UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN MINUTES- APPRO VED Forum Study Board for Human Biology Meeting held: September 9, 2014 Place: 23.1.10 9 SEPTEMBER 2014 STUDENT AFFAIRS TEL +45 35 32 79 00 DIR +45 35 32 66 47 Minutes-taker: Karina Rømer Present: Mette Marie Rosenkilde (MMR), Thorkil Ploug (TP), Morten SchakNielsen (MSN), Lotte Vogel (LV), Christina Friese (CF), Janus Houe Magnussen (JHM), Cancellation: Claus Løland, Heidi Pihl, Melane de Almeida, Anna Lind Hansen Guests: Pia Baggesen, Asha Levann, Anniek Lubberding Agenda: 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of minutes from meeting May 20, 2014 (annex) 3. Follow up on latest meeting a. Discussion of current syllabus and workload b. The Language Strategy of UCPH, Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use c. Study Progress Reform d. Miscellaneous - permanent room for lectures REF: KR 4. Approval of two new student representatives: Asha Levann and Anniek Lubberding. Melane de Almeida and Anna Lind Hansen have left the Study Board. 5. Approval of Exam Schedule Summer 2015 (annex) 6. Approval of Teaching Syllabus F15 (annex) 7. Evaluation of courses during Spring 2014 (annex) 8. Approval of student applications for exemptions and elective courses (annex) a. Resume of student applications for exemptions 080514 020914 b. Application for pre-approval of Elective Course c. Application to write Master’s Thesis in science communication 9. Miscellaneous a. Open House Event PC Exams (Read more about dates and times at The address for the open house event is 36 Peter Bangs Vej, 2000 Frederiksberg) Minutes Mette Marie Rosenkilde (MMR) welcomed Pia Baggesen the new Student and Career Counsellor at SUND. MMR also welcomed the two new student representatives Asha Levann and Anniek Lubberding. Ad 1) Approval of agenda Thorkil Ploug (TP) added to item 9 Miscellaneous 1) Elective course Translational Pharmacology, 2) Symposium for thesisstudents. The agenda was approved. Ad 2) Approval of minutes Approved Ad 3) Follow-up on latest meeting a) Discussion of current syllabus and workload: Lotte Vogel has reduced the workload for the Molecular biology and Genetics course by changing the projects to fit the time available b) The Language Strategy of UCPH, Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use: Nothing to report c) Study Progress Reform: MMR and TP have finished the report requested by the Head of education Bitta Nielsen and Vice-dean PAGE 2 OF 5 Ad 4) Ad 5) Ad 6) Ad 7) Hans Henrik Saxild. The report covers the same items discussed at the meeting in May. d) Miscellaneous - permanent room for lectures: TP stated that it is not realistic to book a room just for students from human biology with the current construction of the tower and logistic problems. Approval of new student representatives Asha Levann and Anniek Lubberding both from team 25 were approved as new student representatives in the Study Board for the remaining period October 2014- January 2015. Approval of Exam Schedule Summer 2015 The students requested the following changes to the proposed schedule: Exam in Human Pathophysiology moved to week 24 from week 23. Statistics and Data Analysis moved to weeks 25-26 from weeks 24-25.With these changes the exam schedule was approved. Approval of Teaching Syllabus F15 Due to changes to exam dates some changes were made to the teaching syllabus. These were approved. Evaluation of courses during Spring 2014 TP presented some of the results from the evaluation of courses in the spring term of 2014. Pharmacology and Toxicology had received a good rating.The evaluation of the course in Human Pathophysiology showed improvements since last evaluation (but the response rate was low) and TP stated that the course still needs further adjustments. Clinical Rotations had improved. Jens Benn Sørensen is the new course manager and together with TP he will put together a short compendium to prepare students for the clinical rotations. Also, there has been made changes to the clinical departments which have improved the quality of the clinical rotation. The course manager of Statistics and Data Analysis had improved the course and created a good basic structure. The evaluation has subsequently improved. The students have very different knowledge in statistics from prior bachelor degrees and therefore the perception of the level of the course is very individual. The course manager has decided to change the current structure where lectures are held in the morning and exercises in the afternoon. This will be more varied during the upcoming course. Janus H. Magnussen (JHM) asked for an update on the results of the focus group with students (team 24) regarding the course in Human Pathophysiology. TP has received a report based on the focus group and is planning to implement some of the suggestions to improve the structure and content of the course. The students noted that the exam in Laboratory Animal Science had copied questions from prior PAGE 3 OF 5 Ad 8) Ad 9) exams. TP replied that he will look further into the rules regarding written exams and exam questions. Approval of student applications for exemptions and elective courses There were no applications for exemptions for the Study Board to process. a) MMR presented briefly the processed student applications for exemptions from May 8 to September 2, 2014. These had been processed by MMR and TP. The Study Board discussed that it is a problem that most of the exemptions are concerned with problems of finishing the thesis on time. b) Application for pre-approval of Elective Course The Study Board approved an application for pre-approval of elective courses: • “Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences” University of Copenhagen, Department of Pharmacy, 7.5 ECTS. c) Application to write Master’s Thesis in the field of Science Communication The Study Board decided that it was not opposed to a thesis in the area of Science Communication as it will be related to Human Biology. However, the study board recommended that the student should focus more on the methodology and contact potential supervisors as soon as possible. Miscellaneous: MMR informed that there will be an open house at Peter Bangs Vej regarding the use of computers and programs for the written exams. Elective course Translational Pharmacology: A week prior to the meeting, the course manager Thue Schwartz informed TP that he will not be able to conduct the elective course during the weeks 4344, fall 2014. TP is already working on finding a replacement course. 23 students had registered for the course and in collaboration with the Administration TP will try to contact the students and find an alternative solution to this acute problem. Symposium for Master’s Thesis: A student had contacted TP suggesting organizing a symposium for the students working on their thesis. Here they can present their work with poster-presentations or/and competition for the best thesis etc.. TP suggested it could be combined with Claus Lølands Thesis seminar. MMR pointed out, PAGE 4 OF 5 that it should be a student-driven project and separate from the thesis seminar. TP responded that we need to help them with building the structure. MMR asked the students to think about this and suggested the study board could discuss it again on the next meeting. Admission to the MSc: It is a problem that only approx. 33 out of 40 admitted students have started the programme this year. This leaves around 7 vacant slots. TP mentioned that in total only 34 students accepted the offered slot. MMR stated that she would like to receive a report regarding the admission procedure by AUS (department of Student Affairs). We need to evaluate on this. Next meeting: December 2, 2014 15:00-17:00. PAGE 5 OF 5