Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 1135 State Park Road Greenville, SC 29609 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #1322 GREENVILLE, SC RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The Flame Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Newsletter October 2007 Sunday Services 11am IN THIS ISSUE Babysitting is provided beginning at 9:30am each Sunday A Course in Miracles (LOR) Sundays, 9:45am, Contact: Jean Blank (239-0110) Tai Chi (FH) Mondays, 7:00pm, Contact: Tom Champion (244-2982) Zen Meditation (SY) Tuesdays, 7:30pm, Contact: Brad Fohr (275-3384) African Drum Circle (FH) 4th Thursdays, 7:00pm, Contact: Joan Baker (292-6054) Young Adult Group (FH) Every other Friday evening, 6:00pm—8:00pm, Contact: Tara Ferguson (230-3866) Discussion Group (FR) Every Sunday, 9:45-10:45, as of 9/16/07 group will merge with theology class for 8 weeks. Contact: Cliff Beck (848-9734) Building Your Own Theology Part 3 (FR) Starting Sept. 16th, Sundays at 9:45 am, runs for 10 weeks, discussion group will merge with this class, Contact: Jackie Weddington (609-0844) & Keith Mundis (268-2334) Intro to GUUF & UUism (ROR) Starting Sept. 16th, Sundays at 9:45 am, runs for 9 weeks, Contact: Glen Rowley (859-9992, Diane Lawrence (246-2305) or Barbra Gill (313-1514) Knitting for Peace (5th/6th RE Room) Every 4th Wednesday, 7:00pm—9:00pm, Contact: Kat Carrig (7045003) Senior Fellowship (FH) A potluck and program, 2nd Thursday monthly, noon, Contact: Suzy Hart (235-1714) or Mary Foley (232-6003) Roots of Unitarian Universalist (FR) Starting Tuesday, Oct. 16th—30th, 7:00pm—8:30pm, Contact: Rev. Norm Stewart (271-4883) 3 DLRE Column 7 Contacts 9 Rev. David R. Gillespie NOTE FROM NORM... 2 On The Membership Front 8 What can plain, ordinary me do? Money. Fame. Military or physical prowess. None of these has as much power as a quiet, ordinary life lived intentionally. Intentional, ordinary lives have an extraordinary power to affect the hearts and minds of others. At least Flaubert thought so, as did Thoreau and others. 12 Social Responsibility 4 UU World of Children 6 Inserts: October Calendar November Calendar Sparkler October 14, 2007 Growing Our Faith: UUA Association Sunday Rev. Norm Stewart The Mission of the Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Offer a diverse, welcoming and accepting community. Women’s Book Group (WR) 2nd Sunday each month, 9:45am, Contact: Susan Cooper Encourage spiritual and intellectual growth. Yoga (FH) Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Runs from Sept 11th till Nov 13th, Contact: Bruce Cable at or call Fellowship Office (271-4883) Promote stewardship of our community and environment through social action. Vespers (SY) Beginning Sept 26th ongoing on the last Wednesday of each month, 6:00pm-6:45pm, Contact: Patty Davis (268-9570) October 7, 2007 The Extraordinary Power of an Ordinary Life The BOARD’S BOARD On Going Classes Ongoing Adult Religious Education & Other Classes “We are a deliberately diverse community.” Today we join with hundreds of Unitarian Universalist congregations throughout the country to lift up and celebrate the connectedness between our over 1000 autonomous UU churches, fellowships and societies. No matter what we each may call ourselves, we are better together! There will be a special offering today to support the growth initiatives in our movement. Please come prepared to give generously to this important effort to grow our faith. October 21, 2007 Talking Theology Rev. Norm Stewart If, as James Fowler and Paul Tillich allegedly posit, faith is about being in relationship to that which we are committed, and if we are to some degree committed to something other than just ourselves, how might we talk about that “other stuff” in meaning-filled dialogue with one another within the context of our beloved community? October 28, 2007 Día de los Muertos [Day of the Dead] Rev. Norm Stewart “Día de los Muertos ... mixes celebration and mourning. Like a good UU memorial service, it both affirms life and gives us a chance to share our grief.” We will be decorating altar tables with photographs, mementos, flowers, candles, etc. to remember and celebrate the lives of those we want to remember. You are invited to bring something for the altars we will be creating and to place it on one of the tables either before or during the service. The Flame NOTE Page 2 FROM October 2007 Page 11 NORM…. As we swing into high gear for the new church year there are all sorts of things going on around the Fellowship trying to entice you into a deeper, richer, more fulfilling engagement with your faith community. As you peruse this latest issue of The Flame, I am sure that each of you will find an array of options from which you can choose. I have three suggestions that I’ll personally invite you to consider. UU Roots Course: This is a 4 week course for anyone who wants more in-depth information about our Unitarian Universalist tradition, history, and theology before making the decision to sign our Membership Book and join our Fellowship. I will be facilitating this course and there will be ample opportunity to ask all of your burning questions about our liberal religious tradition. Current Fellowship members are also invited to participate in this course and share your own understanding of our faith with prospective new members. The course will be offered on four consecutive Tuesday evenings (the 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th) from 7 – 8:30 p.m. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you plan to participate in this course please R.S.V.P. directly to me at by October 4th so that we will have sufficient course materials available for you to take home at the first class. If, after taking this course you decide you are ready to sign our membership book there will be a new member recognition and welcoming at our Sunday service on November 11th. Association Sunday, October 14th - Plan now to be in church for this special Sunday service when we join with thousands of Unitarian Universalists across the nation celebrating a shared commitment to growing our faith on Association Sunday. This service celebrates the bonds of our larger common purpose as we combine our resources to make Unitarian Universalism a stronger voice for our live-saving religious values OPERATION LETTER WRITING throughout the country. We are better together! We increase our spirit and influence. We honor the “inherent worth and dignity of every person.” Our UU values are needed to help heal the wounded world. We will be taking a special collection for the growth and vitality of our congregations. Our offerings will be pooled with all of the other participating congregations and used for a national marketing campaign and for grants to congregations for their growth and outreach projects. If you can’t attend on the 14th, please send in a check with “Association Sunday” on the memo line or you can donate online by visiting Día de los Muertos - Day of the Dead: On Sunday, October 28th we will celebrate Día de los Muertos, a Mexican tradition that dates back more than 500 years. The Day of the Dead is a festival that reverently honors those who have passed over to another realm. At the same time it both embraces death and pokes fun at it as if to say, we are not afraid of you. Please bring photos and memorabilia of loved ones who have died to help us build an altar of remembrance for those no longer with us. There’s a lot happening around the Fellowship these days. Come on out and get involved. You never know what might happen, do ya’? Now We’re Cookin’ !! The GUUF Annual Auction has moved from simmer to the front burner and we’re turning up the heat! Our recipe still needs a few ingredients. Would you check your cupboards for: Goods and Services folks might bite at the auction. Have any nice things you don’t use or need much anymore, that may be just right for some lucky bidder? Or maybe you have a special skill or talent or service folks would buy. What we cook up is only limited by imagination! It also needs more scoops of volunteers. There’s no such thing as too many cooks in the Auction kitchen to stir things up. We’ve got openings for more: auctioneers, decorators, phone teams, catalog creative writers and artists, food and beverage hosts, and more! Want to grab an apron and join in, or just want more info? Call our Executive Chefs Reed Humphrey, 234-4946 or John Emery, 8485085 or email to Makin’ the fixin’s is a great way to mingle and meet your fellow GUUFers too! Plan to be at the Auction November 17! But get cookin’ now! You know all those times you read about an issue and say "I need to write a letter about that!" but then the moment slips away? Well, now your Social Responsibility committee wants to make this process more accessible by sponsoring a Letter Writing Operation. Starting September 9th, please check out the Letter Writing bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. This is an opportunity for you to quickly and easily write letters to your public representatives, be they US Members of Congress, US Senators, State Legislators, County Council Reps, etc., about important issues the times may bring our way. We'll provide all you will need for sending letters (descriptions of the issue, sample letters, envelopes, stamps...we'll tell you who your representative is, in case you don't know...AND we'll even mail the letter for you!) This will be an on-going project. Come check us out!! CURRENT: Postal Rate Hike; AntiDiscrimination Laws For our Service on Oct. 28th, El Dia de los Muertes, potted chrysanthemums will be used in the decorations. If you would like to contribute a plant in memory of a loved one, please send a check for $10 each with the memorial information to the Fellowship office by Oct. 23rd. A list of donors and memorials will appear in the Order of Service. After the service you may take home any chrysanthemums which you donate. If you have not picked up your membership directory for the year 2007-2008, please do so. If you are accessing our newsletter via our website and do not want to receive a paper copy, please contact the office via email ( or a call (271-4883) to let us know. We will send you an e mail when the newsletter is available for you to download. Mother Earth will thank you! Remember the Fellowship Work Day These hot temperatures will not last until November so look forward to working in cool comfort on Saturday, November 3rd, for the First Annual AllFellowship Work Day. Mark you calendar now for this day. Lunch will be provided. The Flame NEW MEMBER RECOGNITION SUNDAY New members who have signed the book since May 20, 2007 will be recognized in a short but special ceremony during the worship service Sunday, November 11. A special reception to honor our new members will be held after the service in Fellowship Hall. If you are seriously considering joining our Fellowship, please contact our minister, Rev Norm Stewart @ (864) 271-4883 to make an appointment with him to sign our Membership Book by Nov. 4, if possible. SOUTHERN IMMIGRATION PATTERNS Greenville Technical College and the Huff Center of Furman's history department are sponsoring a series of community conversations. The four-part series will address immigration to South Carolina from the 1670s to the present. The first lecture will be "The Colonial Era: British Migration into the Low Country and the Upstate South Carolina" with Dr. John Barrington of Furman University on Monday, Sept. 24, 11am-12:15 p.m, at the International Center of the Upstate, first floor of Greenville City Hall, 206 The Alternative Gift Fair is returning to GUUF on Sunday, December 2nd, from noon to 3 p.m. in the GUUF Fellowship Hall. Bypass the stress of the holiday season and experience the joy! The fair is open to the whole community—tell your friends! Instead of buying your loved ones more stuff that they don’t need and cluttering up their homes, you can make donations to causes that fit their values, then present them with lovely cards describing their “gifts.” Over the past four years, this event not only raised over $25,000 for many worthwhile organizations, we all had a fantastic time doing it! What a great way to get your holiday shopping all finished while browsing handmade crafts, listening to cool live music, sipping fair trade coffee, munching on homemade baked goodies, and chatting with friends. Page 10 The date was chosen to allow those who wish to take advantage of one of the following courses optionally offered as information, education and preparation for membership: UUism and GUUF, on Sunday mornings at 9:45 A.M. (See info in this issue of THE FLAME), taught by Glen Rowley and Barbara Gill; and/or the ROOTS class, a UUA foundation class for membership to be held 4 successive Tuesday evenings at the Fellowship (see details in Rev Norm's column in this issue of THE FLAME.) This class will be taught by Rev Norm Stewart. All are welcome to both of these classes, whatever your membership status. Please feel free to contact Glen Rowley @ (864) 616-1232 or Diane Lawrence @ (864-246-2305) South Main St. The other three components of the series are as follows: "Slave Trade: Introduction of African Americans" (October 2007), "19th Century Immigration to the South: Irish and Others Moving to South Carolina " (February 2008), and "The South Carolina Immigrants of the 20th Century: Hispanics and Asians" (March 2008). All programs are open to the public. For more information contact Mary R y a n- M o r r i s , ( 8 6 4 ) 2 5 0 -8 8 2 8 or Volunteers are needed over the next 2 months to help organize the crafts, coffee, entertainment, publicity, and decorations. We also need folks who would be willing to put up posters in area businesses. On the day of the event (Nov. 18) many volunteers are needed to contribute baked goods, staff tables, inscribe cards, etc. Please contact Nancy Fitzer ( or 370-3493) or Kris Beliakoff ( or 906-5368 with questions or to volunteer. Energy Conservation for GUUF As a follow-up to the Global Warming discussion group, we are developing a program to save energy at GUUF. The goal of this program is to make a noticeable change in the monthly electrical usage at the Fellowship. If you would be interested in participating in this program, call (848-9734) or mail Cliff Beck ( We are looking for both practical, economical ideas to save energy and help in implementing these ideas. October 2007 Page 3 The BOARD’S BOARD As I write this column, things outside are cooling down while things inside at GUUF are heating up! We are busily preparing for the Ministry Start-Up workshop being held at the end of this month with our District Executive, Annette Marquis. I have no doubt that by the time you read this article that we will have had a gloriously successful start-up and will be busily working toward implementing the goals we set at that event. As I stated in my August Flame article, we will be turning inward to organize and improve our inner workings. One such change this year is that each of the members of your board of trustees has a particular focus for GUUF. As your President, I act as an overall coordinator/problem solver. Any time any congregant, friend or guest has a question or concern, I stand ready to assist and help get that person to someone who can assist them or work toward a solution. Our President-Elect (Peggy Baker) coordinates the program council, which is comprised of the chairs and co-chairs of the various working committees in our congregation. Our Past-President (Jim Lee) is focusing on leadership development and the transition of our Nominating Committee process to a broader process of leadership development. Our Chief Financial Officer (Chuck Lawrence) is working to improve our fiscal practices and increase our endowments to help fund quality programming while assuring our fiscal stability. Our Trustee at Large (Jim Buschur) is working on overhauling our Bylaws to meet the needs of our growing congregation. Our other Trustee at Large (Barbara Gill) is working diligently as our personnel liaison. In doing so, Barbara works closely with our staff to assure a seamless and cooperative team effort between lay leadership and staff. Our program council meets on the first Wednesday of each month in the Founder’s This Month, Candy Kern-Fuller, Board President Room at 7:00 p.m. and the board meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the same time and place. Please feel free at any time to drop in and join us. These meetings are open to all congregants. We are also please to announce that Kris Beliakoff has agreed to remove the “acting” from her job title. She has also agreed to permanently continue the supervision of the staff that she graciously took on last year. Her new title will now be “Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Administration.” So, if you have something you need from a staff member or have feedback about a staff member, I encourage you to speak with Kris about it. It’s an exciting time to be at GUUF! As always, please do not hesitate to contact me on my cellular phone at 864-905-3610 or by email at For your board, I am Sincerely, Candy Kern-Fuller, President Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 24th Annual GUUF Auction Saturday, November 17 GUUF Fellowship Hall Silent Auction and Social Hour 6:00 p.m. Live Auction Starts at 7:00 p.m. FREE appetizers! FREE Wine! FREE Beer(adults) FREE Soft Drinks! FREE Childcare! With all that FREE you can bid & buy on all Kinds of Great Items! Come for the Company… ...Stay for the Bargains! The Flame Page 4 Social Responsibility September has been a good month for Social Responsibility. We helped purchase clothing for the school age child who is our guest at the Rowland/McFerrin House. That was fun; I just hope we selected the clothes a girl in the third grade will like. We took a box of good things and a bag of toiletries to Safe Harbor. The Thrift Shop does this too, so you can drop off things at either the Book Nook or at the Thrift Shop. A Covenant Circle made lunch for Southernside. United Ministries is still sponsoring a Poverty Tour for people who are interested. Please, if anyone would like to do this contact me at Beth Templeton, who has been the lead minister at United Ministries, is doing this work and she really knows her way around Greenville. Now that Fall is here (or almost here) I find myself challenged to find and eat locally grown food. It is really a healthy environmental practice. If anyone has some recipes for winter eating (that do not include food driven or shipped here from half way round the world) please email them to me and I will be happy to put some into the Flame each month. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Attorney General Henry McMaster has declared Domestic Violence the number one problem for South Carolina. If you have a friend who is in an abusive relationship please listen to her, but be aware the most dangerous time for someone in a violent relationship is when they are leaving or attempting to leave their abuser. We do not have enough “safe homes” for the abused in South Carolina, few states or cities do. The one I am most aware of in Greenville is Safe Harbor. If there are others please let me know. We also have a great Rape Crisis Center here in town. The Ethics Discussion Group got off to a good start. We are meeting with the “Discussion Group” in the Founders Room Sunday mornings at 9:45. Please feel free to join us. It is scheduled to meet for eight weeks, but may go longer depending on the group’s interest... The letter writing table is up; it has been moved to the side of the Fellowship Hall close to the new membership area. Check it out. If you have any ideas just let us know, someone will be at the table on Sundays. Predatory lenders are a pet peeve of mine. The folks you see on television offering loans that look so easy to pay back. Sometimes they are side by side at the strip malls too. (Which is something else Greenville needed more of.) They will be so happy to lend you money at three hundred percent interest. If seems their favorite customers are the working poor and the elderly. At the present time there are no bills in the legislature of S.C, to cap the interest rates. Both Georgia and North Carolina have voted caps on the amount of interest these lenders can charge. Here is to October, the month of goblins, witches and ghosts, bonfires and the wonderful smell from piles of leaves. Remember not everyone will have a coat to wear this winter, look through your closets, coat drives will be happening soon. Here is to October, the month you just know is leading up to something exciting. May peace abound and be found every where this October. Thanks to everyone for all you do. You are the ones that make it happen. In Peace, Jackie October 2007 Page 9 2007-2008 Board Members Minister 2006-2007 Program Council President: Rev. Norm Stewart Minister 1-4 Tue-Thu Candy Kern-Fuller 224-8071 & other times by appointment Alvena Chapman 232-7092 271-4883 Rebecca Greer Staff Denominational Affairs: President Elect: Peggy Baker 244-8141 Past President: Jim Lee 423-7273 CFO: Chuck Lawrence 246-2305 Trustee at Large: Barbara Gill 313-1514 Trustee at Large: Jim Buscher 297-7639 Youth Trustee: Yet to be Appointed Minister: Rev. Norm Stewart 271-4883 About The Flame This newsletter is published to communicate news and information about the congregation to members and friends of the Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. The deadline for the next issue is the 18th of this month at 5pm. Articles can be emailed to, faxed to 271-6088, or left in the Newsletter mailbox in the Fellowship Office. Kris Beliakoff Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Administration 9-12 Mon-Thu 271-4883 Corry Clark Administrative Assistant 9-5 Mon-Fri 271-4883 Kat Carrig Youth Director 271-4883 youthcoordinator Joseph Hoover Sexton 9-3 Mon-Fri 271-4883 UU World of Children Maureen Nery Director 239-0607 uuworldofchildren Building & Grounds: Pat Edwards 292-6046 420-7676 Membership: Diane Lawrence 246-2305 Glen Rowley 859-9992 Preschool Liaison: John Emery 848-5085 RE-Adult: Keith Mundis 268-2334 RE-Youth: Anna Lucas 268-1298 Laura Christenbury 409-9181 Social Responsibility: Jackie Weddington 609-0844 Sunday Services: Gordon Branson 963-4742 Ways & Means: John Emory 848-5085 Reed Humphrey 234-4946 Year Round Canvass: Ed Proux 469-0103 The Flame Page 8 The Book Nook On the Membership Front Lines... Welcome two new members! Two new members have joined our membership and we all want to give them a warm welcome to our Fellowship. We welcome Elizabeth “Betty” Gibson from Williamston. We also welcome Larry Tyler Parker who lives in Easley. Look in your hymnal! The new bookmarks are colorful, cheerful and, more importantly, they remind us to welcome and get to know our friends and guests. Everyone has a story and our Fellowship is filled with very interesting people, so… Have you talked to someone new today? Make it a point to welcome and really get to know more of the great people who share our faith. During the Coffee Hour after the Sunday Service, stop by our new Welcome Banner in the Fellowship Hall and meet our new interesting guests and prospective members. We come together and accept people of all beliefs and faiths who accept the inherent worth and dignity of every person regardless of race, creed, color, gender or sexual orientation. You are welcome to join us. If you would like to have a bookmark for your personal use, you are welcome to take one. If you wish to give one to a friend so they can learn more about us and what we are about, be sure to give them one as well. If you have need of more for a special project or promotion, contact Glen Rowley. UUism & Introduction to GUUF’s first class was a great success with 17 newcomers to our fellowship. A few are already new members of our congregation and many others are interested in becoming members. If you have wanted to but have not yet attended the class, you are still welcome to come to the remaining classes. Or, if you prefer, a new series will begin again in January. The remaining classes are: Oct. 7 – History and Future of GUUF. Oct. 14 – Local, District & Nat. UU Structure. Oct. 21 – RE Programs for Youth & Adults. October 2007 Page 5 Oct. 28 – GUUFers Social Activities. Nov. 4 – Social Action & Social Justice. Nov. 11 – Commitments Expected of Members. Improvement Ideas suggestion box! We need your suggestions, recommendations, comments, ideas and questions to improve (y)our Fellowship, its programs, services, and activities. What would you like us to do so you’ll feel more comfortable here? What would you like to have (y)our Fellowship do so you’ll want to invite your friends to (y)our Fellowship? At the Welcome Table in the entrance is a box made of solid cherry thanks to the skills and contribution of Bill Wunch. The box says “IMPROVEMENT IDEAS” and is there for your thoughts, ideas and questions. Blue cards are beside the box for you to fill out and put inside the box. Your card will be recorded and delivered to an appropriate person. Expect a quick response. Help our Fellowship be the best place in the Upstate for religious liberals to be. UU Fellowship Hike, Lunch & Wine Tasting Saturday Oct. 20 at 9:00am. Join us Saturday morning for a hike to Table Rock at Table Rock State Park. Plan to meet in the Fellowship Parking Lot or at Muriel & Glen Rowley’s home, 510 Laurel Rd., Easley, SC at 9:00 am. Bring a packed or picnic lunch to eat at the picnic site at 12:30. The winery visit will be around 1:30. There cost is a $2 entrance fee and a $5 per person for the wine tasting. Supervised youth are invited. Contact Carolyn West, ( 9680713, Diane Lawrence, 246-2305, or Glen Rowley, 859-9992, so a necessary count can be confirmed to the winery. This will be an excellent way to make new friends from the Fellowship. We plan to have a family Saturday group social event every month. Welcome ALL, Diane and Glen CORRECTION: William Griffith’s email is incorrect in the new directory. Please make the change to Thanks to everyone who purchases books at the Book Nook. We could use a helper for Sunday mornings. Just to answer questions and make sure money gets into the red box. This is a great way to meet people and if you are a reader you will find plenty to look at while you are waiting for customers. Please let me know if you can help Jackie Weddington 609-0844. Please if you buy a book don’t forget to put your money into the little red box. Thank you This money goes to buy more books from Beacon and Skinner Press. The press that brought you the Pentagon Papers and all of Mary Oliver’s latest poems. The UU’s Bookstore is in Boston. Choir Call The G.U.U.F. choir is as deliberately diverse as the entire Fellowship! Whatever your talents or experience you are welcome to join us at rehearsals on Sunday mornings at 10:00. We meet in the choir room just down the hall from the sanctuary. Please contact Donny Harvey anytime at or during the day at 244-7881 for more information. Thanks, Donny The junior high youth want to provide 100 Thanksgiving dinners to Southernside this year. How can you help? You can sponsor a meal for only $25 to help the youth with their goal and give a family a nice warm meal for Thanksgiving. There will be a booth in the Fellowship Hall until November 4th to collect money. Please contact Kat Carrig at 7 0 4- 5 0 0 3 or write to with any questions. Knitting for Peace … a desire to knit the world into a better place, through handmade gifts of love and peace. How can you knit for peace? Pick up a pair of knitting needles or a crochet hook and create a square! Cast on 35 stitches and create a piece about the size of 7” by 9”. We will take your square and create afghans for homeless people, women’s shelters, orphanages, and children’s centers locally and globally. Please place finished squares in the designated basket in the left overflow room. Need more information? Please contact Kat Carrig at 704-5003 or join us in our Knitting Ministry on the 4th Wednesdays of every month at 7pm in the 5th/6th grade room. “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other” Mother Teresa The UU Women's Book Group … ...will meet again on Sunday, October 14 at 9:45 am in the Women's Room to discuss the book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NightTime by Mark Haddon. A moving and fascinating account of life from the viewpoint of an autistic child. Discussion led by Susan Cooper. Questions? Call Susan at: 288-4912. On the behalf of the Sunday Services Committee, the Secular Sound and Light Crew extends their appreciation to Larry Parker for the donation of several pieces of audio equipment for use in the Fellowship Hall and the Sound Booth. Richard Fuller The Flame Page 6 UU World of Children Maureen Nery The UU World of Children has been granted non-profit status by the IRS. (and ate)—we couldn’t do it without you! From our beginning in 1997, we were nonprofit as a result of our being a program of the Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. As we grew, it became obvious that we should apply for our own 501c3 status. We are beginning an accreditation process with the Montessori Schools Accreditation Commission. It is a complex series of tasks involving everything from our curriculum to our financial status and history to our parent program. We surely could use some help! If you are someone who has been involved in such an endeavor in the past and would like to help us, we would love to talk to you. Please call the office at 239-0607. In 2004 we began the arduous application. Merridee Harper, too-little-sung hero of the UU World of Children, with some help from Jim Hennigan, spent hours and hours deciphering forms. We filled out forms, signed forms, and re-signed forms. Finally, after conversations to numerous to count, we received word this summer that we have been approved as a 501c3 corporation. We are officially non-profit. This legal status in no way changes our relationship with the Fellowship. We are still a program of the church. (Indeed, other churches have similar programs, such as social justice, that are non profit because of their size and complexity). We are still indebted to the Fellowship for our existence and its support. We are still grateful to the Fellowship for all that we have become. And speaking of being grateful, we made $750 on our Spaghetti dinner September 9. Thanks to all the volunteers who participated Another possibility for a volunteer is an ESL teacher. We have a few Hispanic parents and could probably find a few more willing participants, if a knowledgeable person would be willing to teach. ¿Puede usted ayudar? Maureen October 2007 Page 7 Lifespan Religious Education "I give you permission to come of age." One by one the parents draped the beautiful satin jewel-toned stoles over their teen daughters and sons. Embarrassed smiled, wispy tears and hugs followed. The orientation to this year's coming of age program ended in anticipation of a great year. The teens will explore what Unitarian Universalism means to them and whether or not they are ready to claim the faith as their own. The adults have committed to assisting and supporting them on their journey. Some have even asked to travel through some of the same discussions to explore their own relationship with the faith. In discussion with the parents of the teens, it quickly came to light that there is much need for this exploration and at many levels. In anticipation of this need from many conversations over the past year, our lifespan programming this year shifts from the emphasis on World Religions we had last year to one of UU Identity. The teens and their mentors and parents will participate in the coming of age program. The junior high explore UU history and theology in an upbeat curriculum called "Traditions with a Wink." The 5th and 6th grade diverge a bit because this age group alternates yearly in studying the Jewish scriptures and the New Testament. This year they study the foundation of our faith found in the Jewish scriptures. The preschool through elementary Spirit Play will also study much about our faith through a mixture that involves UU history but also theology and wisdom from world religions. Additionally, during the service on the second Sunday of every month, a highly reflective program for pre-school and elementary aged children is offered which allows the children to know the faith in even more detail and their fellowship structure in more depth. Those children earn their scouting badge if they are in boy or girl scouts, but all should find the time helpful and enjoyable regardless of whether they are a scout. Adults currently have a selection of the New UU at GUUF, a "Developing Your Own Theology" with emphasis on ethics, and soon a UU Roots course to help them know more about the history and theology of UUs while exploring their own relationship to the faith. We are starting our Wednesday night programs soon too (please keep up to date with future Flames, Sunday morning program inserts, and the GUUF email list). The intention of Wednesday night is to allow us to expand our studies to include more worship offerings (Evensong for Families), exploration of alternative sacred practices, guest speakers on topics and books, a Spiritual Cinema club, time for young adult programs and more while guaranteeing the doors are open, childcare is provided, and maybe soon, even a meal is available. As we rev up our new year together, I would like to men- Kris Beliakoff tion that our wonderful, dynamic and much-loved Youth Director Kat Carrig is leaving us for full time devotion to family. She has built up our youth program to new heights with much attention and dedication beyond expectations. We will miss her tremendously, but we support her in her decision to focus on tending to her new baby. She has graciously agreed to work with the youth in their coming of age program on Sunday mornings as a volunteer to keep the transition as smooth as possible and allow her to maintain those relationships she has been building. We are currently interviewing for Kat's replacement. Our intention is to shift the position to an assistant coordinator for religious education (we're still working on the title J ) with an emphasis on teen and young adults. This shift is necessary as we grow and my duties expand to add staff supervision in addition to the design, implementation, supervision and evaluation of programs for all ages. We are seeking someone who not only assists, but strongly enhances (as Kat did) what we do. As Candy's column indicates, I was asked by the Board to remove the 'acting" from my title and add "administration." An acting DLRE fills a position until a permanent replacement can be found. When we lost our previous DLRE last October, we were in the beginning of our search for a minister. We were faced with searching for both and minister and DLRE in the same year. The RE committee asked that I fill the DLRE position while we search for our settled minister. Once that minister was found, we could begin looking for our permanent DLRE. Well, the reverend Norm Stewart is now here, and it is such an honor that the overwhelming sentiment be that I accept the job as mine and no longer as a temporary assignment. By dropping the "acting" I show you that I intend to stay and continue to grow and improve what we have built together this past year. It allows the staff which I supervise to know that I intend to be around to help not only now, but in the future. That the Board has requested I drop the title shows trust and support for what I do in this position. I no longer explore this position and the fellowship no longer tests this fit. We both claim a relationship, and in that way, have one more coming of age. Kris Beliakoff Director of Lifespan and Administration Religious Education Please reach me at 906-5368 or in the office at 271-4883 Sunday through Thursday.