SPA 201/ 1 HISPANIC STUDIES DEPARTMENT SPA 201-020 & 021- INTERMEDIATE SPANISH I UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY SUMMER 2008 Course Dates: June 5- July 2, 2008 Class meeting time & place: _________________________________________________________________ Instructor: __________________________________ Office: ____________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________ Office hours: _______________________________ Quia course code: ____________________________ Book key: __________________________________ REQUIRED MATERIALS Identidades. Exploraciones e Interconexiones. Castells, Matilde Olivella de, et al. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, 2005. OneKey in Blackboard. (Access code should be included in the textbook). Audio CDs (Access code should be included in the textbook). Copies of these materials are accessible at the Foreign Language Media Center. 3rd. Floor. Classroom Bldg. A bilingual dictionary, Spanish-English / English-Spanish. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES SPA 201 is designed to provide students with an intermediate knowledge of the Spanish language with an emphasis on these four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The textbook is based on a “culturecentered approach to language learning that engages students in analysis and research on historical, cultural, and artistic expressions of the Spanish-speaking world”, refining their communicative skills at the same time. The rest of the ancillaries helps to integrate and expand upon the material presented in the textbook, giving students ample opportunities to practice their listening and writing skills and grammatical structures at their own pace. Furthermore, the course aims to enhance students’ abilities to use the resources of the World Wide Web as a research tool to gather meaningful and authentic information about the Spanish-speaking world in order to reflect on its most significant issues. COURSE GOALS After completing SPA 201, students should be able to utilize all four language skills to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. obtain and exchange information with different degrees of formality narrate in the present and past express opinions ask for information and give orders (formal and informal) express obligation and necessity discuss what is unknown (how to influence others) SPA 201/ 2 METHOD TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Students enrolled in SPA 201 and 202 Dr. Paz, Basic Director of Elementary Language Instruction Elementary Language Instruction The goal of the first and second year language program is to develop the ability of the student to communicate in Spanish (orally and in writing) at a basic and intermediate level with an appropriate level of linguistic accuracy. The emphasis will be on negotiating meaningful communication, rather than on learning isolated grammatical structures. Research in second language acquisition suggests that two of the most important factors in second language acquisition are: 1) input and 2) student motivation 1) As comprehensible input is one of the crucial factors in second language acquisition, classes will be conducted entirely in the target language, Spanish. Comprehension will be facilitated through the use of simple, contextualized language and with the help of visual cues. Although it may be frustrating at first, the more you are exposed to the target language, the more you will understand. Remember, it is assumed that you will not understand and be able to respond to everything that the instructor says. You must be patient with yourself and try to capture as much as possible. This leads to the second important factor involved in the process of language acquisition-MOTIVATION. 2) Motivation implies various things. The students who excel in first and second year Spanish are those who make a serious effort to understand and use the language; they are open to new learning experiences and put in the time required to be able to participate actively in class activities. The three hours of class time per week will be dedicated to using the language and not to talking about the language. This means that it is imperative that students come to class prepared. The instructor will organize communicative activities for the class hour; s/he will not spend the time explaining grammar. Very clear grammar explanations are provided in the text and workbook; it is the students' responsibility to study and learn the grammar, do the appropriate exercises at home, and come prepared to use this material in class. Your instructor will be more than happy to explain difficult grammar points during his/her office hours, if the need arises. Try to think of the class hour as the place to use the Spanish you have learned. - Attend all classes. Frequent absences and tardiness reduce your opportunity to receive Spanish input and practice the language (in addition, they substantially affect your grade). - Prepare grammar and other exercises at home. For each class hour you should put in at least two hours of home study. - Actively participate in class activities (remember participation constitutes an important percentage of your grade). - If problems arise, you should talk to your instructor first. If the problem is still unresolved, contact the Academic Coordinator, Professor Ela Molina, in POT 1121. SPA 201/ 3 COURSE REQUIREMENTS - Attendance Policy / Participation: Successful progress in a language course requires that students keep up with assigned material. Class discussions and exercises are also essential. For these reasons, daily attendance is strongly recommended. Failure to attend class regularly results in missed opportunities to practice the language. Please note that active participation is crucial in learning a second language, therefore if you are not in class you won’t be able to participate. Participation guidelines with regard to attendance will be strongly enforced. Students will be permitted to turn in late assignments three (3) times during the semester as long as they provide individual documentation for each of the three (3) EXCUSED ABSENCES no later than “one (1) week after the absences” (University Senate Rules, B -16). Examples of written documentation include a university letter from your advisor or the dean of your college, a doctor’s note, or a copy of the obituary in case of a death in the family. No excuses will be accepted to recover participation points lost because of any other absences. In case of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact a classmate and find out what was done and what is due next class. Unannounced quizzes will be given throughout the semester, especially if attendance slips or students come unprepared to class, to reinforce important homework assignments. These pop quizzes will be graded as homework assignments. There will not be any make-ups for pop quizzes. After each regular exam, your instructor will evaluate your participation and determine your grade based on the guidelines included in this syllabus. In order to ensure a good participation grade, students are expected to complete all homework and readings before every class period and actively participate in all class activities. - Class preparation and Homework: Homework is a fundamental part of any language course. You must complete it on time and do your best. Remember, making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, especially language learning. You should complete all the homework as it is specified in the syllabus. This system will allow immediate feedback to your activities. Please consult your teacher if you do not understand any aspect of your graded assignment. In order to study for this course you should count on spending at least two hours preparing for each class meeting. Homework is 20% of the final grade. As part of class preparation, students will be allowed to attend 2 extra-curricular activities, such as a “tertulia,” a movie in Spanish, or any other type of cultural event sponsored by the University to substitute 2 homework grades. Please keep in mind that these activities will substitute a maximum of 2 homework grades, and will not be counted as extra-credit. ** PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a language class in which students must listen and speak in order to improve their knowledge of the target language, students are required to refrain from eating and/or drinking, unless their instructor allows them to do so. Blackboard: Your instructors will be using this management system as an essential tool to encourage students’ interaction. By using this system, you will have access to announcements, extra activities that your instructor might design in order to further emphasize in specific areas, reviews, etc. Quia website: The homework for SPA 201 and 202 has been integrated on to an on-line web-homework system called Quia ( Quia makes it easier for students to do their homework while they study at home or the library and provides access to a number of interactive tools that allow you to learn more Spanish as you complete your daily homework assignments. Please be aware that even though SPA 201/ 4 Quia can be accessed through the blackboard website, the system has its own website including an announcements section that you should check regularly. The following instructions should help you create an account on the Quia website in two easy steps. Please read them carefully and contact your instructor for help if you still have problems logging on to Quia. Course: ____________________ Code: ____________________ Book: Identidades: Exploraciones e interconexiones, Student Activities Manual to Accompany. To enroll in this course, please do the following: Step 1. Log into your Quia account If you already have a Quia account: 1. Go to 2. Go to Students and click Log in. If you do not have a Quia account: 1. Go to 2. Go to Students and click Create new account. 3. Fill out and submit the form. Remember to write down your username and password. Step 2. Purchase book or enter book key In this step, you will activate your Quia book by entering a book key. (If you have already activated your book during a previous term, then you don't need a book key. Follow the instructions in the third section below.) If you already have a book key: If a book key came packaged with your textbook or if you purchased a book key separately, follow these instructions. 1. Go to 2. Go to Students. 3. Enter your book key in the field labeled Enter book key. The book will be added to your account. Note that book keys may only be used once; your book key will become invalid after you use it. 4. Verify that your name is displayed properly. The name that you enter here is what will be displayed to your instructor, so be sure to spell your first and last names correctly. Click the check box and press Submit. 5. Enter your instructor's course code, ______________, in the field labeled Enter Course Code (next to your book). If you do not have a book key, you can purchase one using a credit card: 1. Go to 2. Find your book and click Buy. When prompted, enter your instructor's course code: ________________ If you already have an active book in your account from a previous term: 1. Go to 2. Go to Students. (You should already be logged in. If not, log in.) 3. Find the book and click Enroll. 4. Enter your instructor's course code: _______________ You are now enrolled in your instructor's course. To access your Student Workstation in the future, go to and log into your account. You will be able to open your book, submit activities, view your results, and view your instructor's feedback. If you have any questions about these directions or about any other topic, please contact Quia Support at When completing your homework on QUIA, students should follow the following parameters: SPA 201/ 5 1.- Students must submit all their homework assignments by 11:55 PM on the day the syllabus indicates as the due date. Any homework that is submitted late will count as a zero towards your homework grade. 2.- Students will only have two (2) opportunities to submit their homework assignments, but they will receive immediate feedback on any part of the assignment that may need to be corrected. Companion Web Site: With the textbook, you will be able to access this Web Site that offers interactive exercises, web-based readings, links to various sources of information, the complete audio program and interactive games and flashcards (see textbook, p. xxiv). It is highly recommended to visit this website on a regular basis, especially before tests since it provides students with a series of activities that will help reviewing the material seen in class as well as preparing for test-formatted exercises. - Oral Presentation (Mini-proyectos): For this presentation, the class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will give a 20-30 minute presentation based on one of the themes from the “A explorar” section in Identidades. After the presentation, there will be time for further discussion on the topics. Each member in the group will be expected to successfully demonstrate the ability to field questions in their topic area. Handouts, transparencies, Power Point presentations or other visual aids are required as ways to display information during the presentation. Classmates are expected to question the presenters and give feedback on the quality of the presentation. Each group will provide an outline of their presentation to the class the day of the presentation. In addition, each person in the group will write a short essay in Spanish based on his/her oral presentation (300-450 words) to be given to the instructor in advance of the presentation in such a way that he/she can provide ideas or corrections in order to enrich your presentation (See schedule for due date). Everybody in the group will have to present a different aspect of the topic based on his/her individual research. It is important that the group get together before the presentation in order to organize the information gathered by each person. Under no circumstances can two or more people in the group present the same information to the class during an oral presentation. Furthermore, nobody will be allowed to read the presentation from a paper or a note card. If a member of the group misses class the day of his/her group presentation, he/she will not be able to make up the presentation and will get a zero (0) for this assignment. Be aware that oral presentations will take place the last week of class. Therefore, it would be impossible for you to recuperate this activity once you miss it. Oral presentation represents 10% and the essay 5% of the final grade. - Compositions: There will be 3 compositions during the semester. All composition drafts must be typed or done on a word processor and double-spaced. It is suggested that you do your preliminary drafts on a computer - it certainly makes revision easier. You will be given the opportunity to rewrite the 3 compositions, using the correction sheet attached to this syllabus. Even though the second version of each composition is OPTIONAL (you do not need to turn it in) students are encourage to rewrite them, since this exercise helps you gain an active command of Spanish. If you do decide to turn in a second version, remember you will have to give your instructor a copy of the first version, along with the final one, in order to receive credit for them. It will be extremely helpful to keep track of your writing process. Use the Tally Sheet in this syllabus to keep record of your performance. Always include it when submitting your compositions. You are responsible for keeping count, not your instructor. For the correction process, the instructor will indicate the errors on the first version. You will correct these errors and return both versions (and the Tally Sheet) to the instructor within a week from the date you received the first version reviewed by your instructor. Second version SPA 201/ 6 compositions will not be taken for credit at any other time. 5 points per day will be the penalty for late first draft compositions. (Actual day, weekends included, not class days). ** NOTE: Compositions must reflect the individual work of each student. No one should revise your composition before it is turned in to your instructor. Any composition that seems to have been corrected by somebody else, prior to the due date, will receive a zero (0) as a grade. Be also aware that copying material from a source without citing or acknowledging that source is considered plagiarism and it is an offense that could lead to the student’s expulsion from the university. Any students who plagiarises will be reported to the Chair of the department so that the issue can be dealt with according to University Senate Rules. ** (For new policy on plagiarism and cheating see the university´s website It is also in your best interest to turn in as clean a first version as possible; any errors remaining in the second version will cause your grade to drop. Remember that the first version has to be a complete composition (40% of your grade). The final version of each composition (60% of your grade) will be used to address specific grammar, organization, spelling, and content mistakes. Compositions are 20% of your total grade. EXAMINATIONS: ♦ Exams: In the semester there will be three (3) fifty-minute exams that may include an audiovisual comprehension section. The three exams are 30% of your final grade. Unannounced quizzes will be given throughout the semester to reinforce important homework assignments. ♦Oral Interview: Towards the middle of the course, students will meet with the instructor outside of class to talk in Spanish about cultural topics covered in the chapters. More details about this interview will be given in class. This oral interview is 5% of your final grade. ♦ Final exam: There will be no final exam for this class. participation and homework are essential. Therefore, class preparation, attendance, GRADING BREAKDOWN: The course grade will be determined as follows: Exams Compositions Homework Participation 30% 20% 15% 15% Oral presentation Oral presentation essay Oral Interview 10% 5% 5% The following grading criteria will be used to determine the final grades for this course: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 E 59 and below SPA 201/ CORRECCION DE LA COMPOSICIÓN (Número total de puntos: 100) PARTICIPATION GUIDELINES Name: ________________________________ GRADE: _________ 2. 8 Most Times 7 Sometimes 5 Rarely 0 Never Spoke exclusively in Spanish during whole class and group discussion. 10-9 Always 8 Most Times 7 Sometimes 5 Rarely 0 Never 3. Came to class with homework done and ready to discuss it with classmates and instructor. 10-9 Always 8 Most Times 7 Sometimes 5 Rarely 0 Never 4. Initiated oral interaction by responding to classmate’s comments in addition to responding to instructor’s questions without being called on. 20 - 18 - 17 Always 16 - 15 – 14 - 13 Most Times 12 Sometimes 10 Rarely 0 Never 5. Participated in the discussions of readings and/or cultural topics and whole group discussions by presenting his/her ideas or opinions. 20 - 18 - 17 Always 16 - 15 – 14 - 13 Most Times 12 Sometimes 10 Rarely 0 Never 6. Attended class. 30 Every day ** 20 Missed one day NAME: _______________________________ Grade: _________ Ideas y Contenido: knowledge of the subject, through development, relevance to assigned topic. 1. Arrived for class on time. 10 Always 7 10 Missed two days 5 Missed three days 0 Missed more than three days If students are dissatisfied with their participation grade, they should contact their instructor immediately and resolve the discrepancies with him/her. Participation is 15% of your total grade. 30-27 26-22 21-17 16-13 Excelente – Muy Buena Buena – Adecuada Regular – Mala Inadecuada 30 26 21 16 29 25 20 15 28 24 19 14 27 23 18 13 22 17 Organización: fluent expression, use of supporting ideas, organization, logical sequence, cohesion. 20-18 17-14 Excelente – Muy Buena Buena – Adecuada 20 17 19 16 18 15 13-10 9-7 Regular – Mala Inadecuada 13 9 12 8 11 7 14 10 Uso del lenguaje: effective use of grammatical structures, agreement, tenses, number, articles, pronouns, preposition, word order. 25-22 21-18 17-11 10-5 Excelente – Muy Buena Buena – Adecuada Regular – Mala Inadecuada 25 21 17 10 24 20 16 9 23 19 15 8 22 18 14 7 13 12 11 Vocabulario: effective use of acquired vocabulary, choice of words, and register. 20-18 17-14 13-10 9-7 Excelente – Muy Buena Buena – Adecuada Regular – Mala Inadecuada 20 17 13 9 19 16 12 8 18 15 11 7 14 10 Uso de convenciones: mastery of conventions: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing. 5 4 3-2 1 Excelente – Muy Buena Buena – Adecuada Regular – Mala Inadecuada 5 4 3 1 2 Adapted from Jacobos, Holly et al. Testing ESL Composition. Newbury House Publ. SPA 201/ 8 CÓDIGO PARA CORREGIR LA COMPOSICIÓN On your composition assignments you will notice that I am not correcting the errors but have indicated errors and included a hint for you to be able to figure out what your errors are. The following code will help you understand what needs to be corrected. You have the responsibility to correct your own errors. Use this form if you decide to rewrite your essays. (© ELI, Department of Hispanic Studies) Code Meaning First sentence has errors = Second sentence is correct. AGR Agreement: -Number: singular or plural -Gender: masculine or feminine Las botas verde. La mapa es bonita. = Las botas verdes. = El mapa es bonito. Article: -Incorrect form of article: Definite or indefinite -Missing article where it should be used La mapa está en la oficina. = El mapa está en la oficina. Tengo bicicleta en garaje. = Tengo la bicicleta en el garaje. Incorrect Pronoun: -Used the incorrect pronoun: Direct, indirect, reflexive, object of preposition -Missing pronoun Mis padres ayudaron mi. = Mis padres me ayudaron a mí. Escribí una carta a ella. = Le escribí una carta a ella. Yo levanto a las seis, y visto con ropa. = Me levanto a las seis y me visto. Missing Word, required by Spanish grammar: Article, personal ‘a,’ prepositions like ‘por’ or ‘para,’ conjunctions like ‘que,’ etc. Vamos bailar esta noche. = Vamos a bailar esta noche. Compré este libro Teresa. = Compré este libro para Teresa. Misuse of relative pronoun: -Incorrect relative pronoun -Omission of relative pronoun El niño quien bebe agua es Juan. = El niño que bebe agua es Juan. La historia te dije es cierta. = La historia que te dije es cierta. Punctuation: -Incorrect punctuation or Lack of punctuation. Dónde vivo? Vivo en España = ¿Dónde vivo? Vivo en España. P/I Misuse of Preterite or Imperfect: Cuando fui pequeño, fui a la playa. = Cuando era pequeño, iba a la playa. PP Personal Pronoun: -Unnecessary or inappropriate use of subject pronoun ART IP MW RP P -Omission of subject pronoun where it is needed S S/E SP STR SW VF VT VOC Subjunctive: -Incorrect use of subjunctive. Failure to use subjunctive Misuse of Ser or Estar: -One of these verbs used incorrectly in place of the other Spelling mistake: -Improper capitalization or improper use of lower-case. -Error in spelling. -Missing written accent or error in placing of written accent Structure mistake: -Word placement or direct translation from English (when it’s not expressed that way in Spanish) Superfluous word(s) – OMIT Verb form: -Correct tense but incorrect form Verb tense: -Incorrect choice of tense. -Error in formation of tense. -Incorrect sequence of tenses Yo como a las doce, yo trabajo después y yo salgo a las 8 de la noche. = Como a las doce, trabajo después y salgo a las 8 de la noche. Salgo y salen también. = Yo salgo y ellos salen también. Quiero que tú vienes a mi casa. = Quiero que tú vengas a mi casa. Tú estás moreno y muy alto. Chile es en América del Sur. = Tú eres moreno y muy alto. = Chile está en América del Sur. madrid es una ciudaz facil de amar. = Madrid es una ciudad fácil de amar. Yo tuve un buen tiempo. = Yo me divertí. Juan él busca por empleo. = Juan busca empleo. Mi novio y yo comen. = Mi novio y yo comemos. La semana pasada voy a una fiesta. = La semana pasada fui a una fiesta. Vocabulary: -Wrong word or poor choice of words -Spanglish Juan dropeó su clase de física. Yo tomé notas en clase. = Juan canceló su clase de física. = Yo tomé apuntes en clase. WC Wrong word choice, from grammatical point of view: -por /para -buen /bueno -gran /grande etc. El niño gran es mi primo. Era un bueno ejemplo. = El niño grande es mi primo. = Era un buen ejemplo. WO Word Order: -Incorrect word position Tengo una azul chaqueta. = = ? ↔ Same mistake marked before Illegible: what are you talking about? You need to combine sentences and use complex sentences. Tengo una chaqueta azul. Ella es mi hermana. Ella se llama Elena. Tiene 18 años. = Mi hermana Elena tiene 18 años. SPA 201/ 9 NOMBRE: __________________________________ KEEPING TRACK OF YOUR WRITING PROGRESS COMPOSITIONS / CORRECTIONS TALLY SHEET After grading your composition, you must count the corrections according to the key. Attach this tally sheet with your composition every time they are due. In this way, you and your instructor will have a record of your progress. This exercise will help you (and your instructor) to identify specific problems that have to be treated. ** Important: - 5 points per day will be the penalty for late compositions. (Actual day, weekends included, not class days). - 3 points will be the penalty if you do not turn in, and/or complete this Tally Sheet. Composición Correcciones AGR ART IP MW RP P P/I PP S S/E SP STR SW VF VOC VT WC WO = ? 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 4 2 1 2 SPA 201 / 10 SCALE FOR EVALUATING ORAL PRESENTATIONS Course: SPA _________ Name: _____________________________ Date: ____________ Score: _____________ Grammar: ____________x 5= _______________ 4.5-5.0 Usage of required concepts is almost perfect in any given context. 4.0-4.4 Makes some grammar mistakes, which generally would not affect meaning (i.e., agreements, participle vs. infinitive, wrong past participles, etc.) 3.5-3.9 Makes more serious mistakes, which could give unintended meaning (i.e., conjugation, tense inconsistency, word order mistakes, etc.) 3.4-3.0 Meaning frequently obscured by grammar mistakes. 2.5-2.9 Unsatisfactory. Fluency: ____________x 5= _______________ 4.5-5.0 No more than a normal, “thoughtful” delay in formulation of thought into speech. 4.0-4.4 Hesitates longer than necessary to find the right word. 3.5-3.9 Narrative somewhat disjointed because of pauses. 3.0-3.4 Painful pauses make speech hard to follow. 2.5-2.9 Unsatisfactory. 0 The presentation was totally read form notes/paper. Pronunciation: ____________x 5= _______________ 4.5-5.0 Demonstrates knowledge of correct pronunciation and intonation; makes very few mistakes 4.0-4.4 Some mispronunciation, but meaning is still clear. 3.5-3.9 Pronounced foreign accent which requires trained listening. 3.0-3.4 Meaning is frequently obscured because of poor pronunciation. 2.5-2.9 Unsatisfactory. Content: ____________x 5= _______________ 4.5-5.0 Displays communicative ease within a given context. 4.0-4.4 Says more than the strict minimum. 3.5-3.9 Situation handled adequately though minimally. 3.0-3.4 Says less than the strict minimum. 2.5-2.9 Situation handled only partially or in a totally unsatisfactory manner. SPA 201 / 11 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES The instructor has the right to make changes at any time in order to ensure the progress of the course. FECHA LECCIÓN (en clase) 6/5 (R) Introducción/ Cap. 1, pp. 1-7 TAREA Para entregar ----- 6/6 (F) pp. 8-20 1-1—1-3; 1-8—1-15, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20 6/09 (M) pp. 21-29, pp. 33 Video 1 1-24—1-27, 1-29 2-1—2-4; 2-10—2-12, 2-13 Composición 1 (versión 1) (200-250 palabras) Ver pp. 27-629. 2-16—2-17, 2-20 6/10 (T) Cap. 2, pp. 36-47 6/11 (W) pp. 48-58 6/12 (R) 6/13 (F) pp. 58-62; 68-69 Video 2 y Repaso Examen 1 (Caps. 1 y 2) Composición 1 (versión 2)** opcional** 6/16 (M) Cap. 3, pp. 72-78 pp.79-90 3-1—3-3 3-9—3-12, 3-15, 3-16—3.17 6/17 (T) pp. 91-102, 104-105 2-22—2-25 6/18 (W) Cap. 4, pp. 108-115 6/19 (R) pp. 115-124 3-20—3-22, 3-24, 3-25 **Organizar grupos para los Mini-proyectos y elegir un tema de las secciones “A explorar” (Caps. 1-5)*** Composición 2 (versión 1) (250-300 palabras) Ver pp. 100-102. 4-1—4-3 4-8—4-9, 4-11—4-12, 4-16—4-18, 4-20 6/20 (F) pp. 125-133 4-23—4-24 pp. 134-138, pp. 141-143 Composición 2 (versión 2) **opcional** Video 4 y Repaso **Comienzan entrevistas orales con el/la profesor/a** DUE: Short essay for Mini-proyectos Video 3 6/23 (M) 6/24 (T) Examen 2 (Caps. 3 y 4) 6/25 (W) Cap. 5, pp. 146-153 pp. 153-161 6/26 (R) pp. 162-170 6/27 (F) pp. 171-178; 180-181 Video 5 y Repaso 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 5-6—5-8, 510, 5-14—5-15 Composición 3 (versión 1) (300-375 palabras) Ver pp. 135-138. 5-19—5-21, 5-23 Composición 3 (versión 2)**opcional** 6/30 (M) Examen 3 (Cap. 5) 7/1 (T) Preparación de mini-proyectos 7/2 (W) Presentación de mini-proyectos