CHEMISTRY Third Six Weeks Nov. 28th – Dec. 21st W e e k 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 11/28 11/29 11/30 12/1 Review IMF’s Introduce Covalent Bonding ppt HW: Read A.5&A.6 Work on Final Exam Review ( WOFER) 12/5 W e e k 5 HW: Study for TEST( pgs.176194) Lab Quiz: Viscosity and Density BS#2 in class (pgs.181-182) BS#3 (pgs.188-189) HW: (WOFER) Complete BS#3 if needed 12/7 TEST: Unit III Sect. A (pgs. 176-194) HW: Complete Post Lab Questions (pgs. 205-206) (WOFER) 12/13 Post Lab: Combustion Complete Combustion WS Intro Thermo chemical Equations HW: Read B.5 (WOFER) 12/14 √ Quiz Review: Combustion TEST Unit III B (pgs. 195-215) HW: Study for TEST( pgs. 195215) HW: Study for EXAMS 12/19 W e e k 7 HW: Study for Lab Quiz (Density and Viscosity) (WOFER) 12/6 Lab: Combustion 12/12 W e e k 6 Lab: Modeling Alkanes: A.6 (pgs.185-187) 12/20 REVIEW (Unit I) Review Quiz(Unit1) HW: Study for EXAMS 12/21 FINAL EXAMS PERIODS 2-3 FINAL EXAMS PERIODS 4-5 FINAL EXAMS PERIODS 6-7 BRING BOOK Tutorials @ 2:45 In B216 HW: Study for EXAMS BRING BOOK Tutorials @2:45 in B216 BRING BOOK KEY: BSQ = Building Skills Questions MM = Modeling Matter Isomers √ BS#3 Branched Isomers Introduce Exothermic and Endothermic. B.1B.2 HW: Study pg. 187 (WOFER) Friday 1/2/2 Quiz: Alkanes Combustion ppt. Pre-lab Combustion Lab HW: Combustion WS. 1-9 (WOFER) Bring on empty soda can with tab 12/8 BS#6 Heats of Combustion pg.207 Discuss: Altering Fuels HW: Study for Lab Quiz Combustion (WOFER) 12/9 Quiz: Lab Combustion Intro Saturated vs. Unsaturated ppt. HW: (WOFER) as directed by teacher 12/15 REVIEW (Unit II) Review Quiz (Unit II) HW: Study for EXAMS 12/16 FINAL EXAMS PERIODS 0-1 BRING BOOK HW: Study for EXAMS Tutorials @2:45 in B216 12/22 12/23 Winter Break HW; Have a Wonderful and SAFE Holiday! HW: Study for EXAMS HW: Study for EXAMS SS = Section Summary Questions CQ = ChemQuandry WS = Worksheet Events are subject to change. Please listen and watch for changes CHEMISTRY Third Six Weeks Nov. 28th – Dec. 21st Enduring Understandings: Resource use is determined by properties and availability. Resource use impacts society. Essential Questions: Why do people go to war over oil? What will cars be like when I’m 50? CORE OBJECTIVES: 10. Investigate the physical and chemical properties that result from bonding. 10a. Compare and contrast ionic and covalent bonding. 10b. Compare the arrangement of atoms, molecules, ionic crystals, polymers and metallic substances. 11. Describe the chemical makeup of petroleum in terms of density, viscosity, molecular structure, and techniques for separating crude oil into fractions. 12. Apply specific chemical principles for a given alkane. 12a. Use electron-dot formulas and molecular formulas to illustrate the nature of the covalent and ionic bond. 12b. Write the condensed general formula and name for the first ten alkanes. 12c. Classify hydrocarbons as saturated or unsaturated. 12 d. Correlate the strength of intermolecular forces to the structure of isomers that determine their properties including boiling points, viscosity, density and their interactions. Using experimental data and chemical principles, explain the following, especially as relating to petroleum. 13a. Calculate the heat of combustion. 13b. Write and interpret a balanced thermochemical equation for the combustion of the hydrocarbon. 13c. Distinguish between endothermic (endergonic) and exothermic (exergonic) reactions and energy graphs. KEY: BSQ = Building Skills Questions MM = Modeling Matter SS = Section Summary Questions CQ = ChemQuandry WS = Worksheet Events are subject to change. Please listen and watch for changes