of the cited studies offer
their results as an index of perceptual asymmetry combined from
the raw scores of right and left ears, making obscure the link between peripheral responses (ears) and central activation (hemispheres) responsible for them (e.g. an increased REA could be the
result of higher right ear or lesser left ear scores or both effects)
so limiting the inferences.
5. Conclusions
Taken as a whole, the reviewed DL data suggest the following
conclusions: (a) the right hemisphere has a relative advantage in
the perception of sad prosody and in the processing of negative affect, especially when the affect involves avoidance motivation (e.g.
fear), (b) angry prosody, as well as anger experience, are processed
more bilaterally or even in the left hemisphere depending on the
subject’s response in terms of withdrawal or approaching tendencies, (c) DL tests could be routinely used to identify depressed patients who will respond to pharmacological treatment, and (d) a
clinical depression is characterized by a functional and physiological imbalance between the hemispheres that needs further
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