Section 2 Assignment Template and Specification Level 3 Certificate in Electrotechnical Technology 2330 Assignment template 2330-303 Unit 3 Installation (Buildings and Structures) Fault Diagnosis and Rectification Time allocation Recommended 10 hours General Guidance Attention to health and safety and potential risks is an essential aspect of this assignment. Centres should ensure that all necessary tools, equipment and materials are available to candidates. Further guidance is available in the 2330 scheme handbook in section 2.4/2.5 Practical Content The centre devised assignment must cover the following: Outcome 1 – Practical activities 1. 2. utilise safe methods for undertaking fault diagnosis determine faults in electrotechnical systems and equipment Outcome 2 – Practical activities 1. apply rectification techniques 2. determine appropriate procedures for re commissioning of electrical installations and the related systems, components and equipment 3. demonstrate safe and efficient practices 4. restore system, equipment and component to working order Assessment Underpinning knowledge A test containing sixteen short answer questions will be provided by City & Guilds on request. Full guidance on grading and calculating the overall grade for the unit is given in the scheme handbook section 2.4/2.5 Grading Planning, preparation and recording Grading criteria – Pass = 1 mark Credit = 2 marks Distinction = 3 marks A pass candidate may have sought advice prior to carrying out tasks, required Pass assistance in planning and setting up and selecting equipment and consumables and preparing materials before commencing the task. Report forms showed minimum amount of required detail. Candidates may have required up to two attempts to correct and complete the outcomes A credit candidate will complete the tasks in an efficient manner. Ensuring Credit that all consumables, equipment, prepared materials, procedures, specifications and any other required documentation is ready to hand and is in the appropriate condition. Report forms will show all detail required. Candidates may have required one attempt to correct and complete the outcomes. Distinction In addition to the above a distinction candidate works independently and makes efficient use of consumables, equipment and prepared materials. Report forms will show all detail required. Grading Practical activities Grading criteria – Pass = 2 marks Credit = 4 marks Distinction = 6 marks Pass The candidate will undertake to: • use manufacturers’ catalogues, or other given data — identify components in an electrical systems in relation to a system drawing — identify the function of electrical components in a circuit — identify the required voltage, power rating of components — identify safe practices • relate current legislation and codes of practice to the given tasks • identify the materials, tools and equipment required for a given task and prepare requisitions or works orders as required • carry out fault diagnosis and rectification within an electrical installation • • reinstate the work area to its original condition produce a report based on the actions above The candidate must achieve all the criteria above and may require up to two additional attempts to correct and complete the outcomes Credit In addition to the above a credit candidate will complete the tasks in an efficient manner. The candidate may require one additional attempt to Distinction complete the outcomes. In addition to the above a distinction candidate will work to a timescale in accordance with industrial norms. Working independently and efficiently at all times. All centre devised assignments must be approved for use by the External Verifier. Underpinning knowledge Test Specification for underpinning knowledge questions No of questions Learning Outcome 01 Use safe, effective and efficient working practices to undertake fault diagnosis 10 02 Carry out commissioning and restore systems, components and equipment to working order 6 Totals 16 The tutor/assessor should mark the questions according to the marking scheme provided and calculate the percentage mark Grading criteria Pass=1 mark Credit = 2 marks Distinction = 3 marks 50 – 64% Pass 65 – 79% Credit Distinction 80 – 100% % 100