Self-checks and Controls in spreadsheets Introduction

Self-checks and Controls in
Presentation to tenth annual EuSpRIG conference, Paris 2009
Patrick O'Beirne
Systems Modelling Ltd
Tara Hill, Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ireland
Tel +353-53-942-2294
– Patrick O’Beirne BSc MA FICS
– Systems Modelling Ltd. Ireland (
– Current focus: spreadsheet quality and auditing.
• ‘Spreadsheet Check and Control’ book
• Software for assessing s/s (ScanXLS, XLTest)
• Other IT books and articles.
– Presentations to Irish Computer Society, ISACA, EuSpRIG, the
Excel User Conference, and other interest groups.
– Professional affiliations:
• Irish Computer Society
• European Spreadsheet Risk Interest Group (EuSpRIG)
• Software Testing Interest Group in Ireland (SoftTest)
Sloppy Spreadsheets: Readers Speak Out
• June 18, 2008
Should show footers showing file location, date, tab name, file name,
and page #x of #y
Should include a summary tab that directs the user's attention, and
worksheets should be clearly named and flow from left to right.
Hidden columns/rows and hidden sheets can contain confidential
information that should not be sent to certain parties. columns and rows
should be grouped, not hidden.
In a nutshell, [a big problem is] hard-coding numbers in formulas that
should be assumptions.
Not setting up the sheet to print. I received a simple spreadsheet today
that, when printed, came out as a three-page portrait, when it should
have been a one-page landscape.
Sloppier Spreadsheets: How Bad Can They Get?
• August 20, 2008
Tip: Color-coded Tabs: Delineate which tabs I, as the reader, should focus on.
Trap: Not Deleting unneeded Data
Tip: Totals at the Top: For readability and ease of adding items at the bottom.
Have the summary tab first, just like in a document where the executive
summary is the first page.
Traps: Not Noting Revisions: a link to a missing spreadsheet; returning the file
with no indication of having updated it, and no name change
Tip: Test It Yourself: How many people actually test their spreadsheets?
Trap: When Rows Don't Foot I have found the most basic, often-forgotten rule
is the cross check. I now refuse to review where the footing cell is not visible.
Tip: Publish Your Standards: with detailed structure and company reqts
Trap: Where Did We Leave Off? Save the workbook so it opens to the
appropriate worksheet, at the proper point.
Tip: An Alternative to the Negative Sign: Format any negative numbers or
percents into brackets, instead of showing that little bitty negative sign
Trap: Dressed Up, but Nowhere to Go: a spreadsheet formatted correctly,
formulas tied together nicely, etc. — yet the one who produced it cannot
produce the data behind the spreadsheet.
Presence of cross-checks
When F11 is sum of B11:E11 then cross check is sum of F2:F10
- or vice versa
Percentages should add up to 100%
Compare proportions, changes, ratios
Have one summary sheet that is always printed that contains the full set
of headers and footers, summary lines and totals from every sheet with
quality checks in printable form
Cross foot
• Sum every column and every row
• Calculate difference row from column totals
• Display a large red error indicator if the difference is
significant, so that even on printouts it cannot be
• Excel precision variances as small as 1E-13 (10-13)
will still be different from zero.
=IF(ABS(H10-J10)<0.01, "", "Mismatch "&(H10-J10))
Data Integrity
Have error checks where they can be seen whether on screen or printed
=IF(ABS(H10-J10)<0.001, "OK", "Out of balance!")
=IF(C8>1000,"Too Large?","")
=IF(NOW()>D9,"After review date, check assumptions","")
=IF(ISNUMBER(D9),"","Enter the ")&"Review date:“
Clear Navigation
Use of Summary and Table of Contents
Meaningful sheet tab names
Hyperlinks where appropriate
DCLG Housing PFI Financial Model template.xls
Print setup header & footer
Multiple plus ungood
• Sum everything above
• Inner total (includes rows of subtotals only)
divide by 2
• Outer total (includes grand totals at bottom
and right) divide by 6
• Where there are no internal totals, or no
grand total row, then divide by 4
• Adjust as appropriate when using SUBTOTAL
Cross foot added
SUM replaced by SUBTOTAL(9,
Check for blank or text values
Input / output balance
What changed?
A sense of proportion
Room for expansion
Phantom Phormula Phixer
• Extends if new data typed in
• ..not if pasted or filled
Different formulas giving the same result
Array SUM
Data quality checks using COUNT etc
• Count #error values in a range named
• {=SUM(ISERROR(data)*1)}
• Count text values in a range
• {=SUM(--ISTEXT(B4:B20))}
Array SUM vs SUMIF
• Sum of data values less than 0
• {=SUM(Data*(Data<0))}
• =SUMIF(Data,"<0")
• Sum greater than 0 less than or equal to 5
• {=SUM((Data>0)*(Data<=5)*Data)}
• =SUMIFS(Data,Data,">0",Data,"<=5")
Top 10 Questions (1)
1. What is the purpose of the spreadsheet?
a. Criticality – what if it were lost or corrupted?
2. Where is it kept – network location, set of files
a. How do we know which is the current version?
b. Complete list of data sources it depends upon
c. What depends on this spreadsheet?
3. How is it used? (Process documentation,
4. Is it for one person or is it re-used by others?
Top 10 Questions (2)
5. Is it once-off (project) or has it a periodic operation?
6. Who peer reviews its structure and version
a. If none, likelihood of key-person risk?
b. Evidence of test (with results) and acceptance
7. What controls are around it?
a. Who reviews & signs off its output?
b. Reconciliation with data sources
8. What checks are included within it?
– a. Cross-foot, balance checks, etc
Top 10 Questions (3)
9. What evidence is there of conformity to good design practices?
a. Potential long list, see below
b. Clear block layout, formats, print output header/footer
c. Formula integrity, protection, no errors, no external links
d. Use of timesaving formulas and features
10. What are the pain points?
a. Quality of input data; duplication, update
b. Grunt work transforming data
c. Effort maintaining & updating formulas
d. Training in more efficient Excel skills
e. Possible to replace with controlled shared system?
Typical Data Quality checks (1)
• Match and Merge: Combines columns from sheets where
rows are matched by some comparison operator.
• Compare: compares two sheets. Is the copy of the data in
the spreadsheet consistent with the original data stored in
the source database?
• Extract: Separate a sheet into multiple sheets based on
values in a column. Sampling.
• Generate: Fill cells with random, fixed or incremental
values, characters, dates, or numbers
• Convert: transform or reformat data formats or data types.
Did the spreadsheet correctly process the format and data
types of the data at the time?
Typical Data Quality checks (2)
• Group: Subtotals, Top/Bottom Items, Date Aging,
Stratification by bands, Cross-tabulation
• Statistics: Descriptive Statistics, Summary
• Duplicates: duplicated rows (are primary keys still
• Gaps: missing rows, data items missing (empty cells), or
• Find: suspicious data (all the 9s, 01/01/01, and similar)
• Spell-check: are there any spelling mistakes?
• Benford's analysis: used to detect fraud from the pattern
of digits where amounts have been invented.
References How do you know your
spreadsheet is right? Philip L. Bewig July 28,2005 Information and Data Quality in
Spreadsheets. Patrick O'Beirne. Proceedings of EuSpRIG 2008 Spreadsheet Safe training
and certification of user competence Spreadsheet Check and
Control, Patrick O'Beirne, Systems Publishing 2005
Self-checks in spreadsheets: a survey of current practice; David
Colver, Operis Ltd, Proceedings Eusprig conference, 2008
List of checks
Balance sheet balances
Financial statements add up
Financial statements have expected signs
Sources match uses
Identities hold true
Balance sheet clears out
Cash cascade gives same net as cash flow
Ratio Inclusion Analysis
Tax reconciliation
Yield analysis
Physical identities (material balance)
Iterative solution has converged
Inputs make sense
Outputs meet participants’ requirements
Self-checks in spreadsheets: a survey of current practice, David Colver, EuSpRIG 2008
Spreadsheet Check and Control
By Patrick O’Beirne
Systems Publishing, 2005
ISBN 190540400X