PHYSICS-100 SYLLABUS V5 FALL-2015 Course Director: Prof. R. Steinberg ( Office: Disque-707 Text: Basic Mathematics with Applications to Science and Technology by Kruglak, Moore & Mata-Toledo, Schaum’s Outlines Series, McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed. Other required reading material (Unit-Intros 02-07) is on the course website: The course week consists of Monday and Wednesday lectures (1300-1350, Disque 108) together with recitations on Wednesday and Friday (various locations and times). WEEK TOPICS 01(9/21/15)α Measurement and scientific notation. Conversion of units. Plane geometry: Similar triangles, areas of plane figures. Trigonometric functions Solution of triangles, circle, the radian, etc. 02(9/28/15)β 03(10/5/15) LECTURE Chapter(s) 2,11 PROBLEMS (Lecture and/or Recitation) CH-2: 6,12,16,23,34,43,48,50, 56-58,61-65,68,70 11,13 UNIT-02 Intro* CH-11:13,17,21,25,28,31,39,4853, 57,59,64, 69,71,80-83 + UNIT-02 Sample problems** 13,14,16,17 UNIT-03 Intro* 12 UNIT-04 Intro* CH-13: 2,6,16,19,22,28-30,36, 37 + UNIT-03 Sample problems** CH-14: 5,7,13,24,26,27,30,31, 36,41 CH-16: 7,18-28 CH-17: 16-18, 30 CH-12: 6,12,18,23-25,29,31,33, 40-42,46 + UNIT-04 Sample problems** CH-15: 1-5,7,8,11,12,13,16,17, 18,22 + UNIT-05 Solved Examples 1-5 04(10/12/15)γ Solid geometry 05(10/19/15) Solid geometry (cont’d) WED 10/21: midterm #1 06(10/26/15) Vectors: Addition- triangle and parallelogram methods 07(11/2/15) UNIT-05 Intro* 09(11/18/15) Vector addition-analytical method, unit vector notation, dot and cross products Kinematics-concepts of average and instantaneous velocity, acceleration, etc WED 11/18: midterm #2 10(11/23/15)δ Newton’s laws of motion UNIT-07 Intro* 11(11/30/15) Newton’s laws of motion 12(12/07/15) REVIEW 08(11/11/15) 12 (cont’d) UNIT-04 (cont’d) UNIT-05 Intro* UNIT-06 Intro* CH-15: 24-31,35-39,42-46, + UNIT-05 Problems 1-6 + Add’l Solved Problems 1-5 Tipler Problems 37-42 UNIT-06 1D-Kinematics Sample problems + Add’l Solved Problems 1-5 UNIT-07 Newton’s Laws Tyagi Problems 1-7; Serway Odd Problems 1-23 FINAL EXAM FRI 12/11 1300-1500 Stratton 113 1 α Wednesday 9/23/15 lecture is canceled. Recitations on 9/23/15 will be held. Recitations on 9/25 are canceled due to University closure. β Monday 9/28/15 lecture is canceled due to University closure. γ Monday 10/12/15 is a University holiday. δ Wed-Fri 11/25-27 are University holidays. * The Introduction to various UNITS is in the UNIT- INTROS folder on the course website. ** See SAMPLE PROBLEMS folder on the course website. 1. PROBLEMS: The problems will be discussed either in lecture or during the weekly recitation periods. 2. HOMEWORK: Homework Assignments with the due dates are posted on the course website (HOMEWORK Folder). The completed assignments must be submitted to your TA on the due date at the beginning of your recitation. The solutions to a HOMEWORK assignment are posted on the course website a day after the due date. Therefore, no late submissions will be accepted. 3. MIDTERM EXAM SCHEDULE: Two midterm exams will be given during the regularly scheduled lecture periods on the dates shown below: Midterm #1: Wed. 10/21/15 Measurement & Plane Geometry: Topics in Chs.2 and 11 of the text and UNIT-02 Trigonometry: Topics in Chs.13,14,16 and 17 of the text and UNIT-03 Midterm #2: Wed. 11/18/15 Solid Geometry: Topics covered in Ch.12 of the text and UNIT-04 Vectors: Topics covered in Ch.15 of the text and UNITS-05 and -06 There are no make-up exams. A single midterm exam missed for a valid documented reason will be compensated by assigning extra weight to the final exam score. Please bring an arithmetic/trigonometric calculator and a single 2-sided formula sheet (8.5 x 11 inches) of your own creation. FINAL GRADE Your Final grade will be determined as follows: 1. Two midterms 40% 2. Homework 10% 3. Attendance, in-class participation 10% 4. Final Exam 40% ______________________________________ TOTAL 100% Letter grades will be assigned as follows: A: 90 -100 B: 80 - 89 C: 70 - 79 D: 60 - 69 F: < 60 2 Plus and minus grade ranges (A+, A, A-, etc.) will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. Exams are not ‘curved’, but the grade boundaries may be adjusted. LECTURE SCHEDULE § (# students ) Day/Time Building/Room Instructor A (42) M,W: 1300-1350 Disque 108 Prof. Richard Steinberg RECITATION SCHEDULE § (# students ) 001 (12) Day/Time W,F: 1000-1050 Building/Room PISB 107 TA 002 (17) W,F: 1100-1150 Curtis 352 Adwait Murudkar 003 (13) W,F: 1500-1550 CAT 75 Adwait Murudkar Adwait Murudkar Syllabus: Version 5 of 11/22/2015 3