CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE SYLLABUS FOR MLAB 2434 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY Semester Hours Credit: 4 INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE HOURS: I. II. INTRODUCTION A. This course is designed as an introductory course in Clinical Microbiology for college students. Included will be instruction in the theory, practical application, and pathogenesis of clinical microbiology, including collection, setup, identification, susceptibility testing, and reporting procedures. B. This course is designed to meet curriculum requirements for students in the Medical Laboratory Technician Program, but may satisfy course requirements for other allied health disciplines. C. This course is occupationally related and meets the curriculum for Medical Laboratory Technician programs. D. Prerequisites: MLAB 1201 - Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science MLAB 1211 - Urinalysis and Body Fluids LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, Clinical Microbiology, the student will be able to: A. List significant historical data as it relates to medical microbiology. B. Explain the cellular processes of microorganisms. C. Classify microorganisms utilizing taxonomy. D. List nutritional and environmental factors affecting bacterial growth. E. Demonstrate proper aseptic technique utilized in sterilization and disinfection. F. Describe the practice of universal precautions, the different levels of protection, and when each one is applied. 08/2013 G. Identify specimen type and determine acceptability of the specimen. H. Identify a given set of unknown organisms. I. Perform quality control (QC) procedures according to established protocol and evaluate the results. J. Relate the clinical significance of laboratory procedures to the appropriate disease process. K. Exhibit attitudes consistent with professionalism and concern for high quality health care by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. III. Performing analysis with care, adhering strictly to written procedure Demonstrating flexibility by accepting and implementing approved changes to procedures Attending scheduled lecture and lab regularly and punctually Completing assigned tasks with minimal guidance Maintains confidentiality of patient results Seeks activities which further assists learning Admits mistakes and takes steps to correct them Repeats procedures when test results are in doubt Responds appropriately to authority Takes pride in role in laboratory medicine Complies with stated dress code for laboratory exercises Recognizing the value of continuing education activities INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS The instructional materials identified for this course are viewable through www.ctcd.edu/books IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS A. To receive transferable credit for this course, you must earn a grade of "C" or better. B. Class attendance is mandatory in order to receive a passing grade. You are expected to read all assigned materials and to bring textbooks to class and laboratory. MLAB 2434 2 . V. C. Lecture examinations will be taken from class notes and assigned pages in your text. Laboratory examinations will be taken from a combination of lecture and laboratory information. D. Students with grades of "C" or less should make an appointment with the instructor to discuss the reason for their low performance. E. Any material not understood by the student from lecture or laboratory can be discussed with the instructor privately. Posted on the office door will be a list of office hours for conferences. Please try to make an appointment at your convenience. EXAMINATIONS A. B. VI. There will be seven lecture examinations and three laboratory examinations. Makeup examinations will not be given unless approved by the instructor. If given, the makeup examination will be of the discussion type. SEMESTER GRADE COMPUTATION Lecture Examinations Point Value Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4 Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Lecture 7 Total Points Possible 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 700 Laboratory Examinations Point Value Laboratory I A&B Laboratory II A&B Laboratory III Laboratory Assessment Total Points Possible 90 94 96 20 300 Comprehensive Final Exam 200 MLAB 2434 3 Number of Points 1080 - 1200 1079 - 960 959 - 840 839 - 720 Below 720 Grade A B C D F Note: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. A student observed cheating will be given a zero on the paper. * Scantron answer sheets will be required for lecture, lab, and final exams. VII. NOTES AND ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM COURSE INSTRUCTOR A. Course Withdrawal: It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from a class if circumstances prevent attendance. Any student who desires to, or must, officially withdraw from a course after the first scheduled class meeting must file a Central Texas College Application for Withdrawal (CTC Form 59). The withdrawal form must be signed by the student. CTC Form 59 will be accepted at any time prior to Friday of the 12th week of classes during the 16-week fall and spring semesters. The deadline for sessions of other lengths is as follows. 10-week session 8-week session 5-week session Friday of the 7th week Friday of the 6th week Friday of the 3rd week The equivalent date (75% of the semester) will be used for session of other lengths. The specific last day to withdraw is published each semester in the Schedule Bulletin. Students who officially withdraw will be awarded the grade of "W", provided the student's attendance and academic performance are satisfactory at the time of official withdrawal. Students must file a withdrawal application with the college before they may be considered for withdrawal. A student may not withdraw from a class for which the instructor has previously issued the student a grade of "F" or "FN" for nonattendance. B. MLAB 2434 Administrative Withdrawal: An administrative withdrawal may be initiated when the student fails to meet College attendance requirements. The instructor will assign the appropriate grade on the Administrative Withdrawal Form for submission to the registrar. 4 C. Incomplete Grade: The College catalog states, "An incomplete grade may be given in those cases where the student has completed the majority of the course work but, because of personal illness, death in the immediate family, or military orders, the student is unable to complete the requirements for a course..." Prior approval from the instructor is required before the grade of "I" is recorded. A student who merely fails to show for the final examination will receive a zero for the final and an "F" for the course. D. Cellular Phones and Beepers: Cellular phones and beepers will be turned off while the student is in the classroom or laboratory. E. American’s With Disabilities Act (ADA): Disability Support Services provides services to students who have appropriate documentation of a disability. Students requiring accommodations for class are responsible for contacting the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) located on the central campus. This service is available to all students, regardless of location. Explore the website at www.ctcd.edu/disability-support for further information. Reasonable accommodations will be given in accordance with the federal and state laws through the DSS office. F. Instructor Discretion: The instructor reserves the right of final decision in course requirements. G. Civility: Individuals are expected to be cognizant of what a constructive educational experience is and respectful of those participating in a learning environment. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. MLAB 2434 5 MLAB 2434 LABORATORY SCHEDULE Week Clinical Points 1 Introduction to Clinical Microbiology Safety in the Microbiology Laboratory 2 2 Microscope Methodology and Proficiency Specimen Collection, Transport and Processing Culture Media 2 3&4 Colony Morphology Quality Control Gram Stain 5 4 LAB TEST I-Part A-Written Exam Staphylococci and Micrococci 45 3 5 Staphylococci and Micrococci (continued) Streptococci ___ 3 6 Streptococci (continued) ___ 7 LAB TEST I-Part B Identification of Unknown I Neisseria 45 3 8 Enterobacteriaceae 3 9 Enterobacteriaceae 3 10 Enterobacteriaceae 3 11 Lab Test II-Part A-Case Studies Lab Test II-Part B-Identification of Unknown II 12 Nonfermentative Gram-Negative Bacilli Haemophilus 2 13 Gram-Positive Bacilli 2 14 LAB TEST III-Unknown III-Identification, documentation, and preparation of laboratory report 93 15 LAB TEST III-Unknown III (continued) MLAB 2434-Clinical Microbiology Point System for Laboratory Exercises ___ Laboratory Exams MLAB 2434 45 41 Points 6 Exam I-Part A-Written Exam 45 Exam I-Part B-Identification of Unknown I 45 Exam II-Part A-Case Studies 45 Exam II-Part B-Identification of Unknown II 41 Exam III-Identification of Unknown III 93 TOTAL Laboratory Exam Points: MLAB 2434 269 7 Laboratory Assessment Points Exercise One- Introduction and Safety 2 Exercise Two- Microscopic Methodology Specimens Culture Media 2 Exercise Three- Colony Morphology Quality Control Gram Stain 2 Staphylococci and Micrococci 3 Exercise Four- 3 Exercise Five & Six- Streptococci 3 Exercise Seven- Neisseria Enterobacteriaceae 3 Exercise Eight- Enterobacteriaceae 3 Exercise Nine- Enterobacteriaceae 3 Exercise Ten- Enterobacteriaceae (continued) 3 Exercise Twelve- Nonfermentative Gram-Negative Bacilli Haemophilus 2 Exercise Thirteen- Gram-Positive Bacilli TOTAL Laboratory Assessment Points: TOTAL Laboratory Points for Semester: MLAB 2434 2 31 300 8 MLAB 2434 Grade Record-For Student Use Lecture Exams Points Possible Lecture 1 (100) Lecture 2 (100) Lecture 3 (100) Lecture 4 (100) Lecture 5 (100) Lecture 6 (100) Lecture 7 (100) Laboratory Exams Points Possible Exam I-Part A-Written Exam (45) Part B-Unknown I (45) Exam II-Part A-Case Studies (45) Part B-Unknown II (41) Exam III-Unknown III (93) Laboratory Assessment Points Possible Exercise One-Safety (2) Exercise Two-Microscopic Methods (2) Exercise Three-Colony Morphology & Q. C. (2) Exercise Three (cont...)-Gram Stain (3) Exercise Four-Staphylococci (3) Exercise Five-Streptococci (3) Exercise Six-Neisseria (3) Exercise Seven-Enterobacteriaceae (3) Exercise Eight-Enterobacteriaceae (3) Exercise Nine-Enterobacteriaceae (3) Exercise Ten-Gram-Negative Bacilli (2) Exercise Eleven-Gram-Positive Bacilli (2) Total Points (Must have 840+ to pass) 1200 MLAB 2434 Points Earned Subtotal Pts Earned Points Earned Points Earned 9