SAP PartnerEdge Partner Guide for Language Service Partners

SAP® PartnerEdge® Program Guide
for Language Services Partners
Table of Contents
The SAP PartnerEdge Program:
Providing Superior Value
Supporting Your Opportunities
Program Overview for
Language Service Partners
Robust Resources to Help Build Your
Minimum Generic Program
Minimum Generic Program Entry
Requirements for Language Service
Minimum Specific Program
Requirements for
Language Service Partners
13 Ongoing Program Requirements
Requirements for Maintaining
14 Partner Manager:
A Dedicated Resource
Role of the Partner Manager
How Your Partner Manager Engages
with You
15 Program Benefits:
Rewards for Active Participation
General Partner Benefits
Technical Benefits
Marketing Benefits
Sales Benefits
Two Service Types
How to Determine Where Your
Company Fits
Entry Requirements
The SAP® PartnerEdge® program
showcases new features designed to
enhance and inspire your partnership
experience with SAP. This guide
summarizes the program framework,
benefits, and requirements.1
1. Terms not defined in this program guide
shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the
language service partner agreement for the
SAP PartnerEdge program. You can also find an
up-to-date copy of this guide and additional
program information on the SAP partner portal.
The SAP PartnerEdge Program:
Providing Superior Value
The SAP PartnerEdge program strives to deliver superior value and reward partners for their
commitment to SAP. Your membership provides:
•• Effective engagement with SAP
•• Access to tools and resources to develop new opportunities and grow your business
•• Training and enablement to extend your expertise
•• Opportunities for market differentiation
Our award-winning partner program, with its robust benefits and enablement resources, is
designed to help you build your business and drive success with offerings that help customers
gain a competitive advantage. An SAP partnership complements and enhances your service
offerings and opens new opportunities by enabling you to deliver the best possible value to your
Supporting Your Opportunities
Among other key benefits, this program provides:
•• Differentiation of language consultancy services and translation services to help promote your
company’s specialization and expertise in the SAP language and translation environment
•• Sales tools, services, and activities designed to accelerate the sales cycle
•• Various opportunities to stay up-to-date on the SAP solution portfolio, such as access to
knowledge transfer sessions, Webinars, and training
•• Marketing support that helps you with go-to-market activities, focusing on the right prospects
and a shortened sales cycle
SAP is continually evolving the SAP PartnerEdge program to help our partners better serve our
customers and become even more attractive as partners. Customer feedback throughout the
world indicates that increasing importance is being placed on partner specialization in the
selection of SAP services partners for implementation and supporting services, such as
language consultancy and translation services. A partner’s project delivery track record and
specialized language consulting or translation skills are powerful indicators that the partner has
the necessary experience and proven know-how to deliver a successful project.
SAP will be working to provide even more transparency on partner specialization and skill
through the SAP PartnerEdge program framework in upcoming program releases. This will
assist customers in making informed decisions for project staffing while rewarding partners’
commitments and investments in focused solution areas.
Most important, we believe in building partner loyalty and satisfaction, and we intend to prove
that to you every day. We are glad to have you as part of our team. Please accept our very best
wishes for a rewarding partnership with SAP as you take advantage of the current and upcoming
innovations within the SAP PartnerEdge program.
Program Overview for
Language Service Partners
Robust Resources to Help Build Your Business
The SAP PartnerEdge program provides your organization with a robust set of business and
technical enablement resources and program benefits that rank among the best, according to
industry analysts.
Key Program Element
There is a set of requirements to join and remain in the program,
including a signed SAP® PartnerEdge® program agreement,
knowledge and experience, an up-to-date business profile, and the
annual program fee. The detailed generic requirements and specific
requirements for language service partners are described later in
this document.
SAP partner portal
The SAP partner portal is a secure, centralized, online resource that
provides information, tools, training, and specific applications to
manage your SAP partnership.
Partner manager2
The partner manager is your designated personal contact, complementing other SAP contacts and providing access to education and
enablement support resources.
Minimum Generic Program Requirements
Please ensure that your organization has met the minimum program entry requirements as
outlined in the table that follows.
Upon satisfactory completion of the minimum program requirements (both generic and
specific), your organization will be entered into the SAP PartnerEdge program as an operational
partner. Please note that minimum requirements must be maintained to retain your
As an official member of the SAP PartnerEdge program for language service partners, your
•• Is eligible to use the SAP partner logo and trademarks and to publish and advertise the
language service type for which the partnership has been awarded by SAP
•• Has access to program benefits, including access to online campaign and sales tools as well
as the SAP partner portal
•• Is assigned a dedicated partner manager
•• Has access to exhibit opportunities and partner branding at key events such as the
SAPPHIRE® NOW conference, partner summits, and SAP TechEd conferences, subject to
availability and the respective event goals and terms
2. In some limited situations,
based on the terms and
conditions set forth in the
addendum for global services
partners, there may be
different regulations for the
partner manager benefit and
the annual program fee.
Minimum Generic Program Entry Requirements for
Language Service Partners
SAP® PartnerEdge®
program agreement
for language service
Each applicant must sign the agreement for the SAP PartnerEdge
program for language service partners that includes the terms and
conditions for the partner relationship. The agreement will be
signed with SAP AG on a global level.
Partner profile in
the Manage My
Partnership tool
Each applicant must complete an annual online profile, including
company information, key contacts, assessment of company skills
and capabilities, current certifications, and a descriptive overview
of the complementary services. Partners are responsible for
providing key contact information and keeping the profile accurate
and updated.
Annual fee
Partners must pay any required annual fee in full. Existing partners
are invoiced in full at the beginning of each year. For a new partner,
this fee will be prorated based on the quarter the partner joins.
Prospective partners receive an invoice from SAP upon application
approval. Please refer to the program fees table below. The annual
fee for new partners will be prorated based on the partner enrollment
date, following the information below. The program fee for partners
joining the program midyear is prorated from the quarter the
partner enters the program:
• Q1 start = 100% of the fee (€2,900)
• Q2 start = 75% of the fee (€2,175)
• Q3 start = 50% of the fee (€1,450)
• Q4 start = 25% of the fee (€725)
The program fee for partners entering the program after the
10th day in the last month of each quarter is calculated and
invoiced from the following quarter.
Minimum Specific Program
Requirements for
Language Service Partners
Two Service Types
When becoming an SAP language service partner, it is important to determine the focus area of
services you want to provide to the SAP ecosystem.
As a language service partner, you can opt to offer one or both of the following language
Language Consultancy Services
Language consultancy services include strategic translation or language advisory services,
providing tailored advice on translation strategy that defines the most effective and profitable
translation solution for customers. These services also include the appropriate technical
implementation of the proposed solution. To provide language consulting services, companies
require a broad knowledge of both the SAP translation environment as well as the SAP development environment. Equally important is extensive experience in providing those services to
the SAP ecosystem. If the knowledge is available but experience is not yet at the required level
(see entry requirements), the entry level should be for translation services only.
Translation Services
Translations services involve the actual delivery of translations within SAP software systems,
including project and resource management to support translation in the SAP translation
environment. To provide translation services, companies require an in-depth knowledge of the
SAP translation environment.
How to Determine Where Your Company Fits
Key factors to decide which area to focus on are:
•• Available expertise and experience within your company
•• Business plan – which services will be your focus and which growth areas will you want
to invest in
•• Resource structure – which key services are available from current resources
The growth path depends on which additional skills and competencies you want to develop,
acquire, or outsource (such as training, tool development, and so on).
Figures 1 and 2 offer a global overview of the main components of each service offering.
These services are frequently required and offered, but the actual service offerings can vary per
partner and customer engagement.
1-n languages
Setup of the
SAP translation
Figure 1: Language Consultancy Services
and validation
1-n languages
Figure 2: Translation Services
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for membership in the SAP PartnerEdge program, you must fulfill a number of
generic and specific entry requirements. Which specific entry requirements are relevant for you
as a language service partner depends on the language services you choose to offer. You can apply
for one or both service types. If you apply for both, you must fulfill the specific requirements for
both service types.
For both service types, applications will be evaluated on three points:
•• Customer references and experience
•• Resources
•• Expert knowledge
For acceptance into the program, the criteria for all three areas must be fulfilled simultaneously;
fulfilling the criteria in only one or two areas is not sufficient.
Below is a detailed overview of the entry criteria.
Customer References and Experience
Partners must be able to prove either that they have participated in language-related projects
for SAP reference customers or that they have the language services department of SAP AG as a
customer. In addition, potential partners must prove customer satisfaction, either by written
recommendations from reference customers or by passing the SAP language services supplier
audit. Experience in projects for SAP customers must be both recent and extensive enough to
ensure a high level of experience in translation projects in the SAP proprietary translation tool
environment (SE63 and related transactions).
Minimum experience requirements are:
•• Language consultancy services: A minimum of 50 staff days in customer projects in the last
24 months before applying for partnership
•• Translation services: A minimum of 100,000 translated user interface lines within the last 24
months before applying for partnership
At SAP’s request, both types of providers must provide written details to prove compliance with
this requirement.
Entry Audit
You are required to participate in an audit and to provide necessary information before entering the
program. You must pass the audit to become a member. The audit can be performed either remotely
or on-site, at SAP’s discretion. For an on-site audit, additional fees may apply to cover travel costs.
Resource Requirements
Partners must at all times keep a minimum core team of translators and consultants (called
superusers) with in-depth knowledge of the proprietary SAP translation environment and of the
SAP development environment. This requirement is to help ensure continuity of expertise within
the company. The key performance indicator for measuring this requirement is that 30% of the
volume or time listed in the customer reference requirement has been provided by members of
the permanent core team.
A minimum core team consists of one senior in-house employee plus a backup. They are responsible for knowledge retention and knowledge transfer to other permanent core team members
in the company.
Expert Knowledge
Knowledge criteria must be fulfilled for each service offering a language service partner applies
for. Specific requirements will be communicated during the application process.
Knowledge Requirements – At a Glance
3. If required and at the
discretion of SAP, the superuser and backup must both
pass tests to prove that their
knowledge level for offering the
respective services in the SAP
ecosystem is sufficient.
4. WDE400 will be renamed
ADM340 during 2012.
Language Consultancy Services
Translation Services
•• Partner must have at least one in-house senior expert
(superuser) plus a backup (core team) with the ability to act as
a trusted adviser for customers3
•• Superuser and backup must have in-depth knowledge of the
SAP development and translation environments, including
expertise that supports the ability to:
– Understand the fundamental SAP development concepts
– Apply the transactions and functions to configure the SAP
software system for translation
– Appropriately analyze the customer’s project requirements
and derive the most suitable translation strategy from this
– Define and execute an appropriate technical translation
evaluation strategy
– Create a proposal pool
– Mix and match all possible SAP software system translation
approaches into the most effective and efficient solution for
the customer
– Deploy technical language resources (language supplementation, language delivery, language exports, installation
transports, and proposal pool) in the best possible way
– Activate the language versions after translation completion
•• One way to obtain this knowledge is to participate in the
appropriate SAP training courses. At a minimum, this includes:
– SAP ADM100 (Administration AS ABAP® I)
– SAP ADM325 (Software Logistics AS ABAP)
– BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations)
– WDE400 (Setting up Customer Translation Projects)4
•• Partner must have at least
one in-house senior expert
(superuser) plus a backup
(core team) with knowledge of the following
eneral underlying
processes as a basis for
SAP system translation
asic concepts of the
SAP object-oriented
translation environment
he function and
purpose of translation
objects and the ability to
locate them in context
ranslation statistics
ork list functionality
with system transaction
bility to test the
translated software
Ideally, the superuser and backup will have successfully taken
the complete SAP Basis consultancy curriculum for the SAP
NetWeaver® technology platform (ADM courses) plus WDE400.
Alternately, the superuser and backup may have acquired the
knowledge and skills listed above in reference customer projects
(see also the section “Customer References and Experience”).
The road maps below show how to become a mature language service partner for the language
consultancy services area.
Figure 3: Training Road Maps for Language Consultancy Services
Option 1
SAP Technical Background Given
• Successfully passed SAP® Basis technology
consultancy curriculum
• Successfully handled SAP Basis technology
consultancy projects
• Ideally, already touched SAP translation
topics in consultancy projects
Option 2
Acquire Translation Consultancy Expertise
WDE400 (to be renamed ADM340 during 2012)
Development know-how (BC400 and so on)
Knowledge of translation industry tools and
processes (no SAP courses available)
SAP Translation Background Given
Acquire Technical Consultancy Expertise
Successfully handled SAP translation
SAP Basis technology consultancy curriculum
WDE400 (to be renamed ADM340 during 2012)
Development know-how (BC400 and so on)
Ideally, already touched SAP translation
topics in consultancy projects
The SAP PartnerEdge program strives to
deliver superior value and reward partners
for their commitment to SAP.
Ongoing Program Requirements
As an SAP partner, you must abide by the SAP PartnerEdge program rules for language service
partners to maintain your status. This includes ensuring that your organization is always in good
standing and not being reviewed. The ongoing program requirements are summarized below.
Requirements for Maintaining Membership
To remain a member, your organization must:
•• Remain in good standing5
•• Pay the annual program fees
•• Maintain an up-to-date company profile
•• Fulfill the specific criteria for language service partners at all times
Partner Termination
SAP takes any potential partnership issue seriously and believes that trusted relationships with
partners form the foundation for our business. SAP reserves the right to terminate the SAP
PartnerEdge program agreement for cause or for convenience as described in the agreement,
including nonfulfillment or noncompliance with the terms described in this program guide.
5. An organization is not in good standing when it or one of its affiliates is not in compliance with laws or
is not acting in good faith toward SAP or SAP’s affiliates, which includes, but is not limited to, the following
cases: An organization or its affiliate is or was engaged in a litigation or other legal dispute against SAP
or any SAP affiliate. An organization or its affiliate infringed or infringes any intellectual property rights of
SAP or any SAP affiliate. An organization or its affiliate breached or is in breach of an agreement with SAP
or any SAP affiliate. An organization or its affiliate has a history of not paying fees or not complying with its
obligations toward SAP or any SAP affiliate (“history” in this regard means two incidents of late or nonpayment). An organization or its affiliate is not solvent or is subject to insolvency proceedings.
Partner Manager:
A Dedicated Resource
A unique and special program benefit is the assignment of a designated partner manager,
who will act as one of your personal contacts and complement your other SAP resources.
Your partner manager primarily focuses on your capability enablement and SAP PartnerEdge
program support. After you have signed the partner agreement, SAP will provide you with the
necessary details about your partner manager (including telephone and e-mail information).
Role of the Partner Manager
As part of the SAP global partner services delivery team, your partner manager is an SAP
employee who delivers and orchestrates services in the following areas:
•• Develops an ongoing enablement plan for your organization based on individual targets and
•• Facilitates technical knowledge related to SAP products and solutions, new features, and
information on new releases
•• Helps coordinate access to many of the benefits your organization is entitled to according
to your SAP PartnerEdge program agreement
•• Proactively informs your organization of updates and rollouts of SAP initiatives
•• Helps you understand the program framework and requirements and identify opportunities
to maximize your performance in the SAP PartnerEdge program
•• Connects you with experts from various SAP organizations
•• Collaborates with other SAP ecosystem resources on opportunities to enhance your
•• Acts as a feedback conduit into SAP
•• Orchestrates SAP services
SAP reserves the right to reassign a partner manager without notice. SAP may adjust the
description of the partner manager role and tasks according to changes in technology and
software upon prior written notice to the partner.
How Your Partner Manager Engages with You
When your company becomes an SAP language service partner, your partner manager will
proactively schedule an introductory session. Based on your business priorities, the partner
manager advises you about the best enablement options for your organization.
Your partner manager can assist you with capability building and queries about the program and
does not replace SAP standard product support (incident handling and root cause analysis).
Please note that you must use the existing support infrastructure as detailed in relevant exhibits
or provisions to any additional licensing agreements you may have.
Please note the following regarding getting in touch with your partner manager:
•• Your partner manager will contact you either by e-mail or phone.
•• If you don’t know who your partner manager is, you can contact the partner support center,
which will route your request to your partner manager. The partner support center can be
reached by e-mail at:
Program Benefits:
Rewards for Active Participation
The SAP PartnerEdge program offers rich benefits that reward your organization for active
participation and success with SAP products and programs.
General Partner Benefits
The following benefits are available to all partners.
Global Partner Support Center
SAP provides telemanaged onboarding and program administration resources that help you
resolve general partner lifecycle issues. You can contact the global partner support center via
e-mail at
Partner Manager and Guidance Services
The partner manager6 is a named contact focused on helping partners address aspects of
available services benefits.
SAP Partner Portal and the Manage My Partnership Tool
You will receive access to the SAP partner portal, a password-protected, single sign-on, partnerexclusive Web site. Here you can update and manage your profile and access important sales
and marketing resources, e-learning-based content, and more. In addition, the Manage My
Partnership tool allows partners to manage their business relationship with SAP. Partners can
access their partner profile, update key contacts, register relevant marketing and sales activities,
and monitor the usage of benefits including status of validated expertise designations available
through SAP PartnerEdge.
Applicable Newsletters and Communications
Newsletters and other communications keep you informed of product announcements and
developments, program-related news, and how to make the most of your SAP partnership.
Virtual Partner Events Sponsored by SAP
As an SAP partner, you will be invited to participate in virtual events as available.
6. In some limited situations, based on the terms and
conditions set forth in the addendum for global services
partners, there may be different regulations for the
partner manager benefit and the annual program fee.
Technical Benefits
The following outlines technical benefits specific to services partners.
Virtual SAP TechEd
SAP language service partners have access to the virtual SAP TechEd content. This provides you
with a great resource to keep your staff informed and educated about the latest SAP products,
technologies, and road maps.
Technical Enablement Guidance Services
SAP offers a variety of sessions on SAP solutions and generic technical topics delivered via the
partner enablement center, where SAP experts help partners better utilize SAP technical
Development Software Licenses
SAP PartnerEdge partners can receive a free development license for SAP NetWeaver.
Only the yearly maintenance fee will be invoiced. Contact your partner manager for more
Product Briefings and Product Ramp-Up Opportunities
All partners have the opportunity to receive the latest product briefings via different events or
modes, in the SAP partner portal, or through electronic newsletters or mailings.
Marketing Benefits
SAP provides a variety of marketing tools,7 services, and activities designed to accelerate the
go-to-market cycle and help you reach SAP customers and prospects.
SAP Partner Logo and Guidelines
SAP services partners are permitted to use the SAP partner logo and SAP trademarks in
marketing and sales efforts, subject to the terms and conditions outlined by SAP. Please see
SAP PartnerEdge Branding Guidelines and Logo Usage Guidelines for Partners, available in
the SAP partner portal.
SAP Online Presence
SAP provides multiple online directories, sites, and marketplaces where you can highlight your
solutions, including the SAP EcoHub solution marketplace.
SAP Virtual Agency
The SAP Virtual Agency partner campaign creator is a self-service online campaign execution
platform that allows partners to plan, build, and execute campaigns in minutes. It helps your
organization maximize revenue through increased demand generation and greater market
Public Relations and Analyst Relations Guidelines
The SAP press guidelines for SAP partners serve as a valuable resource on how best to
efficiently prepare for public relations and press opportunities.
SAP Image Library
SAP offers a library of brand-approved images for partner use. The image library offers a wide
selection of four-color marketing images for use in advertising, collateral, presentations,
demonstrations, and more. You can choose from more than 240 images covering 10 different
key industries as well as cross-industry photography.
Google Search Association
All partners will be given the opportunity to associate their company name with SAP on
Google Search.
Marketing Enablement Guidance Services
SAP offers a variety of sessions delivered via the partner manager and SAP experts to help
partners better utilize SAP marketing resources when going to market.
7. Some of the tools may
require additional registrations
or acceptance of additional
Sales Benefits
In addition to the technical benefits, SAP provides sales tools, services, and activities designed
to accelerate the sales cycle. Some of the tools may require additional registrations, terms, and
fees. Sales benefits include the following.
SAP EcoHub
The SAP EcoHub solution marketplace provides a trusted buying experience for customers
and allows them to discover, evaluate, and buy relevant solutions with SAP-certified integration,
as well as packaged services offerings from SAP partners. SAP EcoHub helps you generate
awareness, receive leads, follow up on sales opportunities, and provide collateral material to
assist customers in the decision-making process.
SAP Partnership Reference Letter
All partners have access to an autogenerated letter that can be downloaded from the partner
work center on SAP EcoHub that validates each partner’s relationship with SAP. This letter can
be downloaded by customers or used by partners in their own RFP processes.
Sales Enablement Guidance Services
SAP offers a variety of sessions to help partners better understand the sales tools and resources
available to them via the SAP PartnerEdge program.
Other Opportunities
SAP periodically conducts training and other events. Participation is dependent upon program
level, and SAP may limit invitations to select partners.
The SAP PartnerEdge program
offers rich benefits that reward your
organization for active participation
and success with SAP products and
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