LETTER 202: PATRICIA L. MOORE Response to Comment 202-1 (GP): The distribution of housing commitments and opportunities for each of the alternatives are contained in the land use forecasts prepared by Economic and Planning Systems, Inc. as a part of the General Plan EIR (Volume 3 of the EIR, Appendices B-2 and B-3, and El Dorado County Land Use Forecasts for Draft General Plan (EPS, March 5, 2002). The forecasts are broken down by market areas, with Market Area 1 being the El Dorado Hills area. The percentages are as follows: No Project – 45 percent (Table B-2, EPS Report) Roadway Constrained Six-Lane "Plus" – 57 percent (Table 1, page. 2, App. B-2) Environmentally Constrained – 52 percent (Table 2, page 3, App. B-3) 1996 General Plan - 26 percent (Table C-2, EPS Report) Response to Comment 202-2 (GP): The forecasting completed for the alternatives provides growth scenarios for the expected timeframe of the plan, to the year 2025, and for the theoretical buildout scenario. There are many factors that could affect absorption of residential lots, and it is beyond the scope of this EIR to predict when the supply would be exhausted. Response to Comment 202-3 (GP): The decision to spend revenues collected within the County is made by the Board of Supervisors on a yearly basis as a part of approval of the County’s Capital Improvement Program, based on priorities identified by the Board. It is beyond the scope of the Countywide General Plan EIR to identify the fee amount that may be collected in any given community within the County and identify where it may be spent. Response to Comment 202-4 (EIR): The impact of each alternative is discussed in Section 5.5 of the EIR for water, Section 5.7 for schools, Section 5.11 for air quality, and Section 5.4 for traffic. This EIR analyzes the impacts of the various alternatives on a countywide basis. It is beyond the scope of the EIR to analyze these impacts for one single community within the County. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDAW EL DORADO COUNTY GENERAL PLAN County of El Dorado RESPONSE TO COMMENTS January 2004 Section 4.2 Responses to Letters 4.2-385