TRAV 1594-40
Selling Vacation Packages and Tours
Number of Hours: 20-30
Instructor: Angie Jensen
Earn great commissions by booking vacation packages and tours, one of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry. Learn the basics of the tour product, components of tours, tour destinations, types of vacation packages and tours, print and electronic resources and nonautomated tour booking procedures. Understand the function of tour operators and wholesalers.
Identify your clients’ needs and preferences, and book the right vacation package for any given client.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Specify the benefits of tours for the traveler and for the travel professional
List and describe the various components of a tour and of tour brochures
Interpret tour information found in brochures and reference publications and utilize tour brochures as a sales tool and booking resource
Compare the features, benefits and pricing of various tours and vacation packages
Identify and explain five types of tours
Name five popular vacation package and tour destinations in North America
Explain the function of Tour Operators/Wholesalers
Select the right package tour for the client
Demonstrate vacation package and tour booking procedures
Grading Criteria:
Course Outline:
Successful completion of all Reviews, Challenges and Exams.
Participation in online Discussion as specified by instructor.
Each lesson includes an online Review (Stop, Review and Apply) as well as at least one Challenge that requires independent research and application.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Vacation Package and Tour Introduction
Vacation Package and Tour References and
Lesson 3 Types of Vacation Packages and Tours
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Course activities and assignments:
Vacation Package and Tour Sales
Vacation Packages and Tours Review
Maximum time to complete this course is 90 days. The course includes 7 challenges, 4 reviews,
1 discussion question and 1 exam. All reviews, challenges and the exam are submitted electronically to your instructor with results returned via email. The discussion area is monitored for participation.
Dmail Notice:
Important class and college information will be sent to your Dmail email account. This information includes your DSC bill, financial aid/scholarship notices, notification of dropped classes, reminders of important dates and events, and other information critical to your success in this class and at DSC. All DSC students are automatically assigned a Dmail account. If you do not know your user name and password, go to and select “Dmail,” for complete instructions. You will be held responsible for information sent to your Dmail, so please check it often.
Reasonable Accommodation Statement .
If you are a student with a medical, psychological or a learning difference and are requesting reasonable academic accommodations due to this disability, you must provide an official request of accommodation to your professor(s) from the Disability Resource Center (located in the
Student Services Center, Room #201 of the Edith Whitehead Building) within the first two weeks of the beginning of classes. Students are to contact the Center on the main campus to follow through with and receive assistance in the documentation process to determine the appropriate accommodations related to their disability. You may call (435) 652-7516 for an appointment and further information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of
1990 per Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.