IT Project Management - Appendix C Christopher Struttmann Part 1 - Task 1 Overview has been the industry leader in online-coordinated video game rental since 2002 . The video game industry generates over $10 billion in revenue yearly; video game subscription rental represents approximately 3% of that $10 billion. Of that three percent, Gamefly owns over 67% of their market-share. Clearly has had tremendous success, however, they have not had a large amount of competition. Our Service The video game delivery project will be very simmilar to the GameFly service. Functionally, it will be nearly the same, however, our business model calls for a volume based sales approach rather than a margin based sales approach. We've found that this works to our advantage as our market research shows that the main sale-abandonment reason at GameFly is pricing; as a result, our service will offer more competitive pricing. The following list is contains functions that our system will have and respective their priorities. ¥ User signup and email tracking - very important - This feature will allow us to keep track of users as they sign up and email various promotional items as well as billing notices and other administrative items. ¥ Search engine by platform - very important - This function allows for different searches across different platforms. The search should be adaptive to different media types and online services affiliated with each console. ¥ Queuing - very important - this feature will users to setup lists of video games to be rented. Once the user sends back one game, the next game from the top of their list will automatically be sent to them immediately. ¥ Recommendation engine - optional - This feature will analyze a user's renting history and generate a list of other games that they may enjoy. ¥ Multi-language support - nice to have - Since over 80% of video games worldwide only support English, it does not make sense to support other languages unless necessary. ¥ Shipment tracking and status - optional - This feature will allow the end user to log-in and see where their rented games are in the shipment and delivery process. Project Charter Project Title: Video Game Delivery Project Start Date: 11/23/2009 Projected Finish Date: 11/23/ 2010 Budget Information: The video game delivery project has a total development budget of $500,000 USD. Project Manager: Christopher Struttmann,, 321-735-9003 Project Objectives: Develop a new online service for subscription based, online, video game rental. The internet site will be in direct competition with sites like Approach: ¥ Use existing market research to determine what users want ¥ Develop the product with consumer feedback and polling all the way through the development cycle ¥ Launch the site ¥ Deploy marketing plan Roles and Responsibilities Role Name Organization/ Contact Information Position Sponsor Lori Project Manager Chris Struttmann VP Marketing Extension 3650 Product Development Extension 5331 Sign-off: (Signatures of all above stakeholders. Can sign by their names in table above.) Comments: (Handwritten or typed comments from above stakeholders, if applicable) IT Project Management - Appendix C Christopher Struttmann Part 1 - Task 5 Overview Studies have shown that changes mid-project can make or break that project. The three axis constraint rule can labor a project manager; because of this, project managers need to have good integrated change control (ICC) processes. Our ICC Process Our company prides itself on always delivering projects on time and on budget, this project will be no different. We've developed a proven ICC process to keep our goals in sight. If there shall be such an occasion where a project team member would like to submit a change, they may do such; the process is simple. 1. The project team member requesting the change needs to complete a change request form. 2. After completing the form, the team member must take the form to their immediate supervisor (typically a group manager). 3. The immediate supervisor checks to make sure that the change is reasonable and keeps the project within scope. By doing this, the project manager is labored less on scope creep and is able to focus more on the primary objectives 4. After the immediate supervisor gives their signature of approval, the requestee must take the form to the project manager for approval. 5. The PM will take the change control form and run a what-if analysis against the project Gantt chart. If the project manager feels that they can account for these changes within the time allocated and budget allocated, they will approve the change. 6. Once the change is approved, the change is emailed to all of the project team members and stakeholders. 7. The physical request form is archived for later traceability if needed. Scope Statement Project Title: Video Delivery Project Date: 11/21/2009 Prepared by: Christopher Struttmann Project Justification: Market research conducted by our company shows that there is room in the market for over $5 million dollars per year of business growth. Product Characteristics and Requirements: 1. The project will be an online service for the public 2. The service will have a tiered pricing scheme for users 3. The service will have a superb search engine 4. Users will select their video games to be delivered and they will automatically be shipped. 5. Users will automatically be billed via credit card 6. The project will be completed in no more than 12 months. 7. The project will be completed with no more than $500,000 USD of funding Summary of Project Deliverables Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents required to manage the project. Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software code, hardware, etc. 1. The internet site 2. Working expandable and scalable code-base 3. Precise result search engine 4. Infrastructure to support automated shipping Project Success Criteria: 1. The ability for a user to do the following without system crash or other issue: 1. Login 2. Search for a game 3. Order the game 4. Have the game automatically shipped 5. Have the game arrive 6. Ship the game back 7. Have the game accounted for as "returned" in the system Work Breakdown Structure for Video Delivery Project Prepared by: Christopher Struttmann Date: 1. Initiation (already complete) 2. Planning 1. Project kickoff meeting 2. Create team contract 3. Create scope statements 4. Prepare WBS 5. Prepare schedule and cost baseline 1. Determine task resources 2. Determine task durations 3. Create draft Gantt chart 4. Review and finalize Gantt chart 6. Identify, discuss and prioritize risks 3. Executing 1. Create site design 1. Determine color scheme 2. Finalize color scheme as approved by stakeholders 2. Turn site design over to ABC, Inc for integration into software 3. Install hardware in facility 4. Install ABC, Inc.'s finished software on our hardware 5. Beta test 1. Conduct feedback surveys 6. Public unveiling 4. Monitoring and Controlling 1. Status Reports 5. Closing 1. Prepare final project report 2. Prepare final project presentation 3. Generate "lessons learned" report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roject Management - Appendix C Christopher Struttmann Part 2 - Task 4 Overview Studies have shown that mid-project changes in scope (or scope creep) can make or break that project. The three axis constraint rule can labor a project manager; because of this, project managers need to have good scope verification processes. Our Scope Verification Processes The scope verification process involves formal acceptance of the completed project scope by our project stakeholders. This acceptance is often achieved by a customer inspection followed by a sign-off on key deliverables. To receive formal acceptance of the project scope, the project team must develop clear documentation of the project's products and precedures to evaluate if they were completed correctly and satisfactorily. 1 Our system uses a series of checks and balances to ensure that no project change or disturbance is knocking our performance off scope. Our ICC Processes combined with our scope control process ensure that we will never be off of scope. We're motivated to being 100% on schedule and 100% on time, everytime. It is this motivation that keeps our projects in check and on scope, all the time. 1. 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