Muscles of the Anterior Fascial Compartment of Thigh LEARNING OBJECT IVES At the end of the lecture, students will be able to: Learn the concept of muscles of anterior compartment of thigh. Know the nerve supply of anterior compartment. I dea of action of these muscles. Muscles of the Anterior Fascial Compartment of Thigh Sartorius Iliacus Ps o a s Pectineus Quadriceps femoris Sartorius ORIGIN: I mmediately below anterior superior iliac spine. INSERTION: Upper medial surface of shaft of tibia. NERVE: Anterior division of f emoral nerve (L3, 4). ACT ION: Flexes, abducts, laterally rotates thigh at hip. Flexes, medially rotates leg at knee. ILIACUS ORIGIN: I liac f ossa within abdomen. INSERT ION: Lowermost surf ace of lesser trochanter of f emur. NERVE: Femoral nerve in abdomen (L2,3). ACT ION: Flexes medially rotates hip. PSOAS MAJOR ORIGIN: Transverse processes of L1-5, bodies of T12-L5 and intervertebral discs below bodies of T12-L4. INSERT ION: Middle surf ace of lesser trochanter of f emur. NERVE: Anterior primary rami of L1,2. ACT ION: Flexes and laterally rotates hip joint. PECTINEUS ORIGIN: Pectineal line of pubis and narrow area of superior pubic ramus below it. INSERT ION: A vertical line between spiral line and gluteal crest below lesser trochanter of f emur. NERVE: Anterior division of f emoral nerve (L2, 3). Occasional twig f rom obturator nerve (anterior division - L2,3). ACT ION: Flexes, adducts and medially rotates hip joint. RECTUS FEMORIS ORIGIN: Straight head: anterior inf erior iliac spine. Ref lected head: ilium above acetabulum. INSERT ION: Quadriceps tendon to patella , via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia. NERVE: Posterior division of f emoral nerve (L3, 4). ACT ION: Extends leg at knee. Flexes thigh at hip. VASTUS LATERALI S ORIGIN: Upper intertrochanteric line, base of greater trochanter, lateral linea aspera, lateral supracondylar ridge and lateral intermuscular septum. INSERT ION: Lateral quadriceps tendon to patella, via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia. NERVE: Posterior division of f emoral nerve (L3,4). ACT ION: Extends knee. VASTUS MEDIALIS ORIGIN: Lower intertrochanteric line, spiral line, medial linea aspera and medial intermuscular septum. INSERT ION: Medial quadriceps tendon to patella and directly into medial patella, via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia. NERVE: Posterior division of f emoral nerve. ACT ION: Extends knee. Stabilizes patella VASTUS INTERMEDIALIS ORIGIN: Anterior and lateral shaf t of f emur. INSERT ION: Quadriceps tendon to patella, via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia. NERVE: Posterior division of f emoral nerve (L3, 4). ACT ION: Extends knee. ARTICULARI S GENU ORIGIN: Two slips f rom anterior f emur below vastus intermedialius. INSERT ION: Apex of suprapatellar bursa. NERVE: Posterior division of f emoral nerve (L3, 4). ACT ION: Retracts bursa as knee extends. THANKYOU