Varmints Teacher Resource: Film Study Guide

Varmints – Resources for Second Level
Varmints is based on the book written by Helen Ward and illustrated by Marc Craste. The
film was produced by Studio AKA, who also adapted Oliver Jeffers’ Lost and Found. Marc
Craste also adapted and directed the film.
Simply told, with beautiful animation and music but no dialogue, Varmints tells the story
of one creature’s struggle to preserve nature in a thoughtless, destructive society. Just as
he thinks he’s failed, help arrives in a most unusual way….
Helen Ward’s book is titled Varmints - part 1 finishes on a cliff-hanger (part 2 has yet to
appear!) Consequently, the film ends on the same cliff-hanger leaving scope for pupils to
write their own sequence.
As they did with Lost and Found, Studio AKA have achieved the rare feat of taking a
thoughtfully written picture book and broadening the themes and characters into a
beautifully animated feature that enhances the story. Varmints has been nominated for a
BAFTA and short listed for an Oscar.
Before the film
It is unlikely that pupils will be familiar with the book. It would be worth seeking out a
copy (readily available on Amazon and can be ordered from Waterstone’s) and share the
book with the children, discussing their opinions of it and their expectations of the film –
what might be the same? What might be different? You can also watch the trailer
(available at and discuss the children’s expectations of the film. It
would also be worth looking up the meaning of ‘varmint’ and discuss its possible
relevance to the story.
Discussion Points
I regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts which I enjoy and find interesting, and I
can explain why I prefer certain texts and authors.
LIT 1-11a / LIT 2-11a
As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, main ideas and supporting
detail contained within the text, and use this information for different purposes.
LIT 2-04
The plot of Varmints is subtle – the viewer needs to work to follow the plot as there is no
dialogue and a cliff-hanger ending. Through careful questioning check that pupils have
understood the main sequence of events.
1 If you read the book, discuss the similarities and differences between the two. Which
do the pupils prefer?
2 Who are the varmints? Do they match the dictionary definition?
3 The film has no dialogue – only sound effects and music. Is that enough? Do you miss
dialogue? Can you think of any other films which have little or no dialogue?
4 What are the white bubbles? Who sent them?
5 What do you think happens next?
Activities Using the Film
1 The film uses colour to effectively portray the different moods of the country and the
city. Using the stills as a starting point, discuss the use of colour. The country shots
are soft and naturally coloured, the city shots, hard and grey. Offering a range of
media, ask pupils to experiment with their own ‘contrast’ pictures.
I have the opportunity to choose and explore an extended range of media and
technologies to create images and objects, comparing and combining them for specific
EXA 2-02a
I can create and present work that shows developing skill in using the visual elements and
EXA 2-03a
2 The film has no dialogue. As the book states, the city hinders the varmints from
listening to nature, so they just stop. Using worksheet 1, ask pupils to imagine what
the creature might be saying. This work could be displayed with a blown up version of
the still and speech bubbles.
I am learning to use language and style in a way which engages and/or influences my
ENG 2-27a
3 The mysterious white bubbles appear to arrive to save the day – but what are they and
where did they come from? The cliffhanger ending gives pupils plenty of opportunity to
write a sequel. A simpler activity would be to use the clip available at (labelled clip 01) and worksheet 2 to describe the bubbles and
use the words and phrases to write a poem.
I enjoy creating texts of my choice and I regularly select subject, purpose, format and
resources to suit the needs of my audience.
LIT 1-20a / LIT 2-20a
I am learning to use language and style in a way which engages and/or influences my
ENG 2-27a
After the film
Varmints would be a terrific stimulus for a topic on plants, as the film prompts a variety of
questions that pupils could use as a basis for their own research. Ideas may include:1 The creature manages to keep his plant alive in the city despite the poor environment.
Take a walk round the playground and surrounding streets, noting and photographing
any plants that are growing wild. Try to identify species.
2 Plants don’t grow in the sick city. Investigate the health giving properties of plants
from a healthy diet to medicines.
3 The opening shots of the film show wind seed dispersal. Investigate plants which
distribute seeds like this (dandelions are usually plentiful!) What other methods of
seed dispersal are there?
I can identify and classify examples of living things, past and present, to help me
appreciate their diversity. I can relate physical and behavioural characteristics to their
survival or extinction.
SCN 2-01a
Through carrying out practical activities and investigations, I can show how plants have
benefited society.
SCN 2-02b
A superior film like Varmints, which takes a well written book and not only matches the
quality but extends and broadens the characters and themes, is such a valuable resource.
Enjoy using it! For other opinions, check out reviews on the Internet Movie Database.
Varmints Worksheet - Listen!
Name _______________________
What might the creature be saying? Write his dialogue around
the picture.
Varmints Worksheet - The White Bubbles
Name _____________________
Watch the clip of the mysterious white bubbles. Jot down words
and phrases to describe them. Think about the way they look, how
they move and why they appear.