Winter 2012 - Armed Forces Optometric Society

Armed Forces Optometric Society
Proudly Serving Federal Optometrists Since 1970
AFOS Newsletter
December 2012
"The highest Vision Standards
in the World"
In This Issue
President Elect
Exciting Events & Promising Future
Air Force
Dear Dr. Miles,
Navy Reserve
Registration for AFOS/SECO is open. We are going to have a
terrific meeting February 25th & 26th in Atlanta,
Georgia. The Westin has newly remodeled rooms, and they
are much improved. Included with every room is free wi-fi
service. This meeting promises to exceed
expectations. AFOS has the best value in all of optometry for
its members. Leading edge CE, first class accomodations, top
rated banquet services, and the best exhibitors in the industry
await you at AFOS 2013 in Atlanta. We hope everyone can
be there.
Click Here to Register.
Public Health
Veterans Affairs
CE Committee
Student Liaison
EDs' Final
Register for
President's Column
Dr. Aly Wasik
The Growth of AFOS: Past, Present, & Future
I am honored to have been elected the 44th President of AFOS.
Thank you to Dr. Mitch Munson (AOA President-Elect) for taking time
from his practice to be in Phoenix to install the AFOS Executive Council for 2012-2013. Thank you
to David Danielson for his attendance; David has been working for federal service optometry for
over 30 years in the AOA Washington DC office, and I have had the honor of collaborating with
him on Federal Relations Committee for the last 1.5 years. Thank you to all of our generous
sponsors - we appreciate so much your continued support. Thank you to Anthony and Gina
Borgognoni for their dedication to AFOS in the past 6 months, and for a fabulous first meeting! I
would like to express a few personal thank yous starting with my mentor, Dr. Bernard Dolan, who
since my residency at the SFVA has been a source of inspiration, advice, and assistance over the
years. Thank you IPP Dr. Mike Sunman for his service and dedication to AFOS and for leading by
example; it has been an honor to follow in his footsteps. I would also like to thank the optometry
staff at VA Tucson particularly my former and current supervisors, Dr. Robert Spruance and Dr.
Amy Grimes, for their support in allowing me to be part of AFOS for the past 8 years.
Since becoming involved with the Membership Committee in 2004, the one word I think of that
describes AFOS is 'growth'. The four sub-definitions of growth are as follows:
1. Full development; maturity
Goal: 10th largest AOA affiliate (Dave Simpson's vision which we hope to make a reality)
2. Development from a lower or simpler to a higher or more complex form; evolution.
Goal: Organized infrastructure
3. An increase, as in size, number, value, or strength; extension or expansion
Goal: Membership Increase
4. A result of growth; a product
Goal: National Licensure by Endorsement
Growth: Past, Present, & Future
In the past AFOS has grown to be the 23rd largest AOA affiliate, and we will work to increase the
number of members in order to reach our goal of being the 10th largest! Our committees were
expanded by creating more of them, and increasing the number of members per committee. When
I joined the Membership Committee, it was a committee of one, CDR Sunman. Therefore I
doubled the size when I signed up to help. Also AFOS swelled with new members when VA and
PHS optometrists were allowed to join in 1986.
Currently, AFOS has a robust committee structure, solid cash reserve, and more continuing
education offered per year with the addition of the Dave Simpson Memorial Lecture Series which
began last year in Boston. Today, we have successfully updated our bylaws, implemented conflict
of interest statements for the Executive Council and committee chairs, have equal representation
of all 5 services on the Executive Council as well as on most committees. We have several AFOS
members on various AOA committees, and a very good working relationship with the AOA Board
of Trustees.
This is the beginning of Year 2 of our current 5 year strategic plan. While much has been
accomplished, there is still more to achieve. We will continue to work on becoming one of the top
10 largest AOA affiliates with an escalation of efforts to recruit eligible FSOs in order to make this
a reality in the next few years. Financially, the aim will be to increase the cash reserves, and
enhance our sponsorship partnerships. Our committees have evolved tremendously in the last 8
years. They are made up of a dynamic and diverse volunteer structure, which gives more FSOs a
chance to be part of AFOS.
With the staggering growth of AFOS, the internal organization and infrastructure needs to be
solidified so an ad hoc committee will be developing an SOP for the society. As our EDs become
established in their roles, they will work with other state affiliates and the AOA on several
important issues to federal service optometry including universal licensure. The Licensure by
Endorsement Committee structure will be augmented so we can intensify our efforts over the next
few years. AFOS' leaders we will continue labor with David Danielson and the Washington office
to defend and lobby on behalf of federal service optometry. We will continue to work with the
section chiefs and assist in their efforts to help progress federal service optometry in the following
areas: Vision Center for Excellence, Amending the definition of optometry, Implementing service
specific awards,the Optometry journal, and Title 38 IHS GS/NSPS Conversion. I want to also
strive towards succession planning so I hope to increase mentorship within the Executive Council
and on our committees in order to guide and groom the AFOS leaders of the future.
It is truly my honor to lead the 23rd largest AOA affiliate for the next 12 months and I look forward
to working towards our goals in order to further grow AFOS!
Dr. Jeff Autrey
President Elect
AFOS Adds Significant Updates to our
Constitution and Bylaws
During the 44th Armed Forces Optometric Society Annual Meeting in Phoenix,
Arizona on October 22-23, 2012, many significant amendments to the AFOS
Constitution and Bylaws were unanimously approved. Five of eleven articles
within the Constitution and three of eight articles within the Bylaws were heavily
revised. This was the most substantial update to these important documents in
many years, providing improvements to everyday business of the organization
and increased protection to its members. Almost all amendments consisted of
"housekeeping" matters. In order to better serve the membership and the
organization, one amendment concerned instituting a new ethics responsibility for
AFOS members filling volunteer and officer positions which included the
completion of an annual Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure Statement.
Membership and Dues Articles of the Constitution
The proposals were intended to allow for a more efficient and effectively managed
organization by adding specific verbiage within each category, increasing
potential membership and maximizing the number of AFOS votes within the AOA
House of Delegates. After spirited debate and constructive feedback from the
floor, all proposed updates were approved. The amendments facilitated the
following changes:
 Increased number of membership categories from six to eight
 Added specific updates for part-time federal optometrists and
optometrists within any entity of the Federal Government
 Updated details within the Life Membership category
 Specified which membership categories have voting privileges
 Added a new section on termination of membership
 Added a new section on the COI Policy
 Added a very specific timeline for dues payment, including payment
of AFOS dues by 31 March
B. Meetings and Officers Articles of the Constitution
The majority of proposals within these categories were to provide delineation for
policy currently in place, but not previously included. Additionally, the changes
infuse a higher standard of ethics and professionalism into the management and
execution of AFOS duties. All proposed amendments were unanimously
approved and provide the following changes:
 Specific verbiage to hold the annual AFOS business meeting at
American Academy of Optometry Meeting and to hold the
Service Optometry Meeting at the Southern Council of
(SECO) Meeting
 Officers of AFOS will be Active members of the AOA
 Officers of AFOS will complete a COI Disclosure Statement annually
 Officers of AFOS may be removed from their position due
violations of the COI or for causes described in Article
III, Section 3.
C. Bylaws Amendments
The proposed changes to the Bylaws simply aligned with the approved changes
to the Constitution, with the exception of the highly discussed and debated topic
of compensation for the Executive Director (ED) position. This topic was dutifully
researched by a diverse group of AFOS representatives within an ad hoc
committee due to the recent unexpected turnover within the ED position. In order
for AFOS to gain the organizational flexibility and increased level of business
competitiveness similar to other affiliate organizations, having the Executive
Council responsible for determining the salary for the ED position was essential to
the organization's forward progress. Ultimately, this proposed amendment was
overwhelmingly approved by membership.
D. Effective Date of the Constitution and Bylaws
The new Constitution and Bylaws will become published on the website and effective on January 1, 2013.
All members are highly encouraged to visit the AFOS website, read the newly
published text and update their member profiles. The AFOS Communications
Committee has done an outstanding job of orchestrating, constructing and
implementing the new site. Harnessing the expanded technological capability of
this new information management tool can only be achieved through members
updating their profiles and utilizing the new option of conveniently setting-up
automatic dues payment. Using the new website will not only make it easier to
make timely dues payments, including payment of AFOS dues by 31 March, but
will also maximize the AFOS voting "voice" at the AOA House of Delegates in
San Diego, California on 26-30 June 2013. The newly revised Constitution and
Bylaws are sure to serve our members and organization well for years to
come. AFOS is honored and proud to serve Federal Service Optometry.
COL T.J. Lantz
As we head into December, I want to wish everyone a very safe and Happy Holiday Season. Thank
you for all the dedication and hard work to provide our beneficiaries the best quality eye health care
and to promote our profession throughout the DOD, VA, the United States, and the planet. We
really do take care of the best patients in the world. TJL
Currently in Theater
Afghanistan: MAJ Diane Boese
Kuwait: CPT Peter Lin, SSG John Borsos, SGT David Parylak
Kosovo: CPT Eric Lawver
New Accessions, Farewells, and Retirements
You're in the Army now!
New HPSP Optometrists:
CPT Olakunle Adegbile
CPT Joseph B. Ahlborn
CPT Reuben A. Arunasalem
CPT Steven C. Crowther
CPT Jasmin I. Filpo
CPT Griffin
CPT Steven C. Jewett
CPT Hanna L. Kim
CPT Steven R. Klein
CPT Gregory L. Livingston
CPT Timothy J. Soh
CPT Evan J. Stout
CPT Dustin J. Wiles
Optometry School
Inter American University Puerto Rico
University of Houston
PCO/Salus University
Pacific University
Southern College of Optometry
Nova Southeastern University
Ferris State University
University of Missouri at St. Louis
Nova Southeastern University
Ferris State University
PCO/Salus University
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Missouri at St. Louis
Duty Station
Fort Benning, GA
Fort Polk, LA
Fort Campbell, KY
West Point Residency, NY
Fort Bragg Residency, NC
Fort Stewart
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Fort Lewis, WA
Fort Sill, OK
Fort Drum
Republic of Korea
Fort Polk, LA
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
CPT Amber C. Carlson
MAJ Joseph E. Harkins
CPT Kathryn E. Gurganus
LTC Haby Ramirez
CPT Jess E. Mendenhall
CPT Lauren E. Parker
CPT Amman J. Starr
CPT Joseph E. Steska
To Major:
To Lieutenant Colonel:
To Colonel:
MAJ Donnie Appleman
LTC Doug Gray
COL Judy Driscoll,
USAR Optometry Consultant
MAJ Crystal Brigantti
LTC Gary Hughes
MAJ Chris Caldwell
LTC Susan Sloan
MAJ Jin Ha
MAJ Jared Lampe
MAJ Louie Le
MAJ Ina Lee
MAJ Tom Schell
MAJ Steve Schlegel
Expert Field Medical Badge
The Expert Field Medical Badge was established in 1965 as a Department of the Army special skill
award for recognition of exceptional competence and outstanding performance by field medical
personnel. The EFMB test is the ultimate challenge to the professional competence and physical
endurance of the Soldier Medic. It is the most sought after peacetime award in the Army Medical
Department. The quest for this award is extremely challenging and the Service Members who
successfully pass the test earn the right to wear the coveted badge. The overall pass rate is usually
under 20%, making the EFMB one of the most difficult and prestigious Army Skill Badges to earn.
The following Army Officers received the EFMB:
CPT Mark Taylor
MAJ Chris Caldwell
Fort Campbell, KY
Schofield Barracks, HI
COL Emery Fehl assumed command of Munson Army Health Clinic, Fort Leavenworth, KS on 15
June 2012. Prior to arriving at Fort Leavenworth, COL Fehl was the commander of the U.S. Army
Health Clinic in Schweinfurt, Germany. COL Fehl is the second Army Optometrist to be chosen to
command a Level 1 Army Hospital. Fehl was first at Fort Leavenworth in 1990 to attend the
Combined Arms and Services Staff School. While he was here he was notified that he would be
deployed in support of Operation Desert Shield. Congratulations COL Fehl!
CPT Kayla Vickers assumed command of B Company, USAMEDDAC, Fort Benning, on 15 June
2012. The ceremony was heavily attended by the Benning optometry family as well as departments
across the hospital. This photo shows CPT Vickers passing the guidon to 1SG Ott of B Co after
receiving it from the Troop Commander, LTC Karlotta Richards.
MAJ Grace Dewars assumed command of the 215th Medical Detachment, Optometry, on June
26th, 2012. The team is located in Area III (Camp Humphreys) and Area IV (Camp Walker). During
the ceremony, LTC Robert Cornes, CDR, 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion (far left in the
picture), passed the guidon to MAJ Dewars from MAJ Keith Schmidt, the outgoing commander
(back to camera).
Other Commanders:
CPT Christopher S. Alferez assumed command of the 554th Medical Detachment (Optometry) at
Fort Hood, TX.
CPT Anna T. Jones is commanding the 165th Medical Detachment (Optometry) at Fort Bragg, NC.
CPT Joseph B. Ahlborn took command of the 33rd Medical Detachment at Fort Polk, LA.
CPT Erica H. Chae is the commander of the 42nd Medical Detachment located at Fort Sam
Houston, TX.
COL Neil Glenesk and COL Carol Rymer combined to provide five hours of COPEapproved Continuing Education at the 2012 Victoria Conference. The conference,
sponsored by Pacific University College of Optometry, was held in beautiful Victoria, British
Columbia, from July 19th to 22nd.
United States Air Force
Lt Col Michelle Aaron
Congratulations to Lt Col Christine Stabile on her selection to compete for
Squadron Commander!
AF Optometry will have 28 HPSP students joining us this summer:
Bryan Crosby from Salus
Lauren Matthews Salus
Eric Noll from Salus
Katelin Stanley from Salus
Erica Turner from Salus
Megan Lee from UC Berkeley
Chen Yang from UC Berkeley
Jacob Bailey from Pacific University
Zachary Lemaster from Pacific University
Dylan Hatfield from Pacific University
Jerom Nelson from Pacific University
Jane Purdy from Pacific University
Molly Clark from University of Alabama at Birmingham
Amanda Simmons from University of Alabama at Birmingham
Justin Surratt from University of Alabama at Birmingham
Daniel Galle from Indiana University Bloomington
Jedidiah Smith from Indiana University Bloomington
Nicholas Jones from New England College of Optometry
Jewearly Kho from Southern California College of Optometry
Cody Peterson from Midwestern University
Brian Sturgill from Midwestern University
Chad Bechtle from Ohio State University
Burke Manning from Ohio State University
Kaylaen Dittmer from Northeastern State University
Richard Reinert from Northeastern State University
Megan Kortum from Southern College of Optometry
Amanda Kanwischer from University of Houston
Brooke Kibel from University of Houston
In March these folks will be receiving the list of bases available for summer '13 and providing their
preferences for the matching process.
Capt Craig England from USAFA just returned from deployment in support of OEF and Capt
Frank Kuchera will deploy this May (13).
Capt Marilyn Lai will be deploying for 160 days starting in April (13) to support a humanitarian
mission for AF SOUTH.
Congratulations to the Carra Family (Maj Peter Carra proud father) on the birth of Christian Jayden
Carra born 27 August 2012 weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches!
Congratulations to the Koles Family (Lt Col David Koles proud father) on the birth of Adele Koles
born 26 July 2012 weighing 8 pounds and measuring 19.2 inches!
Please join me in congratulating our newest LCDR selects.
LCDR(s) Jacqueline Anderson, Wendy Bartosik, and Mikayla Uphoff.
We promoted 100% of our members in zone who are planning on remaining in the
AAO FELLOW: LT Anderson, LT Buyske, LT Kinney, LCDR Su, CDR Im
CDR BRUNSTETTER: For making the cut on the Navy's Astronaut Selection Board. We all
hope that NASA selects an MSC OD to train and send into space!
Profession Loan Repayment Program direct accession slots for the next fiscal year. If you know
anyone who is interested, please refer them to me via phone or email.
A summary of the update sent by LT Jarvis. LCDR Holdorf and I deployed for 70 days with 2012
Africa Partnership mission. We visited 7 different countries (Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon,
Congo, Benin and Togo), but only saw optometry patients in six of those countries. All the
members of the optometry team did great work and helped optometry be the workhorse for all of
the sites we were at. It was a great experience but we were all ready to be home and are glad to be
Navy Reserve
CAPT. Jeff Garcia
CAPT Mike Radoiu (USNR) recently returned from a five month deployment to South East Asia.
Operation Pacific Partnership-12, using the hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) as a primary
health care delivery platform. The Mission was designed to provide joint training for US, partner
and host nation militaries as well as civilian health and engineering professionals in preparation
for a disaster response contingency in the Region. The nations of Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
and Cambodia took part in the operation. The operation established a close and mutually
beneficial professional link between all of the participating nations which included military
personnel from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Korea, the United Kingdom and Japan.
Special emphasis was given to infectious diseases, health maintenance (surgical, pediatric,
women's health, eye and dental care), engineering projects, water procurement/purification and
vector disease control. The operation involved multiple medical, optometric, dental, engineering
and veterinary civil action projects during which the participants worked closely with the host
nation to establish protocols and provide care for the local population. Over 10 major
MED/DENT/VETCAPs were performed in which over 50,000 patients were seen. Over 22,000
patients were seen by the 10 person eye care team. This took place on the ship, in local hospitals,
universities and villages. The key to the Mission's success was the integration of over 300 nongovernmental organization professions who worked side by side with their military counterparts in
a realistic scenario that will be the new 'normal' in the case of future joint disaster responses across
the globe.
CAPT Buddy Lopez CDR Patricia Steiner, LCDR Patricia Anderson recently volunteered to
participate on Operation Alabama Black Belt, an Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) that took
place in rural Alabama in August, 2012. IRT's are designed to provide military medical staff the
opportunity to train under austere conditions while providing much needed health care services in
underserved regions domestically. During the 7 days of clinic, the NR Optometry Team provided
eye care and glasses to 900 patients.
CAPT. Michael Candreva
Hurricane Sandy
The U.S. Public Health Service has begun its fourth week assisting with Hurricane Sandy relief in
New York City. Rapid Deployment Force 1 (RDF-1) assumed command of the medical special
needs shelter at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center. RDF-2 arrived in New York
City on Oct. 31 and immediately set up a medical shelter at York College in Queens. The Public
Health Service is currently operating two medical special needs shelters, one in Edison, N.J., and
the one at Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn. The shelters are for storm evacuees with medical
needs that cannot be met at a standard shelter. The Brookdale shelter has about 100 evacuees
from nursing homes that were in the path of the hurricane. The volunteer Medical Reserve Corps
(MRC) is assisting and coordinated through the Office of the Surgeon General and 25 MRC units
have also been activated for general/ARC/special medical needs, shelter operations, emergency
department outposts, special needs registries and call center support.
IHS Eye Care DataMart
The IHS Eye Care DataMart went live Spring 2012. The Eye Care data mart makes full use of
data mapped and exported to the IHS' National Data Warehouse. For this "version 1" application,
nine (9) major eye care categories have been defined. These categories include total encounters in
the following: Total Eye Care, Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Blindness, Refractive
encounters, Glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy, Amblyopia, Spectacle Dispensing.
The DataMart provides information on all encounters via specified ICD-9. These encounters can
further be tracked by three specific eye care related disciplines (Optometrist, Contract Optometrist
or Ophthalmologist), eye care clinical setting (Diabetic Retinopathy, Ophthalmology or
Optometry), location (Nationally, Area, Service Unit or Facility) and by Fiscal or Calendar year.
Optometry continues to fair well with IHSLRP. In FY'12 Optometry realized 11 new awards, 27
extensions and 1 declination. This competitive program greatly assists in recruitment and
retention of IHS, Tribal and Urban optometrists.
PHS Promotions
Please note the following excerpt regarding HSO CV's:
The HSPAC Career Development Subcommittee has been working to revise the HSO CV design
and content. The purpose of the revision is to better: 1) align CV content to HSO benchmarks and
2) highlight officer activities and achievements for promotion purposes in a standardized
format. The revised CV was NOT designed to reflect officer activities prior to PHS or for
applying for positions across various agencies. The Career Development subcommittee will be
providing guidance for designing CV's for seeking jobs in the near future.
The purpose of this assessment is to seek Health Services Officers' opinions on the CV redesign
and suggest improvements for consideration. Please remember to continually refer to the HSO
benchmarks ( ) when evaluating the
proposed CV. Attached is the proposed CV and CV coversheet. Calendar Year (CY) 2013 will be
considered the transition year where the old and new CV formats will be accepted for promotion
purposes. Effective CY2014, ONLY the new format will be accepted for promotion purposes.
This is your opportunity to provide feedback to the HSPAC. Please take a few minutes to
complete the survey.
Civil Service Optometry Special Salary Rate
DHHS approved a special salary rate for Civil Service Optometrists. This was a well-deserved
rate increase, which took many years and the hard work of various groups to establish.
Please join me in congratulating the following on their awards:
CAPT Steve Glover, OD - Ed Hamilton Award
CDR Sara Stienbarger, OD - Richard Hatch Award
Valerie Sharpe, OD - Lester Caplan Award
Joslin Vision Network and Government Performance Results Act
Congratulations to the IHS Optometry Program for exceeding the GPRA 2012 national target for
Through hard work and dedication to our mission there has been a gradual increase in the diabetic
retinopathy (DR) examination rate in the Native American population over the past few
years. Evidence suggests that the primary care department must play a central role for this
standard of care to be met. One way to do this is through use of the IHS-JVN Tele-retinal
Program. Since this technology is located in the primary care clinic the patient with diabetes is
accessed directly without significant delay and referrals to an eye care provider are limited to
individuals with higher risk disease. This improves efficiency, decreases costs, and broadens the
scope of the eye care department. All health care facilities should recognize that success with the
diabetic retinopathy assessment GPRA measure begins in the primary care setting and requires
careful coordination with the eye care service.
Dr. Dawn Tomasini
NAVAO Annual Meeting, Phoenix 2012
The 2012 Annual NAVAO Meeting presented a unique professional opportunity for VA
optometrists to meet with, not only other VA field optometrists, but also many influential
professionals within optometry in a new low-key social setting of a reception. Representatives
from many of optometry's key professional organizations were in attendance at this year's
dinner. Speakers for the evening included, Dr. Ronald L. Hopping, O.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.O,
current President of the AOA, and Dr. John C. Townsend, O.D., F.A.A.O., Director, VA
Optometry Service.
Nearly a hundred VA optometrists and NAVAO's invited, honored guests attended the 2012
meeting held at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix on Thursday, October 25, 2012. The highlight of the
evening, for attendees, was the keynote speaker, Dr. John C. Townsend who discussed the current
status of VA optometry.
NAVAO's President, Dr. Brian Kawasaki, opened the evening's events by offering a warm
welcome to all of the members in attendance and our guests, in his opening comments. Dr.
Kawasaki introduced our honored guests, including Dr. Charles (Chuck) Haine, who administered
for over 30 years, the Optometry Residency Matching Service (ORMS) with his wife, Mrs.
Connie Haine. The Board of Directors of the Association of Schools and Colleges of
Optometry (ASCO) recently announce it had established ORMatch, the new Optometry Residency
Match, to replace ORMS, upon Dr. and Mrs. Haine's retirement from the program. Dr. and Mrs.
Haine were presented with an award from NAVAO for their service to ORMS and the optometric
profession. Dr. Kawasaki also introduced the other NAVAO Board Members who were in
attendance at this year's meeting. Dr. Kawasaki proceeded with the events agenda by introducing
each of the evening's speakers to the attendees.
Dr. Hopping directed his comments to his personal experience with VA Optometry, as a child
when his father worked in the Dayton, Ohio VA facility. In his remarks, he stressed the strong
support that NAVAO and VA Optometry could continue to expect from the AOA during his term
as President. As with his predecessors, he confirmed that the support within the AOA leadership
structure for VA Optometry remained strong and would continue over the coming years.
Dr. Townsend addressed the attendees, as the evening's Keynote Speaker, and his comments were
deeply appreciated by, and found to be very informative to all. Dr. Townsend provided a
summary of where VA optometry is today, in comparison to a brief overview from its modest
beginnings nearly four decades ago. Dr. Townsend pointed out that year after year, VA optometry
has continued to provide eye care to increased numbers of veterans, leading up to caring for nearly
1.5 million veterans during fiscal year 2012. He also reviewed VA optometry's contributions and
initiatives in the areas of low vision, tele-retinal screening, diabetic retinal eye examinations, polytrauma and TBI, optometry research efforts, student, residency and fellowship training programs,
and the DOD/VA Vision Center of Excellence. Dr. Townsend closed his comments with a brief
discussion of the challenges facing VA optometry, as well as the future opportunities that present
themselves to our chosen profession, within the VA. Dr. Townsend closed with a candid brief
question and answer session after his presentation.
Dr. Kawasaki closed the evening's events by presenting to Dr. Townsend a colored etching of the
Lincoln and Washington Memorials, located in his hometown of Washington, D.C. Dr. Kawasaki
recognized Dr. Townsend's strong support of the field that makes up VA Optometry and
specifically thanked him for filling the role of this year's Keynote Speaker for the 2012 Annual
NAVAO Meeting.
Dr. Kawasaki invited attendees to remain as late as they desired to enjoy the final portion of the
reception that included desserts. Most attendees remained afterwards to continue the evening's
social and professional conversations and discussions that had begun before the formal
program. It was a most enjoyable evening and many attendees expressed their anticipation for
next year's event in Seattle.
Dr Kawasaki, Dr & Mrs Borgognoni, Dr Autrey, Dr Hopping, Dr Wasik, & Dr Townsend
Continuing Education Committee
LCDR Tyson Brunstetter
It is an honor to assume the AFOS Continuing Education Committee Chair role from Dr. Tony
Jarecke, and it's been a privilege working with him over the last 12 months as his Vice Chair.
Thank you, Dr Jarecke, for your outstanding efforts, insight, and guidance; through your work,
AFOS receives CE that-without a doubt-is on par with the best of the best. Thank you, as well, to
Dr Joni Scott-Weideman for providing contagious enthusiasm to the team...and for taking on the
role of Vice-Chair! And finally, please recognize our newest member; welcome aboard, Capt
Bryan Sixkiller!
Despite unprecedented TDY/TAD funding challenges, the 44th Annual AFOS Meeting in October
was extremely successful. The Committee is currently analyzing audience feedback from Phoenix
to guide us as we prepare for the Federal Service Optometry (FSO) Meeting in February. We
anticipate providing 8 hours of COPE-approved CE at FSO, and are actively seeking speakers.
Any suggestions (speakers, topics, etc) would be greatly appreciated. Taking into account: (1)
topics must be relevant to all AFOS members and (2) lectures must be COPE-approved. Please
feel free to email recommendations to us anytime. I can be reached via
email or through your CE Committee Branch
Keep in mind that our AFOS family includes a broad range of Subject Matter Experts, so if you
(or a colleague) have an interest in presenting on a national stage, please contact us!
Details on the FSO Meeting CE program will be posted as early as possible on the AFOS website
(, so please check the site frequently. And register early to take
advantage of the Early Bird and Advanced Registration savings! The CE Committee is looking
forward to seeing you there!
Best regards, Tyson Brunstetter
Dr. Tyler Miles
Communication Committee update
The communication committee has been hard at work preparing and testing our new AFOS
website to make it easy for members to update profiles, pay dues, register for conferences, and
read the latest society information. As with any site upgrade, there are sometimes unforeseen
glitches. The communication committee members will do our best to tackle problems in a timely
manner, and keep the site updated.
You can view the site at the same URL: Login with your email address
and the same password you used to login to the old site. If you don't remember your password,
you can easily have it reset using a link next to the login. For more information on logging in and
using the site, see this guide.
Some of the great features of the new site are:
Integrated payment processing. Online dues payments can be made annually, or can be made
quarterly or monthly with automated recurring payments for active members. Conference
registration payments are also better integrated into the site. For more information about setting
up payments see this guide.
Membership database management. Membership data will be controlled and updateable by
members through your online profile. It is imperative that each member login and update your
profile. Any changes to your contact information thereafter will need to be updated so we can stay
in communication with you. We are committed to safeguarding your personal data, and limit the
number of site administrators that have access to the full database.
Email contact. Using our new site, we can better send out emails to the membership with
announcements, society business, and information. The site will also send automated reminder
emails for membership dues, conference registrations, etc which will greatly aid the executive
directors in communicating with members.
Conference registration. The conference registration module of the new site is fully integrated
which means you won't have to reenter as much information to register, and attendee information
will be more readily available to executive directors and AFOS executive committee members.
I would love to hear any feedback or suggestions:
Tyler Miles
Chair Communication Committee
Awards Committee
Dr. Carla Engelke
AFOS Awards Committee:
"Award those who deserve!"
Awards: The inaugural presentation of the AFOS Service-specific OD and Junior OD of the Year
Awards will take place in February at the FSO meeting prior to SECO in Atlanta. Award
nominations will be due 2 January 2013. Get started now!
The winner of these Service-specific awards will then compete for the AFOS OD and Junior OD of
the Year Awards which will be presented at the AFOS meeting prior to AAO in the Fall of 2013.
These awards are an excellent way to let our members know that we are aware of their
dedication, talent, and devotion to Federal Service and the optometric profession. Visit the AFOS
website to nominate some of our talented doctors: An easier format has been incorporated which is
aligned with the AOA Awards. Please note that the process for the ORION Award, the AFOS
Reserve OD of the Year, and the COL Bzdula AFOS Student Award will not change and will
continue to be awarded at the AFOS Annual Meeting prior to the AAO. Please send all
nominations and direct any questions to Dr Carla Engelke at and
Major Peter Carra at
2012 Award Recipients:
AFOS 2012 OD of Year:
Major Weilun Hsu, USAF
AFOS 2012 Junior OD of Year:
Major Richard Baird, USAF
COL Bzdula AFOS 2012 Student of the Year:
Roya Attarhosseini, UIW School of
Salus University Armed Forces Optometric Society Tribute Scholarship:
Salus University has established a collaborative partnership with AFOS through which Salus
University would offer five (5) partial scholarships to dependents of members of AFOS in good
standing in order to pursue an online Masters in Public Health degree. All applicants must
complete the University on-line MPH application process at:
Click here for Salus Scholarship Application
All qualified applicants will be considered for selection by the Scholarship Selection Board which
will be comprised of appointed members of the AFOS Awards committee and the Salus University
MPH program. The deadline for submission of applications is 11 January 2013. Additional
information can be found on the AFOS website Awards page at or interested
applicants may contact Dr. William Monaco at or Major Peter Carra at
Vacancy: Currently the Awards committee has vacancies for the following services: Public Health,
Air Force and Navy. Please contact Dr Engelke at if you would like to
serve or know of an AFOS OD that you would like to recommend.
Student Liaison
Matthew Weinheimer
AFOS National Student Liaison Report
The Armed Forces Optometric Society held its Annual Meeting on October
22-23rd in Phoenix, Arizona this past week. On hand were many changes
and goals that were discussed between the executive council and general
members. We officially welcomed Dr. Anthony and Mrs. Gina Borgognoni
into the co-executive directors role. Dr. and Mrs. Borgognoni were
enthusiastic about the opportunity and laid out their plans to move AFOS
into a more productive and rewarding experience for members, including
students. We have devised a plan to expose optometry students to AFOS earlier in their
optometric careers. This will be coupled with a plan to increase numbers of student travel grants
to our national meetings with the help of corporate sponsors.
AFOS recently launched a new website in November. This website will be more user friendly for
members and easier to pay society dues. A new feature will be a student member page which will
feature bios from our national and local liaisons along with contact information. One aspect that I
am pursuing is a new graduate showcase which will highlight the lives and transitions of ODs in
each of the groups represented by AFOS. These include VA hospitals, Public Health Services,
Army, Navy, and Air Force optometrists. This will give students a better idea about areas of
optometry that are marketed less than other career paths. Our ultimate goal is to boost student
membership and enlighten optometry students on the opportunities within the AFOS community
and groups they represent. After its launch, the AFOS website address will remain the same
As always, a major goal for the next year will be promoting HPSP scholarships offered by the
Army, Navy, and Air Force. These scholarships provide students with full tuition benefits along
with living expense stipends and reimbursable equipment allowances. This program comes in
scholarships of one, two, three and four years with commitments to the respective service as an
OD for no fewer than three years and no greater than four years, depending on the length of the
One area I would like help with from the AOSA council is regarding our National Liaison
transition. This is the second year that we have had our national meeting at Academy, which is
when the succeeding National Student Liaison is selected by the AFOS executive
council. Unfortunately, this does not fall at a convenient time in relation to the other National
Liaison appointments in February. If someone could contact me about this situation I would
greatly appreciate it. My cell phone is (812)240-3255 and email is
Click the link below to check out the new AFOS FACEBOOK page for students. Don't
forget to like us!
Membership Spotlight:
APHA by Dr. Gregory Wolfe
If you are having trouble reading the above article, click here.
AFOS has been the best kept secret in optometry....but
that is changing. As this newsletter clearly exemplifies,
our influence extends across this nation, and
internationally. We are unique and have the potential to
shape national eye care policy for the benefit of not
only optometry, but for all Americans.
Dr. Anthony & Gina
Influence is of no value unless it is used, and used
wisely to serve others. The time has come for AFOS to use its influence to
help unite our profession, and to serve our members in every way possible.
Your membership is more important than ever. AFOS has a bold agenda,
and we need everyone on the team to help accomplish our ambitious
goals. We will endeavor to keep you fully informed of any upcoming news
and developments. Stay Engaged!
Finally, we want to express our sincerest appreciation to your Immediate Past
President, Dr. Mike Sunman. Our society knows well that he assumed the
Presidency during a most tumultuous year. However through it all, he was a
steady, poised leader who navigated your society in an upward
direction while laying a firm foundation for the future.
On behalf of AFOS, Thank You Dr. Sunman.
you don't want to miss this
To make room reservations call 404-659-1400
and ask for the AFOS rate or click here to register online
SECO 2013 Information
AFOS members in good standing receive a
complimentary registration fee discount of $50 off
the SECO registration. This will be automatically
provided to any AFOS member when you
register. If you do not receive this discount,
contact SECO
at 678-341-3060. To register online for SECO,
click the link below.
SECO 2013
Platinum AFOS Sponsors
Gold AFOS Sponsors
Eye Photo Systems
Anthony & Gina Borgognoni
Dr. Anthony & Gina Borgognoni
Executive Directors of AFOS