Forced Vibration of a Built-In Beam Arnold Mukuvare Group A1 Demonstrator: S. Mahabadi SMOR: Dr N. Rockliff Work carried out: April 24th 2013 Report completed: May 9th 2013 Abstract: Forced vibration analysis is a very important phenomenon; these vibrations can give rise to a lot of potential problems especially if the excitation force is periodic. The dynamic force can either be externally applied or internally applied like the rotating machines. Oscillations can be obtained from these vibrations and since all objects have a natural frequency which if the forcing frequency reaches the system begins to oscillate with high amplitudes. The report is ( ) Natural frequency results can be found in taking the force to be a harmonic type many engineering tables but also can be determined experimentally or through calculations. Theoretically it is shown in the report that the natural frequency is dependent on the Young’s Modulus, length, breath, width and the total mass of that particular system. To investigate the natural frequency a motor is used alongside with oscilloscopes to measure the circular frequency and the amplitude relations. An error of 2.93% was obtained between the value of the theoretical and experimental natural frequencies. Improvements could be made to this experiment but the method proves to be a reliable way of predicting the value of the natural frequency. 1 Contents INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................................................. 3 THEORY: ........................................................................................................................................... 3 PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT: ................................................................................................ 5 RESULTS: .......................................................................................................................................... 7 DISCUSSION: .................................................................................................................................... 9 CONCLUSION: ................................................................................................................................ 10 REFERENCES: ................................................................................................................................ 11 APPENDIX:...................................................................................................................................... 12 2 INTRODUCTION: One of the most common phenomena in engineering is the vibration of structures; there have been many recorded failures of engineering systems as a result of not meeting excessive vibration targets. In general if a dynamic system is acted upon by an applied external harmonic force, the system begins to oscillate as a result. The oscillations can result in larger amplitudes at certain frequency even at low periodic external forces. If the vibrations are such that the frequency of the harmonic force is equal to the natural frequency of that particular system then the system’s vibrations become excessive producing high amplitudes. This phenomenon is known as resonance. The catastrophic collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 shook engineers. At the time the most modern suspension bridge had failed as a result of a light wind that caused the frequency of the vibrations to reach the bridge’s natural frequency. On the day the bridge began to oscillate at exaggerated amplitudes and collapsed. Experimentally applying different frequencies to a system can give the natural frequency as shown in figure (1). In this lab the frequency was found by using simple mass on a spring analysis, changing the circular frequencies using a motor supported by a fixed beam. Resonance can be obtained by the continued increase in the natural frequency which would result in an increase in the amplitude from the oscillations. It is worth noting that there are many several vibration types like (Free, Forced, Undamped and Damped, Linear and Non-linear, and Deterministic and Random) vibrations. The harmonic oscillations in this paper are induced by a periodic electric motor and are calculated as Single Degree Of Freedom (SDOF). THEORY: The simplest system that can be used to demonstrate the steady state response of a single degree of freedom oscillator is a mass on a spring system. (Nashif A.D., Jones D.I.G., Henderson J.P., 1985). An equation of motion can be considered in the analysis having considered damping, acceleration and the spring constant. If a steady state harmonic excitation is applied on the system would vibrate at amplitudes relating to the applied force’s frequencies. Resonance will only be obtained only when the frequency from the excitation force has reached the natural frequency of the system. The amplitudes of different forcing frequencies can be decreased depending on the amount of damping that is available. The presence of damping means that the maximum amplitude ratio occurs at a frequency lower than the resonant frequency. Figure (1) shows the amplitude as a function of driving frequency at different damping ratios ζ. 3 Figure 1: Steady-state amplitude against driving frequency (Iverson C., 2011) For an undamped system the amplitude can reach infinity and it does so at a driving frequency , at which point the resonance of the system takes place. The maximum amplitude as shown by figure (1) can be reduced by increasing the size of the damping coefficient and the resonance occurs when . If a dynamic system which is a built-in beam with a mass at the mid-span assuming that the beam is ideal such that the centre of gravity is concentrated at the centre of the beam. Figure (2) shows the beam carrying a load, the load which is the motor exerting an external harmonic force ( ) in order to enable frequency calculations the system can be assumed to be a mass-spring system. Figure 2: Built-in Beam modelled as mass-spring system (Henslee E. and Ward S. 2013) As shown in the diagram the applied external force caused by the periodic effects of the motor is harmonic. The magnitude of external force is Fo and the periodic effects are due to the sin(ωt) where the ω is the cyclic frequency as shown in equation (1) ( ) ( ) (1) The circular frequency ω is measured in radians per second, but since the motion is harmonic it has a tendency of repeating itself like 2π radians a relationship with frequency can be established. Hence, the natural frequency fo (in Hertz, Hz) can be calculated from the knowledge of the circular frequency of the beam using the relationship shown in equation (2), where the mass is the assumed to be from the mass-spring system mtot (in kilograms, kg) and k is the spring constant (in newton per meter, N/m): √ (2) 4 The spring constant can be calculated using the length L, of the beam (measured in metres, m), moment of inertia I (in metres raised to the fourth power, m4) and the Young’s modulus E (in pascals, Pa) which is the material characteristic: (3) Moment of inertia is greatly affected by the cross section of the beam; meaning that if the beam is circular, rectangular or any irregular shape will have a different moment of inertia regardless the load is the same. This report however, is taking the cross section of the beam to be rectangular which means that the inertia will rely on the breath b and width d (both in meters, m): (4) Earlier it was mentioned that the system was an ideal mass-spring system which means that the mass is a combination of the motor mmotor and the beam mbeam (both measured in kilograms, kg): (5) The mass of the beam can be easily calculated from the relationship between mass, density and volume. Where the volume is the determined from the length, width and breath: (6) Substituting equations (3, 4, 5, and 6) into equation (2), would give the natural frequency of the beam: √ ( ) (7) PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT: Figure 3a: Steel beam supporting the electric motor 3b: Oscilloscope measuring the amplitude of vibration from strain gauges 5 Equipment Frequency meter Oscilloscope (which gave readings in revolutions per minute, rpm) Rheostat Steel beam clamped firmly at either end (with E=200GPa and ρ=7840kgm-3) Electric motor Vernier calliper Strain gauges Procedures Before beginning the experiment, acquaintance with the instruments being used is important as to limit the potential errors. Since the moment of inertia was not known the breath and width was measured using a Vernier calliper. Ideal beams are not practical and as a result many readings should be taken and an average calculated as is shown in the table (1). Experiment 1: Initial demonstrations were made by the demonstrator before the initial experiment readings were taken. After the calibration the rheostat was slowly increased to the starting motor speed. The oscilloscope and the frequency meter were to be taken at the same time so individuals were tasked to specific tasks. The magnification factor of the oscilloscope was to be changed when the peak of the wave on the display was reaching the maximum given peak. The motor speed was adjusted until the starting frequency of 500rpm, the first four increments having to be increased by 100rpm, followed by an increment of 50prm and further decrease in the increment values as the frequency was tending towards the natural frequency of the beam the lowest increment being 6rpm which was as we were approaching the theoretical natural frequency as shown in table (2). Once the natural frequency had been reached, the motor speed was reduced immediately to avoid any accidents by turning the rheostat in a clockwise direction. Experiment 2: The second part of this lab the starting motor speed was adjusted to 1500rpm and this time the motor speed was to be decreased. The decrements were initially 50rpm and made reduced even further as the frequency of the motor was approaching the natural frequency of the bar. This is a much quicker experiment that the first one, so greater care was taken on recording the values. For each decrement the frequency, amplitude and magnification factor were recorded as shown in table (3). Both experiments were repeated to with greater care and the results recorded. Approximated peaks were the frequency reached were carefully noted down and are shown in table (4) 6 RESULTS: Table 1: Measurements of length, width and breath of the beam 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Length (L) 1115 1113 1114 ±0.5mm Breath (b) 50.18 50.08 50.02 50.10 ±0.01mm Width (d) 12.20 12.36 12.12 12.20 ±0.01mm 5th - Average 1114 50.08 50.09 12.06 12.19 To calculate the moment of inertia of the beam the width and breath are substituted into equation (4), where the width d is the smallest quantity, this is done when calculating the moment of inertia to save as a safety minimal limit. ( )( ) The mass of the beam can be calculated using equation (6), since the quantities of the length; breath and width have already been recorded. Mass of the beam will allow the calculation of the theoretical frequency. Table 2: Frequency-amplitude of first and repeated experiment of case 1 Experiment (1:a) Experiment (1:b) δ±0.01mm f±1rpm δ±0.01mm f±1rpm 0.052 500 0.048 500 0.096 600 0.064 600 0.275 700 0.072 700 0.5 800 0.09 800 0.525 850 0.1 850 0.55 900 0.3 900 1.3 950 0.45 950 Where the frequency (f) and amplitude (δ) 2 1000 0.65 1000 2.4 1050 1.4 1030 2.8 1100 2.4 1060 8.8 1125 3.1 1090 13 1135 5 1120 51 1145 12 1150 130 1155 18 1160 210 1165 22 1165 440 1175 100 1170 960 1184 400 1176 Using the information in the table (2), the amplitude against frequency of experiment (1:a) is plotted in figure (4). The results show an asymptotic curve that approaches a point of 7 asymptote as the frequency approaches the natural frequency approximately 1200rpm. Figure (5) in the appendix is the curve obtained after conducting experiment (1:b). Figure 4: Amplitude against frequency of experiment (1:a) The recordings collected from the second experiment are noted in table (3): Table 3: Frequency-amplitude of first and repeated experiment of case 2 Experiment (2:a) Experiment (2:b) f±1rpm δ±0.01mm f±1rpm δ±0.01mm 6.4 1500 4 1500 7.6 1450 4 1450 9.6 1400 5 1400 11 1350 5.5 1350 15 1300 6.5 1300 50 1280 10 1250 160 1260 11 1213 1240 48 1215 160 Following the procedure in the procedure section the amplitude-frequency graph of experiment (2:a) is plotted in the figure (6). The boundaries and intervals were extruded to allow for better view of the points. A hyperbolic approaching an asymptotic point when the frequency values are tending to 1200rpm. 8 70 60 Amplitude δ (mm) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Frequency f (rpm) Figure 6: Amplitude-Frequency plot of experiment (2:a) The amplitudes recorded in both tables (1) and (2) have already been multiplied by the magnification factor that was recorded along the amplitude value during the lab session. Figure (7) shows the curve obtained from conducting the repeated experiment (2:b). The results from experiment (2) were both expanded in order to obtain a more accurate natural frequency reading as shown in the Appendix. The difference in the natural frequencies obtained and the error is commented in the discussion. DISCUSSION: Any experiment that involves humans taking the greater influence has human errors, to try and minimise these people were tasked to specific tasks to increase fluency with the equipment in the lab and inevitably lowers the human error significantly. However, the speed in which the amplitude was changing some of the amplitudes might have been assumed and even the magnification factor slow to be changed that the amplitude peaked outside the display screen. The error between the experimental and the theoretical natural frequency was 2.93%, even with such a low error it is important to try and limit the potential errors in the lab. The most significant error could potentially rise due to the resistance with the electrical cables throughout the experiment, so the first assumptions of no resistance within the system is flawed as any resistance within a system lowers output by reducing the energy. The power supply was also assumed to have system constant throughout the experiment even though there could have been surge in the electric current which could have affected the oscilloscope measurements. Furthermore the equipment was not calibrated so errors could have easily crept into the final readings. The strain gauges that are used in the experiment which are arranged in the 9 Wheatstone bridge arrangement can measure different values in all of the resistors and providing an error in the readings that are obtained. The temperature on the day rose steadily and temperature can have a big effect on the material properties changing the ways in which the atomic structures work due to excitement hence altering usual behaviours interestingly the experiment considered that the temperature does not change and no reading were made throughout the experiment. External forces vibrations were not considered this might have had an additional effect to the external force. The theoretical Young’s Modulus of the beam was not calculated and this can greatly affect the final theoretical value also not determined was the density of the beam taking both considerations into the theoretical calculations great differences might result in the final theoretical value. All the equipment in the experiment should be calibrated before the start of the experiment to help obtain accurate values of and minimise the calibration error. A set power source that supplies a steady current can also be used to eliminate the potential surge in the electric current from the national grid. A computer can automatically receive the results and simultaneously plotted, this would eliminate the human error caused by the delay. Although there are many potential sources of errors as mentioned above, a low total percentage error of 2.93% shows that the experiment is good way of finding the natural frequency. This experiment is a very good way of finding the natural frequency and improvement of the equipment can result in further reduction of the errors. CONCLUSION: The experiment was successful in obtaining the natural frequency of the beam with great accuracy. Different beams with different Young’s modulus and lengths should be used to validate the accuracy of our method. Also recording the room temperature before, during and after the experiment should help improve the experiment. Ways of reducing the potential errors in the lab have been discussed in the discussion section. The discussion section outlines ways in which better results can be obtained. 10 REFERENCES: [1] Rao S.S., 1990, Mechanical vibrations, Second Edition, Addison Wesley [2] Steidel R.F Jr., 1979, An Introduction to Mechanical vibrations, Second Edition, John Wiley and sons [3] Thomson W.T., 1988, Theory of Vibration, Third Edition, Allen & Unwin [4] Wahab M.A., 2008, Dynamics and Vibrations, An introduction, Revised First Edition, John Wiley and sons [5] Henslee. E. and Ward. S., 2013. Numerical and Experimental Methods: Background Documents and Methods. University of Surrey [6] Iverson C.. (11/01/11). Harmonically Driver Oscillators and Resonance. Available: Last accessed 10th May 2015. 11 APPENDIX: Table 4: Maximum frequencies recorded per experiment: Experiment (1:a) 1184rpm 1176rpm Experiment (1:b) 1213rpm Experiment (2:a) 1215rpm Experiment (2:b) Important diagrams omitted from the text: Figure 4: The amplitude-frequency plot of the Experiment (1:b) Figure 6: The amplitude-frequency plot of Experiment (1:b) 12 Calculations: Substituting the quantities into equation (3) the spring constant can be obtained: ( ) Therefore the total mass of the system: ( ) The theoretical frequency can be obtained since the spring constant and total mass has been calculated. Substituting the values into the equation (2): √ Then to convert the frequency to the revolutions per second: ( ) The average Experimental frequencies: Errors: Standard error of the experimental error: ( ) √ √ ( ) ∑( ̅ ) The experimental natural frequency therefore is (1197±9.96) rpm 13