BMW Technology Office USA, APRIL 2013 A FUTURE VISION FOR SUSTAINABLE ELECTRIC MOBILITY GREEN ONRAMP EVENT MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS. We scout for, evaluate and develop cutting edge technologies with US partners for the BMW Group. • Continuously explore technology • Transfer technology to our internal partners • Identify upcoming trends and opportunities • Contribute the BMW Group’s Product Strategy • Build prototypes for proof of feasibility • Represent BMW Group Research and Technology in the US • Develop promising innovations into products We contribute innovative solutions to support BMW Group’s technology leadership now and in the future. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 BMW GROUP TECHNOLOGY OFFICE USA. Core topics Trends scouting & technology partnerships Design for user experience Sustainable mobility Connected platform solutions Driver assistance systems BMW Technology Office USA 2013 ACCELERATING EV MARKET GROWTH. THREE HYPOTHESES. Connected car and mobile phone applications. Charging infrastructure. Renewable energy and the smart grid. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 BMW ELECTRIC VEHICLE FIELD TRIALS. EV DRIVERS FORM NEW VALUES. The Intersection of Clean and Fun. Strong value intersection for buyers MINI E is quiet, smooth, easy to drive, fast Electric vehicle has special place in public values Expanding Mastery of Energy Use. Knowledge of electricity, sources Understanding of costs, efficiency Regenerative braking Driving style and feeling for energy use Developing Their Electric Vehicle Territory. Clean driving zone Charging opportunities BEV community Geography of BEVs (distances, uphills, downhills, routes) BMW Technology Office USA 2013 MINI E CONSUMER LIFESTYLE. ADAPTATION, INNOVATION AND EXPANSION. Initial household fleet scenario: two cars that have regular trip assignments. 1. ADAPTATION 2. INNOVATION 3. EXPANSION 1. First conventionally-fueled car is replaced by the MINI E. Some trips cannot be done (cargo space or range). 2. Drivers replace other vehicle (conventionally-fueled) trips with MINI E as a result of fuel cost, performance, and social benefits of electric-drive. They create new trips. 3. Trip composition expands as drivers get more comfortable with range – EV activity space is expanded. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 THE MINI E FIELD TRIAL: RANGE ANXIETY AND CHARGING BEHAVIOR. 35% 32% 30% 25% 25% 22% 20% Over the lease period, about how many times were you ever uncertain about making it to your intended destination while driving? (n = 102) 45% On average, about how often did you plug in the MINI E? 42% 40% 35% 30% 25% 21% 20% 15% 12% 15% 15% 10% 11% 10% 6% 10% 4% 5% 5% 2% 0% 0% 0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10+ Eighty-three percent changed their driving behavior when confronted with range anxiety. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 Whenever I Each time I Once a day have access park the to a car at charger or home 110V plug Every 2 days Every 3 days Less often than every 3 days Battery state-of-charge is forty to sixty percent when MINI E is plugged in. THE MINI E FIELD TRIAL: CUSTOMER MOBILITY NEEDS. 50% Distance to primary work location from home (mls). 45.5% 45% 40% 35% 90% 80% 70% 30.3% How far are you able to reliably drive the MINI E on a single charge (miles)? 60% 30% 50% 25% 40% 20% 14.1% 15% 30% 20% 10% 4.0% 5% 2.0% 3.0% 1.0% 0% 0 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 to 40 to 50 to 30 40 50 60 more Three quarters of MINI E customers live within twenty miles of their work location. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 10% 0% 0 to 20 20 to 40 40 to 80 80 to 100 over 100 Nearly all MINI E customers could reliably drive between eighty and one hundred miles on a charge, and some could drive more than one hundred miles. THE MINI E FIELD TRIAL: INCREASING AWARENESS ABOUT CONSUMPTION. Two-thirds said that driving the MINI E changed the 34% way they think about energy use, in and out of the car. Yes No “I think that got me thinking that I could also do more and use less at home by making some simple changes.” “I have also become more environmentally conscious. I pay more attention to my acceleration and deceleration, I pay more attention to using resources in the car such as AC.” “I've become a more energy-conserving driving even in my gas cars.” “Driving the car has definitely changed how I look at my energy usage. …I learned I could go further with the same amount of energy if I simply changed my driving style a little.” BMW Technology Office USA 2013 66% CONNECTED CAR AND MOBILE PHONE APPS. 73% of BMW EV customers use an i-phone app to connect to their vehicle. 88% use smart phone apps to locate public charging stations. 100% 82% 80% 60% 51% 43% 40% 30% 20% 7% 0% BMW Technology Office USA 2013 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1% ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER AVAILABILITY. BROUGHT TO YOU IN REAL-TIME. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 CONNECTED DRIVE AND MOBILITY SERVICES. DriveNow MyCityWay ParkatmyHouse Premium point-to-point car sharing. Local real time information on cities Marketplace for parking. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 THE IMPORTANCE OF CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 ACTIVE E CHARGING BEHAVIOR. DONE ON A DAILY BASIS. Average charging events per week*: 8 times/week Charging events per week in detail: 100% 80% 60% 43% 40% 20% 0% 0% maximum 1 time * 10% 11% 2 - 3 times 4 - 5 times “How often do you charge your ActiveE in an average week?”;;Mean;; N = 113 BMW Technology Office USA 2013 6 - 7 times 36% more than 7 times CHARGING LOCATIONS. ACTIVE E MOSTLY CHARGED AT HOME OR WORK. Location and mode of charging* Level 1 or “trickle” Level 2 public charging at charging., 6% work., 3% Elsewhere, 1% Level 2 charging at work., 10% Level 1 or “trickle” charging at home., 4% * Level 2 charging station at home, 76% “Where did you charge your ActiveE during the last month? Please indicate the percentage of charging events which occurred at each location. This should add up to 100%.” BMW Technology Office USA 2013 UTILITY FACTOR INCREASES WITH CHARGING. 100.0% Consumers’ EV driving experience (average % EV miles) 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% As used BMW Technology Office USA 2013 Workplace Public One FC per day Two FC per day WORKPLACE CHARGING ACCELERATES ADOPTION. BMW Technology Office USA : Commissioned in October 2012 645 charges 4,698 kWh total 25kWh average daily charging 800kWh in last 30 days Heavy evening and weekend use BMW Technology Office USA 2013 RENEWABLE ENERGY AND EVS. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 THIS IS WHAT WE BELIEVE. Markets for green energy and electric vehicles can accelerate each other. More than 30% of BMW EV customers invested in residential solar. Adding Green-E options increased overall demand for EV designs among conventional buyers by 23% in a UCDavis survey. A portfolio approach to green energy allows us to meet EV customer needs. Solar, wind and other sources of energy are valued differently by customers. Intelligent charging of EVs can enable more green energy. GREEN E, LT-Z-Z, OCT 2012 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 19 GLOBAL MINI E LEARNINGS ABOUT ENERGY SOURCE. Germany: • 96 % of private users regard renewable energy for charging electric vehicles as important. • 72 % of users agree that EVs should be charged exclusively with renewables. Great Britain: • 89 % of private users regard renewable energy for charging electric vehicles as important. • 22 % of users agree that EVs should be charged exclusively with renewables. GREEN E, LT-Z-Z, OCT 2012 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 20 US MINI E USERS PREFER SOLAR AND WIND ENERGY. The electricity for charging the MINI E should come from...(n=41) 100% 100% 98% 90% 75% 63% 50% 37% 25% 0% 0% Solar GREEN E, LT-Z-Z, OCT 2012 2% Wind 71% 61% Agree 39% 29% Disagree 10% Hydro Nuclear Natural Gas Coal Page 21 MANAGED CHARGING LINKS GREEN E AND MINI E. Reduction in CO2/km of 3-6% compared to uncontrolled charging. Source: GREEN E, LT-Z-Z, OCT 2012 Page 22 BMW TECHNOLOGY OFFICE SOLAR TREE. • A way to visualize electricity generation of the Solar Tree. • Data collected on a second basis. • 30-day history compares the Solar Tree generation to Active E electricity use. GREEN E, LT-Z-Z, OCT 2012 Page 23 A NOVEL STUDY DESIGN, IN THREE PARTS. This is a project exploring the consumer demand for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and “Green” electricity. Part 1: Literature review (completed in October 2011). Part 2: Focus groups with MINI E drivers, MINI drivers, and green electricity program participants in LA, New York and New Jersey (completed in October 2011). Part 3: U.S. nationwide survey of new car buyers, including subsets of hybrid buyers and recent BMW electric vehicle leasers (completed in July 2012). GREEN E, LT-Z-Z, OCT 2012 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 24 THIS IS WHAT WE HEARD. “I could buy a package of green power and that gives me the feeling that a healthy portion of my driving is done in a non-emitting way.” “I’d spend at least a hundred bucks on a solar power package if you guys worked out a big deal with a solar array in Nevada, in the desert somewhere.” “[EV] customers are already thinking about green energy. It would be a shame to not use that synergy in a way that could be beneficial to all parties; beneficial to the customer, beneficial to BMW, beneficial to the utilities selling the renewable energy.” BMW Technology Office USA 2013 THIS IS WHAT WE DESIGNED. Renewable Energy Certificates: BMW provides a renewable energy option for the ActiveE, allows customers to “top up” at end of year based on actual usage. Cost (Customer): $48 for 2 years Choice about the source of energy for charging Home Solar System: Pathways to 100% Renewable Energy, San Francisco BMW partners with Solar developer to offer a premium PV system to ActiveE customers. Lease and purchase options Turn-key solution for zero-carbon home-charging. Page 26 EVS AND THE SMART GRID. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 BMW GROUP EV ENERGY SERVICES GOALS. Supply electric vehicles with renewable, CO2-free energy Protect the customer from undesired actions of third parties while charging Maintain complete control of communication to the vehicle and access to PEV batteries Explore sustainable business models with technical solutions that can be deployed worldwide V2G, BMW TECHNOLOGY OFFICE USA, 2012 Page 28 BMW GROUP RESEARCH SUITE. Intelligent charging demonstrations Demonstrate TOU and demand response Vattenfall wind-to-vehicle project Forecasting for electric vehicle availability Feed real-world data into mathematical model Energy services market simulations V2G field trial with MINI E Fall 2012 CA ISO market simulation V2G, BMW TECHNOLOGY OFFICE USA, 2012 Page 29 EV ENERGY SERVICES REQUIRE A UNIQUE COMMUNICATION SOLUTION. Customer uses/defines - Departure time - Delayed time - Desired range - Cab Pre-conditioning - Alerts/Pricing Signals - Alerts/Charge interruption Utility Info - DR Pricing/TOU Schedule Aggregator Msgs Utility signals Charge Data Utility Command Signal Charge Data Aggregator AMI Authentication/Authorization Meter Status/Controls PLC / Zigbee Bridge Home Area Network COMBOX GSM Command Signals -On/Off - Cycle Down/Up - SOC/Temperature -- Desired Range Utility Info - DR Pricing/TOU Schedule Status/Controls SAE J1772 Pilot charging control module PLC Association to EVSE/ Meter V2G, BMW TECHNOLOGY OFFICE USA, 2012 Page 30 FINAL THOUGHTS. EVs will succeed because they’re disruptive. Home refueling. Emissions decoupled from on-board fuel consumption. Lower maintenance costs. EV owners are more connected. Mastery of energy is critical (logging and quantification) Usage of smart phone apps is high. EVs can be home and grid assets. BMW Technology Office USA 2013 THANK YOU.