Billing Methodology Development Project How Does NEW Water Calculate Bills for Its Customers? Frequently Asked Questions Questions Who are NEW Water’s customers? How often does NEW Water issue invoices? Do residents receive invoices from NEW Water? How are customers of NEW Water invoiced for wastewater treatment services? How is each customer’s wastewater flow and loadings invoiced? Why are there unmetered and unsampled wastewaters? What is the frequency of wastewater flow metering measurements? What parameters does NEW Water sample? How does NEW Water collect and analyze samples? Answers NEW Water currently provides wholesale wastewater treatment services for 18 municipal customers comprised of cities, villages, towns and sanitary districts in Northeast Wisconsin. NEW Water issues wastewater treatment service invoices on a monthly basis to its 18 municipal customers, who then in turn bill their customers/residents. No. NEW Water issues invoices directly to its municipal customers. Those customers in turn bill their residents, often adding on surcharges or their own recovery fees, independent of NEW Water. NEW Water’s billing rates incorporate a fixed charge, which covers 15% of NEW Water’s total annual revenues to cover debt and capital payment, and a variable charge which is based on each customer’s wastewater flow and loadings. NEW Water has four methods to invoice a customer for its wastewater flow and loadings. These methods were approved by the NEW Water Commission and are contained in either the Sewer Use Ordinance or within sewer service agreements: 1) Metered flow and sampled wastewater 2) Metered flow and unsampled wastewater 3) Unmetered flow and unsampled wastewater 4) Population Equivalency NEW Water adheres to established guidelines and criteria to determine when a drainage basin is metered and/or sampled. NEW Water strives to meter every customer whenever possible. It is not technically and/or economically feasible, however, to individually meter and sample every pipe location which enters into the system. In many instances the flows are too low or inconsistent to obtain reliable test results. NEW Water’s flow meters provide continuous flow monitoring data. The data can be imported from 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, hourly to daily increments. NEW Water analyzes wastewater samples using four strength parameters: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids, Phosphorus, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. NEW Water’s Field Services Department is out in the sewer service area on a regular basis, collecting wastewater samples from manholes and from metering stations each day. A wastewater sampler is programmed to take a “sample” (25 to 50 milligrams) of well mixed wastewater at established flow frequencies, like every 10,000 gallons. NEW Water sets the sample frequency appropriately to the flow Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 What is the frequency of wastewater sampling? How are my invoiced wastewater strengths determined if my community is not sampled daily? How are unmetered and unsampled wastewater units determined? What is the I/I (inflow & infiltration) charge on my invoice and how is it determined? Why is NEW Water reviewing the customer billing methodology? How can I find out more about NEW Water’s services? condition and strives to collect about 45-50% of the sample container size. The collected wastewater samples are returned to NEW Water’s Wisconsin State-Certified Laboratory for analysis per established laboratory standards and procedures. The sampling frequency at each location varies based on the variability of the wastewater. More variability equals a higher sampling frequency. The following are the current sampling frequencies used by NEW Water: 1) Daily 2) 1 week every 2 weeks 3) 1 week every month 4) 1 week every 2 months 5) 1 week every 3 months NEW Water’s computerized billing system will average the strength data for a rolling 12 months. Example, March 2014 invoice: The program will utilize the average unit concentration from 03/31/13 to 03/31/14 and apply it to the recorded daily flow to derive the daily mass of each parameter. The unmetered and unsampled wastewater units are determined from comparable preselected meter stations that exhibit a strong residential with a minor commercial wastewater mix. A regression analysis is performed on each unit parameter to determine the appropriate units based against the 30-year average precipitation amount. The wastewater I/I (inflow & infiltration) charge is for theoretic/calculated leakage into the NEW Water owned Interceptor system that enters downstream of meter stations. The process for I/I distribution is defined in the Sewer Use Ordinance. Older sewer pipes within the system (greater than 20 years) are assigned 700 gallons whereas newer pipes (less than 20 years) are assigned 200 gallons per inch mile. A customer’s portion of the daily I/I amount is determined from their pervious year wastewater flow contribution. Essentially, if customer “x” contributed 3.2% of the annual flow to the Green Bay Treatment Facility they would pay for 3.2% of the calculated I/I charge. After 40 years, the greater Green Bay community has changed significantly, as has the composition of NEW Water’s customer base, and product it receives. In April 2014, NEW Water launched a Billing Methodology Development Project to review how well the status quo billing methodology is performing, research alternative wastewater treatment service billing methodologies, engage municipal stakeholders, compare options against the status quo, and recommend a framework for a new billing methodology. NEW Water has proudly been serving greater Northeast Wisconsin community for more than 80 years, 365-24-7. NEW Water treats on average 38 million gallons of water each day before returning it clean to the environment. For more information, please visit our website: