" - "" ~ I.'-' ~ \.-I coverageis certainly desirablein a Level III traumafacility. However,the requirement that this criterion become"essential"when only routine or limited neurosurgical coverageexits will be unobtainablefor most Level III facilities. With the current shortageof neurosurgeons, the requirementto havea neurosurgeon"bedsidewithin 30 minutesof an emergencyrequest"when a facility only hasroutine or limited coverage simply is not possible. Therefore,THA recommendsthat proposedSection157.125(x)(B)(1)(c)be revisedto read: Neurosurgerycoverageis desiredin a Level III, but thesecriteria are"essential" when a Level III hasfull-time neurosurgicalcoverage. Trauma Nurse CoordinatorfTrauma Pro2ram Mana2er ReQuirement- Level IV Trauma Facility Criteria ProposedSection157.125(y)(A)(2)(c) requiresthat "traumaprogramsshouldhavea minimum of 0.8 FTE dedicatedto the traumanursecoordinator/traumaprogrammanager position" (TNC/TPM). THA agreesthat this position is imperativefor the successof the traumaprogram. However,the proposedTNC/TPM staffing ratio for the smaller,rural or remotely-locatedLevel IV traumafacilities is overly burdensome.With Texasin the throesof a severenursing shortage,nursesin someLevel IV facilities arerequiredto "wear many hats" - andthey wear them safely. To mandatethat TNC/TPM in all Level IV facilities dedicate32 hoursa week to traumaactivities may result in non-productive useof time. This especiallywould be true for the very small facilities, suchasthe Critical AccessHospitals. Sincethereis vast differencein Level IV facilities relating to size,location and number of traumavisits per month,the criterion for the amountof time dedicatedto the TNC/TPM position shouldbe revisedto allow for variancein rural and urbanLevel IV facilities. Insteadof mandatinga specific ratio for rural facilities, the amountof time requiredfor the TNcfrPM position could be determinedutilizing many of the factors listed in the Nurse Staffing Rulesof the TexasHospital LicensingRules,adoptedin 2002. (See25 TEXASADMINISTRATIVE CODE§133.41(o)(2)(F» Thesefactors include patient characteristicsfor whom careis being provided,including numberof admissions, dischargesand transfers;intensity of patientcarebeingprovided; scopeof services provided; contextwithin which careis provided,including architectureand geographyof the environment,andthe availability of technology;andthe staff characteristics, including staff consistencyand tenure,preparationand experience,and the numberand competenciesof clinical and non-clinical supportstaff. Therefore,THA recommendsthat proposedSection157.125(y)(A)(2)(c)be revisedto provide an alternativeto the mandated0.8 FTE dedicatedto the position ofTNC/TPM for the smaller,rural or remotely-locatedLevel IV traumafacilities. In determiningsuch alternative,THA recommendsconsiderationof factorslisted in the Nurse Staffing Rules of the TexasHospital LicensingRules. 3