SPCH 1113 Final Report Below please find the Final Review Report submitted by the review team that reviewed SPCH 1113 after the initial review. You are welcome to use the recommendations and decisions to explain to the participants in your APPQMR sessions what the review team had to say. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Any participant who backs up his or her decisions with evidence and justification based on the standards is “correct.” The report is provided to enhance your discussions with your participants, not as a “grading tool.” Please do not make copies for your participants as this report is being provided as a facilitation tool. Course Code: SPCH1113 Souther122112 Course Number: SPCH1113 Course Name: Principles of Speech Faculty Developer: Sharon Scott General Standard 1: Introductions and Overviews The overall design of the course is made clear to the student at the beginning of the course. STANDARD 1.1 - (3 Points) Required 1.1 Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The first message welcomes students and provides clarification that students are in the correct place for the Public Speaking course. The welcome message on the Home page explains requirements for the course regarding the speech requirements for the course. In addition, this first welcome message explains how students are to submit speeches to the instructor. There is a menu item displayed on the left that is labeled as "Begin Here." To help meet this standard, it would be helpful to include a brief message on the Home page that instructs students to access or click on the Begin Here menu item to actually begin the course. Within the Begin Here menu item -- there is a text-based tour of the course site and within this tour, there are explanations about the different components of the course site. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 1 Suggestion: It might be helpful to include in the Welcome message on the Home Page brief instructions on where to click to actually begin the course (just to offer clarity -- some may not identify the "Begin Here" menu item). Reviewer Recommendations: The "Begin Here' tab from the left side navigation tab makes clear what is the role of each link on the LMS. Students should find this section very helpful. Reviewer Recommendations: The course is well-organized in this regard. The "Begin Here" section provides an easy-to-read course "map" and effectively makes the new online student feel comfortable with the new interface (while very nicely humanizing the instructor as well!). You do a nice job providing navigational instructions for the course, as well as directing students to appropriate assistance. I really appreciated the "101" nature of the instructions-- as a student, I would feel very comfortable beginning the course based on those instructions, as well as in asking for help if needed. One area that might be made clearer; however, relates to the relationship between the online and face-to-face components. While instructions are provided for both the online and face-to-face students about the speech demonstrations, it may clarify the instructions a bit more if you could provide a graphic of the different ways in which the speech demonstrations may be completed. You may also want to distinguish who may utilize the various methods for submitting the speeches. For example, it seems that online students may choose to either come to campus or participate with the face-to-face class on speech days. Do face-to-face students have the option to submit electronically or by mail, as well? Should online students coming to campus let you know ahead of time or can they just come on speech days? I think that your efforts to accommodate the online students are commendable! I am sure that they appreciate the multiple options for completing these course requirements. Perhaps adding a table showing the different methods for speech submission/demonstration, along with who may utilize each format would remove any potential ambiguity students might experience about this aspect of the course, however. Also, and this is very minor, I see two syllabus links when I log in. They appear to be the same document, so you may want to remove one. :) STANDARD 1.2 - (3 Points) Required 1.2 Students are introduced to the purpose and structure of the course. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 2 Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The purpose of the course is shared on the syllabus. The structure of the course is discussed within the Begin Here menu item. The delivery modalities are covered in a Soft Chalk product. Reviewer Recommendations: The course syllabus provides a comprehensive overview of the course objectives as well as how the course will be structured. Providing details on how the course will be conducted online is very important given the 'unique' requirements of delivering the speeches and the instructions do a nice job outlining this process. Reviewer Recommendations: The syllabus provides a detailed view of the purpose of the course and the overall structure. You do a nice job laying out the course policies and assignments, too. I would recommend making a clearer distinction between the online and face-to-face components, however. It seems that the syllabus is universal for both the online and face-to-face sections. As a result, as a student I might be confused as to whether or not this course was blended. Could you add a statement somewhere toward the beginning of the syllabus stating that this syllabus is used for both formats and students in the online section should do this... and students in the face-to-face section should do this...You could also provide a legend or key as to how each format will be referred to throughout the document (maybe something like, "This syllabus is used for both the face-to-face and online sections of this course. Throughout this document you will see references to "online" and "face-toface" sections, and you should pay special attention to the portions that refer to the type in which you are enrolled" or something like that). As a student, I think this would help me understand clearly from the very beginning of the document how the course that I enrolled in will be delivered and which parts of the syllabus refer to me. STANDARD 1.3 - (2 Points) 1.3 Etiquette expectations (sometimes called “netiquette”) for online discussions, email, and other forms of communication are stated clearly. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 3 Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 0 Result: NOT MET (Yes: 1, No: 2) Reviewer Recommendations: Currently -- some etiquette information is including on the Syllabus under the header called, "Other Important Rules." Students are reminded to check the Announcement page, their student e-mail accounts and the class discussions each time they log in. In addition, in the prerequisite information, there is a note that explains that students should communicate or deliver speeches using college level communication skills. This is a good start -- but it could be helpful to students to offer a header called "Etiquette" on the Syllabus and include specific summary list regarding etiquette expectations within the Begin Here information. Reviewer Recommendations: There is a section for 'classroom rules' on the syllabus but I am wondering if it can be expanded to more closely reflect the online learning environment (e.g. discussion rules). Reviewer Recommendations: While a very detailed list of do's and don’ts is provided in the syllabus for classroom and speech demonstration requirements, I did not see specific reference to netiquette expectations for the online students for online discussions or email. I recommend adding information about your expectations for email communications and any online discussions that may occur to this list, as the information would likely benefit students learning in either format. I have found some very useful links to other websites that I have used in my classes that might also work. You could provide the link in the opening materials. Check out some like: http://www.networketiquette.net/ http://www.albion.com/netiquette/ http://www.learnthenet.com/learn-about/netiquette/ These are a little dry, but I have seen some really cute and fun sites out there that cover the material in fun ways. These sites get the job done, though. :) STANDARD 1.4 - (2 Points) 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 4 1.4 Course and/or institutional policies with which the student is expected to comply are clearly stated, or a link to current policies is provided. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: Within the Syllabus link there is a section called Course Requirements and Policies - there the students would be able to review policies such as attendance, late work, plagiarism, policies related to the speed requirements. The Instructor Worksheet also notes that there are policies such as Academic Integrity, Student Conduct, Late Assignments, Incomplete work, Confidentiality, and Student Grievances located in the Begin Here information as well. However, I did not see these specific policies located in the Begin Here section of the course site. Suggestions: It might be helpful to include a page in the Begin Here section of the course site or even on the Home page that is devoted to the policies noted above - this would allow quick and easy access to the policies specific to the course or institution is one location. Reviewer Recommendations: With the exception of the plagiarism and attendance course policies on the syllabus I did not see any references to institutional policies. A direct link to that effect should be provided in a visible place in the course. Reviewer Recommendations: The syllabus details course and institutional policies on plagiarism, late work, ADA, attendance, speech outline and delivery, and other course-specific policies. These are clearly stated and appear to be up-to-date. STANDARD 1.5 - (1 Point) 1.5 Prerequisite knowledge in the discipline and/or any required competencies are clearly stated. Points Possible: 1 02-06-2014 Points Awarded: 1 ©2014 MarylandOnline Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) 5 Reviewer Recommendations: Yes -- the prerequisite information is provided on the course syllabus. There are no prerequisites for this course and this is shared with students through the Begin Here link. Reviewer Recommendations: A prerequisite/prior knowledge section is included on the syllabus. Reviewer Recommendations: There are no prerequisites for this course, and this is clearly stated in the syllabus. The instructor offers her own statement about basic grammar and speaking skills, which is also very clear. As a student, I feel I would have a good understanding of what knowledge I am expected to bring into the course with me. Nicely done. STANDARD 1.6 - (1 Point) 1.6 Minimum technical skills expected of the student are clearly stated. Points Possible: 1 Points Awarded: 0 Result: NOT MET (Yes: 1, No: 2) Reviewer Recommendations: Once a student clicks on the Begin Here menu item -- they will see an intro to Bb 9 which helps to address some expectations of students indicating to a degree what tech knowledge or skills they need to be aware of related to this online course. Students are also instructed to access the Bb Help menu item, if needed. Specific software is shared -- on what students would need to download and use during the course as well. In addition, information is shared with students within the Begin Here info/syllabus regarding identity verifications process that will be used in the course. After reviewing this information, students would be expected to be prepared for these "identity related" questions, as they occur within an assessment. Finally, on the Syllabus (within Begin Here), there is information presented under Student Outcomes titled as General Education Mission Statement and 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 6 Competencies: That includes competencies expected of students. Suggestion: To further meet this standard, it would be helpful to include specifics related to tech requirements needed to begin this course. One example might be to share the following: Students are expected to know how to access Bb and utilize the communication tools with the course site, such as the Announcement page, the class discussion board. In addition, all students in this course should have access and know how to communicate via student e-mail accounts. Reviewer Recommendations: While the requirements for the online delivery/recording of the speeches are clearly stated I would like to see a more detailed section listing the prerequisites for enrolling in the online version of the course (i.e. access to video recording equipment, ability to stream video etc.). Reviewer Recommendations: The web link section provides information on the software a student might need to complete course assignments. The "Begin Here" section also provides instructions on how to upload videos. While this information is all provided and explained well, I think that students may not find it easily as currently described. I recommend adding a section to the "Begin Here" space titled, "Technical Skills" or something similar that includes the video making and uploading instructions, as well as the information on software that is provided in the "Web Links" section. I think that this will clarify for the students what they need to have installed and what skills they will need to successfully complete the course right from the beginning. STANDARD 1.7 - (1 Point) 1.7 The self-introduction by the instructor is appropriate and is available online. Points Possible: 1 Points Awarded: 0 Result: NOT MET (Yes: 0, No: 3) Reviewer Recommendations: There is a link called Instructor Contact -- however, this link is currently blank. In order to meet this standard, a brief introduction of the instructor could be added to 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 7 this link along with contact information. Reviewer Recommendations: I was not able to find a self-introduction from the instructor. Reviewer Recommendations: While the instructor's personality and approachability comes across in various components of the "Begin Here" section (you seem very approachable!), providing an introduction that describes your teaching philosophy, gives information on your preferred method of address by students (Dr., Mrs., Ms., Sharon, Scott, etc.), discusses some hobbies or other personal information, provides a picture, and also incorporates the information that you provided elsewhere about preferred method of contact, response time, etc. would allow the online students to get to know you in the same way that the face-to-face students probably do on the first day of class. It would also provide an introduction to you to those students who missed the first day. STANDARD 1.8 - (1 Point) 1.8 Students are asked to introduce themselves to the class. Points Possible: 1 Points Awarded: 0 Result: NOT MET (Yes: 0, No: 3) Reviewer Recommendations: Student introductions at the beginning of the class can be helpful in providing a welcoming learning environment and help to build a sense of community. It may be helpful to provide an opportunity for students to introduce themselves to each other (i.e., via the class discussion board or perhaps through a quick YouTube video (which would allow students to become familiar with this technology, if they plan to use it as a tool to submit their speech assignments). Reviewer Recommendations: I did not see a platform through which students can introduce themselves to the classmates and instructors. This can be easily achieved by either adding a discussion forum to that effect or asking students to complete some sort of a self- 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 8 introduction speech. Reviewer Recommendations: While it appears that a group project is part of the requirements for this course, leading students to interact with one another, this does not occur until the end of the course. Perhaps you could add a discussion board assignment for the online group that would ask them to introduce themselves to the rest of the class? While the face-to-face students likely introduce themselves to one another on the first day, the online students do not seem to have a similar opportunity to get to know one another, and providing such an opportunity might make their online studies feel more collegial. Providing a "Water Cooler" or "Student Q & A" is often helpful, too, allowing them a space to ask each other (and you) questions throughout the semester that might benefit the whole class (and keep you from answering the same question over and over). :) General Standard 2: Learning Objectives (Competencies) Learning objectives are measurable and are clearly stated. STANDARD 2.1 - (3 Points) Required 2.1 The course learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The course learning outcomes and objectives are listed specifically on the Syllabus (located within the Begin Here menu item. They are all listed in specific and measurable terms and clearly demonstrate how the student's work will be measured in regards to the achievement of the stated course outcome/objective. Reviewer Recommendations: The developer has done an outstanding job linking the learning objectives to specific and measurable outcomes. Nice work! Reviewer Recommendations: The course learning objectives are measurable and appropriate to the course. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 9 STANDARD 2.2 - (3 Points) Required 2.2 The module/unit learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable and consistent with the course-level objectives. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 0 Result: NOT MET (Yes: 1, No: 2) Reviewer Recommendations: The unit learning objectives are presented within each chapter unit provided in the Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, and Unit 4 folders. Some of the Unit Learning Objectives are written in measurable terms, such as in Unit 1, Chapter 1 -- one of the learning objectives is as follows: Students will be able To discuss why it is necessary to cite sources orally while presenting your speeches Another example provided in Unit 1, Chapter 2, one of the unit learning objectives is as follows: Students will be able to: To develop, outline, and deliver a three to four minute narrative speech Both of these objectives are indeed measurable -- and it would be clear if a student achieved this specific learning objective through their discussion type assignments related to the Unit and through their submitted outline and speech presentation. However, there are other learning objectives for Unit 1 (and other units as well) that would need to be revised to be written in measurable terms such as: To discover at what point you should consider your audience in the speech planning and speech making processes To learn some ways in which effective public speaking skills will empower you To learn what it means to be an ethical speaker It would be difficult to measure or assess "discovery" and/or when a student "learns" something. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 10 Recommendation: To meet this standard, the verbs "discover" and "learn" could be replaced with more measurable verbs such as "discuss" or "recognize" and maybe replace "learn" with the verb "describe" or "explain." It may also be helpful to use verbs noted with Bloom's Taxonomy -- some ideas are shared via the following site: http://www.llcc.edu/Portals/121/Verbs%20a-z.pdf. Reviewer Recommendations: The unit learning objectives do seem to be closely aligned to the course-level ones. However, some of the unit-level objectives use terminology that would not always be considered measurable (e.g. discovery, learning etc.), Consider using terminology for measurable objectives from Bloom's Taxonomy. My sense is that this standard is currently met at the 85% threshold. Reviewer Recommendations: The module learning objectives are consistent with course-level objectives, but they are not all measurable. I recommend providing more concrete language in the unit level objectives so that terms like "learn" or "discover" are rephrased to better reflect how that learning can be measured. For example, instead of "learn how to be an ethical speaker" you might try something like, "Demonstrate characteristics of ethical speaking, such as..." This might give students a more concrete and specific description about what the student will be able to do upon successful completion of that unit. STANDARD 2.3 - (3 Points) Required 2.3 All learning objectives are stated clearly and written from the student’s perspective. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: Both the course outcomes and the unit learning objectives are written in a way that allows students, including non-native speakers, to understand their meaning. Students would have a good idea of what is expected of them in each unit. No 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 11 confusing terms or jargon are used in the objectives. Reviewer Recommendations: The learning objectives are clearly written. Reviewer Recommendations: The learning objectives are clearly stated and written from the student's perspective. STANDARD 2.4 - (3 Points) Required 2.4 Instructions to students on how to meet the learning objectives are adequate and stated clearly. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: The course outcomes provided on the syllabus also provide a method of assessment planned for each outcome. In regards to the unit learning objectives, in each unit there is a first page that includes a Learning Guide. This guide provides the students tools that support the student to complete the unit assignments and achieve the unit objectives. This Learning Guide certainly supports this standard in that the information indicating which learning activities, resources, assignments, and assessments are needed --however, what is not clear is which assignment supports specific unit objectives. Overall, the 85% rule would apply (where overall, the course meets this standard at an 85% level or above). Recommendation: To further meet this standard, it would be helpful to associate each of the assignments with the learning objectives they are aligned with. One way to do this is to add a small tag at the end of each unit objective and indicate which assignment or assessment is being used to measure or assess to see if that specific objective is met. In addition -- it would be very important to ensure the "Unit Discussion Assignments" (as noted on the Learning Guide page) is provided via the class or group discussion board (currently, it is not clear where the students are to 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 12 participate and engage in the unit discussions noted on the Learning Guide -- the Discussion link is provided on the menu -- but currently there are no forums -indicating when, where or what to post and actually "discuss." Reviewer Recommendations: Clear instructions and outcomes are provided to the students for meeting the learning objectives at the course level. Perhaps the same can be replicated for the unit-level objectives. Reviewer Recommendations: Each learning objective offers a statement about how competency in this objective will be established (earning 70% on an assignment, for example), which is very helpful. One concern that I have is in relation to the online students' abilities to complete the group assignment. While in the face-to-face group, they likely separate out and form groups as a result of participating in class meetings with the instructor, the online group does not appear to have those kinds of opportunities. For example, in the description of the Group Speech assignments it states that "by now you should have divided yourselves into groups of 4-7 people based on the problem you want to solve..." and refers to a discussion board assignment in which a problem is posed by each student. I didn't; however, see a discussion board assignment in which the students were asked to do this, nor is there an introduction assignment that allows them to get to know who is in the class with them. I recommend making it clearer for the online group how to complete each task leading up to future assignments. Perhaps adding a unit checklist to each learning module, listing the tasks and assignments that the students need to accomplish in order to continue progressing successfully. Each unit also appears to have a discussion board assignment attached to it, but no information is provided about what to include in that post, nor is there a board available in the Discussions section on which to post. Perhaps those are introduced in the face-to-face class and opened as the course progresses? I recommend providing detailed information on what is required in these posts for the online students. As a student, I would likely have concerns as to how to meet the requirements for these assignments, since there is no descriptive information provided. STANDARD 2.5 - (3 Points) Required 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 13 2.5 The learning objectives are appropriately designed for the level of the course. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: Yes -- the learning objectives are appropriately written for a public speaking course (first-year level). The core learning skills required in the course are clearly noted in the Begin Here section (within the Syllabus). Note: Currently, the course level is not clearly noted within the Bb course site (we learned the course was called SPE 1113 via the course review form and the Faculty Worksheet). It might be helpful to students if this information about this being a first year course was shared via the course title and/or in the syllabus of the course. Reviewer Recommendations: Because the level of the course is not indicated anywhere in the course shell I am not able to make that determination. Reviewer Recommendations: The learning objectives are appropriate to the level of the course, centering on basic and entry-level skills and abilities in public speaking. General Standard 3: Assessment and Measurement Assessment strategies are designed to evaluate student progress by reference to stated learning objectives; to measure the effectiveness of student learning; and to be integral to the learning process. STANDARD 3.1 - (3 Points) Required 3.1 The types of assessments selected measure the stated learning objectives and are consistent with course activities and resources. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: The course assessments are used to confirm student mastery of the unit learning 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 14 objectives. The assessments planned are consistent with the course objectives of the course (as these are shared in the Syllabus, under the "objectives/measure" section) and also through the Faculty Worksheet). In this course, if the unit learning objectives are modified and include measurable verbs -- such as identify, recognize, define -- then the quizzes planned for the units would be in alignment with the unit learning objectives. The speech assignments do support the chapter learning objectives (again, some of the verbs would need to be modified to ensure the objectives are measurable) -but indeed the speech assignments are in alignment with the objectives intended within the units. In addition, there appears to be a discussion assignment included with each unit (in Unit 1, it is noted on the Learning Guide and is called "Discussion Board - Unit 1 Discussion"). This type of discussion assignment is noted in each of the chapter Learning Guides). However, it is not clear which, if any, of the chapter learning objectives align with this type of assignment. Consider adding a specific chapter learning objective that addresses the Unit Discussion Question assignment (since this same assignment is noted in each of the chapter Learning Guides). Reviewer Recommendations: The speech assignments and quizzes seem to be closely linked to the learning objectives of the course. Reviewer Recommendations: The assessments measure the stated learning objectives nicely. Quizzes test for content knowledge, while the assignments require students to organize materials, gather data, and effectively present the information in each speech assignment. STANDARD 3.2 - (3 Points) Required 3.2 The course grading policy is stated clearly. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: The course grading policy is included on the Syllabus (displayed within the Begin 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 15 Here section of the course). As shared in the annotation that supports this standard -- this course includes 1. A list of all activities, tests, etc., that will determine the student’s final grade 2. A grading scales (90-100% =A) is provided on the syllabus. 3. Finally, the students will see on the Syllabus that the Bb Calendar will also include specific info regarding assignments, assessments and projects planned for the course throughout the term. 4. The syllabus also notes that students are only able to submit a limited amount of work late -- by sharing the following info on the syllabus: Online students may turn in only two units of work and two speeches during the last two weeks of the class, so do NOT procrastinate. Students are reminded that staying current in the course is expected. Reviewer Recommendations: While the corresponding weights of the main assignments are listed on the syllabus the listing of the overall grading scale for the course in what seems to be percentages may cause some confusion (since the individual assignments are rated based on points). Reviewer Recommendations: The grading policy is clearly stated in the syllabus. STANDARD 3.3 - (3 Points) Required 3.3 Specific and descriptive criteria are provided for the evaluation of students’ work and participation and are tied to the course grading policy. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: Within some assignments (such as the Narrative Speech assignment link) -- there is an evaluation document provided that provides information on how students will be evaluated regarding this type of speech assignment. It is good that these types of evaluation tools are attached with the specific assignment links they represent. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 16 This should be a great help to students as they work to meet the expectations outlines. As noted with this standard's annotation, it is very helpful that these types of tools are available to students at the beginning of the course. Suggestion: To further meet this standard, it might be helpful to consider adding rubrics -- such as a rubric for the discussion assignments noted in each chapter Learning Guide. If possible, consider linking the rubric with the specific assignment and/or create one menu item in which all of the rubrics included in the course. Reviewer Recommendations: Specific criteria and expected performance levels are provided for the speech assignments and quizzes. However, this is not the case for the participation component and I think it is important to provide this information so students know how they will be evaluated on all of the assignments. Reviewer Recommendations: Samples for outlines and speeches are provided, and rubrics are provided for some of the assigned speeches. I recommend adding a rubric for each speech, though, to be consistent across assignments. STANDARD 3.4 - (2 Points) 3.4 The assessment instruments selected are sequenced, varied, and appropriate to the student work being assessed. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: There are a variety of assignments and assessments planned for this course including quizzes, discussion assignments, self-review presentations or speeches, and the actual presentations (recorded). Reviewer Recommendations: There seems to be a nice mix of speech assignments in the course and with the addition of quizzes there is certainly a well-balanced assessment sequence. Perhaps the discussion/participation component could be utilized more for the online 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 17 component. Reviewer Recommendations: Chapter quizzes occur after reading/covering each chapter and speeches and other assessments occur in logical sequence. The assignments in the beginning of the course seem to build upon one another to culminate in more complex speeches and a group project. STANDARD 3.5 - (2 Points) 3.5 Students have multiple opportunities to measure their own learning progress. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: Students are able to use some of the self-evaluation documents to review their own skills regards specific speeches. There is one self-practice assessment called the Practice RLB Exam. The chapter quizzes do allow multiple attempts -- but the quiz must be completed (impacts the final grade). The publisher materials and resources also provide multiple opportunities for students to practice via tutorials, self-check quizzes, glossary and flash cards. To further meet this standard, it might be helpful to allow students to review sample presentations and complete self-check reviews (and compare with what other students share). Reviewer Recommendations: Students do seem to have a few opportunities to assess their learning progress through the sequence of speeches and the quizzes. Reviewer Recommendations: Samples for some speeches are provided for the students to use as they prepare their own and feedback on assignments seems to be coming in a consistent and predictable time frame, allowing students an opportunity to gauge their progress 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 18 throughout the course. Self-grading quizzes are also offered. You might consider making these quizzes more self-check oriented by allowing more than one attempt. This would allow students an opportunity to take the quiz, see what they got incorrect, go back and re-research those topics, and then re-attempt. General Standard 4: Instructional Materials Instructional materials are sufficiently comprehensive to achieve stated course objectives and learning outcomes. STANDARD 4.1 - (3 Points) Required 4.1 The instructional materials contribute to the achievement of the stated course and module/unit learning objectives. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The instructional materials include power point presentations and online publisher resources. The ppt files have been rendered out using Impatica to become java based files. These instructional resources contribute to the achievement of the stated course and module learning objectives. Reviewer Recommendations: The combination of the chapter readings and video examples as well as some of the activities (e.g. outline creation tool) helps meet this specific standard. You may want to include more interactive features to reinforce the objectives that you stated. Some examples are audio lectures, on-student speeches etc. Reviewer Recommendations: The power point information provided contributes to the learning necessary to succeed on the assignments. The text appears to be appropriate and the sample speeches would be helpful to students trying to relate the textual information to live performances. STANDARD 4.2 - (3 Points) Required 4.2 The purpose of instructional materials and how the materials are to be used for 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 19 learning activities are clearly explained. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The course site in clearly organized into chapter folders. In each chapter folder there is a header called "Tools to Help You Learn" -- it is clear that each of the items are presented in each folder to support students in achieving the learning objectives. Reviewer Recommendations: This information is provided in the learning guide section of each unit. You could add a bit more detail For example--what constitutes 'successful completion' of the unit's assignments? Specifically, This information is provided for the quizzes but not for the discussion board. Reviewer Recommendations: The purpose of the instructional materials is clear. STANDARD 4.3 - (2 Points) 4.3 All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The materials are noted in the course site in regards to what is from the publisher and referenced as needed. Reviewer Recommendations: The only 'outside' material used in the course is the textbook and it is appropriately cited. Reviewer Recommendations: The resources and materials are cited appropriately. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 20 STANDARD 4.4 - (2 Points) 4.4 The instructional materials are current. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The instructor shares on the Faculty Worksheet that she selected the 14th edition of the textbook (2008) to help keep the costs down for students. She explained this book is adequate for this course and meets the needs of the students. The instructional materials represent current thinking in the discipline. In chapter 15 -- there is one video called "Eulogy by Oprah" -- the date within the video shows 2005. Even though media may be dated -- it is still an excellent example and would be supportive to students in allowing them to see this type of presentation. Reviewer Recommendations: The materials do seem, for the most part, to be 'current' in light of the notation in the faculty developer worksheet according to which the move to the next edition of the book is delayed. The next edition of the book does seem to include a number of enhancements which may be worthwhile. Something else that you may want to consider is to include a number of key works on the topic of public speaking (e.g. The Public Speaking Project) as well as an addition of content on online/mediated speeches given the nature of the course. Reviewer Recommendations: The textbook was published in 2008 and the other materials appear to be current. STANDARD 4.5 - (1 Point) 4.5 The instructional materials present a variety of perspectives on the course content. Points Possible: 1 02-06-2014 Points Awarded: 1 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) ©2014 MarylandOnline 21 Reviewer Recommendations: The instructional materials provided in the course site provide a solid learning experience for students. There are sample presentations that would be helpful for students to review as examples before they actually complete their own presentation assignments for the course. Reviewer Recommendations: The textbook covers only one perspective (though the authors derive information from more than one source). In order to meet this standard at least a couple of more links/resources covering the main content should be provided. Reviewer Recommendations: Students can learn from the text, power point presentations, and sample videos as they progress through the course. STANDARD 4.6 - (1 Point) 4.6 The distinction between required and optional materials is clearly explained. Points Possible: 1 Points Awarded: 1 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: Clear explanations are provided to students regarding which materials and resources are required and which are optional. The assignments listed in each chapter folder are listed -- and it is clearly indicated that these assignments are required and will impact the student's grade in the course. Reviewer Recommendations: I did not see any information distinguishing between required and optional materials so the student could assume that everything is required...A one-sentence note to that effect may help meet that standard further. Reviewer Recommendations: 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 22 There do not appear to be any optional materials. General Standard 5: Learner Interaction and Engagement Forms of interaction incorporated in the course motivate students and promote learning. STANDARD 5.1 - (3 Points) Required 5.1 The learning activities promote the achievement of the stated learning objectives. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The learning activities provided in the chapter folders are supportive of the course outcomes and the unit objectives. The learning activities actively engage the learner with the course content. There are reading assignments and video examples to review along with drag and drop activities. All of these would be helpful for students to achieve the learning objectives. Reviewer Recommendations: The speech assignments and quizzes nicely align with the course objectives. Reviewer Recommendations: The learning activities promote the skills and abilities stated in the learning outcomes by requiring students to apply their content knowledge to outlining and presenting speeches orally. STANDARD 5.2 - (3 Points) Required 5.2 Learning activities provide opportunities for interaction that support active learning. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 23 There are certainly learning activities that encourage students to be engaged with the content. There are multiple learning activities available in each unit, representing each of the chapters. There are also assignments that require group interactions, such as the group presentation assignment (such as the Chapter 16 assignment part of Unit 2). In regards of the student to instructor interactions, there are opportunities for students to submit assignments and receive feedback. To better meet this standard, it may be helpful to include an opportunity for student-instructor discussion in a synchronous session or an asynchronous discussion board exchange. You may also want to consider offering a discussion forum for frequently-asked-questions moderated by the instructor. Reviewer Recommendations: There seem to be very few opportunities for students to interact (especially in the online component of the course). There is a discussion forum but we do not see the topics nor do we become aware of the participation requirements. Another option that could be considered is some sort of a peer review component for the speeches....Either of those modifications would help meet this standard. Reviewer Recommendations: There are opportunities for instructor-student and student-student interaction, although these may be more salient for the face-to-face group. The online students have opportunities to work with one another on the group project (although I do think they need to be introduced to the preparation needed for this task better-see comments to Standard 2.4) and will interact with the instructor through grading feedback. The discussion boards offer additional opportunities for feedback, although it is not entirely clear what that interaction will look like (see comments to Standard 2.4). I recommend going back into the course with the eye of an online student who will not benefit from the interaction with the instructor in face-to-face class meetings and provide additional information about the opportunities for interaction to the course materials. For example, adding more descriptive information about the kinds of interaction online students can expect in the instructor introduction, as well as about the discussion board activities would allow this standard to be met. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 24 STANDARD 5.3 - (3 Points) Required 5.3 The instructor’s plan for classroom response time and feedback on assignments is clearly stated. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: It is important to communicate with students from the beginning of the course what their plans are in regards to providing feedback and responding to students' questions. Within the course syllabus, the instructor provides the following information: Student Response Time: I try to hand back homework within a week, but that is not always possible due to the complexity of the assignment, the number of students in the class, and other commitments each week (teaching seven classes this semester!). I will respond to email questions as soon as possible, usually within minutes on Monday through Thursday. However, I do not always respond to email Friday through Sunday. I am often online during the weekends, but I usually use that time for grading. If I respond to email on a weekend, it is an anomaly, not the norm! I answer email MUCH quicker than phone calls to my office phone because phone messages left on my office phone answering machine sometimes do not download for days! If I do not respond quickly in Blackboard, send an email to my regular office email: sscott@sautech.edu This information certainly helps to meet this standard. Reviewer Recommendations: This is clearly indicated under the "Instructor Information' heading of the course syllabus. Nice work. Reviewer Recommendations: The instructor provides clear information about her plan for response time and feedback on assignments. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 25 STANDARD 5.4 - (2 Points) 5.4 The requirements for student interaction are clearly articulated. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 0 Result: NOT MET (Yes: 0, No: 3) Reviewer Recommendations: With the Blackboard 9 information (which is first thing students see when they start the Begin Here info), students are informed to check the Announcements, their email accounts, and the Discussion Board each time they check into the Bb course site. In addition, it might be helpful to include specific information about graded discussions (i.e., when and where to post and how often to check in and respond). Also, it would be helpful to provide more information in regards to the group presentation that will help the group members to communicate before the assignment gets underway -- (currently, it is not clear where or how the group members will communicate and be engaged in planning the group speech/presentation). Recommendation: There are a couple of items that may help to meet this standard -- consider the following: 1. Include a statement to help students to plan and manage their class participation. It would be helpful to clarify how the instructor plans to evaluate student participation -- maybe offer a rubric and/or specific protocols in regards to class discussion via the discussion board (such as those currently planned for the Unit Discussion Assignments). 2. Since students are told to check the discussion board each time they check into the course site -- and the information in the Bb 9 Info also states that some discussions could be graded -- it would be helpful if the forums were already established (such as a Q&A forum) -- this way students would know where to go to actually post a question and where to go to receive a response. 3. It might also be helpful to distinguish which forums are for general information/Q&A forums (i.e., non-graded discussions) and which forums are for a grade. 4. Provide instructions and access to group communication tools planned for the course -- especially in regards to the group speech project presented in Unit 2, Chapter 16. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 26 Reviewer Recommendations: I did not see evidence for this standard other than what the students need to do when they log-in to the course. In order to meet this standard more detail and specifics should be provided. Examples include how often should students log-in to the course, how frequently they should contribute to the discussions, what constitutes a quality post etc. I think it is very important to include this information so students will know how to interact. Reviewer Recommendations: While there appear to be requirements for student interaction in the discussion boards and group assignments, it is not clear what the requirements for those activities are. It appears to me that this course may have started as a face-to-face only offering, with the online component added later. While it is certainly easier to teach the class as one big section, the unique nature of an online course may necessitate the division of the face-to-face and online sections into different course shells. The online shell could provide more descriptive information on how to meet each requirement (in much the same manner as you would provide orally when meeting with your face-to-face class-- if making two shells is not an option, you could make videos of yourself explaining the requirements to the face-to-face group and post them in the shell. This would allow your online group to gain the needed information and provide a back-up for your face-to-face group if they want to hear it again or missed class that day). I have found that I can never assume my online group has "gotten it" in terms of how to meet the requirements of an assignment. I find that repetition and rich description is what is needed when they aren't engaging in weekly face-to-face interactions with me. General Standard 6: Course Technology Course navigation and technology support student engagement and ensure access to course components. STANDARD 6.1 - (3 Points) Required 6.1 The tools and media support the course learning objectives. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The tools and media used in this course are in direct support of the course learning 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 27 objectives -- there is a list of tools and media used in each chapter folder. The chapter folders include ppt files, reading assignments, and access to the publisher materials/resources. Reviewer Recommendations: The speech links are certainly a useful addition based on which the course and unit level learning objectives are met. I am wondering if more speech examples (e.g. non-student speeches) can be provided. Reviewer Recommendations: The tools and media support learning objectives. STANDARD 6.2 - (3 Points) Required 6.2 Course tools and media support student engagement and guide the student to become an active learner. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: The course tools and media support student engagement -- there are resources in each of the chapter folders -- presentations, reading assignments, and the publisher resources should prove to be supportive in helping students to be active learners by offering multiple self-check assignments. This is certainly true at an 85% level or above. Recommendation: To further meet this standard, consider adding audio to the ppt/Impatica files -- since the students can move freely using the tools provided via the player -- it could be helpful if the audio was available. You may also want to consider utilizing the Wimba tool shared in the Begin Here information to offer some "real time" communications with students throughout the term. Reviewer Recommendations: Most of the course tools that are utilized in the course seem to mostly promote passive learning (read/view and complete one of the main assignments). I think it is easy to make a modification to meet this standard by adding specific requirements for the discussion board and/or some sort of a comment feature for 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 28 the speeches (student or video links). Reviewer Recommendations: The speech demonstration assignments guide the student to become an active learner. These "learning by doing" activities engage the student and offer the potential for active growth. STANDARD 6.3 - (3 Points) Required 6.3 Navigation throughout the online components of the course is logical, consistent, and efficient. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The navigation and organization of the course site is logical -- the content areas are organized into Units. Suggestion: It is not clear why there is a "Course Content" menu item and a "Learning Module" menu item -- they appear to be the same thing -- so it is not clear why the information is duplicated (or if there is a difference, what the difference is). An explanation of the menu items might be helpful to clarify the purpose of the menu links provided. Reviewer Recommendations: While the navigation is consistent I did have some trouble going through each link. I am not sure if this is an issue with the new version of Blackboard or not but in order to meet this standard more you may want to combine some of the links and also ensure that they do not open on a third tab. Furthermore, you may want to clearly indicate what the difference between the two syllabi links is. Reviewer Recommendations: The navigation through the course is logical and consistent. One recommendation I have is to move the "Learning Modules" on the left hand tab up on the list some. It also appears that these are the same as "Course Content" which may confuse your online students ("Why are these things listed twice? Am I to do something different 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 29 with each one?" or similar questions may cross their minds). I would remove the "Course Content" tab and move the "Learning Modules" up to that spot to reduce confusion for the online group. STANDARD 6.4 - (2 Points) 6.4 Students can readily access the technologies required in the course. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: Students should be able to access the media and technologies presented in the course. Links to players and resources are provided in the course site. In addition, students are provided links to Bb resources at the start of the course to support their use of the technologies presented. Reviewer Recommendations: It is clear that the technologies required for this course are readily accessible. If a student needs to download Adobe a link is provided to that effect through the Unit's overview page. Nice work! Reviewer Recommendations: Technologies required for the course are readily accessible. Links for required software are provided with explanations about what they will be used for. STANDARD 6.5 - (1 Point) 6.5 The course technologies are current. Points Possible: 1 Points Awarded: 1 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: The course technologies used in this course are current. The course design takes advantage of the features of the learning management system. The course design 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 30 also takes advantage of the publisher resources as well. Suggestion: The ppt files are rendered out using Impatica -- (not sure if audio was present -- but if not, it could be helpful to include audio narrations to the slides so students can "hear" the instructor share and inform students of content). Reviewer Recommendations: It seems that for the most part the course uses standard online course technologies---Adobe readings, discussions, and video speech links. Why not use some of the multiple collaboration features that Blackboard offers (there are hints/evidence to that effect on the syllabus but it is not clear how they are being incorporated in the course). Reviewer Recommendations: The course uses Bb 9 and the software and other tech requirements are also current. General Standard 7: Learner Support The course facilitates student access to institutional support services essential to student success. STANDARD 7.1 - (3 Points) Required 7.1 The course instructions articulate or link to a clear description of the technical support offered and how to access it. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: Before entering the actual course site -- there is a link for students to access related to tech support. Tutorials are provided there as well. Under the Web Links there is a link to SAU Tech Website. In the Begin Here section of the course site, there are specific instructions and information on how students can use Bb 9. Within this information, students will see the following: There are also "Help" buttons located in various places throughout the 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 31 course, but if they don't (help that is), you can email me, Sharon Scott, your instructor at sscott@sautech.edu. If I can't help or if you need technical help, call the Center for Web-Based Learning and ask for Jonathan Ward, jward@sautech.edu or Debbie Tucker dtucker@sautech.edu. You may want to consider adding a specific menu link for tech support (if the "Help" menu item is not sufficient). Reviewer Recommendations: The first page under the 'Begin Here' tab provides this information. In addition to that listing you may want to provide a link or telephone number to that effect. Reviewer Recommendations: The "Begin Here" section offers specific instructions about how to get help in the course, providing specific email addresses to Help Desk personnel. There is also a "Help" tab on the left hand menu. STANDARD 7.2 - (3 Points) Required 7.2 Course instructions articulate or link to the institution’s accessibility policies and services. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: Under Web Links there is a menu item called Student and Academic Services -- this web page includes information regarding how to get access to special needs/support. Suggestion: It may be helpful to provide a direct link via the menu that supports students to access the special needs office and support area. Reviewer Recommendations: An ADA statement has been provided in the beginning of the course syllabus. In order to meet this standard further a link to the institution's policy/resource center could also be provided. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 32 Reviewer Recommendations: While the ADA policy is stated on the syllabus, I could not find information on how to contact the ADA office, nor was a link provided to access the office's website or information. Adding a link and contact information for the ADA office to the policy statement would allow this standard to be met. STANDARD 7.3 - (2 Points) 7.3 Course instructions articulate or link to an explanation of how the institution’s academic support services and resources can help students succeed in the course and how students can access the services. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: Under Web Links there is a menu item called Student and Academic Services -- this web page includes information regarding how to get access to academic support including the tutoring center, the library, and the testing center. Suggestion: As noted above, it may be helpful to provide a direct link via the menu that supports students to access these resources (this would allow these 3 links to be located in one place -- maybe making it easier to locate for students and titled as "academic support services." Reviewer Recommendations: I did see a link to the Learning Center but I think this information should be featured more prominently on the course syllabus (with a direct link). Reviewer Recommendations: There are clearly labeled links in the Help section and Web Links area that students can use to access academic support services. I do recommend making it more clear to students what they can expect to find in the "Web Links" area, though. Perhaps describe it in the Start Here section or change its title to something more descriptive of what is contained within. STANDARD 7.4 - (1 Point) 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 33 7.4 Course instructions articulate or link to an explanation of how the institution’s student support services can help students succeed and how students can access the services. Points Possible: 1 Points Awarded: 1 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: Under Web Links there is a menu item called Student and Academic Services -- this same web site includes includes information regarding student support services such as financial aid, class schedules, student activities and housing. Suggestion: As noted above, it may be helpful to provide a direct link via the menu that supports students to access these resources (this would allow these links to be located in one place -- maybe making it easier to locate for students and titled as "student support services." Reviewer Recommendations: This information is provided under the Web Links tab but it is easy to miss. In order to meet this standard further the role of student support services should be featured more prominently. Reviewer Recommendations: There are clearly labeled links in the Help section and Web Links area that students can use to access academic support services, although I do recommend making the content in the "web links" section more obvious (see comment to Standard 7.3). General Standard 8: Accessibility The course demonstrates a commitment to accessibility for all students. STANDARD 8.1 - (3 Points) Required 8.1 The course employs accessible technologies and provides guidance on how to obtain accommodation. Points Possible: 3 Points Awarded: 3 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 34 In the course syllabus students are encouraged to meet with Disability Services to develop a plan for their academic accommodations. Requests for accommodations must be made within two (2) weeks of the start of each semester. Note: It would be helpful to provide a direct link to the Disability Services office that includes contact information on the Course Syllabus or as a separate item in the Begin Here information. The text-based information would be accessible. Read/Speak is used in the beginning of the course. The YouTube videos appeared to have closed captioning available (however, when I tried it -- some of the captioning was not exact -- it may be helpful to have the videos transcribed to further meet this standard). If transcripts are not possible, it may be helpful to include a direct link to the disabilities office -- for immediate access to accommodation services. Bb is noted to be an accessible CMS. Reviewer Recommendations: Information on accommodations is provided in the beginning of the course syllabus. It is clear to me that the course employs accessible technologies but a statement to that effect would help meet this standard further. Reviewer Recommendations: The course technologies appear to be easily accessible to most learners, but there do not appear to be instructions on how to obtain accommodations for students with auditory impairments. I recommend adding information to the course explaining how to access these services if needed. STANDARD 8.2 - (2 Points) 8.2 The course contains equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 2, No: 1) Reviewer Recommendations: The text-based info would be accessible through a screen reader. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 35 The Impactica/Ppt files appear to be text based only (did not hear audio -- if it was available) -- it could be helpful to include "handouts" of the ppt files -- with a brief script -- to support students with special needs. The You Tube videos have the cc available (note, that the translation on some of the videos is not 100% accurate) -- it would be important for student to be able to access support for these resources, if needed. Reviewer Recommendations: There is certainly an auditory alternative for the course syllabus. You may want to consider ways through which this can be also implemented in the rest of the course. Reviewer Recommendations: While it seems that most visual content could be accessed by screen readers, the YouTube video speech samples do not appear to have transcripts for auditory challenged students. Is there an option to view these using closed-captioning? If not, I would recommend adding transcripts for the speech video samples. STANDARD 8.3 - (2 Points) 8.3 The course design facilitates readability and minimizes distractions. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The course design supports readability and using navigation tools well -- the colors are contrasted well -- and are not distracting. Reviewer Recommendations: Once I was able to locate it I had no trouble accessing and reading the course content. Reviewer Recommendations: The course makes good use of white space and minimizes distractions. 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 36 STANDARD 8.4 - (2 Points) 8.4 The course design accommodates the use of assistive technologies. Points Possible: 2 Points Awarded: 2 Result: MET (Yes: 3, No: 0) Reviewer Recommendations: The information in the course site is clearly titled and the text-based info accommodates the use of assistive technologies. As noted before, the You Tube videos do have cc available. Reviewer Recommendations: I think assistive technologies should be easy to implement with a few additional navigation features (i.e. 'Skip Here'. 'Go Back' etc.) Reviewer Recommendations: The materials appear to be accessible by screen reader technology. Additional Review Comments: TOTAL POINTS AWARDED: 85 FINAL RESULT: Did not yet meet standards 02-06-2014 ©2014 MarylandOnline 37