K. J. SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE VIDYAVIHAR, MUMBAI-77 Syllabus and Scheme of Examination in the Course (Subject) of BUSINESS COMMUNICATION at FIRST YEAR BACHELOR OF COMMERCE (F.Y.BCOM) as per CREDIT BASED SYSTEM (To be implemented with effect from the Academic Year: 2013-14) SUBJECT ATTRIBUTES [Syllabus as per Credit Based Semester and Grading System] 1) Name of the Programme 2) Course Title 3) Semester-wise Course Contents 4) References and additional References : Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) : Business Communication (Compulsory); Paper-I (Sem. I) & Paper-II (Sem. II) : As continued in the following pages : Provided as second last item in the syllabus. Credit Structure: No. of Credits awarded after successful completion of course : 02 (per semester) No. of lectures per unit : 15 or variable Teaching Work load : 04 (03 lectures, 01 tutorial) Scheme of Examinations : 05 Questions of 15 marks each Special notes, if any : Not applicable Eligibility, if any : As laid down in the College Admission Brochure / Website. Fee Structure : As per college fee-structure specifications. OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE 1. To develop an awareness among young Commerce Stream learners about the complexity of the communication process. 2. To develop effective listening skills in students so as to enable them to comprehend instructions and become a critical listener. 3. To develop effective oral skills so as to enable students to speak confidently in inter-personal communication as well as in large groups. 4. To develop effective writing skills so as to enable students to write in a clear, concise, persuasive and audience centered manner. 5. To develop an ability to communicate effectively with the help of electronic media. SYLLABUS F Y B Com: SEMESTER-I BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, PAPER-I (Compulsory Course) The Course syllabus in ‘Business Communication’ consists of FOUR UNITS in addition to Tutorial Activities. Each unit is specified with number of lectures to be engaged for teaching work. In Tutorial activities, a total number of 15 tutorial sessions will be conducted during the semester. The following units will be taught in Semester-I: Unit-I Theory of Communication (10 lectures) 1. Concept of Communication (5 lectures) Meaning, Definition, Process, Need, Feedback, Language as a Tool of Communication, Emergence of Communication as a key concept in the Corporate and Global world, How to achieve Effective Communication? 2. Channels of Communication (2 lectures) Formal and Informal; Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, Grapevine 3. Objectives of Communication (3 lectures) Information, Advice, Order and Instruction, Persuasion, Motivation and Raising Morale; Education, and Warning or Reprimand, (only brief introduction to these objectives to be given) Unit-II Communication: Modes & Barriers (8 lectures) 1. Methods and Modes of Communication (4 lectures) Verbal and Nonverbal; Characteristics of Verbal Communication; Characteristics of Non-verbal Communication; Cellular Phones; Facsimile Communication (Fax); Computers and E-communication; Video and Satellite Conferencing. 2. Barriers to Communication (4 lectures) Physical/ Semantic/Psychological/Socio-Cultural/Barriers to Listening, Ways to overcome these Barriers. Unit-III Business Correspondence (12 lectures) 1. Theory of Business Letter Writing (4 lectures) Principles of Effective Letter Writing; Parts, Structure and Forms of Layout (Block forms) of letter writing. 2. Personnel Correspondence (8 lectures) Job Application Letter and Resume; Statement of Purpose; Letter of Acceptance of Job Offer, Letter of Resignation, Letter of Recommendation (Letter of Appointment, Promotion, and Termination to be taught but not to be tested in the examination) Unit-IV Language Skills: Spoken and Writing Skills (15 lectures) 1. Phonology (4 lectures) Fundamentals of Spoken English— place of articulation in the vocal tract, syllabification, stress—primary and secondary, rules of stressmarking, intonation, 2. Paragraph Writing (6 lectures) Developing an idea, using appropriate linking devices; Cohesion and Coherence, self-editing, etc (Interpretation of technical data, Composition on a given situation, a short informal report.) 3. Analytical and Persuasive Writing (5 lectures) Analysis—concept and definition, Elements of Analysis, Methods of Analysis, exercises. Persuasion—concept and definition, fundamentals of persuasion, stages of persuasion, method of persuasion, exercises. Tutorial Activities (15 Tutorial sessions) Topics for tutorial activity 1. Channels and Barriers of Communication – Case Studies 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Remedial Teaching - Grammar 4. Speaking Skills – Debates 5. Paragraph Writing Evaluation (i) Internal Assessment (25%) (25 Marks) (a) One periodical class test to be conducted 20 marks in the given semester. (b) Conduct of student, articulation, exhibition of 05 marks distinct qualities like leadership, teamwork etc. (ii) Semester-End Examination Written Examination (75 marks), Duration of examination: 2.30 hours. Question Paper Pattern (Semester-I) F Y B Com: Business Communication (Semester-end Examination; Marks 75) Ques. 1 Short Notes (based on Chapters. 1, 2 and 3 from Unit 1) [3 out of 5] Ques. 2 Essay Type / Detailed Answer (based on Chapters. 1 and 2 from Unit-II) [2 out of 3] Ques. 3 A) Job Application Letter and Bio-data B) Personnel Letters-- Recommendation Letter Ques. 4 (I) Full-fledged questions--2 out of 3 A) Aceeptance of job B) Letter of resignation C) Persuasive or analytical Writing (II) Phonology—Stress Marking Ques. 5 (A) Editing a paragraph (B) Persuasive or Analytical Writing 15 Marks 15 Marks 10 Marks 05 Marks 10 Marks 05 Marks 07 Marks 08 Marks Semester-II Business Communication; Paper-II The Course syllabus in ‘Business Communication’ in Semester-II consists of FOUR UNITS in addition to Tutorial Activities. Each unit is specified with number of lectures to be engaged for teaching work. In Tutorial activities, a total number of 15 tutorial sessions will be conducted during the semester. Unit-I Presentations & Interviews (10 lectures) 1. Presentations (Theory) 4 lectures Principles of Effective Presentation Effective use of OHP Effective use of Transparencies How to make a Power-Point Presentation? (Practice to be done during tutorial sessions) 2. Interviews (6 lectures) Interview—concept and definitions, Stages of Interview Process, Preparing for an Interview; Types of interviews: Selection, Appraisal, Grievance, Exit Interviews. Unit-II Group Communication (13 lectures) 1. Group communication (3 lectures) Group—concept and definition, characteristics and types of groups, Group communication, Means of achieving effective group Communication. 2. Meetings (4 lectures) Need and Importance of meetings; Conduct of Meeting, Role of the Chairperson, Role of the Participants, Drafting of Notice, Agenda and Resolutions. 3. Conference (3 lectures) Meaning and Importance of Conference, Organizing a Conference, Modern Methods: Video and Tele-Conferencing. 4. Public Relations (3 lectures) Meaning, Functions of PR Department, External and Internal measures of PR. Unit-III Business Correspondence (10 lectures) 1. Trade Letters (10 lectures) Inquiry, Order, Credit and Status Enquiry, Complaints, Claims, Adjustments, Collection (just a brief introduction to be given) Only following to be taught in detail: Letters of Complaints, Claims, Adjustments, Sales Letters, Promotional Leaflets and Fliers, Consumer Grievance Letters, Letters under Right to Information (RTI) Act (Teachers must provide the students with theoretical constructs wherever necessary in order to create awareness. However students should not be tested on the theory.) Unit-IV Writing Skills (12 lectures) 1. Reports (4 lectures) Parts, Types, Feasibility Reports, Investigative Reports. 2. Summarization (4 lectures) Identification of main and supporting/sub points, Presenting these in a cohesive Manner. 3. Paraphrasing (4 lectures) Concept; aims and objectives of paraphrasing, methods of paraphrasing, application areas in business communication, exercises. Tutorial Activities (15 tutorial sessions) Topics for tutorial activity 1. Presentations 2. Group Discussion 3. Mock Interviews 4. Mock Meetings/ Conferences 5. Book Reviews/ Summarization. Evaluation (i) Internal Assessment (25%) (25 Marks) (c) One periodical class test to be conducted 20 marks in the given semester. (d) Conduct of student, articulation, exhibition of 05 marks distinct qualities like leadership, teamwork etc. (ii) Semester-End Examination Semester-II; Paper-II F Y B Com: Business Communication Written Examination (75 marks), Duration of examination: 2 .30hours. Ques. 1 Short Notes (based on Chapters 2 , from Unit I Chapter 2, and 3 from Unit II ) [3 out of 5] Ques. 2 Essay Type (based on Chapters. 1 &4 from Unit 2) [1out of 2] Ques. 3 Letters [3 out of5] 15 Marks Ques. 4 (A) Drafting of Reports [1 out of 2] (B) Drafting of Notice, Agenda and 2 Resolutions 08 Marks 07 Marks Ques 5 (A) Summarisation of Passage (B) Paraphrasing a given text 15 Marks 15 Marks 08 Marks 07 Marks Suggested Reading: 1. Agarwal, Anju D(1989) A Practical Handbook for Consumers, IBH. 2. Alien, R.K.(1970) Organisational Management through Communication. 3. Ashley,A(1992) A Handbook Of Commercial Correspondence, Oxford University Press. 4. Aswalthapa, K (1991)Organisational Behaviour, Himalayan Publication, Mumbai. 5. Atreya N and Guha (1994) Effective Credit Management, MMC School of Management, Mumbai. 6. Bahl,J.C. and Nagamia,S.M. (1974) Modern Business Correspondence and Minute Writing. 7. Balan,K.R. and Rayudu C.S. (1996) Effective Communication, Beacon New Delhi. 8. Bangh, LSue, Fryar,Maridell and Thomas David A. (1998) How to Write First Class Business Correspondence, N.T.C. Publishing Group USA. 9.Banerjee, Bani P (2005) Foundation of Ethics in Mangement Excel Books 10.Businessworld Special Collector’s Issue: Ethics and the Manager 11. Barkar, Alan(1993) Making Meetings Work, Sterling Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 12. Basu,C.R.(1998) Business Organisation and Management, T.M.H.New Delhi. 13. Benjamin, James (1993) Business and Professional Communication Concepts and Practices, Harper Collins College Publishers, New York. 14. Bhargava and Bhargava91971) Company Notices, Meetings and Regulations 15. Black, Sam (1972) Practical Public Relations, E.L.B.S. London. 16. Bovee Courtland,L and Thrill, John V(1989) Business Communication, Today McGraw Hill, New York, Taxman Publication. 17. Burton, G and Thakur, (1995) Management Today- Principles and Practices. T.M.H.,New Delhi. 18. Darrow, Richard, Forrstal, Dan and Coolman, Aubrey (1967) Public Relations Handbook, The Dartwell Co., Chicago. 19. Dayal, Ishwar(9810) Managing Large Organizations: A Comparative Study. 20. Drucher,P.F.((1970) Technology, Management and Society, Pan Books London. 21. Drucher,P.F.((1974)Management Responsibilities Practices, Heinemann, London. 22.Eyre, E.C. (1985) Effective Communication Made Simple, Rupa and Co.Calcutta. 23. Ecouse Barry, (1999), Competitive Communication: A Rhetoric for Modern Business, OUP. 24. Fisher Dalmar, (1999), Communication in Organisation, Jaico Pub House, Mumbai, Delhi. 25. Frailley, L.E. (1982) Handbook of Business Letters, Revised Edn. Prentice Hall Inc. 26. French, Astrid (1993) Interpersonal Skills. Sterling Publishers, New delhi. 27 Fritzsche, David J (2005) Business Ethics: A Global and Managerial Perspective McGraw Hill 28. Garlside, L.E. (1980) Modern Business Correspondence, McDonald and Evans Ltd. Plymouth. 29. Ghanekar,A(1996) Communication Skills for Effective Management. Everest Publishing House, Pune. 30. Graves, Harold F. (1965) Report Writing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 8 31 .Gupta, Anand Das (2010) Ethics, Business and Society: Managing Responsibly Response Books 32. Gupta, Dipankar (2006) Ethics Incorporated: Top Priority and Bottom Line Response Books 33. Krevolin, Nathan (1983) Communication Systems and Procedures for Modern Office, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 34. Lesikar, Raymond V and Petit, John D.(1994) Business Communication: Theory and Application , Richard D. Irwin Inc. Ilinois. 35. Ludlow,Ron.(1995) The Essence of Effective Communication, Prentice , New Delhi. 36.M. Ashraf, Rizvi (2006) Effective Technical Communication Tata McGraw Hill 37. Martson, John E. 1963) The Nature of Public Relations, McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 38. Majumdar,P.K.(1992) Commentary on the Consumer protection Act, Prentice, New Delhi. 39. McQuail, Denis (1975), Communication, Longman. 40. Merrihue, William (1960) Managing by Communication, McGraw Hill, New York. 41.Mishra Rajiv K (2006) Code of Conduct for Managers Rupa Company 42. Monippalli, M.M. (1997),The Craft of Business Letter Writing, T.M.H. New Delhi. 43. Montagu,A and Matson , Floyd(1979) The Human Connection, McGraw Hill,New York. 44. Murphy, Herta and Hilde Brandt, Herbert W (1984) Effective Business Communication, McGraw Hill, New York. 45. Parry, John (1968) The Psychology of Human Communication. 46. Parson, C.J. and Hughes (1970) Written Communication for Business Students, Great Britain. 47. Peterson, Robert A and Ferrell, O.C (2005) Business Ethics: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders Prentice Hall of India Pvt., Ltd 48. Phillip, Louis V. (1975) Organisational Communication- The Effective Management, Columbus Grid Inc. 49. Ross, Robert D. (1977) The Management of Public Relations, John Wiley and Sons, U.S.A. 50. Sadri Sorab, Sinha Arun and Bonnerjee peter (1998) Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases Tata McGraw Hill Public Company Limited 51. Shekhar, R.C (1997) Ethical Choices in Business Response Books 52. Stephenson, James (1988) Principles and Practice of Commercial Correspondence, Pilman and Sons Ltd. London. 53. Shurter, Robert L. (1971) Written Communication in Business, McGraw Hill, Tokyo. Syllabus prepared by: 1) Mr. Satyendra Gaur, Head, Dept. of English, KJSCAC 2) Mrs. MeeraVenkatesh, Asst.Professor, Dept. of English, KJSCAC 3) Mrs. Amruta Gangan, Asst.Professor, Dept. of English,KJSCAC 4) Mr. Sachin Narwade, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, KJSCAC