SCOPE, SEQUENCE, COORDINATION and A National Curriculum Project for High School Science Education This project was funded in part by the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Foundation. The SS&C Project encourages reproduction of these materials for distribution in the classroom. For permission for any other use, please contact SS&C, National Science Teachers Association, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201-3000. Copyright 1996 National ScienceTeachers Association. SCOPE, SEQUENCE, and COORDINATION SS&C Research and Development Center Gerry Wheeler, Principal Investigator Erma M. Anderson, Project Director Nancy Erwin, Project Editor Rick McGolerick, Project Coordinator Arlington, Va., 703.312.9256 lowa School Sites and Lead Teachers Pleasant Valley H.S., William Roberts North Scott H.S., Mike Brown North Carolina Coordination Center Evaluation Center Charles Coble, Center Co-Director Jessie Jones, School Coordinator East Carolina University, 919.328.6172 Frances Lawrenz, Center Director Doug Huffman, Associate Director Wayne Welch, Consultant University of Minnesota, 612.625.2046 North Carolina School Sites and Lead Teachers Tarboro H.S., Ernestine Smith Northside H.S., Glenda Burrus Houston SS&C Materials Development and Coordination Center Puerto Rico Coordination Center* Linda W. Crow, Center Director Godrej H. Sethna, School Coordinator University of Houston-Downtown, 713.221.8583 Manuel Gomez, Center Co-Director Acenet Bernacet, Center Co-Director University of Puerto Rico, 809.765.5170 Houston School Sites and Lead Teachers Jefferson Davis H.S., Lois Range Lee H.S., Thomas Ivy Jack Yates H.S., Diane Schranck Puerto Rico School Site UPR Lab H.S. * * * * * * * * * * * * California Coordination Center Tom Hinojosa, Center Coordinator Santa Clara, Calif., 408.244.3080 California School Sites and Lead Teachers Sherman Indian H.S., Mary Yarger Sacramento H.S., Brian Jacobs Pilot Sites Site Coordinator and Lead Teacher Fox Lane H.S., New York, Arthur Eisenkraft Georgetown Day School, Washington, D.C., William George Flathead H.S., Montana, Gary Freebury Clinton H.S., New York, John Laffan* Iowa Coordination Center Robert Yager, Center Director University of Iowa, 319.335.1189 *not part of the NSF-funded SS&C Project. Advisory Board Project Associates Dr. Rodney L. Doran (Chairperson), University of Buffalo Bill G. Aldridge SciEdSol, Henderson, Nev. Dr. Albert V. Baez, Vivamos Mejor/USA Dorothy L. Gabel Indiana University Dr. Shirley M. Malcom, American Association for the Advancement of Science Dr. Shirley M. McBay, Quality Education for Minorities Dr. Paul Saltman, University of California-San Diego Dr. Kendall N. Starkweather, International Technology Education Association Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, Ohio Center of Science and Industry Stephen D. Druger Northwestern University George Miller University of California-Irvine National Science Education Standard—Life Science Biological Evolution Natural selection and its evolutionary consequences provide a scientific explanation for the fossil record of ancient life forms, as well as for the striking molecular similarities observed among the diverse species of living organisms. The millions of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that live on Earth today are related by descent from common ancestors. Teacher Materials Learning Sequence Item: 1003 Structural Factors in Evolution May 1996 Adapted by: William T. George and Linda W. Crow Natural Selection and Its Evolutionary Consequences. Students should review examples of homologous, analogous, and vestigial structures. They should distinguish between divergent and convergent evolution as they relate to natural selection. They should also examine phyletic trees of major groups of plants and animals and the isolating mechanisms that cause speciation. (Biology, A Framework for High School Science Education, p. 108.) Contents Matrix Suggested Sequence of Events Lab Activities 1. Uncommon Relatives! 2. The Nuts and Bolts of Phyletic Tree Making 3. Life on Earth 4. Human Variation with Possible Adaptive Value Assessments 1. Homologies 2. Phyletic Trees 3. Adaptations, I 4. Adaptations, II This micro-unit was adapted by William T. George (Georgetown Day School, Washington, D. C.) and Linda W. Crow (University 3 of Houston-Downtown) 1003 Natural Selection and Its Evolutionary Consequences. Students should review examples of homologous, analogous, and vestigial structures. They should distinguish between divergent and convergent evolution as they relate to natural selection. They should also examine phyletic trees of major groups of plants and animals and the isolating mechanisms that cause speciation. (Biology, A Framework for High School Science Education, p. 108.) Learning Sequence Science as Inquiry Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Science and Technology Uncommon Relatives! Activity 1 Human Variation with Possible Adaptive Value Activity 4 The Nuts and Bolts of Phyletic Tree Making Activity 2 Life on Earth Activity 3 Homologies Assessment 1 Phyletic Trees Assessment 2 Adaptations, I Assessment 3 Adaptations, II Assessment 4 4 History and Nature of Science Suggested Sequence of Events Event #1 Lab Activity 1. Uncommon Relatives (45 minutes) Event #2 Lab Activity 2. The Nuts and Bolts of Phyletic Tree Making (45 minutes) Alternative or Additional Activities 3. Life on Earth (1 hour) Event #3 Lab Activity 4. Human Variation with Possible Adaptive Value (45 minutes) Event #4 Readings from Science as Inquiry, Science and Technology, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives, and History and Nature of Science Suggested readings: Asimov, Isaac, “Classifying Life,” A Short History of Biology, Garden City, N.Y.: The Natural History Press, 1964, pp. 31–37. Campbell, Neil A., “The Evolutionary History of Biological Divsersity,” Biology, 3rd Ed., Redwood City, Calif.: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc., pp. 500–503. Preiser, Rachel, “Evolution Watch,” Discover Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 5, March 1996, p. 30. Zimmer, Carl, “Evolution Watch,” Discover Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 3, March 1996, p. 34. Assessment items are at the back of this volume. 5 Assessment Recommendations This teacher materials packet contains a few items suggested for classroom assessment. Often, three types of items are included. Some have been tested and reviewed, but not all. 1. Multiple-choice questions accompanied by short essays, called justification, that allow teachers to find out if students really understand their selections on the multiple choice. 2. Open-ended questions asking for essay responses. 3. Suggestions for performance tasks, usually including laboratory work, questions to be answered, data to be graphed and processed, and inferences to be made. Some tasks include proposals for student design of such tasks. These may sometimes closely resemble a good laboratory task, since the best types of laboratories are assessing student skills and performance at all times. Special assessment tasks will not be needed if measures such as questions, tabulations, graphs, calculations, etc., are incorporated into regular lab activities. Teachers are encouraged to make changes in these items to suit their own classroom situations and to develop further items of their own, hopefully finding inspiration in the models we have provided. We hope you may consider adding your best items to our pool. We also will be very pleased to hear of proposed revisions to our items when you think they are needed. 6 1003 Activity 1 Teacher Sheet Science as Inquiry Uncommon Relatives! How do the bones of animal limbs compare? Overview: The purpose of this activity is to focus on how homologous structures support the theory of common decent. Students will examine homologous bone structures found in a frog arm, a chicken wing and a human arm. Materials: Per lab group: chicken wing (fresh from grocery store) dissecting pan forceps frog, preserved gloves, disposable, 1 pr scalpel scissors skeleton, human (model or chart) Procedure: Fresh frog legs (but not arms) are often available in grocery stores. These fresh legs may be useful to you to avoid the problems of preserved specimens. Do to the nature of this activity, it is not suggested to catch living frogs and use them for this procedure. Strippng the Skin from the Arm. Using a scalpel and a dissecting pan, students cut the skin around the base of the frog’s arm where it joins the body. Instruct them to grasp the edge of the skin with forceps and pull the skin down the arm toward the digits. If this procedure seems difficult, it sometimes help to pull the frog’s arm upward toward the head, extending it as far as possible. It is very similar to removing the skin from a piece of chicken before cooking. Removing Arm from Shoulder. Using scissors, students cut the muscle around the base of the arm to expose the bone. Warn them to be careful doing this part of the procedure and to proceed slowly. If they do not they may lose part of what they want to see. At this point they will have the bones of the shoulder and arm exposed. Next, they loosen the arm from the shoulder by rotating the arm in a circular fashion and pulling it backward. Some connective tissues may have to be cut to completely free the arm from the shoulder. Revealing the Skeletal System of Arm. With the arm successfully removed from the shoulder, students cut away the muscles, trying not to disturb the skeletal system. Suggest that they gently scrap 7 1003 Activity 1 the bones to move as much muscle and connective tissue as possible. Finally have them draw this dissected arm, showing the arrangements of bones in the frog arm. Detail is important so encourage them to show as much as possible. Chicken Wing. Repeat this process using a chicken wing. Since the wing is already removed from the shoulder, Students need only strip the skin and remove the muscular tissue. Again have them draw the arrangement of the bones in the chicken wing. Upon completion of both of these dissections, have students compare the frog arm, chicken wing and human arm (using a chart or model). In each case students will need to determine the total number of bones, point out any similarities in structure of the limbs, similarities in the shape of the bones and similarities in the arrangement of the bones. In a large group discussion, discuss these similarities using the illustrations of bone structures. Introduce the terms—homologous and vestigial structures. Background: This activity has been done to point out that anatomical similarities between species will often indicate a common descent in evolutionary terms. The same skeletal elements make up the limbs of humans, chickens, and frogs, although these appendages are used in very different ways. These structures are referred to as homologous because they are similar in structure but different in function. Obviously a chicken uses its wings to fly, the frog uses its limbs to jump, and humans use their arms for grasping and pulling. All of these limbs have different functions, but they all have similar structures as revealed by the skeletal comparisons. In fact, some of the same bones are present although the specific design details do vary. Some structures have similar functions but not similar structures. These structures are referred to as analogous. The wing of a insect and the wing of a bat are both used for flying, but their structures are very different. A common descent hypothesis was proposed by Darwin to explain the anatomical similarities between organisms. All vertebrate forelimbs contain the same set of bones that are organized in similar ways. Although their functions are not similar, this structural evidence points toward a common ancestor with a basic forelimb that was modified through an evolutionary pathway. There are some structures that are labeled as vestigial because they are not functional. Humans have a tailbone but no tail. Some snakes have visible (yet useless) legs. These vestigial structures provide a glimpse of perhaps a former functional structure that is no longer useful. At the end of this activity , it is important to introduce to the students to the terms—homologous, analogous, vestigial—and to the theory of common descent. Have them provide examples of each of these types of structures. There are many more than mentioned in this brief background section. Variations: A comparison of chick and pig embryos can also be used to provide embryological evidence of common descent. Slides of 72–96 hour chick and 8–l0 mm pig embryos are needed for this activity and the teacher should become familiar with structural features of these embryos in order to show similarities. 8 1003 Activity 1 Bone Structures Similar bones are shaded with identical patterns. Adapted from: Biological Science Curriculum Study, Biological Science, An Ecological Approach, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1987. Campbell, Neil A., Biology, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., 1990. Miller, Kenneth R., and Joseph Levine, Biology, Prentice Hall, 1991. Volpe, E. Peter, Understanding Evolution, 2nd Ed., Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers, 1970, p. 131. 9 1003 Activity 2 Teacher Sheet Science as Inquiry The Nuts and Bolts of Phyletic Tree Making How can a phyletic tree be constructed? Overview: The purpose of this investigation is to allow students to become familiar with the techniques involved in constructing a phyletic tree. It is assumed that in previous grade levels students have had basic experiences in classification (see Micro-Units 901, 903 and 905). Materials: Per lab group (2 students): box, small (or plastic bag) containing 20 of the following items: small springs pencils paper clips cup hooks staples washers Phillips-head machine screws wing nuts wood screws stop nuts l-cm square of wire screen straight nails picture hanging screws slotted-head screws metal snaps Phillips pan-head screws safety pins watch gears 1-cm lengths of wire thumbtacks paper fasteners drawing paper metric ruler Procedure: Before class begins, prepare boxes or bags with 20 of the hardware and office supply pieces. Each lab group will need one of these for this activity. Be sure that each one has the same 20 pieces but none of these 20 pieces can be duplicates. Using the drawing paper, students empty the contents of the box on top of the paper. Ask them to divide all the objects into two groups based on some observable characteristic that is present in one group and totally absent in the other group. For example, one characteristic that could be used is the presence or absence of a head ( nails can have a head and nuts do not). As you move around the room check to see if this first division is based on the total presence or absence of the chosen characteristic. Have students place one Observable characteristic group on one side of the paper and the other on the other side of the paper. absent present Next students use a ruler to draw a 2-inch V using two lines at the bottom of the paper. Have student label the upper ends of the V-head with 10 1003 Activity 2 the characteristic that is present in one group and absent in the other group. At this point they have just established the first evolutionary step in constructing their phyletic tree. Students continue the process and divide each group into further groups. This division is always Observable characteristic based on the presence or absence of an observable characteristic. Each time they should draw their Vabsent present shaped lines and label the ends with the characteristic used. Challenge them to continue it until they only have one item in each group. This challenge may be difficult to achieve if the pieces are similar. If they accomplish this feat, they should have 20 different groups at the top of their paper and each of these groups will have only one member. Have them post their trees without the objects and review with the class the strategies used. Some things to look for is the use of the same characteristic on each side of the tree but at different levels. Color is usually not a good characteristic to use because of its variability. You may want to have some other pieces to introduce at this time that can be classified using the different phyletic trees. A good system should be able to accommodate new items. If not, the system must be revised. Background: African Impala Oryx Aepyceros Red Deer Reindeer Oryx Cervus Rangifer Bovidae Cervidae Ass Horse Zebra Equus (genus) Equidae (family) Ungulata (order) Sample Tree Diagram 11 Modern systematists classify Common ancestor organisms in phyogenetic tees to reflect the evolutionary history of a group of organisms. These trees reflect this phylogeny and usually resemble the sample tree diagram. Organisms are more closely related if they have a more recent common ancestor. In the example shown, the impala and oryx are more closely related to one another than the impala and the reindeer. The steps involved in creating a tree are similar to what was done in this activity. These steps are: identification of the character traits, identification of the different states of these characters, and deciphering a pattern of evolution for the characters based on which ones are the oldest versions. 1003 Activity 2 Variations: Encourage students to compare and contrast phyletic trees of objects and phyletic trees of living organisms. Refer to Activity l in discussions of living phyletic trees and the theory of common descent. Use recent discoveries of deep-sea vent organisms or human evolution to spark discussions. Adapted from: Madder, Sylvia S., Biology, 4th Ed., Brown, 1993. Thompson, Ron, Sherry Braun, Jay Young, and James Pulley, Biology Investigations, Heath Publishing, 1991. 12 1003 Activity 3 an alternative activity for Event 2 Teacher Sheet Science as Inquiry Life on Earth How do organisms compare? Overview: The purpose of this activity is to compare similarities and differences among phyla of plants and animals; relate structural adaptations to the evolution of these groups and develop phyletic trees among the common groups of plants and animals representing life on Earth. It is assumed that students have had previous experiences in creating phyletic trees (see Activity 2). Materials: Per lab group (3–4 students): algae, live (chlorophytes, phaeophytes, rhodophytes) plants, live or preserved, (mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms) animals, live or preserved (cnidarians, jellyfish, worms, mollusks, starfish, arthropods, echinoderms, chordates) probes, blunt hand lens or stereo microscope metric rulers pencils reference materials Procedure: This activity should be separated into 2 parts: plant diversity and animal diversity. Each lab station should contain several representative genera from each of the divisions and phyla of plants and animals listed above. A minimum of 3 representatives are need to support the objectives of the activity. A lab station could contain the following: Plant Diversity. Algaes—Fucus, Sargassium, Ulva, Polysiphonia. Mosses—Marchantia, Sphagnum, Polytrichum, Mnium. Ferns—Polypodium, Pteridium, Asplenium, Polystichum. Lycopods—Lycopodium, Psilotum, Equisetum, Selaginella. Gymnosperms—Ginkgo, Pinus, Juniperus, Tsuga. Angiosperms— Magnolia, Lilium, Chrysanthemum. Animal Diversity. Sponges—Grantia, Leucosolenia, Spongilla. Cnidarians—Hydra, Obelia, Aurelia, Metridium. Worms—Taenia, Planaria, Ascaris, Lumbricus, Nereis. Mollusks—Mya, Helix, Ostrea, Loligo. Arthropods—Limulus, Scolopendra, Spirobolus, Romalea, Argiope. Echinoderms—Asterias, Cucumaria, Arbcia. Chordates—Entosphenus, Raja, Squalus, Amia, Necturus, Bufo, Anolis. Materials for this activity can be purchased at any major biological supply house. You may substitute any genera as long as major groups are represented. Students use their phyletic tree-building skills to separate the common groups of plants and animals and build a phyletic tree for each kingdom using representative organisms at each station. They base their phyletic trees on comparative macroscopic observations. Ask them to provide evidence to support their 13 1003 Activity 3 schemes. Their evidence must include similarities and differences among the divisions and phyla of living organisms. Structural adaptations related to the evolution of the groups can be introduced. Only common names of the specimens should be used. (Possible extension: ask students to research taxonomic names found in each group.) It is important that students see the application of Activity 2, using these living or preserved specimens. To guide students through this exercise the teacher should become familiar with structural similarities and differences of these organisms, habitat and niche requirements of the representative genera at each station, and range of distribution of these organisms. After students have constructed their phyletic trees, ask them to defend their model to the class. As an extension, ask students to support the accuracy of their phyletic tree using library reference materials. Background: The major groups are described and their characteristics that are important for classification purposes are listed: Plants. Algae are aquatic organisms that produce their food through the process of photosynthesis. Although all of them contain chlorophyll, there are other pigments that they can contain and usually they are named for this other type of pigment (green algae, brown algae, blue-green algae). In classifying them , their color, structure and living habits become important. Structural features such as presence or absence of flagella and unicellular or multi-cellular are examples of these distinguishing features. Living habits refers to whether the algae is colonial or exists as a single individual. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Fucus, Sargassium, Ulva and Polysiphonia. Fucus (or rockweed) is a brown, multi-cellular, marine algae and one of the larger varieties. They can be stored for long periods in a refrigerator. Their name comes from their characteristic brown or brown-green color which is due to the presence of a carotenoid pigment. Brown algae is harvested for human consumption and used as fertilizer in some parts of the world. Algin which is a pectin-like material is derived from these seaweeds. This substance is used in ice cream and cheeses to give them a smooth consistency. Sargassium (or rockweed) is a brown algae They often have a slimy feel which protects them from wave action. They will often break off and congregate in large masses in the ocean. Ulva (or sea lettuce) are multi-cellular green algae and are referred to as seaweeds. Along with green varieties there are also brown and red versions. It is edible and owes its common name to its lettuce-like appearance. It consists of a blades of leaves with a root-like structure at its base called a holdfast. This structure anchors Ulva in place. Polysiphonia is a red, multi-cellular algae found in warmer marine waters. Its overall color varies from reddish-brown to a purple. it is feathery and attaches to rocks, wharves or piers. Mosses have stem-like structures that are arranged in leaf patterns. They are low-lying and prefer moist environments. They are more familiar to us as a mat of green material which is really composed of many plants growing tightly together. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Marchanatia, (liverworts), Sphagnam (peat moss), Polytrichum and Mnium. Ferns are seedless plants that still flourish today. There are usually found in the tropical areas. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Polypodium, Pteridium, Asplenium and Polystichum. Lycopods first developed during the Paleozoic period. Although during this time there were many 14 1003 Activity 3 varieties and sizes, only the smaller varieties have survived. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Lycopodium, Psilotum, Equisetum and Selaginella. Gymnosperms are known for their production of cones, needle-like leaves and evergreen abilities. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Ginkgo, Pinus, Juniperus and Tsuga. Ginkgo (maidenhair tree) is one of the few remaining cycad species. These are palm-like trees that were very abundant during the Mesozoic Era and probably were the main food source for vegetarian dinosaurs. The gingko is primarily found in China. Angiosperms are known for their flowering plant life cycle and were not prevalent until the Cenozoic Era. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Magnolia, Lilium and Chrysanthemum. Animals. Sponges are sessile filter feeders, that is, they usually lived attached to something else and filter the water through their body, leaving the food particles behind. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Grantia, Leucosolenia and Spongilla. Cnidarian are tubed or bell-shaped animals that are radially symmetrical. They capture their prey using stinging cells. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Hydra, Obelia, Aurelia, and Metridium. Worms are composed of three groups—flatworms, roundworms, and annelids. Flatworms are bilaterally symmetrical and have a ribbon-like appearance. Some are parasitic. Roundworms are also bilaterally symmetrical and are not segmented. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Taenia, Planaria, Ascaris, Lumbricus and Nereis. Annelids are segmented worms. Mollusks are soft-bodied, unsegmented animals. Their body usually has three parts—foot, mantle and internal organs. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Mya, Helix, Ostrea and Loligo. Arthropods are segmented and have an external skeleton with jointed appendages. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Limulus, Scolopendra, Spirobolus, Romalea, and Argiope. Echinoderms are radially symmetrical and have a spiny skin. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Asterias, Cucumaria, and Arbcia. Chordates are segmented, have bilateral symmetry and a tube within a tube body plan. Suggested varieties to be used in this activity are: Entosphenus, Raja, Squalus, Amia, Necturus, Bufo and Anolis. When doing this activity, encourage students to use the same process that they used with the “hardware” phyletic trees. Also remind them that as they build their tree up, their structure should also reflect the evolutionary changes that have occurred. Variations: Have students choose one phyla or division to research. Their research could include characteristics of the taxonomic group, evolutionary origins, geographic distribution, adaptive specialization’s found in the group, and economic value of the group. Encourage students to think of other criteria that can be used to build phyletic trees. Introduce other models scientists use to connect groups of plants and animals evolutionary such as cladograms. Have students construct cladograms with representative organisms. Adapted from: none 15 1003 Activity 4 Teacher Sheet Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Human Variation with Possible Adaptive Value How might specific variations in traits affect survival? Overview: Assume that suddenly, for some unknown reason, selection for reproduction was based on a person’s ability to digest starch. Those best adapted to this new environmental condition have better survival chances, are healthier, and are able to continue the species. Sexual selection is based on healthier individuals. An enzyme present in human saliva, salivary amylase, begins starch digestion in the mouth. If some humans have a greater amount of salivary amylase in their saliva, they would be healthier and better suited to mate than humans having a smaller amount of salivary amylase. The purpose of this investigation is to determine which students have a greater ability to digest starch and would be favored by this new environmental condition. Materials: Per lab group: glass-marking pencil well plates, 2 (24 cell) graduated cylinder, 25 mL iodine solution, (5 g iodine, 10 g potassium iodide, 1 L water) straw, drinking starch solution (2 g cornstarch, 10 mL water) medicine dropper or plastic micro-pipettes glass stirring rod tap water test tube, 2 per student Procedure: Both starch and iodine solution can be bought commercially, but it is very easy to make. To prepare iodine solution, add 5 g of iodine and 10 g of potassium iodide to 1 liter of water. The solution should be pale yellow. Add more water if needed. Store this solution in brown bottles. It will permanently stain clothing. To prepare starch solution, add 2 g of cornstarch to 10 mL of water and add this mixture to 1 liter of boiling water. Stir for two minutes and allow to cool. This activity uses well plates or spot plates. These plates are usually plastic and are very expensive to use. Since each student will need to conduct 10 trials, two 24 cell well plates are needed per lab group. The plates do come in different size with a variety of wells and a variety of well capacities. Remember to adjust your chemical amounts if you change the well volume capacity. For this procedure the 24 cell well plates will be used. Have students place the well plates on clean white sheets of paper. On the paper they can number the cells from 1 to 10, representing the ten trials that are needed. 16 1003 Activity 4 White paper 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 5 6 5 6 Student 1 Student 2 24 cell well plate This well plate can accommodate ten trials for two students, so you will need two of them for each lab group of four students. Next have them add 10 drops of iodine solution to each of the numbered wells. The volume capacity of these well plates is usually 2.8 mL. In one of their test tubes have each student prepare a 6% saliva solution. First have them collect 1 mL of their own saliva by salivating through a straw into a 25 mL graduated cylinder. Warn them to be patient. This process does take a little time. After they have collected 1 mL of saliva, have them add 17 mL of tap water to their test tube and add the 1 mL of saliva to it. Mix gently with a stirring rod. Be sure to warn them to rinse the cylinder thoroughly after each student has used it and to use individual straws for the saliva collection process. In their second test tube, have students mix 1 mL of their prepared saliva solution and 7 mL of the starch solution. As soon as they have mix them, instruct them to start the timing process. After three minutes has passed, students remove a small amount of the starch and saliva solution from their test tube and place 1 drop in well #1. Be sure student return the remaining amount in the dropper to the test tube. Students record color of the iodine solution after the starch and saliva solution has been added. In the presence of starch, the iodine solution will be blue-black. If no starch is present, the iodine solution will not change. At 3-minute intervals, students continue to add 1 drop of the saliva-starch solution to the properly numbered well (after 6 minutes, 1 drop should be added to well #2, after 9 minutes, well #3). After 30 minutes has passed, all 10 wells should have been used. After each drop is added, students should record the color. Be sure to caution students to use their well plate series for the entire 30 minutes of 3 minute intervals. Students construct a data table for the entire class, recording the total students that found a color change at a particular time interval. Each student will prepare a line graph that compares the number of students reporting color changes at each time interval. From the data obtained, separate students into two groups depending on their ability to digest saliva. Those students who have the greatest ability to digest starch can reproduce but only with their own kind. 17 1003 Activity 4 Those who are least able to digest starch cannot reproduce at all, are deemed as unsuccessful and are isolated (perhaps doomed to extinction)! Background: Genetic variations in class populations provide students with excellent examples of how populations with specific variations can show adaptive value. Students can become aware of “fit” characters when dealing with a simple concept of like the ability to digest starch. Adding the concept of reproductive isolation gives added support to fitness concepts and can lead students to an understanding of how reproductive isolation can happen and new species form. Variations: Students can examine other examples of variations in human populations and develop their own scenario for reproductive isolation. Adapted from: Miller and Levine, Biology, Laboratory Manual, Prentice Hall, 1991. 18 1003 Assessment 1 Science as Inquiry Homologies Item: Even though the limbs of a frog and a chicken are very different in outward appearance and function, their internal structure is remarkably similar. How can you explain this observation? Answer: Homologous structures are evolutionary adaptations to specific environments from groups which have risen from common ancestors. The adaptations have enabled organisms to survive successfully in different environments. 19 1003 Assessment 2 Science as Inquiry Phyletic Trees Item: A phyletic tree is a tool used to show specific relationships among groups of organisms. These relationships deal primarily with: A. geographic location of the group. B. ecology of the group. C. size of the group. D. evolution of the group. Justification: Discuss how phyletic trees are built. What criteria are used to determine the branches of the tree? Answer: D. Systematists use phyletic trees as a tool to group organism according to their evolutionary relationships. Organisms with similar traits are grouped together and placed on different branches of the tree. The organisms with the most ancestral traits are grouped at the base of the tree, while organisms with more recently evolved traits are placed higher up on the tree. 20 1003 Assessment 3 Science as Inquiry Adaptations, I Item: Explain why it is advantageous for a species to show variation among individuals. Answer: Variation within a species is advantageous because it enables the populations of the species to adapt to changes in their environments. 21 1003 Assessment 4 Science as Inquiry Adaptations, II Item: What role does isolation play in forming new species? Answer: Isolation keeps groups with different variations from interbreeding, which causes the differences between the groups to build up. 22 1003 Unit Materials/References Consumables Item angiosperms annelids arthropods chicken wings chordates cnidarians echinoderms ferns frogs gloves, disposable gymnosperms iodine jellyfish lycopods mollusks mosses roundworms starch solution starfish straws, drinking water well plates (24 cell) Quantity (per lab group) 3 types 3 types 3 types 1 3 types 3 types 3 types 3 types 1 1 pr 3 types 20 mL 3 types 3 types 3 types 3 types 3 types 20 mL 3 types 1 50 mL 2 Activity 3* 3* 3* 1 3* 3* 3* 3* 1 1 3* 2 3* 3* 3* 3* 3* 2 3* 4 2 4 Nonconsumables Item beakers, 150-mL box, small (or plastic bag) chart: human skeleton drawing paper forceps graduated cylinders, 25-mL hardware pieces medicine droppers metric ruler pan, dissecting pencils, marking probes Quantity (per lab group) 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 box 1 1 1 1 1 (continued) 23 Activity 4 2 1 1, 2 1 4 2 2 1, 2, 3* 1 2 1 1003 Unit Materials/References rods, stirring scalpel scissors stereo microscope test tubes 1 1 1 1 10 1 2 1 3* 2 *indicates alternative or additional activity Key to activities: 1. Uncommon Relatives 2. The Nuts and Bolts of Phyletic Tree Making 3. Life on Earth 4. Human Variation with Possible Adaptive Value Activity Sources Biological Science Curriculum Study, Biological Science, An Ecological Approach, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1987. Madder, Sylvia S., Biology, 4th Ed., Brown, 1993. Miller, Kenneth R., and Joseph Levine, Biology, Prentice Hall, 1991.Campbell, Neil A., Biology, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., 1990. Miller and Levine, Biology, Laboratory Manual, Prenctice Hall, 1991. Thompson, Ron, Sherry Braun, Jay Young, and James Pulley, Biology Investigations, Heath Publishing, 1991. Volpe, E. Peter, Understanding Evolution, 2nd Ed., Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers, 1970, p. 131. 24