36 Children (Plume) by Herbert Kohl

36 Children (Plume) by Herbert Kohl
Unabridged Look At Public Education
My Personal Review:
The book "36 Children" is intersting to compare to Jonathan Kozol's more
famous book "Death at an early age", written at about the same time, in the
1960s. I would say that Kozol had a better experience than Kohl, and he
was a better teacher. But Kohl's book is valuable because it is brutally
honest about the selfish motivations of the average teacher, as well as the
difficulties, stereotypes and misunderstandings that get in the way of good
teaching.Another difference between Kohl and Kozol is that Kozol had one
class of children to teach, while Kohl was teaching children who were 1 or
2 years older and split into separate classes. It makes me wonder if it is
easier to teach kids in a single class rather then divide them up into
periods so that the teachers keep changing.Other books to recommend in
this genre are "Savage Inequalities" by Jonathan Kozol, "Children of
crisis" by Robert Coles, and "Ghetto schooling" by Jean Anyon.
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