CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PROVIDING MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES AT CIRE CAMPUS OF REC CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION of RURAL ELECTRIFICATION CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Shivarampally, NPA Post, Hyderabad – 500 052 Phones Office : 040-2401-5897, 2401-8583, 2401 5901 Hostel: 2401 7252 Fax : 040-2401-5896, E-mail : cire@recl.nic.in & cire.rec@gmail.com Regd. Office : Core-4, SCOPE Complex, 7 Lodi Road, New Delhi –110 003 Website : www.recindia.com&www.recindia.nic.in CIN – L40101DL1969GOI005095 1|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD TITLE NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (NIT) FOR PROVIDING MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES AT CIRE CAMPUS OF REC LIMITED, HYDERABAD NIT NO. / DATE 002/18-6-2014 EMD Rs. 25000/- Total Manpower Required 16 members LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF 15-7-2014 by 15:00 hrs TENDER PLACE OF TENDER SUBMISSION CIRE OF REC, Shivarampally, Near Aramgarh X Road, NPA Post, Hyderabad – 500 052 DATE & VENUE OF OPENING OF 15-7-2014 at 16:00 hrs CIRE OF REC, Shivarampally, NPA Post, TECHNICAL BID Hyderabad – 500 052 DATE & VENUE OF OPENING OF 18-7-2014 at 16:00 hrs CIRE OF REC, Shivarampally, NPA Post, FINANCIAL BID Hyderabad – 500 052 3 months from the date of opening of Financial bid BID VALIDITY PERIOD 2|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (NIT) FOR PROVIDING MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES AT CIRE CAMPUS OF REC LIMITED, HYDERABAD TENDER DOCUMENT Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. (REC) is a Navratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Power. The Corporation having registered office in New Delhi has its presence all over the country through a network of 21 offices (5 - Zonal Offices, 13 - Project Offices, 2-Sub-Officess, one training institute). The full details about REC can be seen from the Corporation‟s web-site http://www.recindia.nic.in. The Central Institute for Rural Electrification (CIRE OF REC) is the training institute of Rural Electrification Corporation Limited, a Government of India Enterprise, which is located at Shivrampally, Hyderabad in a sprawling area of 14.5 acres invites „Sealed Bids’ for Mechanized Housekeeping Services of their Hostel Buildings, Office Buildings and Campus from reputed agencies fulfilling the criteria laid down in Pre-Qualification bid format at Annexure-2. The job specifications and scope of work are given in Annexure-I. The format for Financial Bid is at Annexure- 3 (in 3 pages). The contract period will initially be for a period of six months extendable on satisfactory performance and mutual consent on same terms and conditions on yearly basis up to three years. 2. The bids are to be sent in two parts – one sealed enveloped superscribed as ‘PreQualification Bid’ giving details in the format as per Annexure-2, and second envelope superscribed as ‘Financial Bid’ in the format at Annexure-3 (in 3 pages). The two sealed envelopes as above will be placed in another sealed envelope superscribed as "BID FOR MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES" AND "NOT TO BE OPENED BEFORE 15-7-2014". The bids shall be signed by a person duly authorized on behalf of the bidder firm and shall be sent to:The Chief Manager (P&A) Central Institute for Rural Electrification of Rural Electrification Corporation Limited NPA Post, Shivarampally, Near Aramgarh X Road Hyderabad-500 052 3. The sealed bids will be received by CIRE OF REC up to 3.00 PM of 15-7-2014". Any bid received after the prescribed deadline shall not be considered. The Pre-Qualification 3|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD bids will be opened on the same date i.e. 15-7-2014 at 4.00 PM in the presence of the representatives of the bidders present. The date of opening of financial bids will be on 18-7-2014 at 4.00 PM for such firms which meet the prescribed pre- qualification criteria. 4. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) should accompany the Pre-Qualification Bid document. The EMD shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft/Banker Cheque from a nationalized bank/Scheduled commercial bank in favour of 'Central Institute for Rural Electrification' payable at Hyderabad. Such EMD shall not carry any interest. Any bid not accompanied by requisite EMD shall be deemed to be invalid and will be rejected by CIRE OF REC. 5. The EMD shall be forfeited: a) If the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity. b) In the case of successful bidder, if he fails to furnish the required Performance Guarantee within the specified time limit. 6. The EMD of successful bidder shall be retained towards making of the security for the performance of the contract and shall only be discharged after completion of the contract period. 7. The bid shall remain valid for a period of 3 months from the date of opening of the financial bid. 8. The Bidder should inspect the site before filling in and submitting the tender to get fully acquainted with the scope of work as no claim whatsoever will be entertained for any alleged ignorance thereof. Tender must be submitted in original and without making any additions, alternations, and as per details given in other clauses given hereunder. The requisite details shall be filled in by the Bidder in the Tender Document wherever required. 9. RATES AND PRICES 9.1 Bidders should quote the rates in the format given at Annexure-3. Incomplete bids will summarily be rejected. All corrections and alterations in the entries of tender papers will be signed in full by the Bidder with date. No erasing or over-writings are permissible. 9.2 All statutory duties and taxes (including excise and customs), VAT and any other taxes or charges may be clearly specified. Price quoted shall be firm and any variation in rates, prices or terms during validity of the offer shall attract forfeiture of the EMD. 9.3 No additional charges, etc. would be payable. 4|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD 9.4 The rates of minimum wages may be quoted as on 1.4.2014. Any further changes in the minimum wages notified by Central Govt. will be applicable and borne by CIRE OF REC on actual basis. 10. TERMS OF PAYMENT 10.1 The Contractor will prepare monthly duty chart regarding deployment of workforce during the month and also maintain a register on which day to day deployment of personnel will be entered and the same will be checked with the Security Register being maintained at the Gate. While raising the bill, the deployment particulars of the personnel engaged during each month, shift wise, if any, should be shown and the payment will be made accordingly. The Agency shall submit to CIRE OF REC an attested photocopy of the attendance record and enclose the same with the monthly bill. 10.2 Payment will be released on monthly basis within a week after receipt of the monthly bill along with attendance sheet of the workforce deployed during the month. Before submission of the bill, the Agency shall ensure that the payment to persons deployed by the Agency have been made for the billed period. The Contractor has to give an undertaking, regarding payment of wages as per rules and laws in force, before receiving the payment. 10.3 The CIRE OF REC shall pay the agreed amount on production of monthly bill. No other charges of any kind shall be payable except as under the contract. There would be no increase in rates payable to the Agency during the Contract period except reimbursement of the statutory wages revised by the Government. 10.4 The Income-tax as applicable shall be deducted from the bill unless exempted by the Income-tax Department. The agency shall deposit service tax at prevailing rates as per GOI norms and submit the photocopy of the challan in support of the same. 11. PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA (in the format at Annexure-2) The bidder shall necessarily be a legally valid entity either in the form of a Public Limited/Private Limited company established under the Companies Act/Registered Partnership Firm and should submit documentary evidence in respect of the following:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) A copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association of the company/ Certificate of Registration/Partnership Deed The Bidder should be registered with the Income Tax (with valid PAN No.) and also registered under the Labour Laws, Employees Provident Fund Organization, ESI Corporation, etc. Service Tax Registration No., TIN No., EPF Registration No. ESI Registration No. Valid Labour License issued by labour department and it should be in force duly indicating the period of validity. 5|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD (vii) Average annual turnover for the last three years should be more than Rs. 200 lakhs for which photo copy of the balance sheet / profit and loss account for the relevant years should be submitted (viii) The Bidder should have experience of having provided similar mechanized housekeeping services in reputed organizations/Institutions/Universities including at least one Public Sector (Central or State)/Govt. Dept. during the last three years with at least (i) one single work order of more than Rs. 35 lakh; or two work orders of more than Rs. 20 lakh each; or three work orders of more than Rs. 15 lakh each. Photo copies of documentary evidence towards above supported by relevant satisfactory job completion certificates are required to be submitted (ix) Should have on roll manpower of more than 200 and payment of wages to manpower should be made through bank credit/cheque. (xi) ISO 9001:2008 QMS Certification (xii) SA 8000:2009 certification regarding social accountability standards (xiii) OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification regarding Safety Management System 12. EVALUATION OF BIDS The bids will first be evaluated on the parameters fixed for prequalification criteria as per details given at Clause 11. Financial bids of such bidders who meet the prequalification criteria will thereafter be opened. Bidder quoting the lowest rates will qualify for award of work. 13. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES CIRE OF REC reserves the right for termination of the contract at any time by giving one month written notice, if the services are found unsatisfactory (as per Cl.14) and also has the right to award the contract to any other agency at the cost, risk and responsibilities of bidder and excess expenditure incurred on account of this will be recovered by CIRE OF REC from the Security Deposit or pending bill. The Agency shall not be entitled for compensation to any loss which he may incur in this regard. 14. DEDUCTIONS FOR EXCEPTIONS The deductions shall be made for the following jobs, if missed as exception. Such exceptions will duly be conveyed to the contractor by CIRE OF REC in writing: i) Not properly carrying out the jobs as defined for „daily‟ - 2% on total monthly bill (for each exception) ii) Not properly carrying out the job as defined for „weekly‟ - 3% on total monthly bill (for each exception) iii) Not supplying required number of personnel as stipulated on daily basis – 3% on total monthly bill (if exceeds more than 3 occasions) However, if the exceptions become general practice, action will be initiated as per clause 13 above. 6|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD 15. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 15.1 The successful bidder shall furnish a performance guarantee for an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the annual awarded value, within 7 working days from the date of acceptance of the bid for due and proper fulfillment of contract. 15.2 EMD of successful bidder shall be discharged after receipt and acceptance of the Performance Guarantee towards full Security Deposit in the valid format. EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be discharged after award of work to the successful bidder and signing of contract thereof. 15.3 The performance guarantee provided by the successful bidder may be in the form of a bank guarantee from a Nationalized Bank (as per format given in Annexure-5) which should be valid for the period of contract from the date of issue. 16. CONCILIATION/ ARBITRATION 16.1 If any dispute (s) or difference (s) of any kind whatsoever arise between the Parties, the Parties hereto shall negotiate with a view to its amicable resolution and settlement through a committee appointed by Corporate Office (CO), REC Ltd., New Delhi. 16.2 In the event no amicable resolution or settlement is reached between the parties within 30 days after receipt of notice by one party, then the disputes or differences are detailed above shall be referred to and settled by the Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by CO, REC Ltd. 16.3 Notwithstanding the existence or any dispute or differences and/or reference for the arbitration, the Contractor shall proceed with and continue without hindrance the performance of the work under the contract with due diligence and expedition in a professional manner and the payment due to the Contractor shall not be withheld on account of such difference of arbitration proceedings unless such payment is a subject matter of the arbitration. 16.4 The arbitration proceedings shall be in accordance with the prevailing Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and Laws of India as amended or enacted from time to time. 16.5 The venue of the arbitration shall be at the place decided by the CO, REC Ltd. The fee & other charges of Arbitrator shall be determined by the arbitrator in terms of the Act and shall be shared equally between the parties. 16. 6 The arbitrator will give the speaking and the reasoned Award. The parties will not be entitled to any pendent-lite interest during arbitration proceedings. 7|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD 17. FORCE MAJEURE 17.1 In the event of either party being rendered unable by Force Majeure to perform any obligation required to be performed by them under the contract, the relative obligation of the party affected by such Force Majeure shall be suspended for the period during which such cause lasts. 17.2 The term “Force Majeure” as employed herein shall mean acts of God, War, Civil Riots, Fire directly affecting the performance of the Contract, Flood and Acts and Regulations of respective government of the two parties, namely CIRE OF REC and the Contractor. 17.3 Upon the occurrence of such cause and upon its termination, the party alleging that it has been rendered unable as aforesaid thereby, shall notify the other party in writing, the beginning of the cause amounting to Force Majeure as also the ending of the said clause by giving notice to the other party within 72 hours of the ending of the cause respectively. If deliveries are suspended by Force Majeure conditions lasting for more than 2 (two) months, CIRE OF REC shall have the option of canceling this contract in whole or part at his discretion without any liability at his part. 17.4 Time for performance of the relative obligation suspended by Force Majeure shall then stand extended by the period for which such cause lasts. 18. APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION All matters connected with this shall be governed by the Indian law both substantive and procedural, for the time being in force and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at Hyderabad 19. No alternative offer shall be considered. 20. CIRE OF REC reserves the right to annul the bidding process at any time prior to award of contract including rejection of any or all bids after the same have been received, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or any obligation to inform the affected bidder/s on the ground of CIRE OF REC’s action. 21. CIRE OF REC reserves the right to accept/reject any bid and to cancel the bidding process at any time and reject all bids, at any time prior to placement of order, without thereby incurring any liability. 22. Any clarification on the documents may be obtained from The Chief Manager (P&A) Central Institute for Rural Electrification of Rural Electrification Corporation Limited NPA Post, Shivarampally, Near Aramgarh X Road Hyderabad-500 052 8|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD Annexure – I JOB SPECIFICATIONS AND SCOPE OF WORK A. AREA COVERAGE FOR MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES CIRE OF REC premises spread over an area of 14.5 acres consisting of Administration, Teaching, Hostel Buildings, Other Buildings, Hostel Warden Quarter and entire Campus located on the National Highway No. 7, Near Aramgarh Circle, Shivarampally, Hyderabad - 500 052. 1. Scope of House Keeping Services The Agency shall provide House Keeping, Upkeep, Maintenance of CIRE OF REC Premises and its Campus, including Administrative Block, Hostel Block, Teaching Block, all other Buildings, corridors, staircases, open areas and terraces as per details given below. a) All rooms/areas of the Administrative and Teaching building like Classrooms, Conference Room, Computer lab, Library, Officers/Faculty Rooms, Staff Rooms, Assembly Hall, etc. b) All areas of Hostel Buildings (which includes 40 rooms, Recreation room, Gym/Prayer room, etc.) c) In and around Administrative cum teaching building, Hostel Building and Open Area including the area covered under Horticulture d) Corridor areas, Stair cases and Terrace area of Administrative cum Teaching buildings, Hostel Buildings and Other Buildings e) Roof Top Water Tanks and Water Storage Tanks (Underground) f) All Pantry and Lunch rooms of Employees/Participants g) Electrical Installation/DG set rooms/areas h) Receptions, Lounges, Stores, Recreation, Washing Rooms, etc. i) All Open areas, pavements areas, jogging track in CIRE OF REC campus j) All areas surrounded by the boundary wall of CIRE OF REC including footpath on the front side of CIRE OF REC Campus. k) The rooms which are currently not in regular use are to be cleaned and maintained weekly or as and when desired by CIRE OF REC. l) The Agency shall move Furniture & Fixtures, Office Equipments and EDP Equipments when ever required with due care to different locations of the Office. Daily Services i) Removals of waste material from open areas and other areas. ii) Sweeping, mopping and wiping of all floors, dusting and vaccumising of furniture, cup-boards, telephone instruments, doors, windows, ventilators, blinds and glass partition using glass cleaning chemicals to keep all such articles dust free during the morning time. iii) Vacuum cleaning/washing of carpets wherever provided at the CIRE OF REC. iv) Filling water in desert/room/water coolers etc. wherever provided. v) Upkeep of office/classroom/hostel/hostel rooms/catering areas/library/ reception counter/store/lobby etc. 9|Page CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD Weekly Services i) Mechanical washing and scrubbing of floor area with detergents, dust removing chemicals and polishing of the floor areas etc. ii) Removal of cobwebs, dusts, termites, insects, pests etc. iii) Windows sponging and cleaning. iv) Keeping ceiling and table/pedestal fans, air-conditioning grills dust free. v) Cleaning of dustbins and buckets with detergents. vi) Upkeep of partition glasses and panes with utmost care and by application of glass cleaning chemicals. vii) Detergent cleaning of sanitary wares. viii) Polishing & oiling of door closers, door handles, and other brass fittings with Silvo/Brasso/Lubricants. Dusting & cleaning of Murals, Sceneries, Photo-frames, idols, etc. ix) Polishing of taps and other steel fittings in the toilets with Silvo/Brasso. x) To spray Finit/Baygon, etc. in hostel rooms, class rooms, office rooms, auditorium, conference hall, dining room etc. to keep all such areas insects free. This may also be required daily in hostel. xi) The Agency will provide the Finit pump or Baygon spray and the spraying material. xi) Shampooing/Spraying/Disinfecting of all carpets. xii) Specialized cleaning of computers, peripherals, hardware, telephones, work stations and other sophisticated equipments as per direction of CIRE OF REC. xiii) The Agency shall clean the solar panels installed at the terrace of Administrative and Hostel buildings on weekly basis. 2. Cleanliness a) The Agency shall ensure cleaning work including sweeping of floor, wet floor cleaning and dusting of walls, doors and windows from inside and outside, ceiling, staircase, cleaning of tables, chairs and cupboards, removing cobweb in all the buildings on a regular basis to ensure dust free and clean environment. b) The Agency shall arrange to wipe the glass panels, doors & windows from inside & outside, window panes/glass door panels, inside and outside to ensure marks free appearance. c) Cleaning of the entire area of CIRE OF REC premises including stores, pantry rooms, the areas where the catering services are being provided in the Administrative building shall be the responsibility of the Agency. d) Cleaning shall be done with approved material manually or by using Mechanized equipment like vacuum cleaners, scrubbing machine, carpet shampooing machine, etc. e) Furniture, fixtures, exhaust fans, ceiling fans, etc. to be cleaned regularly without causing any damage to their exteriors, polish, finish, paint, etc. so that they appear always clean and dust free. f) The Agency shall ensure that the floors and carpet area are cleaned and polished with suitable cleaning material on a regular basis or as and when required as informed by CIRE OF REC. In no case acid will be used for cleaning purposes. 10 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD g) The Agency shall ensure cleaning and wiping the toilets daily and the wash basins at least thrice a day (in the morning and after every break in the training program) to ensure neat and dry environment. The Agency shall not use any type of acid to clean the toilets. However, the Agency shall use reputed brand cleaner approved by CIRE OF REC for wiping steel pipes/water taps, etc. j) The Agency shall ensure sweeping of the open area to provide neat and clean atmosphere. 3. General Maintenance at Adminstrative Buildings a) The Agency shall ensure that all the office rooms, training halls and service areas properly cleaned, dusted and sprayed with room fresheners of the approved quality by 9.30 am daily and subsequently as required during the day. b) The Agency shall provide following services in each training room, Assembly Hall /Conference Room, etc. whenever programs are conducted in the same: i) The training room shall be readied on the previous evening by 1700 hrs and shown to the coordinating officer and his approval obtained. ii) To clean and arrange the class rooms, chairs and Table in order as advised by Training Coordinator in every session and before/after the program. c) The Agency shall maintain in the prescribed format on a daily basis a checklist for the upkeep and maintenance of CIRE OF REC campus and to be submitted to CIRE OF REC. d) The agency will ensure collection and segregation of bio degradable and non-bio degradable garbage and arrange for disposal of garbage at such specified place on a daily basis. e) Accumulation of garbage/waste in premises will not be acceptable. It shall be the responsibility of the Agency to segregate and dispose off the garbage and/or at any time when garbage is accumulated in a larger quantity as per prescribed norms/practice by the local Authority, if any. f) Dust, waste materials shall be collected in proper bins and disposed of immediately. Plastic bags shall be used in all the dust bins in the premises, Dining places, pantry, etc. for easy collection and disposal; so that the dust bins are maintained neat & clean and in a hygienic condition. g) The Agency shall provide the following toiletries on regular basis as per consumption in the toilets/ wash rooms of Administrative Building as prescribed by CIRE OF REC i) Liquid Soap including the container ii) Paper Napkins/Towels iii) Naphthalene Balls iv) Air Fresheners in wash basins and Toilets v) Toilet Paper Rolls h) The Agency shall arrange to procure the consumable items/materials of best quality for providing house keeping, upkeep and maintenance services as approved by CIRE OF REC and for which the payment will be made on actual basis on verifying the Register to be maintained for issue and usage of the same. i) The Agency shall arrange all tools and tackles for cleaning, sweeping, mopping, wiping, scrubbing, polishing and washing in and around the area. The Agency shall also provide to workers required number of gumboots, rubber hand gloves, helmets, brushes, gunny bags and tools and tackles for protective sanitary and general cleaning. 11 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD j) Agency shall also arrange for all other equipments/materials not mentioned in the list or scope that may be required for providing housekeeping and maintenance services in the CIRE OF REC. 4. General Maintenance Services at Hostel Buildings The Agency shall provide house keeping and maintenance services in the Hostel including managing the reception, check-in and check-out formalities, cleanliness, upkeep and maintenance of hostel rooms, maintenance of gym/prayer room, terrace and common open area of the hostel including all allied services to the guests. a) The Agency under Reception service shall ensure registration of participants and guest to the Hostel in the Register and also in the computer software to be provided by CIRE OF REC. The same has to be indicated to the Mess Contractor for making the boarding arrangements. b) The Agency is required to provide assistance services round the clock on at three shift basis to all the guests/participants. The services include carrying the bags/baggage of the guests/participants from Gate/Reception/Administrative building to the allotted room and at the time of checking in/out, without any payment. c) The Agency shall ensure the provision of water and other items required to be provided in the hostel rooms and as and when requested by the guests. d) The Agency shall ensure placing of newspapers at the Reception/Hostel rooms as provided by CIRE OF REC. e) The Agency shall provide a Welcome kit to be supplied by the CIRE OF REC to the Agency, containing the following, in each room, to be placed in a presentable manner at the time of check-in: i) Welcome Letter ii) Details about Hyderabad with places of interest ii) Rate list for Taxi Charges including directory of nearby Taxi Service providers as given by CIRE OF REC iv) Telephone Nos. details v) Details of services and facilities available f) The Agency shall keep a Complaint/Suggestion Book at Reception to record complaints/suggestions on services rendered by the Agency and such complaints shall be taken note of and acted upon immediately, All Complaints made by the Guests/visitors must be brought to the notice of CIRE OF REC along with details of actions taken. g) The Agency shall be responsible to keep room(s) ready in all respects daily and within reasonable time after the vacation of the room(s) by the guest(s). h) The Agency shall ensure the washing of all linen including blankets and Curtains. The linens are to be changed as and when requested by the guest(s) or at alternate dates. Required linen shall be provided by CIRE OF REC and maintained by the Agency. i) The Agency shall ensure the following toiletries/items daily in the toilet/hostel Room of each Guest/Participant(s) as prescribed and provided by CIRE OF REC:· Soap and Shampoo Sachets . Mosquito Repellent of approved quality and Mosquito bat · One Newspaper . Towels 12 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD . Water Mugs and glass tumblers which are hygienically cleaned and wrapped, . Electric Tea kettle, cups and saucers - 2 nos. and tea spoons . Tea/coffee sachet, Biscuits packets and sugar cubes wherever applicable j) The Agency shall maintain the recreation facilities provided by CIRE OF REC and also issue and receive back the sports items/articles such as TT balls, rackets, shuttle cocks, etc. to the guests/participants. Required number of such items will be provided by CIRE OF REC to the Agency. B. OTHER TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. The Agency will be responsible for proper maintenance and safety of all furniture & fixtures, materials, goods, electronic items, stocks, books, periodicals, vehicles lying in CIRE OF REC premises, etc. The cost of missing items /shortages of stocks / materials etc. will be deducted from the monthly payments / any others sum / deposit due to the Agency‟s. 2. The Agency will maintain its gadgets & equipments, etc. in good working conditions with all safety measures at its own cost and expenses. The Annual maintenance Charges of the equipments/gadgets, etc. owned by the CIRE OF REC will be borne by the CIRE OF REC. However, the Agency will be responsible for its proper upkeep and regular maintenance. 3. The Agency shall devote his full attention to the work of house keeping and shall discharge its obligations under the agreement most diligently and honestly. 4. The Agency shall provide uniforms, identity card, name badges and safety items/kits, shoes etc. to its employees, as required under law and as per CIRE OF REC‟s instructions at his own cost and expenses. All personnel of the Agency will wear the same in clean condition while on duty. CIRE OF REC shall not pay any extra charges to the Agency against these items. 5. Desired level of cleanliness in the entire complex of the CIRE OF REC will be maintained and for this all materials / instruments / tools etc. will be provided by the agency. The supervisor of the Agency will attend to complaints on urgent basis round the clock. 6. Instruments, etc. to be provided in sufficient quantity (as decided by CIRE OF REC) by the Agency may include the following: a. Glass Cleaners b. Vacuum Cleaner d. Polishing Machine e. Brasso/Silvo/ Polishing Material etc. f. Kit for plumbing operations 7. Specialized maintenance of all hostel rooms and bathrooms along with furniture, fixtures, mattresses, pillows, blankets, bathroom/ hostel room/office room/class room, linen, bathroom fittings, buckets, sanitary wares, brackets, etc. will be ensured. 8. The agency shall ensure that staff deployed are trained in House Keeping bear good conduct and physically fit and healthy for the work and not more than 50 years of age. The agency will get their antecedents, character and conduct verified. 9. The skilled, semiskilled and/or unskilled persons deployed by the agency shall be of sound physical & mental health and should not be under the influence of any drug or liquor 13 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD during duty and have full knowledge & experience to competently complete the job assigned to them. 10. The Agency shall obtain necessary license, permit, consent, sanction, etc., as may be required or called for from / by local or any other authority for doing such work. The Agency shall comply at its own cost with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time whether of Central or State or local Govt. as applicable to him or to this contract without any liability and responsibility to CIRE OF REC, whatsoever it maybe. 11. The Agency shall bear all taxes, rates, charges, levies or claims, whatsoever, as may be imposed by the State, Central Government or any local body or authority. The Agency shall furnish such proof of payment of compliance or the obligations including registration certificates, receipts, licenses, clearance certificates etc. as may be required by the CIRE OF REC from time to time. 12. The Agency shall provide and be responsible for payment of wages, salaries, bonus, social charges, insurance, food, accommodation, transport, medical and canteen facilities and other statutory privileges and facilities as applicable to its personnel as per relevant & applicable law/rules/regulations and orders of the Central Government/State Government/local authorities or other authorities as are in force from to time. 13. The agency shall be solely responsible for compliance to the provisions of various labour and industrial laws, such as, wages, allowances, compensations, EPF, Bonus. Gratuity, ESI etc. relating to personnel deployed by it at CIRE OF REC or for any accident caused to them and the CIRE OF REC shall not be liable to bear any expense in this regard. The Agency shall make payment of wages to workers engaged by it by the stipulated date irrespective of any delay in settlement of its bill by the CIRE OF REC for whatever reason. The Agency shall also be responsible for the insurance of its personnel. The Agency shall specifically ensure compliance of various Laws/Acts, and their reenactments/amendments/modifications 14. The security Deposit shall be released without interest after 3 months of completion of the contract period only after being satisfied of the successful completion of the contract and no liabilities from the Agency or the its employees. In case of any complaint, the security deposit shall be discharged only after adjusting all dues, liabilities etc. including withdrawals of EPF of workers engaged during contract period or after submitting the individual EPF account details to be certified by Provident fund commissioner‟s office, submission of receipts of payment of service tax (month wise details) duly certified by Central Custom & Excise office etc., if any, as specified in the tender at appropriate places. 15. In case of any change of constitution of the agency, the rights of CIRE OF REC should not suffer. 16. All personnel engaged under this contract by the Agency shall be employees of Agency. CIRE OF REC shall not have any liability/ responsibility to absorb the persons engaged by the Agency and/or to extend any type of recommendation etc. for obtaining any job in CIRE OF REC or elsewhere. 17. The Agency shall maintain all records/registers as required to be maintained by him under various labour laws and other statutory laws in force and as amended from time to time, mentioned above and produce the same before the Statutory Authorities as well as the Authorities of CIRE OF REC as and when required. 18. It shall be the Agency‟s responsibility to take protective measures to protect the property and persons and prevent accidents during the contract period. He shall indemnify the CIRE OF REC against all claims of damage or injury to any person or persons or 14 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD property resulting from and in the course of this contract. The Agency shall keep the CIRE OF REC indemnified against all the claims and liabilities. 19. A local representative of Agency shall be In-charge of the entire contract and shall be responsible for the efficient rendering of the services under the contract. While working at the premises of CIRE OF REC, they shall work under directives and guidance of CIRE OF REC and will be answerable to CIRE OF REC. This will, however, not diminish in any way, the agency‟s responsibility under contract to the CIRE OF REC. 20. A senior level representative of the Agency shall visit CIRE OF REC premises at least once-a week and review the service performance of its personnel. During the weekly visit, Agency‟s representative will also meet the CIRE OF REC officer dealing with services under the contract for mutual feed back regarding the work performed by his personnel and removal of deficiencies, if any, observed in their working. The day-to-day functioning of the services shall be carried out in consultation with and under direction of the CIRE OF REC. 21. The agency shall not deploy or shall discontinue deploying the person(s), if so desired by the CIRE OF REC at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Agency shall ensure that any replacement of the personnel, as required by CIRE OF REC for any reason specified or otherwise, shall be effected promptly without any additional cost to the CIRE OF REC. The personnel being deployed shall ordinarily be continued and would not be changed without written intimation and consultation with CIRE OF REC. 22. The agency shall ensure that the personnel deployed by it are disciplined and do not participate in any activity prejudicial to the interest of the CIRE OF REC/Govt. of India/any State/or any Union Territory. 23. The Agency shall maintain good standard of services as indicated. The performance of the agency will be reviewed on monthly basis and in case the services are not found up to the mark the Agency‟s contract will be terminated even before the expiry of contract period by giving one month's notice. 24. CIRE OF REC reserves the right to reduce or increase the manpower for housekeeping, if considered necessary. In either case the contract amount payable to the Agency shall stand modified under the Contract on pro-rata basis. 25. In case any personnel of the Agency is implicated in any law suit or is injured by any person or group of persons agitating mob etc. during the course of performing his duty/their duties for CIRE OF REC it shall be the sole responsibility of the Agency to defend its personnel in the court of law or to extend all medical and financial help etc. without charging any cost to the CIRE OF REC. 26. In case it is found that any theft, pilferage, loss or damage has occurred to the person, property or premises of the CIRE OF REC due to negligence of personnel in performing his/ her duty and /or absence from the place of duty and/or not providing substitute by the Agency or any other reason, the cost of all such losses or damages as assessed by CIRE OF REC shall be recovered from the Agency‟s monthly bill or from his security. In such matters, where required, the agency will investigate and submit a report to CIRE OF REC and maintain liaison with the police. FIR will be lodged by CIRE OF REC, wherever necessary. If need be, joint enquiry comprising of both the parties shall be conducted and responsibility fixed. 27. In case CIRE OF REC is implicated in any law/suit on account of not fulfilling of any or all obligations under any law or due to performing the duties by any personnel of the Agency, all cost of defending such suit settlement of claims penalty etc. shall be borne by 15 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD the Agency or recovered from the due amounts payable to the agency and/or from the security deposit held by CIRE OF REC. 28. The agency shall ensure that all staff appointed by them is fully loyal-to and assist the CIRE OF REC during normal periods as well as during strike and other emergencies for the protection of personnel and property both moveable and immoveable to the entire satisfaction of the CIRE OF REC. 29. In the event of any person deployed by the agency being on leave/absent, the agency shall ensure suitable alternative arrangement to make up for such absence. To meet such eventualities the agency shall make provision for leave reserve. 30. In case of non-compliance/non-performance of the services according the terms of the contract, the CIRE OF REC shall be at liberty to make suitable deductions from the bill without prejudice to its right under other provisions of the contract. 31. The decision of CIRE OF REC in regard to interpretation of the Terms & Conditions and the Agreement shall be final and binding on the Agency. 32. In case of failure of the Agency in fulfilling the contract, the competent authority of CIRE OF REC may at its discretion, terminate the contract either in part or full of the total services provided by giving one month advance notice to the Agency assigning reasons thereof. On termination of the contract, it shall be the responsibility of the Agency to remove his men and materials within two days or date specified by CIRE OF REC. CIRE OF REC shall not indemnify any loss caused to the agency by such terminations, whatsoever it maybe. 33. That, if at any stage during the period of the contract any case involving moral turpitude is instituted in a court of law against the Agency or its employees, the CIRE OF REC reserves exclusive and special rights for the outright termination of the contract without any notice to the Agency and in that event the Agency shall not be entitled to any compensation from the CIRE OF REC. 34. The Agency shall not assign or sub-contract any of these contracts. In case of violation/contravention of any of the terms and conditions mentioned herein, the CIRE OF REC reserves the right to terminate the agreement forthwith without giving any notice to the Agency and without prejudice to its right to recover damages and other charges/cost to the CIRE OF REC from amount payable to him or otherwise. 35. Any violation of instructions/agreement or suppression of facts will attract cancellation of agreement without any reference. 36. The Agency shall ensure that none of his worker/supervisor except those permitted in writing stay in the CIRE OF REC premises when not on duty. In the event of noticing such an incident a penalty of Rs.1,000/- will be imposed. However, provision for a change room/rest room will be provided by CIRE OF REC for employees on duty. Stay in the hostel rooms/dining hall or any premises not authorized are strictly prohibited and shall be ensured by the Agency. 37. Any complaint by CIRE OF REC, if not attended within prescribed time may attract a penalty of Rs. 500/- for each complaint to the Agency or as decided by CIRE OF REC. G. REQUIRED WORKFORCE: The bidder has to provide the required workforce to maintain the buildings and the campus in qualitative manner of the degree specified in the job order and to the satisfaction of the Officer-In-Charge. The selection of workforce at Sl. No. 1 to 4 will be done by CIRE OF REC. Any workforce deployed found to be not capable or unsuitable for the job, the same has to 16 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD be changed immediately as per the procedure. A monthly duty chart giving the details of workforce deployed along with photographs has to be provided to the Officer-in Charge. The bidder must employ adult and skilled labour only. Employment of child labour will lead to the termination of the contract. The successful bidder shall engage only such workers, whose antecedents have been thoroughly verified, including character and police verification and other formalities. The bidder shall ensure that the entire workforce deployed should wear uniform and identity card while on duty and adhere to timings fixed by the Institute. Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 The requirement of workforce to be deployed on monthly basis is given hereunder:Details of No of Qualifications Responsibilities Work Force Persons Supervisor 1 Degree holder and In-Charge of all House Keeping experience in Activities/Staff of the entire campus. To be House Keeping available in the office from 8.00am to 4.00 works/ Hotel pm. Management Receptionists 3 Intermediate or To Work in 3 shifts round the clock and above with fluency responsible for the entire hostel work, i.e., in Hindi and registration, keeping the rooms ready, English with attending/helping the participants during computer the stay, up keeping of the indoor games knowledge and TV room, display of the details of Desirable: programmes being conducted and to be Experience of conducted, and any other work assigned by working in a CIRE OF REC. Hotel/Institute Plumber 1 Skilled, Qualified Responsible for all Plumbing works and & Experienced supply of water in the campus. Periodically Person check the plumbing items and submit report to the Officer-in-charge. To be Available in office from 6.30 am to 10.30 am and 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Mali 1 Skilled, Qualified Responsible for maintenance and (Gardener) & Experienced development of Lawns, Gardens and Person plants/trees in the campus. To be Available in office from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. House 10 Unskilled – 2 members (1 men and 1 women) for office Keepers 5 men and 5 cleaning & 4 members (2 men and 2 women women) for Campus cleaning including Horticulture work. All to be Available in office from 7.30 am to 3.30 pm. 4 members (2 men and 2 women) for Hostel cleaning to be available in the Hostel from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Total 16 17 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD The contractor shall provide additional manpower as detailed below as and when required on daily/monthly payment basis as requested by the Officer-in Charge. The rates for the same may also be mentioned in the quotation. The rates quoted for the additional manpower will not be considered for awarding the tender to the contractor/agency. The requirement of additional workforce on daily/monthly payment basis as and when required to be deployed is given hereunder. The rate for the same may be quoted at Annexure – 4. Sl No Details Work Force No of Persons Required 3 1 Electricians (in 3 shifts) 2 Mason 1 3 Carpenter 1 4 Painter 1 5 Additional House Keepers 1 Qualifications Skilled, Qualified & Experienced Person Skilled, & Experienced Person Skilled, & Experienced Person Skilled, & Experienced Person Unskilled (men or women) Responsibilities To Work in three shifts i.e., from 6.00 am - 2.00 pm & 2.00 pm to 10.00 pm and from 10.00 pm to 6.00 am. Responsible for operational and maintenance of all electrical equipment in the campus and switching on and off of DG Set for providing 24 hours power supply to DR Centre, making all arrangements at Classroom before start of the Programme and on completion of the Programme and at Hostel before occupation of the room by the participants. He should also look after the Solar Systems available like Solar Pumping System, Solar Power Packs, Solar Street lights, Solar water heating systems, etc. in the Campus. On daily basis as and when required for undertaking repair works in the Campus On daily basis as and when required for undertaking repair works in the Campus On daily basis as and when required for undertaking painting works in the Campus On daily basis as and when required depending upon necessity for undertaking any housekeeping works in the Campus The bidder shall survey the area and make assessment for utilization of above manpower effectively in the Campus. The bidder has to prepare the chart/checklist for the different works to be carried out on daily and weekly basis. The bidder has to obtain the signature of the Officer-inCharge in chart/checklist towards the completion of the work done. Payment of wages towards manpower deployed will be on actual basis. 18 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD H. SUPPLY OF MATERIAL AND CONSUMABLES: All materials/consumables used for cleaning purposes should be supplied by the Contractor and payment will be made on actual basis. The materials/consumables purchased should of branded, BIS standard and permissible one and to be purchased from Super/Hyper Markets with proper bill/invoice so as to verify and make payment of the same. All materials/consumables other related items to be used for performing housekeeping services shall be provided by the successful bidder/agency. The agency shall assess the quantity of consumables to be used and supply them in advance and store them at CIRE OF REC in the store room assigned on fortnightly basis. The stores are to be replenished at least 5 days in advance. Consumables shall be issued every morning in presence of an official with proper record. The quantity of consumables will be determined based on the need at the appropriate place and the need will be based on keeping the place neat, clean and tidy with all round good fragrance. List of some of the consumables and durables to be used for the mechanized Housekeeping by the successful bidder/Contractor (Bidder may add consumables and durables if required) A. Consumables 1) Floor Duster 2) White dusters 3) Yellow dusters 4) Room Fresheners 5) Air Fresheners 6) Urinal Cubes 7) Naphthalene balls 8) Sponges 9) Multipurpose cleaner 10) Disinfectant liquid of reputed make 11) Floor cleaning liquid 12) Brooms (Hard and Soft with long and short handles) 13) Brasso or equivalent 14) Liquid toilet cleaner 15) Plastic Scrubber 16) Floor cleaner 17) Nylon scrubber 18) Scrubbing Brush Hard /Black Brush 19) Blue Dry Mop Com. (important) 20) Scotch Brite or equivalent, etc. 19 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD B. Durables 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Toilet Brush Glass Wiper Floor wiper /Rubber Squeeze Dustpan Vacuum pump Dust Control mop Spray bottles Kentucky Mop or equivalent Buckets (small and large) Note: -The successful bidder on awarding the contract should produce the MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) of all chemicals used in the premises. 20 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD ANNEXURE‐2 MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES – PRE-QUALIFICATION BID 1. THE COMPANY a) Name : b) Type : Public Limited/Pvt. Ltd. /Registered Firm (Pl. tick) (Pl enclose copy of Memorandum/Articles of Association/ Certificate of Registration) c) Regd. Address d) Address of Office at Hyderabad: e) : Contact Person‟s : i) Name & Design. : ii) Tel No. Landline: iii) Email ID Mobile : : 2. PAN No. : (Please enclose photocopy) 3. TIN No. : (Please enclose photocopy) 4. Service Tax No. : (Please enclose photocopy) 5. EPF Registration No. (Please enclose photocopy) 6. ESI Registration No. (Please enclose photocopy) 7. Annual Turnover for the last 3 years: (Should be more than Rs. 200 lakh and please enclose copies of audited balance sheet and P&L A/c.) 2013‐14 2012-13 2011-12 21 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD 8. Experience of similar work in the field during the last three years: (Should have provided mechanized housekeeping services in reputed organizations including at least one PSU/Govt. Deptt. with work order not less than (i) Rs.35 lakh in a single order; or (ii) Rs.20 lakh each in two orders; or (iii) Rs. 15 lakh each in three orders). Please submit copies of documentary evidence e.g. work order and corresponding satisfactory job completion certificates from clients specifying value and period of work order. 9. No. of Manpower on your Roll : 10. ISO 9001:2008 QMS Certification: Yes/No 11. SA 8000:2009 certification regarding social accountability standards: Yes/No 12. OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification of Safety Management System: Yes/No Signatures of Authorized Signatory Name Designation Seal: 22 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD Annexure‐3 MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES – FINANCIAL BID SI. No Details of Scope of Work In Rs. per month 1 Manpower wages as per details in Appendix - I 2 Charges towards tools & gadgets as per details in Appendix-II 3 Service Charges or Any Charges (please specify) 4 Applicable Taxes applicable taxes) 5 Total (Pl. other specify all In word Rupees_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________). The terms and conditions contained in the Tender Document are acceptable to us. Signatures of authorized person Name Designation 23 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD APPENDIX-I OF ANNEX.3 LIST OF MANPOWER PROPOSED TO BE DEPLOYED FOR MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING WORK AS DETAILED IN ANNEXURE-I Sl. No. Category Male/ Female No. of Manpower 1 Supervisor Male 1 2 Male 3 3 Receptionists (in 3 shifts) Plumber Male 1 4 Mali (Gardener) Male 1 5 House Keepers Male -5 Female-5 10 6 Service charges, if any 7 Taxes (Pl. specify) 8 Grand Total (Rs.) Min. wages as on 1.4.14 per month (Rs.) Total wages (Rs.) 16 The manpower given above will be supplied on monthly basis, and the actual wages to be paid on actual manpower deployed on above quoted rates. We undertake that the minimum wages as may be prescribed by Central Government from time to time will be paid to the manpower deployed. We also undertake that all statutory requirements e.g. EPF, ESI, etc. will be met by us and the required documents will be submitted to CIRE OF REC/REC. The terms and conditions contained in the Tender document are acceptable to us. Signatures of Authorized Person Name Designation 24 | P a g e Seal CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD APPENDIX-II OF ANNEX.3 LIST OF TOOLS, CLEANING EQUIPMENTS AND GADGETS TO BE USED FOR MECHANISED HOUSEKEEPING WORK AS DETAILED IN ANNEXURE-I 1) The successful bidder/ contractor shall arrange at his cost all tools and tackles for cleaning, sweeping, wiping, scrubbing, polishing and washing in and around the area. The successful bidder/contractor shall also arrange for all other equipments/materials not mentioned in the list or scope that may be required for providing housekeeping and maintenance services at their own cost. 2) Brand new Machines from a reputed supplier or manufacturer such as Eureka forbes/Taski/Karcher/Roots only should be brought by the contractor and should always be in working condition. The list of bare minimum machinery & equipment to perform daily jobs at the site should be: EQUIPMENTS DETAILS Sl. No Description Qty 1 Signage boards 3 2 Glass cleaning Kit 2 3 Double Bucket Wringer Trolley 3 4 Single Disc Scrubbing Machine 1 5 Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner Machine (Heavy duty) 2 6 Mechanical sweepers 2 7 Water Jet High Pressure Machine 1 These Machines and Tools should on no account be taken away from the site without prior intimation to CIRE OF REC. The terms acceptable to us. and conditions Signatures of Authorized Person Name Designation Seal 25 | P a g e contained in the Tender document are CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD Annexure - 4 RATE QUOTED FOR ADDITIONAL MANPOWER TO BE DEPLOYED AS DETAILED ON DAILY AND MONTHLY BASIS Sl. No. Category 1 Electricians (in 3 shifts) Mason Carpenter Painter Additional Mali (Gardener) Additional House Keepers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Male/ Female Daily Minimum Wages Min. wages as on 1.4.14 per month (Rs.) Total wages (Rs.) Male Male Male Male Male Male/ Female Service charges, if any Taxes if any The manpower given above will be supplied as and when required on daily or monthly basis and the actual wages to be paid on actual manpower deployed on above quoted rates. The rate quoted for the above will not be considered for arriving at lowest rate quoted by the Firm/Agency. The terms and conditions contained in the Tender document are acceptable to us. Signatures of Authorized Person Name Designation 26 | P a g e Seal CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD Annexure - 5 Proforma towards Performance Security Ref. No. Bank Guarantee No Dated To Central institute for Rural Electrification Dear Sirs, 1. In consideration of Central institute For Rural Electrification of Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd., NPA Post, Sivarampally,Hyderabad-500 052 (hereinafter called the “Owner” which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and assigns)having entered expression shall into a contract No. dated(hereinafter called 'the Contract' which include all the amendments thereto) with M/s having its registered/head office at (hereinafter referred to as the 'Contractor') which Expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include all its successors, administrators, executors and assignees) and CIRE OF REC having agreed that the Contractor shall furnish to CIRE OF REC a performance guarantee for Indian Rupees/.............. for the faithful performance of the entire contract. 2. We (name of the bank) registered under the laws of having head/registered office at (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank", which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include all its successors, administrators, executors and permitted assignees) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on first demand in writing any /all moneys to the extent of Indian Rs./- (in figures) [Indian Rupees/- (in words) ] without any demur, reservation, contest or protest and/or without any reference to the Contractor. Any such demand made by CIRE OF REC on the Bank by serving a written notice shall be conclusive and binding, without any proof, on the bank as regards the amount due and payable, notwithstanding any dispute(s) pending 27 | P a g e before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD any other authority and/or any other matter or thing whatsoever, as liability under these presents being absolute and unequivocal. We agree that the guarantee herein contained shall be irrevocable and shall continue to be enforceable until it is discharged by CIRE OF REC in writing. This guarantee shall not be determined, discharged or affected by the liquidation, winding up, dissolution or insolvency of the Contractor and shall remain valid, binding and operative against the bank. 3. The Bank also agrees that CIRE OF REC at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance, without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that CIRE OF REC may have in relation to the Contractor's liabilities. 4. The Bank further agrees that CIRE OF REC shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time exercise of any of the powers vested in CIRE OF REC against the said Contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of CIRE OF REC or any indulgence by CIRE OF REC to the said Contractor(s) or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. 5. The Bank further agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force during the period that is taken for the performance of the contract and all dues of CIRE OF REC under or by virtue of this contract have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till CIRE OF REC discharges this guarantee in writing, whichever is earlier. 6. This Guarantee shall not be discharged by any change in our constitution, in the constitution of CIRE OF REC or that of the Contractor. 7. The Bank confirms that this guarantee has been issued with observance of appropriate laws of the country of issue. 8. The Bank also agrees that this guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance with Indian Laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Indian Courts of the place from where the purchase order has been placed. 28 | P a g e CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION::HYDERABAD 9. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, Guarantee is limited to Indian Rs./ (in figures) ] and our guarantee shall remain in force our liability under this [Indian Rupees/- (in words) until. In case of any extension of contract, Performance Guarantee will be suitably extended. Any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us before the expiry of this Bank Guarantee. If no such claim has been received by us by the said date, the rights of CIRE OF RECunder this Guarantee will cease. However, if such a claim has been received by us within the said date, all the rights of CIRE OF REC under this Guarantee shall be valid and shall not cease until we have satisfied that claim. In witness whereof, the Bank through its authorized officer has set its hand and stamp on this ….....Day of…..... 20 at….................. WITNESS NO. 1 -------------------------- ------------------------- (Signature) (Signature) Full name and official Full name, designation and address (in legible letters) address (in legible letters) Bank stamp Attorney as per Power of Attorney No….......... Dated…................. WITNESS NO. 2 -------------------------- (Signature) Full name and official address (in legible letters) 29 | P a g e