intro to physical science

PHY11260 Online Course Syllabus Spring 2009
Department of Natural Science and Math
Introduction to Physical Science Syllabus
Physical Science 112 Online
(3 credit hours)
Prerequisite: Math 111
Dr. Lillian Cummings
Office (location):
Room 319 - Science Hall
Classroom (location): Online only
Office Hours:
Fridays 12pm-1:00pm and by Appointment
919-546-8595 (Main)
919-546-8396 (Direct)
Natural Science / Physics Mission
The mission of Shaw University’s baccalaureate program is to prepare students for the workplace.
Physical Science Program Goals
1. To insure that students possess a breath of knowledge and skills through integrated study of
coursework in various disciplines.
2. To enhance students’ leadership skills, values, and service learning
3. To ensure positive student engagement with the University while students are enrolled in
General Education/Core curriculum.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Students will gain knowledge of the liberal arts and sciences from 42-68 credit hours
(depending on major) of General Education/Core curriculum integrated courses in the
humanities/fine arts, natural science/mathematics, physical science, and allied health
professions for each course syllabi specify expected student learning outcome.
2. Students will demonstrate their skills in reading, writing, critical thinking, mathematics and
3. Students will demonstrate a multidisciplinary perspective.
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Course Description:
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge of physical properties of man’s
ecosystem and the known principles that govern it. Selected topics in physics, chemistry and the
universe and the environment are studied. Emphasis is placed on problem solving using symbols,
equations and elements. This course is administered online through ARIS (Assessment, Review,
Instructional System). Students will complete their work and submit it online. Due dates will be
listed on the ARIS sites.
Student Learning Outcomes: This section lists what students are expected to know, demonstrate and
value upon completion of the course
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. State the mission of Physics
2. Examine the concept of measurements and
units of measurement
3. Examine the events that occur in daily lives
such as measurement of buildings, sidewalks;
weights of objects
4. Examine the use of symbols instead of words
to make equations
The concept of graphing of data
5. Learn 36 elements and the spelling
a) Discuss the atom
b) Write elements in shells
c) Discuss positive and negative ions
d) Write practice compounds and radicals
using valence
e) Review E=hf Planck’s constant
f) Look at light and supernatural photons
6. Prepare chemical solutions: percent, molarity
7. Write chemical equations
Single replacement, reactions
Double replacement reactions
8. Write nuclear reactions and solve problems
using natural Log
Give 8 problems solving half life of a given
Write nuclear reactions
Balance nuclear reactions
9. Examine three chapters in Earth Science
The Universe
Time and weather
10. Complete at least two reports on special topics
Topic Examples:
a) Body Mass Index,
b) Hypertension,
c) Addiction
d) Vasculitis and herbs
11. Review practice problem
PHY11260 Online Course Syllabus Spring 2009
Assessment of Student
Learning Outcomes
(Assessment Tools)
Quiz Questions
Practice problems Quiz
Rulers scales
Exam Questions
Problem solving
Exam Questions
Submittal of graphs
Quiz items
Valences of elements
Using the periodic table
Practice problems
Exam Questions
Quiz/practice problems
Exam Questions
Practice problems
Exam Questions
Exam Questions
Submittal of reports
Linkage to Program
Learning Outcomes
1, 2,7
1, 2, 7
1, 2, 7
1, 2, 7
1, 2, 7
2, 7
Other quizzes online
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Online Course Access and Textbook
Access to the Online Course is through ARIS (REQUIRED)
Student Section Code: 87B-B3-E6A
Text book: Physical Science by Bill Tillery McGraw Hill Publisher 8th Edition (OPTIONAL)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 8th
edition (September 10, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0077263138
ISBN-13: 978-0077263133
Tests and Final Examination:
Three written examinations will be given during the semester covering material from the text,
PowerPoint presentations and other readings. Students should frequently visit ARIS for course
materials, assignments, tests, and announcements.
Grade Evaluation:
3 Exams (20% each)
Practice Work
Percentage of
Final Course Grade
The following grading scale will be used: A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = 59 and below
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Course Plagiarizing/Cheating:
Plagiarism (using another’s work as your own, whether you put it in your own words or keep it in
the original words) and cheating are serious offenses and will be treated as such. A student who
plagiarizes or cheats – whether giving or receiving information – will receive a grade of zero on that
particular exam or paper, and may receive a grade of “F” for the course.
If you have questions about the concept of plagiarism please use the Purdue website listed on
Blackboard and/or talk with your instructor.
Each behavior construed by the teacher/professor as non-contributive to learning will be recorded,
properly documented, and appropriately reported to the student and to the chair of the academic
department offering the course. The report will be in written form with a copy provided to both the
student and the department chair. The faculty member should retain a copy for his/her own records.
Additional student behavior codes may be found in Student Affairs.
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