SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS 5.31 TURNBACK CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT NARRATIVE A portion of the Highway User Tax Distribution (HUTD) is set aside to fund the transfer of roads that have been determined to be on the wrong system. Either through realignment of a trunk highway or through changes in traffic patterns the road may need to move from the Trunk Highway System to the County State Aid System. These projects must be applied for and final projects are determined by SALT based on funds available and project impact. Turnback projects can be funded with either a Payment in Lieu or the usual encumbrance method. The method to be used is determined by the negotiations and is stated in the Turnback Agreement. The Encumbrance Method will be discussed first, followed by the Payment in Lieu Method. When a project is let a State Aid Payment Request can be submitted for 95% of the turnback eligible work. The remaining 5% is encumbered and will be paid when the project is complete and all costs are verified. Upon final any unspent funds will need to be returned to State Aid, it will not be considered an overpayment and applied to the next project, since this is not an annual allotment. Any unspent funds that remain encumbered will be released back to the Turnback Fund. ACCOUNTS NEEDED (const exp) (revenue) (asset) (asset) (liability) (liability) - TURNBACK CONSTRUCTION EXPENSES - TURNBACK CONSTRUCTION - REVENUE - CASH - TURNBACK CONSTRUCTION - RECEIVABLE - CONTRACTS PAYABLE - TURNBACK CONSTRUCTION - DEFERRED REVENUE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS PROJECT IS AWARDED Once a Turnback project is approved an encumbrance will be set up for the estimated project cost. After the project is let the county can set up Turnback Construction Receivable and Turnback Deferred Revenue Accounts. Accounting Entry Record Turnback Receivable Debit Account: (asset) Turnback Construction - Receivable Credit Account: (liability) Turnback Construction - Deferred Revenue Rev. 02/16 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS 5.32 95% PAYMENT IS RECEIVED FOR THE PROJECT After the initial SAPR has been approved you will receive the requested percentage payment, up to 95% for the project. State Aid advances 95% of the total Turnback Construction Obligation and the remaining 5% remains encumbered. To keep contract costs clear it is a good idea to make two entries if you are being paid for Project Development, Construction Engineering, Utility Relocation and/or Right of Way. Accounting Entry Record receipt of Turnback contract funds Debit Account: (asset) Credit Account: (asset) Accounting Entry Cash Turnback Construction - Receivable Record receipt of Turnback engineering, force account and ROW funds Debit Account: (asset) Cash Credit Account: (revenue) Turnback Construction - Revenue WORK BEGINS ON THE PROJECT Work progresses and Turnback eligible items are certified. Payments are made to the contractor less retained funds in the same manner as a regular construction project. The following entries will need to be made to recognize the construction expense, earned Turnback revenue, and the disbursement to the contractor. Accounting Entry Recognize expense for work certified Debit Account: (expense) Turnback Construction Expense Credit Account: (liability) Contracts Payable Accounting Entry Recognize Turnback revenue for work certified Debit Account: (liability) Turnback Construction - Deferred Revenue Credit Account: (revenue) Turnback Construction - Revenue Accounting Entry Record contractor disbursement Debit Account: (liability) Credit Account: (asset) Rev. 02/16 Contract Payable Cash SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS 5.33 PROJECT IS FINALED Numerous partial payments may be made to the contractor and SAPRs completed following the same process as in the steps above. The final SAPR must indicate that the project is final and request any remaining unpaid Turnback funds equal to the value of eligible work certified or the Turnback allocation whichever is less. Upon final four main situations can occur relating to the State Park funds. These are: A) B) C) D) - Project is completed exactly as estimated - Project overruns original estimate - Project Underruns original estimate without a Turnback overpayment - Project Underruns original estimate with a Turnback overpayment A) PROJECT IS COMPLETED AS ESTIMATED The remaining unpaid Turnback funds are released to the county upon the receipt of the executed SAPR. Accounting Entry Record receipt of Turnback funds Debit Account: (asset) Credit Account: (asset) Cash Turnback Construction - Receivable B) PROJECT OVERRUNS ORIGINAL ESTIMATE The remaining Turnback funds up to original encumbrance amount are released to the county upon the receipt of the executed SAPR. If additional funds are requested and granted it is the county will receive additional Turnback funds; if not the overage will be paid from local funds. Accounting Entry Recognize Turnback work certified over original allocation Debit Account: (liability) Turnback Construction - Receivable Credit Account: (revenue) Turnback Construction - Revenue Accounting Entry Recognize expense greater than Turnback allocation Debit Account: (expense) Construction Expense Credit Account: (liability) Contracts Payable Accounting Entry Record receipt of Turnback contract funds Debit Account: (asset) Credit Account: (asset) Accounting Entry Record receipt of Turnback engineering, force account or ROW funds Debit Account: (asset) Credit Account: (asset) Rev. 02/16 Cash Turnback Construction - Receivable Cash Turnback Construction - Revenue SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS 5.34 C) PROJECT UNDERRUNS ORIGINAL ESTIMATE WITHOUT OVERPAYMENT The remaining Turnback funds up to an amount equal to the value of eligible work certified are released to the county upon the receipt of the executed SAPR, if no further Turnback eligible costs remain any retained funds will be released to the county. Accounting Entry Record underrun Debit Account: (liability) Credit Account: (asset) Accounting Entry Turnback Construction - Deferred Revenue Turnback Construction - Receivable Record receipt of Turnback funds Debit Account: (asset) Credit Account: (asset) Cash Turnback Construction - Receivable D) PROJECT UNDERUNS ORIGINAL ESTIMATE WITH AN OVERPAYMENT Upon the receipt of the executed SAPR, no further Turnback to the county. These funds will have to be repaid to the Turnback fund. Accounting Entry Record underrun Debit Account: (liability) Credit Account: (asset) Accounting Entry Turnback Construction - Deferred Revenue Turnback Construction - Receivable Record repayment of Turnback Funds Debit Account: (asset) Credit Account: (asset) Turnback Construction - Receivable Cash Note: The Turnback fund overpayments must be repaid by the county. They are not left as outstanding overpayments and applied to future projects like regular allotment overpayments. FINAL PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR When the project is finaled and all the required documentation is received from the contractor, the county will release the retained funds to the contractor. Accounting Entry Record disbursement to contractor Debit Account: (liability) Credit Account: (asset) Rev. 02/16 Contracts Payable Cash SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS 5.35 TURNBACK – LUMP SUM METHOD(PAYMENT IN LIEU) A lump sum turnback occurs when the state agrees to either transfer funds from the turnback account into the county’s construction account or make a payment from the turnback account for an agreed upon amount of the value of work needed to bring the road to acceptable standards. The amount is established, an agreement is executed, and a transfer or payment is made. The amount is final and is not a reimbursement for actual costs. If the work done later overruns this amount, the local agency must fund the additional costs. There are different reasons that the Lump Sum Method is used, generally though, the state wants to turnback the road and the county is not ready to or able to do the work. In these cases an agreement is executed determining the value of any work needed to get the road up to standards for the county and it is understood that the work will be completed by the county in the future. The road is transferred to the jurisdiction of the county and is added to the appropriate system. The State Aid Rules (8820.230 subp. 6a) refer to the Payment in Lieu practice. The intent is that the amount determined through negotiations in the Turnback Agreement will be transferred into the receiving county’s (regular or municipal) construction allotment account based on the road system the turnback is added to. It is possible for the local agency to negotiate a direct payment of the turnback funds, but this is not the standard practice. To allow for possible inflation of costs, the rule states that the payment should reflect the “net value of eligible turnback costs for a project to be constructed within 20 years of the release date.” This is not stating the project is to be constructed within the next 20 years. TURNBACK ALLOCATION – TRANSFER After the agreement is executed and the funds are transferred, the county will see an increase in the construction allotment balance. An entry must be made to record the change. The funds are then requested and spent on projects just like any other state aid construction project and no more turnback entries will be needed. State Aid encourages the use of this method. Accounting Entry Record construction allotment increase Debit Account: (asset) Regular or Municipal Construction - Allotment Credit Account: (liability) Regular or Municipal Construction - Deferred Revenue TURNBACK CASH PAYMENT In some cases the Payment in Lieu is paid directly to the county as a cash disbursement. These funds are still considered State Aid funds and must be spent for the specific purpose of the law for “constructing, reconstructing, and improving state aid highways”. In these cases it is good practice to isolate the funds and keep a record of the expenditures. Once the funds are received an entry must be made to record the receipt of cash. It is recommended that each lump sum turnback be tracked separately. Accounting Entry Record receipt of Turnback funds Debit Account: (asset) Cash Credit Account: (liability) Turnback Construction - Deferred Revenue Rev. 02/16 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS 5.36 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WORK BEGINS ON THE PROJECT The county already has the funds so a receivable is not required. As work progresses on eligible projects and becomes certified, entries are made to decrease the liability, record the revenue earned, and record contractor payments. Accounting Entry Recognize Turnback revenue Debit Account: (liability) Turnback Construction - Deferred Revenue Credit Account: (revenue) Turnback Construction - Revenue Accounting Entry Record contractor disbursement Debit Account: (liability) Credit Account: (asset) Contract Payable Cash PROJECT IS FINALED The lump sum turnback payment received by the county was a defined amount. Funds are expended on eligible projects until they are depleted. Rev. 02/16