CHAPTER VI Transportation Models MODI-STEPPING STONE METHODS Instructor : Lect.Volkan ÇETİNKAYA 1. Determine a starting basic feasible solution. 2. m: The number of row and n: the number of column.When we make an allocation into m+n-1 pieces cell, we have a basic feasible solution. 3. Use Modi or Stepping Stone Methods to find the optimal solution. SunRay Transport Company ships truckloads of grain three silos to four mills. The supply (in truckloads) and the demand (also in truckloads) together with the unit transportation costs per truckload on the different routes are summerized in the transportation model on the table below.The unit transportation costs,Cij,(shown in northeast corner of each box) are hundreds of dollars. The model seeks the minimum cost of shipping schedule Xij between silo i and mill j. 1. Northwest-Corner Method 2. Least Cost Method 3. Vogel Approximation Method(VAM) VAM yields the best starting solution, Northwest Corner Method yields the worst. On the contrary, Northwest Corner involves the least amount of computation. 1. Start at the northwest corner cell. Allocate as much as possible to the selected cell and adjust the associated amounts of supply and demand by subtracting the allocated amount. 2. Cross out the row or column with zero supply or demand to indicate that no further assignments can be made in that row or column. 3. If exactly one row or column is left uncrossed out, STOP! 1. Start at the cell which has the least unit transportation cost. Allocate as much as possible to the selected cell and adjust the associated amounts of supply and demand by subtracting the allocated amount.(in a case of equal cost, we can select the cell randomly.) 2. The quality of this method is better than that of the northwest-corner method. VAM is an improved version of the least- cost method that generally , but not always, produces better starting solutions. 1. For each row(column), determine a penalty measure by subtracting the smallest unit cost element in the row(column) from the next smallest unit cost element in the same row(column) 2. Identify the row or cloumn with the largest penalty.Allocate as much as possible to the variable with the least unit cost in the selected row or column.Adjust the supply and demand, and cross out the satisfied row or column. If a row or column are satisfied simultaneously, only one of the two is crossed out, ant the remaining is assigned zero supply. 3. (a)If exactly one row or column with zero supply or demand remains uncrossed out, STOP! (b)If one row(column) with positive supply(demand) remains uncrossed out, determine the basic variables in the row(column)by the least cost method and STOP! (c)If all the uncrossed out rows and columns have(remaining) zero supply and demand, determine the zero basic varibles by the least cost method.STOP! (d) Otherwise, go to step-1 again. 1. Check the problem is balanced or not.If not, balance the demand and supply. 2. Find the starting solution by North East Method 3. Check if there are (m+n-1) pieces variables(coeff.) 4. Compute ui and vj values belonging Xij existing in basic feasible solution. 5. For each Xij which are not basic variable, calculate Cij= Ui + Vj indirect costs. 6. If Cij – Cij ≤ 0 STOP! OPTIMAL SOLUTION IS FOUND. As long as there is one result proving GO ON ... Cij – Cij > 0 1. Find starting solution by any method. 2. Determine the empty cells and find differences by creating a loop. 3. Select the minimum difference and make its cell entering valuation. 4. Determine the quantity of entering value and construct the new solution. 5. Determine if it is optimal by applying 2nd step. 6. If all differences > 0 STOP! Optimal Solution found... Find the starting solution. Find the optimal solution by means of Stepping Stone Method and MODI. F1 F2 F3 D1 4 16 8 72 D2 8 24 16 102 D3 8 16 24 41 56 82 77 Find the starting solution. Find the optimal solution by means of MODI Method. F1 F2 F3 D1 1 4 0 40 D2 2 3 2 60 D3 3 2 2 80 D4 4 0 1 60 60 80 100 Find the starting solution. Find the optimal solution by means of MODI Method F1 F2 F3 D1 D2 D3 D4 2 5 7 8 3 4 10 3 1 9 8 12 100 130 180 120 150 178 202 The transshipment models recognizes that in real life it may be cheaper to ship through intermediate nodes before reaching the final destination. Sources Distribution Center Destinations Two automotive plants, P1 and P2, are linked to five dealers, D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5, by way of three transit center, T1, T2 and T3. The supply amounts at plants P1 and P2 are 125 and 175 cars, and the demand amount at dealers, D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 are 45, 50, 85, 50 and 70 cars. The capacity of the transit centers, T1, T2 and T3 are 100, 110 and 90. The shipping cost per car between pairs of nodes are shown on the table. The way between T3 and D4 is under construction. Find the minimum transshipment cost. S T1 T2 T3 D1 P1 70 80 65 İ D2 İ D3 İ D4 İ D5 İ 125 P2 72 78 73 İ İ İ İ İ 175 T1 0 İ İ 12 5 7 10 9 100 T2 İ 0 İ 10 6 5 9 7 110 T3 İ İ 0 8 7 4 İ 9 90 100 110 90 45 50 85 50 70 600 600 D1 P1 P2 35 90 T1 D2 50 T2 65 50 110 T3 40 D3 45 45 70 D4 D5 T1 T2 T3 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 P1 70 80 65 İ İ İ İ İ 125 P2 72 78 73 İ İ İ İ İ 175 T1 0 İ T2 İ T3 İ 0 İ İ 12 5 7 10 9 100 İ 10 6 5 9 7 110 8 7 4 9 90 0 100 110 90 45 50 I 85 50 70