2011 Silent and Live Auction Placer Hills Education Foundation presents Annual Dinner & Auction Fundraiser AUCTIONEER David Sobon SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Welcome! Check-­in Wine and Hors d’oeuvres Silent Auction 5DIÀH3UL]HV %LGGLQJ)UHQ]\ Golden Ticket Dinner Live Auction Check-­Out begins Music and Dancing to The Johnsons TABLE OF CONTENTS PHEF President’s Welcome VIP Sponsors PHEF Donors 3+()2I¿FHUVDQG'LUHFWRUV Auction Chair Thank You Sign Up Items Introduction to David Sobon How the Auction Works Auction General Rules Live Auction Items 5DIÀH,WHPV Silent Auction Items 3 Placer Hills Education Foundation Bienvenidos a la Fiesta PHEF! Welcome to the sixth annual Placer Hills Education Foundation Dinner & Auction-­PHEF Fiesta! We are pleased to have you join us tonight for this exciting event. Without your generous support and participation, this festive night could not be possible. The schools are striving to set the benchmark for what the 21st century learning can and should be. The Foundation is striving to enable a new way of learning by facilitating the utilization of state of the art tools, techniques, and technology. As a whole, our community is working together to have our children become well rounded, well equipped citizens for the Information Age. Since 2005 PHEF has raised close to $500,000 to help our schools improve academic performance year after year. Just last year, Weimar and Sierra Hill’s API scores improved substantially from 2009. Sustained academic achievement is no accident. It requires a focused and concerted effort among the schools, the community, and the Foundation. To this end, I’m particularly fond of the theme for this year’s event, “PHEF Fiesta!”. Tonight’s HYHQW LV WUXO\ D ¿HVWD D FHOHEUDWLRQ RI ZKDW RXU FRPPXQLW\ KDV DQG FRQWLQXHV WR GR IRU education. We are People Helping Education Flourish. La Fiesta PHEF! Special thanks to our event chair, Shalome Briggs, and the army of tireless volunteers who have made this event possible. Remember to bid early and often, and pasar un buen rato esta noche (have a great time this evening)! Ole! Kathy Ito President, Placer Hills Education Foundation This evening is generously sponsored by: Platinum Andy and Linda Cramer Anonymous Smith, Watts & Co. Wells Fargo Bank Silver Chris and Mollie Beeman Gray Electric Oshetski Orthodontics Bronze Electronic Carbide Erica Coates/Time for Living-­Hardwood Flooring 4 Wine Donors Mona Smothers Cafe Vista, The Bertz Family Gary Lessing Hamm Family Winery 2011 Silent and Live Auction Morgan Stanley Smith Barney is proud to sponsor Placer Hills Education Foundation Chris A Beeman Vice President Financial Advisor 1478 Stone Point Dr; Suite 500 Roseville, CA 95661 916 797-7757 chris.a.beeman@mssb.com A Morgan Stanley Company © 2010 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. NY CS 6316555 SUP011 06/10 GP10-01281P-N06/10 5 Placer Hills Education Foundation PLACER HILLS EDUCATION FOUNDATION BUSINESS & INDIVIDUAL DONORS Mik & Doris Bajka Victoria Beninga Rod & Leslie Bonser Janet & Steve Borchers James Bradford Norma Brink 3KLO/DXULH%R\WH 'DYLG%HWW\&DOIHH Chandler & Janet Dann Rick & Jeanne Dann %RE&LQG\'HWZLOHU Susan Hausler 0DU\+D\HV Glen & Grace Ikeda 5REHUW&DURO\Q0F(OKDQ\ Samuel Moise Rachel Moses )UDQN&KULVWL0\HUV Richard & Karen Neal Don & Virginia Parker (PLO\3HDUVRQ John Pearson -XG\3H\UHW Glen & Darci Pierce Robert & Jean Schwenke Ken & Maureen Sherer Gwen Smith Carl Starr William & Barbara Tellman 0\URQ&DURO:DOVK Melinda Wolff Special thanks WRDOO8QLWHG:D\DQG3*('RQRUV3+()DSSUHFLDWHGWKHPDWFKLQJIXQGV SURYLGHGE\HPSOR\HUVWKURXJKWKH8QLWHG:D\DQG3*(SURJUDPV 6 2011 Silent and Live Auction Directors Operating Committee PRESIDENT-­ Kathy Ito VICE PRESIDENT-­ Bret McCord SECRETARY-­ Linda Cramer TREASURER-­ Todd Bertz Kathleen Boice Jeff Briggs Bob Detwiler Casey McGlothlan Mollie Beeman Tom Blackburn Sheriff Ed Bonner Leslie Bonser Glen Ikeda Sue Kane Bruce Kranz Jack Krier Braun Martin Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery Frank Myers Christina Olson Jeanne Schwenke Ken Sherer Kathy Sinclair Bonny Starr Cathy Thomas Chuck Wolfe Dear Guests, Many people went into making this auction a success. I would like to send out a BIG thank you to: The many generous donors of goods and services, Members of the community who have supported PHEF, Placer Hills Union School District parents for donations and contributions, Teachers and staff at SHS and WHS for all of their support and donations, and all of the many volunteers that gave endless amounts of time to put the auction together. A very special thanks to Mollie Beeman, Tammy Cleek, Linda Cramer, Heidi LaBudde, Bonny Starr and Wade Wolf. You were always there when I had a question or needed help. When I lost my mind, you helped me find it! Bid, buy and have fun knowing that all the proceeds from tonight will help raise the much-needed funds so that children of Placer Hills Union School District can receive an educational experience that cannot be surpassed. GRACIAS! Shalome Briggs Auction Chair 7 Placer Hills Education Foundation SIGN UP ITEMS THESE ITEMS ARE FOR A SET PRICE AND REQUIRE ONLY YOUR BID NUMBER. All Sign-Ups will be filled first by FIESTA! attendees. Available space will then be given to absentee bidders in the order they are recieved. 1. Flip Flops & Lemon Drops. /DGLHVJHWUHDG\WRVD\KHOORWRVXPPHU /HDYHWKHNLGVDQGWURXEOHVDWKRPHDQGFRPHHQMR\DQHYHQLQJSRROVLGHZLWK IRRGIULHQGVDQGFRFNWDLOVDQGEHVXUHWRZHDU\RXUÀLSÀRSV)ULGD\-XQHUG DWSP%HHPDQ%DFN\DUG/LPLWHGWRODGLHV+RVWHGE\0ROOLH%HHPDQ .HOO\:DWWV(LOHHQ+DUULVDQG6WDFH\)UDQVFHOOD $40 per person 2. Party in Paradise. Join us for a taste of the tropics right here in Meadow 9LVWD$PD]LQJEDFN\DUGUHWUHDWFRPSOHWHZLWKSRROZDWHUIDOOKRWWXE¿UHSLW DQGPRUH<RXZLOOEHWUHDWHGWRRXWGRRUEULFNRYHQSL]]DZKHUH\RX¶OOJHWWR UROO\RXURZQGRXJKDQGFKRRVHDOORIWKH¿[LQ¶V-DVRQDQG-HQQ\6WRFNVZLOO EHVHUYLQJGULQNVDWWKH7LNL%DUDQGWRSRIIWKHQLJKWE\EXVWLQJDPRYHRQWKH GDQFHÀRRU7KLVLVVXUHWREHDIXQHYHQLQJRXWDQGSDUW\WRUHPHPEHU6DWXU-­ GD\0D\30+RVWHGE\-DVRQ-HQQ\6WRFNVDQG-HII(OVDDV $75 a couple 3. Pie Making Tips and Techniques with Stephanie Martin. )URP.H\ Lime to Chocolate Yum Yum! How to roll out perfect pie crusts and create mouth ZDWHULQJSLH¿OOLQJVLVSRVVLEOHZKHQOHDUQLQJIURPWKHEHVW/RFDWLRQ0DUWLQ¶V KRPH)ULGD\0DUFKWKDW$0/LPLWHGWRSHRSOHPDWHULDOVIHH SDLGDWFODVV $22 per person 18 'LVF*RO¿Q¶'XGHV (QMR\DQDIWHUQRRQVOLQJLQJGLVFVZLWKWKHER\VRQD SULYDWHHVWDWHFRXUVHLQ&KULVWLDQ9DOOH\1RH[SHULHQFHQHFHVVDU\%HHUJRRG JUXEDQG\RXURZQGLVFLQFOXGHG3ODQRQDULGHKRPH-XQHWK72II /LPLWHGWRDWWHQGHHV 'RQDWHGE\:DGH0ROO\:ROII0DUF%ULGJHW3L]LDOLDQG/LQGD:ROII'RQ'XQWRQ $50 per dude 5. Fun and Games with Mrs. Ginty. 7UHDW\RXUUGJUDGHUWRD6XQGD\DIWHU-­ QRRQZLWK0UV*LQW\2QHKRXURIEDVNHWEDOOIROORZHGE\DVQDFNEUHDNDQG WKHQRQWRDJDPHRIVFRRWHUERDUGKRFNH\8QOLPLWHGIXQZLWKWKLVSULYDWH3( VHVVLRQ/RFDWLRQ6+6*\P6XQGD\$SULOWKIURP30/LPLWHGWR UG*UDGHUV $25 per person 6. Casino Royale. 7KLVLVWKHSHUIHFWJX\VHYHQWDQHYHQLQJRIFDUGVDQG JDPHVRIVNLOORQ6DWXUGD\$SULOQGDWWKHKRPHRI7HUU\.DUHQ6PLWK 'ULQNVDQGDSSHWL]HUVSURYLGHG1HHGDULGHKRPH"7KDW¶VFRYHUHGWRR)LUVW WRGRQDWHZLOOUHVHUYHDVSRWWRNHQIHHSDLGDWHYHQW+RVWHGE\WKH 6PLWK¶V $40 per person 7. Family Fun Guide Fun-­Things-­to-­Do-­that-­Don’t-­Break-­the-­Bank have been NLGWHVWHGE\0UV:ROII¶VWKJUDGHUVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHV(DFKSDJHLVIXOORI IDYRULWHDFWLYLWLHVLQDQGDURXQGWKH3ODFHU&RXQW\DUHDWKDWZHWKLQN<28ZLOO HQMR\WRR $15 per book 8 2010 Silent and Live Auction 9 Placer Hills Education Foundation D avid Sobon has consulted with hundreds of foundations, nonprofits, service and religious groups and associations around the country to help them fulfill their fundraising goals. In his 19 years of assisting non-profits, David has gained extensive experience in fundraising, event planning, advertising, marketing, public relations and auctioneering. He has had the opportunity to consult with organizations such as American Leadership Forum, Susan G. Komen, The Sacramento Library Foundation, Leukemia Lymphoma Society, American Heart Association and a variety of Chambers of Commerce, art organizations and children’s charities. David Sobon is an active member of The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and a part of their teaching faculty. He is also a member The American Sommelier Association and The National Auctioneers Association (NAA), where he earned the title of Benefit Auction Specialists, one of only a handful in the country. On the board of directors of Sacramento Child Advocates and Elk Grove First. David’s contributions are felt throughout the community. In his spare time he enjoys collecting art, wine and rare books. He also enjoys traveling, live music, theater and bicycle touring. With a passion for creating the perfect gourmet meal in the kitchen and as a well-respected wine aficionado, his knowledge adds something special to each live auction. David’s fresh and innovative ideas have given way to great and exciting events. His experience has generated him a great repertoire with his clients and donors. It is David’s unique “Benefit Auction System” that helps organizations raise more money and have more fun while changing the lives of those they serve. David says, “ There is no better feeling than coming off the stage at an event and knowing you made a difference”. 10 2011 Silent and Live Auction How the Auction Works “PHEF FIESTA” will feature the silent and live auctions and a formal dinner. Advanced tickets are recomended and seating is limited. Auctionpay™ You will be offered Auctionpay™ Service when you check in. By registering for Auctionpay ™ you avoid standing in line to pay for and collect your purchases at the end of the night. To receive Auctionpay ™ services, provide a credit card to your check-in assistant. The card will be quickly processed and your signature collected. At the close of the auction, your purchases will be totaled and charged as directed. If you do not purchase any items, your charge slip will be destroyed at the end of the auction. Guests who register for Auctionpay ™ may proceed directly to the Auctionpay ™ Pick Up station to collect their purchases. How to Bid When you register at the auction, you will be given a bid card. To bid in the silent auction, write your bid number on the silent auction bid form. To bid in the live auction, hold your bid card up high with the number facing the auctioneer. By bidding in the live or silent auctions, each bidder agrees to the auction rules. Silent Auction The silent auction items are grouped into 3 sections. Bidding is open for all sections when the auction starts, but bidding ends at different times for each section. The sections are identified by the colors green, pink and turquoise. Bidding Frenzy The Auctioneer will auction off restaurant gift certificates at face value to the first bidders identified by the auctioneer. Fund-A-Need During the live auction, the auctioneer, will announce the opportunity to support this fund. The Auctioneer will invite you to raise your bid cards to pledge in various increments toward this worth cause. Hold your bid card high until the Auctioneer reads your bidder aloud and a runner writes it down. You may pledge more than one amount if you like. Simply pay your pledge along with other auction purchases. Guaranteed Bid To guarantee that you are a successful bidder on a limited number of silent auction items, enter your bid number in the box next to the “Guaranteed Price”. This instantly makes you the successful bidder and owner of the item. Buyers Premium All attendees will have an opportunity to help Placer Hills Education Foundation in a number of ways. One of these is the 10% buyers premium, which allows a higher percentage of your bid to support the important work of Placer Hills Education Foundation. For example, if you buy items totaling $100, your bid will be increased by $10. This fee covers Auctioneer’s auctioneering services, computer equipment and operators, consulting and logistics and means your entire original bid goes to the kids. On your auction statement, this fee is included in your bid amount. The Buyers Premium applies to all auction items charged to your account, except Fund-A-Need. We recognize that this Buyers Premium is an additional expense to you as a purchaser, and we appreciate your generosity in accepting this fee as another way you can help Placer Hills Education Foundation. Removal of Items In order to assist our volunteer staff in processing bid information efficiently and effectively we ask that you not attempt to pay for or remove your purchases until the live auction is over. Please do remove all of the items that you have won from the facility tonight so our volunteers do not have to remove them for you. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 6+877/(:257+/$:2)),&(6 3ODQQLQJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ/LWLJDWLRQRI(VWDWHV $XEXUQ 06FRWW6KXWWOHZRUWK $WWRUQH\DW/DZ &DOLIRUQLD6W 5RVHYLOOH 6HUYLQJZLWK,QWHJULW\'HGLFDWLRQ 6FRWW#&DO7UXVW$WWRUQH\&RP /HDG+LOO%OYG &DO7UXVW$WWRUQH\&RP 11 Placer Hills Education Foundation General Rules 1. Upon entry, each guest will be given a bid card. To bid in the silent auction, simply write your bid number on the silent auction bid form. To bid in the live auction, hold up high your bid card with the number toward the auctioneer. By bidding in the live or silent auctions each bidder agrees to these auction rules. 2. A bid acknowledged by the live auctioneer is a legal contract to purchase the item. As well, in the silent auc-­ tion, designation of the bid you have written by the silent DXFWLRQRI¿FLDODVWKHWRSELGLVOHJDOFRQWUDFWWRSXUFKDVH that silent auction item. 3. Top bidders may pay for their items at the auction cashiering stations, which open for regular service at the conclusion of the live auction. It is not necessary to pay for each item after its purchase and we encourage you to pay for your purchases only once, at the end of the live auction. Payment in full, however, is mandatory at the auction. 4. Auction items will be awarded to one purchaser only. The top bid amount for an auction item will not be split among bidders who may have agreed to pay a portion of the top bid amount. A purchaser who wishes to split the payment for an auction item must collect the individual payments from the other bidder(s). Then either present those payments to the cashiers at the time the purchaser pays for the top bidder’s purchases or accept those pay-­ ments as a partial reimbursement for the total payment the purchaser has made. 5. $OOSXUFKDVHVDUH¿QDODQGWKHUHZLOOEHQRH[FKDQJHV or refunds on items unless otherwise noted. 6. Bidders who elect at registration to be served under the Auctionpay™ system do not have to stand in line to pay for their purchases. Instead, Auctionpay™ guests will have paid receipts mailed to them. 7. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is a minimal fractional advance over the prior bid. 8. We will gladly accept your payment by cash, check, Visa or MasterCard. Please make your check payable to Plac-­ er Hills Education Foundation. We are a 501(c)3 charita-­ EOHRUJDQL]DWLRQDQG\RXUSD\PHQWVDUHWD[GHGXFWLEOHDVD FKDULWDEOHFRQWULEXWLRQRQO\WRWKHH[WHQWSURYLGHGE\ODZ Generally you may deduct as a charitable contribution the amount you pay above the fair market value of the item. 12 9. Unless otherwise noted, all goods and services must be claimed and used within one year of the auction date. 10. The auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw, withou t notice, items to or from the auction. 11. The purchaser assumes the responsibility to locate and remove purchases from the auction premises. Purchasers may claim items in the item pick up area at the end of the live auction. 12. Reservations for trips and vacation accommodations must be mutually arranged with the donor unless otherwise noted. Tickets in travel packages are coach class unless otherwise noted. No refunds will be allowed on travel packages for cancelled tickets and/or accommodations. 13. Travel will be provided by donors as described even if the prices increase above those stated. Because travel charges change, travel costs may decrease the values stated, but no refunds will be allowed. 14. All items must be removed from the auction premises this evening by the purchaser. Items not claimed by the end RIWKHDXFWLRQZLOOEHVWRUHGDWSXUFKDVHUVULVNDQGH[SHQVH 15. Placer Hills Education Foundation has attempted to describe and catalog all items correctly, but all items are offered as is, where is. Placer Hills Education Foundation neither warrants nor represents, and in no event shall be responsible for the correctness of descriptions, genuine-­ ness, authorship, provenance or condition of the items. No statement made in this catalog or made orally at the auction or elsewhere shall be deemed such a warranty for WD[SXUSRVHVRUIDLUPDUNHWYDOXH Items have not been ap-­ praised unless otherwise noted. 16. Each person issued a bid number (bidder) assumes all risks and hazards related to the auction and items obtained at the auction. Each bidder agrees to hold harmless from any liability arising there from Placer Hills Education )RXQGDWLRQLWVHOHFWHGDQGDSSRLQWHGRI¿FLDOVPHPEHUV and employees, the auctioneer(s), the auction company and its agents and employees, the event organizers, sponsors, and /or volunteers connected with the auction. 17. In your auction catalog, “Value” is the minimum amount we hope you bid for the item. Fair market value is an estimate of the retail value. Generally, we depend on the donor to give us a reasonable estimate of the item’s retail value. 2011 Silent and Live Auction General Rules Silent Auction Live Auction 1. Items offered in the silent auction will have silent auction bid forms attached to them or on a table nearby. You may bid by simply writing your bid number on the form opposite the amount you want to bid. We ask you to press hard as your are making three copies. 1. You may preview the live auction from the time the doors open until the start of the live auction. Please feel free to come right up to the display of the live auction items, even up onto the live auction stage. We want you WRKDYHDGHTXDWHWLPHDQGRSSRUWXQLW\WRVHHWKHH[FHO-­ lent quality of the live auction items. Also please note any restrictions, limitations, sizes, etc. <RXGRQRWKDYHWRWDNHWKHQH[WDYDLODEOHELGDPRXQW EXWPD\VNLSDKHDGRQWKHIRUPWR¿QGWKHDPRXQW\RX really want to bid. 7KHQH[WELGGHUPXVWELGDKLJKHU amount than you did to be successful. 3. If you really want an item, just write your bid number opposite the amount labeled “Guaranteed Price” and you own the item. Once you write your bid number on the “ Guaranteed Price “ line, the bidding on that item is concluded. 4. You may bid on any item in the silent auction until the section is closed. Bidding for items in the silent auction sections will close at the time posted. A silent auction RI¿FLDOZLOOFLUFOHWKHWRSELGQXPEHUDQGDPRXQW You can see if you are the successful purchaser by looking at the pink copy of the silent auction bid form which is left in its place after the section is closed. 2. To ensure for you that the auction concludes at a rea-­ sonable hour, the live auction will begin during dinner and continue without intermission until all items have been auctioned. 3. You may bid in the live auction by holding up high your bid card with the number toward the auctioneer. Either the auctioneer or bid spotter can accept your bid. 979 Hair Design The Artistic Black Oak Golf Course Beauty Ranch Bob and Cindy Detwiler Bonny Starr Boreal Mountain Resort The Burrito Shop Cheesecake Factory Cheryl Haas Classic Image Studio The Club Car Bar & Restaurant Colfax Motor Lodge Costco Wholesale Curves Meadow Vista Dee Cranston Extreme Gymnastics Frontside Cafe Gerry and Heidi LaBudde Hearst Castle, Department of Parks and Recreation Holiday Quality Foods Ikeda’s In-­n-­Out Burgers Ms. Joanne Neff Joyful Living Services Karen Starr Kathy Ito Maria’s Mexican Tacos Mickey’s Boots Presence, Bernadette Fudge Raley’s SaveMart Supermarket Strings Target Tracey Stokes Trader Joe’s Trisha Reilly Truckee Donner Lodge Uncle Joe’s Yogurt 13 Placer Hills Education Foundation LIV E A U C T I O N I T E M S Get your paddle ready to bid on these unbelievable items! 1. RIDE TO SCHOOL IN A BIG RED FIRE TRUCK Imagine their delight when the Meadow Vista Fire Department shows up at your house! They will pick up your children, take them on a ride around town then drop them off at school in one of their big, red engines. You must live within the Placer Hills Fire Protection area to be eligible, limit three children. DONOR: Placer Hills Fire Protection District VALUE: $300 3. PRINCIPAL FOR A DAY AT SIERRA HILLS Your child will enjoy this behind the scenes look at SHS. During the day, they will par-­ WLFLSDWHLQD¿UHGULOOPDNHDQQRXQFHPHQWVRYHU the loud speaker and have lunch with Mr. Adam. It will be an unforgettable day for your little darling! ([SLUHVEHIRUHWKHHQGRIWKHVFKRRO\HDU DONOR: Fred Adam VALUE: $125 4. TERRIFICALLY TALENTED TIGER CLASS CANVAS ART 2. BASS FISHING EXPERIENCE -RLQ³*XLGH%RE´IRUDQDIWHUQRRQRIEDVV¿VKLQJRQ a private pond in Meadow Vista. You are “guaran-­ teed to catch”! Lures provided and poles can be ar-­ ranged. Stay on the dock or head out in a boat. Bob will provide casting instruction and he will even BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers to round out the session. Great treat for kids, grandkids and families. ([SLUHV 12/31/2011. DONOR: Bob Detwiler VALUE: $200 You will be amazed by this bold and beauti-­ ful original masterpiece created by Ms. Tuisku’s kindergarten class. Each child individually cre-­ ated their own square of the project with acrylic paints and their small, SHUIHFW¿QJHUV The completed effect is a quilt of KHDUWV´[´ DONOR: Ms. Tuisku’s Tiger’s VALUE: $50 14 Live Auction Items 5. GET OUT OF THE DOGHOUSE! 2011 Silent and Live Auction 7. WEEKEND GETAWAY IN TAHOE 6WDUWE\KDQGLQJ\RXUVZHHWLHDJLIWFHUWL¿-­ cate to Essence Salon for a massage. Once she is UHOD[HGWDNHKHUWR+DPLOWRQ-HZHOHUVWRVSHQG KHUJLIWFHUWL¿FDWHRQEHDXWLIXOMHZHOV To complete the pampering, give her a 6-­month pie-­of-­ WKHPRQWKJLIWFHUWL¿FDWHWR0RQWH9LVWD,QQ These amazing pies will allow her to pamper the entire family. Come stay on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe for two nights. 2 blocks to the sandy beach and boat launch ZKHUH\RXFDQUHOD[RQWKHEHDFKRUUHQWND\DNV paddleboards or canoes! 10 minutes to Stateline for gaming fun or to Tahoe City for shopping. This 1700 sq ft. home has 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths and sleeps 6. Upgraded amenities including granite, stainless steel DSSOLDQFHVDQGODUJHÀDWVFUHHQ79 Also let us treat DONOR: Hamilton Jewelers, Essence Salon & Spa, you and your family or friends ( up to 6 ) to a boat Monte Vista Inn ride on the lake. Cruise through Emerald Bay and VALUE: $710 then go to lunch on the deck at Sunnyside. Whatever \RXZDQWWRGRZH¶OOEH\RXUSHUVRQDOZDWHUWD[L 6. WHITE WATER RAFTING ([SHULHQFHWKHIXQDQG H[FLWHPHQWRID&DOL-­ fornia adventure on the American River. Good times are guaranteed with this white water rafting trip for anyone age 6 to 70+! (QMR\DGD\RQWKHULYHUZLWK5RE%L[OHUDV your private guide. All gear (raft, helmets, life jackets) and lunch will be supplied for up to 6 people. If thrill is what you seek, this adventure is for you!! Valid June -­ August 2011, contact donor for mutually agreeable date. DONOR: 5REDQG6DUD%L[OHU VALUE: $720 DONOR: Mark and Kelly Watts VALUE: $600 8. MARTINI BAR FANTASTICO Charbay Winery & Distillery is donat-­ ing an instant Martini party! “The Still on the Hill” in St. Helena cre-­ ates vodkas made of only whole, fresh ingredients. They are providing one lucky winner with two cases of their award winning vodkas (24 bottles!), barware and two hours of bartender(s) to create spectacular cock-­ tails just for you (and your many friends!!). Shaken, stirred, dry or dirty, this martini bar is perfect for you! Date to be mutually agreed upon, need 90-­day notice. Third hour of bartending available to pur-­ chase from donor for $200. DONOR: Charbay Winery & Distillery VALUE: $500 15 Placer Hills Education Foundation 12. INSTANT WINE CELLAR 9. GO WILD WITH WILD THINGS 36 unique bottles of wine plus 10 Bottle wine refrigerator! REDS .RUEHO$OH[DQGHU9DOOH\&DEHUQHW6DXYLJQRQ/0$*180 1999 Venezio Vineyards and Winery Cabernet Sauvignon 2000 Talus Merlot +DYH:LOG7KLQJVFRPHWR\RXUQH[WHYHQWDQG³ZRZ´ your crowd with amazing and dazzling animals from around the world. Your 50 minute presentation will in-­ clude 6 to 8 rescued wild animals. You will learn about each animal, their personal history and their impact on the environment. 2000 Columbia Crest Two Vines Merlot/Cabernet 2000 Eponymous Cabernet Sauvignon 2000 Ravenswood Rancho Salina 2002 Windsor Vineyards Merlot Sonoma County 2002 Wild Horse Merlot Paso Robles 2002 Windsor Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles 2004 Sierra Knolls Foothill Vineyard & Winery Sangiovese DONOR: Wild Things VALUE: $400 10. HANDMADE BUTTERFLY ART 2004 Madrigal Vineyards Sonnet #63 )UDQFLVFDQ0DJQL¿FDW 2005 Story Winery Estate Bottles Hillside Zinfandel Shenandoah Valley 2006 McIntyre Mission Ranch Pinot Noir 2006 Sterling Vineyards Meritage 2006 Beaulieu Vineyard (BV) Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 Clos Du Val Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 Eddie Graziano Vineyard Zinfandel Mendocino 2006 Jessup Cellars Petite Syrah -D\¶VLQVSLUDWLRQIRUEXWWHUÀLHVEHJDQZKHQKHUGDXJKWHU ZDVDQLQIDQWDQGEXWWHUÀLHVZRXOGÀ\DURXQGKHUFHO-­ ebrating her arrival. This One-­Of-­A-­Kind, hand fabri-­ FDWHGEXWWHUÀ\VFXOSWXUHLVPDGHIURPUHF\FOHGPHWDOV of stainless steel and bronze and is mounted on an ocean rock by the talented and beautiful Jay Stargaard. 2007 Pedroncelli Dry Creek Valley Sangiovese 2007 EMH Vineyards Black Cat Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 Martinelli Zinfandel Vigneto di Evo 2009 Seghesio Sonoma Zinfandel WHITES 2003 Schramsberg Blanc de Blancs Sparkling White 2005 Beaulieu Vineyards Marsanne Carneros 2006 Far Niente Dolce Late Harvest Wine DONOR: Jay Stargaard VALUE: $475 11. SODA SPRINGS RETREAT At the crest of the Sierra and close to Serene Lakes this beautiful home in Soda Springs is the ideal place to spend your summer vacation. Spend 3 nights in this 3-­bedroom, 2 ½ bath, 1,500 sf. cabin that will sleep up to 10 guests. Lo-­ cated right on the “Hole-­in-­the-­Wall” Trail, close to many scenic lakes and hiking trails, this house is perfect for you and your family or a group of friends. 7KHKRPH¿WVLQWR WKHQDWXUDOVXUURXQGLQJVZLWKÀRRUWRFHLOLQJZLQGRZVWR take in the splendor of the Sierras. Plan your getaway from May 1st to November 1st, 2011. Subject to availability. DONOR: Niels Reimers and Holly Van Doren VALUE: $500 16 2007 Solune Fleur de Lune 2007 Girard Chardonnay 2008 Mer Soleil Santa Lucia Highlands Chardonnay 2008 Jordan Chardonnay 2008 McIntyre Estate Chardonnay 2008 Roche Chardonnay Carneros 2009 Rombauer Vineyards Carneros Chardonnay 2009 Navarro Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc Cuvee 128 2009 Sierra Starr Solstice Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Navarro Vineyards Muscat Blanc Estate Bottled DONORS: PHEF Board and Auction Commit-­ tee, American River Caulking, Cafe Vista, WHS and SHS Parents. VALUE: $1038 Live Auction Items 2011 Silent and Live Auction 13. COURT LEVEL WITH THE LAKERS AND WARRIORS VS Four tickets to see the Golden State Warriors take on the Los Angeles Lakers in Oakland! These seats are truly VIP, Sec 28, Row A4, Seats 11-­14, located at court level. The players are so close that you can nearly touch them! Food and drink orders can be placed from your seats by special servers that come around, or you have access to a private concession stand that is at court level -­-­ no need to go get in line with the masses. The tickets include two park-­ ing passes in a special lot that allows you to enter on the court level. Wednesday, April 6th, 2011, 7:30PM. DONOR: Anonymous VALUE: $1,200 14. MI CASA ES SU CASA 15. FUND A NEED Visual and performing arts have always been used to support traditional curriculum classes at Sierra Hills School and Weimar Hills School. 7KHDUWVSURYLGHDXQLTXHZD\IRUVWXGHQWVWRH[-­ SORUHVXEMHFWPDWWHUDQGH[SUHVVWKHLUFUHDWLYLW\ The K-­8 Arts Programs are designed to cultivate lifelong skills such as problem solving, creative thinking, teamwork, and communication. As schools of the 21st Century, the Arts Programs at SHS and WHS have evolved to incorporate technology and truly serve as a cornerstone in the foundation of their lifelong education. This strategy supports our students in achieving high academic performance, readiness for future learning, and having some fun along the way! These programs are in jeopardy. Tonight, with your generous support, we hope to raise at least $10,000 to continue the K-­8 Arts programs. Head up the hill for a seven night stay in a beauti-­ ful Lake Tahoe home in Dollar Point. This “family friendly” 5-­bedroom house sleeps up to 10 in Tahoe City, right across the street from the lake. The house easily accommodates two families and is great for entertaining. The HOA private beach is a short walk with a beautiful pier, volleyball court, and BBQ area. Located close to town and local attractions. Must be used in 2011, March-­June, October-­December. ([FOXGHV Thanksgiving week and last two weeks of Decem-­ ber. Based on availability (no pets or smoking). The “Student Principal for a Day” will spend the day with Mr. Schaumleffel observing what it is he does and weighing in on the decisions he makes on that day. Some lucky “Principal” might get to add a recess, recognize a student, or reward a teacher! ([SLUHVEHIRUHWKHHQGRIWKHVFKRRO year. DONOR: Natalie & Ryan Coates VALUE: $2,250 DONOR: Steve Schaumleffel VALUE: $125 DONOR: You! 16. PRINCIPAL FOR A DAY AT WEIMAR HILLS 17 Placer Hills Education Foundation 17. BREAKFAST IN “BED” Ride in Mr. Lynn’s Peterbilt Semi-­Truck to school! 7KLVH[FLWLQJDGYHQWXUHLVIRURQHSDVVHQJHULQWKH front with seatbelt and three friends to sit in the back on the sleeper bed (without seat belts)! Before you get to school, stop at delicious Cafe Vista for a \XPP\EUHDNIDVWDQGXVH\RXUJLIWFHUWL¿FDWH An unforgettable arrival at school! DONOR: Brad Lynn Trucking and Kathy Ito VALUE: $200 19. WEEKEND STAY AT THE CLIF FAMILY WINERY ESTATE PROPERTY The Clif Family Winery, better known as “The Farm”, is representative to the Clif family of slow-­ LQJGRZQUHOD[LQJDQGHQMR\LQJOLIH While the Clif Family is best known for their energy bars, they also produce wine! 6L[SHRSOHZLOOHQMR\DUHOD[-­ ing weekend stay at the newly acquired Clif Family Winery Estate Property for two nights and three days. Come and be hosted at The Clif tasting room in downtown St. Helena for a private wine tasting. Dates to be mutually agreed upon. DONOR: Clif Family Winery VALUE: $560 18. PERSONAL CHEF SERVICES Scott Bollinger, chef at Cafe Vista, will come to your home and prepare a delicious and mouth watering dinner for up to 10 people. To make your dinner an affair to remember, ZHKDYHLQFOXGHGVL[ERWWOHVRI ZLQHDQGDJLIWFHUWL¿FDWH to Beauty Ranch at Auburn’s Farmer’s Market to assure that you have the fresh-­ est food for your meal. Date & menu to be mutually agreed upon, no Fridays. All food costs to be paid by host/bid winner. DONOR: Scott Bollinger, Beauty Ranch, Cafe Vista VALUE: $470 20. CRYSTAL BLUE LAKE TAHOE GETAWAY! Spend 3 nights in a beautiful 2-­story vacation home located in Kingwood Estates, Kings Beach. Situated on a cul-­de-­sac this 4 bedroom, 2 ½ bath house sleeps 11 and has TV/Satellite, DVD/Stereo, %%4DQG¿UHSODFHZLWKDQRSHQÀRRUSODQDQG well stocked kitchen. 5HOD[RQWKHXSSHURUORZHU sun decks or take advantage of the easy access to bike & hiking trails, golf, snow skiing, water sports and restaurants. Parking is limited to two cars in the winter months, four in the summer. Good for one year, date to be mutually agreed upon. DONOR: Judy Heimark VALUE: $750 18 Live Auction Items 21. BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR See the news happen and be part of it with this incredible H[SHULHQFHDWRXURI.295 Channel 13! A group up to 8 people will enjoy a tour of the station and then sit in the control room and watch the evening news live! Meet Sam Shane and your other favorite newscasters. $SSUR[LPDWHO\PLQ-­ utes long. :HKDYHLQFOXGHGDJLIWFHUWL¿FDWHWR In-­N-­Out to grab lunch as you head to the studio! Date to be mutually agreed upon, minimum 30-­days notice. DONOR: Sam Shane, KOVR 13 and Heidi LaBudde VALUE: $350 22. FAMILY DAY AT SQUAW VALLEY USA Come enjoy a day on the slopes at one of Lake Tahoe’s premier ski resorts. ([SHULHQFH6TXDZ9DOOH\¶VYDU-­ ied terrain and scenic views. The Harris Family will EH\RXUKRVWVIRUDIXQ¿OOHGGD\ The family’s 1960’s style condo will act as home base, including: hassle free parking, walking distance to the slopes, and a homemade lunch (adult beverages included). The VNLH[SHULHQFHLQFOXGHVOLIWWLFNHWVIRUDGXOWVDQG kids, as well as a 2-­hour ski lesson and mountain tour from Coach Ray. Lessons can range from beginner to H[SHUWPRJXOVDUHRXUVSHFLDOW\ If you don’t have ski equipment – no problem -­-­ free rentals will be provided by Snow Mountain Ski Shop in Auburn. So come join us for a day of mountain madness the whole family will enjoy! 2011 Silent and Live Auction 23. SERENITY AT SIERRA CITY VACATION HOME 7UHDW\RXUVHOIWRDOX[XULRXV getaway in the historic town of Sierra City for three nights. This new construction home is a charm-­ ing place to escape yet includes all the amenities of home. Two bedroom, two bath, full kitchen and laundry. &RPSOHWHWKHH[SHULHQFHE\SDPSHU-­ ing yourself with full VIP service for Breakfast and Dinner (additional charge arranged through prop-­ erty manager). Just minutes from the Yuba River DQGWKH3DFL¿F&UHVW7UDLO ([SHULHQFHWKHZDUPWK and hospitality of Sierra City. Guest must pay $50 cleaning fee. Available May 1, 2011 to June 20, 2011. DONOR: Mark & Jackie Reynolds VALUE: $594 24. VIP WINE TASTING FOR 7 Seven guests will enjoy a day being chauffeured around Amador County in a beautiful 31’ Win-­ nebago with this VIP Insiders Wine Tour. Meet the winemakers, enjoy special reserve tastings, barrel tastings and private tours. To make this day per-­ fect, Patty Bertz at Cafe Vista will put together a picnic lunch valued at $110. DONOR: Greg & Amy McNece, Cafe Vista and David Sobon VALUE: $360 DONOR: Ray & Eileen Harris and Snow Mountain VALUE: $550 19 Placer Hills Education Foundation 25. SHERIFF’S HUMMER RIDE & LUNCH RA F F L E #1 For The Rock Star In You! Have the thrill of your young life as the Placer County Sheriff Deputy picks you up in the Hummer and takes you for a ride and lunch for you and two of your friends. Pick up can be at your home or at school. Lunch will be at the restaurant of your choice in Placer County. Unique and special! Flip Video Ultra HD -­ 4GB Rock Band -­ PS3 Rock Band Drums -­ PS3 VALUE: $300 #2 Family Photo Fun! DONOR: 3ODFHU&RXQW\6KHULII¶V2I¿FH VALUE: $250 Classic Image Studio Family Portrait Package 5 Family Hair Cuts at 979 Hair Design VALUE: $385 #3 Placer Grown Galore Ikeda’s Gift Basket with Placer Grown products DQG3LH*LIW&HUWL¿FDWH *LIW&HUWL¿FDWHWR%HDXW\5DQFK$XEXUQ Farmers Market Signed copy of Placer County Real Food Cook-­ book, written by Joanne Neff 1 Dozen Organic Eggs each Friday for 14 weeks VALUE: $303 “A winning ticket will be pulled for EACH package at the beginning of the Live Auction.” 20 2011 Silent and Live Auction Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Green Section -­ Lot Number & Description 1001 JLIWFHUWL¿FDWHIRU0RXQWDLQ0DPDFORWKLQJ ERXWLTXH Donor: Mountain Mama Value: 1002 *LIW&HUWL¿FDWHWR%HOOH%HDXW\DQGJLIW FHUWL¿FDWHWR+DLU'HVLJQIRUKDLUFXW Donor:+DLU'HVLJQDQG Value: %HOOH%HDXW\6XSSO\ 1003 LQ6ZHHWSHDV*LIW&HUWL¿FDWHV Donor: Sweetpeas Value: 1004 Handmade necklace made of a combination of turquoise nuggets and chips with faceted red coral EHDGV1HFNODFHLVWRLQFKHVORQJ Donor:0V5R[DQQH/HPRV1HHVH Value: 1005 7ZRWLFNHWVWRD5LYHUFDWVJDPH6HDWVDUH IURQWURZDQGQH[WWRWKHKRPHGXJRXW*DPHGD\ WREHDJUHHGXSRQE\ZLQQHUDQGGRQRU Donor: Frank & Melissa Gianopulos Value: 1006 7ZR(YHQW7LFNHWVWRWKH,QG\*UDQG3UL[RI 6RQRPDDW,Q¿QHRQ5DFHZD\WREHKHOG$XJXVW Donor:,Q¿QHRQ5DFHZD\ Value: 1007 7ZRWLFNHWVIRUDQ\&DOLIRUQLD0XVLFDO7KHDWUH Production at The Cosmopolitan Cabaret Theatre at WKDQG.6WUHHWLQ'RZQWRZQ6DFUDPHQWR Donor: California Musical Theatre Value: 1008 *LIWFHUWL¿FDWHIRUIRXUZHHNVRIJ\PQDVWLFV WXPEOLQJOHVVRQVRUGDQFHFODVVHV5HJLVWUDWLRQ LQFOXGHG0XVWEHDQHZVWXGHQW Donor:([WUHPH*\PQDVWLFV Value: 1009 &DOVWDU0HPEHUVKLS([SLUHV Donor: Calstar Value: 1010 )UHVK2UJDQLF(JJVHYHU\)ULGD\3LFNXSDW:HLPDU +LOOVRI¿FH Donor: Jeff Morrison, WHS Value: 1011 +DQGPDGHZRRO+DQG%DJ Donor:/L]'LHGH Value: 1012 +DLUFXWDW7KH$UWLVWLF([SLUHV Donor: The Artistic Value: 1013 *LIW&HUWL¿FDWHWR13RWWHU\ Donor:13RWWHU\ Value: 1014 JLIWFHUWL¿FDWHJRRGWRZDUGVDQ\VHUYLFHDW$XEXUQ $XWR'HWDLO Donor: Auburn Auto Detail Value: 1015 2OG7RZQ3L]]D*LIW%R[LQFOXGLQJDJLIWFHUWL¿FDWH a large t-­shirt, pint glass, magnet, ink pen, two ounces RI7KDQNVJLYLQJFRIIHHELVFRWWLDQGFDUDPHO Donor:2OG7RZQ3L]]D Value: 1016 *LIW&HUWL¿FDWHIRU7UH3D]]L7UDWWRULD Donor:7UH3D]]L7UDWWRULD Value: 1017 Gift Basket from Cruiser’s Car Wash including car cleaning products and one month fast pass-­ unlimited ZDVKHVIRURQHFDU Donor: Cruiser’s Car Wash Value: 1018 Two Rounds (9 Holes) of Golf at Black Oak Golf &RXUVHLQFOXGHVJROIFDUW Donor: Black Oak Golf Course Value: 21 Placer Hills Education Foundation Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Green Section -­ Lot Number & Description 1019 2QH+DLUFXWDQG6W\OHE\.DUHQ6SDLQRI.DUHQ¶V .XW] Donor:.DUHQ¶V.XW] Value: 1020 *LIWFHUWL¿FDWHIRU*HOLVKPDQLFXUH Donor:'HE¶V+RXVHRI6W\OH Value: 1021 *LIW&HUWL¿FDWHIRUDQ([SUHVV)DFLDO ZLWK6KHOO\:LQWHUVDW(VVHQFH6DORQ6SD([SLUHV Donor: Essence Salon & Spa Value: 1022 *LIW&HUWL¿FDWHIRUD:RPHQ¶V+DLU&XWE\$QGUHD 'HDQDW(VVHQFH6DORQ6SD([SLUHV Donor: Essence Salon & Spa Value: 1023 *LIW&HUWL¿FDWHIRUD:RPHQ¶V+DLUFXWZLWK%ORZ 'U\E\7RQL:HVWDW(VVHQFH6DORQ6SD([SLUHV Donor: Essence Salon & Spa Value: 1024 2QH(XURSHDQ)DFLDODW%RG\);6DORQDQG6SDE\ &ODXGLD/LDQ Donor:%RG\);6DORQ6SD Value: 1025 +DQGPDGHQHFNODFHLQFKHVORQJZLWKIDFHWHG FORXG\4XDUW]GRQHZLWKDPL[RIVWHUOLQJVWHUOLQJ RYHUFRSSHUDQGVLOYHU Donor:5R[DQQH/HPRV1HHVH Value: 1026 Soccer registration for Placer Hills Youth Soccer 6RFFHU6HDVRQ%ULQJFHUWL¿FDWHWRUHJLVWUDWLRQ Donor: PHYS Value: 1027 /LQFROQ+LOOV*ROI)RXUVRPH0RQ7KXUVRQO\ Donor: Lincoln Hills Golf Value: 22 1028 JLIWFHUWL¿FDWHIRU(7&+DQG6WDPSHG-HZHOU\ &DQQRWEHUHGHHPHGIRUFDVK Donor:%HYHUO\%URZQ Value: (7&-HZHOU\ 1029 After school Hip-­Hop dance class at Sierra Hills 6FKRROZLWK%URRNH:LQJ6L[ZHHNVHVVLRQ ([SLUHV Donor: Brooke Wing Value: 1030 86'EDVNHWEDOOMHUVH\\RXWKODUJHDXWRJUDSKHG E\'LYLVLRQSOD\HU'HYRQ*LQW\DQGDSRVWHU ZLWKWKHHQWLUH8QLYHUVLW\RI6DQ'LHJR'LYLVLRQ EDVNHWEDOOWHDP¶VVLJQDWXUHV Donor:0DXUHHQ*LQW\6+6 Value: 1031 7RGGOHUJLIWEDJIURP£PHJXVWDEDE\LQFOXGHV VL]HWVKLUWSX]]OHZDVKDEOHGRWDUWERWWOHVRQH cardboard model of a dinosaur to assemble and color and Melissa & Doug Ice Cream Scoop & 6WDFNWR\ Donor:£PHJXVWDEDE\ Value: 1032 2QHIDPLO\SDVVWR6DFUDPHQWR=RRDQG)DPLO\RI IRXUSDVVHVWR)DLU\WDOHWRZQ Donor:)DLU\WDOH7RZQ,QF Value: DQG6DFUDPHQWR=RR 1033 7KUHHPRQWKVUHVLGHQWLDOJDUEDJHVHUYLFHXSWR YDOXHEDVHGRQUHVLGHQWLDOORFDWLRQ Donor: 5HFRORJ\ Value 1034 )DPLO\)XQ'D\LQ6DQ-RVHGD\DGPLVVLRQ WRWKH7HFK0XVHXPDQG)DPLO\)RXUSDFNIRU &KLOGUHQ¶V'LVFRYHU\0XVHXP Donor: The Tech Museum and Value: &KLOGUHQ¶V'LVFRYHU\0XVHXPRI6DQ-RVH 2011 Silent and Live Auction SI L E N T A U C TI O N IT E M S Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Green Section -­ Lot Number & Description 1035 4XLOW0DGH%\*LUO6FRXW%URZQLH7URRS Donor: Girl Scout Value: %URZQLH7URRS 1036 7ZR'R]HQ+DQGPDGHDQG'HFRUDWHG&XSFDNHV Donor: Carissa’s Cupboard Value: 1037 &RPSOLPHQWDU\SDVVJRRGIRUWZRWLFNHWVIRUDQ\% Street Theatre Production Donor:*HUU\+HLGL/D%XGGH Value: 1038 Necklace made of a sterling silver chain with glass EHDGV6WHUOLQJVLOYHUHDUULQJVZLWKJODVVEHDGV Donor:0&'HVLJQV Value: 1039 86$SX]]OHDQG$%&SX]]OH Donor:6X]DQQH6FRWWHQ Value: 1040 7KUHHPRQWKVUHVLGHQWLDOJDUEDJHVHUYLFHXSWR YDOXHEDVHGRQUHVLGHQWLDOORFDWLRQ Donor: 5HFRORJ\ Value 1041 *LIWEDVNHWZLWKJROIJLIWFDUGJRRGDW+DJJLQ 2DNV%DUWOH\&DYDQDXJK*ROI&RXUVHRU%LQJ 0DORQH\*ROI&RPSOH[$OVRLQFOXGHVIRXUJROI EDOOVWHHVDQGD³*ROI0RQH\´MDUZLWKFRUN Donor:0DUN.HOO\:DWWV Value: 1042 Passes to the California Automobile Museum and Four passes to California State Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento Donor: CA Automobile Museum Value and CA State Railroad Museum 23 Placer Hills Education Foundation Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Pink Section -­ Lot Number & Description 2001 2QHERWWOHRI$OH[DQGHU9DOOH\6LOYHU2DNDQG RQHERWWOHRI0F1HFH)DPLO\:LQHU\1DSD9DOOH\ FDEHUQHW Donor:*UHJ$P\0F1HFH Value: 2002 (QMR\DOXQFKRXWZLWK:+6WHDFKHU0UV$UQROGIRU \RXUFKLOGDQGWKUHHIULHQGV Donor: 1DQF\$UQROG:+6 Value: 2003 7ZRWLFNHWVWRWKH'DQ=DQHVDQG)ULHQGV SHUIRUPDQFHDWWKH0RQGDYL&HQWHU0DUFKWK DWSP Donor: Robert & Margrit Mondavi Value: Center for the Performing Arts 2004 Soda Springs Mountain Resort lift and tube YRXFKHUVIRUIRXUSHRSOH([SLUHVRUDWWKH HQGRIWKHVHDVRQ Donor: Soda Springs Value: Mountain Resort 2005 2QHUHJLVWUDWLRQIRU<'/%DVNHWEDOO([SLUHV Donor: Auburn Recreation District Value: 2006 0UV$EERWWZLOOKRVWDIXQFUDIWDQGVWRU\WLPHDW 0HDGRZ9LVWD3DUNZLWKXSWR¿YHSULPDU\VWXGHQWV 3DUW\WRWDNHSODFHDIWHUVFKRRO6QDFNZLOOEH SURYLGHG0XVWEHXVHGE\-XQH Donor:-R\FH$EERWW6+6 Value: 2007 One Fundamental Basketball Camp Tuition at &ROID[%DVNHWEDOO&DPSIRUWKWKJUDGHUV&DPS GDWHV7%'9DOLGIRUFDPSRQO\ Donor:&ROID[%R\V%DVNHWEDOO Value: 24 2008 $RQHGD\DGPLVVLRQIRUWZRSHRSOHWR&DOLIRUQLD¶V *UHDW$PHULFD9DOLGRQDQ\SXEOLFRSHUDWLQJ GD\1RWYDOLG-XO\RUIRUVSHFLDOWLFNHWHG HYHQWV Donor: California’s Great America Value: 2009 5RFN%XQQ\IURP$YDQWJDUGHQ Donor: Avantgarden Value: 2010 2I¿FH$VVLVWDQWIRUDGD\ZLWK0V0RHDW6+6 Your child can spend lunchtime and the afternoon ZLWK0V0RH6KHZLOOPDNHWKLVVWXGHQWDYHU\ VSHFLDOOXQFKDQGKHVKHZLOOZRUNLQWKHRI¿FHDV KHUDVVLVWDQWIRUWKHDIWHUQRRQ Donor: Maureen Rawlings, SHS Value: 2011 (QMR\DRQHQLJKWVWD\DW-RKQ$VFXDJD¶V1XJJHW LQ5HQR19,QFOXGHVDURRPLQWKH(DVWWRZHU DQGGLQQHUIRUWZRDWWKH5RWLVVHULH%XIIHW([SLUHV ([FOXGHVKROLGD\VDQGVSHFLDOHYHQW SHULRGV Donor: John Ascuaga’s Nugget Value: 2012 2QHPRQWKXQOLPLWHG\RJDDW(DVW:LQG<RJD Donor: East Wind Yoga Value: 2013 $JUHHQELUWKGD\SDUW\SDFNDJHDWWKH3ODFHU1DWXUH &HQWHULQFOXGLQJFDNHGHFRUDWLRQV Donor: Placer Nature Center Value: 2014 2QHERWWOHRI$OH[DQGHU9DOOH\6LOYHU2DNDQG RQHERWWOHRI0F1HFH)DPLO\:LQHU\1DSD9DOOH\ FDEHUQHW Donor:*UHJ$P\0F1HFH Value: 2011 Silent and Live Auction Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Pink Section -­ Lot Number & Description 2015 Black and white, hand-­made, fused glass FHQWHUSLHFHIRUIRXUFDQGOHV Donor:%HWK&RRQH\*ODVV$UW Value: 2016 7ZRKRXUSHUVRQDOWUDLQLQJVRFFHUVHVVLRQV *URXSWREHFRRUGLQDWHGZLWKGRQRU([SLUHV Donor: Bob Detwiler Value: 2017 One week of summer tennis camp at either Placer +LJK6FKRRORU'HO2UR+LJK6FKRRO9DOLG 'DWHV7%' Donor: Tom & Jennifer Isaac Value: 2018 7ZRIXOOGD\OLIWWLFNHWVDW6XJDU%RZO9DOLG6XQGD\ WKURXJK)ULGD\H[FHSWKROLGD\VIURP WKURXJKWKHFORVHRIWKHZLQWHUVHDVRQRU ZKLFKHYHUGDWHFRPHV¿UVW Donor: Sugar Bowl Value: 2023 2LO/XEH)LOWHU6HUYLFHSOXVHLWKHUNN NRUNVHUYLFHLQFOXGLQJEUHDNFKHFNWLUHV H[KDXVWVWHHULQJVXVSHQVLRQKHDWHUKRVHVEHOWV HWF7LUHURWDWLRQFRROLQJV\VWHPEDWWHU\WHVWLQJ DQGFRQVXOWDWLRQDW&DUDQG7UXFN3URV Donor: Car and Truck Pros Value: 2024 One month of prenatal and one month of postnatal \RJDDW&DQ\RQ6SLULW<RJD&HQWHU,QIDQW handmade alpaca wool sweater and three cotton FURFKHWHGSOD\EDOOV Donor:'HE+XU\Q Value: 0ROO\:ROII 2025 %LUWKGD\SDUW\IRUKRXUVRQD6DWXUGD\RU 6XQGD\DW$XEXUQ*\PQDVWLFV3DUW\IRUXSWR FKLOGUHQ([SLUHV Donor:$XEXUQ*\PQDVWLFV Value: 2020 2QHELF\FOHWXQHXSDW9LFWRU\9HOR%LNH6KRS Donor:9LFWRU\9HOR%LNH6KRS Value: 2026 $6L[0RQWK³3LHRIWKH0RQWK´6XEVFULSWLRQ $SULO-DFN'DQLHOV:DOQXW3LH0D\&RFRQXW Custard, June -­ Ginger Peach, -XO\$SSOH3LH$XJXVW2DWPHDO3LH 6HSWHPEHU'XWFK5DVSEHUU\ 6XEVWLWXWLRQVDYDLODEOHXSRQUHTXHVW%LGZLQQHU WRSLFNXSWKHLUSLHRQWKHVWRIWKHPRQWKDWWKH 0RQWH9LVWD,QQ Donor: Monte Vista Inn Value: 2021 $ZDWHUOLO\SDLQWLQJGRQHLQRLORQD[LQFK FDQYDV Donor:0V(ULQ%XWOHU Value: 2027 +DLUFXWDQGFRORUE\-DFNLH6LQRUDW7KH*DUDJH 6DORQ Donor: Jackie Sinor Value: 2022 7ZRIXOOGD\DGXOWOLIWWLFNHWVIRU6XJDU%RZO1RW YDOLGRQKROLGD\V*RRGIRUVHDVRQ Donor: Paul & Kristen Borcherding Value: 2028 0RXQWDLQ&RRS5DQFK'D\,QFOXGHVKRUVHEDFN WUDLOULGHIRURQHDGXOWDQGRQHFKLOGDQGRUDEXJJ\ ULGHD5DQFK'LQQHURUOXQFKZLWK\RXUKRVW$OH[LV &RRSHU%ULQJWKHZKROHIDPLO\IRUDGD\RIIXQ7R EHUHGHHPHG0LG0D\WKURXJK2FWREHU$IWHUWKH VQRZPHOWVEHIRUHLWFRPHVDJDLQ Donor:$OH[LV&RRSHU Value: 2019 Mini Dermasweep facial and a Freed Plastic 6XUJHU\FRQVXOWDWLRQ Donor: Vibrance Medical Spa Value: 25 Placer Hills Education Foundation Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Pink Section -­ Lot Number & Description 2029 Necklace is made of fresh water, faceted pearls ZLWKJROGYHUPHLOEHDGVJROG¿OOFKDLQDQGHWFKHG DEDORQHVKHOOSHQGDQW(DUULQJVDUHPDGHRIJROG YHUPHLOEHDGVJROG¿OOFKDLQOLQNDQGIUHVKZDWHU IDFHWHGSHDUO Donor:0&'HVLJQV Value: 2030 $PHULFDQ*LUO'ROO.DQDQL$NLQD*LUORIWKH <HDUDQGDFFRPSDQ\LQJSDSHUEDFNERRN³$ORKD .DQDQL´ Donor: American Girl Value: 2031 )RXURQHKRXUDUWOHVVRQV(ULQ%XWOHUZLOOWHDFK DQ\RQHKRZWRZRUNZLWKSDVWHOVWREHDXWLI\WKHLU OLYHV'DWHVWREHGHWHUPLQHGEHWZHHQZLQQLQJ ELGGHUDQGGRQRU Donor: Erin Butler Value: 2032 6NXQN7UDLQH[FXUVLRQLQFOXGHVDKDOIGD\URXQG trip for two adults from either Fort Bragg or Wilits 6WDWLRQWR1RUWKVSXUDQGEDFNRQWKLVKLVWRULFWUDLQ Donor:0HQGRFLQR5DLOZD\ Value: 2033 2QHRUWZREHJLQQHUÀ\¿VKHUPHQZRPHQRU FKLOGUHQ7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ)O\URGUHHOOLQHÀLHVDQG other equipment can be provided but an annual or RQHGD\&DOLIRUQLD¿VKLQJOLFHQVHZLOOEHQHHGHG 7ULSZLOOODVWKRXUVRQHDIWHUQRRQHYHQLQJWKLV VSULQJRUVXPPHU'DWHDQGWLPHVWREH PXWXDOO\DJUHHGXSRQ([SLUHV Donor:5DQGDOO+HQVOH\ Value: 2034 A mini-­series of three, one-­hour private or shared llessons with Winchester tennis instructor, Randall +HQVOH\DWWKH:LQFKHVWHU6ZLPDQG7HQQLVFHQWHU Includes the use of the instructor’s ball machine DQGUDFNHWLIQHHGHG*RRGIRURQHWRIRXUSOD\HUV /HVVRQWLPHDQGGHWDLOVWREHPXWXDOO\DJUHHG XSRQ Donor: Winchester Tennis Value: 26 2035 7XUNH\&UHHN)RXUVRPH9DOLG0RQGD\)ULGD\ Donor: 7XUNH\&UHHN*ROI&OXE Value: 2036 2QH3DLU1$276KRHV³1LFH´ZRPHQ¶VVL]HLQN FRORUOHDWKHUFORJVZLWKÀRZHUHPEURLGHU\ Donor: Root Lab Value: 2037 One hour of Reiki Treatment and Two hours of Nutrition and Herbal Counseling Donor:-R\IXO/LYLQJ6HUYLFHV Value: 2038 %RZOLQJELUWKGD\SDUW\SDFNDJHDQGJLIWFHUWL¿FDWH IRUFDNH([SLUHV Donor: Foothills Bowling Center Value: & Paula’s Bake Shop 2039 Gift basket from Longhorn Meats including gift FHUWL¿FDWHVDXFHVDQGDWVKLUW Donor: Longhorn Meats Value: 2040 )RXUKRXUSULYDWHVZLPOHVVRQVLQ\RXUSRRORU DSRROWREHDUUDQJHG)OH[LELOLW\LQVFKHGXOLQJ Donor: Patti Waskowiak, SHS Value: 2041 Four VIP passes to the Legion of Honor or the de Young Museum and four passes to California $FDGHP\RI6FLHQFHV9DOLGIURP Donor:&DOLIRUQLD$FDGHP\ Value: of Sciences 2042 &HUDPLFFKLSVDQGVDOVDSODWWHUSDLQWHGE\WKH VWXGHQWVRI0UV/RQJWLQ¶VFODVV$FFRPSDQLHGE\ FKLSVDQGVDOVD Donor:0UV/RQJWLQ¶Vth Value: Grade Class, WHS 2011 Silent and Live Auction Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Pink Section -­ Lot Number & Description 2043 )RXU[FDQYDVHVDEVWUDFWDUWLQVSLUHG XQLTXHO\GHVLJQHGE\0UV+DYHQ¶VWKJUDGH Donor:0UV+DYHQ¶Vth Value: Grade Class, WHS 27 Placer Hills Education Foundation Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Turquoise Section -­ Lot Number & Description 3001 Four front row seats and one front row parking spot IRUWKHUG*UDGHPXVLFDOSHUIRUPDQFHDW6LHUUD +LOOV6FKRRO9DOLGIRURQO\ Donor:rd Grade Teachers, SHS Value: 3002 3DUNLQJIRUWK*UDGH2SHQ+RXVH Donor: Steve Schaumleffel, WHS Value: 3003 )RXU6HD:RUOG6DQ'LHJRDGPLVVLRQWLFNHWV ([SLUHV1RWYDOLGRQ RU Donor: SeaWorld San Diego Value: 3004 3L]]DDQGPRYLHVZLWK0UV-RQHVUG*UDGH 7HDFKHUDW6+6*RRGIRUXSWRHLJKWNLGV Donor:&DURO\Q-RQHV6+6 Value: 3005 1DWXUH7UDLOZDONZLWK0UV/LQNXJHOIRUDIDPLO\ DQGDIULHQGRIWKHVWXGHQW,QFOXGHVVQDFNVGULQNV and a journal recording pictures of the event and ZLOGÀRZHUVFROOHFWHG2XWLQJWREHVFKHGXOHGIRU WKHVSULQJDQGLVZHDWKHUGHSHQGHQW Donor: Ann Linkugel, SHS Value: 3006 Four Tickets to a San Jose Sharks Game on 6DWXUGD\$SULODWSP Donor:$0.$+,5DGLR Value: 3007 )RXURQHGD\3DUN+RSSHUWLFNHWVWR'LVQH\ODQG ([SLUHV Donor:'LVQH\ODQG Value: 3008 (QMR\DSUHIHUUHGSDUNLQJVSRWDW6LHUUD+LOOV 6FKRROULJKWQH[WWRWKH3ULQFLSDO*RRGIRUGDLO\ XVHDVZHOODVVSHFLDOHYHQWV9DOLGIURPWKH WRWKH3+()$XFWLRQ Donor: Fred Adam, SHS Value: 28 3009 )DFHWHGVPRN\TXDUW]VWRQHVHWLQVWHUOLQJVLOYHU ZLUH$SSUR[LPDWHO\FDUDWV Donor: Cinderhill Value: 3010 *LIWFHUWL¿FDWHIRURQHIXOO\HDURI06$7KLV FHUWL¿FDWHHQWLWOHVWKHEHDUHUWRDRQH\HDU PHPEHUVKLSLQ0\6HFXUH$GYDQWDJH06$ ¿QDQFLDOFRDFKLQJSURJUDPDQGDOOWKHEHQH¿WV WKHUHLQLQFOXGLQJ0RQH\&RDFKLQJ,GHQWLW\7KHIW 3URWHFWLRQDQG/HJDO%HQH¿WV Donor:-DFNLH5H\QROGV06$ Value: 3011 (QMR\DQDVVLJQHGSDUNLQJVSRWIRUJUDGXDWLRQDW :HLPDU+LOOV6FKRRO Donor: Steve Schaumleffel, WHS Value: 3012 2ULJLQDODFU\OLFSDLQWLQJRQFDQYDVE\ORFDODUWLVW 0LFKHOOH2SIHUPDQWLWOHG*ROG'LJJHU 0HDVXUHV´E\´ Donor: Michelle Opferman Value: 3013 2ULJLQDODFU\OLFRQFDQYDVE\ORFDODUWLVW0LFKHOOH 2SIHUPDQWLWOHG/RYH0H/RYH0H1RW 0HDVXUHV´[´ Donor: Michelle Opferman Value: 3014 6WHUOLQJ6LOYHU(DUULQJ6HWZLWK&KDURLWH Donor: Roper’s Jewelers Value: 3015 Four front row seats and one front row parking spot IRUWKHUG*UDGHPXVLFDOSHUIRUPDQFHDW6LHUUD +LOOV6FKRRO9DOLGIRURQO\ Donor:rd Grade Teachers, SHS Value: 2011 Silent and Live Auction Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Turquoise Section -­ Lot Number & Description 3016 Calling all SHS kids! The kindergarten team is SODQQLQJDVSHFLDOQLJKWIRU\RX7KHFUHDWLYH teachers at SHS have put together an hour and DKDOIHYHQLQJRIFDPS¿UHH[FLWHPHQWZLWKD FDPS¿UHZHHQLHURDVWV¶PRUHVFDPSVRQJVDQG DWHQWIRUVFDU\VWRULHV8SWRVL[FKLOGUHQFDQHQMR\ WKHIXQDW&DPS.LQGHUJDUWHQ([SLUHVEHIRUHWKH HQGRIWKHVFKRRO\HDU Donor: Kindergarten Team, SHS Value: 3017 Three-­night tent trailer rental from Affordable RV 5HQWDOV1RWYDOLGRQKROLGD\ZHHNHQGV([SLUHV &HUWL¿FDWHPXVWEHSUHVHQW Donor: Affordable RV Rentals Value: 3018 )UHHWLPLQJEHOWUHSODFHPHQWRQF\OLQGHU7R\RWD DW0DVWHU7HFKQLFLDQVLQ$XEXUQ Donor: Master Technicians Value: 3019 &OLI%DUSDFNDJHLQFOXGHVHLJKWER[HVWRWDORI&OLI /XQD%DUVELGGHU¶VFKRLFHRIÀDYRUVWZHOYHEDUVLQ HDFKER[&OLI)DPLO\)DUP2OLYH2LO1DSD9DOOH\ FROGSUHVVHGH[WUDYLUJLQPO³5DLVLQJ7KH%DU´ ERRNVLJQHGE\*DU\(ULFNVRQ.LW&UDZIRUG RZQHUVDQGIRXQGHUVWZRERWWOHVRI&OLI:LQH 7KH&OLPEHU5HG:LQH.LW¶V.LOOHU&DE Donor: Clif Bar Value: 3020 )RRWORRVHDWWKH6HD5DQFK(QMR\WZRQLJKWV DQGWKUHHGD\VDWWKLVEHDXWLIXOQHZKRPHZLWK ³EOXHZKLWHZDWHU´YLHZV7KUHHEHGURRPVWZR EDWKURRPVZLOOHDVLO\DFFRPPRGDWHVL[SHRSOH (QMR\DÀDWPLOGPLOHZDONGRZQWR6KHOO%HDFK DQGFOLPELQWRWKHODUJHKRWWXEXSRQ\RXUUHWXUQ EDFNDWWKHKRXVH)LYHPLOHVVRXWKRI*XDODOD 0RQGD\7KXUVGD\RQO\([WUDQLJKWVDYDLODEOHIRU SXUFKDVH Donor::D\QH3ROO\*ULI¿WK Value: 3021 0LFURVRIW2I¿FH3URIHVVLRQDO Donor: Steve Rhode Value: 3022 0LFURVRIW:LQGRZV3URIHVVLRQDO Donor: Steve Rhode Value: 3023 2QH3DLU1$276KRHV³5DKLQD´ZRPHQ¶VVL]H EXUQWFRSSHUFRFRD0DU\-DQHV Donor: Root Lab Value: 3024 7ZRSDVVHVWRDQ\RI&ROID[+LJK6FKRROKRPH VSRUWLQJHYHQWV2QHDGPLVVLRQSHUSDVV9DOLGWKH HQWLUHVFKRRO\HDU Donor:&ROID[+LJK6FKRRO Value: 3025 &ROID[-U)DOFRQIRRWEDOODQGFKHHUVHDVRQSOD\HU UHJLVWUDWLRQIRUVHDVRQ Donor:&ROID[-U)DOFRQ Value: Football & Cheer 3026 2QH\HDUPHPEHUVKLSDW)LWQHVV/LIHLQ&ROID[ Donor:)LWQHVV/LIH Value: 3027 7ZRSDVVHVWRDQ\&ROID[+LJK6FKRRO3HUIRUPLQJ $UWVSHUIRUPDQFHV2QHDGPLVVLRQSHUSDVV9DOLG WKHHQWLUHVFKRRO\HDU Donor:&ROID[+LJK6FKRRO Value: 3028 JLIWFHUWL¿FDWHIRU/LWWOH'UDJRQÀ\ 3KRWRJUDSK\ Donor:/LWWOH'UDJRQÀ\ Value: 3KRWRJUDSK\ 29 Placer Hills Education Foundation Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Turquoise Section -­ Lot Number & Description 3029 :LQHWRXUIRUIRXUDGXOWV&XVWRPL]H\RXUFKRLFH RIHLWKHU6RQRPDRU0HQGRFLQR&KDUGRQQD\ =LQIDQGHORUDUDQGRPVDPSOLQJ3LFNXSDQGGURS RIIDW\RXUKRWHO$OOWDVWLQJIHHVDUHLQFOXGHG7RXU JHQHUDOO\ODVWVDURXQGKRXUVGHSHQGLQJRQWKH W\SHRIWRXUDQGGHVWLQDWLRQ Donor: Tour Mendocino Wines Value: 3030 2QH7LPEXNPHVVHQJHUEDJ¿OOHGZLWKVHYHQ DVVRUWHGER[HVRI.,1'EDUV Donor: Jason & Danielle Bliss Value: 3031 1DWLYH$PHULFDQ¿JXULQH:RPDQZLWK%DVNHWDQ RULJLQDOGHVLJQWKDWLVKDQGVFXOSWHGGLVSOD\LQJ LQWULFDWHGHWDLOV6KHZDVGHVLJQHGDQGVKDSHG HVSHFLDOO\IRUWKH3+()DXFWLRQE\D:+6 DOXPQXV Donor: Donna Hallman Designs Value: 3032 ZRUWKRIPHUFKDQGLVHRUVHUYLFHVIURP )LOPZRUNV3KRWRJUDSK\ Donor:)LOPZRUNV3KRWRJUDSK\ Value: 3033 2QHQLJKWVWD\DWWKH7UXFNHH'RQQHU/RGJHDQG IRXUOLIWWLFNHWVDW$OSLQH0HDGRZV Donor: Truckee Donner Lodge Value: & Norman Villarina 3034 One hour home color and interior design consultation from Connie Heilaman and painting of RQHDYHUDJHVL]HEHGURRPZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJVE\ 0DUNR&HNLF Donor: Connie Heilaman Value: & Marko Cekic 3035 -RLQ0UV$XVWLQDQGKHUKRUVHIRUDKRUVHEDFNULGH DQGSLFQLF<RXZLOOEHMRLQHGRQWKLVRXWLQJE\0UV 1HVELWWDQGWKHSXUFKDVHURIKHUOLNHDXFWLRQLWHP 2XWLQJWRWDNHSODFHLQWKHVSULQJ Donor:%HFNH\$XVWLQ:+6 Value: 30 3036 &DWWD9HUGHUD&RXQWU\&OXE)RXUVRPHZLWKFDUW GXULQJQRQPHPEHUWLPHV Donor: Catta Verdera Value: 3037 $GD\RI¿VKLQJIRUWKUHHFKLOGUHQRUDIDPLO\DW 'RQQHU/DNHKRVWHGE\'RQQDDQG*HRII5HQQLH %UHDNIDVWDQGOXQFKSURYLGHG'DWHWREHDUUDQJHG PXVWEHUHGHHPHGEHIRUH-XQH Donor: Geoff & Donna Rennie Value: 3038 :LQFKHVWHU&RXQWU\&OXE)RXUVRPHZLWKFDUW GXULQJQRQPHPEHUKRXUV Donor::LQFKHVWHU&RXQWU\&OXE Value: 3039 %HDFK7KHPHFUDIWSDUW\ZLWK:HLPDU+LOOV WHDFKHUV0UV*UDKDPDQG0UV3DXOIRUXSWRWHQ NLGV.LGVZLOOFUHDWHWZRFUDIWVRQHLVDQLQLWLDO FRYHUHGLQVHDVKHOOVDQGDMHZHOU\ER[FRYHUHGLQ VDQGZLWKDVHDVKHOORQWRS/LVWHQWROXDXPXVLF and snack on fruit and cupcakes with a Hawaiian ÀRZHURQWRS Donor:0UV*UDKDP Value: 0UV3DXO:+6 3040 -RLQ0UV1HVELWWDQGKHUKRUVH.QLJKWIRUD KRUVHEDFNULGHDQGSLFQLF<RXZLOOEHMRLQHGRQ WKLVRXWLQJE\0UV$XVWLQDQGWKHSXUFKDVHURIKHU OLNHDXFWLRQLWHP2XWLQJWRWDNHSODFHLQWKHVSULQJ Donor: Joanie Nesbitt, SHS Value: 3041 One month free membership at Auburn Racquet )LWQHVV&OXELQFOXGLQJRQHKRXU¿WQHVV assessment, one hour of Pilates Reformer WUDLQLQJDQGIUHHFDUGLRWHQQLVFODVV$OVRLQFOXGHG LVDZDLYHURIWKHVWDUWXSIHHIRUDQ\OHYHO PHPEHUVKLSLI\RXFKRRVHWRMRLQDIWHUWKHRQH PRQWKIUHHPHPEHUVKLSHQGV Donor: Auburn Racquet Value: & Fitness Club 2011 Silent and Live Auction Check out these silent auction sections for the unforgettable item or experience you can’t live without! Turquoise Section -­ Lot Number & Description 3042 2QHVLWWLQJEHQFKGHFRUDWHGDQGGRQDWHGE\0UV 1HVELWW¶VQGJUDGHFODVV Donor:0UV1HVELWW¶Vnd Value: Grade Class, SHS 3043 3DUNLQJIRUWK*UDGH([WUDYDJDQ]D9DOLGIRU RQO\ Donor: Steve Schaumleffel, WHS Value: The group has been together since 1998 and has played many clubs, private shows, and large venues. They have a very eclectic song list that is fun for a variety of age groups. They play very danceable Rock & Roll, Blues, Swing, Reggae, and Punk. Their goal is to give the best show every time they play and make it fun and memorable for their audience as well as for the band. For booking and info, please call: Mark at 530-­888-­ 6385 or Mike at 916-­416-­9148. 31 ,ƵŶĚƌĞĚƐŽĨDĞĚŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ͘͘͘ The same low price. ϯϬĚĂLJƐĨŽƌ$8.99 ϵϬĚĂLJƐĨŽƌ$11.99 Meadow Vista Pharmacy dƌLJŽƵƌƉƌĞƐĐƌŝƉƟŽŶSAVINGS PLANĂŶĚƐĂǀĞŽŶ ŚƵŶĚƌĞĚƐŽĨŵĞĚŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ͘ DŽƐƚϮϬϭϭDĞĚŝĐĂƌĞƉůĂŶƐĂĐĐĞƉƚĞĚ͘ (530) 878-­‐7440 භ 16893 Placer Hills Road, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 භ www.meadowvistapharmacy.com