Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University
4075 Emerging Technologies Bldg., College Station, TX 77843-3131
650.823.5509 – –
Visa status: Citizen of Germany with permanent residency in USA (Green Card)
RFID and RFID-based sensor systems
Supply chain visibility and inventory control policies
Homeland security, emergency preparation, and supply chain vulnerabilities
RFID and RFID-based sensor systems
Supply chain and operations management
Spreadsheet-based modeling and VBA programming
Sep 2005
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering
Concentration: Production and Operations Management
Principal Advisor: Warren H. Hausman; Readers: Feryal Erhun, Özalp Özer
Thesis: “RFID in Supply Chain Management”.
This dissertation was ranked the top-selling operations management dissertation by ProQuest in 2007.
April 2003
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Master of Science in Management Science and Engineering
Concentration: Operations Research; GPA: 3.9/4.0
May 2000
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Concentration: Manufacturing and Logistics Systems; GPA: 3.9/4.0
Sep 1998
Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
Vordiplom (B.Sc.) in Engineering and Management Science
Since May 2006
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Director, RFID and Supply Chain Systems Lab, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research focuses on applications of RFID and sensors in supply chain and operations
Since Sep 2005
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Jul 03 – Aug 05
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Research Assistant
Research on supply chain management and RFID. Research presentations in industry and
academia, experts panel service, and conference attendance. Close collaboration and consulting work with industry partners Hewlett-Packard and Volkswagen of America.
Apr 03 – Jun 03
IMD Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland
Research Associate
Research on RFID in retail operations.
May 98 – Jul 99
Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
Research Assistant, Inst. Applied Comp. Sci. and Formal Description Methods
Research on evolutionary algorithms.
(Students and Post-docs advised by me are denoted by *)
Gary M. Gaukler, *Chenhua Li, Sunil Chirayath, Yu Ding: “Detecting Nuclear Materials Smuggling: Performance Evaluation of Container Inspection Policies,” forthcoming in Risk Analysis.
Gary M. Gaukler: “RFID Tag Cost Sharing in the Retail Supply Chain,” Journal of Organizational Computing
and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 21, Issue 4, 2011.
Gary M. Gaukler: “Item-level RFID in a Retail Supply Chain with Stockout-based Substitution,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2011.
Gary M. Gaukler, *Chenhua Li, *Rory Cannaday, Sunil Chirayath, Yu Ding: “Detecting Nuclear Materials
Smuggling: Using Radiography to Improve Container Inspection Policies,” Annals of Operations Research,
Vol.187, No. 1, 2011.
Gary M. Gaukler: “Preventing Avoidable Stockouts: The Impact of Item-level RFID in Retail,” International
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 25, Issue 8, 2010.
Gary M. Gaukler, Warren H. Hausman: “RFID in Mixed-Model Automotive Assembly Operations: Process and
Quality Savings,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 40, Issue 11, 2008.
Gary M. Gaukler, Özalp Özer, Warren H. Hausman: “Order Progress Information: Improved Dynamic Emergency Ordering Policies,” Production and Operations Management, Vol. 17, Issue 6, 2008.
Gary M. Gaukler, Ralf W. Seifert, Warren H. Hausman: “Item-level RFID in the Retail Supply Chain,”
Production and Operations Management, Vol. 16, Issue 1, 2007.
Gary M. Gaukler, Ralf W. Seifert: “Applications of RFID in Supply Chains,” in Trends in Supply Chain Design
and Management: Technologies and Methodologies, Chapter 2, ed. Hosang Jung, Frank Chen, Bongju Jeong,
Springer London Ltd., March 2007.
Anurag Verma, Gary M. Gaukler: “A Stochastic Optimization Model for Positioning Disaster Response Facilities for Large Scale Emergencies,” in Network Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science #6701, ed.
Julia Pahl, Thorsten Reiners, Stefan Voss, Springer Berlin, June 2011.
Craig Marianno, Dave Boyle, Bill Charlton, Gary Gaukler: “A Guide for Detector Development and Deployment,” Conference Proceedings, 51st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Baltimore, MD, July 2010.
Gary M. Gaukler: “RFID and Product Progress Information: Improved Dynamic Emergency Ordering Policies,”
Conference Proceedings, MSOM Conference, Chicago, IL, June 27-28, 2005.
Vijaya Chebolu-Subramanian, Gary M. Gaukler: “Quantifying the Impact of Product Contamination in a MultiStage Food Supply Chain,” under review by Production and Operations Management.
Roberto Seijo, Gary M. Gaukler, Cesar Malave: “A Modified (Q,r) Inventory Control Policy for an Assembleto-Order Environment,” under review by International Journal of Integrated Supply Management.
Michael Ketzenberg, Gary M. Gaukler, Victoria Salin: “Dynamic Expiration Dates for Perishables: An Application of RFID Enabled Information,” working paper, anticipated submission to Production and Operations Management.
Gary M. Gaukler: “Optimal Expediting Using Order Progress Information,” working paper, anticipated submission to Production and Operations Management.
Anurag Verma, Gary M. Gaukler: “Optimal Positioning of Support Facilities for Large Scale Emergencies,”
working paper, anticipated submission to IIE Transactions.
Chenhua Li, Gary M. Gaukler, Yu Ding: “Security Screening Decisions in Seaborne Container Transportation
Networks: Detecting Nuclear Materials Smuggling,” working paper, anticipated submission to Operations Research.
Derek Rodriguez, *Brent Eldridge, *William E. Brown, Gary M. Gaukler, Yu Ding, and *Chenhua Li: “Evaluation of Radiation Detection Procedures at Land Ports of Entry,” working paper, anticipated submission to Risk
Gary M. Gaukler, *Adithya Hemmige, *Daniel Merchan: “RFID-based Solutions for the Oil and Gas Supply
Chain,” White paper, Oil & Gas RFID Consortium, January 2009.
Gary M. Gaukler, *Daniel Merchan: “The Impact of the ATEX Directive on RFID-based Solutions for the Oil
and Gas Supply Chain,” White paper, Oil & Gas RFID Consortium, January 2009.
Gary M. Gaukler: “Special Report: Industry Needs to Develop RFID Interoperability Standards,” Oil & Gas
Journal, July 21, 2008.
Gary M. Gaukler: “RFID in the Retail Supply Chain: Benefits, Roll-Out Strategies, and Cost Sharing Agreements,” The Supply Chain Connection, Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum, Vol. 10, Issue 2,
Spring 2004.
A Stochastic Optimization Model for Positioning Disaster Response Facilities for Large Scale Emergencies.
International Network Optimization Conference, Hamburg, Germany, June 13, 2011.
Interdicting Nuclear Smuggling in a Port Network. IIE Annual Conference, Reno, NV, May 23, 2011.
Item-level RFID in a Retail Supply Chain with Stockout-based Substitution. POMS Conference, Reno, NV, May
1, 2011.
Modeling the detection of smuggled nuclear materials at land border crossings (lead presenters *Brent Eldridge,
Derek Rodriguez). ARI Conference Poster, April 26, 2011.
A Framework for Modeling the Detection of Smuggled Nuclear Materials. ARI Conference Poster, April 26,
A Framework for Modeling the Detection of Smuggled Nuclear Materials. Graduate School of Business and
Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, Jan 10, 2011.
Inspection Policies for Detecting Illicit Nuclear Materials at Ports-of-Entry. INFORMS ICS Conference, Monterey, CA, Jan. 9-11, 2011.
Nuclear Materials Smuggling: Analysis of Port Networks (lead presenter *Chenhua Li). INFORMS ICS Conference, Monterey, CA, Jan. 9-11, 2011.
The Impact of Product Contamination in the Food Supply Chain (lead presenter *Vijaya Chebolu-Subramanian).
INFORMS Annual Conference, Austin, TX, Nov. 7 – 10, 2010.
Interdicting Nuclear Smuggling in a Port Network (lead presenter *Chenhua Li). INFORMS Annual Conference,
Austin, TX, Nov. 7 – 10, 2010.
A Hybrid Inspection Strategy for Securing Seaborne Container Shipments. INFORMS Annual Conference,
Austin, TX, Nov. 7 – 10, 2010.
Locating Support Facilities for Large Scale Emergencies (lead presenter *Anurag Verma). INFORMS Annual
Conference, Austin, TX, Nov. 7 – 10, 2010.
Detecting Illicit Nuclear Materials Smuggling. IIE Annual Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 7, 2010.
Interdiction of Nuclear Materials Smuggling at Sea Ports. IIE Annual Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 7,
Detecting Nuclear Materials Smuggling: Combining Radiography and ATS to Improve Container Inspection.
ARI Grantees Conference, Washington, DC, April 12-14, 2010.
Item-level RFID in a Retail Supply Chain: Dynamics of Tag Cost Sharing. Mays Business School, Texas A&M
University, April 9, 2010.
An RFID-enabled Emergency Ordering Policy. INFORMS Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, October 12,
A Systems Concept for Detecting Nuclear Materials. INFORMS Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, October
11, 2009.
Novel Inspection Policies to Prevent Nuclear Materials Smuggling (lead presenter *Chenhua Li). INFORMS
Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, October 11, 2009.
Detecting Nuclear Materials Smuggling: Using Radiography to Improve Container Inspection Policies. Parsons
Seminar Series, ISEN, Texas A&M University, September 21, 2009.
Container Inspection Policies to Prevent Nuclear Materials Smuggling at Seaports. IIE Annual Conference,
Miami, FL, May 31, 2009.
Improving Container Inspection Policies Using Radiography Data. ARI Grantees Conference, Washington, DC,
April 6-8, 2009.
A Framework for Developing Novel Detection Systems Focused on Interdicting Shielded HEU. DIMACS Workshop on Nuclear Detection Issues, Rutgers University, November 19, 2008.
Modeling Framework for Detecting HEU in Seaborne Containers. DIMACS Workshop on Port Security, Rutgers University, November 17, 2008.
Product Contamination and Traceability in the Food Supply Chain (lead presenter *Vijaya CheboluSubramanian). INFORMS Annual Conference, Washington, DC, October 12-15, 2008.
Modified (Q,R) Inventory Control Policy for an Assemble-to-Order Environment (lead presenter *Roberto Seijo).
INFORMS Annual Conference, Washington, DC, October 12-15, 2008.
Order Progress Information: Improved Dynamic Emergency Ordering Policies. IIE Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 17-21, 2008.
Impact of Item-level RFID on Retail Product Availability and Demand Forecasting. POMS Conference, San
Diego, CA, May 10-12, 2008.
Item-level RFID and Product Availability in Retail. University of Florida Workshop on RFID, Gainesville, FL,
February 14-16, 2008.
The Impact of Item-level RFID on Product Availability in Retail. INFORMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA,
November 5, 2007.
Locating Hospital Equipment Using RFID. INFORMS Conference, Puerto Rico, USA, July 10, 2007.
Process vs. Quality Cost Savings in Assembly Operations. IIE Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, May 20,
Lateral Transshipment Options in a 2-stage Supply Chain. INFORMS Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 5-8, 2006.
RFID in Assembly Operations. IIE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 22-24, 2006.
RFID in Operations Management: Current Research Directions. Distinguished Speaker Series at University of
Houston, Houston, TX, April 2006.
RFID and Quality Checking in a Complex Assembly Process. INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 13-16, 2005.
Order Progress Information: Better Inventory Control Using Emergency Ordering. INFORMS Conference, San
Francisco, CA, November 13-16, 2005.
RFID and Product Progress Information: Improved Dynamic Emergency Ordering Policies. MSOM Conference, Chicago, IL, June 27-28, 2005.
RFID in Completeness Checking. Volkswagen Electronics Research Lab and Volkswagen Corporate (Germany),
Palo Alto, CA, May 5, 2005.
RFID in Configuration and Assembly. HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA, April, 2005.
Market Dynamics in a Retail Supply Chain Under RFID. INFORMS Annual Conference, Denver, CO, October
24-27, 2004.
The State of RFID Modeling and Research in Retail, Inventory Management, and Production. Invited Presentations, Sun Microsystems, Tibco, Inc., SAP Labs, Volkswagen of America, and Omnicell, March – October,
Item-level RFID: Hype or Real Benefits? Analyzing the Retail Supply Chain Case. Poster Presentation, Stanford
MS&E Industry Affiliates Meeting, November 12, 2003.
Item-level RFID within the Retail Supply Chain. INFORMS Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 19-23,
Modeling the Impact of Item-level RFID: The Retail Supply Chain Case. HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA, October 7,
What You Should Know About RFID: Real-world Applications. Panelist, SensorsExpo Conference, Anaheim,
CA, September 22-25, 2003.
2011 – 2012
Value of Time and Temperature History RFID Technology to Leverage Return on Traceability Investments.
Co-PI, United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative
$115,000 ($34,510 to G.M. Gaukler).
2008 – 2012
A Framework for Developing Novel Detection Systems Focused on Interdicting Shielded
Highly Enriched Uranium.
Co-PI and Systems Engineering Team Lead
Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (Department of Homeland Security), $6,000,000 (Industrial Engineering portion $942,000; ~$680,000 to G.M. Gaukler).
RFID-based Inventory Management for a Lay-down Yard.
Co-PI, N-Line Construction Company, $38,000 ($16,585 to G.M. Gaukler).
2008 – 2009
Feasibility and Applications of RFID Technologies to Support Right of Way Functions.
Senior Personnel, Texas Department of Transportation, $106,000 ($7,000 to G.M. Gaukler).
2007 – 2008
ARI-LA: A Framework for Developing Novel Detection Systems Focused on Interdicting
Shielded HEU.
National Science Foundation, $1,081,000 (Industrial Engineering portion $192,000,
~$140,000 to G.M. Gaukler).
Development of Simulation Support Methods for Training and Exercise Development
Tools to Address Animal Biosecurity.
Co-PI, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, $66,000 ($12,500 to G.M. Gaukler).
Expected 2012
Anurag Verma (Ph.D., with Dr. Sergiy Butenko). Thesis: “Mathematical Programming
Approaches for Large Scale Emergency Situations”.
Expected 2011
Vijaya Chebolu-Subramanian (Ph.D.). Thesis: “Evaluating the Impact of Product Contamination in Food Supply Chains”.
Roberto Seijo (Ph.D., with Dr. Cesar Malave). Thesis: “Inventory Models for Assemble-toOrder Systems”. Placement: University of Puerto Rico.
Jaime Luna Coronado (D.Eng., with Dr. Tony Arreola-Risa). Thesis: “An Optimization
Model for Strategic Supply Chain Design under Stochastic Capacity Disruptions”. Placement: Shell Oil Corporation.
Since Sep 2005
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Courses taught:
 ISEN 601 Facility Location and Logistics (Graduate).
Teaching evaluation: 4.8/5.0.
 ISEN 615 Production and Inventory Control (Graduate).
Teaching evaluation: 4.7/5.0.
 ISEN 685 Supply Chain Management (Graduate).
New directed studies course I created, covering topics in supply chain
management. Enrollment 10-15 students per semester, taught 4 times.
No teaching evaluations available.
 ISEN 689 Competing on Information Flows (Graduate).
New special topics course I created, covering the role of information flows in
supply chains.
Teaching evaluation: 4.8/5.0.
 ISEN 220 Introduction to Production and Manufacturing Systems (Undergraduate). Teaching Evaluation: 4.3/5.0.
 ISEN 315 Production Systems Planning (Undergraduate).
Teaching evaluation: 4.5/5.0.
Oct 01 – Mar 03
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Teaching Assistant, Department of Management Science and Engineering
Analysis of Production and Operations Systems; Inventory Control and Production Systems; Manufacturing Strategy; Engineering Economy.
Oct 97 – Jul 99
Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
Teaching Assistant, Inst. Applied Comp. Sci. and Formal Description Methods
Programming; Algorithm Theory; Logic; Automata Theory.
May – Sep 2010
United Parcel Service, Houston, TX
Performed feasibility study for RFID implementations at UPS Hubs and sorting facilities.
Evaluated potential role of RFID in tracking trailers and conveyances, as well as in workforce management / worker tracking.
Jul – Sep 2010
White Towel Services, Fort Worth, TX
Analyzed the current production line layout for a towel product manufacturer. Prepared
recommendations for layout changes and a ramp-up plan to robustly meet an expected significant demand level increase.
Jan – Apr 2010
CHEP USA, Orlando, FL
Evaluated workflows of standard pallet operations for CHEP customers. Analyzed logistics
practices of the wooden pallet recycling industry in preparation for expert witness testimony in federal Antitrust lawsuit.
Mar – Oct 2009
N-Line Construction Company, Bryan, TX
Implemented RFID system to enable real-time inventory tracking for a lay-down yard.
Since Aug 08
Oil & Gas RFID Consortium, Houston, TX
Founding Board Member of Oil & Gas RFID Consortium. Support RFID standards development for applications in Oil & Gas. The mission of the consortium is to create scalable
application systems and data standards, and helping to generate understanding and adoption of RFID within the Oil & Gas Industry.
Nov 04 – Jul 05
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany, and Palo Alto, CA
Evaluated return on investment of the introduction of RFID technology to the automotive
assembly process company-wide. Created cost and performance studies for a staged RFID
rollout and presented recommendations to steering committee at VW headquarters in Germany.
Jul 04 – Jul 05
Hewlett-Packard, Richmond, VA, Memphis, TN, and Ontario, CA
Performed value stream mapping, process and labor cost analysis of proposed RFID installations at three company sites. Created a mathematical model to quantify realistic RFID
cost and process benefits in warehousing, transportation and product assembly. Communicated results and recommendations to upper level management sponsors.
Jun – Sep 2001
Applied Materials, CPI Operations, Santa Clara, California and Austin, Texas
Team member of company wide initiative focused on re-engineering the company’s existing order fulfillment process. Facilitated the design of a cross-functional global tracking
and information framework to proactively communicate orders at risk to cycle timeline and
other metrics.
May – Sep 2000
Earle M. Jorgensen Company (EMJ Metals), Chicago, Illinois
Performed the operational feasibility study on the company’s $31.5 million warehouse expansion and automation plans and developed a projection of the new system’s expected
output and performance levels.
Since 2005
Ad-hoc reviewer for the journals: Annals of Operations Research, Computers and IE, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics, IIE Transactions, Interfaces, International Journal of Business and
Industrial Marketing, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of
Services Operations and Informatics, Management Science, Manufacturing and Service
Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research, Production and
Operations Management, Risk Analysis.
2008 – 2011
Chair, Professional Recognition Committee, INFORMS.
2007 – 2011
Conference Session Chair: IIE Annual Conference, POMS Conference, INFORMS Annual
2006 – 2011
Faculty Advisor, Alpha Pi Mu Industrial Engineering Honor Society, Texas A&M.
2006 – 2011
Faculty mentor for undergraduate Senior Design (capstone course) industry projects.
Moderator, Panel discussion on Homeland Security research at INFORMS Annual Conference.
Panelist for NSF International Research Experiences for Students (IRES).
Panelist for NSF Unsolicited Proposals Winter 2006.
Oct 04 – Aug 05
President, Stanford German Student Association, Stanford University.
Feb 04 – Oct 05
Representative, Chapters/Fora Committee, INFORMS.
May 02 – Oct 04
President, INFORMS Student Chapter, Stanford University.
An assessment of SCI and SSCI-indexed papers (Liao et al., “Contributions to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) research,” Decision Support Systems, Vol. 50, Issue 2) identifies G.M. Gaukler as one of the top contributors to RFID research in terms of number of
publications (ranked 3rd) and annual citations (2 papers among top-10 most cited).
Selected for Young Practitioners Connection (YPC), INFORMS Practice Conference,
Phoenix, AZ, April 26-29, 2009.
The article “RFID in Mixed-Model Automotive Assembly Operations: Process and Quality
Savings” is featured as a “Research Highlight” in the November 2008 issue of Industrial
Engineer magazine, the trade publication of the Institute of Industrial Engineers.
The dissertation “RFID in Supply Chain Management” is ranked the 5th-best selling dissertation in all academic areas, and the #1 selling dissertation in industrial engineering and
operations management according to ProQuest. The ProQuest database contains more than
1 million theses.
Department Service Award 2003/2004, MS&E Dept., Stanford University.
Outstanding Contribution Award, CPI Operations, Applied Materials, Inc.
2000 – 2001
Doctoral Fellowship, School of Engineering, Stanford University.
Oct 98 – Sep 00
Graduate Fellowship, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Germany.
Available upon request