Beyond Band-Aids: School Law for School Nurses

Greyfriars Institute, LLC* Presents:
The K-12 Professional Development Series
Course Outline for October 13, 2014 • 9am-3:30pm
Greyfriars Conference Center, KingSpry Law Offices
One West Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA
Beyond Band-Aids: School Law for School Nurses
Balancing the roles of medical professional and public school employee can
be extremely daunting for school nurses. In today’s world, school nurses are
required to wear many hats . . . each with its own accompanying set of legal
rules, requirements and guidelines. This interactive seminar is designed to provide a practical and clear analysis and discussion of the most important legal
issues regarding school nursing, including:
HIPAA vs. FERPA/Nursing Records and Confidentiality
• Overview of both laws
• A closer look at the School Nurse’s requirements under both
Nursing Ethics
• What the law says regarding the requirements for ethical nursing practice
• What to do when you feel that your school is asking you to violate
the Code of Ethics
Administration of Medication
• Examination of the law regarding administration of meds in school
• Analysis of the new state guidelines and how to best follow them
Section 504 / Chapter 15
• Why things just aren’t like they used to be . . .
• The School Nurse’s role in the process
• The Necessary Relationship between Individual Health Plans (IHPs)
and Section 504 Plans
Other Pertinent Legal Issues
• Age of consent (who can consent to what and why it matters) • DNR orders and requests in schools
Cost: $200 per person for those earning credits; $150 per person to audit the
course. To register, or for more information on any Greyfriars event, please
call 610-332-0390 or email
The K-12 Professional Development Seminars cover a wide range of education law
topics and Act 48 credits are available for attendees. Please send topical suggestions
and questions in advance to Attorney Erin D. Gilsbach at
* Greyfriars Institute LLC is an affiliated unit of King, Spry, Herman, Freund & Faul LLC