2010 IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE Application and Registration Registration for the 2010 Programmes opens on 01 December and closes on 22 January 2010 for applications for entry to the first semester, and from 21 June until 16 July 2010 for entry to the second semester. NB Please only make application for entry to one semester on the application form. Submit your application for enrolment for the second semester on a separate form, by mid-year and not as part of your application for enrolment in the first semester. NO LATE REGISTRATIONS CAN BE ALLOWED. It is your responsibility to ensure that the fully completed application and all required supporting documents reach the Programme offices before the closing dates, given above. Please allow for postal delays and also network difficulties at the time of closing, due to high volumes. All applications must be made on the official (2010) form, below. If on-line registration is done, the form (and the appropriate supporting documentation, where applicable) must still be submitted, with the Student Number that was allocated inserted in the space provided. Documents to be submitted by applicant candidates: New Applicants Only 1. The Application for Registration with all the applicable sections duly completed and signed by the candidate (and Questions 35A and 35B by the employer, if applicable) 2. Copy of Identity Document for South African applicants (or Passport by Non-South African applicants) 3. Copy of Senior (Matriculation) Certificate 4. Unless registration is for one of the Introductory Short Courses - Proof of the required prior insurance learning credits: • For the NQF level 5 Programmes - at least 24 insurance credits at at least NQF level 4, or at least 12 insurance credits at NQF level 5 • for the NQF level 6 (Advanced Insurance Practice) Programmes - a completed NQF level 5 qualification in insurance (or wealth management, if appropriate) of at least 120 credits at NQF level 5 (with Unisa or any INSETA or CHE accredited provider) 5. Completed Application for Exemption(s) and appropriate documentary proof if application is being made for the recording of credits for previous insurance studies, including the College of Insurance/IISA. Existing/Previous Unisa Students in the IISA Programmes in Insurance a) The Application for Registration with all the applicable sections duly completed and signed by the candidate (and Questions 35A and 35B by the employer, if applicable). NB Ensure you quote the student number you were allocated, previously. b) Completed Application for Exemption(s) and appropriate documentary proof if application is now being made for any additional qualifications acquired/awarded since any/the previous application (if any). If you are not certain whether application was previously made and/or agreed to, please contact the Programmes’ offices, first. NB If you are now converting to the semester model, you need to apply to have your accumulated credits in any incomplete qualification converted and recorded. Registration documents can be sent to iisa@unisa.ac.za or faxed to 086 693 7433 – if emailed; you will receive an automated acknowledgement of receipt. Please use this address/fax number only and not any of the other addresses or fax numbers. PLEASE SEND THE DOCUMENTS ONCE ONLY. If you are uncertain whether the documents transmitted properly and completely, rather query this by email or fax at the above address/ fax number, or telephone 012 429 4037. NB Only after you have been registered (and been allocated a student number) should payment of the fees be made. 2 As soon as you have been registered you will receive an email message or letter, quoting the student number that has been allocated and giving details of the amount payable and the applicable banking details: ABSA BANK Sunnyside Branch - code 630-345 Cheque Account - number 4048746711- Unisa Centre for Business Management - fill in your student number in the first eight blocks leave one block open after your student number fill in the reference number, 30139 74764 Please fax a copy of the deposit slip or proof of electronic transfer to 086 693 7433 If your employers have agreed to fund the tuition fees you must give the letter and any subsequent statements to them. Failure to do so may result in the fees not being paid or correctly allocated. Notes on the completion of the Registration Application NB For ease of reference, the question/section number that appears on the form is quoted 1 Only quote a UNISA CBM student number (always starting with ‘7’), not IISA PIN or Unisa student numbers etc. 2 The qualification codes are available from the website www.unisa.ac.za/iisa or the 2010 Programmes in Insurance brochure or the CBM 2010 Brochure 11 Please complete this section in full, including your employer’s details, as this info is used for statistical purposes when possible prizes are determined or awarded 13 If you are not aware of the examination centre, please leave this blank and the system will allocate you to the nearest examination centre to your home address 16 The courier cost of the first parcel of tuition material is paid by Unisa – please note that for 2010 all subsequent tuition and related material will only be made available in electronic format, or needs to be downloaded from myUnisa 17 This info is required for the delivery of the tuition material as mentioned above 18 This info is essential if somebody else needs to receive the parcel on your behalf 33 It is essential that you indicate how the tuition fees are going to be paid 35 This section must be completed in full, if you are a bursary, or employer-funded student. Ensure a duly authorised person countersigns Section 35B. NB If you are a senior or managing staff member, please get another senior person to countersign, as Unisa will not accept the guarantee if it is signed by the student, irrespectively. Tuition and Study Material 2010 Fees 1. Unisa Tuition Fees – per Module, per Semester: 1.1. Programmes at NQF5 – R800 ea 1.2. Programmes at NQF6 – R850 ea 2. IISA Study Material – per module (Semester Programmes): 2.1. Hard Copy (Book) – R180* 2.2. Soft Copy (CD) - R110* 2.3. Combo (Book plus CD) - R275* * plus postage/courier fees, where applicable. 3. Examination Fee – Supplementary, special and aegrotat – R140 4. Remark of examination scripts – R240 per book 5. Checking of (examination script) marks – R100 per book 6. Foreign Student Levy: 6.1. Category A – Africa – R360 per module 6.2. Category B – Rest of the world – R720 per module NB IISA Study Material must be ordered direct from IISA, using the order form available from the website www.iisa.co.za Payment, also, needs to be made to IISA direct and NOT TO UNISA! 2010 IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY IN BLACK INK To all students previously and/or currently registered at Unisa or at any Please indicate your centre/institute at Unisa: student number here: 1 Existing CBM Student number - (eg. 7077-094-7) - - - 2 Qualification code (eg. 76635): 3 Surname, Initials, Title (eg Smith R J Mr): 4 First names: 5 Maiden name and/or previous surname: 6 Date of birth: Female 7 Gender Year Month Day Mark with √ 8 Language for correspondence Male (not for study material) Mark with √ Afr Eng 9 Identity number or Passport number: 10 Are you physically disabled? (Mark with √) YES If ``YES'', indicate the nature of your disability (Mark with x ) 11 Telephone numbers and contact details (dialling code and number) (eg 011-234 5678 x 2345) NO Blind Cerebral palsied Hom e Cell Work Fax e-mail Employer Oth er Deaf 12 May your name and address be given to fellow students for academic purposes? (Mark with x) None YES NO 14 Home language 13 Examination centre code --- If not available, please indicate nam e of examination Centre or preferred location 15A Postal address and postal code 15B Physical address and postal code Name Postal Code Postal Code 16 Please indicate the mode in which you would like to receive your tuition material. (Mark with √) 17 Courier address and postal code (for courier of tuition material during office hours) (No PO Boxes) Post Courier 18 Indicate alternative nam e and contact details of person to receive courier parcel Name Contact number Name Contact number (office hours) Contact number (office hours) 19 In which format would you like to receive your registration material (Calendars, etc) in future? (Mark only one with √) E-mail CD Printed copy INFORMATION GIVEN IN QUESTIONS 20 - 23 IS USED FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY 20 Nationality 21 Population group 22 Occupation 23 Economic sector (eg Insurance, Banking, Education) PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE, CENTRE FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PO Box 392 Unisa 0003 South Africa 012 429 4037 • Int +27 12 429 4037 NB THE REVERSE SIDES OF THIS FORM MUST ALSO BE COMPLETED 2 2010 Programmes in Insurance Registration Application Con’d 24 If you have already registered, or intend to register concurrently at another approved South African tertiary institution for 2009, supply the following information: (i) Other institution (ii) Degree / Diploma / Certificate 25 Give particulars of the last tertiary institution at which you were registered before 2009 (Mark with √) Institution (ii) Year (iii) Undergraduate Postgraduate 26 Did you pass at least one module/study unit at the abovementioned institution? (Mark with x) Certificate YES NO 27 Give particulars of all previous registrations at Unisa and/or other educational institutions, starting with the most recent registration Institution (eg Unisa, IISA or Centre) Qualification (eg degree/ diploma/certificate) Year(s) (eg 2006) Student number/ PIN number If completed, state year If incomplete, give reason 28 Do you want to apply for exemption from modules/subjects passed at the abovem entioned institution? (Mark with √). If yes, a formal application must be submitted indicating the modules for which exemption is/are requested and a formal, original academic record/extract must be attached. Please consult the Programme brochure for the module details. 29 Do you require a library access card? (only ‘Yes’ if you are not in possession of a library card and need access to the library at Muckleneuk during 2009) (Mark with √) YES NO YES NO QUESTIONS 30 TO 34 MUST BE ANSWERED 30 Highest school qualification (eg Grade 12) Grade 12 examination number, if available NB See the Programme Brochure 31 Will your qualification be completed with this registration (Mark with √) YES NO 32 Please ensure that all codes for the modules/study units for which you wish to register, are provided in the spaces below. Module code (eg IPAI01R,or PAIP01G etc) NB See the Programme or CBM Brochure (an example appears in the first row below) I P S T 0 1 Semester / Intake For office use only Year 1 2 √ E 1 2 3 4 5 Please note: All modules are offered in English only 33 Particulars of payment (Indicate method of payment and amount) All payments payable to Unisa. Credit card: MasterCard or Visa only SAPO Deposit Credit card Postal order Bank draft (South African ABSA Deposit Post Office) R R R R R Debit Card R R Credit card No. Expiry date TMO (Telegraph Money order) CV number M M Y Y Y Y If payment is on budget, mark period in months with X 6 12 18 Money order R Employer Bursary/Loan/ Funding R For office use only (Finance) 24 Card Holder (a) ID number (b) Surnam e and initials (c) Card holder’s signature Confirm amount to be deducted R 34 DECLARATION AND UNDERTAKING I declare that all the particulars furnished by me on this form are true and correct, and I undertake to comply with the rules, regulations and decisions of the University, and the Centre and any amendments thereto, and have taken note of advice which may be applicable to students in general and/or to the field of study for which I intend to register. I undertake to protect the copyright of the University and under no circumstance to make the study material available for use by any other person. I, furthermore, acknowledge that I accept that I remain personally responsible for the payment of tuition fees regardless of any arrangements entered into, promises or undertakings given or intimated with or by my employer. Surname: .................................................................................... First Names: ........................................................................................ Date: ........................................................................................... Student's signature: ............................................................................. FAX/E-MAIL THE COMPLETED FORM TO: 086 693 7433 or iisa@unisa.ac.za 2010 Programmes in Insurance Registration Application Con’d 3 Where the student is enrolling in terms of an employer’s bursary arrangements/scheme (which has been registered with Unisa CBM) or study loan, section 35 needs to be completed and signed by the appropriately authorised signatory (who must be somebody other than the applicant). 35A Employer Bursary/Study Loan Details Student Status (Mark with √) New Student Existing Student Employment details Employer Dept/Branch Employer’s Address Employee No Job Title Contact person for Payment Designation Tel No Fax No Email Address 35B Employer’s agreement to fund the tuition fees and undertaking to pay Unisa before the final date (as per section 33 above) Title and Name: Position: Work Address Tel No Fax No Email Approval signature from Employer ________________________________ Date _______________________ NB Prospective students must ensure that they have received authorisation for funding from their employers before making an application. Students remain personally responsible for paying all fees regardless of their employer’s authority. Candidates should also note that UNISA retains the right to withhold course enrolment and distribution of course or tuition material until any account is paid in full. Similarly, if there is an outstanding balance on the student’s account, assignments may be refused, examination admission declined or examination results withheld. Documents to be submitted by applicant candidates: New Applicants Only 6. This Application for Registration with all the applicable sections duly completed and signed by the candidate (and the employer, if applicable) 7. Copy of Identity Document for South African applicants (or Passport by Non-South African applicants) 8. Copy of Senior (Matriculation) Certificate 9. Proof of prior insurance learning credits (if an application for exemption(s) is being made) 10. Completed Application for Exemption(s), if applicable Existing/Previous Students in the Programmes in Insurance with Unisa CBM c) d) This Application for Registration with all the applicable sections duly completed and signed by the candidate (and the employer, if applicable) Completed Application for Conversion to the Revised (2009) Programmes, if applicable. COMPLETED FORMS AND THE OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS CAN BE FAXED TO: 086 693 7433 or E-mailed to iisa@unisa.ac.za or mailed to or delivered to IISA Programmes in Insurance Centre for Business Management P O Box 392 UNISA 0003 South Africa IISA Programmes in Insurance Centre for Business Management AJH van der Walt building UNISA Preller Street Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria Unisa 2010 Progs in Insurance Registration Application