AIAA 2009-5723 AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 10 - 13 August 2009, Chicago, Illinois Parameter Identification for Application within a Fault-Tolerant Flight Control System Kerri Phillips 1 , Giampiero Campa 2 , Srikanth Gururajan 3 , Brad Seanor 4 , Marcello R. Napolitano5, Yu Gu 6 ,Mario Luca Fravolini 7 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 26506-6106 PF FPT F T FPT FPT TPF , FPT FP FPT FPT This paper presents the results of a parameter identification study for the mathematical model of the WVU YF-22 unmanned research aircraft under both nominal and failure conditions to simulate malfunctions on primary control surfaces. Specifically, nominal and failure conditions for both linear and non-linear mathematical models were developed using flight data acquired from pilot and automated computer-injected maneuvers. From analysis, the stability and control derivatives were extracted to determine the aerodynamic forces and moments. The aerodynamic derivatives were introduced into a simulation model implemented within a Simulink-based environment; studies were conducted to validate the accuracy of the identified models. Initial simulation results highlight the potential for the development of the nominal and failure non-linear mathematical models from flight data. Keywords: Parameter Identification, Aircraft System Identification, Fault-Tolerant Flight Control Nomenclature a A b B C c H i I J m p q 1 TP PT 2 TP PT 3 TP PT 4 TP PT 5 TP PT 6 TP PT 7 TP PT = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2 linear acceleration (m/s ) decoupled (failure) state matrix wing span (m) decoupled (failure) input matrix aerodynamic coefficient mean aerodynamic chord (m) altitude (m) surface deflection (deg) moment of inertia (kg m2) product of inertia (kg m2) aircraft mass (kg) roll rate (deg/s) pitch rate (deg/s) Ph.D. Student, Dept. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ERC 117C, PO Box 6106 West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA. 26506-6106. Email: kphilli2 at, AIAA Member. Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ESB 535, PO Box 6106 West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA. 26506-6106, Email: giampiero.campa at Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ERC 121, PO Box 6106 West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA. 26506-6106. Email: srikanth.gururajan at, AIAA Member. Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ESB 535, PO Box 6106 West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA. 26506-6106, Email: brad.seanor at, AIAA Member. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ESB 519, PO Box 6106 West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA. 26506-6106, Email: marcello.napolitano at, AIAA Member. Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ESB 535, PO Box 6106 West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA. 26506-6106, Email: at Research Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Email: fravolini at 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. q r S T V = = = = = dynamic pressure (PSI) yaw rate (deg/s) wing surface area (m2) thrust (N) velocity (m/s) Greek Letters α = angle of attack (deg) β = angle of sideslip (deg) δ = control surface deflection (deg) θ = pitch angle (deg) = roll angle (deg) ψ = yaw angle (deg) ρ = air density (kg/m3) Subscripts A = D = H = l = L = m = n = R = xx = xz = Y = yy = zz = aileron drag stabilator rolling moment lift, left pitching moment yawing moment rudder, right about the x-axis (body) about the x and z axes (body) side force about the y-axis (body) about the z-axis (body) Acronyms ALG = ALT = BLG = BLT = ECU = FCS = FTR = GUI = IMU = NRLS = OBC = OBES = PDF = PID = PWM = RTAI = RTW = VL = WVU = Longitudinal state matrix Lateral-directional state matrix Longitudinal input matrix Lateral-directional input matrix Engine control unit Flight control system Fourier Transform Regression Graphical user interface Inertial measurement unit Normalized Recursive Least Squares On-board computer On-board excitation system Power density function Parameter identification Pulse width modulation Real Time Application Interface Real-Time Workshop Virtual leader West Virginia University 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics I. Introduction T he use of unmanned aircraft for validation and verification of flight control laws has become an appealing option among researchers due to the high cost and risks associated with similar manned flight testing programs. Researchers at West Virginia University (WVU) have utilized a YF-22 research aircraft model for experimentally testing a variety of fault-tolerant flight control laws pertaining to the specific problem of sensor and actuator failures1,2. Originally a linear mathematical model was implemented for control law design at nominal flight conditions; however, the development of a more accurate non-linear mathematical model was found necessary for predicting aircraft behavior following control surface failures for the purpose of designing a new class of faulttolerant control laws. The successful implementation of this non-linear model will represent an essential step within the current WVU NASA EPSCoR project for the design of fault-tolerant control laws to handle both sensor and actuator failures1. The failure of primary control surfaces has historically been recognized as one of the main causes of accidents for both military and civilian aviation. Examples of accidents involving primary control surface failures have included: USAir Flight 427 and United Airlines Flight 585, both caused by a faulty servo valve locking the rudder at its blowdown limit3,4, and United Airlines Flight 232, which had a catastrophic right engine failure that resulted in debris rupturing the hydraulic lines required to control the right elevator 5. While triple or quadruple redundancy is typically employed for sensors, actuator redundancy for these surfaces is rarely available. In the case of USAir Flight 427, the locked rudder caused the Boeing 737 to crash within 28 s of the failure, lacking the sufficient time for the pilots to identify what type of failure had occurred. During the accident investigation, Boeing test pilots involved in both flight and simulator testing revealed that “successful recovery required immediate flight crew recognition of the upset event and subsequent prompt control wheel inputs to the full authority of the airplane’s roll control limits and pitch flight control inputs to maintain a speed above the crossover airspeed”3. With the application of fault-tolerant flight control systems, pilots in similar circumstances may be aided in the failure identification and accommodation process, possibly providing them sufficient time to compensate for a locked surface. In providing such an application, the development of an improved mathematical model through a more comprehensive modeling effort is required better understanding of the aircraft dynamics during post failure conditions. Specifically, a failure involving a locked actuator does not affect the aerodynamic characteristics of the control surface; however, under failure conditions the aircraft mathematical model must include the contribution of each left and right surface6, since individual control surface deflections affect both the longitudinal and lateraldirectional dynamic responses of the aircraft. For example, individual left or right stabilator excitation effects must be included in the determination of the lateral-directional aerodynamic derivatives since roll and yaw responses will develop, in addition to a pitching moment, following a stabilator failure. As a result, a new set of stability and control derivatives are introduced based on the modeling of the individual left and right control surface inputs. The coupling of the longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamics is represented by separating the corresponding terms in the aerodynamic modeling equations into left and right control surface components and including their individual effects. Thus, the deflections of all six individual control surfaces must be accounted for in the modeling of the longitudinal and lateral-directional aerodynamic forces and moments. This paper is organized as follows: the next section describes the WVU YF-22 research platform, followed by sections describing the design of the flight experiment for parameter identification (PID) purposes as well as the algorithms used for the system identification, followed by a description of the simulation results and general conclusions. Each of the sections highlights a critical component for the PID process from experimental flight data. II. WVU YF-22 Research UAVs A. Aircraft System The YF-22 research aircraft, shown in Fig. 1, was designed, constructed, and instrumented by researchers at WVU. The aircraft is an approximate 1/8 semi-scale model of the full size aircraft. The aircraft has a 2.3 m length with a 2.0 m wingspan; the takeoff weight is approximately 23 kg, including an approximate 5 kg electronic payload. The payload consists of a PC-104 form factor, customized electronic boards, a complete suite of sensors, and a GPS receiver. A miniature turbine engine provides 125 N of thrust with a fuel capacity of approximately 3.5 L of jet fuel7 for a mission length of approximately 12 minutes. 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Figure 1. WVU YF-22 Aircraft The primary control surfaces – ailerons, stabilators, flaps, and rudders – are all commanded using digital servos. An additional digital servo is used for the braking system while the jet engine is controlled by an Engine Control Unit (ECU). The interested reader is referred to Refs. 7 and 8 for an extensive description of the research aircraft hardware and its payload systems. B. On-Board Computer The avionics system is based on a PC-104 computer system, consisting of a CPU module, a Data Acquisition (DAQ) module, and a power supply module interfaced with two customized circuit boards – the controller board and the interface board. The operating system and flight control laws are stored on a 64 MB compact flash card, which is then interfaced with an IDE compact flash adapter. The top portion of Fig. 2 shows the location of the instrumentation package within the cargo bay while the bottom portion of Fig. 2 shows the internal PC-104 assembly of the on-board computer (OBC)7. Figure 2. On-Board Instrumentation Package7 The CPU is a low-power computer (MSI-CM588) with a 6x86 300 MHz processor. The DAQ card (Diamond-MM32-AT) features 32 analog input channels with 16-bit resolution and 24 digital I/O channels. The interface board is used for linking individual sensor outputs to a specific data acquisition channel which, in turn, re-routes power from the on-board power supply (Jupiter-MM-SIO) to the sensors. This connection scheme does not include the vertical gyro and the GPS receiver, which are powered via a separate power supply7,8. 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The customized controller board was designed as the hub for the flight control system. The controller board includes the following functionality: 1. Receiving control signals from the OBC, and translating them into Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals; 2. Receiving PWM control signals from the radio receiver; 3. Dispatching the control signals from the OBC or the radio receiver to the individual servos (according to the current operation mode of the aircraft). C. Sensors and Communication Hardware The WVU YF-22 vehicle is instrumented with a complete suite of sensors for measuring a variety of flight data parameters. It was experimentally evaluated that the noise for all of the sensors could be approximated to follow a Gaussian PDF. The ‘3’ values from ground tests for each of the vehicle sensors are provided below. A list of sensors for the research aircraft includes7,8: Inertial Measurement Unit (Crossbow IMU400), providing 12-bit measurements for the accelerations ax, ay, az (range ±4 g, with 3 = 0.06 g), and the angular rates p, q, and r (range ±90°/s with 3 = 1°/s); Vertical gyro (Goodrich-VG34), providing measurements for the pitch and roll Euler’s angles ( and ) with ranges of ±60° and ±90° respectively and 3 = 0.35°; GPS receiver (Novatel-OEM4), providing measurements for x, y, z, Vx, Vy, Vz with respect to an earth reference frame, with 3 = 0.7 m for the positions and 3 = 0.1 m/s for the velocities; Potentiometers for the primary control surfaces (10 k each, under a 12 V supply), providing measurements for iH, A, R, with ranges of [-1, 8]°, [-10, 10]°, and [-7, 7]° and with 3 = 0.6°, 0.3°, and 0.15° respectively; Air Data Probe, (SpaceAge© Inc. Mini Air Data Boom), providing measurements of flow angles and , with ranges of ±30° and 3 = 0.15°; Absolute and Differential pressure sensors (SenSym ASCX15AN and ASCX01DN), with ranges of [0-15] and [0-1] PSI and 3 = 0.06 and 0.0015 PSI respectively. Both sensors were connected to the nose probe providing measurements for H and V; Temperature sensor (Thermistor under a 5 V supply). D. Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) Special care was used for the design, manufacturing, and installation of both the customized and ‘off-the-shelf’ components with the goal of avoiding or mitigating EMI problems. In particular, aluminum enclosures were designed and manufactured for shielding most of the hardware components, and ferrite RF chokes were inserted along both power and signal cables. Once assembled, the payload systems were then evaluated with a spectrum analyzer to assist in addressing EM interference. This analysis validated that the EMI concerns had been properly addressed; in fact, only a few additional RF chokes were found to be necessary to eliminate residual EMI sources7,8. E. Data Acquisition Software The on-board computer features software that serves to execute the flight control scheme. The operating system was based on a Linux kernel (Version 2.6.9), patched with the Real Time Application Interface (RTAI, Version 3.2), allowing the execution of the flight control software with strict timing constraints. Due to the constraints of the onboard storage, the RTAI patched kernel was compiled with a minimum amount of features and Busybox software, which provides the required Linux utilities. The FCS was designed and implemented using the Matlab/Simulink® environment to perform data acquisition, communication, execution of control laws, and implementation of the OBC-generated control commands16. This enabled the OBC to collect and store information from the aircraft sensors during the flight test, respond to pilot commands, and utilize autonomous capabilities, all of which were integral components for performing this parameter identification study. Real-Time Workshop (RTW) was then used to generate the real-time target source files, and the executables were compiled on a development host and transferred to the on-board computer using a 64 MB flash card. III. Flight Testing Experiments Flight tests were conducted at the WVU flight testing facility located at the Louis-Bennett Airfield at WVU Jackson’s Mill near Jane Lew, WV, which features a 3,300 ft. paved runway. Fig. 3 shows an aerial image from Google Earth of the facility. 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Figure 3. Aerial ‘Google Earth’ View of WVU Jackson’s Mill (Louis-Bennett Airfield) A typical PID flight test lasts approximately 15 minutes and consists of three different segments: takeoff and trim, experimental maneuvers, and landing. An experimental segment includes approximately 10 individual legs of straight and level flight, each lasting about 10 s, during which PID maneuvers are injected. During the experimental maneuvers, the aircraft performed at an average altitude of 120 m from the ground with an average airspeed of 42 m/s. The PID flight experiments were divided into the following phases: • 1st phase: updates to the on-board software; • 2nd phase: ‘pilot-injected’ PID maneuvers; • 3rd phase: ‘on-board computer-injected’ PID maneuvers. The following sections describe in detail the three phases. Within the 1st phase, the on-board flight software was updated and included: operating system software, schemes for manual injection of failures on individual control surfaces, and schemes for the on-board computer-injected PID maneuvers as well as their evaluation of via ground tests. Within the 2nd phase, PID maneuvers were injected by the pilot for both nominal and ‘failure’ conditions. To excite the longitudinal dynamics, stabilator doublets were injected by the pilot while aileron doublets and rudder/aileron doublet combinations were injected to excite the lateral-directional aircraft dynamics. In the nominal mode, the pilot had complete authority over all control surfaces, while in the ‘failure’ mode, flights were conducted with the on-board computer inducing failures on individual control surfaces. Specifically, for the longitudinal case, the left stabilator was locked at the trim position, allowing only for the deflection of the right stabilator. Similarly, for the lateral-directional case, the aileron and rudder/aileron combination doublets were performed with the left aileron locked at the trim position. During the 3rd phase, flight tests were conducted with PID maneuvers injected by the On-Board Excitation System (OBES)9,10. For this specific set of flights, the OBES injected doublet maneuvers, including stabilator, aileron, and rudder/aileron doublet combinations. The OBES was configured in the vehicle software for coordination with an existing “Virtual Leader” (VL) scheme, originally employed towards the goals related to a formation flight demonstration7,8 with the YF-22 vehicles. The previously used formation flight VL scheme allowed for detailed testing of the formation control laws prior to flying an actual 2-aircraft configuration. The original experiment consisted of a single aircraft tracking a trajectory for a VL, which was essentially a flight path previously recorded by one of the aircraft. The actual aircraft would follow at a specified position behind the VL trajectory, which was loaded into the on-board computer8. This VL methodology was implemented on the VL scheme designed for PID flight tests. The modified VL scheme consisted of an artificial GPS track and aircraft angular orientation sent to the on-board controller. This track then provided the GPS position and velocity information to the aircraft when the on-board systems were switched into autonomous mode. For this particular configuration, the aircraft software was designed to track the position of the VL. The VL GPS track was artificially generated and designed to have two 650 m straight leg segments in parallel to the runway, during which specific PID maneuvers were injected 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics by the on-board computer, and two semicircular turns at the end of each straight leg. Fig. 4 shows the artificial VL path with the runway located along the y-axis Figure 4. Virtual Leader Flight Path (m) The OBES was designed to inject a doublet on a designated pair of control surfaces at specific points in the flight path. Initial test flights were conducted using the OBES software by injecting stabilator, aileron, and rudder/aileron doublet combinations separately on the “healthy” aircraft with the goal of exciting the longitudinal and lateraldirectional dynamics. When designing the OBES maneuvers, the doublet amplitudes and durations were selected to be similar to those injected manually by the pilot during previous test flights. Specifically, with respect to the lateraldirectional dynamics, the period of the Dutch Roll, as observed from previously recorded flight data, was used in programming the rudder/aileron combination maneuver. Therefore, both rudder and aileron doublets were sequenced with a frequency near the Dutch Roll natural frequency with the goal of producing an optimal excitation for PID purposes11. As with pilot-injected maneuvers, the OBES-injected doublets were also completed with the controller system locking the left corresponding control surface at trim to simulate a failure. Note that no failures were injected on either of the rudder control surfaces. Table 1 provides an overview of the flight tests conducted during the 2008 and 2009 flight seasons. Date(s) 9/16/2008 10/11/2008 10/18/2008 11/1/2008 11/4/2008 05/22/2009 05/31/2009 Table 1. Flight Testing Overview Flight Testing Activities Flight # Flight Description Pilot-Injected Elevator Doublet and Rudder/Aileron Combination Doublet; Pilot#1 Injected Elevator Doublets with Left Elevator Failure at Trim Pilot-Injected Elevator Doublet and Aileron Doublet; Pilot-Injected Aileron #2 Doublets with Left Aileron Failure at Trim #1 Preliminary Virtual Leader Test Flight #2 OBES-Injected Elevator Doublets #1 OBES-Injected Rudder/Aileron Combination Doublets #2 OBES-Injected Elevator Doublets #1 #1 #2 #1 #2 #1 OBES-Injected Elevator Doublets with Left Elevator Failure at Trim OBES-Injected Rudder/Aileron Doublet Combinations with Left Aileron Failure at Trim OBES-Injected Aileron Doublet Combinations with Left Aileron Failure at Trim Pilot-Injected Elevator, Aileron, and Rudder/Aileron Doublets Pilot-Injected Elevator, Aileron, and Rudder/Aileron Doublets Pilot-Injected Elevator Doublets with Left Elevator Failure at Trim 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics IV. System Identification The system identification process was divided into four sequential phases: 1. Identification of the nominal linear model; 2. Identification of the nominal non-linear model; 3. Identification of the decoupled linear model; 4. Identification of the decoupled (failure) non-linear model. ‘Nominal’ in this case refers to a healthy aircraft where all of the control surfaces are functioning as expected, so their contribution to the model is considered as a pair. ‘Decoupled’ refers to the individual control surface contributions to the aircraft model, i.e. left and right aileron contributions. A. Nominal Linear Identification The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the Matlab System Identification Toolbox® was used for the nominal linear identification and validation processes. Short segments of flight data containing doublet maneuvers were used to evaluate both the longitudinal and lateral-directional cases. For longitudinal identification, the stabilator deflection and the corresponding longitudinal states, angle of attack () and pitch rate (q), were used. As determined in a previous study7 the “n4sid” function was selected for determining the nominal longitudinal linear model. This function estimates a state-space model using a subspace-based identification method12. For lateral-directional identification, both aileron and rudder deflections and the corresponding lateral-directional states, angle of sideslip (), roll rate (p), and yaw rate (r), were used. An additional function, the iterative prediction-error minimization14 method “pem” – a “method based on estimating the parameters of a linear model by minimizing a robustified quadratic prediction error criterion with an iterative search algorithm”13 – was utilized. Both the “pem” and “n4sid” routines were evaluated with several sets of lateral-directional flight data to identify the method producing the most consistent results. The accuracy of the models was verified using the System Identification Toolbox® simulated model output visualization option. The visualization facilitates the comparison of the simulated model output to the measured flight data; this process identified the “pem” method as the routine which could provide the most accurate results for lateral-directional PID. Figs. 5 and 6 provide sample data segments used in the linear longitudinal and lateral-directional PID process, respectively. Selected Data Segment for Identification Stabilator Deflection Angle of Attack Pitch Rate 40 iH (deg), q (deg/sec), (deg) 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Aileron Deflection Rudder Deflection Angle of Sideslip Roll Rate Yaw Rate 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -50 478.5 Selected Flight Test Data for Identification a (deg), r (deg), (deg), p (deg/s), r (deg/s) 50 479 479.5 480 480.5 481 481.5 482 Time (sec) 482.5 483 483.5 Figure 5. Flight Data Segment used for Longitudinal Linear Model Identification 444 445 446 447 Time (sec) 448 449 450 Figure 6. Flight Data Segment used for LateralDirectional Model Identification In addition to the longitudinal and lateral-directional states identified using the System Identification Toolbox®, V , , and were also derived for a more complete linear model. While and were identified as the pitch rate and roll rate, respectively, V was derived by using contributions from the angle of attack, stabilator deflection, and vehicle velocity. The resulting continuous time longitudinal and lateral-directional linear models were identified as: 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics V 0.2835 -23.0959 0 0.1711 V -20.1681 5.6878 0.5931 0 2.1959 0 iH q 0 53.7829 1.996 0 q 21.2428 0 1 0 0 0 0.9974 0.2201 1.0146 0.2366 0.4644 0.0322 48.8486 5.4624 5.5935 0 p 47.7787 17.8867 a p r 17.7651 1.6375 2.3993 0 r 1.4142 25.8652 r 0 1 0 0 0 0 (1) (2) The corresponding eigenvalues along with the damping, natural frequency, and time constant values for the represented dynamic modes are listed in Table 2. Table 2. Eigenvalues, Damping, and Natural Frequencies of WVU YF-22 Aircraft (Nominal) Dynamic Mode Eigenvalues Damping Natural Frequency (rad/s) -3.8419 ± 5.3377i 0.5842 6.5766 Short Period -0.8933 ± 5.7625i 0.1532 5.8313 Dutch Roll -5.0532 Roll The linear models were then used to derive the nominal non-linear mathematical model. B. Nominal Non-Linear Aircraft Model The non-linear aircraft mathematical model is described by the following generalized set of non-linear differential equations 15,16,17,18,19. 1 1 1 V ( SV 2 C D cos SV 2 CY sin T cos cos ) m 2 2 g (sin cos cos cos sin sin cos cos sin cos ) 1 1 [ SV 2 CL T sin mg (cos cos cos sin sin )] mV cos 2 q ( p cos r sin ) tan (3) (4) 1 1 1 [ SV 2 CD sin SV 2 CY cos T cos sin mV 2 2 mg (sin cos sin cos sin cos cos cos sin sin )] p sin r cos (5) p2 p qr bCl q M q 2 M pr qSM cC 1 2 0 m r2 r pq bCn (6) q cos r sin q sin sec r cos sec p q sin tan r cos tan x V [cos cos cos cos sin (sin sin cos cos sin ) cos sin (cos sin cos sin sin )] y V [cos cos cos sin sin (sin sin sin cos cos ) cos sin (cos sin sin sin cos )] 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) h V (cos cos sin sin sin cos cos sin cos cos ) (12) where is the air density and S the wing surface area. The matrices M0, M1, M2, are defined as follows: I yy I zz J yz J yz 1 M0 J xy I zz J yz J xz det( I ) J xy J yz I yy J xz J xy I zz J yz J xz I xx I zz J xz J xz J yz I xx J xy J xz 0 M 1 M 0 J xz J xy I yy I zz M 2 M 0 J xy J xz J yz 0 J xy J xy I zz I xx J yz J xy J yz I yy J xz J yz I xx J xy J xz I xx I yy J xy J xy J yz J xz 0 J xz J yz I xx I yy (13) (14) (15) with I being the inertia matrix of the aircraft: Ix I J xy J xz J xy Iy J yz J xz J yz I z (16) The variables CD, CY, CL, Cl, Cm, Cn are the “aerodynamic coefficients,” which were then used for representing the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the aircraft. These coefficients are functions of the aircraft state vector ( ξ = [V, , , p, q, r, , , , x, y, z]T ) and input vector ( δ = [δT, iH, δA ,δR]T). The aerodynamic coefficients can be approximated by affine functions of the state and input vectors18,15,17. Specifically, within this effort, we have: c q C Di iH H 2V c C L ( , ) CL 0 CL CLq q C Li iH H 2V c Cm ( , ) Cm 0 Cm Cmq q Cmi iH H 2V b b CY ( , ) CY 0 CY CYp p CYr r CY A A CY R R 2V 2V b b Cl ( , ) Cl 0 Cl Clp p Clr r Cl A A Cl R R 2V 2V b b Cn ( , ) Cn 0 Cn C np p Cnr r Cn A A Cn R R 2V 2V C D ( , ) C D 0 C D C Dq (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) where the individual coefficients contributing to the aerodynamic coefficients are referred to as “stability and control derivatives”7. Eqs. (17-22) represent the total aircraft drag, lift, pitching moment, aerodynamic side-force, rolling moment, and yawing moment coefficients, respectively20. C. Nominal Non-Linear Identification In order to identify the non-linear mathematical model, a detailed estimate of the aircraft inertial characteristics – included in the variables m, M1, M2, and M0 in Eqs. (3)-(12)7 – was required. A ‘swing pendulum’ set-up was 10 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics specifically designed for this effort21 incorporating a symmetric open cube suspended from a steel rod, built specifically to hold a model aircraft. The period of oscillation of the box frame (plus the aircraft model) was measured as it would swing from the rod. The aircraft was positioned in three configurations to measure Ixx, Iyy, and Izz. For Ixx, and Iyy,, the aircraft was situated to swing about the rod, parallel to the x and y body-axes, respectively. For obtaining Izz, the apparatus was suspended from ropes, allowing for an oscillation along the z body-axis in a bifilar torsional pendulum setup. The value for the product of inertia, Jxz, was determined through the non-linear model identification optimization process due to the difficulty to accurately identify it experimentally. The next step was to determine the aircraft aerodynamic coefficients by converting the linear model to provide the initial non-linear model values. The relationships for determining the coefficients of the matrices in the linear models (Eq. (1-2)) starting from the values of the aerodynamic derivatives and geometric-inertial parameters are well known18. By inverting these relationships16, and using the experimental values of the geometric and inertial parameters, it is possible to evaluate the initial values for each of the aerodynamic derivatives. The relationships used for the iterative evaluation of the stability and control derivatives are provided below7: m C D (23) g ALG12 q0 S C Dq 2mV0 ALG13 q0 Sc (24) m BLG1 q0 S (25) C DiH CD 0 T0 cos 0 C D 0 CDiH iH 0 q0 S (26) mV0 ALG22 T0 q0 S (27) 2mV02 q0 Sc (28) C L C Lq 1 ALG23 C LiH CL0 mV0 BLG2 q0 S mg T0 sin 0 CL 0 CLiH iH 0 q0 S Cm 1 Cmq M q Sc 4 0 Cmi H ALG32 2V 0 ALG33 c BLG 3 (29) (30) (31) Cm 0 Cm 0 CmiH iH (32) C ALT11 Y mV0 CY A BLT11 q S 0 BLT12 CY R (33) CYp 2mV02 ( ALT12 sin 0 ) C Yr q0 Sb ( ALT13 cos 0 ) Clp Clr ALT22 ALT23 2V0 M 5 1 C 2 C q0 Sb nr ALT32 ALT33 np Cl ALT21 1 M 51 C ALT31 n q0 Sb 11 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (34) (35) (36) Cl A Cn A Cl R BLT21 1 M 51 Cn R q0 Sb BLT31 BLT22 BLT32 (37) where M4 M5 I x I z J xz2 det( I ) 2 1 I y I z J yz det( I ) J xy J yz I y J xz (38) J xy J yz I y J xz I x I y J xy2 (39) ALG and BLG are the longitudinal linear model matrices in Eq. (1), whereas ALT and BLT refer to the lateraldirectional linear model matrices in Eq. (2). The first and second subscripts indicate respectively the row number and the column number of a given element of the matrices. The Matlab® function “costfcn” was developed with the purpose of simulating the non-linear aircraft dynamics, using the control deflections from the entire identification data set as inputs for the non-linear aircraft model, and calculating the value of a cost function based on the RMS of the difference between the ‘actual’ aircraft outputs (that is the measured output values from the identification data set) and the ‘simulated’ aircraft outputs (that is the outputs from the nonlinear aircraft model). Therefore, the main input argument of “costfcn” is a vector containing a set of values for the aerodynamic derivatives, along with the product of inertia Ixz, and the output argument is a single nonnegative scalar number expressing the fitness of that particular set of aerodynamic derivatives and Ixz. The “fmincon” function – featuring a constrained optimization of a multivariable function using a Sequential Quadratic Programming technique14 – was then used to iteratively minimize the cost function implemented within “costfcn”. Essentially “fmincon” iteratively calls “costfcn” with different inputs, until the set of aerodynamic derivatives – along with the product of inertia Ixz – providing the best fit with the flight data is found. The starting point for the minimization process is the initial set of aerodynamics derivatives calculated using Eqs. (23-37). It should be emphasized that the selection of the cost function has to be performed carefully to avoid local minima problems. Particularly, the selected cost function contains three components, a term representing the RMS of the deviation between the real and predicted outputs, a frequency based term expressing the lowest spectral components of the deviation, and a term expressing the difference between the current linearized models. This is obtained by performing a numerical linearization algorithm on the current non-linear model and the ‘baseline’ linear model in Eqs. (1-2)7. The resulting non-linear mathematical model is given as: Geometric and Inertial Data c = 0.76 m, b = 1.96 m, S = 1.37 m2 Ixx = 1.6073 kg m2, Iyy = 7.5085 kg m2, Izz = 7.1865 kg m2, Jxz = -0.56144kg m2 m = 20.64 kg, T = 54.62 N Longitudinal Aerodynamic Derivatives CD0 = 0.0722, CDα = 0.3824, CDq = 0, CDiH = 0.1453 CL0 = 0, CLα = 6.9473, CLq = 0, CLiH = 1.5174 Cm0 = 0.0445, Cmα = -0.7067, Cmq = -1.7125, CmiH = -0.5428 Lateral-directional Aerodynamic Derivatives CY0 = -0.0221, CY = 0.2706, CYp = 4.2750, CYr = -0.3168, CYA = 1.0170, CYR = -0.7068 Cl0 = -0.007, Cl = -0.3666, Clp = -1.6623, Clr = 0.1947, ClA = -0.5053, ClR = 0.1091 Cn0 = 0.0023, Cn = 0.1098, Cnp = -0.1840, Cnr = -0.5745, CnA = -0.0669, CnR = -0.1961 D. Decoupled Linear Identification For the development of the decoupled linear mathematical model of the aircraft, the three primary control surface pairs were divided into their left and right components, leading to a total of six individual surfaces. For this effort, the decoupled linear identification was conducted using flight data with ‘failed’ control surfaces. The resulting state matrix was essentially a combination of the nominal longitudinal and lateral-directional state matrices, including the velocity, angle of attack, angle of sideslip, roll rate, pitch rate, yaw rate, pitch angle, and bank angle components, and is considered to remain unchanged for this class of failures. The input matrix, however, accounted for the decoupled control surfaces by incorporating the six inputs individually. The nominal linear model was essentially derived by dividing the combined stabilator, aileron, and rudder input matrix components into the six individual components, thus halving the numeric values for each of the pair when reassigned to the surfaces. 12 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The modeling procedure described above does not account for some components of the input matrix at ‘failure’ conditions. These components include the individual stabilator effects on the lateral-directional states and the individual aileron and rudder effects on the longitudinal states. In this case, the individual stabilator inputs had an effect on the angle of sideslip, roll rate, and yaw rate, and the individual aileron inputs had an effect on the angle of attack and pitch rate - which is not observed under nominal conditions. For this study, as rudder failures were not incorporated, their contributions to the longitudinal dynamics were not accounted for. An initial attempt to use the ‘standard’ Matlab® System Identification Toolbox led to inaccurate results in the derivation of a decoupled model. Therefore, a full state matrix (8 states) was built by combining the longitudinal and lateral-directional nominal linear models, and two methods were used to identify the input matrix components affected by the control surface failures: Normalized Recursive Least Squares (NRLS)6 and Fourier Transform Regression (FTR)11,22-27. A Simulink® scheme was developed using the Parameter Identification Library developed at WVU28 to evaluate a section of flight data where the control surface failure occurred and identify the unknown input matrix components, using both methods for comparison purposes. The FTR block was designed to solve Eq. (40), where E and F are known constant vectors and Θ is an unknown vector to be estimated. Ez (t ) Fz (t ) x (t )T (40) By sampling and applying the Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) to the input and motion variables at time t = it we have: j Ez ( ) Fz ( ) x ( )T (41) where N 1 N 1 i0 i0 x ( ) x(it )e ji t , z ( ) z (i t )e ji t (42) In the case of a failed stabilator, where the angle of sideslip, roll rate, and yaw rate due to the individual stabilator contributions require identification (in Eq. (40)), x represents the deflection of the healthy individual surface, and F represents the affected states mentioned. In the case of a failed aileron affecting angle of attack and pitch rate, x represents the deflection of the healthy individual surface, and F represents those affected states mentioned. During the identification process, the “unknown” input matrix contributions were determined using failure flight data. In these trials, the components of the output vector Θ represented the unknown values within the input matrix for that particular control surface deflection. The behavior of the aircraft during the failure flight scenarios was used to identify the unknown values in the linear model input matrix under failure conditions. Similar results were observed between the NRLS and the FTR methods for the individual control surface contributions, where the FTR results were used in the linear model with the NRLS results used for validation purposes. The results provided an accurate model of the aircraft behavior under failure conditions. The new contributions were identified using only the right stabilator or right aileron contributions; however, when identifying the final input matrix of the decoupled linear model, the right control surface contribution was replicated for that of the left control surface with special attention placed on the sign conventions. The sign convention for the decoupled control surfaces is shown in Eqs. (43-45). These equations represent the combination of the individual left and right control surface components and how they equate to the total contribution from the surface. 1 iH iHR 2 L 1 A A R AL 2 1 R R L R R 2 iH (43) (44) (45) Based on these equations, in the case of the left and right stabilator affecting the roll rate, the signs of the input matrix contributions were opposite, mimicking the aileron sign convention. In the case where the left and right 13 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ailerons affected the pitch rate, the signs of the input matrix contributions were the same, mimicking the stabilator sign convention. Using these conventions for the input matrix, the resulting decoupled linear mathematical model for the WVU YF-22 is shown in Eq. (46). The components of the input matrix – identified using the FTR method – are included in the decoupled linear model. V 0.2835 -23.0959 0 0 0 0 0.1711 0 V 5.6878 0 0 0.5931 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9974 0.2201 0 1.0146 0 0.2366 p 0 0 48.8486 5.4624 0 5.5935 0 0 p 53.7829 0 0 1.996 0 0 0 q q 0 r 0 0 17.7651 1.6375 0 2.3993 0 0 r 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (46) 0 0 0 0 20.1681 20.1681 iH L 2.1959 2.1959 1.21 1.21 0 0 1.09 1.09 0.4644 0.4644 0.0322 0.0322 iH R 30.3 30.3 47.7787 47.7787 17.8867 17.8867 aL 21.2428 21.2428 12.5 12.5 0 0 aR 10.05 1.4142 1.4142 25.8652 25.8652 r 10.05 L 0 0 0 0 0 0 rR 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. Decoupled Non-Linear Aircraft Model The aerodynamic coefficients for the decoupled non-linear aircraft model are similar to those in the nominal non-linear aircraft model as they are functions of the aircraft state vector ( ξ = [V, , , p, q, r, , , , x, y, z]T ) and input vector ( δ = [δT, iH, δA ,δR]T ). The aerodynamic coefficients for the decoupled non-linear aircraft model, however, have contributions from each of the six control surfaces for each coefficient. Specifically, within this effort, the aerodynamic coefficients were defined as: c q C Di iH L CDi iH R C D A AL CD AR AR CD R RL C D R RR HL HR L L R 2V c C L ( , ) CL 0 CL CLq q C Li iH L C Li iH R C L A AL CL AR AR CL R RL CL R RR HL HR L L R 2V c Cm ( , ) Cm 0 Cm Cmq q Cmi iH L Cmi iH R Cm A AL Cm AR AR Cm R RL Cm R RR HL HR L L R 2V b b CY ( , ) CY 0 CY CYp p CYr r CYiH iH L CYiH iH R CY A AL CY A AR CY R RL CY R RR L R L R L R 2V 2V b b Cl ( , ) Cl 0 Cl Clp p Clr r CliH iH L CliH iH R Cl A AL Cl A AR Cl R RL Cl R RR L R L R L R 2V 2V b b Cn ( , ) Cn 0 Cn Cnp p Cnr r CniH iH L CniH iH R Cn A AL Cn A AR Cn R RL Cn R RR L R L R L R 2V 2V C D ( , ) C D 0 C D C Dq (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) F. Decoupled Non-Linear Identification The next task was to determine the aerodynamic coefficients by converting the linear model to provide the initial non-linear model values. The relationships for evaluating the coefficients of the matrices in the decoupled linear model (Eq. (46)) starting from the values of the aerodynamic derivatives and geometric-inertial parameters had to be established. By inverting these relationships similarly to the method in the nominal nonlinear model and using the experimental values of the geometric and inertial parameters, it was possible to evaluate the initial values for each of the aerodynamic derivatives. The relationships used for the iterative evaluation of the stability and control derivatives are provided below: 14 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics C D m g A12 q0 S 2mV0 A15 q0 Sc (54) C DiH m B11 q0 S (55) C DiH m B12 q0 S (56) C D A m B13 q0 S (57) C D A m B14 q0 S (58) C D R m B15 q0 S (59) C D R m B16 q0 S (60) C Dq L R L R L R CD 0 T0 cos 0 C D 0 CDiH iH 0 C DiH iH 0 L R q0 S (61) mV0 A22 T0 q0 S (62) 2mV02 q0 Sc (63) C L C Lq 1 A25 C LiH mV0 B21 q0 S (64) C LiH mV0 B22 q0 S (65) C L A mV0 B23 q0 S (66) C L A mV0 B24 q0 S (67) C L R mV0 B25 q0 S (68) C L R mV0 B26 q0 S (69) L R L R L R CL0 (53) mg T0 sin 0 CL 0 CLiH iH 0 CLiH iH 0 L R q0 S 15 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (70) Cm C mq CmiH L CmiH R 1 Cm AL M 4 q0 Sc Cm AR Cm RL C m RL A52 2V 0 A55 c B 51 B52 B53 B54 B55 B 56 (71) Cm 0 Cm 0 CmiH iH 0 CmiH iH 0 (72) CY A33 C B YiH L 31 C B32 YiH R C mV0 Y AL q S B33 0 B34 CY AR B35 CY R L B 36 CY RR (73) L CYp 2mV02 C Yr q0 Sb Clp C lr R ( A34 sin 0 ) ( A cos ) 36 0 Cnp 2V0 A M 51 44 2 Cnr q0 Sb A46 A64 A66 Cl A 1 M 51 43 C A63 n q0 Sb CliH L CliH R Cl AL Cl AR C l RL C l RR CniH L B41 CniH R B42 Cn A B43 1 L M 5 1 Cn A q0 Sb B44 R B Cn R 45 L B46 Cn R R (74) (75) (76) B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 (77) where M4 and M5 are described by Eqs. (38-39). A and B are the decoupled linear model matrices in Eq. (46) where the first and second subscripts indicate, respectively, the row and column number of a given element of the matrices. As in the nominal non-linear model optimization process, the Matlab® function “costfcn” and “fmincon” were utilized with the purpose of simulating and optimizing the non-linear aircraft dynamics. In the decoupled non-linear case, the starting point for the minimization was an initial set of aerodynamic derivatives calculated using Eqs. (5377). Again, the selection of the cost function was attained as to avoid an issue of local minima problems. 16 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Two approaches were used in an attempt to identify a decoupled non-linear aircraft model. The first approach utilized the decoupled linear aircraft model with FTR (Eq. (46)). This linear model was converted to a non-linear model using Eqs. (53-77). A second approach utilized the final nominal non-linear model previously identified, for which the control surface pair coefficients were decoupled. This enabled the effects of each individual control surface on the aerodynamic coefficients to be individually determined, and the coefficients were split by incorporating the conventions described by Eqs. (43-45). New “unknown” coefficients (CDAL, CDAR, CDRL, CDRR, CLAL, CLAR, CLRL, CLRR, CmAL, CmAR, CmRL, CmRR, CYiHL, CYiHR, CliHL, CliHR, CniHL, CniHR) had to be identified as well. Since this non-linear model was essentially a starting point for the optimization process, the new coefficients were assigned the same values as the non-linear model identified from the first approach. This provided an adequate starting point for the iterative optimization process, which would improve the first estimates of these “unknown” coefficients to arrive at a finalized decoupled aircraft model. Each non-linear model was run through the optimization process using two method variations. The first optimization method allowed all of the coefficients of the non-linear model to iterate as the program steps proceeded, thus having more variables changing. The second method only optimized the new “unknown” coefficients by running them through the iterative process while maintaining the typical nominal non-linear coefficients as they were originally identified. The “best” decoupled non-linear aircraft model was obtained by using the second optimization method, which only revised the new coefficients, along with the second modeling approach - nominal non-linear model split with the introduction of the “unknown” coefficients. The success of this model is likely due to the accuracy of the nominal non-linear model in representing the aircraft since that portion of the decoupled non-linear model was held constant in this case. This model allowed for the focus to be on the improvement of the new coefficients, which was performed during the optimization process. The resulting nonlinear mathematical model is given by: Geometric and Inertial Data c = 0.76 m, b = 1.96 m, S = 1.37 m2 Ixx = 1.6073 kg m2, Iyy = 7.5085 kg m2, Izz = 7.1865 kg m2, Jxz = -0.56144kg m2 m = 20.64 kg, T = 54.62 N Decoupled Aerodynamic Derivatives CD0 = 0.0722, CDα = 0.3824, CDq = 0, CDiHL =0.0727, CDiHR =0.0727, CDAL = 1.7356, CDAR = 1.7356, CDRL = 1.0717, CDRR = 1.0717 CL0 = 0, CLα = 6.9473, CLq = 0, CLiHL = 0.7587, CLiHR = 0.7587, CLAL = 0.7463, CLAR = 0.7463, CLRL = -0.0089, CLRR = -0.0089 Cm0 = 0.0445, Cmα = -0.7067, Cmq = -1.7125, CmiHL = -0.2714, CmiHR = -0.2714, CmAL = -0.1685, CmAR = -0.1685, CmRL = -0.2758, CmRR = -0.2758 CY0 = -0.0221, CY = 0.2706, CYp = 4.2750, CYr = -0.3168, CYiHL = 1.5883, CYiHR = -1.5883, CYAL = -0.5085, CYAR = 0.5085, CYRL = -0.3534, CYRL = -0.3534 Cl0 = -0.007, Cl = -0.3666, Clp = -1.6623, Clr = 0.1947, CliHL = 0.0270, CliHR = -0.0270, ClAL = 0.2526, ClAR = -0.2526, ClRL = 0.0546, ClRL = 0.0546 Cn0 = 0.0023, Cn = 0.1098, Cnp = -0.1840, Cnr = -0.5745, CniHL = 0.0203, CniHR = -0.0203, CnAL = 0.0335, CnAR = -0.0335, CnRL = -0.098, CnRL = -0.098 V. Simulation Results After deriving both the nominal and decoupled non-linear models, simulation studies were conducted to validate their performance. Sections of measured flight data were implemented into a simulation scheme where the model performance could be assessed based upon accuracy when compared to measured flight data. The primary focus was on the reproduction of the behavior of the angle of attack, angle of sideslip, as well as the aircraft pitch, roll, and yaw rates. Simulation results are shown for approximately 80 s of flight data featuring stabilator doublet maneuvers during the straight and level flight conditions. The blue line represents the measured flight data, and the red line represents the aircraft model simulation results. 17 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 10 6 Actual Estimated 8 Actual Estimated 4 6 Angle of Sideslip (deg) Angle of Attack (deg) 2 4 2 0 -2 -4 -2 -6 -4 -6 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 70 80 -8 0 90 10 Figure 7. Angle of Attack (deg) 20 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 70 60 Actual Estimated Actual Estimated 100 40 50 20 Pitch Rate (deg/s) Roll Rate (deg/s) 90 Figure 8. Angle of Sideslip (deg) 150 0 -50 -100 -150 80 0 -20 -40 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 Figure 9. Roll Rate (deg/s) 70 80 90 -60 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 70 80 90 Figure 10. Pitch Rate (deg/s) In the case of the decoupled non-linear model, the simulation results are shown for approximately 36 s of flight featuring stabilator doublet maneuvers with a left stabilator failed at trim on straight and level flight conditions. This segment of flight data includes two separate doublet maneuvers performed during the failure conditions at straight and level flight and a coordinated turn in the flight path under nominal conditions. Again, the blue line represents measured data and the red line represents simulation results. 18 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 8 2 Actual Estimated 7 Actual Estimated 1 6 Angle of Sideslip (deg) Angle of Attack (deg) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -4 0 5 10 15 20 Time (sec) 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time (sec) 25 30 35 40 Figure 12: Angle of Sideslip (deg) Figure 71: Angle of Attack (deg) 100 35 Actual Estimated Actual Estimated 30 50 25 Pitch Rate (deg/s) Roll Rate (deg/s) 20 0 -50 15 10 5 0 -100 -5 -10 -150 0 5 10 15 20 Time (sec) 25 30 35 40 Figure 13: Roll Rate (deg/s) -15 0 5 10 15 20 Time (sec) 25 30 35 Figure 14: Pitch Rate (deg/s) Simulations were also conducted using lateral-directional maneuvers, which had similar performance to the longitudinal maneuvers. The nominal non-linear model performed extremely well, resembling closely the actual flight data. The decoupled model, as expected, was not as accurate as the nominal model, but it also performed well enough to mimic the behavior of the aircraft during the failure flight scenarios. VI. Conclusions A parameter identification study investigating non-linear modeling has been conducted using nominal and failure flight data from the WVU YF-22 research aircraft. A preliminary nominal non-linear model was developed and validated through simulation studies. A preliminary decoupled non-linear model was also developed and validated through simulation studies using flight data with failed control surfaces. This model was found to more closely match the general behavior of the actual flight throughout the simulations. These models are the initial findings of this study; additional research is being conducted with the flight data. The final nominal and decoupled mathematical models will be included in the final version of this manuscript. Following further evaluation of these models, future plans include on-board implementation and continued experimental flight testing. Ultimately these models will provide necessary and reliable validation techniques for a novel class of fault-tolerant flight control systems currently being designed within the activities of the WVU NASA EPSCoR project. 19 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 40 Acknowledgments This research is supported by a NASA EPSCoR Grant # NNX07AT53A administered through the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium (WVSGC). Special thanks are extended to John Burken, the NASA Dryden Project Monitor, for his technical assistance and cooperation. References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Perhinschi, M.G., Napolitano, M. R., Campa, G., Fravolini, M. 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