CONTEST ORGANISER’S HANDBOOK 2015-16 “Taking a poem into your heart makes it part of you. Saying the poem aloud makes you part of its life in the world. This is a rich and nourishing relationship that can last a lifetime.” Jean Sprackland, Poet 2 Introduction 03 County Contests 24 What’s new for 2015-16 04 26 FAQs - What is Poetry By Heart 05 Step 6 - H elp students polish their performances 10 steps to success 06 Step 7 - P repare your judges 28 What a good performance looks and sounds like 29 Rules 30 Judging criteria 32 Step 8 - P ick a winner 34 Contest score sheet 35 Accuracy score sheet 36 Scoring totaliser 37 Step 9 - C elebrate everyone’s achievements 38 Press Release Template 40 Step 1 - Set a competition date, 08 time and place Step 2 - Inspire your students to 10 take part FAQs - What poems do the students learn 11 Pre-1914 poems 12 Post-1914 poems 14 Step 3 - Plan your competition event 16 FAQs - Your college/school competition 18 Step 4 - Help students believe they can do it 20 National Finals weekend 42 First World War Poems 21 44 Step 5 - Find some volunteers to help run the competition 22 Step 10 - S upport your winner in preparing for the county contest 1 POETRY BY HEART: WHAT WE KNOW NOW When we launched Poetry By Heart in 2013, we were convinced it could be good for poetry and young people. We were ambitious in the poems we selected, in the scope and scale of a new national competition, and in our hopes for high quality recitations. But we didn’t know very much. We know more about how Poetry By Heart is happening in schools and colleges. Often English teachers or Literacy Coordinators take the lead, but an increasing number of competitions are run by school/ college librarians as part of their work in promoting the joy of reading. Now in our fourth year, we are starting to hear how competitions have developed from little contests in a lunch break with a few brave souls to one of the highlights of the academic year. We know more about the impact on student learning. In our 2014-15 survey, teachers reported significant increases in the following by students, after taking part in one Poetry By Heart competition: Poetry by Heart The timeline anthology, featured on the Poetry By Heart website, is available in handsome hardback book form by Penguin RRP £16.99. Schools and colleges registered for Poetry By Heart 2016 can purchase copies with a 50% discount until 10th December 2015. The discount form is in your registration pack! • More active participation in poetry lessons • Greater enjoyment of poetry lessons • Better understanding of how poetry works • Increased confidence in public speaking Lots of teachers told us Poetry By Heart had a positive impact on their teaching and some went as far as saying that it helped to raise student attainment. We know that in 2014-15 over 3,500 students competed and more than 15,000 students had a new experience of poetry because of Poetry By Heart. Those involved tell us the competition is giving students a new appetite for poetry, with all the lifelong pleasures that might entail. We hope even more students will have that opportunity in 2015-16 and we look forward to hearing all your stories! 2 3 WHAT’S NEW FOR 2015-16 The poems We’ve simplified the county round and it goes like this now: 1. Choose 2 poems in the school/college contests, and only 2 poems in the county contests. • 1 poem published before 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology. • 1 poem published after 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology. OR 1 poem from the Poetry By Heart First World War Showcase collection. FAQS – WHAT IS POETRY BY HEART? What exactly is Poetry By Heart? Poetry By Heart is a competition designed to encourage pupils aged 14-18 and at school or college in England to learn and to recite poems by heart. Not in an arm-waving, props-supported thespian extravaganza, but as the outward and audible manifestation of an inwardly-understood and enjoyed poem. The competition is a pyramid of participation from individual classrooms to whole school/college contests, then county contests, regional semi-finals and the grand final. In the process, pupils foster deep personal connections with the poems chosen and bring poetry alive for their friends, families and communities. 2. Choose 3 poems at the national finals weekend • 1 poem published before 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology. • 1 poem published after 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline. • 1 poem from the Poetry By Heart First World War Showcase collection. The judging criteria We’ve simplified this too! We’ve taken out the difficulty criterion from the main scoring process, sharpened the focus of the 3 main criteria and made their scoring equal. We’ve made accuracy easier to calculate and it now looks like this: Voice – 1-7 points Understanding – 1-7 points Performance – 1-7 points Accuracy – 1-4 points More time for school/college competitions We’ve allowed an extra week. As long as you’re done and dusted, and the winners reported to us by 15th January 2016, your school/college winner will be able to take their place in the next round, the county contest! 4 Who organises the school/college competition? That’s up to you! In many schools/colleges, the Librarian organises it; in others it might be the English or Drama teacher, or the Literacy Coordinator. But it could be any parent or staff member who loves poetry enough to get it off the ground. And this year we have registered as an Arts Award supporting organization so we’d love to hear about students getting involved in running the competition. Which students can take part? Students in Years 10-13 in schools/colleges in England. Schools are very welcome to organise additional events for Years 7-9 but there is not currently a national competition for this age range. How many students do we need for a valid competition? You only need THREE eligible students (Year 10-13) for a valid school/ college competition. You can have many more than this if you wish, with different heats in form group, class or year group. Lots of schools/ colleges start with a small number in their first year of taking part, and soon find it builds from there! 5 10 STEPS TO SUCCESS 1 2 Set a competition date, time and place. Inspire your students to take part. 6 Help students polish their performances. 7 Prepare the judges. 3 Plan your competition event. 8 Pick a winner. 4 Help students believe they can do it. 9 Celebrate everyone’s achievements. 5 Find some volunteers to help run the competition. 10 6 Support your winner in preparing for the county contest. 7 STEP 1 Set a competition date, time and place You can hold your school/college competition on any date in the Autumn term 2015 and even just into the Spring term as long as all winners and runners up are notified to the Poetry By Heart team by 12 noon on Friday 15th January 2016. Your competition could happen in class, in a lunch break, in assembly, after school or as a razzmatazz evening event. It’s up to you to decide what works best in your situation. Bear in mind that everyone always says how moving and special the students’ poetry recitations are why not invite an audience to share that experience? Other students? Parents? Teachers? Governors? If your competition is small, a familiar classroom might be the perfect place, but there are lots of other spaces you might want to consider: drama studios, the school or college library, the hall or theatre. You don’t need fancy equipment (though you’re welcome to use it!) – you just need to make sure everyone present, especially the judges, can see and hear the competitors. Tell us your competition date! Tell us your competition date by the end of November and we’ll send you a bunch of our gorgeous bookmarks to share with your students. Contact us at: 0117 905 5338 8 9 STEP 2 Inspire your students to take part National Poetry Day is on Thursday 8th October and the theme is Light. What better day to launch your competition in school/college? If you took part last year, why not get your school/college winner to launch this year’s contest? Have teachers, lunch staff, parents, librarians, learning mentors, and whoever else wants to get involved, sharing a poem they love aloud. They might not know it by heart yet, but you could get them involved in the challenge too! Have a taster session in class or assembly or at lunchtime where everyone gives it a go. Make the poem short, make the activity fun and give it a go together. Be prepared for surprises! It’s not always the students you think that will be good at it! There are more ideas to inspire students to get started in the Inspiring Students resources in your registration pack. 10 FAQS – WHICH POEMS DO THE STUDENTS LEARN? How many poems do students need to learn? TWO for the school/college and county contests, and three if they make it through to the national finals weekend. How do students choose their poems? In the school/college and county contests, students must recite one pre-1914 poem from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline AND one post-1914 poem either from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline or the Poetry By Heart First World War Poetry showcase. Where will I find the Anthology timeline and First World War showcase? At You will also find loads of other resources there including video and audio versions of the poems, read or recited by contemporary poets and by students who have previously competed in Poetry By Heart national finals. What help is there for students to learn their poems? Schools/colleges have all sorts of ideas about this but we provide some help too. On the Poetry By Heart website you can find many videos of student performances from previous finals, and also audio recordings of contemporary poets reading their own poems and most of the pre1914 poems. There are also notes about every poet and poem to help students get started. 11 PRE 1914 POEMS 1 Beowulf poet - Beowulf lines 736-789 2 Gawain Poet - Gawain and the Green Knight lines 713-739 3 Geoffrey Chaucer - The Wife of Bath’s portrait in The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales 4 Anonymous - I sing of a maiden 5 Thomas Wyatt - They flee from me that sometime did me seek 6 Philip Sidney - Song from Arcadia 7 Christopher Marlowe - In summer’s heat and mid-time of the day 8 Chidiock Tichborne - Tichborne’s elegy 9 John Donne - The good morrow 10 Walter Ralegh - Walsingham 11 Mary Sidney Herbert - O 12 Robert Southwell - The burning babe 13 Edmund Spenser - Amoretti LV: so oft as I her beauty do behold 14 William Shakespeare - When that I was and a little tiny boy 15 Ben Jonson - Song to Celia 16 George Herbert - Love (III) 17 Richard Lovelace - To Althea from prison 18 Robert Herrick - To the virgins, to make much of time 19 Andrew Marvell - Bermudas 20 Katherine Philips - Epitaph 21 Henry King - An exequy to his matchless 22 never to be forgotten friend lines 81-120 23 Anne Bradstreet - Verses upon the burning of our house 24 John Milton - Paradise lost book 1 lines 242-315 25 John Dryden - A song for St Cecilia’s Day lines 1-47 12 26 Aphra Behn - A thousand martyrs 27 John Wilmot - The mistress 28 Anne Finch - The hog, the sheep and the goat, carrying to a fair 29 Alexander Pope - Epistle to Miss Blount, on her leaving the town after the coronation 30 Jonathan Swift - A satirical elegy on the death of a late famous general 31 Mary Leapor - The visit 32 Mary Wortley Montagu - A receipt to cure the vapors 33 Thomas Gray - Elegy written in a country church yard lines 1-80 34 Christopher Smart - My cat, Jeoffry (from Jubilate Agno) 35 Samuel Johnson - On the death of Dr Robert Levet 36 Charlotte Smith - On being cautioned against walking on a headland 37 William Cowper - Epitaph on a hare 38 Hannah More - Slavery: a poem 39 William Blake - The chimney sweeper (when my mother died...) 40 Joanna Baillie - A mother to her waking infant 41 Robert Burns - Song: ae fond kiss, and then we sever 42 Anna Laetitia Barbauld - The rights of woman 43 Robert Southey - After Blenheim 44 Mary Robinson - Female fashions for 1799 45 Anonymous - Lord Randall 46 Anonymous - The wife of Usher’s well 47 William Wordsworth - The solitary reaper 48 George Gordon, Lord Byron - The destruction of Sennacherib 49 Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Kubla Khan 50 Charles Wolfe - The burial of Sir John Moore after Corunna 51 Walter Scott - Proud Maisie 52 Percy Bysshe Shelley - Ozymandias 53 John Keats - Ode to a nightingale 54 Felicia Hemans - Casabianca 55 Thomas Love Peacock - The war song of Dinas Vawr 56 John Clare - I found a ball of grass among the hay 57 Robert Browning - Porphyria’s lover 58 Alfred, Lord Tennyson - Ulysses 59 Emily Bronte - Remembrance 60 Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Sonnets from the Portuguese XXIV 61 Arthur Hugh Clough - There is no God 62 William Barnes - My orcha’d in Linden Lea 63 Frederick Tuckerman - An upper chamber in a darkened house 64 Adelaide Anne Proctor - Envy 65 Lewis Carroll - You are old, father William 66 Emily Dickinson - Snake 67 Matthew Arnold - Dover beach 68 Walt Whitman - Dirge for two veterans 69 W.E. Henley - Invictus 70 Algernon Swinburne - A forsaken garden lines 1-40 71 Gerard Manley Hopkins - Inversnaid 72 George Meredith - Lucifer in starlight 73 Christina Rossetti - A frog’s fate 74 Amy Levy - Philosophy 75 Robert Bridges - London snow 76 Thomas Hardy - Thoughts of Phena 77 Robert Louis Stevenson - Sing me a song of a lad that is gone 78 Mary Elizabeth Coleridge - The witch 79 Paul Dunbar - Invitation to love 80 Oscar Wilde - The ballad of Reading gaol lines 1-36 81 E. Nesbit - The things that matter 82 W.E.B. du Bois - The song of the smoke 83 Rudyard Kipling - The way through the woods 84 C.P. Cavafy - The God abandons Antony 85 Walter de la Mare - Miss Loo 86 G.K. Chesterton - The rolling English road 87 Amy Lowell - A blockhead 13 POST 1914 POEMS 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Ezra Pound - The river merchant’s wife W.H. Davies - The inquest Hilda Doolittle - Sea rose Robert Frost - Out, out Charlotte Mew - Fame Anna Wickham - Divorce May Wedderburn - Cannan Rouen Ivor Gurney - Strange hells Edward Thomas - Lights out Wilfred Owen - The show W.B. Yeats - The second coming A.E. Housman - Tell me not here, it needs not saying Claude McKay - Harlem shadows Hilaire Belloc - Ha’nacker mill Edna St Vincent Millay- I, being born a woman and distressed T.S. Eliot - The journey of the Magi Robert Graves - Welsh incident D.H. Lawrence - Bavarian gentians Dylan Thomas - The force that through the green fuse drives the flower Marianne Moore - Poetry Elizabeth Daryush - Still life John Masefield - Partridges John Betjeman - The arrest of Oscar Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel Louis MacNeice - Bagpipe music W.H. Auden - Musée des beaux arts William Empson - Aubade Alun Lewis - Goodbye Henry Reed - Naming of parts Theodore Roethke - My papa’s waltz Keith Douglas - How to kill Edith Sitwell - Heart and mind Elizabeth Bishop - The fish 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 14 Philip Larkin - Mr Bleaney Allen Ginsberg - A supermarket in California E.J. Scovell - After midsummer Ted Hughes - Wind Denise Levertov - To the snake Robert Lowell - Skunk hour Patrick Kavanagh - Epic Thom Gunn - Considering the snail Sylvia Plath - Morning song Christopher Logue - War music (excerpt from Patrocleia) R.S. Thomas - On the farm Rosemary Tonks - Badly chosen lover John Berryman - Dream Songs No 67: I don’t operate often Frank O’Hara - The day lady died Charles Causley - Ballad of the bread man Basil Bunting - What the chairman told Tom Elma Mitchell - Thoughts after Ruskin Edwin Morgan - Strawberries W.S. Graham - The beast in the space Geoffrey Hill - Mercian Hymns XXI Derek Walcott - Sea canes Stevie Smith - The galloping cat Michael Longley - Wounds David Jones - A, A, A, Domine Deus Derek Mahon - A disused shed in County Wexford Yehuda Amichai - My father in a white space suit Anne Stevenson - A summer place Fleur Adcock - The ex-queen among the astronomers Elizabeth Bartlett - W.E.A. course Craig Raine - A Martian sends a postcard home 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Rita Dove - Ö Linton Kwesi Johnson - Sonny’s lettah Carolyn Forché - The colonel Tony Harrison - Timer Patricia Beer - The lost woman James Fenton - God, a poem Peter Porter - Your attention please Kit Wright - The boys bump-starting the hearse David Dabydeen - Catching crabs U.A. Fanthorpe - The cleaner Wendy Cope - Proverbial ballade Sujata Bhatt - What is worth knowing? Gwendolyn Brooks - Boy breaking glass Kathleen Jamie - The way we live Paul Muldoon - Meeting the British Gillian Clarke - Border Carol Ann Duffy - Originally Eavan Boland - The black lace fan my mother gave me Maura Dooley - Explaining magnetism Mimi Khalvati - Rubaiyat Lavinia Greenlaw - Love from a foreign city Glyn Maxwell - The eater Jo Shapcott - Phrase book Moniza Alvi - The country at my shoulder Michael Hofmann - Marvin Gaye Jackie Kay - Dusting the phone Carol Rumens - The emigrée Vicki Feaver - Judith Roy Fisher - Birmingham river James Berry - On the afternoon train from Purley to Victoria, 1955 Seamus Heaney - St Kevin and the blackbird Grace Nichols - Blackout Alice Oswald - Wedding 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 15 Imtiaz Dharker - Minority Paul Farley - A minute’s silence Jane Draycott - Prince Rupert’s drop Michael Donaghy - Machines Denise Riley - A misremembered lyric Benjamin Zephaniah - It’s work Sean O’Brien - Cousin coat Ian Duhig - The Lammas hireling Don Paterson - Waking with Russell Choman Hardi - Two pages Michael Symmons Roberts - Pelt Kamau Brathwaite - Bread Colette Bryce - The full Indian head trick Owen Sheers - Mametz Wood John Agard - Toussaint L’Ouverture acknowledges Wordsworth’s sonnet “To Toussaint L’Ouverture” Daljit Nagra - Look we have coming to Dover Jean Sprackland - The stopped train Patience Agbabi - Josephine Baker finds herself Mick Imlah - Maren E.A. Markham - A verandah ceremony Anthony Joseph - Conductors of his mystery Jacob Sam-La Rose - A life in dreams Jacob Polley - Langley Lane Simon Armitage - The death of King Arthur lines 4209-4253 Andrew Motion - The fish in Australia STEP 3 Plan your competition event You must have a minimum of 3 competitors to select a school/college winner to take part in the next round. Ideally you will have 6-12 students competing in the school/college final, though you could have many more involved than that in classroom taster sessions, trials or preliminary heats. How long your competition takes will depend on how many students are taking part. As a guide, you should allow five minutes for each poem for each student – that gives plenty of time for the poem recital, for the judges to do their scoring and the scorer to tally up the scores. It also allows for students to move on and off the stage or other performance space. Draw up a running order with the names in sequence of the students performing and which poems they will perform in which round. A sample schedule is shown over the page. You will need this in order to prepare the judges and their materials, as well as to ensure the smooth running of the competition. Sample schedule for a competition with 7 contestants 3.00pm Welcoming remarks by the MC and introduction of the competitors, judges and prompter, and any special guests. Explanation by the MC of what will happen when, and how the recitations will be judged. 3.05pm Round 1: pre-1914 poems 1) Khaled Ahmed: Rudyard Kipling, The Way Through the Woods 2) Tracy Mears: Mary Elizabeth Coleridge, The Witch 3) Richard Jones: Christina Rossetti, A Frog’s Fate 4) Lewin Angelotti: Chidiock Tichborne, Elegy 5) Kristina Langer: WEB du Bois, The Song of the Smoke 6) Shona Johnson: Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias 7) Jade Lee: Ben Jonson, Song to Celia 3.40pmShort break with encouraging words from the MC while scorers tally the scores and judges have a breather; at more elaborate events you could have student musicians performing as an interlude. 3.50pm Round 2: post-1914 poems 1) Khaled Ahmed: Alun Lewis, Goodbye 2) Tracy Mears: Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California 3) Richard Jones: Kit Wright, The Boys Bump-Starting the Hearse 4) Lewin Angelotti: Michael Hofmann, Marvin Gaye 5) Kristina Langer: Alice Oswald, Wedding 6) Shona Johnson, Grace Nichols, Blackout 7) Jade Lee: Seamus Heaney, St Kevin and the Blackbird 4.25pm Judges complete scoring and identify winner and runner-up. Announcements, certificates and prize-giving. Thank yous. 4.30pm End. 16 17 FAQS - YOUR SCHOOL/ COLLEGE COMPETITION When do we have to run our school/college competition? If you want your school/college winner to be eligible for the county contest, your school/college competition must take place between 1st September 2015 and 15th January 2016. The name and full details of your winner and runner-up MUST be submitted to the Poetry By Heart team by noon on 15th January 2016. How much time does a competition take? That all depends on how elaborate your plans are, but for the no-frills, 3-4 students in a lunch-break model, allow 4-5 minutes per student per poem for the recitation, judging and spaces in between. So, 4 students will take 16-20 minutes for the pre-1914 round and 16-20 minutes for the post1914 round; with a 5 minute interval between, 5 minutes at the beginning to welcome everyone and 5 minutes at the end to announce the winner and runner-up and congratulate everyone, that’s approximately 45-55 minutes. How do we judge the students? There are FOUR key criteria: voice, understanding, performance and accuracy. There are detailed descriptions of these criteria from page 32, as well as score sheets and guidance about how to apply the criteria. How many judges do we need? You will need at least two judges: one to score voice, understanding and performance; and another to follow the poem accurately and score for accuracy. You can have more if you wish! What do we do about prizes? We provide an official Poetry By Heart certificate template that you can download from our website and adapt with your students’ names. If you want to add material prizes, that’s up to you! Some schools/colleges like to present book vouchers or poetry books, others are happy with the glory of winning! At the county contest every competitor receives a prize provided by Poetry By Heart. 18 Poetry By Heart Certificate Found at 19 STEP 4 Help students believe they can do it Ask students to find one poem they like. Encourage inclusivity and a wide definition of poetry. It could be as basic as a nursery rhyme or a limerick, something heartfelt or humorous – as long as it gets them started. Ask them to learn it by heart. Next time you have a lesson, or form group, or poetry lunch club, invite them to recite. Give lots of praise and encouragement. Set a homework challenge of learning the first four lines of a shorter, more straightforward poem from the competition anthology. See how far everyone has got and then learn the rest together. Have pairs learning a line or two each; do repeat-after-me; invent actions; have the lines on the board and gradually cover over the rhyme words, then whole lines and stanzas until they have it. Have non-competing friends or members of staff volunteering to mentor competing students. They might help choose poems, practise memorizing them, try out different ways of performing them, and prepare for the competition. There are more ideas to help students believe they can do it in the Inspiring Students resources in your registration pack. 20 FIRST WORLD WAR POEMS 1 Anna Akhmatova - In memoriam, July 19, 1914 2 Guillaume Apollinaire - Gala 3 Laurence Binyon - For the fallen 4 Edmund Blunden - In Festubert 5 Edmund Blunden - Concert party: Busseboom 6 Mary Borden - Song of the mud 7 Rupert Brooke - The soldier 8 May Wedderburn Cannan - Rouen 9 Charles Causley - On seeing a poet of the First World War at Abbeville 10 Tommy Crawford - The stretcher bearer 11 Elizabeth Daryush - For a survivor of the Mesopotamian campaign 12 Eleanor Farjeon - Easter Monday (In memoriam E.T) 13 Wilfrid Wilson Gibson - The messages 14 Robert Graves - The legion 15 Julian Grenfell - Into battle 16 Ivor Gurney - Strange hells 17 Ivor Gurney - To his love 18 Ivor Gurney - The silent one 19 Thomas Hardy - Channel firing 20 Thomas Hardy - In time of ‘the breaking of nations’ 21 F.W. Harvey - Ducks 22 Seamus Heaney - In memoriam Francis Ledwidge 23 A.P. Herbert - The cookers 24 Mick Imlah - London Scottish 25 David Jones - In Parenthesis, part 2, pp23-24 26 David Jones - In Parenthesis, part 7, pp165-166 27 David Jones - In Parenthesis, part 7, pp183-186 28 Rudyard Kipling - My boy Jack 29 Philip Larkin - MCMXIV 30 Francis Ledwidge - The dead kings 21 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Michael Longley - In memoriam Amy Lowell - Convalescence Rose Macaulay - Picnic Helen Mackay - Train Glyn Maxwell - My grandfather at the pool Charlotte Mew - The cenotaph Andrew Motion - Death of Harry Patch Paul Muldoon - Truce Wilfred Owen - Arms and the boy Wilfred Owen - The send-off Wilfred Owen - The show Ezra Pound - Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Part 1) Edgell Rickword - Trench poets Edgell Rickword - The soldier addresses his body Isaac Rosenberg - Autumn 1914 Isaac Rosenberg - Break of day in the trenches Isaac Rosenberg - Returning we hear the larks Siegfried Sassoon - The counter-attack Siegfried Sassoon - The death bed Vernon Scannell - The Great War Alan Seeger - I have a rendezvous with Death Owen Sheers - Mametz Wood May Sinclair - Field ambulance in retreat Edith Sitwell - The dancers Edward SÅ‚onski - She who has not died Charles Sorley - All the hills and vales along Charles Sorley - When you see millions of the mouthless dead Ernst Stadler - Setting out Mary Symon - The soldier’s cairn Sara Teasdale - There will come soft rains Edward Thomas - Lights out Edward Thomas - Rain Edward Thomas - Roads Georg Trakl - Grodek Arthur Graeme West - The night patrol STEP 5 Find some volunteers to help run the competition How many people you need depends upon how big you make your competition and how many people you want to involve! But here’s a guide. MUST HAVE 1 performance judge Small competitions can easily be judged by one adult eg a teacher, librarian or any other poetry loving member of the school/college community. The judge must be prepared by reading through all our judging guidance – see pages 28-37. The judge must sit at the front where they can see and hear the student clearly. 1 accuracy judge/prompter This person can double up as the prompter though it is often easier to have two people. S/he will need a copy of the poems that are being recited so they can follow along and note accuracy issues. This person needs to sit at the front too. 1 scorer This person collects the score sheets from the judges and adds them up, then informs the judges of the scores. The scores are used as guidance to support the judgment of the overall winner, though discretionary discussion is valid too. 22 NICE TO HAVE More performance judges Some schools/colleges invite a V.I.P judge too but always make sure you appoint a Chair of the judging panel who really understands our judging criteria and rules and will make sure they are applied fairly and consistently. An MC If you have a big competition or an audience, an MC makes sure everyone feels comfortable and the competition runs smoothly, and creates a sense of occasion. Someone to take photos (if students are comfortable with this) Always nice to have some pictures to share with your local newspaper or put on your school/college website or social media. We love seeing them too! Example volunteers Head of English/Drama, English/Drama teachers, other teachers or members of the school community who love poetry, Head Teacher or SLT, Head of Year, Literacy Coordinator, Teaching Assistants, School Librarians, Student teachers, local PGCE tutor, local poet, local actors/ singers, senior students, students working for their Arts Award, Duke of Edinburgh Award or IB Community Action Service, parents. 23 COUNTY CONTESTS All the county contests will take place between 29th January and 27th February 2016. As soon as you send us your school/college competition date we will allocate you to an appropriate county contest and confirm this by email to you. We will send you full details of the date, time and venue and there will be more information on our website about each competition. Your winner’s place in the county contest is guaranteed as long as you send us all the information we need by noon on Friday 15th January 2016. NORTH EAST County Durham North Yorkshire South and West Yorkshire Northumberland and Tyne & Wear Hull and the East Riding EAST Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Cambridgeshire Essex Norfolk Suffolk LONDON PLUS Central & South London North London East London West London NORTH WEST Cheshire Cumbria Manchester Lancashire Merseyside CENTRAL WEST Birmingham & West Midlands & Staffordshire Herefordshire & Worcestershire Shropshire Warwickshire SOUTH Sussex Hampshire Kent Surrey Dorset CENTRAL EAST Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Lincolnshire Oxfordshire & Berkshire Buckinghamshire SOUTH WEST Bristol & Avon Cornwall Devon Gloucestershire Somerset & Wiltshire Poet Jacob Sam-La Rose at the South London County contest 2015 24 25 STEP 6 Help students polish their performances The Poetry By Heart website includes lots of videos of students from previous finals reciting their poems. Find them from the home page, the <filter poems> tab, or on individual poem pages. Select a range of videos and invite discussion of what performance features they like or would want to change. Inspire your students with videos of Poetry By Heart finalists Go to > click on ‘From the 2015 finals’ for last year’s top 8. Or go to > click on the “filter timeline” button in the grey bar above the timeline > click “Video Link” and the green “go” button for all the poems for which we have a video recording of a student competitor reciting the poem (currently only out-of-copyright poems). Have little rehearsal sessions where students can try out their poems in front of supportive peers or adults, and get feedback on how it sounds. Get students judging two or three of the video performances using the score sheets, so they can explore how the judging criteria work and how they might want to develop their own performances in the light of that. 26 27 STEP 7 Prepare your judges Your judges need briefing about their roles and responsibilities. Getting them together in advance of the competition is the most effective way of doing this, but if that’s not possible at least make sure they are briefed well in writing. Judges need to know how the scoring system works and the judging criteria they need to apply. Copies of the scoring sheets and judging criteria are available as PDF downloads from the “About the competition” section of the website, and are reproduced in this handbook. Send them a copy in advance and explain how the rounds of the competition will be organised. Invite questions. Judges can prepare – together or on their own – to score poem performances. In the “About the competition” section of the website there are videos in which Andrew Motion talks through a couple of performances from the 2013 contest, explaining what each of the students does well. From the homepage judges could also follow the link to watch videos of all eight finalists from the 2015 contest. Having a go at scoring a few will help judges “get their eye in” before your event. 28 PERFORMANCE What a good performance looks and sounds like In his book On Poetry, our poet-judge Glyn Maxwell describes four important dimensions of poems: the sunlit side of its immediate meanings; the moonlit side of the meanings it gives up more deeply; its musicality; and its visual dimension. The very best Poetry By Heart performances are able, in different ways, to realise those dimensions, not necessarily equally, but in some measure. In less successful performances the sunlit side tends to dominate. These performances often treat poems as dramatic monologues to be enacted, with the emphasis on personalising the voice and drawing attention to the speaker. How much of a place there is for that depends on the poem, but we’re also listening for some attention to the cooler, shadier side of the meanings. The best performers have a good ‘ear’ for the musicality of the poem, an eye for its shape and a recognition that these dimensions are important to its meaning and how that is communicated and enjoyed. In performance, it means paying attention to sound patterns and rhythm, and to the shapes the lines and stanzas make. Performances in which the poem becomes prose don’t tend to fare well in the higher rounds of the competition. 29 RULES These rules will apply throughout the competition. If you are in any doubt, talk to us at, on 0117 905 5338, or via Twitter @poetrybyheart or Student eligibility •S chool registration: only schools and colleges that have registered with Poetry By Heart and provided their winner and runner-up details by 15th January 2016 are eligible to progress a student to the county phase of the competition. Register via the website or • Year group: only students currently enrolled in Years 10, 11, 12 or 13 are eligible for progression to county Poetry By Heart competitions. •P rogression: a student may not advance to the county round without competing in a lower-level competition at school or college. Poem selection • Anthology: all poems MUST be selected from the 2015-16 Poetry By Heart anthology available online at • C lass or form group heat (optional): students must perform 1 poem from any part of the Poetry By Heart anthology. •S chool/college competition: students must perform 2 poems, 1 poem published before 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline PLUS EITHER 1 poem published after 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline OR 1 poem from the Poetry By Heart First World War Showcase collection. •C ounty competition: students must perform 2 poems: 1 poem published before 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline PLUS EITHER 1 poem published after 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline OR 1 poem from the Poetry By Heart First World War Showcase collection. These may be the same poems as performed in the school/college competition or different. Competition • Valid contests: for a contest to be valid at any stage, at least 3 eligible students must compete. • J udging criteria: students must be judged fairly according to the Poetry By Heart judging criteria available in this booklet and online at www. •S coring: judges must use the official scoring sheets to evaluate each performance. These scores should be added together at the end of the contest to provide a basis for agreeing the winner and runner-up. Judges must not discuss performances or scores during the contest but may retire to discuss the cumulative scores before selecting the winner. •N umber of winners: 1 winner only should be selected to progress to the next round. If that champion is unable to attend the next round, the runnerup should be sent. Please keep the Poetry By Heart team informed of all changes. •S mall contests: in the event that there is low uptake for a county contest, school/college runners-up may be invited to compete as well. For this reason, all participating schools/colleges must provide winner and runner-up details. • T ies: in the event of a tie, or judges not being able to announce a clear winner, the top-performing students must recite 1 poem again for a separate tie-break score. Students may choose which poem to recite from the ones already recited in that contest. •P rops: students must not use props,stage furniture, music or costumes during their recitations. •C ounty contest entries: schools/colleges must report the required details of their school/college winners and runners-up to the Poetry By Heart team no later than 12 noon on Friday 15th January 2016. •S chool/college competition date: should be reported to the Poetry By Heart team as soon as it is known. • Regional and national finals: students must perform 3 poems: 1 poem published before 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline PLUS 1 poem published after 1914 from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline PLUS 1 poem from the Poetry By Heart First World War Showcase collection. These may be the same poems as performed in previous rounds of the competition or different. •S tudent chaperones: students must be accompanied by a responsible adult to the contests which take place out of school/college. For the national finals, it is expected that this will be a teacher or other staff member from the student’s school or college, unless exceptional circumstances require otherwise. 30 31 JUDGING CRITERIA Student performances in all rounds of the competition must be judged and scored using these criteria. Please note that these have changed slightly from the criteria used in 2014-15: we have tweaked the scoring and made the poem difficulty category a tie-break matter. Voice 1-7 points This category is to evaluate the auditory nature of the recitation. Consider the student’s volume, pace, rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. In a strong performance, all words are pronounced appropriately in the student’s natural accent and the volume, rhythm and intonation greatly enhance the recitation. Pacing is appropriate to the poem. Understanding 1-7 points This category is to evaluate whether the student exhibits an understanding of the poem in his or her recitation. A strong performance relies on a powerful internalisation of the poem rather than distracting dramatic gestures. In a strong performance, the sense of the poem is powerfully and clearly conveyed to the audience. The student displays an interpretation that deepens and enlivens the poem. Meanings, messages, allusions, irony, tones of voice and other nuances are captured by the performance. A low score is awarded if the interpretation obscures the meaning of the poem or makes use of affected character voices and accents, inappropriate tone and inflection, singing, distracting and excessive gestures, or unnecessary emoting. Performance 1-7 points This category is to evaluate the overall success of the performance, the degree to which the recitation has become more than the sum of its parts. Has the student captivated the audience with the language of the poem? Did the student bring the audience to a better understanding of the poem? Did the contestant’s physical presence enhance the recitation, engaging the audience through appropriate body language, 32 confidence and eye contact? Does the student understand and show mastery of the art of recitation? The judges will use this score to measure how impressed they were by the recitation, and whether the recitation has honoured the poem. A low score will be awarded for recitations that are poorly presented, ineffective in conveying the meaning of the poem, or conveyed in a manner inappropriate to the poem. Accuracy 1-4 marks A separate judge will mark missed or incorrect words during the recitation. Students will score a full 4 marks for a word-perfect recitation; 3 for a small number of errors which do not significantly affect meaning and/or flow; 2 for a recitation where the errors do affect meaning and/ or flow; 1 for a recitation where occasional use is made of the prompter; 0 for a recitation which requires considerable prompting. Additional considerations in the event of a close tie: variety, difficulty, diversity In the event of a very close tie between two or more students, judges should consider the level of challenge the student has chosen. This might be indicated in the variety of poems selected for recitation, with different styles, moods, language varieties, voices or settings. It might also be indicated by poem difficulty. A poem with difficult content conveys complex, sophisticated ideas, that the student will be challenged to grasp and express. A poem with difficult language will have complexity of diction and syntax, metre and rhyme scheme, and shifts in tone or mood. Poem length is also considered in difficulty but bear in mind that longer poems are not necessarily more difficult than shorter ones. Judges may also consider the diversity of a student’s recitations with this score; a student is less likely to score well in this category when judges note that a student’s style of interpretation remains the same regardless of poem choice or challenge. 33 ADEQUATE GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT OUTSTANDING TITLE OF POEM WEAK CONTEST SCORE SHEET NAME OF STUDENT VERY WEAK 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 35 1 1 7 VOICE UNDERSTANDING 6 POINTS 34 5 A winner must be selected, and a runner-up named in case the winner is unable for any reason to progress to the county contest. FINAL SCORE (Max. 25 points) Once the scorer has calculated the scores of both rounds, the judges may retire to consider their verdict. In 99% of cases this will be straightforward, with the scores confirming a clear winner. In the event of a draw, judges should try to come to an agreement about the winner; only if that is not possible should the tied students be invited to pick one of their poems and perform it again. 4 If a performance is interrupted, eg by someone entering the room, a coughing fit by another student or audience member, or a loud noise outside the building, it is fair and reasonable to allow the student to re-start their recitation. It is a good idea to have water available for all performers to help prevent coughing. 3 TOTAL (Max. 21 points) POINTS POINTS The poem must be delivered by heart using only the prompter for support if required. The prompter should give the students a few seconds to recover the line, and then provide just a word or two and only if the student asks for it. ACCURACY JUDGE’S SCORE (Max. 4 points) The organizer or MC should welcome each student briefly by name as they come up to recite, and if appropriate invite applause. They should not intrude on the students’ concentration and should create a calm and encouraging atmosphere. The student must state clearly the poet and poem they have chosen, eg “This is ‘Ozymandias’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley.” No other comments are allowed. 2 Pick a winner 1 8 PERFORMANCE STEP 36 37 STEP 9 Celebrate everyone’s achievements There is a Poetry By Heart certificate available as a pdf download in the “About the competition” section of the website. Some schools and colleges choose to supplement that with extra prizes for the winner and runner-up. Learning two poems by heart, performing them in public and being judged for doing so is no mean feat: lots of praise and recognition is richly deserved! Read and listen to the poem here Think about having someone take photographs at the event so that you can prepare nice material for your school website or parents’ e-newsletter. If students are nervous, avoid taking pictures during the recitations unless this can be done very unobtrusively but have a big photo-shoot at the end as part of the prize-giving and general celebration of achievement. Don’t be shy about contacting the local press or radio about your students’ achievements. There follows in this handbook a template press release you could use or adapt to do this. Why not set a mediakeen student the task of doing this? 38 39 Tell local radio and newspaper journalists what you’re doing The former Poet Laureate Andrew Motion is Co-Director of the Poetry Archive and plays a lead role in Poetry By Heart. He commented: Use or adapt this template press release to tell local newspapers, magazines and radio stations about your contest and winner’s achievements. Why not get some non-competitors to take photographs and organise this? You could use this material on your school website, blog, or parents’ newsletter too. “Poetry By Heart has gone from strength to strength since its launch in 2013. Many thousands of students have not only learned great poems for life but they have also shared them with friends and families in the inspiring and moving performances that are at the heart of every competition. I am constantly surprised and delighted by the quality of the students’ achievements.” POETRY BY HEART - Press Release Template For use by: Competition Organisers From: Your Address/ Contact Details To: Recipient Address/Contact Details Photograph details and caption if available and sent with press release. Notes to Editors: 1. Poetry By Heart is the principal educational initiative of the Poetry Archive (, developed in partnership with The Full English ( uk) and supported by the Department for Education. The Poetry Archive is a registered charity (no. 1093858) supported using public funding by Arts Council England. 2. The Poetry By Heart website is at and includes information about the competition and the selection of poems students choose from. 3. Students recite one poem from the Poetry By Heart anthology published before 1914, and one poem published after 1914. Re: Poetry By Heart Competition at (insert name of school/college) Talented students (insert name of school/college) have been taking part in an inspiring competition designed to encourage students in England to learn and to recite poems by heart. (Insert short description of who organised the competition, where it was held and when.) (Insert number of students) recited two poems from the 200+ available in the online anthology which supports the competition at The winner was (insert student’s name) who recited (insert poem details in format - poem 1 by poet 1 and poem 2 by poet 2 - and add any descriptive detail, such as what the judges said about the winning performance, or a quote from the winner). 40 4. School/college competitions take place 1st September 2015 to 15th January 2016; winners of these progress to county contests taking place 29th January to 27th February 2016; county winners compete in the national finals, 17-19 March 2016 at Homerton College, Cambridge. 5. Over 3,500 students competed in Poetry By Heart competitions in 2014-15 and more than 15,000 had a new experience of poetry learning by heart. 6. Oxford University Press as part of a partnership with Poetry By Heart has provided a selected number of free links to entries in the Oxford English Dictionary, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, and the American National Biography Online for the duration of the competition. The free content can be accessed by clicking on highlighted text within the anthology of poems. 41 NATIONAL FINALS 17-19 March 2016 / Homerton College, Cambridge The national finals are part of the expenses-paid winners weekend for all county contest winners and their teachers. This year it will be in the beautiful and relaxing setting of Homerton College, Cambridge. The weekend will start with a special welcome reception with the opportunity to get to know some of the other contestants and to meet some of our top poet judges. There will be a programme of regional semi-finals and fun activities, culminating in the national finals on Saturday afternoon and the chance to lift the national champion’s trophy! Judges for the 2015-16 National Finals weekend will be announced in our newsletter during the Autumn term 42 43 STEP 10 Support your winner in preparing for the county contest First your student will need to decide which poems to recite. (You might want to have your runner-up prepare too in case your winner is ill.) Students must recite one pre-1914 poem from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline AND one post-1914 poem either from the Poetry By Heart Anthology timeline or the Poetry By Heart First World War Poetry showcase. They can reprise their existing poems or they can choose new ones. For the regional and national finals your student will also need to choose a third poem, so that they are reciting one pre-1914 poem, one post-1914 poem, and one First World War poem. They need to choose a poem they love but they might also think about the range and variety of poems in their selection of 3. This can become significant in the judges awarding higher scores. We will give you all the detail you need about the county contest and put you in contact with the county contest organisers. You might want to check whether students will need to speak into a microphone. If so, get them some practice in school until they feel as comfortable as possible performing in this way. Take them there if you can, or arrange for a parent or other trusted adult to take them. It can be more daunting than it needs to be if one student turns up with a support crew worthy of Andy Murray and another has no-one… 44 WHO’S BEHIND POETRY BY HEART? Poetry By Heart is the principal educational initiative of the Poetry Archive ( It was co-founded by Andrew Motion and Julie Blake in 2012 and was launched in January 2013. It is now in its fourth iteration. All aspects of the website and competition structure were developed in partnership with The Full English, a research-informed curriculum workshop which creates innovative designs for learning about English language and literature ( Poetry By Heart is supported by Poetry Archive staff and led by this dedicated Poetry By Heart team: Co-Directors Andrew Motion - Creative direction Julie Blake - Educational direction Senior development team, since 2012 Mike Dixon - Editorial, media and the Poetry By Heart blog Tim Shortis - Research, development and sustainability HQ team Kath Lee - Project Coordinator Tom Boughen - Project Assistant Lily Owens-Crossman - Project Assistant Regional development team Abigail Campbell - Midlands Alison Powell - South West and Professional Development Griselda Goldsborough/Gill Greaves - North East Karen Lockney - North West Mike Dixon - South and London Tim Shortis - East and London We are also very grateful to have regular and ongoing support with our financial systems from the Poetry Archive’s Fiona Meadley, with printing and distribution from Peter Griffin, with our IT systems from Phil Barker at Quadgem and with artwork copyrights from Lucy Drury. 45 THE POETRY ARCHIVE The Poetry Archive exists to help make poetry accessible, relevant and enjoyable to a wide audience. It came into being as a result of a meeting, in a recording studio, between Sir Andrew Motion, soon after he became U.K. Poet Laureate in 1999, and the recording producer, Richard Carrington. They agreed about how enjoyable and illuminating it is to hear poets reading their work and about how regrettable it was that, even in the recent past, many important poets had not been properly recorded. The outcome is The Poetry Archive, a not-for-profit organisation with charitable status, funded by Arts Council England and other public bodies, charitable trusts and generous individuals. The website is now the premier online collection of recordings of poets reading their own work. This has recently been enhanced by a collection of new recordings of classic poems from the past read by contemporary poets. There is also a related Children’s Archive featuring recordings of some of the best-loved children’s poets, and a download store allowing people to download single poems or full ‘albums’ of poetry. The Poetry Archive download store On the Poetry Archive website you can hear poets reading their own work as well as poems by their favourite classic poets who were never recorded. But now you can download recordings of single poems and full albums by a huge variety of poets, as well as special audio collections to support teaching and learning of poetry at GCSE. The teaching collections include bundles such as - AQA GCSE Anthology poems - Edexcel GCSE Anthology poems - WJEC Eduqas GCSE Anthology poems - OCR GCSE Anthology poems Most of the pre-1914 and many of the post-1914 poems in the Poetry By Heart Anthology Timeline have links to Poetry Archive recordings of poets reading them. To browse and download from the collection visit WWW.POETRYARCHIVE.ORG 46 - Power and Conflict (GCSE Anthologies) - Love and Relationships (GCSE Anthologies) - AQA Unseen (Prescribed poets) - Edexcel Unseen (Prescibed poets) 47 PARTNERS Poetry By Heart has been made possible in its first four years by the generous support which has been given by a very wide range of people and agencies. We would like to thank the Department for Education for continuing to back Poetry By Heart’s ability to make a difference to poetry education; Oxford University for funding our original website and continuing to provide free access to world class reference sources in our website; and all the image and text copyright holders who have supported the development of the website. We thank Howoco for the brilliance of their design and super-smart IT work; all the venues who host county contests for us, and NAWE and Writing West Midlands for their particular roles in that. Coming soon - Poetry By Heart Primary resource We are very pleased to announce that Poetry By Heart - Primary is coming soon! We’re hard at work behind the scenes on the production of a special showcase collection of poems for younger children (Key Stages 1 and 2) to learn by heart and recite. Our resource will include a wide variety of poems, recordings to share and explore, and a widget for children to record and share their recitations. For teachers there will also be a free pdf guide to introducing poetry recitation in the classroom. The launch will be announced on Twitter and in our newsletter - sign up for it now at We would especially like to thank the Principal, Fellows and staff of Homerton College, Cambridge. Their logistical support for the finals weekend is outstanding; the provision of a college office has enabled our Education Director to benefit from countless conversations with world class experts in poetry education. Above all we wish to thank the pupils, families, and teachers participating in the life of this year’s competition with such energy and imagination. May the force of poetry be with you always. 48 49