Chhattisgarh State Agriculture Marketing Board (CGSAMB) Mandi Management Information System Project Request for Proposal (RFP) Document No. NISG/CG/MMIS/012 C. G. State Agriculture Marketing (Mandi) Board, Beej Bhavan, Ravigram, Telibanda, G. E. Road, 2 November 2012 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Table of Contents Contents 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 6 2. PROJECT BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................ 6 3 PROJECT OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 7 3.1 VISION STATEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 7 3.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................... 8 4. SCOPE OF WORK..................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 4.2 APPLICATION SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................. 10 PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION OF HARDWARE, SYSTEM SOFTWARE AND NETWORK THROUGH A TENDER PROCESS............................................................................................................ 11 4.3 SETTING UP OF FARMER INFORMATION AND FACILITATION CENTERS ...................................... 12 4.4 GO-LIVE AND MAINTENANCE OF COMPLETE SYSTEM .............................................................. 13 5 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ............................................................ 14 5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 15 5.2 MANDI PORTAL SERVICES ........................................................................................................ 16 5.3 MANDI MANAGEMENT SERVICES ............................................................................................. 21 5.4 MANDI SUPPORT SERVICES ........................................................................................................ 30 5.5 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ....................................................................................................... 66 5.6 ACCESS CHANNELS ................................................................................................................... 71 5.7 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) .......................................................................... 74 5.8 RTI MODULE ............................................................................................................................. 77 5.9 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 79 6. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN..................................................................................................... 84 6.1 IMPLEMENTATION MODEL ........................................................................................................ 84 6.2 PAYMENT SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................. 85 7. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION .................................................................. 87 7.1 POLICIES, GUIDELINES, STANDARDS AND SECURITY ................................................................ 89 7.2 SECURITY ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................................ 89 7.3 END-POINT SECURITY ............................................................................................................... 90 7.4 APPLICATION SECURITY ........................................................................................................... 91 7.5 INFORMATION SECURITY .......................................................................................................... 91 7.6 DATA MIGRATION PLAN ............................................................................................................. 92 7.8 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT............................................................................................................ 95 8. TESTING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................. 98 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 9. PRE-COMMISSIONING TEST....................................................................................................... 98 OPERATIONAL ACCEPTANCE TESTS .......................................................................................... 99 TEST DOCUMENTATION .......................................................................................................... 101 LOCATION OF ACCEPTANCE TESTS ......................................................................................... 101 ACCEPTANCE TEST DESIGN & EXECUTION ............................................................................. 101 FAULT CORRECTION ............................................................................................................... 102 AUDIT AND CERTIFICATION .................................................................................................... 102 COMPLETE SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE .......................................................................................... 102 TRAINING ................................................................................................................................ 105 9.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 105 10. INDICATIVE BILL OF MATERIALS (BOM) ...................................................................... 106 2 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 11 SUBMISSION OF RFP RESPONSE .......................................................................................... 107 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF RFP RESPONSE ................................................................... 107 AVAILABILITY OF RFP ............................................................................................................ 107 LANGUAGE OF RFP RESPONSE ................................................................................................ 108 RFP RESPONSE FORMAT ......................................................................................................... 108 AMENDMENT OF RFP DOCUMENT.......................................................................................... 109 KEY EVENTS AND DATES ....................................................................................................... 109 12. GENERAL ELIGIBILITY & INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ............................................ 111 12.1 PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS.................................................................................... 111 12.2 PRE-QUALIFICATION BID .................................................................................................... 115 12.3 BID SECURITY ......................................................................................................................... 116 12.4 CONSORTIUM ..................................................................................................................... 116 13. GENERAL INFORMATION TO BIDDERS .......................................................................... 117 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 COST OF BID SUBMISSION ....................................................................................................... 117 SITE VISITS ............................................................................................................................. 117 CONTENT OF THE TENDER DOCUMENT ................................................................................... 117 CLARIFICATION OF TENDER DOCUMENT ................................................................................. 117 CORRIGENDUM/ADDENDUM OF RFP ....................................................................................... 118 14. EVALUATION OF BIDS .......................................................................................................... 119 14.1 PRE QUALIFICATION CRITERIA ............................................................................................... 119 14.2 EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL BID ............................................................................................ 121 14.3 TECHNICAL EVALUATION METHODOLOGY ............................................................................. 122 14.4 EVALUATION OF COMMERCIAL BIDS...................................................................................... 124 14.5 FINAL EVALUATION OF BIDS ................................................................................................... 125 14.6 NOTIFICATION AWARD ........................................................................................................... 125 14.7 SIGNING OF CONTRACT ........................................................................................................... 126 14.8 DISCHARGE OF BID SECURITY................................................................................................. 126 14.9 EXPENSES FOR THE CONTRACT ............................................................................................... 126 14.10 FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE AGREEMENT ............................................................................... 126 14.11 BANK GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE ............................................................. 126 15. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................... 127 15.1 CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE DOCUMENT ................................................................................... 127 15.2 CONCESSIONS PERMISSIBLE UNDER STATUTES ........................................................................ 127 15.3 INCOME TAX LIABILITY ......................................................................................................... 127 15.4 REPRESENTATIONS & WARRANTIES ....................................................................................... 127 15.5 DURATION OF THE CONTRACT ................................................................................................ 130 15.6 CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE................................................................................. 130 15.7 BIDDER’S OBLIGATIONS ......................................................................................................... 131 15.8 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................... 133 15.9 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................ 133 15.10 RIGHT OF MONITORING AND INSPECTION ............................................................................. 134 15.11 EVENTS OF DEFAULT BY THE BIDDER ................................................................................... 139 15.12 CONSEQUENCES IN EVENT OF DEFAULT ................................................................................ 140 15.13 TERMINATION ....................................................................................................................... 141 15.14 PENALTY ............................................................................................................................... 144 15.15 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ......................................................................................................... 145 15.16 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ........................................................................................................... 145 15.17 CONTINUANCE OF THE CONTRACT ........................................................................................ 146 15.18 LIMITATION OF THE BIDDER’S LIABILITY TOWARDS CGSAMB ........................................... 146 15.19 CONFLICT OF INTEREST ........................................................................................................ 147 15.20 SEVERANCE .......................................................................................................................... 147 15.21 “NO CLAIM” CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................... 147 15.22 PUBLICITY ............................................................................................................................ 148 15.23 FORCE MAJEURE .................................................................................................................. 148 15.24 EXIT MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................................. 149 3 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 15.25 CLARIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................... 150 15.26 DISQUALIFICATION............................................................................................................... 151 15.27 CONTACTING CGSAMB ..................................................................................................... 151 15.28 CGSAMB’S RIGHT TO TERMINATE THE PROCESS............................................................... 151 15.29 RIGHT TO ACCEPT/REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS ....................................................................... 152 16 SERVICE LEVELS .................................................................................................................. 153 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 17. DEFECT SEVERITY GUIDELINES ......................................................................................... 153 DEFECT TYPE/ CATEGORY GUIDELINE ............................................................................... 154 PERFORMANCE GUIDELINE ................................................................................................ 154 SLAS FOR DELIVERABLES (ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA) ........................................................ 158 SLAS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (SUPPORT) ..................................................... 162 RESPONSE TO RFP - FORMATS ......................................................................................... 164 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 TECHNICAL BID FORMATS ...................................................................................................... 164 COMMERCIAL BID FORMATS ................................................................................................... 173 PRE-BID QUERY FORMAT ....................................................................................................... 181 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE FORMAT .......................................................................... 182 4 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) GLOSSARY CGSAMB BoM CDR EQI FRS FIFO FIFC GoI GoCG HoD HR HTML HTTP HTTPS IA KPIs LAN MIS MMIS OEM RTI SDC SRS SSL VPN WSDL Acronym Chhattisgarh state agricultural marketing board Bill of Material Consolidated Data Repository Equated Quarterly Installments Functional Requirement Specifications First in First Out Farmer Information and Facilitation Center Government of India Government of Chhattisgarh Head of the Department Human Resources Hyper Text Markup Language Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure Implementation Agency Key Performance Indicators Local Area Network Management Information System Mandi Management Information System Original Equipment Manufacturer Right to Information Act State Data Centre Software Requirement Specifications Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network Web Service description Language 5 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 1 Introduction This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being floated by the Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing (Mandi) Board, (CGSAMB) Raipur, Chhattisgarh for the purpose of selecting an Implementation Agency (IA) to develop, deploy and maintain a robust, innovative, cost effective and scalable system for “Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) and Farmer Information and Facilitation Center (FIFC)”. The primary objective of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select an Implementation Agency (IA), who presents the capability of providing effective and efficient solutions with a clear understanding of the scope, approach, methodology, functional and technical architecture, other technical requirements as per requirement of the Mandi Board, and reasonable time frame to complete the implementation of the system and Go-Live. 2. Project Background Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board (CGSAMB) was constituted in 2000, with the objective of development and management of an optimized and wellregulated market infrastructure for agrarian sector in the State of Chhattisgarh for facilitating the sale, purchase, storage and processing of agricultural produce in a planned and regulated manner. The entire agricultural marketing process in the State of Chhattisgarh is governed by the Chhattisgarh Krishi Upaj Mandi Act. 1972, which makes necessary administrative and infrastructural arrangements to ensure competitive purchases of agriculture produce and bringing the best prices to the farmers through open auctions and support prices. These arrangements include setting-up of regularized and controlled markets, with all the necessary infrastructure and resources, operating upon pre-defined rules and regulations, and encompassing and monitoring the entire sale-purchase process. The board is seeking to improve the Agricultural market practices of the state, especially the Mandis, towards achieving better transparency, control and reporting 6 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) structure across the state. In order to do this, it is embarking on major mission of implementing the “Mandi Management Information System” and “Farmer Information and Facilitation Centre” to support its drive for the achievement of its above objectives. 3 Project Overview 3.1 Vision Statement To utilize Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance Transparency into the operation of Marketing Board and ensure the farmers get the Right Value for their produce through the use of reliable, accurate and timely information. The vision statement emphasizes on certain key aspects, which are explained below in order to have better clarity on the vision statement: • Transparency: Aims to improve the administration of Human, Financial and Other Resources directly or indirectly, involved in the activities of the various agricultural markets in the state making them more transparent at all levels. • Right Value: The term denotes that the entire ecosystem revolves in a farmer-centric way to ensure that they get the correct price as per the market and do not lose value to unnecessary elements operating in the market. • Reliable, Accurate and Timely: This focuses on streamlining and redesigning the information flow for providing the required information on demand, to all the stake holders of the system and also assist in policy framing and timely interventions 7 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 3.2 Project Objectives The primary objective of CGSAMB is to implement a Management Information System (MIS) connecting all the Mandis of the State of Chhattisgarh so that information about the Mandis can be made available 24 x 7 through any of the access channels. The information that would be made available will include commodity rates, availability of commodities, information on weather, soil reports and other information requested by farmers or traders. The MIS will also provide instant information on the revenues generated in Mandis and the Revenue & expenditure details of the Board. The Mandi Board also wants to implement Farmer Information and Facilitation Centres in various Mandis to provide information to Farmers and Traders in an interactive manner. The Mandi Board wants the Mandis to function in a transparent and efficient manner with an effective reporting structure. The board also wants the system to be Mandi centric and will help the farmers to establish easy relationship with the Board. Some of the objectives that the “Mandi Management Information System” project intends to achieve are: • Improve Efficiencies of Mandis o Make all processes transparent at all levels o Enable quicker transactions at the mandis o Provide convenience in accessing the various services of the mandis o Establish quicker reporting of deviations o Ensure better control on all the processes o Establish responsibility and accountability o Provide centralized storage and access to Internal and Market related Data o Empower the farmer with all knowledge required for effectively and profitably management of his complete harvest cycle o Develop interfaces with all other coordinating governmental and non governmental agencies 8 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) • Improve Effectiveness of Mandi Management o Automate all processes of the Mandis adequately supported and enabled by technology to make it more efficient. o Increase the revenue generation and collection from market activities while effectively addressing the revenue losses. o Improve the Quality of Service and Information to all the stakeholders. o Minimize manual work, duplication of work and facilitate ease of administration. o Improve existing processes wherever necessary to make it more organic. o Increase control over the activities happening in each mandi of CG. o Provide universal access to all the mandi related data with proper authorization and access control. o Increase administrative control and decision making capabilities. o Make the Mandi the nodal point for dissemination of information to farmers • Better Financial Management o Ensure better budget lifecycle management o Improve control of expenditure and reporting o Ensure effective financial audit • Effective Management of Ongoing Projects • Better HR Management o Assess Training needs and Plan Training Programs • Better Asset & Infrastructure management o Ensure overall mapping and effective utilization of assets o Optimize returns from the existing infrastructure • Better Reporting o Use reporting tools for improved presentation of data o Use dashboard for decision making • Better Compliance to Rules 9 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 4. Scope of Work The scope of work of the project includes the "Design, Development, Implementation and maintenance of Mandi Management Information System application software, setting up of Farmer Information and Facilitation Centres and Support the solution maintaining all the SLAs.” In this tender the bidders have to propose hardware, System software, hand held devices or PDA, SSO requirements and networking equipments etc to support the solution maintaining all the SLA’s. The successful Bidder has to prepare a RFP on behalf of the board through which the board will procure their proposed hardware, System software and networking equipment etc. Any application software which has to be developed by the vendor should fulfil the requirements of the MMIS application. The major components of the assignment are following: 4.1 Application Software Development The selected agency needs to do the following activities as part of the Application Software Development for “Mandi Management Information System (MMIS)” and “Farmer Information and Facilitation Center (FIFC)": • To prepare a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document based on independent assessment of the requirements of the CGSAMB and the Mandi Samitis. • To design Solution Architecture for all the functions mentioned in the document. • To prepare High-Level and Low-Level Design document • To develop the software solution (IPR of the Source Code will be with CGSAMB). • To test and implement the developed software in with their own equipment 10 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) • To ensure that the software design and implementation takes care of necessary security aspects such as data safety, access controls, integrity, back up measures. • To facilitate getting the software audited by an auditing authority • Successful SI has to propose an implementation plan based on the indicative plan given in this document to ensure that the project goes live on time. • The development will be done in a development environment at bidder’s end. The Go-Live will be done in the production environment in the Board premises. The hardware for the production environment will be procured through the RFP prepared by the selected bidder. • Implementation of “Mandi Management Information System (MMIS)” and “Farmer Information and Facilitation Center (FIFC)" afterwords " The selected agency needs to do the following activities as part of the Application Software Development " • 4.2 The solution should be operational on proposed hand held devices or PDA. Procurement and Installation of Hardware, System software and Network through a Tender Process The selected agency needs to do the following activities as part of the procurement and installation of Hardware and network: • Prepare a Draft RFP for procurement of hardware, System software, hand held devices or PDA, database, SSO and networking equipment to support the solution maintaining all the SLA’s. The draft RFP should have justification of each component. The vendor should deliver an estimated cost for the components of RFP. In the RFP the successful bidder should ensure Supply, Integration, Installation and maintenance of Hardware, system software provided, Networking Infrastructure and Peripherals for centralized data centre and all the client locations. The vendor should suggest the hardware required for the solution proposed by them in the bid response. The draft 11 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) RFP will be vetted by the Mandi Board and if required, they may change or revise the RFP before release. • Through the tender, board will procure the Hardware, System Software, hand-held devices or PDAs, database, networking components and other peripherals. Selected bidder should assist the Board in Bid Process Management for selection of an agency, who will supply, install, integrate and commission the Hardware, system software and networking components. 4.3 Setting up of Farmer Information and Facilitation Centers The center will serve as a single point of contact for all queries related to daily kisan activities. The activities shall include: (i) Setting up of a Call Centre at 12 Mandis as identified by Mandi Board to receive calls from Farmers related to their queries. (ii) Setting-up of a Farmer Information and Facilitation facility in 12 Mandis (as selected in point i). The civil infrastructure will be provided by Mandi Board (iii) Setting-up of Informational Kiosk with 19 inch Touch Screen for interactive access of the information at the Mandis. (iv) Deployment of sufficient and qualified manpower from 8 am to 6 pm for attending the incoming calls/queries. (v) The persons will be monitored by a ticketing solution. The solution should contain parameters of calculating average Call Handling time, Hold time, Average Speed of Answer calls, Percentage of Calls Answered and Up-Time of call center infrastructure. (vi) Development of a Farmer Portal for providing information to the farmers. (vii) Deployment of web-based tool for the Kisan call center and integrate the same with Farmer Information and Facilitation center portal. 12 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) (viii) Propose necessary connectivity including the telephone lines and exchange for asking queries from the Kisan call center. (ix) Propose a display board outside with a 40” LCD Screen (environment protected) similar to Railway Station for providing information to farmers about the Rates, Weather and other Mandi related information. (x) Propose a display board inside the hall with a 40” LCD screen to provid detailed information on Agricultural department. (xi) Prepare and distribute an e-Journal every month providing farmer information. The content of the e-Journal will be displayed in the display board of the hall. (xii) Analyze the incident / call statistics and provide monthly reports including but not limited to: (xiii) 4.4 Type of calls logged Calls answered Calls open Provision of information through SMS using SMS Gateway. Go-Live and Maintenance of Complete System The selected agency needs to do the following activities as part of the integration and testing of complete system: • To do a soft-launch of the application after system testing. • To assist CGSAMB in performing user acceptance test. • To ensure Go-live of the complete system. • To provide training & handholding support to CGSAMB. • To undertake relevant data entry for running the application. • To generate reports and documents as per the enforced Mandi Adhiniyam, rules and by-laws applicable from time to time. • Data entry of user data as required by CGSAMB. 13 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 5 Functional Requirement Specification The functional requirements along with the services for the functional modules and sub-modules are described in this section. The overall Functional architecture envisaged showing the different access channels are shown in figure 1. Figure 1: Indicative Functional Architecture Overview The “MMIS“ information System is divided into 5 core modules. They are: 1. Mandi Portal Services 2. Mandi Management Services 3. Mandi Support Services 4. Miscellaneous Services 5. Access Channels Each module is further sub-divided into sub-modules, which are presented in the Functional Diagram of MMIS as shown in figure 2. 14 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Figure 2: Indicative Functional Modules of MMIS 5.1 General Requirements Requirements The system will be web-enabled The system will be able to seamlessly handle inbound and outbound messages from any system that has similar capabilities The system should store all data within 5 seconds of request The system should populate all data within 5 seconds of request The system should make the pre-set/pre-formatted reports available within 15 seconds of request 15 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The system uptime will be 97% in non-critical areas The system uptime will be 99% in critical areas The begin and end times of all activities will be captured and suitable reports related to time taken to complete a certain task will be available both textually and graphically as management dashboard for performance management The system should allow all unsecured data to be exportable in CSV format for further research and analysis by third-party tools like Epi Info™, etc. 5.2 Mandi Portal Services The module will have the following capabilities: • Ability to be responding to farmers’ queries • Ability to respond to traders’ queries • Ability to collate information on a daily basis from mandis • Ability to automatically generate and present transaction summaries • Ability to interface with external portals. • Ability to make entries that are classified as being restricted that may be visible only to those with appropriate privileges like being a Mandi official • Ability to make entries that are classified as being ultra-private and these will be totally private and unavailable for viewing by anyone other than the top management of CGSAMB • Restrictions to entries may be made to apply to the entire record or part thereof, even individual items • Ability to generate, preview and print transaction summaries in Mandi management The various sub modules under the Mandi portal module are given below: 16 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Farmer Portal: This sub-module shall provide services to the farmers for all the requirements of information related to the mandi as well as agriculture related information. Typically the information will include rates for various commodities, crop yield, crop planning, soil testing, seed distribution, weather, loans from financial institutions, various schemes offered by the state & central Governments etc .He may also want to register any grievance or share his feedback with the Mandi board and can do so using this site. The various services envisaged by this sub-module are: Services Manage content on agriculture related information Manage farmers list Manage Farmers’ Grievance & Feedback The requirements of “Farmers’ site” are as follows: Requirements The system will allow the management of information to farmers from mandi and allied departments where the mandi board users will be able to add, remove, assign and view farmers who have registered as an user with them The system will allow the Mandi unit/department to have a famers’ list for all concerned mandis The system will allow a user to maintain farmers’ list of their own The system will allow a user to maintain, update, modify price information of all commodities traded in the different markets updated on a daily basis The system will allow a user to add/modify data on agricultural schemes, application forms for download with user definable formats 17 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Trader Portal: This sub-module shall provide services to the traders for all their informational needs like information on arrivals, rates, as well as transactional needs like registration, licensing, online assessment etc. The traders can also register their complaints/Grievances. The various services envisaged are: Services Manage traders’ registration process Manage Licensing process Manage online assessment of traders The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system will allow the management of information to Traders from mandi and allied departments where the mandi board users will be able to add, remove, assign and view traders who have registered as an user with them The system will allow the unit/department to have a Traders’ list for all concerned mandis The system will allow a user to maintain Traders’ list of their own The system will allow a user to maintain price information of all commodities traded in the different markets and shall be updated on a daily basis The system will allow a user to add/modify data on Licensing, application forms, rules & regulations for download with user definable, printable formats 18 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Transactional Services: This sub-module shall include the transactional needs of the traders and other users for services like applications processing for registration & Tracking, Licensing, to the Mandi board, Traders’ yearly assessment etc. Services Manage applications for registration and track them Manage License issues and renewal online Manage Traders’ yearly assessments online The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system shall allow the registered users to log in using their Id & password to transact with their respective Mandis The system will enable users to submit an application for registration online with the mandi The system shall allow registered users to track and know the status of their applications online. The system shall allow only the authorized user of the mandi to add, remove, assign and view traders and farmers who have registered as an user with them The system will allow the unit/department to have a registered users’ list for all concerned Mandis The system shall allow a registered trader to file monthly online returns and also file his annual returns for assessment The system shall allow authorized users to view transactions done for a day or for a selected period The system shall allow the authorized user of the Mandi to generate reports of various transactions in a printable format 19 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Informational Services: This includes all information about the Mandis across the state like the market details, extent, type, details of sub markets, average arrivals mandi wise etc. Services Manage archived information on all types of market related information Manage tracking of online License & registrations issues and renewal Retrieve information on Traders’ yearly assessments online Interface with the RTI Module The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system shall allow all users to access archived information on the various Mandis(located within the state) The system shall allow all users to access information on the various rules and regulations that govern the Mandis The system will allow a user to view data on Licensing, application forms, rules & regulations for download with user definable, printable formats The system shall provide link to the RTI module Contract Farming: Online application for registration, License issues, Renewal of license, cancellation of license, tracking of status of applications, agreements all pertaining to contract farming, are some of the services envisaged. 20 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Services Manage archived information on all rules and agreements for contract farming Manage tracking of online License & registrations issues and renewal for contract farming Interface with the Legal framework Module The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system shall allow all users to access archived information on the various rules and regulations stipulated by the Mandi Board with regard to contract farming The system shall allow all users to download various forms pertaining to various agreements on Contract farming The system will allow authorized users of the Mandi board to add/modify data on Licensing, application forms, rules & regulations, agreements for download with user definable, printable formats The system will interface with the legal framework module 5.3 Mandi Management Services The Mandi management module comprises of the following sub Modules: Entry and Exit Management: This sub-module services the requirements of the gate entry. The user shall input the details of all vehicles entering the gate and record the levy of fee for each vehicle. The registration number of the vehicle, farmers’ name & village, time of entry with type of commodity in each bag are some of the details envisaged to be captured. 21 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Services Vehicle Lists Commodity lists Farmers’ lists Make entry fee receipts Recording of Vehicle entry and exit with time The present system at the Mandi gate is depicted in the Flow diagram given under: Figure 3: Process Flow diagram of Entry at Gate 22 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system shall allow users at the Mandi gate to view the type of vehicle list, list of charges fixed. The system shall allow users at the Mandi Gate to input the time of entry of any vehicle coming into the mandi premises and also input the exact time of exit of the vehicle. Based on the input of the vehicle type, the system should assign the charges prefixed for that type and generate a challan /Receipt for the entry fees The system should be able to generate a report of fees collected Mandi wise for a given period of date with the details of the user who entered such data 23 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Auction and Weighment: The existing process of Auction is given below in the Flow diagram: Figure 4: Process flow for Auction 24 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Weighment Processs: Figure 5: Process diagram for Weighment process The services envisaged for this sub module are: Services Commodity Lists Farmers lists Transaction lists linked to traders’ ID Entry of auctions & Weighments with rates Report generation of transactions with time 25 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system shall allow users at the Mandi to choose from a drop down list and input the commodity name, Traders name and the auction rate Upon entry of the auction details, the system should generate a unique transaction number for each auction entry. The system shall allow users at the Mandi to input the weighment details like total weight, number of bags filled. Traders’ Shulk Collection:The services envisaged for this sub module are: Services Manage traders Lists with IDs Transaction lists linked to ID Shulk payable lists Make shulk payment entry Generate receipt for shulk fees paid Generate Transaction summary of fees paid Interface with Revenue & Expenditure module The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system shall allow users at the Mandi to choose from a drop down list and input the commodity name, Traders name, the quantity and the auction rate. Upon entry of the details, the system should calculate the Mandi shulk for the transaction automatically and display on the screen. The system shall allow users at the Mandi to generate a payment requisition slip and also input the payment receipt details for each trader Based on the input of the payments the system should generate the balance outstanding from that trader at any point of time 26 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The system should be able to generate a report of fees collected Mandi wise, Trader wise for a given period of date with the details of the user who entered such data The module should have an interface with Revenue & Expenditure module Figure 6: Process diagram for Mandi shulk collection 27 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Legal Framework: The services envisaged for this sub module are: Services Archive License and agreement formats Legal issues lists linked to Mandis Manage Contract lists Manage empanelled legal advisors’ lists Generate legal issues status report Lease & Rental lists Interface with RTI, Contract farming modules The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system shall allow privileged users to view, add, modify any details of Legal formats for contracts, Lease& Rentals, Licenses, Contract farming etc. The system should be able to allow users to view old contracts, Live contracts and generate a list sorted Mandi wise. The system shall allow users to download any contract forms for any of the legal documentation with the Agricultural marketing board The system should maintain a list of approved legal consultants of the Agricultural marketing board district wise throughout the state of Chhattisgarh The system should be able to generate a report of legal issues mandiwise for the whole state of Chhattisgarh The system should have an interface with RTI & Contract farming modules. Programme/Scheme Management: The various schemes of subsidies and Grants by the state and central Government are managed by these services. 28 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Services Manage list of schemes Maintain list of beneficiaries Manage disbursements Create report Mandi wise disbursements Archive scheme/Program details Interface with RTI, Informational services modules The functional requirements for these services are: Requirements The system shall allow privileged users of the board to view, add, modify details of various programs/schemes of the state and central Government. The system should be able to maintain and retrieve a list of beneficicary details input by the respective mandis. The system shall allow viewing of list of beneficiaries district wise of various schemes The system should accept the disbursement details like beneficiary name, Village, Land holding etc under various schemes throughout the state of Chhattisgarh The system should be able to generate a report of disbursements done mandi wise for the whole state of Chhattisgarh. The system should have an interface with RTI & Informational services modules. 29 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 5.4 Mandi support services Sub Modules Asset Management HR Management Budgeting Revenue & Expenditure Queries & Reports Asset Management This is a comprehensive Fixed Assets Management System comprising of Assets Maintenance and Assets Accounting. The CGSAMB purchases various categories of assets for enabling smooth functioning of markets at various mandis and effective maintenance of such assets is critical for ensuring timely delivery of services. The value of such assets is also very high and lack of appropriate insurance, asset maintenance measures may cause significant financial loss to the department. Hence, Asset Management module shall facilitate the department in management of assets including identification & tracking of assets, maintenance of assets, insurance of assets, retiring assets etc. General Requirements The general requirements for Asset Management sub-module will be as follows: General Requirements Requirement The system will have the following: • No restriction on the number of assets held 30 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) General Requirements • An interface with the general ledger • An interface with the purchase ledger • Additions to an asset subsequent to initial purchase. There can be several additions to an existing asset • Grouping together to form a larger asset The following depreciation methods will be used • Straight line life-in-years • Reducing balance percentage per year • There will be no restriction on the number of general ledger categories that may be set up • Assets will be allocated to departments • The depreciation history of each asset will be held indefinitely and it will be possible to purge this information selectively by asset type The service under the Asset Management System module is given below: Services Add Assets Manage Assets Add Assets The “Add Assets” service will allow adding of fixed assets. The functional requirements of “Add Assets” are as follows: Requirements Centralized definition of asset categories, description, parent-child relationship across asset classes etc 31 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements • The system will have the ability to capture asset details such as: • Supplier details • Asset type • Department/Mandi where it is installed • Date of installation • Warranty period • AMC details • Working status The system will have the ability to maintain all relevant information about the asset including:• Location (installation/department/main system to which the asset is attached) • Asset description/specification • Supplier ID (for proprietary asset) • Date since in operation • Life of the asset as per the evaluation of manufacturer • Purchase Order No. • Asset Cost • maintenance schedule of Asset The system will have the ability to maintain Asset registers locally at each Mandi or department location The system will have the ability to link asset number with the Purchase Order/Procurement Number information maintained in the Procurement & Financials systems The system will have the ability to link asset number with the Purchase Order/Procurement Number information maintained in the Procurement & Financials systems 32 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will have the ability to retrieve details of all assets for any location in the structure The system will have the ability to consolidate Asset Registers at all Mandi /department locations into Asset Register for the department The system will have the ability to prevent Mandis/department locations from entering/updating data in any Asset Register other than their own asset register The system will have the ability to record number of units against each asset The system will have the ability to generate asset number at the time of asset entry in the system The system will have the ability to capture bar codes numbers against every asset number The system should provide facility so that ; there is an option to assign each asset to a location/division/unit in the Mandi The system should provide facility so that ; There is an option to record the physical location of each asset The system should provide facility so that ; There is an option to record insurance details against each assets The system should provide facility so that ; There is an option to record multiple insurance policy details against individual assets The system will have the ability to compute sum insured based on replacement cost The system will have the ability to create the BOM & spare part list of an asset. The system will have the ability to store Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) catalogue, quotations, Operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals etc. The system will have the ability to maintain Standard operating and maintenance practices (SOP-Standard operating procedures / SMP- standard maintenance 33 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements procedure) for maintenance tasks of assets. Manage Assets The “Manage Assets” service will take care of the management of fixed assets. The functional requirements of “Manage Assets” are as follows: Requirements The system will have the ability to edit the details such as: • Supplier details • Asset type • Mandi /Department where it is installed • Date of installation • Warranty period • AMC details • Working status The system will have the ability to capture the current working condition of the equipment The system will have the ability to plan, schedule, monitor / track and record maintenance activities Ensure that asset inventory get automatically updated when the asset is withdrawn and installed at a location. The system will have the ability to retire entire or part of an existing fixed asset and update asset register on retirement of assets The system will have the ability to retire a group of assets The system will have the ability to record reason for retirement The system will have the ability to record mode of retirement e.g. scrapped, donated 34 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements etc The system will have the ability to re-instate assets incorrectly retired The system will have the ability to throw alerts/generate reports where assets assigned to specific location already exist in the asset register Generate reports on assets assigned to specific locations Record transfer of assets from one location to another System generated alerts / reminders to designated users about insurance premium payable The system will have the ability to compute sum insured based on replacement cost The system should provide facility so that ; There is a provision to facilitate physical verification of fixed assets by printing fixed assets reports location-wise, categorywise etc The system will have the ability to keep track of last physical verification data for each asset record The system will have the ability to plan major maintenance jobs like repair, maintenance etc. The system should provide facility so that ; It is Able to plan, schedule, monitor / track and record maintenance activities The system should provide facility so that; It can enable Generation of maintenance schedules for preventive maintenance & condition monitoring activities. The system should provide facility so that; it can monitor/provide alerts for pending jobs & automatically carry forward to maintenance day & monitor pending work order status. The system will have the ability to define, generate, approve, schedule emergency maintenance work order 35 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements Track actual resources (tools, manpower, consumables, spares) utilization against planned / standards. The system will have the ability to generate & maintain various maintenance reports i.e. log books, defect lists, asset history, asset list w. r. t location, inspection check list / schedule, delay & down time analysis, asset wise consumables etc.. The system will have the ability to generate the report for the assets/equipments needing the AMC/Insurance or non-operational assets/equipment and their location details HR Management The Human Resources Management Department application captures information pertaining to various departments and the various human resources available. It maintains the records of recruitment, training, and severance records across the organization. This application monitors the training details after feedback from the departments. The system would be linked to various departments to monitor data and details. The various services under the Human Resource Management module are given below: Services Workforce Management Employee Performance Management Employee Self-service Payroll Management Grievance Redressal Management 36 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Workforce Management This “Workforce Management” service will allow the management of the employees of the Mandi Board Service. The functional requirements of “Workforce Management” are as follows: Requirements Add Employee The system will have definition of all departments of CGSAMB The system will have definition of multiple locations under various departments The system will have mapping of employee to his cadre The system will allow grouping of employees on functional basis like Directors, Joint directors, Deputy directors ,etc. The system will have definition of multiple grades to set as many pay scales as necessary The system will have definition of multiple designations The system will enable compilation of employee numbers by cadre /function / designation band at any given time. The system will allow to redefine various definition mentioned above in case of restructuring The system will generate unique Employee code The system will allow editing of the employee’s master data fields by competent authority The system will be able to maintain and retrieve employee records for employee skill sets, qualification, training attendance, seniority, etc. The system will be able to define Employee Compensation Definitions including 37 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements Salary definition with Basic, HRA, DA & other allowances, Leave Encashment definitions, Provident Fund details, etc. The system will be able to identify employees by name, part of name, employee ID, job position, organization The system will be able to track the historical record of employees from the date of joining to the current date. Transfer Employee The system will be able to show the vacancy position in the state with drill down feature up to the Mandi/ departmental level The system will be able to view the vacancy position in different views to meet the transfer authority requirements like sub department wise, function wise, cadre wise, etc. The system will be able to show the color coded map showing the personnel’s distribution in the state with the help of performance indicator The system will avail sorted list of employees on parameters like - number of years in current location, number of years served in rural/tribal area, training programs successfully completed, Annual Confidential Reports The system will be able to show the list of employees with specific skill set to assist the transfer authority in mobilizing them to specific geography in case of need. The system will allow transfer authorities to define rules for transfer The system will be able to show the transfer request posted by the employee to competent transferring authority The system will be able to show the feasible transfer options after filtering from defined rules 38 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will provisionally update the resource allocation after formal release of the transfer order The system will update the resource allocation after joining of employee at the transferred location The system will be able to show the list of employees who has not joined offices even after release of transfer order The system will be able to notify the reporting officers transfer proceedings Recruit Employee The system will be able to show the vacancy position in the state with drill down feature up to the Mandi/departmental level The system will be able to view the vacancy position in different views to meet the recruitment authority requirements like sub department wise, function wise, cadre wise, etc. The system will be able to show the color coded map showing the personnel’s distribution in the state with the help of performance indicator The system will allow sub departments to design the resource requirement plan The system will allow the department to post the resource requirement plan to Director, CGSAMB The system will consolidate the resource requirement plan for Director, CGSAMB The system will allow scrutiny/modification of resource requirement plan by secretaries of Mandis. The system will allow feedback from secretaries of mandis on finalized recruitment plan by the Board 39 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will allow competent authority to finalize the recruitment plan The system will generate the office orders to respective authorities responsible for recruitment to specific post The system will generate notification for inviting the application/ office order to recruitment authority The system will be able to receive online applications The system will allow to upload the list of qualified candidates after each round of screening The system will show the list of qualified candidates Modify HR Record The system will allow to change the cadre/ designation/ pay scale/ reporting structure of the employee after getting promoted or demoted The system will able to change the role of the employee The system will be able to show the vacancy position in the state that can be filled by promotion, with drill down feature up to the departmental unit level The system will be able to record the retirement date of the employee and update HR record accordingly The system will be able to record suspension, termination & retirement of the employee The system will be able to freeze all the rights of the suspended, terminated & retired employee 40 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Employee Performance Management The “Employee Performance Management” will take care of the management of performance of the employees. The functional requirements of “Employee Performance Management” are as follows: Requirements The system will be able to show the already designed KPIs to managers The system will provide interactive GUI based tour on “designing the KPIs” for educating the user The system will display the mandatory KPIs recommended by the CGSAMB Management to all the users of the system The system will allow the user to design the KPIs to meet his contemporary monitoring requirement The system will allow to set the annual targets and long term targets against each KPI The system will allow user to add or remove the KPIs from his customized view The system will display the selected KPIs on respective user home page The system will allow change in the definition of the KPIs The system will generate the graphical view for showing change in the value of KPI on selected time scale with reference to the target The system will allow the user to set his own target for each KPIs with accessibility limited to him only The system will be able to generate color coded map of the AP, representing the value of selected KPI 41 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Service Book Management The “Service Book Management” will take care of the management of the service book of the CGSAMB employees. The functional requirements of “Service Book Management” are as follows: Requirements The system will be able to show the component view of the Service Book like personal static information, service details, performance appraisals etc. The system will allow posting of the ACR from reporting officers The system will be able to register the feedback from senior officers as well The system will allow defining the timelines for performance appraisal The system will show the delay in ACR process to managers The system will accept the request from employees for changing the incorrect information in service book The system will allow competent authority to update the information after taking necessary approval The system will allow to track the requests for any updates The system will allow managers to send the group message to employees on their performances Employee Self Service The “Employee Self Service” service will allow all employees to perform self-services for their HR-related requirements. The functional requirements of “Employee Self Service” are as follows: 42 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will allow employee to access his personal & professional records The system will be able to show the various performance indicators related to his performance The system will allow to manage the performance indicator by giving access to all the features listed in KPI sub module The system will have provision to be able to display the pay slip on demand The system will enable employee to print the pay slip The system will show various training programs scheduled across the department The system will allow to perform all the training related task listed in training sub module The system will have provision for allowing to file grievances and offer all the functionality listed in grievance sub module The system will have provision for accessibility to learning material from GoI, and international journals The system will have provision to allow to manage the dashboard view of critical activities The system will be single point access for accessing all the functions and features of the system Payroll Management The “Payroll Management” service will allow the management of payroll of the employees. The functional requirements of “Payroll Management” are as follows: 43 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Functional Requirement The system will be Rules-Based Payroll Solution for calculation of the pay for various cadres The system will have provision to be able to Include compensation and benefit plans The system will have provision to be paperless Payroll Processing The system will be able to include revised compensation plans The system will have provision to show all the information to check and reconcile payroll to competent authorities The system will allow integration with HR , Revenue & budget module The system will be able to show complete payment history The system will show the component view of pay structure The system will allow to print pay slip on demand Budgeting The “Budgeting” services will allow the management of control of budgets. Services Prepare Budget Modify Budget Approve Budget Prepare Supplementary Budget Report Budget deviations Budget change request Release Budget 44 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The functional requirements of “Budgeting” are as follows: Requirements Prepare Budget The system will have the ability to support different chart of accounts for departments/units/programmes etc. The system will have the ability to provide for numerical and alpha numeric chart of accounts The system will allow for account description to be given for each account code in the Chart of Accounts The system must permit additions and amendments to the chart of accounts structure without corrupting existing data at any level in a simple and efficient way; i.e. without the need to rebuild the chart of accounts. The system must permit the deactivation of elements so that no postings are possible (subject to user access controls) The system must prevent active elements from being deleted; i.e. when there are postings to the account. The system will control user access to individual elements and combinations of account codes, in terms of posting and enquiries/reporting etc. The system will have the ability to capture the budget amounts for the defined budget heads for each Revenue & Expenditure area defined The system must not allow periods to be deleted once data has been posted to them. The system will have the ability to import or export budget details from / to external systems electronically ( using spreadsheet) The system will have the ability to navigate within the budget hierarchy (e.g. expand / collapse structure, drill down for details) Facility to provide a graphical representation of the budget approval hierarchy 45 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will have the ability to calculate and compare budget versus actual in terms of amount variance and percentage variance The system will support multiple iterations of budgets. The system will associate each budget set with a unique identifier, for audit purposes. The system will provide budget cap The system will have the ability to freeze/ unfreeze budgets. The system will provide the access controls and data validation control when uploading budgets. The system will allow budget information to be exported in the following formats: • Spreadsheets • XML • CSV, ASCII text file etc. The system will allow budgets to be copied from one period to another from: • Existing actuals • Existing budgets The system will have the ability to revalue budget by percentage and fixed amounts The system must roll closing balances from one period into the opening balances for the subsequent period(s). Approve Budget The system will support workflow based budget approval process based on the hierarchy defined for the process by the Board The system will record the history of changes and preserve the original budget; in all cases where the budget is modified. The audit trail should include the username, the date and time of the operation and 46 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements data before and after change concerned. The system will have the ability to have multiple levels of budgeting and reporting (e.g. State, district, Mandi wise etc). The system will have the ability to roll-up budgets from the lowest level. The system will have the ability to support flexible periods for budgets and forecasts ( quarterly, half – yearly, yearly) The system will have the ability to compare current year actual/ budget/ forecast month, previous year actual/ budget month The system will have the ability to generate budget data on multiple dimensions combinations of criteria like districts or Mandis clubbed etc The system will have the ability to provide drilldown for actual versus budget reporting. The system will have the ability to reallocate budget items ensuring the reallocation is maintained in history The system will have the ability to provide decentralized access to the budget process to both develop and use the budget. The system will have provision for flexibility to: • Maintain original budget version and revised budget version • Update the original budget by • - Increasing the budget amounts - Reducing the budget amounts Transferring budget amounts (transfer between locations, transfer between heads of account etc.) The system will have the ability to disallow physical and financial reporting prior to budget approval The system will have the ability to check and highlight missing, incomplete budget 47 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements items prior to consolidation (for example a particular implementation location’s data missing) The system will have the ability to integrate the budgeting details with expenditure reporting, financial progress reporting etc The system will have the ability to perform automatic budget availability checks during transaction posting The system will have the ability to define budget tolerance limits either as a percentage or absolute value and trigger warning to all concerned users on exceeding the limits fixed The system will have the ability to navigate within the budget hierarchy (e.g. expand / collapse structure, drill down for details) Modify Budget The system will record the history of changes and preserve the original budget; in all cases where the budget is modified. The audit trail should include the username, the date and time of the operation and data before and after change concerned. The system will be able to freeze all the rights after completion/termination of the scheme Submit Budget Change Request The system will have the ability to provide restricted access to submit amendment requests for budget and approvals supported by workflow. The system will have the ability to send automated alerts for the change requests submitted to the approvers identified in the workflow for budget change process Release Budget The system will have the ability to specify the sanctioned/released amounts for the 48 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements implementation unit for month, quarter, year The system will facilitate reconciliation of fund transfers from one account to another Expenditure Tracking The “Expenditure Tracking” services will allow the management of tracking of expenditures. The functional requirements of “Expenditure Tracking” are as follows: Requirements The system will have the ability to capture the individual voucher details (voucher number, budget head, expense details, expenditure amount, date etc) The system will provide built in-controls to validate the data reported by the end users: Rejection of non-numeric values Validation expenditure data against the released funds Restrict data entry for the closed/approved reporting periods The system will have the audit trails to log the entire chain of activities performed by the users across the locations and levels. The system will have the ability to drill down the expenditure data from top-down (state-district-block) The system will have the ability to generate individual location and group (state, district, block) wise expenditure reports for the period The system will have the ability to generate the budget versus actual comparison reports for each location and at aggregate level Time Intelligence for reporting - The system will have in-built Time intelligence for reporting 49 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will have the ability to export the expenditure data to the well formatted spreadsheets, word for printing and distribution The system will have the ability to freeze/unfreeze the reporting periods based on access controls defined for the users The system must provide the functionality to open and close accounting periods to control posting of transactions into current and/or previous/future periods The system must allow/prevent the posting of transactions to present, future and previous periods and years, with security defined at user level The system must allow prior year and audit adjustments to be made throughout the current year. This must be subject to strict security/ access control. All such adjustments must be also applied to the current year where relevant The system must warn the user if they attempt to post to a non-current period Revenue & Expenditure The various services under the Revenue & Expenditure module are given below: Services Accounts Payable Payment Management Revenue & Expenditure summary Accounts Receivable Cash Book General Ledger 50 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Account Coding Budget Control Expenditure Tracking Transaction Management Projects Accounts Payable The “Accounts Payable” service will allow the authorized users to manage accounts payables of the Mandi. The functional requirements of “Accounts Payable” are as follows: Requirements The system will be able to handle online data entry for: • Supplier/Rate Contractor Details • Voucher Entry • Payment Processing • Continuous online display of List and Total Accounts Payable • Supplier/Rate Contractor Details The system will allow the setting up an "irregular suppliers" account for processing transaction for rarely used suppliers or one-time suppliers/rate contractors The system will produce a listing of supplier/rate contractors with no activities for a specified period of time The system will allow the automatic flow of transactions from the module The system will automatically reflect the moment any material purchase is made in 51 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements the Asset module The system will have adequate controls to check on duplication of submission of claims or bills from the Asset module The system will automatically generate the Material Received Note (MRN) date-wise under the purchases functionality To perform accounting audit, the system will inform whether any bills are held at any location for any reason The system will provide functionality for finance to check for the bills generated but not presented or settled (e.g. CRN not processed, Vouchers not processed etc.) reasons can then be ascertained The system will allow the issue and printing of cheques only after proper authorisation of the bills raised have been done The system will allow automatic posting of financial statements in cash book and ledger The system will automatically record all expenses incurred with details The system will allow invoice tracking from the time it is received from the supplier to the time the payment is settled without any limits to the number of items per invoice The system will check for duplicate supplier/rate contractor invoice numbers The system will validate online the general ledger codes in the Accounts Payable functionality and all invalid transactions will be rejected The system will check that the total recorded against various items in the invoice equals the total invoice sum The system will automatically post a discount to the correct general ledger account 52 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements for discounts given The system will permit authorization of a group of invoices in a batch The system will allow matching of items both invoice-wise and individual items within a single invoice The system will post at the end of the day or period the amount transactions entered online On posting the system will automatically update the accounts payable and the general ledger simultaneously The system will handle accruals with automatic reversal in the next applicable period The system will allow the specification of an end date for recurring payments The system will allow the payment of more than one Cheque for a Supplier/Contractor The system will allow stop payments of a specific invoice temporarily The system will allow the payment of invoices as specified without regard to the scheduled payment date. The system should provide facility so that ; Interfacing with the general ledger functionality will allow the Cheque number to be passed to the general ledger to assist with bank reconciliations If a posted payment is made void, then the system will allow the general ledger posting to be automatically reversed The system will allow processing of more than one accounting period, which would typically be previous and future periods 53 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Payment Management The “Payment Management” service takes care of the records of all actual payments made by the Mandi. The functional requirements of “Payment Management” are as follows: Requirements The system will generate a report before the payments are made that will list payments made to each Supplier/Contractor The system will produce comprehensive cash requirements reports by period planned as per the payment run date The system will show amounts expected to be paid in all planned payment runs within a user specified period All cash requirements reports and enquiries will take into account the projected payments in respect of goods received but not invoiced Expenditure Tracking The “Expenditure Tracking” services will allow the management of tracking of expenditures. The functional requirements of “Expenditure Tracking” are as follows: Requirements The system will have the ability to capture the individual voucher details (voucher number, budget head, expense details, expenditure amount, date etc) The system will provide built in-controls to validate the data reported by the end users: Rejection of non-numeric values Validation expenditure data against the released funds 54 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements Restrict data entry for the closed/approved reporting periods The system will have the audit trails to log the entire chain of activities performed by the users across the locations and levels. The system will have the ability to drill down the expenditure data from top-down (state-district-block) The system will have the ability to generate the budget versus actual comparison reports for each location and at aggregate level Time Intelligence for reporting - The system will have in-built Time intelligence for reporting The system will have the ability to export the expenditure data to the well formatted spreadsheets, word for printing and distribution The system will have the ability to freeze/unfreeze the reporting periods based on access controls defined for the users The system must provide the functionality to open and close accounting periods to control posting of transactions into current and/or previous/future periods The system must allow/prevent the posting of transactions to present, future and previous periods and years, with security defined at user level The system must allow prior year and audit adjustments to be made throughout the current year. This must be subject to strict security/ access control. All such adjustments must be also applied to the current year where relevant The system must warn the user if they attempt to post to a non-current period The system will have the ability to generate individual location and group (state, district, block) wise expenditure reports for the period 55 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Accounts Receivable The “Accounts Receivable” service will take care of the various accounts receivable by the Mandi. The functional requirements of “Accounts Receivable” are as follows: Requirements The system will allow online data entry of Traders The system will allow payments to be entered The system will generate Traders transaction statements at the end of the period The system will maintain Trader wise balances on open item basis The system will record adjustments to the Accounts Receivable module that will include a reference number and reason The system will track full exposure by Trader (i.e. Trader transaction limit minus outstanding receivables) The system will prevent users to override the set credit limits The system will allow the handling of internal adjustment (e.g. negative credit notes) The system will allow partial payment of the receivable for transactions by a trader The system will maintain daily Accounts Receivables with supporting details The system will post cash receipts online The system will display all outstanding of a trader during payment posting The system will allow for partial payments to be made The system will permit the write-off of a receivable amount at the time of cash application The system will allow the storing of partial payments and over-payments as separate 56 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements open items against the original amount until the invoice is fully cleared The system will allow reviewing on-line of all Trader accounts who are above their assigned credit limits and will post an appropriate alert to the respective secretaries of the Mandis The system will allow reviewing on-line Traders’ dues aging and other statistic data such as last payment date, etc. The system will display online the shulk fee Statements, including beginning open items, new charges, credits and payments, ending open balance and aging recap, demand notice number, date and date due, Trader name, Transaction number The system will display the Detailed Aging Trial Balance for each active Trader showing dues and AR activity (e.g. payments, debit and credit memos, write-off, comments) and summary total balance across all Traders The system will maintain Accounts Receivable that includes list of automated and manually entered transaction details with control totals Cash Book The “Cash Book” service will take care of the cash book part of accounts. The functional requirements of “Cash Book” are as follows: Requirements The system will be capable of maintaining different cash books The system should provide facility so that ; The cashbook will receive automatic postings from Transactions, Rentals, payroll system, together with manual batch posting of other payments and receipts The system should provide facility so that ; The cashbook will be integrated with the general ledger and the postings will be updated with specified general ledger 57 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) accounts and general ledger cash book balances The system will facilitate bank reconciliation, using bank statements inputs either manually or automatically The system should provide facility so that ; The receipts and payments from daily transactions and the payroll will be posted as separate postings The system should provide facility so that ; An audit trail of all cashbook transactions will be maintained General Ledger The “General Ledger” service will allow the management of General Ledgers. The functional requirements of “General Ledger” are as follows: • The system will maintain all transactions for the year account head wise • The postings are automatic from daily transactions from the cash book of all entries of Revenue and Expenditure Transaction Management The “Transaction Management” service will allow manage financial transactions. The functional requirements of “Transaction Management” are as follows: Requirements The system will allow transactions to be made online or on batch processing. In case of batch processing, the procedure to be followed will be • If the system uses transaction batching then it will support batch control on input. Agreement of batch controls will be mandatory before batches are accepted for posting • Batch numbers will be allocated by the user 58 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) • Batches will be limited to single period and single transaction • Batches will be available for recall and modification before actual processing • The system will allow the selective posting of valid batches The system will allow transactions to be made online or on batch processing. In case of batch processing, the procedure to be followed will be • If the system uses transaction batching then it will support batch control on input. Agreement of batch controls will be mandatory before batches are accepted for posting • Batch numbers will be allocated by the user • Batches will be limited to single period and single transaction • Batches will be available for recall and modification before actual processing • The system will allow the selective posting of valid batches The system should provide facility so that ; It will be possible for bank statement information to be entered, and a bank reconciliation statement automatically produced The system should provide facility so that ; It will be possible for specified account balances to be automatically reallocated over a range of other accounts, according to pre-determined apportionment ratios The system will automatically transfer balance sheet account balances forward at the end of each financial year, and make the Profit & Loss account balances zero Projects The “Projects” service will take care of the details of the various projects(expansion works) that are run by the various Mandis. The functional requirements of “Projects” are as follows: 59 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will allow the capture of heads of funded projects carried out in the Mandi with budget allocation and ceilings for each sub-heading Whenever the ceiling or sub-ceiling as per budget is exceeded or nearing exceeding alerts should be raised and the principal investigator of the project will be the respective Mandi secretary Integration with other modules The Revenue & Expenditure module will be integrated with the Mandi management services module, Payroll, Asset Management modules. Queries & Reports This sub module has the following services envisaged: The reports given are illustrative and may change with user requirements. The system should have the ability to generate user defined reports. Services Entry & Exit reports Auction & Weighment reports Shulk collection reports Asset management reports HR Management reports Revenue reports Budget Control reports Expenditure Tracking Transaction reports Projects work progress report 60 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The Queries & Reports for Entry & Exit Management Module will be as follows: Queries & Reports-Entry & Exit Listing of all entries at the gate of a Mandi in a day by entering a Mandi code An audit list of all fees collected at the gate with details of each item List of total arrivals commodity wise, Mandi wise for a given period The Queries & Reports for Auction & Weighment Module will be as follows: Queries & Reports-Auction & Weighment Listing of all auctions & weighments done at each Mandi in a day by entering a Mandi code A Total list of quantity weighed at the end of day details of item wise, trader wise transaction The daily auction rates of each commodity to be uploaded automatically in the NIC website through a link. The queries & reports for Shulk collection Queries & Reports-Shulk collection Listing of all Transactions done at each Mandi in a day by entering a Mandi code A Total list of quantity weighed for each trader item wise, with Shulk payable transaction wise The Shulk payable list trader wise by entering a Mandi code. The shulk collected summary mandi wise for any given period. The Queries & Reports for Assets Management Module will be as follows: 61 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Queries & Reports-Asset Management Listing of all assets in a department by means of entering a department code List of all assets in an asset (general ledger) category by means of entering the general ledger code An audit list of all assets providing full details of each item An audit trail of all additions in the period or year Disposal audit trail that lists all assets disposed in the period or year Period depreciation report that gives the depreciation for the period and cumulative for each asset Depreciation history report summarizing the depreciation by period of the year per asset category General ledger distribution report giving the values that need to be posted for the period per general ledger account Forecast depreciation report showing the expected depreciation over six userdefined periods Insurance valuation report showing the gross and net values per location by asset category The system will allow generation of the following reports by department: • Asset register • Additions audit trail • Adjustment audit trail • Disposal audit trail • Period depreciation • Depreciation history • General ledger distribution 62 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) • Forecast depreciation • Insurance valuation The Queries & Reports for HR Module will be as follows: Queries & Reports-HR Management The system will support Multi level enquiry It would be possible to see all the Payroll ledger entries relating to a particular Mandi or employee , if required It will be possible to view all the vacancies across the state at different levels and places It will be possible to view all eligible candidates for promotions and transfers The system will maintain HR file online for all employees The system will be able to generate service history reports and show a list of due promotions and transfers with retirements The training needs of every department can be assessed online Queries & Reports-Budgeting The system will support accounts level enquiry with assigned budgets for every head of Revenue and Expenditure The system will generate a report of Budget compliance with variance if any for all Mandis for a given period The system will be able to generate a report on supplementary budget requisitions and approvals It would be possible to see all the Budget utilization Mandi wise for a given year 63 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Queries & Reports-Budgeting The system will maintain a transaction history file online for at least 2 years or more The user will be able to access transaction data as well as account level data The system will allow wild-carding to be used in the selection and format criteria Queries & Reports-Revenue The system will support accounts level enquiry with assigned budgets for every head of Revenue The system will generate a report of Budget compliance with variance if any for all Mandis for a given period The system will be able to generate a report on supplementary budget requisitions and approvals The system would generate a printable report of the total revenue head wise for a given period of time The system will allow and generate a comparative report of two different periods of revenue heads for the same Mandi The system will automatically calculate the shulk collected with the apportionment to Collectors’ Fund, Pension Fund and Others The system will allow wild-carding to be used in the selection and format criteria Queries & Reports-Expenditure The system will support accounts level enquiry with assigned budgets for every head of Expenditure The system will generate a report of Budget compliance with variance if any for all 64 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Queries & Reports-Expenditure Mandis for a given period The system will be able to generate a report on supplementary budget requisitions and approvals It would be possible to see all the Budget utilization Mandi wise for a given year The system would generate a printable report of the total revenue head wise for a given period of time The system will allow and generate a comparative report of two different Expenditure heads for the same Mandi for a different period of time The system will maintain a transaction history file online for at least 2 years or more The user will be able to access transaction data as well as account level data The system will allow wild-carding to be used in the selection and format criteria Queries & Reports-Transaction report The system will generate Transaction level report Mandi wise The system will generate reports of transactions for all Mandis for a given period Traderwise The system will be able to generate a report on Market shulk collection Mandi wise The system will maintain a transaction history file online for at least 2 years or more The user will be able to access transaction data as well as account level data The system will allow wild-carding to be used in the selection and format criteria 65 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Queries & Reports-Project progress report The system will generate status report Mandi wise for the ongoing projects across all the Mandis in the state The system will generate reports of budget utilization by all Mandis for a given period The system will have provision for capture of all requests for supplementary budget for projects Mandi wise 5.5 Miscellaneous Services This module has the following sub modules: Sub Modules Grievance Redressal E-Learning Knowledge Management Training Grievance Redressal System The objective of grievance redressal system is to allow internal and external stakeholders to register the grievance through various channels, routing grievances to the right officers, and monitoring the timeline and quality of disposal for providing the satisfactory solution to the user’s problem in hassleless and cost effective manner. Grievance system will have provision to accept measurable feedback for measuring the complainant satisfaction from system and quality of redressal. The services envisaged are: 66 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Services File/Register Grievance Assign Grievance Manage & monitor Grievance Generate Grievance reports The functional requirements of “Grievance Redressal System” are as follows: Requirements File Grievance The system will able to capture the details of the grievance including contact details of the individual filing the grievance, description of grievance, date & time, details of specific location/individual concerning the grievance, reference to earlier grievance registered (if any) etc. The system will generate grievance number automatically The system will be able to define the criticality and priority of the grievance based on the nature of compliant The system will allow to track status of complaints with complaint number The system will be able to allocate the complaint to the concerned department/facility based on the grievance details Assign Grievance The system will be able to retrieve grievance by grievance number The system will be able to see other grievances being handled by investigator The system will be able to see investigator’s performance in terms of time taken to investigate grievance Grievance Report 67 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will be able to retrieve grievance based on grievance number The system will be able to prepare report on grievance to Grievance Coordinator and Grievance Officer The system will be able to print report The system will be able to recommend preventive / corrective measures Monitor Grievance The system will be able to view status of all grievances The system will be able to generate statistics on time taken to report on grievance The system will be able to sort reports on criteria like nature of grievance, location where event behind grievance occurred, preventive / corrective action formulated etc The system will be able to edit investigator’s report The system will be able to generate automated acknowledgements to complainants The system will be able to reassign grievances to other investigators in case of delay Integration with other modules Grievance redressal module will be integrated with the HR Management, Farmers’ site, Traders’ site & RTI modules. Content Management Requirements Content Management The system will able to manage and maintain content for education and learning to available online 24x7 with support to all the employees and other stake holders The system will support content of all types of text, Images, Flash, Multimedia 68 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements services The system will offer suitable links to sites that offer related content on subjects of interest in the field of Agriculture Performance Metrics The system would support standard online performance and evaluation metrics for users Training Management The “Training Management” service will allow the management of training requirements of the CGSAMB employees. The functional requirements of “Training Management” are as follows: Requirements Design Training Calendar The system will be able to show the vacancy position in the state with drill down feature up to the departmental unit level The system will be able to view the competencies of the employee in different views like sub department wise, function wise etc. The system will be able to show the color coded map showing the personnel’s distribution having specific skill in the state The system will allow sub departments to design the training plan The system will allow the department to post the training plan to Director, CGSAMB The system will consolidate the training plan and show training catalogue including all trainings 69 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements The system will allow scrutiny/modification/addition of trainings in training plan The system will allow feedback from HoDs on finalized training plan by the training sponsor The system will allow competent authority to finalize the training plan The system will allow to distribute the training among the training institute in the state The system will generate the office orders to respective training institutes with details The system will allow training institutes to post their readiness for conducting the training The system should capture the trainings with all required attributes like objective, target audience with qualification criteria, trainers, tentative cost etc. Make Training Request The system will be able to show all the scheduled training to the employees The system will allow enrolment to one or more training from employee The system will also capture the new training request from the employees which are not displayed by allowing him to add new training The system will show all trainings to employee clearly differentiating trainings under training calendar and requested by his colleagues The system will show the mandatory trainings for employee with details like schedule, place trainer etc. The system will capture the feedback from all employee on training attended. This should be mandatory and time bound functionality. 70 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 5.6 Access Channels The sub modules are: Call Center SMS Gateway Krishi information centers Call center: The services envisaged are: Services Information services Registration services Krishi Counselling Grievance handling Requirements Information Services The system will able to register, manage and maintain calls received through the IVRS and be able to disseminate the required information to all callers The system should support content of all Agriculture related information through links Registration Services The system will be able to make a onetime registration of callers linked to their phone number and once registration is done all callers to be automatically identified by the system and details displayed on the screen Krishi Counselling 71 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The system should provide information support for all agri related queries and practices to enable the call attender to guide the caller with the right information Grievance Handling The system should interface with the Grievance Redressal module. It should facilitate register, store and forward of all grievances for suitable resolution. The system should generate reports of Grievance handled for a period of time with complete history from registration to resolution with the user details, date and time. SMS Gateway: Services Mobile number registration Information services Requirements Mobile Number Registration The system will able to register, manage and maintain all users’ mobile numbers with their demographic details The system should automatically send SMS messages through a GSM modem to all the registered mobile numbers at one click. The system should perform a check for DND registration of mobile numbers before sending the message. The system should generate and store reports of messages sent with the delivery reports Information Services The system will be able to monitor a message of 160 characters and if the message 72 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements exceeds automatically send as two messages The system to generate a report every month of total messages sent with number of failed deliveries and the reason for the same. Krishi Information Centers This has the following services: Services Krishi registration Krishi Information services & Counselling Requirements Krishi Registration The system will able to register, manage and maintain all users’ (Farmers)demographic details with land holding pattern through common facilitation centers The system should capture the Mobile number of the Farmer The system should provide due authentication to the registered user through a username and password Krishi Information Services The system will be able to disseminate information on request by the registered 73 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements users. The system shall provide links to information on rates, weather forecasts, other facilities and services or special camps organized for the benefit of the farmers. 5.7 Management Information System (MIS) The various services under the Management Information System module are given below: Services Management Dashboard MIS Reports Management Dashboard The “Management Dashboard” service will allow the display of dashboards for KPIs that will allow for better management, including tracking, of Mandi wise performance. The functional requirements of “Management Dashboard” are as follows:Requirement The system will display in graphical view on dashboard pattern various KPIs like: • Total Arrivals (Mandi wise, Commodity wise) • Total Arrivals (Mandi wise, Quantity wise) • Total Revenue generated(Mandi wise) • Total Expenditure made (Mandi wise.) • Total supplementary Expenditure made • Total capacity utilization of infrastructure 74 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) MIS Reports The “MIS Reports” service will allow the generation, preview and printing of various reports useful for efficient management of the Mandis. The list below is illustrative and is in addition to the various queries and reports that have been listed out in the various modules The system should have the capability to generate customized user defined reports . The system will have the ability to generate, preview and print the following reports: Requirements (Illustrative) Revenue profile Trader wise Revenue profile Mandi wise Revenue profile Transaction wise Expense profile Trader wise Expense profile Mandi wise Expense profile Farmer wise Expense profile Transaction wise Exception report on deviation from set of parameters for Shullk collection, Rentals collection, Renewal fees collection. Farmer registration statistics Trader license & registration statistics by Mandi, date, area, district wise Hamal license and registration statistics by Mandi, date, area, district wise Demographic profile of Farmers with specific diagnosis 75 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements (Illustrative) Trends in agricultural output area wise Schemes & subsidies beneficiary Statement Mandi ,date, area, district wise Performance indicator reports like: • Total arrivals handled • Waiting time before effective transaction • Average Length of processes • Average Turn Around Time Additional Reports Graphical Total Mandi Performance Daily Revenue & Expenditure Statistics Date-wise all Transaction Statistics Month-wise all Transaction Statistics Summary Reports Mandi wise Break-up of Revenue and Expenditure year wise Arrivals commodity wise, Quantity wise, Year wise Arrivals commodity wise, Quantity wise, Mandi wise Mandi wise budget for Revenue & Expenditure with variance year wise Mandi wise Revenue statement Mandi wise Expenditure Statement Summary of shulk collected Mandi wise, District wise Summary of reserve fund, Pension fund, Vikas Nidhi, Others etc 76 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Requirements (Illustrative) Automatic report generation to Panchayat deputy Director with details of total collections, Collectors’ fees, Revenue due Mandi wise, District wise MIS Reports Reports of Daily arrival, rates commodity wise to AGMARK, NIC, Collector of respective Districts sent automatically Printable Reports generated on Arrivals, Commodity rates, Revenue & Expenditure Cost Reports Centralized Mandi Master Income-Expenditure Statement Mandi Based Income Expense Statement Mandi Wise Income Expenditure Desk Reports Daily Reports of Arrivals, Rates, Fees collected, Outstanding receivables 5.8 RTI Module RTI is a centralized application which is used for dissemination of information under RTI and also to keep track of the RTI applications filed by the information seekers. Application shall be hosted at the State Data centre and users can access the application through the Mandi portal. PIOs/ CGIOs and other competent authorities have to authenticate using their credentials, as otherwise citizens can access the information with out the authenticating process. All the data shall be stored under the category “RTI Data” and this module shall access the data from other modules for public dissemination of data as per RTI Act. Services provided under this application are 77 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Services RTI Information (Public dissemination) RTI application formats Status check MIS report Functional Requirements RTI Information The system shall enable general users to access the requisite information under RTI act The system shall capture and store the basic details like Name, Age, Address & EMail ID of a person requesting the information under RTI The system shall accept applications under RTI from the users online and assign a Unique number The system shall have the ability to generate a reply confirming the receipt of application and giving the allotted reference number RTI Application Formats The system shall enable users to download printable formats of the prescribed application form under RTI act The application shall be customizable in future based on the changed requirements Status Check The system shall enable users to track their application online to know the status The users shall be able to track their application using the unique number allotted by 78 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) the system at the time of filing MIS Reports The system shall enable users to generate customized reports on the RTI module 5.9 Non-Functional Requirements S. Non-functional Requirements No. 1) Technical Solution Architecture Requirements The MMIS solution needs to be architected using robust and proven software technologies like Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and open industry standards. The solution architecture should be built on sound architectural principles enabling fault-tolerance, high-performance, and scalability both on the software levels. a) Software Architecture Requirements Software architecture must support web services standards including XML, SOAP, UDDI and WSDL Software architecture must support appropriate load balancing for scalability and performance Software architecture must support flexibility in adding functionalities or applications. Software architecture components should utilize the high availability, clustering, and load balancing features available in the proposed hardware architecture to increase system performance and scalability features. Software architecture must support trace logging, error notification and resolution and exception handling. 2 Development, Testing, Staging, and Production Requirements 79 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Propose appropriate development, test, and staging hardware environments and explain how they are related to production environment. Bidders are required to explain how the development, test, and staging environment support the implementation activities of MMIS Solution. Development and test environment should include configuration management capabilities and tools for system configuration, versioning scheme, documentation, change control processes and procedures to manage deployment of solution deployment. The test, development, and staging environment should include required workstations, desktops, and tools appropriate to support development, testing, and staging, and deployment tasks. The development, test, and staging hardware environments must include similar operating systems, software components, products, and tools to those of production environment.{ this is to be done at the premises of Selected SI} The development, test, and staging environments should be independent logically and physically from the production environment and of each other. The development environment should be used for development and should be configured to allow access for developers’ workstations. The staging environment should be used for functional and user acceptance testing, stress testing, and performance benchmarking. The test environment should be used as a testing environment of MMIS Portal Solution and its software components and products. The test environment should be a scaled-down configuration of the production environment. a) Security Requirements Provide a secure solution at the software level, and access level. Authentication, Authorization & Access Control Implement necessary security mechanisms to enable secure login and authorized access to portal information and services. Encryption Ensure confidentiality of sensitive information and data of users and portal information. 80 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) b) Monitoring and Management Requirements The Central MMIS Solution should provide monitoring and management of the entire Solution including all software components and application. The monitoring and management should monitor health of the solution It should provide proactive monitoring, alerting and reporting. c) Performance and Scalability Requirements Bidders are required to design the overall MMIS Central Solution with high performance and scalability to handle increasing number of users. Bidders are required to deliver MMIS Solution that provides measurable and acceptable performance requirements for various user groups, channels, and connectivity bandwidths. Bidders are required to provide optimal and high performance Portal Solution satisfying response time for slow Internet connections and different browsers. d) Implementation Requirements The Implementation Agency will be required to work closely with the Department and perform detailed functional requirements and analysis of MMIS Solution to confirm and document functional / system requirement specifications for the portal and its applications to fulfil its objectives. The Implementation Agency will be expected to carry the complete implementation and deployment of the MMIS within the timelines specified in the RFP. The Implementation Agency is expected to develop, test, stage, and deploy all functional modules of the MMIS software components of technical & functional requirements e) Project Management Provide an implementation plan illustrating all functional analysis, development, testing, staging, and deployment activities. Specify and describe the different phases and activities of the project. It is very important for the Department that the Bidders provide a quality implementation plan covering all aspects of the project. The plan shall clearly specify the start and end dates (relative to contract signing) of each of the project phases specifying key milestones allowing visibility of project progress. 81 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Use standard project management tools such as precedence diagrams, critical path charts, etc. to create and manage implementation plan and schedule. The table below shows the minimum stages and deliverables: Stage Activities Functional & Requirements Analysis • Define Functional Requirements • Software Requirements and Specifications Document • Requirements management • Detailed Scope of Work • Work Breakdown Structure • Detailed Project Schedule • Data Migration Plan • • Design Development Deliverables Prototyping Documentation • Data Migration Preparation • Solution Architecture Design • Design Specifications Documents of solutions • Data Schema design • User Interface Design Specifications • User Interface Design Integration & Interfaces Design • • Integration Design Specifications Prototyping design Validation • Data design and migration • • Documentation • Software installation, configuration, and customization • Development Plan • Updated Design Document Installation and configuration • Installed software • Functional modules & Portal Solution • Problem reporting • • Development • Unit Testing • Documentation 82 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Testing • System Testing • Complete Test Cases • Integration Testing • Test Plan • Stress Testing • User Acceptance Criteria • User Acceptance Test Results • Problem reporting • Problem resolution testing • Data Migration Testing • Deployment Completed Test Cases • Data Migration tests • Documentation • Training courses and sessions • Knowledge Transfer and training plan • Operations Planning • Operations Plan • User Manual • Operations Policies and Procedures • Operations Manuals Provide a comprehensive project implementation plan covering (but not limited to): a. Project planning, b. Work allocation, c. Progress tracking and monitoring, and d. Reporting to Department. 83 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 6. 6.1 Implementation Plan Implementation Model It is suggested that the project implementation will be done in two phases: Phase I: The Mandi Board desires to implement MMIS in 10 selected Mandi Yards, Four (4) Regional Offices and Head Office in Raipur i.e. total 15 Locations. In addition to this FIFC has to be implemented in 12 selected Mandi Yards. For both of these the present RFP is published. Phase II (Optional): Mandi Board after reviewing the successful implementation of Phase I may extend MMIS and FIFC in further Mandis after mutual consent with the successful bidder Operation & Maintenance: Mandi Management and Information System (MMIS): The successful vendor has to operate MMIS application for a minimum period of 3 years after the Go-Live of the system. During the first year of maintenance, the complete solution has to be maintained and operated at all Mandis by the vendor by deploying required resources at each Mandi, regional office and head office. Subsequently during the 2nd year of operation and maintenance the operational resources of the selected vendor will work together with the Mandi staff as handholding and "learning by doing" and there-after in the 3rd year of operation and maintenance, the Mandi staff will operate the whole system under the supervision of the vendor's operational resources. However the maintenance of complete MMIS system and the installations in various Mandis shall be the responsibility of the vendor which may be extended further as Annual Maintenance Contract to be fixed for subsequent years. Farmer Information and Facilitation Centres (FIFC): FIFC system has to be solely operated by the vendor staff in all Mandis (10 Mandi Yards, 4 Regional Office and Head Office) initially for 3 years which can be extended if required for subsequent years or new vendor can be selected (if required). The 84 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) maintenance of complete FIFC system and the installations in various Mandis shall be the responsibility of the vendor which may be extended further as Annual Maintenance Contract to be fixed for subsequent years. It is suggested that the implementation of the project will be done following hybrid BOT model with the payment to the Implementation Agency done as per the schedule given in the next section. 6.2 Payment Schedule Payments to the IA shall have two components. • Initial Payments • Equated Quarterly Installment (EQI) Payments The total Payment amount will be equal to the amount specified in Financial Bid of the Bidder. Payments will be released only on satisfactory acceptance of the deliverables for each component as per the following schedule: S. No I Payment Schedule Fee Payable Remarks Initial Payments 1. Advance Payment 15% of amount the quoted Payable against Bank Guarantee for an amount equal to 15% of the quoted amount. This amount will be retained till the final 2. 3. On acceptance of SRS and SDD documents. 15% of amount the RFP 20% of Selection of amount the Preparation and of Hardware Vendor. quoted installment payment close the of or project, whichever is later. SRS and SDD Sign off by CGSAMB Quoted Signing of Contract between Hardware Vendor and Mandi Board 85 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 4. Successful setting-up 10% of of Farmer Information amount the Quoted and Facilitation Centre On launching of 12 Farmer Information and Facilitation Centres. in 12 Mandis 5. Upon Final acceptance 10% of Test (FAT) and past amount data entry of the Quoted Payable on FAT and completion of Data entry all attributes till the date II 7. of roll out. EQI Payable every quarter The remaining 30 % will beginning after Final be paid as EQI’s during the Operation and acceptance test Maintenance of 2 and half years (3% each in 10 EQIs). Payable on successful maintenance report by designated and the by SLA officer CGSAMB Board. The Operation and Maintenance Penalties, if there is deducted any, will from be the quarterly payment. EQI Payments to the IA shall start after the user acceptance of all the MMIS modules. The EQI payment period will be Two Years 6 Months. The payment to IA shall be made after lapse of each quarter based on the receipt of invoices along with following supporting documents: • A Report from the Monitoring tool • Any other document necessary in support of the service performance acceptable to CGSAMB • The payment would be calculated after deducting applicable penalty clauses under the SLAs defined. 86 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 7. Technical Requirement Specification Some of the Key considerations that the Implementation Agency (IA) should aim for while designing the MMIS software solution are: Scalability (i) All components of the MMIS information system must support scalability to provide continuous growth to meet the requirements and demand of Mandi board. A scalable system is one that can handle increasing numbers of requests without adversely affecting the response time and throughput of the system. (ii) The MMIS should support both vertical scalability (the growth within one operating environment) and horizontal scalability (leveraging multiple systems to work together on a common problem in parallel) by the use of Load balancers and High available servers. (iii) A scalable MMIS shall easily be expanded or upgraded ondemand. Scalability is important because new components are constantly being deployed, either to replace legacy components or to support new missions. (iv) Expected numbers of users of the web-based system during the first year are 3000 users. Users are expected to grow @15% per annum (v) Expected numbers of concurrent web-based users during the first year are 100 users. Concurrent users are expected to grow @2-3% per annum The system proposed for MMIS should have proven track record for a similar scalable environment. The IA need to provide documentary evidence to substantiate the same. 87 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Availability The SOA and the middle ware components should provide adequate redundancy to ensure high availability of the MMIS applications. Designing for availability assumes that systems will fail, and therefore the systems must be configured to mask and recover from component or server failures with minimum application outage. All the components of the MMIS should support SNMP protocol for the effective monitoring and management. MMIS information system should be available for 99.9% of the planned up-time. The accepted “planned” downtime is 30 minutes per month.. Interoperability The entire system with all subsystems should be interoperable conforming to guidelines and standards, in order to support seamless information flow and integration. Operating systems and storage technologies from several suppliers must interact well with each other. These systems should support the open architecture solutions such as XML, LDAP, SOAP, etc. where information/data can be ported to any system, whenever desired. Performance The system should provide fast and steady response times (Quality of Service). The maximum user response time should be less than 5 seconds and average response time should be less than 5 seconds for the next screen to appear or the existing screen to refresh for submission of data. The speed and efficiency of the system should not be affected with growing volumes, especially during search operations, data warehousing, reporting, MIS, online processes and batch processes. The system should be operational with good response time using low band width in the location of about 15Kb per user. The system should support high variance in frequency as the volumes are not expected to be constant and may be subjected to variances in user behavior due to festivals, seasons, economic state of the country, regulatory changes, behaviors of intermediaries, etc. 88 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Security The solution must provide an end-to-end security blanket to protect MMIS applications, services, data and the infrastructure from malicious attacks or theft from external (through internet) and internal (through intranet) hackers. The proposed system should also endeavor to make use of the SSL/VPN technologies to conduct secured communication between Applications and its end-users.. Platform Support • All the applications system including database, Application Server and Messaging backbone should be available on all major operating systems 1) Linux (32 and 64 bit) 2) AIX 3) Solaris 4) Windows • J2EE based applications can be remotely deployed across all application servers using the web based interface 7.1 Policies, Guidelines, Standards and Security Policy and guidelines are the guiding principles for the overall MMIS architecture. Any component envisaged should strictly adhere to the policies and guidelines laid out. The MMIS solution should follow the open standards and other technology standards that are given in this RFP. 7.2 Security Architecture The highest level of security is required for MMIS solution. A detailed security policy should be adopted in the system. The software should be developed employing coding standards for security. Security audit should be performed on the system to assure threat from hacking and intrusions. The guidelines with regard to the security of data should be adhered. The following points should be adhered while developing the solution for MMIS Information System: 89 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) a) A single login should be provided to a user for the complete application. b) Login filters should be built-in. c) Time-out should be built-in for inactivity, and the access should get locked, so that a reauthorization is required to continue. d) Multiple accesses using a single login account should not be possible. e) Last login for every user should always be displayed. The password policy should include the following: a) Password for authentication should be sent to the server in an encrypted form. b) User should be able to change his/her password whenever required. c) A password policy for the users should be formulated and implemented. There should be facility of Audit Trails with following features: a) Audit trails should be built at the application level b) A policy for audit generation, review and retention should be formulated and implemented. The Backup and Recovery Policy should include: a) A rugged backup policy with detailed procedures should be formulated. b) Audit trail for the database and procedures for database recovery from the audit trail should be developed. 7.3 End-point Security It is imperative that the applications do not become the target of hackers and security is not compromised. To ensure user security, the following features should be followed: a) Role based access shall be provided based upon user category b) User credentials shall be stored in an encrypted format 90 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 7.4 Application Security Some of the application security aspects to be ensured are: a) The application should have a centralized security management foundation that would enable delivery of application and data to internal and external users in a secure manner. b) Users would be required to login using a username and password to access the application. Access to only those application resources would be provided that the user has authority to. Thus, authorization and authentication aspects must be ensured. Identity management solutions can be used for the same. 7.5 Information Security Information security standards such as ISO 27001 should be maintained. The following guidelines are to be adhered to: a) Inventory of Assets: Maintaining an inventory of all hardware and software assets b) Information classification: Information in the system to be classified as Public and Confidential. c) Access control: Access to restricted part of the application will be provided only after approval from concerned head, Joint Directors, Director etc External Interfaces: The MMIS should easily interface with the external systems as well with the Legacy applications and external systems include Unique ID, and all related departments and any other systems of departments of Government of India (GoI) / Government of Chhattisgarh. The solution architecture that the Implementation Agency develops for the MMIS should be based on sound system principles and best practices with interfacing channels and allows easy sharing of information. MMIS enables the systematic sharing of information between systems and stakeholders to improve service delivery. 91 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 7.6 Data Migration Plan The Bidder should evolve a Data migration plan for Master data and Historical data of CGSAMB. Master Data The Accounts branch, of respective Mandis/ Mandi Board has a Financial Management running. Office has project related data in Fox pro based utility. Thus Mandi Board /Mandi has, some of the master data for Finance, Construction , details already captured in the existing applications, however, there is a need of Master data entry for other sections of Mandi Board and the Market Committees. The data in digitized form shall be migrated by the successful bidder to the proposed application. The vendor shall develop a data migration strategy for migrating the digitized data to the proposed system and get it approved from Mandi Board. Mandis have all their data in hard form in various books of accounts. These data are required to be inserted into the system. The Vendor needs to develop an exact plan for the Master and Historical data entry exercise. The MMIS would be capable of entering the Historical data at any stage. For the purpose of data creation, the following needs to be provided by the IA and approved by the CGSAMB: 1. Data entry screens 2. How physical data will be handed over by the department and how the same data will be returned back to department. 3. Roadmap for adequate manpower with data entry skills 4. Hardware and software setup within the data entry location. 5. Integration of the data created with application software 6. Quality checks to ensure error free data 7. Data cleansing validation Plan 92 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 8. Data migration plan. Terms & Conditions of Data Entry The bidders will estimate the volume of data to be entered in consultation with project coordinator, Mandi Board as per the requirement of various acts applicable and bye-laws and schedules of Mandi Board as also for RTI Act. It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to enter the non digitized data in the proposed system. The vendor shall make an estimate of the historical data to be entered in consultation with us. Data entry may require scanning of some records also. The bidder shall submit in the commercial proposal the rate for entering data in the system. Rate should be quoted per record basis. A typical record may consist of on an average of 10 fields (both numeric and alphanumeric) with each field around 10 characters. Scanning charge per page shall also be quoted separately in the commercial proposal. The data entered in the system by the successful bidder shall be tested for its correctness. The bidder should ensure correct data entry in the system. Payment for data entry is subject to the correctness of data entered in the system. Preservation of Data The bidder should give due consideration to the preservation of data at M.C. and Mandi Board. The respective records of the Board and Market Committee are preserved for the periods noted against each in the schedule hereto annexed. SCHEDULE Description Period Budget 5 Years General Cash Book Permanently Establishment Bill 35 Years General Bill 3 Years Balance Sheet 10 Years 93 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Ledger 10 Years Register of Deposit Permanently Application in Form A Permanently Other Application Form 5 Years Returns of daily purchase and sales One year after audit Sales 5 Years Receipts 5 Years Description Period Register of sale and purchase of Register of Licences 10 Years agricultural 10 Years Provident Fund Register 10 Years or till all account to which Service books of the employees it relates are closed 10 Years after retirement or death Register of proceedings of the Board or Permanently Committee or Sub – Committee Register of Correspondence Permanently Cheque Books 10 Years Pass Book 10 Years Traveling Allowance Bills 3 Years Lease deeds Allowance Bill 10 Years from the date they cease to Security Bonds have effect - do - Treasury Challans 5 Years Imperest Account Register 3 Years Attendance Register 1 Years Moveable Property Register 10 Years Library Register 10 Years Demand and Collection Register 10 Years Register of Court cases 10 Years Investment Register Permanently 94 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Files about the appointment, removal 50 Years and dismissal of employees Other record which the Board or Committee may decide to preserve Such period (not less than 10 years) as may be prescribed by the Board or committee. for more than three years In addition to the above, legacy data as identified by Mandi Board, shall be maintained for a period not less than 10 years. 7.8 Operational Support The Implementation Agency will be responsible for the overall maintenance of the software and to provide the necessary support so as to make the MMIS self sustainable in the long run. The IA shall provide Operation and Maintenance (O&M) support for the MMIS for Two years and Three months from the date of Go-Live. However the IA shall continue to provide O&M support during the implementation of the system and provide the O&M support for any of the additional equipment procured under this contract. The O&M should continue till the end of this contract. The responsibilities of the Implementation Agency include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) 24X7 support for the all system and associated components of the MMIS solution. (ii) Implementation Agency must provide necessary resources for full time for the operational support. (iii) The Implementation Agency shall provide facility of re-installations, in the event of system crash/failures. (iv) The Implementation Agency shall develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), in accordance with the ISO 27001 & IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) standards, for Portal. These SOPs shall 95 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) cover all the aspects including Infrastructure monitoring, management, data backup & restoration, security policy, business continuity & disaster recovery, implementation procedures etc. The Implementing Partner shall obtain sign-offs on the SOPs from the CGSAMB and shall make necessary changes, on a half-yearly basis, to the fullest satisfaction of CGSAMB or the competent authority as appointed by the CGSAMB. (v) The Implementation Agency shall provide over all monitoring and management of the systems implemented for MMIS Project (vi) The Implementation Agency shall provide 24x7 monitoring & management of availability and security of the infrastructure and assets, (including data, network, servers, systems etc) through the Operations Center established for MMIS Project. (vii) The Implementation Agency shall provide Product Upgrades with following functionalities: a. Perform the patch management, testing and installation of software upgrades issued by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) / vendors from time to time. These patches/upgrades, before being applied on the live infrastructure, shall be adequately tested in a non-production environment. Any downtime caused due to upgrading of patches shall be to the account of the Implementing Partner and it shall not be considered as ‘Planned Service Down-Time’. b. At any point during performance of the term of the agreement, should technological advances be introduced by the IA for Information Technologies originally offered by the IA in its bid and still to be delivered, the IA shall be obligated to offer to the CGSAMB the latest versions of the available Information Technologies having equal or better performance or functionality at the same or lesser unit prices. 96 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) (viii) The Implementation Agency shall perform strict adherence to the Service level agreement signed with CGSAMB (ix) The Implementation Agency must warrant that all the components provided under this bid will be free from defects in design and development etc. for the warranty period. If any issues remain outstanding at the end of the warranty period, the warranty period will be extended until CGSAMB is satisfied with the resolution of the issues. (x) The IA shall operate the system for the contract period and ensure smooth hand over. 97 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 8. Testing and Quality Assurance Requirements The testing and quality assurance requirements are given in the following sections: 8.1 Pre-Commissioning Test The bidder must provide in bid the details of the quality process that it will follow during the assignment. The bidder will have to furnish the quality records to Mandi Board, if required. The quality records will include but will not be limited to Review Reports, Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts/Metrics (defect density, schedule slippage etc.) etc. The bidder shall provide evidence, if any, of quality certification the organization has achieved for software process. Mandi Board requires thorough and well-managed tests methodology to be conducted. The bidder must build up an overall plan for testing and acceptance of system, in which specific methods and steps should be clearly indicated and approved by Mandi Board. The acceptance test of system will be defined by the bidder, agreed and approved by Mandi Board and include all the necessary steps to ensure complete functionality, operation and performance of the system. All level of testing will be conducted at appropriate sites. Testing must demonstrate that the new systems should Satisfy the technical performance and system functional requirement criteria. Perform according to detail functional requirements Meet the basic system concepts Satisfy the operational and technical performance criteria Provide right information to each user group or provide the efficient system navigation to process various queries or process transactions The Implementation Agency must undertake the following: outline the methodology that will be used for testing the system 98 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) define the various levels or types of testing that will be performed for system provide necessary checklist/documentation that will be required for testing the system describe any technique that will be used for testing for system Describe how the testing methodology will confirm to requirements of each of the functionalities. indicate how one will demonstrate to Mandi Board that all applications installed in the system have been tested. A Competent Authority from Mandi Board shall issue installation certificate to Implementation Agency after successful installation. 8.2 Operational Acceptance Tests Functionality Mandi Board will perform operational acceptance test to verify that the functional requirements specified for the system are actually met. All functions will be tested by entering inputs with correct and incorrect data/format. Some of tests that will be performed by Mandi Board are following: (i) Unit Test - Each module or Component should be fully tested independently before integration. (ii) • System Test All specified functionality should exist. This testing verifies the as-built program's functionality and performance with respect to the requirements for the software product. • All System functions, including those that are accessed through menus, should be tested (iii) Security- Attempt to break the password, Time-out facility on dormant menu/screen etc shall be tested. 99 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) (iv) Stress Test - Finding errors that will show themselves under certain combinations of events or data values. Heavy repeating of certain actions or inputs (v) Reliability Testing - Testing the system for prolonged use at varying levels, or, possibly, constant value at peak level (vi) Performance Testing - Testing to probe the system against prescribed timing (vii) Audit Trail- Tracking critical transactions and Logging all critical errors (viii) Multi-User Capability - Test that the application system can support several users (ix) Volume Test - Test to submit the system to large volumes of data (x) System Integration Test- System would be tested with respect to integration aspect, testing all the integration requirements between various modules and sub-modules • Test the compatibility of data to the higher version, as and when applicable (xi) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Test - The system will be tested for GUI which will include but will not be limited to: • Menus • Message Boxes • Keyboard Interface • Cursor Management • Visual Design (xii) User Acceptance Tests (UAT/FAT): CGSAMB will form different user groups which shall be headed by a competent officer appointed by Mandi Board for the UAT. These user groups would test the application for the functionality, reliability and all other related tests. Once the users are completely satisfies with the application, Implementation Agency should take a 100 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) formal sign off from the competent officer appointed by Mandi Board for acceptance of each module. Based on the sign off and user feedback, Mandi Board under the technical guidance of Project Management Unit (PMU) would issue UAT certification to the Implementation Agency for that particular module/ sub-module. 8.3 Test Documentation Test procedures, test data, and test results should be documented in a manner permitting objective pass/fail decisions to be reached. They should also be suitable for review and objective decision making subsequent to running the test, and they should be suitable for use in any subsequent regression testing. Errors detected during testing should be logged, classified, reviewed, and resolved prior to release of the software. Software error data that is collected and analyzed during a development life cycle may be used to determine the suitability of the software product for release for installation. Test reports should comply with the requirements of the corresponding test plans. The acceptance tests must demonstrate that the Implementation Agency has met each and every requirement specified within the contract and has delivered an effective operational system 8.4 Location of Acceptance Tests All acceptance tests will be performed at the headquarters of CGSAMB at Raipur. 8.5 Acceptance Test Design & Execution All the acceptance test criteria shall be specified by Implementation Agency and finalized under the technical guidance of project Management Unit and the User Representative authorized by the Mandi Board. The test criteria should be comprehensive to address all aspects of testing the new systems. Extensive testing would be carried out by the User Representatives with technical support from Project Management Unit (PMU) of Mandi Board 101 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 8.6 Fault Correction The Implementation Agency will be responsible for correcting all faults found during the acceptance process at no extra cost to Mandi Board. 8.7 Audit and Certification Mandi Board will undertake an exercise of Audit and Certification of Mandi Board system through a third party, as soon as the system implementation is completed and the user acceptance is achieved. The following methodology will be adopted for audit and certification: (i) Mandi Board will nominate a suitable neutral and technically competent agency or agencies for conducting audit and certification. (ii) The agencies nominated by Mandi Board shall establish appropriate processes for notifying the IA of any deviations from the norms, standards or guidelines at the earliest instance after noticing the same to enable the IA to take corrective action. (iii) Such an involvement of and guidance by the agencies will not, however, absolve the IA of the fundamental responsibility of designing, developing, installing, testing and commissioning the various components of the MMIS to deliver the services in conformity with the RFP, SLA and the agreement. (iv) All changes suggested by the audit shall be implemented by the IA upon acceptance of the same by the Mandi Board. 8.8 Complete System Acceptance At the end of the System Acceptance period, Mandi Board will acknowledge complete system acceptance in writing to the IA upon completion of the following: 102 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) (i) Sign off from the competent authority of CGSAMB after completion of various MMIS project activities like installation software, data entry/migration, training etc. (ii) All required activities as defined in the bid document including all changes agreed by Mandi Board and delivered by the Implementation Agency and accepted by Mandi Board (iii) All required system functionality as defined in the bid document including all changes agreed by Mandi Board and delivered by the Implementation Agency and accepted by Mandi Board (iv) All required documentation as defined in this bid document including all changes agreed by Mandi Board and delivered by the Implementation Agency and accepted by Mandi Board (v) All required training as defined in this bid document including all changes agreed by Mandi Board and delivered by the Implementation Agency and accepted by Mandi Board (vi) All identified shortcomings/defects in the systems have been addressed to Mandi Board complete satisfaction. (vii) Certification by a third party testing agency appointed by Mandi Board. The Implementation Agency must agree to above criteria for complete system acceptance and further agree that: • It will provide without additional charge to Mandi Board and in a timely manner, all additional services and products not identified and accounted within the proposal as may be necessary to correct all problems which are preventing acceptance. • In order to accept the system, Mandi Board must be satisfied that all of the work has been completed and delivered to 103 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Mandi Board’s complete satisfaction and that all aspects of the system perform acceptably. • The functional/logical acceptance of the system will only be certified when the proposed system is installed and configured according to the design and that all the detailed procedures of operating them have been carried out by the Implementation Agency in the presence of CGSAMB staff. The acceptance certificate would be issued only after the certification by a third party testing agency appointed by Mandi Board. 104 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 9. Training 9.1 General Requirements The Implementation Agency should devise an approach and plan to provide training, and also devise an appropriate model for assessing the efficacy of the imparted training. The detailed training plan must be provided in the bid. Training should be conducted in a language that is easily understandable to the end users and the trainees. The Implementation Agency is expected to clearly specify the following: Brief description of those courses along with their estimated duration Method of training delivery Mechanism used for judging the entry and exit profile of a typical department employee before and after attending each training course, self-evaluation modes being proposed and feedback mechanism to be adopted. The Mandi Board will assess the same for quality, relevance and comprehensiveness of the training materials / tools being used. Implementation Agency should devise different type of training courses for different set of employee profiles in the department. Indicative list of training courses are given in table below (The list is indicative only. The Implementation Agency should assess the requirement of training and propose accordingly. All the training requirements related to MMIS required by Mandi Board has to be met by the Implementation Agency): Capacity Building & Training MMIS Orientation Call Centre Operator Training 105 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) MMIS training for Operational level staff MMIS training for Tactical level staff MMIS training for Strategic level staff Training on Kisan call center Management • Training material / kits to be used should be proposed in the bid, and the same should be arranged by the Implementation Agency during training provision. Note: The training manual/Material should be Bilingual-In Hindi & English • Training delivery will be conducted at department offices / sites as per the convenience of MMIS. This will happen in logically made groups of attendees and will be finalized by the Implementation Agency in consultation with the department. • Implementation Agency should ensure that the knowledge transfer to the Mandi Board staff happens effectively post training, during the project implementation and maintenance phase as well. 10. Indicative Bill of Materials (BoM) The hardware, middle ware and system software sizing, along with license requirement and the indicative BOM should be provided by the bidder as a part of the response to the RFP. The Successful bidder will have to prepare a RFP for procuring the recommended equipments. Board reserves the rights to evaluate and negotiate with the successful bidder on the sizing and quantity of the items proposed if the board feels that the items quoted have been exaggerated in the technical response. However the negotiation will not affect the proposed SLA’s. 106 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 11 Submission of RFP Response 11.1 Procedure for Submission of RFP Response It is mandatory for the RFP Participants to respond to all sections of the Bid given in the RFP document. Incomplete RFP responses shall be rejected. The RFP response should be submitted to CGSAMB at the address given below: The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State Tel. No. +91-771-4240501 Fax No: +91-771-4094472 E-mail ID: 11.2 Availability of RFP The RFP will be available at the address given below: The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State Tel. No. +91-771-4240501 Fax No: +91-771-4094472 . 107 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 11.3 Language of RFP Response The RFP response prepared by the participants and all correspondence and documents relating to the RFP responses exchanged by the Participants and CGSAMB shall be written in the English language. 11.4 RFP Response Format The bidder should submit response to the RFP with the following information in the specified formats given in the annexure to this RFP: a) The covering letter on the Official Letter Head mentioning the submission of the RFP response b) Proposed solution with Methodology to be followed, Solution Architecture, Functional Architecture, Platform proposed and Implementation Plan c) Proposed Bills of Materials. d) Cost of the Assignment The hard copy of the response shall be typed (in the case of external literatures, technology papers, whitepapers etc. photo-copies are also acceptable) and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. All pages of the RFP response, where entries or amendments have been made, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the RFP response. The Bid shall contain no alterations, omissions or additions, unless such corrections are initialed by the person or persons signing the RFP response. If the RFP response is made by an individual firm/company, it shall be signed by a representative authorized for signing the RFP response. A letter mentioning the authorization should be attached along with the response. 108 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 11.5 Amendment of RFP Document The Board may, for any reason, whether at own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Bidding document by amendment. All such amendments shall be published in the portals mentioned under section 12.1. All such amendments shall be binding on all the Bidders. 11.6 Key Events and Dates S. No. 1 DEPARTMENT STAGE RELEASE OF RFP DOCUMENT 2 3 4 DOWNLOAD OF RFP PRE BID CONFERENCE RELEASE OF AMMENDMENT IN RFP (IF REQUIRED) 6 8 9 START DATE TIME EXPIRY DATE TIME 7/11/2012 11.00 7/11/2012 16.00 7/11/2012 16.01 26/11/2012 15.00 27/11/2012 16.00 29/11/2012 16.00 29/11/2012 16.01 3/12/2012 17.00 REMARK 26/11/2012 15.00 DOWNLOAD OF AMMENDMENTS OF RFP (IF REQUIRED) SUBMIT BID HASH ONLINE PAYMENT OF BID SUBMISSION FEE 5 7 BIDDER'S STAGE CLOSE FOR BIDDER (SUPER HASH) SUBMIT BID HASH ONLINE (ONLY WITH ENCRYPTION BY DEPARTMENT PUBLIC KEY) PHYSICAL SUBMISSION OF ENVELOPE A,B,C AND D 3/12/2012 17.01 12/12/2012 12.00 ENVELOPE A, B, AND ENVELOPE C 12/12/2012 12.01 12/12/2012 15.00 ENVELOPE A, B, AND ENVELOPE C 12/12/2012 15.01 14/12/2012 17.00 ENVELOPE A, B, AND ENVELOPE C SUBMISSION OF (ENVELOPE 14/12/2012 17.01 19/12/2012 17:00 A,B,C, AND D BY POST) WILL ALSO BE 109 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) ACCEPTED 10 11 12 OPEN ENVELOPE A EVALUATION OF ENVELOPE A OPEN ENVELOPE B 13 14 15 16 PRESENTATION EVALUATION OF ENVELOPE B PRICE/ FINANCIAL BID ENVELOPE C EVALUATION OF PRICE ENVELOPE C (AND INFORMATION TO SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS IN NEGOTIATION FILL NEGOTIATION RATE (IF REQUIRED) 17 18 19 20 EVALUATION OF NEGOTIATED OFFER VIEW TENDER RATE FORM TENDER AWARD 20/12/2012 17:01 21/12/2012 15:00 21/12/2012 15:01 21/12/2012 17:00 22/12/2012 11:00 24/12/2012 17:00 ENVELOPE A ENVELOPE B ONLY BY QULIFIED BIDDERS (TO BE INTIMATED BY MAIL) 04/01/2013 14:00 05/01/2013 11:00 10/01/2013 16:00 10/01/2013 16:01 10/01/2013 17:30 10/01/2013 17:31 11/01/2013 15:00 11/01/2013 15:01 18/01/2013 17:00 18/01/2013 17:01 28/01/2013 17:00 28/01/2013 17:01 29/01/2013 17:00 29/01/2013 17:01 01-02-2013 17:00 ENVELOPE C 110 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 12. General Eligibility & Instructions to Bidders 12.1 Procedure for Submission of Bids As per the direction of the State Government of C.G. it is for the information for the vendor who are interested to participate in bid process, that the whole bid process shall be conducted Online. The bidding firm should follow the formalities to be completed for online bidding. It is pertaining to note that the bid process shall be done through following portals and sub-portals: (sub-portal) The bidders are advised to read the complete tender document carefully. The Bidders need to pay the bid Submission Fee of Rs. 240/- Online only at the time of Bid-Hash submission, as per the Key dates (Tender Schedule) given in the RFP document. The bidders shall make the relevant payment using the payment option available Online. To know the latest available payment options, bidders may visit “List of Payments accepted Online” Section on home page of The Bidders intending to participate in this Bid Process are required to get registered/enrolled on the eProcurement website. Registration/Enrolment on the eProcurement website is mandatory. As the online Bids/ Templates are required to be digitally signed, bidders are required to obtain Class – II Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs). The Bidders may contact the eProcurement Support Centre for getting information on acquiring a Digital Signature Certificate at "Saket", B 31, opposite Gulab Industries, Shailendra Nagar, Raipur – 492 001, Tel. No. 0771-4079400, 4221020 or through Email ID – or may also visit the Controller of Certifying Authorities website ( The Bidders are also advised to get themselves trained on the operations of the eProcurement System. Bidders may get in touch with the Service Provider/ eProcurement Support Centre of the e-Procurement System, at the above address, 111 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) for confirming the time and date for their training session. Bidders have to schedule/ confirm the training session before-hand itself. The bidder shall submit one sealed Outer Envelope containing three separate sealed envelopes super-scribing Envelope A, Envelope B and Envelope C for the prequalification, technical bid and the commercial bid respectively in the following manner: Outer Envelope: The outer Envelope will contain three sealed Envelope marked as Envelope – A: E.M.D., Tender Document fees & Prequalification Documents, Envelope – B: Technical Bid and Envelope – C: Commercial Bid. The outer envelope should be sealed and the address of the bidder should be written on the cover. Envelope – A: E.M.D, Tender Document fees & Prequalification Bid for Documents The Envelop A should contain E.M.D. (Earnest Money Deposit), Tender Document Fees and Pre-Qualification Documents. The E.M.D. and Tender Document Fees prepared separately in the form of DD or other equivalent instruments should be in favour of M.D. C.G. State Agriculture Marketing (Mandi) Board, Raipur and issued by a nationalised bank. Pre-Qualification Documents shall be submitted comprising of a letter describing the pre-qualifying technical competence and experience of the bidder and also certifying the period of validity of bids for 180 days from the last date of submission of the bid along with information requested by board, in accordance with Section Named “Prequalification Bid”. Each page of the prequalification bid should be signed and sealed. The hard copy of the prequalification bid along with EMD and Tender Document Fee shall be placed in Envelope A super-scribing 112 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Envelope A: EMD, Tender Document Fees and Prequalification Bid Pre-qualification Bid for _________ Tender No. ___________________ Last date of submission _________________________________________ If not Delivered Before ____________ Please Return to: <Name & Address of the Bidder> __________________________________ Envelope B: Technical Bid: The Envelop B will contain Technical Bid document along with the supporting documents. The technical bid shall be prepared in the form and format as given in the document. However the bidders may use free flow description of each section. They should ensure that adequate information is given in the technical response to evaluate the bid document. The hard copy of the technical bid shall be a complete document, bound as a volume and placed in separate sealed envelope super-scribing: Envelope B: Technical Bid Technical Bid for CGSAMB Tender No ________________ Last date of submission _____________________________ If not Delivered Before ________________ Please Return to: <Name & Address of the Bidder> __________________________________ 113 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Envelop C: Commercial Bid: The Envelop C will contain Commercial Bid document along with the supporting documents as per formats given in section 17.2 Commercial Bid Formats. The hard copy of the commercial bid should be placed in a separate sealed envelope super-scribing: Envelope C: Commercial Bid Commercial Bid for CGSAMB Tender no. _____________________ Last date of submission: __________________________________ If not Delivered Before __________________ Please Return to: <Name & Address of the Bidder> __________________________________ Physical Submission: It is important to note that all the documents in Envelope A, Envelope B and Envelope C submitted online has to be submitted physically as a complete document, bound as a volume, signed at each page in respective Envelopes superscribed as mentioned above, for verification according to the key dates mentioned in Key Events and Dates in Section 11.6. Vendors should ensure that Physical Submission are done on time. In case the documents/bid are not submitted either online or physically the same bid shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be summarily be rejected. The outer sealed envelope containing three sealed envelopes (Envelope A, Envelope B and Envelope C) mentioned above should be submitted to CGSAMB at the address given below: 114 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State Tel. No. +91-771-4240501 Fax No: +91-771-4094472 E-mail ID: In case of a discrepancy, the hardcopy of the response will prevail. If there is any discrepancy in the commercial bid, the response will be considered as non-responsive. 12.2 Pre-qualification bid The Pre-qualification bid shall provide all evidences and references required for the bidders to prove themselves that they qualify to bid as per the criteria mentioned in prequalification Criteria. The format of Pre-qualification bid submission along with the various certificates/ documents to be submitted are given in the prequalification Criteria formats and the bidders are expected to complete all the details as sought in that section. The selective documents expected as a part of the pre-qualification bids are given below. 1. Compliance sheet 2. A letter on the bidder’s letter-head (i) describing the pre-qualifying technical competence and experience of the bidder, (ii) certifying that the period of validity of bids is 180 days from the last date of submission of bid, and (iii) Asserting that the bidder is quoting for all the items mentioned in the tender. 3. All forms mentioned in prequalification format along with the requisite documents asked in the respective forms to prove that the bidder meets the eligibility criteria. 4. Solvency Certificate from its bankers. 5. Bid Security 115 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 6. Power-of-attorney granting the person signing the bid, the right to bind the bidder as the ‘Constituted attorney of the Directorate’. 7. Permanent Account Number (PAN) from INCOME TAX authorities of area of operation of the bidder. 8. The Bidder shall submit an affidavit verifying that the bidder is not black listed by any of the government agencies. 12.3 Bid Security The bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, a bid security in the form of DD/BG of Indian Rupees Five Lakhs, drawn in favour of “The Managing Director, CGSAMB” in a Nationalized Bank payable at Raipur. The bid security would be forfeited in the following scenario: a) If a bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity specified by the bidder in the bid; or b) In the case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails to, (i) Sign the contract within the stipulated time and (ii) Furnish performance security The bid security shall be denominated in Indian Rupees, and shall be in the form of a DD/BG issued by a Nationalized Bank. Any bid not secured with bid security amount in the form of bank draft shall be rejected by CGSAMB. Unsuccessful bidder’s bid security will be returned as promptly as possible but not later than 180 days after the last date of submission of the bid prescribed by CGSAMB. The successful bidder’s bid security will be returned upon furnishing the performance security by the bidder according to the requirements. No interest will be payable by MANDI BOARD on the amount of the bid security. 12.4 Consortium As the project is of simple in nature and includes only application development and maintenance, no consortium is allowed. The successful vendor will be solely responsible for carrying out the entire project. However, if required, the successful vendor can outsource the activities related to "Setting up of Farmer Information and Facilitation Centers". 116 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 13. General Information to Bidders 13.1 Cost of Bid Submission The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid, including cost of presentation for the purposes of clarification of the bid. CGSAMB will in no case be responsible for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 13.2 Site Visits The Bidder may wish to visit and examine project sites, and revalidate all the information required for preparing a response to the bid. The cost of such visits to the Sites shall be at the Bidder's expense. The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by CGSAMB to enter its facilities for the purpose of such visits, but only upon the condition that the Bidder, its personnel, and agents, will indemnify the CGSAMB from and against all liability in respect thereof, and will be responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of such inspection, undertaken by the bidder. The Bidder shall at his/her own risk, peril, cost and liability undertake site visits to designated facilities in the state. 13.3 Content of the Tender Document The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, terms, forms, and specifications in this document. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the tender document in every respect will be at the bidder’s risk and shall result in rejection of the bid and forfeiture of the bid security. 13.4 Clarification of Tender Document A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the tender document may notify CGSAMB in writing at the correspondence address before the date mentioned in RFP. CGSAMB will respond to those requests within a week of submission of the queries. 117 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 13.5 Corrigendum/Addendum of RFP At any time prior to the last date for receipt of bids, CGSAMB may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the tender document by issuing an Corrigendum/Addendum. The Corrigendum/Addendum will be published in the portal and will be binding on them. In order to afford prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take the Corrigendum/Addendum into account in preparing their bids CGSAMB may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of bids. 118 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 14. Evaluation of Bids A Three-stage procedure will be adopted for evaluation of bids, with the PreQualification, Technical Evaluation and thereafter Commercial Evaluation. Pursuant to the pre-qualification criterion, Bidders will be short-listed for Technical Bid. CGSAMB will assign points (quality of services score) to the technically qualified Bidders based on the technical evaluation criterion as mentioned in the Tender. The commercial bids for the technically qualified Bidders will then be opened. 14.1 Pre Qualification Criteria Sr. Criteria Documents to be provided The response can be submitted by an Power individual organization signed by the resolution No. 1 of Attorney/ authorized signatories of the company. 2 Bank draft of Rs.10,000/- in favour of Bank Draft issued by a Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State nationalized bank payable Agricultural Marketing (Mandi) Board is at Raipur. enclosed 3 The Bidder should be a company Certificate of incorporation registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 and operational for the last ten years. The bidder should have an office in India, which is operational. 4 The Bidder should be an established IT Work Orders confirming Solution Provider and should have been in year and area of activity/ the business of Software Development Memorandum and Articles and associated Operation & Maintenance of Associations. for a period of five years as on 31.03.2012. 5 The Bidder should be a profit making Chartered Accountant organisation and has positive net worth in certificate for Net-worth. each of the preceding three financial 119 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Sr. Criteria Documents to be provided No. years averaging to minimum Rs 100 crores. 6 The Bidder should be an IT-solutions- Copy of work order and provider incorporated in India and having completion certificate from successfully implemented or at the the process of execution Software/Application Maintenance project at client / client least 3 certificates mentioning the development & progress of the project. for Govt/Quasi Govt/PSU in India as evidenced by: Client reference details for the 3 projects Purchase orders relating to the 3 projects summing up to Rupees Twelve Crores or more (> Rs 12 Crores) At least 1 among the above projects preferably be in Chhattisgarh. 7 The bidder should have experience in Copy of work order and rolling out software application (ongoing/ completion certificate from completed) the in multiple locations in client / client Govt./Quasi Govt./PSU in India. The certificates mentioning the number of location should not be less progress of the project. than 10 in a single project and the value of the project should not be less than 1 crore. 8 The Bidder should have the following Copy of the certificates certifications: 9 • ISO 9001:2008 • Valid CMMi Level 3 Certificate The bidder should have a workforce of Certificate from HR needs not less than 400 IT Professionals in the to be enclosed as proof of direct payroll. The minimum criteria of the minimum criteria of the workforce should be BE/BTech/MCA or workforce eqivalent. 10 The Bidder should not be under a Declaration in this regard 120 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Sr. Criteria Documents to be provided Declaration of Ineligibility for corrupt or by the authorized signatory fraudulent of the Prime Bidder No. practices or currently blacklisted with any of the Government agencies anywhere in India. 14.2 Evaluation of Technical Bid Only the bidders who have qualified in the prequalification evaluation will be eligible for Technical Evaluation. CGSAMB may request the Bidders to make a presentation on their proposal to the Technical Evaluation Committee to be constituted for the purpose. All the Bidders who secure a Technical Score of 70% or more will be declared as technically qualified. The commercial bids of only the technically qualified Bidders will be opened for further processing. It is, however, clarified that, subject to other provisions of the RFP, every Bidder will have to fulfill the minimum technical specifications laid down for being qualified technically. In order to assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, CGSAMB may at its discretion ask the Bidder for a clarification regarding its Bid. The clarification shall be given in writing immediately, but no change in the price shall be sought, offered or permitted. However, while giving a clarification, a Bidder may offer a higher specification or model without any impact on Financial Bid to be opened subsequently. Following will be the technical evaluation scheme: (i) Each Technical Bid will be assessed for technical score on a scale of 1 (minimum) to 100 (maximum) points (ii) Only the bidders, who score a total Technical score of 70 (Seventy) or more and satisfying the minimum cut-off of the Fitment to the Requirement as given below, will qualify for the evaluation of their commercial bids. 121 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 14.3 Technical Evaluation Methodology The following criteria shall be used to evaluate the technical bids: Minimum Sr. Particulars Marks Cut off No. marks Total Score 1. Bidders’ Capability 100 70 35 25 Annual Turnover as evident from Copy of the audited profit and loss account of the company showing average turnover of the company for last 1.A three years. 7 >300 Cr – 500 Cr : 5 marks 500 Cr – 800 Cr : 6 marks 800 Cr and above: 7 marks Specific experience in Software / Application Development Projects (ongoing/completed) in Govt/Quasi Govt/PSU in multiple locations, which 1.B should not be less than 10 locations in a single 5 project with value not less than 1 crore. 10 – 30 locations: 4 Marks More than 30 Locations: 5 Marks The Bidder should be an IT-solutions-provider incorporated in India and having successfully implemented or at the process of execution of at 1C least 3 Software/Application development & 7 Maintenance project for Govt/Quasi Govt/PSU in India as evidenced by purchase orders relating to the 3 projects summing up of Value : 122 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 12Cr-15 Cr : 5 marks More Than 15 Cr : 7 marks Level of Certification of Bidder: CMMI Level 3: 4 marks 1D 6 CMMI Level 4 : 5 marks CMMI Level 5 : 6 marks The bidder should (ongoing/ completed) have bid management projects for Govt./Quasi Govt./PSU in India for last 3 years: 1E 5 10 Projects : 1 marks Between 10 to 20 : 2 marks 20 or more : 5 marks The bidder should have completed/ongoing projects in Chhattisgarh: 1F 5 One project: 4 points More than one project: 5 points 2. Planning 20 14 Project Management Plan 1. Detailed project plan (Should also include plan for release of RFP and vendor selection)— 5 marks 20 2. Data Migration, Digitization Plan – 5 marks 3. Training Plan – 5 marks 4. Post Implementation & Exit management Plan – 5 marks 3. Proposed Solution Design presentation * 35 * 3.A Functional Solution 15 3.B Hardware proposed 10 3.C Operation & Maintenance 10 25 123 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 4. Proposed Resource capability 10 7 Deployed resource capabilities during operation and maintenance ( as per format 6 and 7) 1. Agriculture Marketing Domain Specialist 4.A 2. Software Developers 10 3. Solution architects 4. Project Mangers 5. Operation, Training and Support staff *Bidders must submit a detailed presentation on Understanding of Functionality, Solution Architecture and Implementation Plan. Note: The bidder should submit copy of work order and completion certificate from the client / client certificates mentioning the progress of the project as a proof of the projects they mentioned in the bid response The bidder should provide certificates as mentioned in the Pre-Qualifications for the technical evaluation requirements.. All the bids scoring 70 and satisfying the minimum cut-off of the Fitment to the Requirement will be qualified for commercial bid opening. The Technical scores would be normalized as per the following criteria: Tn = (Tb/ Tmax) * 100 Tn = Normalized technical score of the bidder Tb = Evaluated technical score of the bidder Tmax = Maximum Technical score amongst the qualified bidders 14.4 Evaluation of Commercial Bids Commercial bids of those bidders who scores minimum 70 and satisfying the minimum cut-off of the Fitment to the Requirement in Technical Evaluation will be opened. The commercial scores will be calculated as Fn = (Fmin / Fb) * 100 124 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Where Fn = Normalized financial score of the bidder Fb = Commercial cost quoted by the bidder Fmin = Minimum Commercial Cost quoted by any bidder 14.5 Final Evaluation of Bids Final Evaluation: The overall score will be calculated as follows: Bn = 0.70 * Tn + 0.30 * Fn Where, Bn = overall score of the bidder Tn = Normalized Technical score for the bidder Fn = Normalized financial score of the bidder The Bidder who gets the highest Bn Score will be selected as the Implementation Agency. CGSAMB reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the tender process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for CGSAMB’s action. 14.6 Notification Award Before the expiry of the period of validity of the proposal, CGSAMB shall notify the Bidder with lowest commercial bid in writing by registered letter or by fax, that its bid has been accepted. The Bidder shall acknowledge in writing receipt of the notification of award and shall send his acceptance to enter into agreement within seven days of receiving the notification. 125 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 14.7 Signing of Contract The notification of the award shall constitute signing of the Agreements The signing of agreement will amount to award of contract and Bidder will initiate the execution of the work as specified in the agreement, within 3-4 days of receipt of the Contract. 14.8 Discharge of Bid Security Upon the successful signing of the agreement, CGSAMB shall request promptly the Bidder to provide performance guarantee. On receipt of the performance guarantee, the bid security of all Bidders will be released. 14.9 Expenses for the Contract The incidental expenses of execution of agreement / contract shall be borne by the successful Bidder. 14.10 Failure to abide by the Agreement The conditions stipulated in the agreement shall be strictly adhered to and violation of any of the conditions will entail termination of the contract without prejudice to the rights of CGSAMB with such penalties as specified in the RFP and the Agreement. 14.11 Bank Guarantee for Contract Performance Within 7 days of the receipt of notification of award from CGSAMB, the successful Bidder shall furnish the performance security in accordance with the format specified in the RFP. Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirement shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the EMD. In case of exigency, if CGSAMB gets the work done from the bidder with second lowest commercial bid, the difference in the cost will be borne by the successful Bidder. 126 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 15. General Terms and Conditions 15.1 Confidentiality of the Document This RFP is confidential and the Bidder shall ensure that anything contained in this RFP shall not be disclosed or reproduced in any manner, whatsoever. 15.2 Concessions permissible under statutes Bidder, while quoting against this tender, must take cognizance of all concessions permissible under the statutes including the benefit under Central Sale Tax Act, 1956, failing which it will have to bear extra cost where Bidder does not avail concessional rates of levies like customs duty, excise duty, sales tax, etc. CGSSAMB will not take any responsibility towards this. However, CGSAMB may provide necessary assistance, wherever possible, in this regard. 15.3 Income Tax Liability The Bidder will have to bear all Income Tax liability both corporate and personal tax. 15.4 Representations & Warranties In order to induce CGSAMB to enter into this Contract, the Bidder hereby represents and warrants as of the date hereof, which representations and warranties shall survive the term and termination here of the following: • That the Bidder has the requisite experience in providing Software as specified in the RFP, the technical know-how and the financial wherewithal, the power and the authority that would be required to successfully provide the Services sought by CGSAMB for the purposes of this Contract. • That the Bidder is not involved in any major litigation or legal proceedings, pending, existing and potential or threatened that may have an impact of 127 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) affecting or compromising the performance or delivery of Services under this Contract. • That the representations and warranties made by the Bidder in the bid or will be made in this contract are and shall continue to remain true and fulfill all the requirements as are necessary for executing the obligations and responsibilities as laid down in the Contract and the Tender and unless CGSAMB specifies to the contrary, the Bidder shall be bound by all the terms of the Bid and the contract through the term of the contract. • That the Bidder has the professional skills, personnel and resources/authorizations that are necessary for providing all such services as are necessary to fulfill the Scope of Work stipulated in the Tender and this Contract. • That there shall not be any privilege, claim or assertion made by a third party with respect to right or interest in ownership, mortgage or disposal of any asset, property, movable or immovable as mentioned in any Intellectual Property Rights licenses and permits. • That the Bidder shall use such assets of CGSAMB as may be permitted for the sole purpose of execution of its obligations under the terms of the Bid, Tender or this Contract. The Bidder shall however have no claim to any right, title, lien or other interest in any such property and any possession of property for any duration whatsoever shall not create any right in equity or otherwise merely by fact of such use or possession during or after the term hereof. • That the Bidder shall procure all the necessary permissions and adequate approvals and licenses for use of various software and any copyrighted process/product free from all claims, titles, interests and liens thereon and shall keep CGSAMB indemnified in relation thereto. • That the execution of the Services and the Scope of work herein are and shall be in accordance and in compliance with all applicable laws. • That all conditions precedent under the Contract has been satisfied. 128 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) • That neither the execution and delivery by the Bidder of the Contract nor the Bidder’s compliance with or performance of the terms and provisions of the Contract (i) will contravene any provision of any Applicable Law or any order, writ, injunction or decree of any court or Governmental Authority binding on the Bidder, (ii) will conflict or be inconsistent with or result in any breach of any or the terms, covenants, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under any Contract, Contract or instrument to which the Bidder is a party or by which it or any of its property or assets is bound or to which it may be subject or (iii) will violate any provision of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Bidder. • That the Bidder certifies that all registrations, recordings, filings and notarizations of the Contract and all payments of any tax or duty, including without limitation stamp duty, registration charges or similar amounts which are required to be effected or made by the Bidder which is necessary to ensure the legality, validity, enforceability or admissibility in evidence of the Contract have been made. • That the Bidder owns, has license to use or otherwise has the right to use, free of any pending or threatened liens or other security or other interests all its Intellectual Property Rights, which are required or desirable for performance of its services under this contract and regarding the same the Bidder does not, so far as the Bidder is aware, in carrying on its business and operations, infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any person. So far as the Bidder is aware, none of the Intellectual Property Rights, owned or enjoyed by the Bidder or which the Bidder is licensed to use, which are material in the context of Bidder’s business and operations for the performance of this contract are being infringed nor, so far as the Bidder is aware, is there any infringement or threatened infringement of those Intellectual Property Rights licensed or provided to the Bidder by any person. All Intellectual Property Rights (owned by the Bidder or which the Bidder is licensed to use) required by the Bidder for the performance of the contract are valid and subsisting. All actions (including registration, payment of all 129 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) registration and renewal fees) required to maintain the same in full force and effect have been taken thereon and shall keep CGSAMB indemnified in relation thereto. • That time is the essence of the Contract and hence the Bidder shall at all times maintain sufficient manpower, resources, and facilities, to provide the Services in a workmanlike manner on a timely basis. • That its security measures, policies and procedures are adequate to protect and maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information. • That in providing the Services or deliverables or materials, neither Bidder nor its agent, nor any of its employees, shall utilize information which may be considered confidential information of or proprietary to any prior employer or any other person or entity. • That the bidder does not have any arrears due to Government of Chhattisgarh on account of Sales Tax, Professional Tax or other Statutory Levies. 15.5 Duration of the Contract The Contract shall remain valid for a period of three and half years from the date of signing of contract or three years from the date of Final Acceptance Test, whichever is later. 15.6 Contract Performance Guarantee Within 7 (seven) days after the receipt of notification of award of the Contract (Letter of Intent) from CGSAMB the successful Bidder shall furnish Contract Performance Guarantee to CGSAMB which shall be equal to 15% of the value of the Contract and shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee from a Nationalized Bank valid for a period of four years. 130 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 15.7 Bidder’s Obligations The Bidder would be required to supply, install, integrate and maintain, the Software within the scope of this RFP. It will be the Bidder’s responsibility to ensure compliance to the requirements of the services in accordance with and in strict adherence to the terms of this Bid, the Tender and the Contract thereafter. In addition to the aforementioned, the Bidder shall perform the Services specified by CGSAMB and make available the necessary equipment / facilities / services as may be necessary and other ‘Scope of work’ requirements as specified in the tender and changes thereof. The Bidder shall ensure that the Team deployed onsite is competent, professional and possesses the requisite qualifications and experience appropriate to the task they are required to perform under this Contract. The Bidder shall ensure that the Services are performed through the efforts of its Team, in accordance with the terms hereof and to the satisfaction of CGSAMB. Nothing in this Contract relieves the Bidder from its liabilities or obligations under this Contract to provide the Services in accordance with CGSAMB directions and requirements and as stated in this Contract and the Bid to the extent accepted by CGSAMB and the Bidder shall be liable for any non-performance, non-compliance, breach, other loss and damage resulting either directly or indirectly by or on account of its Team. The Bidder’s representative shall have all the powers requisite for the performance of services under this contract. The Bidder’s Representative shall liaise with CGSAM BOARD and other agencies as suggested by the Board for the proper coordination and timely completion of the works and on any other matters pertaining to the works. The Bidder shall be responsible for the deployment, transportation, accommodation and other requirements of all its employees required for the execution of the work and for all costs/charges in connection thereof. The Bidder shall provide and deploy manpower on the Site for carrying out the work, who are skilled and experienced in their respective trades and who are competent to execute or manage/supervise the work in a proper and timely manner. The Bidder has to deploy the same resources that are mentioned in the bid response. In case, 131 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) the Bidder is unable to deploy the resources mentioned in the Bid Response, they have to get written confirmation from the Board for the replacement of the resource citing proper reasons. CGSAMB’s Representative may at any time object to and require the Bidder to remove forthwith from the site a supervisor or any other authorized representative or employee of the Bidder or any person(s) deployed by Bidder or his subcontractor, if in the opinion of CGSAMB’s Representative the person in question has been alleged for misconduct or his deployment is otherwise considered undesirable by CGSAMB’s Representative the Bidder shall forthwith remove and shall not again deploy the person in question of the work site without the written consent of CGSAMB’s Representative. CGSAMB’s Representative may at any time insist the Bidder to remove from the work / Site the Bidder’s supervisor or any other authorized representative including any employee of the Bidder or his subcontractor or any person(s) deployed by Bidder or his subcontractor for professional incompetence or negligence or for being deployed for work for which he is not suited. The Bidder, in such a case, shall find a competent substitute with equivalent background for the outgoing member to the satisfaction of CGSAMB. The Bidder shall not again deploy any person so objected to on the work or on the sort of work in question (as the case may be) without the written consent of CGSAMB’s Representative. In case of replacement, the Bidder shall maintain backup personnel and shall promptly provide replacement of every person removed pursuant to this section with an equally competent substitute from the pool of backup personnel. The Bidder should ensure that the number of minimum resources as mentioned in the Bid Response will be maintained throughout the contract period without any violation. In case of change in its team composition owing to attrition, the Bidder shall ensure a reasonable amount of time-overlap in activities to ensure proper knowledge transfer and handover/takeover of documents and other relevant materials between the outgoing and the new member. The exiting team member should be replaced with an equally competent substitute with equivalent background from the pool of backup personnel. 132 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 15.8 Statutory Requirements During the tenure of this Contract nothing shall be done by the Bidder in contravention of any law, act and/ or rules/regulations, there under or any amendment thereof governing inter-alia customs, stowaways, foreign exchange etc. and shall keep CGSAMB indemnified in this regard. The Bidder and their personnel/representative shall not alter / change / replace any component proprietary to CGSAMB and/or under warranty or AMC of third party without prior consent of CGSAMB. The Bidder and their personnel/representative shall not without consent of CGSAMB install any software not purchased / owned by CGSAMB 15.9 Contract Administration Either party may appoint any individual / organization as their authorized representative through a written notice to the other party. Each representative shall have the authority to: • Exercise all of the powers and functions of his/her Party under this Contract other than the power to amend this Contract and ensure the proper administration and performance of the terms hereof and • Bind his or her Party in relation to any matter arising out of or in connection with this Contract. The Bidder along with the members of subcontractor/ third party shall be bound by all undertakings and representations made by the authorized representative of the Bidder and any covenants stipulated hereunder with respect to this Contract for and on their behalf. For the purpose of execution or performance of the obligations under this Contract CGSAMB’s Representative would act as an interface with the nominated representative of the Bidder. The Bidder shall comply with any instructions that are given by CGSAMB’s Representative during the course of this Contract in relation to the performance of its obligations under the terms of this Contract and the Tender. 133 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Committee comprising of representatives from CGSAMB and the Bidder shall meet on a quarterly basis to discuss any issues / bottlenecks being encountered. The Bidder shall draw the minutes of these meetings and circulate to CGSAMB. 15.10 Right of Monitoring and Inspection CGSAM BOARD reserves the right to inspect and monitor / assess the performance of the Bidder at any time during the course of the Contract, after providing due notice to the Bidder. On such demand being made Bidder shall provide any document, data, material or any other information which it may require to enable it to assess its performance. CGSAMB’s Obligations CGSAMB’s Representative shall interface with the Bidder to provide the required information, clarifications, and to resolve any issues as may arise during the execution of the Contract. CGSAMB shall provide adequate cooperation in providing details assisting with coordinating and obtaining of approvals from various governmental agencies, in the cases, where intervention of CGSAMB is proper and necessary. CGSAMB shall ensure that timely approval is provided to the Bidder, where deemed necessary, required to be provided as part of the Scope of Work. Information Security The Bidder shall not carry and/or transmit any material, information, layouts, diagrams, storage media or any other goods/material in physical or electronic form, which are proprietary to or owned by CGSAMB premise or the offsite office premise of the BOARD, without prior written permission from respective authorities. The Bidder shall adhere to the Information Security policy developed by CGSAMB or the State Implementation Agency designated by the IT Department. Bidder shall, upon termination of this agreement for any reason or upon demand by CGSAMB, whichever is earliest return any and all information provided to Bidder by CGSAMB including any copies or reproductions, both hard copy and electronic. Ownership of System CGSAM BOARD shall own the system which are installed and integrated with the existing IT Infrastructure in connection with this Contract. 134 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Indemnity The Bidder shall execute and furnish a Deed of Indemnity in favour of CGSAMB in a form and manner acceptable to CGSAMB, indemnifying both from and against any costs, loss, damages, expense, claims including those from third parties or liabilities of any kind howsoever suffered, arising or incurred inter alia during and after the Contract period out of: • Any negligence or wrongful act or omission by the Bidder or the Bidder’s Team or any subcontract or/ third party in connection with or incidental to this Contract; or • A breach of any of the terms of the Bidder’s Bid as agreed, the Tender and this Contract by the Bidder, the Bidder’s Team or any subcontract or / third party or any employee of the Bidder The indemnity shall be to the extent of 100% in favour of CGSAMB and its Representatives. Confidentiality The Bidder shall not use any Information including the name or the logo of CGSAMB or Agriculture Department, except for the purposes of providing the Service as specified under this contract. The Bidder may only disclose Information in the following circumstances: • With the prior written consent of CGSAM BOARD. • To the Authorized Persons within the Bidder’s Team with prior intimation to the CGSAMB Board and after obtaining necessary approval from the Board. The Bidder shall do everything reasonably possible to preserve the confidentiality of the Information including execution of a confidentiality agreement with the members of the subcontractor and other service provider’s team members to the satisfaction of CGSAMB. The Bidder shall sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with CGSAM BOARD. The Bidder, its antecedents and the Resources / Manpower shall be bound by the NDA. The Bidder will be held responsible for any breach of the NDA by its antecedents, delegates or Representatives. 135 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The Bidder shall notify CGSAM BOARD promptly if it is aware of any disclosure of the Information otherwise than as permitted by this Contract or with the above respective authorities. The Bidder shall be liable to fully recompense CGSAMB for any financial loss or revenue arising from breach of confidentiality. CGSAMB reserves the right to adopt legal proceedings, civil or criminal, against the Bidder in relation to a dispute arising out of breach of obligation by the Bidder under this clause. The Bidder shall not take away or remove in whatever manner any information on any media like but not limited to HDDs, Digital Drives, CDs. DVDs, any other backup devices, email etc from premises of Board, Departments, or any other locations where the Hardware is installed without the specific written permission of CGSAMB. Bidder, if required, shall take specific permission for each such event. Any deviation would be construed as ‘breach of contract’. The Bidder shall not use any information which might have come to its knowledge in whatever manner during the discharge of its obligation under the contract for any purpose except strictly for discharging his obligation under the contract and no more. Term and Extension of the Contract The term of this Contract shall be for a period as indicated in the contract and contract shall come to an end on expiry of such period except when its term is extended by CGSAMB. CGSAM BOARD shall reserve the sole right to grant any extension to the term mentioned above on mutual agreement including fresh negotiations on terms and conditions. Change of Size / Quantities CGSAMB will have the option to increase or decrease the size/ quantity of the deliverables to be provisioned by the Bidder as mentioned in the Contract at any time before work is initiated at the site. Suspension of Work The Bidder shall, if ordered in writing by CGSAMB’s Representative or CGSAMB, temporarily suspend the works or any part thereof for such a period and such a time as ordered. The Bidder shall not be entitled to claim compensation for any loss or 136 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) damage sustained by him by reason of temporary suspension of the Works as aforesaid. An extension of time for completion corresponding to the delay caused by any such suspension of the works as aforesaid shall be granted to the Bidder, if request for the same is made and that the suspension was not consequent to any default or failure on the part of the Bidder. Completion of Contract Unless terminated earlier, the Contract shall terminate on the completion of term or contract period as specified in the Contract. Entire Contract The terms and conditions laid down in the Tender and all annexure thereto as also the Bid and any attachments/annexes thereto shall be read in consonance with and form an integral part of this Contract. This Contract supersedes any prior Contract, understanding or representation of the Parties on the subject matter. Governing Law This Contract shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India. Jurisdiction of Courts The courts of Raipur will have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any proceeding in relation to this Contract. Compliance with Laws The Bidder shall comply with the laws in force in India in the course of performing this Contract. Notices All notices, requests or consents provided for or permitted to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed effectively given when personally delivered or mailed by pre-paid certified/registered mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows and shall be deemed received 7 days after mailing or on the date of delivery if personally delivered whichever is earlier. The notices to CGSAMB should be sent at: The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 137 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Chhattisgarh State Tel. No. +91-771-4240501 Fax No: +91-771-4094472 E-mail ID: The Bidder should mention in the Bid Response the address and contact details of the Bidder to which the notices to be sent. Waiver Any waiver of any provision of this RFP is ineffective unless it is in writing and signed by the Party waiving its rights. IT Act 2000 Besides the terms and conditions stated in this document, the contract shall also be governed by the IT Act 2000 read along with all subsequent amendments and guidelines defined by DIT and the State Government. The Bidder should also follow the eGovernance Standards (at defined by DIT, GoI. In addition to these, the Bidder is also advised to follow the guidelines and polices issued by DIT, GoI from time to time. Warranty The Bidder is required to provide warranty for all the componentsd supplied for a minimum period of 3 years from the date of acceptance by CGSAMB of all the supplied component. CGSAMB shall promptly notify the Bidder about any claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the Bidder shall repair/replace/reconfigure/re-provision the defective equipment or service. Upon failure, CGSAMB may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary at the Bidder’s risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights, which CGSAMB may have against the Bidder under the contract. The Bidder should provide an undertaking from the OEM that during the product warranty and AMC period the OEM should agree to provide all new releases, versions, any type of updates, patch and/or bug fixes for the software or firmware, as applicable and in accordance with the standard policies, at no additional cost to 138 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) CGSAMB. Additionally, the documentation associated with the product(s) shall be provided free of cost to state government. 15.11 Events of Default by the Bidder The failure on the part of the Bidder to perform any of its obligations or comply with any of the terms of this Contract shall constitute an Event of Default on the part of the Bidder. The events of default as mentioned above may include but not limited to inter alia the following also: • The Bidder has failed to perform any instructions or directives issued by CGSAMB, which it deems proper and necessary to execute the scope of work under the Contract • The Bidder has failed to adhere to any of the key performance indicators as laid down in the Key Performance Measures / Contract or if the Bidder has fallen short of matching such standards/targets as CGSAMB may have designated with respect to any task necessary for the execution of the scope of work under this Contract. The above mentioned failure on the part of the Bidder may be in terms of failure to adhere to timelines, specifications, requirements or any other criteria as defined by CGSAMB. • The Bidder has failed to remedy a failure or to perform its obligations in accordance with the specifications issued by CGSAMB despite being served with a default notice which laid down the specific deviance on the part of the Bidder to comply with any stipulations or standards as laid down by or CGSAMB • The Bidder / Bidder’s Team has failed to conform to any of the Service/Facility Specifications/standards as set out in the scope of work of this Tender/RFP document or has failed to adhere to any amended direction, modification or clarification as issued by CGSAMB during the term of this Contract and which and CGSAMB deems proper and necessary for the execution of the scope of work under this Contract 139 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) • The Bidder has failed to demonstrate or sustain any representation or warranty made by it in this Contract with respect to any of the terms of its Bid or the Tender and this Contract / RFP. • There is a proceeding for bankruptcy, insolvency, winding up or there is an appointment of receiver, liquidator, assignee, or similar official against or in relation to the Bidder. • The Bidder / Bidder’s Team has failed to comply with or is in breach or contravention of any applicable laws. Where there has been an occurrence of such defaults inter alia as stated above, CGSAMB shall issue a notice of default to the Bidder, setting out specific defaults / deviances / omissions and providing a notice of thirty days to enable such defaulting party to remedy the default committed. Where despite the issuance of a default notice to the Bidder by CGSAMB the Bidder fails to remedy the default to the satisfaction of the Bidder, CGSAMB may, where it deems fit, issue to the defaulting party another default notice or proceed to adopt such remedies as may be available to CGSAMB. 15.12 Consequences in Event of Default Where an Event of Default subsists or remains uncured beyond permissible or reasonable time, CGSAMB may/shall be entitled to the following: • For cases where permissible time is not indicated in the contract, CGSAMB will decide, at its discretion, the quantum of reasonable time to cure the default. • Impose any such obligations and conditions and issue any clarifications as may be necessary to inter alia ensure smooth continuation of Services and the project which the Bidder shall be obliged to comply with which may include unilateral re-determination of the consideration payable to the 140 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Bidder hereunder. The Bidder shall in addition take all available steps to minimize loss resulting from such event of default. • CGSAMB may by a written notice of suspension to the Bidder, suspend all payments to the Bidder under the Contract provided that such notice of suspension: o Shall specify the nature of the failure and o Shall request the Bidder to remedy such failure within a specified period from the date of receipt of such notice of suspension by the Bidder • Where CGSAMB deems necessary it shall have the right to insist the Bidder for replacement of any of the Bidder’s subcontractors / vendors with another suitable member. The Bidder shall in such case terminate forthwith all their agreements/contracts other arrangements with such member and find of the suitable replacement for such outgoing member with another member to satisfaction of CGSAMB who shall execute such Contracts with CGSAMB as CGSAMB may require. Failure on the part of the Bidder to find a suitable replacement and/or terminate all agreements/contracts with such member shall amount to a breach of the terms hereof and CGSAMB in addition to all other rights, CGSAMB may procure similar services from other Service provider at the cost of Bidder and CGSAMB will also have the right to claim damages and recover from the Bidder all losses/ or other damages that may have resulted from such failure. • CGSAMB reserves the right to terminate the contract with 30 days notice. 15.13 Termination CGSAMB may terminate this Contract in whole or in part by giving the Bidder prior and written notice indicating its intention to terminate the Contract under the following circumstances: 141 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) • Where it comes to CGSAMB’s attention that the Bidder (or the Bidder’s Team) is in a position of actual conflict with the interest of CGSAMB in relation to any of the terms of the Bidder’s Bid or the RFP. • Where the Bidder’s ability to survive as an independent corporate entity is threatened or is lost owing to any reason whatsoever including inter alia the filing of any bankruptcy proceedings against the Bidder, any failure by the Bidder to pay any of its dues to its creditors, the institution of any winding up proceedings against the Bidder or the happening of any such event that is adverse to the commercial viability of the Bidder. In the event of the happening of any event of the above nature, CGSAMB shall reserve the right to take any steps as is necessary to ensure the effective transition of the project to a successor Bidder /service provider, and to ensure business continuity. • Termination for Default: CGSAMB may at any time terminate the Contract by giving 30 days written notice to the Bidder without compensation to the Bidder in the Event of Default on the part of the Bidder which may include failure on the part of the Bidder to respect any of its commitments with regard to any part of its obligations under its Bid, the RFP or under this Contract. • Termination for Insolvency: CGSAMB may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the Bidder without compensation to the Bidder, if the Bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to CGSAMB. • Termination for Convenience: CGSAMB may by prior written notice sent to the Bidder at least 3 months in advance, terminate the Contract in whole or in part at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for CGSAMB’s convenience, the extent to which performance of work under the Contract is terminated and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. 142 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Consequences of Termination In the event of termination of this contract due to any cause whatsoever except termination for CGSAMB convenience, the Bidder may be barred from participating in any future State Government tender, effective from the date of termination of this contract. CGSAMB may retain amounts from the payment due and payable by CGSAMB to the Bidder of overall contract value (CAPEX & OPEX) for 3 years as may be required to offset any losses caused to CGSAMB as a result of such event of default and the Bidder shall compensate CGSAMB for any such loss, damages or other costs, incurred by CGSAMB in this regard. Nothing herein shall affect the continued obligation of the subcontractor / other members of its Team to perform all their obligations and responsibilities under this Contract in an identical manner as were being performed before the occurrence of the default. CGSAMB may Invoke the Performance Bank Guarantee and other Guarantees furnished hereunder, enforce the Deed of Indemnity, recover such other costs/losses and other amounts from Bidder as may have resulted from such default and pursue such other rights and/or remedies that may be available to CGSAMB under law. In the event of termination of this Contract due to any cause whatsoever, whether consequent to the stipulated Term of the Contract or otherwise CGSAMB shall be entitled to impose any such obligations and conditions and issue any clarifications as may be necessary to ensure an efficient transition and effective business continuity of the project which the Bidder shall be obliged to comply with and take all available steps to minimize the loss resulting from that termination/breach and further allow and provide all such assistance to CGSAMB and/or the successor Bidder /service provider, as may be required to take over the obligations of the erstwhile Bidder in relation to the execution/continued execution of the scope of this Contract. Where the termination of the Contract is prior to its stipulated period, on account of a default on the part of the Bidder or due to the fact that the survival of the 143 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Bidder as an independent corporate entity is threatened/has ceased or for any other reason, CGSAMB through unilateral re-determination of the consideration payable to the Bidder shall pay the Bidder for that part of the Services which have been authorized by the CGSAMB and satisfactorily performed by the Bidder up to the date of termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, CGSAMB may retain such amounts from the payment due and payable by CGSAMB to the Bidder as may be required to offset any losses caused to CGSAMB as a result of any act/omissions of Bidder. In case of any loss or damage due to default on the part of the Bidder in performing any of its obligations with regard to executing the scope of work under this Contract, the Bidder shall compensate CGSAMB for any such loss, damages or other costs as incurred by CGSAMB. Additionally the subcontractor / other members of its team shall perform all its obligations and responsibilities under this Contract in an identical manner as were being performed before the termination of the contract in order to execute an effective transition and to maintain business continuity. All the third parties shall continue to perform all/any functions as stipulated by CGSAMB and as may be proper and necessary to execute the scope of work under the Contract in terms of the Bidder’s Bid, the Tender and this Contract. Nothing herein shall restrict the right of CGSAMB to invoke the Bank Guarantee and other Guarantees furnished hereunder, enforce the Deed of Indemnity and pursue such other rights and/or remedies that may be available to CGSAMB under law. The termination hereof shall not affect any accrued right or liability of either Party nor affect the operation of the provisions of this Contract that are expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination. 15.14 Penalty The Bidder should perform all the activities as per timelines and parameters stipulated by CGSAMB in this RFP, failing which CGSAMB may at its discretion impose penalties on the Bidder as defined in the RFP. 144 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 15.15 Liquidated Damages Subject to clause for Force Majeure if the Bidder fails to complete the system before the scheduled completion date or the extended date or if Bidder repudiates the Contract before completion of the Work, CGSAMB at its discretion may without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to CGSAMB the Contract recover a maximum of 20% (twenty percent) of the project cost from the Bidder as Liquidated Damages (LD). This 20% (twenty percent) will be staggered over a period of 5 (five) weeks at the rate of 4% (four percent) per week. CGSAMB may without prejudice to its right to effect recovery by any other method deduct the amount of liquidated damages from any money belonging to the Bidder in its hands (which includes CGSAMB’s right to claim such amount against Bidder’s Bank Guarantee) or which may become due to the Bidder. Any such recovery or liquidated damages shall not in any way relieve the Bidder from any of its obligations to complete the Works or from any other obligations and liabilities under the Contract. 15.16 Dispute Resolution CGSAMB and the Bidder shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiations any disagreement or disputes arising between them under or in connection with the Contract. If, after thirty days from the commencement of such direct informal negotiations, CGSAMB and the Bidder have been unable to resolve amicably a Contract dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanism of arbitration. In the case of a dispute or difference arising between CGSAMB and the Bidder relating to any matter arising out of or connected with this Contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred to two Arbitrators, one Arbitrator to be nominated by CGSAMB and the other to be nominated by the Bidder or in case of the said 145 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Arbitrators not agreeing then an Umpire to be appointed by the Arbitrators in writing before proceeding with the reference. In case the Arbitrators cannot agree to the Umpire, he may be nominated by the Secretary, Indian Council of Arbitration, New Delhi. The award of the Arbitrators in the event of their not agreeing of the Umpire appointed by them or by the Secretary, Indian Council of Arbitration, New Delhi, shall be final and binding on the parties. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, the rules there under and any statutory modification or reenactments thereof, shall apply to the arbitration proceedings. The venue of arbitration shall be Raipur, India. CGSAMB may terminate this contract by giving a written notice of termination of minimum 30 days to the Bidder, if the Bidder fails to comply with any decision reached consequent upon arbitration proceedings. 15.17 Continuance of the Contract Notwithstanding the fact that settlement of dispute(s) (if any) under arbitration may be pending, the parties hereto shall continue to be governed by and perform the work in accordance with the provisions under the Scope of Work to ensure continuity of operations. 15.18 Limitation of the Bidder’s Liability towards CGSAMB Except in case of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Bidder or on the part of any person or company acting on behalf of the Bidder in carrying out the Services, the Bidder, with respect to damage caused by the Bidder to CGSAMB’s property shall not be liable to CGSAMB. For any indirect or consequential loss or damage and for any direct loss or damage that exceeds (A) the total payments payable under this contract to the Bidder hereunder or (B) the proceeds the Bidder may be entitled to receive from any risk 146 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) management provided by the Bidder to cover such a liability, whichever of (A) or (B) is higher. This limitation of liability shall not affect the Bidder’s liability, if any, for damage to Third Parties caused by the Bidder or any person or firm/company acting on behalf of the Bidder in carrying out the Services. The bidder's liability is unlimited for the bodily injury of bidder's resources or the Board’s resources on the project related work or for the tangible damage to the property of the Board for acts of omissions voluntarily or inadvertently on part of the bidder. 15.19 Conflict of Interest The Bidder shall disclose to CGSAMB in writing, all actual and potential conflicts of interest that exist, arise or may arise (either for the Bidder or the Bidder’s Team) in the course of performing the Services as soon as practically possible after it becomes aware of that conflict. 15.20 Severance In the event any provision of this Contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable under the applicable law, the remaining provisions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect. 15.21 “No Claim” Certificate The Bidder shall not be entitled to make any claim, whatsoever against CGSAMB under or by virtue of or arising out of this contract, nor shall CGSAMB entertain or consider any such claim, if made by the Bidder after he shall have signed a “No claim” certificate in favour of CGSAMB in such forms as shall be required by CGSAMB after the works are finally accepted. 147 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 15.22 Publicity The Bidder shall not make or permit to be made a public announcement or media release about any aspect of this Contract unless CGSAMB first gives the Bidder its written consent. 15.23 Force Majeure Force Majeure shall not include any events caused due to acts/omissions of such Party or result from a breach/contravention of any of the terms of the Contract, Bid and/or the Tender. It shall also not include any default on the part of a Party due to its negligence or failure to implement the stipulated/proposed precautions, as were required to be taken under the Contract. The failure or occurrence of a delay in performance of any of the obligations of either party shall constitute a Force Majeure event only where such failure or delay could not have reasonably been foreseen or where despite the presence of adequate and stipulated safeguards the failure to perform obligations has occurred. In such an event, the affected party shall inform the other party in writing within five days of the occurrence of such event. CGSAMB will make the payments due for Services rendered till the occurrence of Force Majeure. However, any failure or lapse on the part of the Bidder in performing any obligation as is necessary and proper to negate the damage due to projected force majeure events or to mitigate the damage that may be caused due to the abovementioned events or the failure to provide adequate disaster management/recovery or any failure in setting up a contingency mechanism would not constitute force majeure, as set out above. In case of a Force Majeure all Parties will endeavor to agree on an alternate mode of performance in order to ensure the continuity of service and implementation of the obligations of a party under the Contract and to minimize any adverse consequences of Force Majeure. 148 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 15.24 Exit Management An Exit Management plan shall be furnished by the selected Bidder in writing to CGSAMB or its nominated agencies within Sixty (60) days from the Effective Date of the contract and the period of exit shall be for 1 quarter. The Parties shall ensure that their respective associated entities carry out their respective obligations set out in this Exit Management Schedule. During the exit management period, the Bidder will allow CGSAMB or it’s representatives access to information reasonably required to define the then current mode of operation associated with the provision of the services to enable CGSAMB to assess the existing services being delivered. The Bidder will promptly on the commencement of the exit management period, supply to CGSAMB or its nominated agencies the following: • Information relating to the current services rendered and performance data relating to the performance of the services; Documentation relating to Hardware and peripherals supplied by the Bidder, Project’s Intellectual Property Rights; any other data and confidential information related to MMIS Application hosting; in a readily available format. At any time during the exit management period, the Successful Bidder will be obliged to provide an access of information to CGSAMB, and/or any Replacement Successful Bidder in order to make an inventory of the Assets (including hardware / Software / Active / passive), layouts, diagrams, schematics, documentations, manuals, catalogs, archive data, IP addressing, passwords, Live data, policy documents or any other material related to MMIS Application hosting. The Successful Bidder shall provide CGSAMB with a recommended exit management plan ("Exit Management Plan") which shall deal with at least the following aspects of exit management in relation to the SLA as a whole and in relation to the Project Implementation, the Support and Maintenance SLA and Scope of work definition. 149 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) a) A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with a Replacement Successful Bidder including details of the means to be used to ensure continuing provision of the services throughout the transfer process or until the cessation of the services and of the management structure to be used during the transfer; b) Plans for the communication with such of the Bidder, staff, suppliers, customers and any related third party as are necessary to avoid any material detrimental impact on MMIS hosting Project’s operations as a result of undertaking the transfer; c) Plans for provision of contingent support to CGSAMB and Replacement Successful Bidder for a reasonable period after transfer. The Successful Bidder shall re-draft the Exit Management Plan annually thereafter to ensure that it is kept relevant and up to date. Each Exit Management Plan shall be presented by the Successful Bidder to the Board and approved by the Board or its nominated agencies. The terms of payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule include the costs of the Successful Bidder complying with its obligations under this Schedule. In the event of termination or expiry of SLA, Project Implementation, Support and Maintenance SLA or Scope of Work each Party shall comply with the Exit Management Plan. During the exit management period, the Successful Bidder shall use its best efforts to deliver the services. Payments during the Exit Management period shall be made in accordance with the Terms of Payment Schedule. 15.25 Clarifications If deemed necessary, CGSAMB may seek clarifications on any aspect from the bidder. However, that would not entitle the bidder to change or cause any change in the substance of the tender submitted or price quoted. CGSAMB will ask the bidder to give a presentation for the purpose of clarification of 150 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) the tender. All expenses for this purpose, as also for the preparation of documents and other meetings, will be borne by the bidders. 15.26 Disqualification The Bid is liable to be disqualified under the following cases: a) Bid not submitted in accordance with this document. b) Bid is received in incomplete form. c) Bid is received after due date and time. d) Bid is not accompanied by all requisite documents including the bank draft of Rs.5,00,000/-. e) Information submitted is found to be misrepresented, incorrect or false, accidentally, unwittingly or otherwise, at any time during the processing of the contract (no matter at what stage) or during the tenure of the contract including the extension period if any. f) Bidder or any person acting on its behalf indulges in corrupt and fraudulent practices. 15.27 Contacting CGSAMB Bidders shall not contact CGSAMB on any matter relating to this RFP, from the time of the submission of Bid to the time the contract is awarded. During this period, all important notices will be displayed on the office notice board. Any effort by an bidder to influence CGSAMB’s evaluation, bid comparison or short listing decision may result in the rejection of the bid. Such an act on the part of the bidder shall amount to misconduct and will be liable for appropriate action, as decided by CGSAMB. 15.28 CGSAMB’s Right to Terminate the Process (i) CGSAMB make no commitments, explicit or implicit, that this process will result in a business transaction with anyone. (ii) This RFP does not constitute an offer by CGSAMB. The bidder’s participation in this process may result in CGSAMB selecting the bidder to engage in further discussions and negotiations towards 151 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) execution of a contract. The commencement of such negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by CGSAMB to execute a contract or to continue negotiations. 15.29 Right to Accept/Reject any or all bids CGSAMB reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the tender process and reject all bid responses at any time prior to award of the contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidders of the grounds for CGSAMB’s action. Since the envisaged system is very critical for department in terms of performing the core and supporting activities, the service level agreements have been defined accordingly. Each SLA at the application development phase is derived from 3 perspectives – timeline, quality and performance. For timeline, deviation from Integrated Project Management Plan (IPMP) is to be considered. For quality, software engineering specific indicative defect guidelines (Severity and type) are provided in following sections. Similar indicative guidelines are provided for performance. 152 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 16 Service levels 16.1 Defect Severity Guidelines The Test Team will examine and classify each identified defect by the severity of the problem and fix it accordingly. The severity types are provided in the following table: Severity Blocker Critical Major Medium Minor Guideline • System crash • Missing major functionality • Missing functionality (based on the requirements in the Requirement Specification document). • Erroneous functionality • Loss or corrupted data transformation • Unexpected functional behavior • Severe data loss and performance issues • Unexpected functional behavior in an alternative flow which is not a showstopper • Workaround exists, but is complicated • The defect does not result in a failure, but causes the system to produce incorrect, incomplete, or inconsistent results, or the defect impairs the systems usability. • Defect in code, but simple workaround exists • Used translated word is not appropriate • Translated word has a spelling error • Does not impair usability, and the desired processing results are easily obtained by working around the defect • Cosmetic errors • Defect causes minimal or unnoticeable problems Enhancement • Improvement to a feature 153 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 16.2 Defect Type/ Category Guideline The Test Team will examine and classify each identified defect by defect type and fix it accordingly. Defect types can be classified as below: Type Definition Functionality Defects caused due to incorrect programming logic, not addressing a functional requirement in code or product configuration Documentation Error Defects caused due to incomplete or inappropriate documentation of test steps Environment Defects caused due to inconsistent environments or lack of required infrastructure Non-Functional Defects related to non-functional requirements such as usability, security, availability, etc. Performance* Affects the performance of the system in terms of certain performance related criteria of the system. * The performance criteria have been illustrated in next section. 16.3 Performance Guideline Performance is one critical issue of the application. Since the activities of the board would be solely dependent on the envisaged system, performance of the system is considered as one of the critical areas and hence SLA’s has been defined accordingly. Following performance criteria is provided as an indicative guideline. If the actual performance is falling below the stipulated figures, IA will have to justify the reasons. However, the performance level must be accepted by the department. 154 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Item Login Screen for internal user to Home Performance < 5 seconds Screen Screen Navigation: screen-to-screen < 5 seconds Screen Refresh < 2 seconds Screen list box, drop-down box < 2 seconds Screen grid – 25 rows, 10 columns < 3 seconds Report preview – (all reports) – initial < 60 seconds in most instances. It is page view (if asynchronous) understood that complicated / large volume reports may require a longer period Simple enquiry – single table, 5 < 7 seconds for 100,000 rows fields, 3 conditions – without screen rendering Batch Processing (if any) per 100 records < 120 seconds Call centre Average Speed of Answer <10 sec Percentage of Calls Answered <95% Hold Time <2 min per call Handle Time <6 min per call Call center infrastructure Up time > 95% Operational Resource availability >95% of the proposed resources as-per Maintenance and Operational Resource technical response should be available availability during business hours.( to be calculated monthly) Note: Concurrent user assumed to be 100 and subject to network traffic 155 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Operational performance Event When farmer comes to entry gate Activity Recording of Entry Service Generation of Entry slip When farmer goes out of exit Generation gate Recording of Exit of Exit pass When Farmer comes to the mandi accountant with anubandh and bhugtan patra When Farmer comes to the mandi accountant with anubandh and bhugtan patra When trader provided all the bhugtam Recording of Auction, Price & Trader details Transaction Confirmation Recording of Anubandh Pathra details into the system Sealed Anuband patra with date and time of entry along with a transaction number Reconciliation of Trader accounts Day’s transaction slip Requestor acceptable limit Farmer Transaction time should not be more than 10 min at any given point of time Farmer Transaction time should not be more than 10 min at any given point of time Mandi officer Transaction time should not be more than 10 min at any given point of time Farmer Transaction time should not be more than 10 min at any given point of time Trader Transaction time should not be more than 10 min at any given point 156 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) of time patra of the day to mandi accountant At the end of Day when mandi accountant reconciles data Reconciliation of daily shulk Daily fee collection(Trader collection wise) statement Mandi accountan t report at the EOD At the end of Day when mandi head reports data Reconciliation of day’s transaction trader wise, Daily commodity wise, Transaction report quantity wise Mandi Head report at the EOD Trader Transaction time should not be more than 10 min at any given point of time Farmer Transaction time should not be more than 5 min at any given point of time When a new trader comes for registration for the first time When a new farmer comes for registration for the first time Registration application processing Farmer’s data entry ----- Acknowledge ment number Unique Farmer ID The transaction time should be catered by a token system. The transaction time will be the time between the token collections and receipt generation. The token and receipts should be time stamped, the time stamps should be recorded in the system by the help of which SLA’s would be measured. The SI should provide token collection centres at transaction points. 157 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 16.4 SLAs for Deliverables (Acceptance Criteria) IA shall be responsible for quality delivery of the envisaged solution within timelines. In order to ensure the same, certain milestone deliverables are determined. Service level agreements have been defined at each mile stone deliverable stage against acceptance of certain defined deliverables. In case of non-compliance, there is a penalty defined at each defined mile stone. To ensure Timeliness & Quality the following SLAs are defined SLAs on Deliverable Schedule No 1 Deliverables Submission of Implementation Project Management Plan (IPMP) Timeline Commencement • Date + 2 weeks (includes but not limited to, scope, assumptions, dependencies, constraints, risks, estimation, detailed work breakdown structure (WBS), resource allocation, technical review plan, RACI, escalation protocol) 2 Submission of the following: 1. Systems requirement specification (SRS) 2. Detailed architecture document for the complete system Quality Planed Date as per IPMP( integrated project management plan) Size estimation (Use Case) • Granular WBS (40-60 Hours Task breakdown) • RACI Matrix • Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) • Peer Review Log Penalty Delay of every week will attract a penalty of 0.1% of order value per week or part thereof. Delay of every week will attract a penalty of 0.1% of order value per week or part thereof. 3. Deployment plan 4. Data migration plan 158 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) No 4 Deliverables Submission of the following: Timeline Planed Date as per IPMP Quality • RTM (Updated) • No. of defects/ use case 1. Detail design of the first iteration 2. RFP for procurement of hardware and system software For no. of defects 1-2 per use case: 0.1% of order value penalty 4. Deployed and working version of First iteration 5. UAT of first iteration For no. of defects more than 2 per use case: 1% of order value penalty 6. Detail design of the second iteration 7. Test cases and Test scenarios of the second iteration Submission of the following: 1. Deployed and working version of Second iteration 2. UAT of second iteration 3. Detail design of the third iteration 4. Test cases and test scenarios of the third iteration Delay of every week will attract a penalty of 0.1% of order value per week or part thereof. For no. of defects less than 1 per use case: no penalty 3. Test cases and test scenarios of the first iteration 5 Penalty Planed Date as per IPMP • RTM (Updated) • No. of defects /use case Delay of every week will attract a penalty of 0.1% of order value per week or part thereof. For no. of defects less than 0.5 per use case: no penalty For no. of defects 0.5-1 per use case: 0.1% of order value penalty For no. of defects more than 1 per use case: 1% of order value penalty 159 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) No 6 Deliverables Submission of the following: Timeline Planed Date as per IPMP Quality • RTM (Updated) • No. of defects /use case 1. Release of working version of Third iteration 2. UAT of third iteration Penalty Delay of every week will attract a penalty of 0.1% of order value per week or part thereof. For no. of defects less than 0.25 per use case: no penalty 3. Integration of all the processes and deployed (working version) For no. of defects 0.25-0.5 per use case: 0.1% of order value penalty For no. of defects more than 0.5 per use case: 1% of order value penalty 8 1. Data Digitization Planed Date as per IPMP Data Quality (% defects) Delay of every week will attract a penalty of 0.1% of order value per week or part thereof. For less than 2%, no penalty For 2-5%, penalty: 0.01% For more than 5% and less than 10%: penalty 0.05% For more than 10%: penalty 0.1% 9 Delivery of the following: 1. UAT Training Planed Date as per IPMP • RTM (Updated) • System performance (As Delay of every week will attract a 160 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) No Deliverables Timeline 2. Final UAT after full integration 3. System Documentation Penalty defined in Section 21.3.3 penalty of 0.5% of order value per week or part thereof. • Scalability of the envisaged system • No. of defects /use case 4. User manual 5. Deploy to production Quality Note: Acceptance Criteria: Blocker 0% , Critical 0%, Major 15%, Medium 15% Minor 70%. If the delivery does not follow above criteria, it will be considered as “not delivered”. (Defect categories as defined in the document) For no. of defects less than 0.25 per use case: no penalty For no. of defects 0.25-0.5 per use case: 0.1% of order value penalty For no. of defects more than 0.5 per use case: 1% of order value penalty For average* performance variation less than 10%, no penalty For average* performance variation 1020%, penalty: 0.1% of order value For average* performance variation 2050%, penalty: 0.5% of order value For average* performance variation more than 50%, it would be considered “Not Delivered” 161 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Note: In case of any delay, the Vendor shall submit an application related to the projected delay 15 days prior to the schedule date with all reasons including documentations in support. After review on merits of the request, the Mandi Board reserves right to extend the time line with or without penalty. 16.5 SLAs for Operation and Maintenance (Support) Once the system has been developed, the SI shall be responsible to maintain the system so that any operational and system related issues can be catered easily. SLA Critical Service Coverage Hours Baseline Performance Measurement and Reporting 99% Measure Daily Penalty PORTAL APPLICATIONS & SERVICES Portal and Services Availability 24 X 7 X 365 Report Monthly/ Quarterly Less than 99% but more than 95%: penalty 1% of EQI Less than 95%: penalty 10% of EQI Performance 24 X 7 X 365 As per performance guidelines section Measure Daily Report Monthly/ Quarterly Less than 99% but more than 95%: penalty 1% of EQI Less than 95%: penalty 10% of EQI 162 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) SLA Critical Service Call centre Coverage Hours Baseline Performance 16 X 7 X 365 As per performance guidelines section and Maintenance & Operational Resource’s availability Measurement and Reporting Measure Daily Report Monthly Penalty Less than 95% but more than 90%: penalty 1% of EQI Less than 90%: penalty 10% of EQI Operational performance 16 X 7 X 365 As per performance guidelines section Measure Daily Report quarterly In event of the faults crossing the acceptable limit: between 10 to 20 occasions: penalty 1% of EQI More than 20 occasions :penalty 10% of EQI Note: The baseline performance of the Application and Operations shall be dependent on SLA’s of Operational Infrastructure e.g. Server, Peripheral Hardware, Networking and other equipment. To get smooth operation of the system and to achieve the SLAs, it is suggested that there will be a three-party agreement on SLA after the infrastructure vendor is selected. The monitoring tool will be used to identify whether the problem is due to software application or hardware infrastructure and accordingly the penalty will be applied to both or any one of them. 163 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 17. Response to RFP - Formats 17.1 Technical Bid Formats Format 1 – Declaration of Acceptance of Terms and Conditions in RFP To, The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State India. Subject: Appointment of an Agency for Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Operation and Maintenance of MANDI BOARD MMIS application Reference: Tender No: <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> dated <DD/MM/YYYY> Sir, We have carefully gone through the Terms and Conditions contained in the RFP document [No. ___ Dated ______________] and hereby confirm the acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions of the RFP. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Bidder) Name: Designation: Seal: Date: Business Address: 164 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Format -2 Technical Bid Letter To, The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State India Subject: Appointment of an Agency for Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Operation and Maintenance of MANDI BOARD MMIS Reference: Tender No: <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY> Sir, I/We, the Bidder, having read and examined in detail the RFP document do hereby submit the Technical Bid to provide the services as specified in the Tender document number <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> dated <DD/MM/YYYY> . I/We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the RFP. We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract performance guarantee in the form prescribed in the RFP. We hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in the bid is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. We understand that our bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a bid you receive. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Bidder) Name, Designation, Seal, Date, Business Address: 165 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Format 3 – Technical Solution The Bidder is required to describe the proposed Technical Solution in this section. The Bidder should provide complete Technical Specification of the Hardware, Network and Peripherals being proposed by the Bidder. The Bidder should mention the following clearly in the Technical Solution: o Benefit of the proposed Hardware o Compliance with Hardware as specified in the RFP o Strength of the Bidder with skill of resources o Resource Deployment Plan o System Integration Plan o Operation and Maintenance Support Plan in conformance with SLA Uptime. o Approach and Methodology for delivery, installation and maintenance The Bidder shall provide a project plan with timeline, resource allocation, methodology, operation and maintenance plan etc. 166 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Format 4 – Authorization Letters from OEMs and Support Indemnification Date: dd/mm/yyyy To, The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State India Subject: OEM Authorization for Appointment of an Agency for Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Operation and Maintenance of MANDI BOARD MMIS Reference: Tender No: <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY> Sir, I/We, ________________ (name and address of the manufacturer), who are established and reputed manufacturers of ______________________ having factories at (addresses of manufacturing/development locations) do hereby authorize M/s __________________ (name and address of the Bidder) to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract with you against the above mentioned tender for the above Hardware / software manufactured / developed by us. We hereby undertake to support above mentioned software for the duration of 3 years from the date of Final Acceptance Certificate from CGSAMB BOARD. If the Bidder is providing the Maintenance Support for the Software by OEM indemnifies the CGSAMB BOARD and its associated departments of the CGSAMB , that in the event of the Bidder not being able to provide the Support Service, or is terminated as per terms of the RFP, the OEM would directly or through its authorized partners, undertake the Support Services of the Software support at any of the offices of CGSAMB BOARD, for the remaining part of the Contract period and execute the same to ensure smooth operation of the MMIS Application hosting at no extra cost. 167 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) The OEM should also certify that the Product/s offered would not be discontinued or be declared end–of–life or withdrawn support for a period of 5 years from the date of final acceptance by CGSAMB BOARD. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of M/s ____________ (Name of the manufacturer) Signature Name Designation Seal Director’s Seal Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the concerned manufacturer and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the manufacturer. 168 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Format 5 – Specifications of the proposed Hardware, System software’s with licensing requirements, Network and Peripherals S. No. Description OEM Make & Model Compliance Format 6 – Manpower Resources for Training, Support, Operation and Maintenance S. No. Description Shift Number ofCertification/Education Manpower Qualification 169 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Format 7 – Proposed Resource Summary for development and maintenance phase Proposed Position Candidate Prime Candidate Name of candidate Alternate Date of birth information Professional qualifications Present Name of Employer employment Address of Employer Telephone Contact (manager / personnel officer) Fax Telex Job title of candidate Years with present Employer Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project. From To Company/Project/ Position/Relevant technical and management experience for the proposed position 170 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Format 8: Statement of Deviation From Requirement Specifications Date: dd/mm/yyyy To, The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State Reference: Tender Number ……. Dated …… Sir, There are no technical deviations (null deviations) from the requirement specifications of tendered items and schedule of requirements. The entire work shall be performed as per your specifications and documents. OR (Strike out whatever is not applicable) Following is the exhaustive list of technical deviations and variations from the requirement specifications of tendered items and schedule of requirements. Except for these deviations and variations, the entire work shall be performed as per your specifications and documents. Sr. Volume No Section No. of RFP No Page No. Statement of deviations and variations 1. 2. 3. Authorized Signatory Name : Designation: 171 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) FORMAT 9 – Undertaking on Conflict of Interest (Company letterhead) [Date] To The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State Sir, Sub: Undertaking on Conflict of Interest I/We as Implementation Agency (IA) do hereby undertake that there is, absence of, actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of the IA or any prospective subcontractor due to prior, current, or proposed contracts, engagements, or affiliations with CGSAMB. I/We also confirm that there are no potential elements (time frame for service delivery, resource, financial or other) that would adversely impact the ability of the IA to complete the requirements as given in the RFP. We undertake and agree to indemnify and hold CGSAMB harmless against all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, proceeding fees of legal advisors (on a reimbursement basis) and fees of other professionals incurred (in the case of legal fees & fees of professionals, reasonably) by CGSAMB and/or its representatives, if any such conflict arises later. Yours faithfully, Authorized Signatory Name: Designation: Seal: 172 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 17.2 Commercial Bid Formats FOMAT-1 Financial Bid Compliance Form S. Particulars Prescribed form No. Compliance Yes/No 1. Commercial Bid Letter Format -2 2. Total Commercial Quote Format -3 3. Capital Cost Computation Format -4 4. Operation & Maintenance Cost Format -5 5. Data Entry Cost Format-6 6. Training Cost Format -7 173 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) FORMAT 2 – Commercial Bid Letter To The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State India Sir/ Madam, Subject: Appointment of an Agency for Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Operation and Maintenance of Mandi board MMIS Reference: Tender No: <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY> We, the undersigned Bidder, having read and examined in detail all the Tender documents in respect of Appointment of an Agency for Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Operation and Maintenance of MANDI BOARD MMIS Do hereby propose to provide services as specified in the Tender documents number <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY> 1. PRICE AND VALIDITY • All the prices mentioned in our Tender are in accordance with the terms as specified in the Tender documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this Tender are valid for a period of 180 calendar days from the last date of submission of bids as given in this RFP. • We hereby confirm that our Tender prices include all taxes. However, all the taxes are quoted separately under relevant sections. • We have studied the clause relating to Indian Income Tax and hereby declare that if any income tax, surcharge on Income Tax, Professional and any other corporate Tax in altercated under the law, we shall pay the same. 2. UNIT RATES We have indicated in the relevant schedules enclosed, the unit rates for the purpose of on account of payment as well as for price adjustment in case of any increase to / 174 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) decrease from the scope of work under the contract. 3. BID SECURITY We have enclosed Bid Security in the form of a Demand Draft/ BG for Rs 5.00 Lacs. This Bid Security is liable to be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of this RFP. 4. DEVIATIONS We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Tender documents except for the variations and deviations, all of which have been detailed out exhaustively in the following statement, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else in our bid. Further we agree that additional conditions, if any, found in the Tender documents, other than those stated in deviation schedule, shall not be given effect to. 5. TENDER PRICING We further confirm that the prices stated in our bid are in accordance with your Instruction to Bidders included in Tender documents. 6. QUALIFYING DATA We confirm having submitted the information as required by you in your Instruction to Bidders. In case you require any other further information/documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our Tender, we agree to furnish the same in time to your satisfaction. 7. BID PRICE We declare that our Bid Price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the Schedule of Requirements and Tender documents. CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE BOND We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract performance guarantee bond in the form prescribed in this volume. We hereby declare that our Tender is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in the Tender is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. We understand that our Tender is binding on us and that you are not bound to 175 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) accept a Tender you receive. We confirm that no Technical deviations are attached here with this commercial offer. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Bidder) Printed Name: Designation: Seal: Date: Place: Business Address: General Instructions 1. Bidder should provide all prices as per the prescribed format under this section. Bidder should not leave any field blank. In case the field is not applicable, Bidder must indicate “0” (Zero) in all such fields. 2. All the prices (even for taxes) are to be entered in Indian Rupees ONLY (%age values are not allowed) 3. It is mandatory to provide breakup of all Taxes, Duties and Levies wherever applicable and/or payable. 4. MANDI BOARD, reserves the right to ask the Bidder to submit proof of payment against any of the taxes, duties, levies indicated. 5. MANDI BOARD shall take into account all Taxes, Duties & Levies for the purpose of Evaluation 6. The Bidder needs to account for all Out of Pocket expenses including Boarding, Lodging and other related items. 7. The Unit Rate as mentioned in the following formats shall be used for the purpose of ‘Change Order’ for respective items, if any. However, based on the market trends, MANDI BOARD, retains the right to negotiate this rate for future requirements. 8. Bidder shall be bound to give same or more % of discount on the list price as mentioned in commercial quote on the future purchases by MANDI BOARD. Implementation Agency shall ensure that the future products supplied are of latest specifications as per the OEM roadmap. 176 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) FORMAT 3 – Total Commercial Quote S. No Particulars Form Reference 1 Development & Deployment Cost Format 4 2 Operation and Maintenance Cost of MMIS Format 5A 3 Operation and Maintenance Cost of FIFC Format 5B 4 Data Entry Cost Amount in INR (inclusive of all taxes & duties) Format 6 Total Cost in Figure Total Cost in Word Note: Format 4: Development and Deployment of MMIS and FIFC Format 5A: Operation & Maintenance Cost of MMIS Format 5B: Operation & Maintenance Cost of FIFC Format 6: Data Entry Cost 177 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) FORMAT 4 – Development and Deployment Cost Format 4: Development and Deployment of MMIS and FIFC Sl No Cost Item Qty Cost in INR in number Applicable Taxes Total Cost in INR inclusive of Taxes Application development for Lump 1 MMIS sum Application development for Lump 2 FIFC sum Other costs ( if Lump 3 any Specify ) sum Total Cost for MMIS and FIFC in Figure Total Cost for MMIS and FIFC in Word 178 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) FORMAT 5- Central Support Operation and Maintenance Cost A. Central Support, Operation and Maintenance for MMIS Application (Head Office + 4 Regional Offices + 10 Mandi yards) S. No Cost Item Unit Year 1 Per Unit Cost 1 Manpower Cost 10 Mandi Yards 2 Manpower Cost 4 Regional Office 3 Manpower Cost Head Office 4 Software Maintenance Cost Total Cost Year 2 Per Unit Cost Total Cost Year 3 Per Unit Cost Total Cost Total Cost for 3 Years Specify Tax component with Rate as applicable 15 Locations Total Cost of MMIS Operation and Maintenance in Figure: Total Cost of MMIS Operation and Maintenance in Word: B. S. No 1 Central Support, Operation and Maintenance for FIFC Cost Item Central support, operation, Manpower and maintenance for FIFC Unit Unit Cost Per Year Total Cost for 3 Years in Figure Specify Tax component with Rate as applicable 12 Mandi Yards Total Cost for 3 Years in Words: Note: All Rates shiould be in INR and the vendors are requested to quote both in words and figure. Incase of any discrepencies the words shall prevail 179 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) FORMAT 6 – Data Entry Cost S. No Cost Item Qty 1 Data entry of 10 Lacs fields based on which the rate of data entry per flied shall be calculated on which the additional cost of per field ( after 10 Lacs shall evaluated) 10 lacs flields Unit Rate per flied Total Cost in Figure Specify Tax component with Rate as applicable Total Cost in Word: Note: All Rates shiould be in INR and the vendors are requested to quote both in words and figure. Incase of any discrepencies the words shall prevail 180 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 17.3 Pre-Bid Query Format To, The Managing Director, Chhattisgarh State Agricultural Marketing Board Beej Bhavan, Telibanda, Raipur -492001 Chhattisgarh State India Sub: Appointment of an Agency for Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Operation and Maintenance of MANDI BOARD MMIS Ref: Tender No: <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY> Sr. Section Clause No. No. No. Page No. Reference/ Subject Clarification Sought (Signature of the Bidder) Name Designation Seal. Date: Place: Business Address: 181 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) 17.4 Performance Bank Guarantee Format To Dear Sir/ Madam, PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE – Appointment of an Agency for Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, and Operation and Maintenance of MANDI BOARD MMIS WHEREAS M/s. (name of Successful Bidder), a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered and corporate office at (address of the Implementation Agency), (hereinafter referred to as “our constituent”, which expression, unless excluded or repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, includes its successors and assigns), agreed to enter into a Contract dated …….. (herein after, referred to as “Contract”) with you (CGSAMB) for Project “To Supply, Installation and Integration of hosting Web based online MMIS Application of the CGSAMB, Govt. of Chhattisgarh ” in the said Contract. We are aware of the fact that as per the terms of the Contract, M/s. (name of Successful Bidder) is required to furnish an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee in your favour for an amount of Rs/-………………..(15% of Total Contract Value), and guarantee the due performance by our constituent as per the Contract and do hereby agree and undertake to pay any and all amount due and payable under this bank guarantee, as security against breach/ default of the said Contract by our Constituent. In consideration of the fact that our constituent is our valued customer and the fact that he has entered into the said Contract with you, we, (name and address of the bank), have agreed to issue this Performance Bank Guarantee. Therefore, we (name and address of the bank) hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee you as under: In the event of our constituent committing any breach/default of the said Contract, and which has not been rectified by him, we hereby agree to pay you forthwith on 182 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) demand such sum/s not exceeding the sum of INR …………….. (15% of total Contract value) (in words and figures) without any demur. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, as contained in the said Contract, we agree that your decision as to whether our constituent has made any such default(s) / breach(es), as aforesaid and the amount or amounts to which you are entitled by reasons thereof, subject to the terms and conditions of the said Contract, will be binding on us and we shall not be entitled to ask you to establish your claim or claims under this Performance Bank Guarantee, but will pay the same forthwith on your demand without any protest or demur. The performance bank guarantee shall be valid till completion of the warranty/support period, i.e., Thirty sixty (36) months after complete installation and commissioning of the equipments supplied by the Bidder with end – end system integration and subsequent UAT and FAT completion. We bind ourselves to pay the above said amount at any point of time commencing from the date of Final Acceptance Test until the completion of Three years from the date of completion of implementation of base layer modules across the state. We further agree that the termination of the said Agreement, for reasons solely attributable to our constituent, virtually empowers you to demand for the payment of the above said amount under this guarantee and we would honour the same without demur. We hereby expressly waive all our rights: (i) Requiring to pursue legal remedies against CGSAMB, and (ii) For notice of acceptance hereof any action taken or omitted in reliance hereon, of any defaults under the Contract and any resentment, demand, protest or any notice of any kind. We the Guarantor, as primary obligor and not merely Surety or Guarantor of collection, do hereby irrevocably and unconditionally give our guarantee and undertake to pay any amount you may claim (by one or more claims) up to but not exceeding the amount mentioned aforesaid during the period from and including the date of issue of this guarantee through the period. We specifically confirm that no proof of any amount due to you under the Contract is required to be provided to us in connection with any demand by you for payment under this guarantee other than your written demand. 183 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) Any notice by way of demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by special courier, telex, fax, registered post or other electronic media to our address, as aforesaid and if sent by post, it shall be deemed to have been given to us after the expiry of 48 hours when the same has been posted. If it is necessary to extend this guarantee on account of any reason whatsoever, we undertake to extend the period of this guarantee on the request of our constituent under intimation to you. This Performance Bank Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of our constituent nor shall it be affected by any change in our constitution or by any amalgamation or absorption thereof or therewith or reconstruction or winding up, but will ensure to the benefit of you and be available to and be enforceable by you during the period from and including the date of issue of this guarantee through the period. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Performance Guarantee is restricted to INR ….(15% of total Contract value) and shall continue to exist, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, unless a written claim is lodged on us on or before the aforesaid date of expiry of this guarantee. We hereby confirm that we have the power/s to issue this Guarantee in your favour under the Memorandum and Articles of Association/ Constitution of our bank and the undersigned is/are the recipient of authority by express delegation of power/s and has/have full power/s to execute this guarantee under the Power of Attorney issued by the bank in your favour. We further agree that the exercise of any of your rights against our constituent to enforce or forbear to enforce or any other indulgence or facility, extended to our constituent to carry out the contractual obligations as per the said Contract, would not release our liability under this guarantee and that your right against us shall remain in full force and effect, notwithstanding any arrangement that may be entered into between you and our constituent, during the entire currency of this guarantee. Notwithstanding anything contained herein: Our liability under this Performance Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Indian Rupees___….(15% of total Contract value) This Performance Bank Guarantee shall be valid only up to the completion of three years(36 Months) from the date of FAT completion; and 184 of 185 Mandi Management Information System (MMIS) – Request For Proposal (RFP) We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or part thereof under this Performance Bank Guarantee only and only if we receive a written claim or demand on or before the completion of Three years from the date of implementation of base layer modules across the state. Any payment made hereunder shall be free and clear of and without deduction for or on account of taxes, levies, imports, charges, duties, fees, deductions or withholding of any nature imposts. This Performance Bank Guarantee must be returned to the bank upon its expiry. If the bank does not receive the Performance Bank Guarantee within the abovementioned period, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, it shall be deemed to be automatically cancelled. This guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Indian Laws and we hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Justice in India for the purpose of any suit or action or other proceedings arising out of this guarantee or the subject matter hereof brought by you may not be enforced in or by such count. Dated ………… this ……….. day …………of year …………… Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of the …………… Bank, (Signature) Designation (Address of the Bank) Note: This guarantee will attract stamp duty as a security bond. A duly certified copy of the requisite authority conferred on the official/s to execute the guarantee on behalf of the bank should be annexed to this guarantee for verification and retention thereof as documentary evidence in the matter. 185 of 185